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42.85% Evil Degenerate Reborn in The Walking Dead / Chapter 5: Ch 5 Rhee

Chương 5: Ch 5 Rhee

(The Camp Outside Atlanta)

Andreas younger sister Amy sat at the docks of the lake and cast her fishing rod out into the deep blue waters.

just beside her was a bucket with five gutted fish inside.

Her big crystal blue eyes faced intently at her bobber for a few moments as It subtly dipped into the water from nibbling fish.

She held the line steady for what seemed like an eternity until the line was tugged every so slightly.

She flicked her wrists and set the hook deep into the flesh of whatever unlucky fish managed to find itself unlucky enough to be biting at her lure.

With a big happy smile she reeled in the fish closer to the dock until she could lift it onto the water.

Just as she did so she heard footsteps from the beginning of the docks and turned to look.

Lori was walking out with Carl beside her.

"Look Mommy a big fish!!!" Carl spoke excitedly while pointing at the fish.

"How many so far Amy?" Lori asked.

"This is the sixth and last for today, I just wish Andrea was here..." Amy spoke sadly and Lori patted her back.

"Your sister will be back soon you just have to believe.... Anyways come on and lets get back to camp we'll help with the stuff." Lori spoke with a smile

Carl picked up a tackle box while Lori and Amy both helped with the bucket of fish.

"When will your boyfriend gets back?" Amy whispered into Lori's ear.

"What boyfriend!" Lori responded merely out of instinct.

"Oh come on, it's just too obvious with the way you two are haha!!!." Amy spoke gleefully which brought a bit of embarrassment onto Lori.

"I...I just feel so bad.....I feel like I'm betraying the memory of my husband though." Lori spoke at a whisper so call wouldn't hear.

"You said he passed before the outbreak right..... I'm sure he'd be glad you were with Someone like Shane instead of being alone out here." Amy spoke and Lori smiled sweetly.

"What about you Amy? Any boyfriends at college?" Lori asked and Amy blushed deeply but shook her head.

"No...." Amy spoke while completely embarrassed.

"Why are you so shy? Almost like a Vir....No Way!!!" Lori spoke with a gasp but Amy put a stop to it soon enough.

"Don't even say it." Amy spoke with a completely blushed face.

"But why not girl? You're already eighteen..... Why not Glenn? He seems like a sweet guy." Lori spoke with a raised eyebrow.

"He doesn't even have a gun.... And I want a man to make me feel safe." Amy spoke with stars in her eyes.

"Then what about Daryl, he's a bit rough around the edges but you can tell he's a softie." Lori recommended.

"His breath stinks and he hangs around his gross brother and that pig Ed." Amy spoke angrily.

"You'll for a Virgin at that rate." Lori spoke and Amy just blushed but didn't respond.

"Also what guy would meet the requirements from Andrea?" Lori asked amy who's soul sighed.

"Well....How about this, the next handsome and available guy that comes into camp you'll give him a shot....god knows when that will be." Lori spoke with a sigh.

"Fine, but no more bothering me about this....or telling anyone!!!" Amy protested much to Lori's amusement.

"Haha...fine fine you've got a deal, so long as you keep your end of the deal." Lori spoke and they continued onwards.

. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ..

(Back Downtown)


Rick and I both heard the ravenous grunts from the walkers behind us which made us sprint even faster. .. . . .





I turned back to spot Rick a few meters behind being held up by five or six walkers with two dead ones at his feet.

I fired at each of them with deadly precision.

we continued running and shooting for what seemed like an eternity until a little Asian guy wearing a colorful hat and green Bergen bag popped out of a chain linked alley fence.

"Follow Me!!!" Glen yelled and ran into the alleyway at full speed in only a split second.

I followed being him and could hear the crash of hundreds of walkers into the fence.

Eventually Glenn reached a yellow emergency ladder and began climbing Frantically.

"Up here!!! Come on now!!!" Glen yelled over his shoulder while climbing up quickly.

I reached the ladder and jumped on before looking down over my shoulder to find Rick climbing just underneath me while barely out of grasping distance from more than a dozen zombies.

Eventually our Asian guide reached the roof and pulled himself over while panting heavily.

I climbed over and turned to help Rick climb on as well, he was battered and sweating but all in one peice.

After making sure Rick was fine I turned to the other person here and stuck my hand out.

"I owe you something my friend." I spoke aloud while dripping my pack in front of the collapsed Glenn and opening it.

"Whew....damn that was so scary..." Glenn spoke with trembling hands.

"I hope This is what you were expecting my friend."

I spoke while pulling the hustler magazine from my pack.

I held it out to Glenn and he snatched It with an embarrassed smile.

"Thank you so much." He spoke while placing it carefully it into his backpack as if it were the most ancient of treasures.

"Youre welcome...We're looking for the refugee camp that was stationed here a few weeks ago, do you know where it is?" Rick asked while wiping his sweat off with a rag.

"Hahaha...you're serious....hahaha.." Glenn giggled aloud to himself when he heard Rick's words.

"I take it there's no camp?" Rick spoke hesitantly.

"Of course there's no fucking camp anymore there isn't anything anymore, they all got bombed by the army, soon after the survivors got ripped apart." Glenn spoke with a grimace.

"That's most unfortunate, my Name Is Vertum Sakklen it's nice to meet you friend." I spoke while extending my hand.

"Glenn Rhee, I went to Georgia Tech and worked in Pizza Delivery." Glenn spoke with a smile and shook our hands.

"Nice to meet you Glenn, I'm Rick Grimes, Sheriff of King County and we thank you for your help so far." Rick spoke with a pained face while tears fell from his eyes.

"We're looking for his family, we thought to find them at the refugee camp." I spoke and Glenn nodded solemnly.

"You're welcome to join me if you want, I've been running supplies for a small camp outside the city....We could use skilled people like yourselves." Glenn spoke and I looked over to Rick.

"What do you say Clint Eastwood?" I asked Rick with a smirk.


"We can stay with them for a few days and see where the road takes us?" Rick spoke while wiping his face.

"Sounds good, Glenn is your hideout far from here?" I asked Glenn.

"No, we could get there in fifteen to twenty minutes if we move carefully....the rest of the supply runners are there." Glenn spoke.

"Very well, lets get going after we finish our prep." I spoke and began loading the mags I had expended already.

Rick gestured to get Glenn's attention.

"Back At the Tank, why'd you help us? You could've done nothing." Rick asked

"Call it a foolish, naive hope that if I'm ever that far up sh*t creek, somebody might do the same for me." Glen spoke while drinking water from his flask.

After we had all finished Glenn took out a walkie talkie.

"I'll be back in ten with two new friends." Glenn spoke into the handpiece.

The only response was three clicks on the radio which must've meant 'roger that' since Glenn walked forward across the roof to the other side.

We all climbed down a series of ladders before crossing onto scaffolding to cross onto another building.

The entire time thousands of walkers roamed the streets while looking for something, anything to sink their nasty rotten teeth into.

We continued moving from scaffold to scaffold until we found ourselves jumping onto a descending stairwell in an alley.

That's when Glenn grabbed his radio again.

"Incoming one minute away, two guests some geeks." Glenn spoke into his walkie talkie

While descending the stairwell several walkers walked ambled out of one end which I quickly aimed my suppressed rifle at.









Four of the zombies hit the floor at nearly the same time which got a smile out of Glenn.

"I saw you mowing down scores of them when you first moved past the tank, it's incredible..." Glenn spoke in awe.

"Thanks." Was all I spoke as we ran past the walker corpses and deeper into another alley.

But were immediately stopped by a swarm of a hundred of the damn monsters all clumped together.

"FOLLOW ME!!!" Glenn yelled out and ran to one side as I opened fire on the swarm while running after him.

We jumped onto a junction box then into the open window of a building next to it.

As soon as we all landed inside the office building Glenn spoke aloud.

"Come on, almost there." He spoke excitedly and ran forward through the deserted office.

I jogged after him without much trouble until we reached a side door of the building.

Glenn opened it to reveal metal stairwell which we descended quickly.

We ran forward past a few walkers were met with two steel doors on the back of an large retail clothing store building burst open.

Two armed and armored men ran out in what looked like riot gear.

Immediately my rifle went up but they moved past us and began clobbering the three walkers behind us with anger.




The sounds of bones breaking and baseball bats hitting hard were heard as we moved into the store.

I allowed Rick to follow closely behind Glenn while I held back a bit to see what would happen.

Glenn walked in through an open doorway where I could see Jaqui the black lady nervously rubbing her hands together.

"I'm back!!! plenty of supplies too." Glenn spoke excitedly and rushed in followed by Rick who was dirty, bloodied, battered, and sweaty I was still outside along with the other two men.

As soon as Rick entered the room a busty blonde milf moved in from behind and shoved him against a pallet full of boxes.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! I OUGHT TO KILL YOU!!!" Andrea yelled out with tears of frustration and fear in her eyes.

I moved in swiftly and pressed my CZ pistol against her skull while pointing my M16 at the others in the room.

"Now...Now...Let's not do anything stupid." I spoke while everyone in the room froze.

"Andrea calm down....put down the gun...." Morales spoke with a pleading voice and trembling hands since the M16 barrel was aimed right at him.


Andrea yelled angrily while more and more tears ran down her face from the rage and anguish.

At just the right moment I let go of my M16 and let it drop onto it's sling while my hand shot forward toward Andreas pistol.


"AHHHH!!!" With a quick twist and pull the gun was wrenched from Andreas hands and I tossed it into my pouch.

Andrea turned to look at me with fury in her tear stricken eyes before swinging hard toward my face.... What a fiesty one.

I caught her hand in mid air and stared into her gray blue eyes.

"Calm down woman before I make you." I spoke coldly but she only gritted her teeth and sent a knee at my crotch which I deftly blocked.

"FUCK YOU TALL BASTARD!!!" She yelled out but I'd had enough so I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her hard toward a nearby table.

"Ey!!! What the Fuck!!!" T-Dog yelled out in protest at seeing me handle Andrea like that but he only had a baseball bat in hand and nothing to actually fight back with.

"This is between me and....this misbehaving blonde, don't get involved." I spoke and bent Andrea over the table like an unruly girl.


Andrea screamed out and even Jaqui tried to intervene but they were standing in front of a very armed and armored man who also towered over all of them....none found the courage.

"Tell me, will you behave next time?" I asked Andrea while holding her down tightly and pressing her hands behind her back with one of my own.

"FUCK YOUR MOTHER!!!" Andrea yelled out Angrily so a nearly imperceptible smirk appeared on my face.




Andrea yelled out in pain and strange arousal from my unforgiving spank while everyone else watched in shock and horror.

Immediately I turned to Jaqui and got her attention.

"You get me something to cover her screaming just in case she needs lots of correction."

I pointed at Jaqui and she balked for a few moments before looking around for anyone to dig her out of this mess but none wanted to interfere.

Eventually the pressure was too much so she stood up and scurried off to her pack before returning with clean cloths and an unsure look in her eyes.

"Blondie, have you learned your lesson or not yet?" I asked Andrea and I felt her soft warm body tremble under my grip.

The delicious scent of her arousal wasn't lost on my senses though.

Andrea was furious but also extremely aroused... she hadn't slept with anyone in years and the stress of survival made her never have the chance to pleasure herself so this semi erotic spanking instantly got her juices flowing.

Just as my hand was about to fly down mercilessly Andrea broke and relented, she didn't want to have an orgasm after a few more spanks in front of so many people after all....

"I...I....I will behave..." Andrea spoke with a grimace.

I let her go and returned her pistol immediately.

"Sorry for the harsh treatment, I don't usually hit women." I spoke and stuck my hand out to Andrea.

"I am Vertum Sakklen, originally from Serbia." I spoke with my hand out.

"Andrea Harrison, originally from Uptown Atlanta....Sorry for the outburst." She spoke a bit meekly while looking around nervously.

"It's fine, I'm sure your anger was not for no reason." I spoke and immediately Morales spoke up.

"Damn right we're Angry!!! we came into the city to scavenge supplies. You know what the key to scavenging is? Surviving! You know the key to surviving? Sneaking in and out, tiptoeing. Not shitting all over the streets with gunfire!!!"

Morales yelled angrily but T-Dog walked up to calm him down.

"Relax buddy.... but he's right, Every geek for miles around heard Clint Eastwood popping off rounds." T-Dog spoke while looking at Rick.

"Stupid Cowboy!!! You just rang the dinner bell." Andrea yelled out for a split moment before she saw me glance over at her with a raised eyebrow.

Immediately she lowered her voice and placed two hands into her buttocks to protect them from the phantom spanking she felt throughout her whole body.

Andrea felt tingly in all the wrong ways but did her best to hide her blushing face from almost everyone.

"Get the picture now cowboy?" Morales spoke.

We all calmed down and soon Jaqui entered the room.

"Guys, the doors..." Jaqui spoke and the fear in her voice was palpable, immediately I walked forward as everyone followed.

We went through two hallways before appearing in the backside of a clothing store with long rows of garments lined up the dark rows.

The only light was from the glass windowfront where thousands of Walkers could be seen pushing against the glass panes and thin doors which caused them so creak and crack slowly, some of the smarter walkers were bashing the glass with their heads in an attempt to get inside.

"It won't hold for the day." I spoke and everyone around gulped in fear.

That's when I noticed Andrea tremble worst of all.

"Oh God why are there so many.... What the hell were you doing out there anyway?" Andrea spoke nervously.

"A helicopter flew overhead blasting music, it drew the horde to us, during our escape Rick fired his revolver and now we're in this shit storm." I spoke.

I noticed Andrea standing very close to me out of instinct, it seemed she thought I could keep her safe....good.

"Ey, T-Dog, try that C.B, maybe now you contact the camp?" Morales spoke.

"Will they come pick us up?" Rick asked aloud and immediately a wave of almost silent giggles spread throughout the room.

"Hahahah...Yeah, it's great They've got biscuits waiting at the oven for us and massage our feet when we get tired too." Jaqui spoke jokingly.

While T-Dog was working the radio I walked to one side of the large room and Andrea subconsciously followed.

"When you pointed that gun at Rick, The safety was on." I spoke while walking beside her.

She froze and glared at me for a few long moments before she snarled.

"Then why the fuck did I get spanked!" She spoke in an angry whisper.

I just smiled and ignored her question.

"If you had to actually use it you would have died.....you need to train." I spoke while slowly wrapping my hand around her wide soft hips.

Immediately she felt my hand rubbing against her hips which made her uncomfortable but soon the reason for my wandering hand became apparent when I grabbed her stainless pistol from it's holster and drew it.

Immediately she lunged to try and take It but I quickly stopped her by giving her Fat Ass cheek a light spank which made her stop meekly.

I held the pistol in my hand and looked at it closely.

"The Smith and Wesson 3913... Honestly this is a terrible choice to carry." I spoke.

"Why? The gun store workers said it was good.." Andrea spoke a bit confused.

"First of all of the trigger, it's double action only which means every pull will be long and heavy." I spoke while pulling my Beretta 92 and her gun side by side.

After emptying both guns I pulled back the hammer on the Beretta and had her try.

"Feel it, single action makes every trigger more crisp and more accurate." I told her and she tried them both.



She noticed the difference in both immediately.

"The second issue is that safety, you want a flip down safety instead of a push forward safety.....Watch." I spoke and showed her how to practice flipping the safety with every draw and a mental exercise to keep it a habit.

She seemed to be having fun practicing for a little while until the group walked up.

"We're going to be on the roof to try the signal." Morales spoke

"Alright, Andrea do you want to go up?" I asked and she nodded with a smile before Jaqui came and grabbed onto her for gossip.

"You're going after her?Good choice." Rick whispered.

"I'm under 18 shouldn't you be placing us in cuffs?" I asked jokingly and Rick merely scoffed.

"I wish I could but who would be there to keep those damn undead from ripping me apart...." Rick spoke.

"Although I don't have experience in matters of the heart I know how I'm feeling about her though." I spoke and gestured for Rick to look down.

He only glanced down for a split second before setting what looked like a large snake pressing against the fabric of my pants.

He froze and looked away in shock before turning.

"What the fuck is that..... There's no way...." Rick whispered but I just shrugged.

"You think she'll be pleased?" I asked innocently and he coughed out of shock.

"I thick she'd prefer to be left in a room full of Undead rather than whatever giant vile thing is down there." Rick spoke with a laugh.

"You're just jealous, plus it's not vile since I'm still a Virgin, and mine is definitely cleaner than yours old man."

I spoke which got a giggle out of Glenn who was listening in to our conversation.

Before Long we were about halfway up the building when the distant sounds of gunfire were heard.


. .. . . .. . .


. . . . .. . . .


.. .. . . . . . .


"Oh no. Is that Dixon?" Andrea spoke aloud with worry in her voice

"What is that maniac doing now damnit!!!" Morales spoke angrily.

"Come on, let's hurry or even more will swarm and break everything down too soon." Glenn spoke and rushed up the stairs in a panic.

I followed at the very back of the group.. . .

. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .

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