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Chapter 6: Cocoyashi's Liberation

[Vongola D. Leonidas's Point of View]


I took the Den Den Mushi that was in my pocket and picked up the call, as expected Usopp was the one who had called me. He told me what Nojiko, Nami's sister told them about their past. I knew a part of it from reading Nami's mind but not enough to know the complete picture so I listened to Usopp.

It might be because I managed to get the amount of money I needed or the fact that I was basically scammed for nearly three years but my mind was looking for a distraction. Again, long story short, Arlong and his crew pulled up one day and started making people pay money or they would be executed.

They also imposed rules that sounded very familiar and apparently, on the day they came, Nami, Nojiko, and their mother did not have enough money to save themselves from execution. Their mother decided to use the money she had to save her daughters.

Arlong was about to kill her when Kisame intervened and gave a long speech about the importance of life then killed her anyway just to see the faces of those present at the moment full of despair and anger.

Nami then made a deal with Arlong to buy her village's freedom for one hundred million Beli. The last part was something I already kind of knew. Usopp told me that they were heading towards Cocoyashi village and that we should meet up there. I told him I would be there in a bit then hung up.

I arrived at the Cocoyashi village about the same time as Sanji, Zoro, and Usopp did. Luffy was also there and all five of us were watching the villagers arming themselves up with swords, knives and gardening tools.

"What is going on?"

I asked to which Usopp answered with some tears in his eyes.

"Apparently, Arlong went back on his deal with Nami. He ordered some marines to steal Nami's treasure which they did after injuring Nojiko. Nami ran to Arlong Park and now the villagers have had enough.

They knew about Nami's deal with Arlong but chose to stay quiet because they didn't want to burden Nami if she ever decided to just run away. Since it is clear that Arlong never intended to keep his side of the deal so they decided to fight."

'Marine? Treasure? No... It can't be?!'

I thought as my head hung low and my body started trembling. So that money was from Nami. Shit! I mean it is one thing if I take it after saving her but right now it feels like I just robbed her since the money is gone. Hold on, Arlong went back on his deal... a deal stretching for years about money... 


'Hey, Idiot student! I told you to get me the correct wine!'

'Hey, Idiot student! Go slow down those guys that are chasing me!'

'Hey, Idiot student! Be a better bait next time!'

'Hey, Idiot student! Why didn't you bring more money?! I can't buy myself a proper wine with these loose changes!'


I remember something I did not want to remember, I am even more livid right now.

[Third Person's Point of View]

"Those bastards!"

This was the first thing Leo said after Usopp told him why the villagers were taking arms. Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, and Luffy thought that Leo was angry about Nami's situation but he was not. He was livid... and for a different reason, Arlong and his crew reminded him of the man he hate the most.

"Eight years ago, we swore not to throw our lives away! No matter how painful it may be living under their rule, we swore that as long as Nami was fine, we would limit ourselves to a fight of endurance. BUT THIS IS HOW THEY ANSWERED US!"

A man, whose face and body are heavily scarred, yelled in front of the crowd composed of armed villagers. He is Genzo, Nami, and Nojiko's father figure. He is an average-sized, dark-haired man with a thick mustache. He wears a brown, short-sleeved policeman-esque uniform with sandals and a pinwheel in his uniform's cap.

"Now that our only chance of liberation has been denied, there is no longer any hope for this Island! But we shall never forgive those Fishmen, who dared toy around with the kindness of that girl! Any objections?"

Genzo added to which the other villagers replied.

"Of course not! Now let's go!"

"As if we'd accept their rule now that things have come to this!"

"Everyone in the whole village has always been prepared to fight!"

"So let's do this!"

As they were about to leave for Arlong Park, they heard someone yell.

"Wait, everyone!"

It was Nami, she tried to dissuade them from fighting and getting themselves killed while Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy watched. Leo on the other hand was holding his left hand over the left side of his face, covering it while the right side was visible and showed how livid he was.

He took a deep breath, and brought his left hand back, revealing his tattoo to those that would look at him and he watched as Genzo hugged Nami before the former told something to the latter.

"That's enough...! You know that doing such a thing would be futile. You've carried all our hope alone for long enough... You've fought splendidly...! I know that working with them must've been more painful than a thousand searing knives... You've fought well. You can now leave this village."

Nami tried to stop them by pointing a dagger at them but the villagers did not bulge. Nami fell to her knees as they ran towards Arlong Park while yelling.

"Let's go, everyone! Even if we may not win, let's show them our spirit!"

Nami started crying before she stabbed her left shoulder which had the jolly roger of the Arlong Pirates. Luffy stopped her from continuing to harm herself. She started to throw sand at Luffy while yelling at him. Shortly after that, she became silent. She turned to Luffy while in tears and weakly spoke.

"Help me..."

Luffy stayed silent as he put his straw hat on her head, walked away from her then yelled.

"Of course I will!"

Luffy continued to walk and Nami saw that in front of Luffy were Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and Leo who were waiting for the former. Leo walked towards Nami and pulled from his Inventory, some first aid kit which consisted of some bandages, cotton tips, and rubbing Alchool.

"Better make sure that this doesn't get infected."

Leo said as he treated Nami's self-inflicted wound before wrapping some bandages over her shoulder.


Nami said as Leo stood up and walked towards the other who were waiting for him to finish treating Nami's wound. With determination in his eyes, Luffy spoke as Leo reached them.

"Let's go."

All the other four replied in unison.


Nami brought her hand to her mouth and nose as she saw them head to Arlong Park. All five of them walked towards Arlong Park. They arrived at the gates which were facing the villagers as well as a beaten-up Johny and equally beaten-up Yosaku.

Luffy punched the gates so hard they burst open as broken parts of the gates flew inside Arlong Park. Luffy then spoke while cracking his fingers.

"Who's the one called Arlong?"

"Arlong? That would be my name..."

Arlong said as he lay comfortably on his beach chair surrounded by his crew.

"I'm Luffy."

Luffy said as he approached Arlong.

"Luffy? I see... And Just what the hell are you?"

Arlong asked to which Luffy replied.

"A pirate."

Luffy walked up to Arlong as two Fishmen blocked his way.

"Hey, you. Stop!"

"Heh Heh, where d'ya think you're going?"

"We can't have you go through without talkin' to us first."

They both spoke in unison before being interrupted by Luffy.

"If you don't hold it right there-"

"Move it!"


Luffy slammed their heads together as he spoke shocking the Arlong crew.

"What does a pirate want with me?"

Luffy answered Arlong's question with a right hook that sent Arlong flying to the wall which broke upon impact. Leo cracked his hands one last time before he saw the Fishmen lunging at Luffy. He did not need to jump in since Sanji was already on it.

"Small fries can just get the hell back!"


With a kick, he sent the Fishmen that had lunged at Luffy packing.

"Jeez... Running in head-first alone like that."

Sanji said while looking at Luffy.

"Don't worry, I ain't gonna lose!"

Luffy said to which Sanji replied.

"Dumbass! When did I ever say I was worried for you!? I only meant that you shouldn;t hog all the glory for yourself."


Luffy said while cracking his left hand.

"I d-don't particularly mind either w-w-way, Luffy."

Usopp chimed in while sweating.

"Ain't you gutsy?"

Zoro noted as he looked back at Usopp.

"Sanji is right plus sharing is a good thing to do... except when it is my money that's on the line."

Leo said before he spaced out for a bit.

[Vongola D. Leonidas's Point of View]

[*Ding! * First Real Mission has been assigned!]

[Mission: The Arlong Pirates have ravaged the nearby villages for eight years. They had caused an untold amount of suffering and went back on their eight-long deal involving money. Host is triggered by this due to Host's past and former idolization of the Sun Pirates.

As it stands, the Arlong Pirates have ruined Host's image of the Sun Pirates. Host can not accept this. The system has given Host this mission as an opportunity to right those wrongs as well as to prove the System's new abilities to Host.

Mission's clear conditions: Defeat the Arlong Pirates regardless of whether it is done by yourself or with the Straw Hats.

Reward: Random upgrade Ticket (X1)

Failure: 100 000 000 Beli debt.]

'So this is what mission's reward and failure will look like from now on.'

I thought before my attention was brought back to my surroundings by Luffy's shout.



Before I had time to shout, a giant fish with the face of a cow was being spun around by Luffy and destroying the Fishmen around him as well as whatever came into contact with that giant cow-like fish before it flew into the sky like Team Rocket. I barely had time to evade it.

"I didn't come here to fight these small fries! The one I want to beat up is YOU!"

Luffy said while pointing at Arlong to which he replied angrily.

"How excellent. I was thinking of killing you myself just now as well."


I yelled at Luffy while grabbing him by the collar while the remaining Fishmen, four excluding Arlong, gathered up.

"Looks like the main force is out to meet us."

Zoro commented as he got ready for the fight that was upon us while Sanji and Usopp respectively came to yell at Luffy after me.

"That was way too dangerous!?"

"Are you trying to kill even us!?"

"Arlong, please just sit right there."

A Fishman with two mini ponytails said followed by a Fishman with long lips. Mouth? Hmm... his chin was also a little bit long now that I think about it.

"If we let you fight while you are that much enraged... CHU❤️. All of Arlong Park will end up destroyed!"

What the fuck is with that 'Chu❤️'? Hmm? Hatchan is crouching down for some reason. I did not need to think about it since his next words gave me an idea of what he was doing.

"Take this! Zero field of vision..."

"That octopus is doing something."

Zoro noted.

"First boil the octopus in salt water, slice it up, and add some olive oil and paprika to make an excellent side dish while drinking."

Sanji added while smoking.

"Uhh guys, hear me out. I'm in a bit of a pickle."

Luffy said which made me yell after I jumped away.

"Dodge you idiots!"


As I yelled channeling my inner TFS Picolo, Hatchan splurted a jet of black ink from his mouth like an octopus... This should have been obvious.

"Octopus ink!"


As I watched Sanji yell as he jumped out of the way along with Zoro and Luffy getting hit by that ink, I noticed that Usopp was right next to me. I have to admit it, he at least has a better sense of danger than those three. I also noticed that Luffy was stuck. 

Hatchan attacked Luffy with a huge rubble of Arlong Park, which came to be thanks to Luffy's last attack, but Sanji managed to block it. Sanji started facing the Fishman with a twin mini ponytail while Zoro started facing Hatchan.

Usopp tried to pull Luffy out of the ground but that resulted in Luffy hitting the Fishman with long lips when Usopp accidentally let go of Luffy. That Fishman chased Usopp out of Arlong Park. I guess my opponent is that Kisame look-alike who is currently approaching me.

"By the way, before we begin, I just realized that some of our money was stolen from Arlong Park. At first, I thought it might have been Nami but I think the likely culprit is either you or Roronoa Zoro. So which one of you guys stole from us?"

He asked while carrying a huge sword on his back.

"That would be me. Is that why you took Nami's money?"

I replied before asking. This caused him to laugh before he spoke.

"No, I was the first to find out about this, like three minutes ago, which is way past the moment we bribed that Navy Captain to steal Nami's money for us. In all honesty, we were never going to keep our end of the deal... not when it is with you lowly humans.

Still... Why are you asking? Were you feeling guilty? Are you relieved now? Well, don't be, because you are about to experience the true despair that comes with defying the supreme beings!"

His words, that were coated with enthusiasm at the end, caused me to laugh hysterically. My laugh ranged through Arlong Park and caused the others to stop what they were doing even Arlong who had just lifted the concrete that Luffy's feet were stuck in. He was also holding Luffy's left arm.

"What's so funny human? Don't tell me you already fell into despair. That wouldn't be any fun for me."

Kisame said while looking annoyed as well as confused. I barely managed to stop myself from laughing before I spoke in a mocking tone.

"Seeing you guys demanding tributes from the villagers and threatening to destroy their villages if any of them attack you guys, makes me think of Celestial Dragons. You even bribe the Navy to look the other way. I couldn't stop myself from laughing at how pitiful you guys are. 

Hating humans so much yet you guys act like the worst scum to ever exist in human skin, if that is not the definition of twisted irony then I don't know what is. Fishman, especially members of the Sun Pirates acting like Celestial Dragons, Fisher Tiger must be rolling on his grave.

It's very sad... especially considering that you guys came to East Blue from the Grand Line. *Sigh* To think I used to look up to the Sun Pirates. I guess it is true what they say... never meet your heroes. Look, I even got a tattoo of the Sun Pirate Jolly Roger on my face."

My words and seeing my tattoo caused the Fishmen present to freeze in shock. Some, especially Hatchan, were starting to doubt their actions but all of that changed when Kisame gritted his teeths and yell while pointing his sword at me.


"Kisame is right! This is the divine retribution that you, humans, deserve!"




Arlong words seemed to dispell the doubts that the other Fishmen were starting to have. He then proceeded to throw Luffy into the water. This was basically a death sentence for Luffy even if his feet were not encased in cement, he could not swim.

'That's right! Feel the despair that we Fishmen felt for centuries! Feel the despair that I felt at the hands of those monsters!'

I heard Kisame's thoughts as he looked at Sanji and Zoro who had yelled Luffy's name. Since they already had their own opponents that meant that Arlong and Kisame were left to me to defeat.

'I guess I will start with Kisame then.'

As I thought that, I crossed my fingers then folds them into a fist and before I ran at Kisame with an inhuman speed while muttering something.

"Triceps Series:-"

Just as my right fist was about to punch his face, I finished what I was muttering.

"Ballista Knuckle!"


I felt a few of his teeth getting knocked out once my fist landed on his face, blood came out of his mouth as he was sent crashing through the wall that was facing his back.



Arlong yelled before I grabbed him by the throat and spoke.

"I ain't done yet so wait you turn."

After I said that I tossed him, like a football, through Arlong Park before making my way to Kisame.


I exited Arlong Park through the same wall that Kisame created after being punched by me and sent flying. After a couple of minutes walking slowly since that toss have knocked Arlong out for a bit, I managed to reach where Kisame's crash had brought him. He had just managed to get back up.

'YOU BASTARD! I'll make you pay! I won't kill you but I'll make you wish- no beg that I did. You'll suffer just like we did to them. You'll live the rest of your miserable life as a slave!'

As I heard his thoughts, I could not help but sigh while thinking.

'Make me his slave? There goes the plan to hear him out for a bit. Still, let's try the talk no jutsu plan before going for the talk to these hands till you die... no jutsu plan.'

I then spoke after sighing once more.

"*Sigh* You were talking about Divine Retribution befelling onto humans before, then stop me if you heard this story before. There was once a boy who had everything taken away from him. Any attachment or emotions he once had was completely ripped out of his heart.

He could no longer feel any emotion as he lived a life akin to a puppet dancing at the whims of its maker. He wished for everything to end and one day, he was sav- hmm... taken... yeah that word fits better *Cough* As I was saying the boy was taken in by a human that became his teacher. That man caused the boy to feel emotion once more..."

"You think some sob story will change-"

Kisame interrupted me but I continued by interrupting him.

"BECAUSE the boy began to hate his teacher with a passion!

The boy was tormented by his teacher's constant irresponsible behavior and was forced into playing cards and gambling, winning through cheating and deception, to pay off the debts that his teacher endlessly accumulated."

I noted that he seemed to be speechless as I continued.

"The boy suddenly had enough one day and wanted to be free of his teacher. He argued with his teacher about the fact that he had learned nothing useful from his teacher since the moment they met. Hearing this the teacher proposed a deal, he would teach everything he knew to the boy, which would be crucial to achieving his dream, if the latter managed to earn twenty million Beli.

Now that might have sounded doable but most of what the boy earned went towards paying off the debts of his teacher and excluding the money he needed to eat, very little was left at the end of the day, which made it worse since the teacher would often steal that pitiful amount of money from his student.

The boy was left powerless since he had tried countless times to kill his teacher only to be beaten to a pulp. His only available solution was to hide the leftover money as best as he could which was hard since they moved a lot and he often did not have the luxury to hide it in a specific place due to the constant threat of a sudden chase by the Navy, pirates or... men whose girls slash wives slash sisters had been seduced by his teacher.

Said Teacher was never afraid of those chases since he always threw his only student toward their pursuers to save his own skin... Whenever the boy used this as a chance to flee from his teacher, he would be found shortly and then beaten to a pulp.

Throughout all of this, the boy managed to amass the twenty million Beli against the odds. Once the teacher received the money, he proceeded to knock and abandon the boy. When the boy recovered his teacher was long gone and for some reason, he was in East Blue.

The boy lost his memories for about a month and when he regained them, he decided to hide the fact that he was not from East Blue while getting ready to hunt down his teacher and beat him to a bloody pulp... The end."

I ended with a deadpan expression which caused Kisame to have veins appear on his face before he spoke while brandishing his sword.

[AN: Imagine Captain Yami from Black Clover giving a deadpan expression.]

"So you think just because you had a sad childhood that excuses you for being a human?"

"Well, I guess I was a bit too vague, huh. I wanted to say it without saying it... even if there is nobody else around here... *Sigh* I think this next question should do the trick without me saying it outloud."

As soon as I finished my sentence, I rushed toward Kisame who swung his sword at my head.



Upon impact, it bounced off and we both noticed that a crack had appeared on the side of the blade that had hit my head. I reached Kisame and as my fist was about to hit his face, I asked him a question, Aizen style, in a low tone even if given our surroundings he was the only one who could hear me.

"When did I ever say that I was a human."

"Wha- ARGH!"

Kisame muttered as my fist collided with his face. He was sent flying or should have flown away like Team Rocket but his right ankle was grabbed by my right hand, the same hand that had just punched his face.




After I grabbed his ankle, I proceeded to use his body as a weapon and swung him towards a tree that was around us which upon impact, broke down and fell to the ground. I again swung Kisame towards another tree.



I felt bad for cutting down trees for no reason so like a hammer or like what Hulk did to Loki, I swung down Kisame but after a while I lost my grip and he flew into the air.


I yelled when I realized that according to the trajectory, he was going to fall towards Arlong Park. I started running towards him. Now some might wonder how his sword bounced off my body instead of slashing into me. The answer is my skin is very durable.

Yeah, my skin is immune to all basic forms of damage whether it be from sword to gunshot to cannonball to even explosion. I rather not use this skill but it is passive so I tend to avoid attacks or defend myself in a way that I do not have to rely on this skill since it brings bad memories with it.


-Nemean Lion's skin: Due to the experiments done, the user's skin is extremely durable. Damage caused by any normal weapons be it; swords, daggers, spears, guns, or explosions usually have no effect on the user.

That however does not mean that the user's skin is indestructible, if certain conditions are met such as enough power behind the attack, the user's skin can be cut, pierced, and shot by the aforementioned weapons.

The same can be said if the explosion is strong enough or if the ability of a Devil Fruit allows its eater to injure the user.

Attacks meant to bypass one's armor or protection, can injure the user as well as elemental-based attacks such as cold or heat if the temperature is low or high enough respectively. It is important to know that the skill alone does not protect the user against poison or acid though it does grant a certain amount of protection for the latter.}

I am still pissed that for some reason it did not protect my family jewels against Nami's kick. Anyway, I arrived at Arlong Park to see Sanji and Zoro, who are currently in bad shape, fighting Arlong fighting. It seemed that Zoro and Sanji managed to beat their opponents while Nami had arrived.

"Anyone mind telling me what I'd miss?"

I say bringing everyone's attention on me.

"YOU! If you are here than... Where is Kisame?!"

Arlong yells realizing that since I came back then I must have defeated Kisame. I look at him before answering his question.

"To be honest... I don't know?"

I did not even need to read his mind to know that he misunderstood my words, his condescending smirk was all the clues I needed to know that either a villain speech or ego-jerking monologue was on the way, I have been through this a lot. So I decided to make it crystal clear.

"My hand slipped and before I knew it, he was flying into the sky. From the direction he flew in, he should have landed aroun-"


I stopped midway through my sentence when I heard that sound, I turned to look at what made such a sound and I was not the only one since everyone else did the same. Arlong froze when he saw it while the villagers were in shock. As for me, I remembered something so I decided to speak to Zoro and Sanji.

"By the way, hasn't Luffy been down there for too long?"

This caused Zoro and Sanji to look at each other before they widened their eyes then without saying anything other then a synchronized yell, Sanji dove into the water. Zoro managed to stand up, albiet weakly, then explained what was going on.

"Luffy is fine, they managed to save him somehow but his Body is still stuck underwater due to his feets being buried under a chuck of concrete. Sanji went to take care of that but we need to-"


Arlong's yell cut Zoro off as the former charged at me. He was in a frenzied rage but the question some might be wondering is why? Maybe because Kisame's body just fell onto Arlong Park and was turned into a Fishman-kebab by the roof, resembling Arlong's nose, that pierced his guts... or maybe it was just his time of the month... nobody can tell.


I saw the look of horror though it would probably be more accurate to say the look of dread on everyone's face when Arlong grabbed me by the hand and shoulder before he proceeded to bite my neck.



I heard a couple of his teeth cracking before he muttered something out of confusion. I did not let this opening go to waste, I used my right hand to punch Arlong in his gut. The force of the punch caused him to let go of me and grab his stomach in pain.

"Arlong didn't injure him!?"

"And he managed to injure Arlong!"

The villagers were stunted at the fact that Arlong did not injur- Oh right, they still think that I am human, should I clear things out... *Pshh* Nah, as if I would do- wait where was I again? Oh, right! I took a stance before I proceeded to roundhouse kick Arlong's head and send him flying to the Arlong Park.


I waited for a couple of seconds before an urge to fuck around came over me and I spoke.


"I think I get it! *Hfph* You are a Devil Fruit User, like that rubber brat!"

Arlong interrupted me as he came out of the new hole in Arlong Park that I had just made while saying that I am a devil fruit user. Guess it must either be due to my new skill [Muscles Magic] or the fact that he cannot believe that I, who he thinks is a human, is physically stronger than him.

'A Devil Fruit?! Well, that would explain how he keeps making things appear and disapear out of nowhere.'

Zoro thought which I overheard by accident. The downside of the [Heart Reading] skill is that it is passive and sometimes I hear people's thoughts without even meaning to. Still, I figured that this was enough playing around, I should aim for a kill shot and end this fight once and for all.

"Seeing that you aren't saying anything, it means that I hit the mark. *Smirk* Here I was wondering how a mere human can fight a Fishman, but it turns out that you ate a Devil Fruit user as well. I will throw you into the sea and enjoy watching you struggle to- ARGH!?"

I could not hear anymore of this because it felt like he was going to monologue and were it not for the fact that I did not want him to die thinking that he had the upper hand, I would not have dashed toward him then punched him instead of cutting off his head in one clean swing.


My punch caused Arlong to drop to his knees which caused a series of gasp to emerge from the villagers. I also noticed that while I was occupied with Arlong Hatchan's body disappeared for some reason. Anyway, I looked down at Arlong before I began speaking.

"You want to know something funny. When Nami told us to run because you guys were monsters, I could not help but to laugh."

I ignored the reaction of the spectators as I still looked at Arlong who was now looking back at me then I continued.

"I laugh because I have seen monsters... TRUE monsters, enough to know that you guys are just some run-of-the-mill pirates who... came from the Grand Line as if that is supposed to be some fucking show of power when we both know that anyone that is truly strong in that sea could wipe out your whole crew by barely lifting a fucking finger."

Arlong's face contorted into a frown that made it seem like he had just eaten shit. I made sure to use a sarcastic tone when I said that they came from the Grand Line. Again, I ignored the other's reaction as I added.

"So you can see why I could not help but laugh when pathetic weaklings fled from the Grand Line and came here to build their own territory, as if you are some kind of big shot, just because they didn't have the balls to face anyone strong from that sea."

Arlong got up while gritting his teeth, I gave him the same condescending smirk that he gave me while I finished what I wanted to say.

"The cherry on top of this mockery of the Sun Pirate that you call a crew is that you bribe the Marines not because you want to... but because you need to. Else they might send a strong Marine here, one that you can neither bribe or intimidate... and we *Chuckle* both know how that confrontation would end."


"I'M FREE!!!"

Arlong's enraged an meaningless threats were interrupted by Luffy's shout. We all turn and saw Luffy high in the sky. He was sporting a grin that gave me bad vibes and as if to prove me right, Luffy spoke while stretching his arms towards me.

"Leo! Let's switch places!"

I acted quickly... and grabbed Zoro who was the nearest body around me then I brought him in front of me like a human shield. Luffy grabbed him then used him as a way to get back here though in the process, Zoro was thrown into the sky. 

"Huh?! Wha-WAAAA!!!"

He barely even had time to say anything when it happened but once he was in the hear he could not help but scream something.


Luffy landed safely then turn to look at where Zoro had fallen before he spoke.

"Oh, sorry Zoro!"


At Luffy's words, the spectators could not help but to yell at Luffy. Speaking of which, Luffy looked at me which caused me to sigh before I walked away while speaking.

"You better not get thrown into the sea this time."

Luffy grinned before replying.

"NISHISHI! Don't worry, I got this."

As I sat down next to the others I could not help but to mutter something.

"Damn, with a captain who recklessly endangers his own crew like that, it makes you wonder who is more of a monster between those two?"

It was a rhetorical question but thanks to me being able to [Heart Reading], I heard everyone's collective answer to my question.

'Y-You are!'

A couple of minutes later, Usopp returned stating that he had defeated his opponent. We started spectating Luffy and Arlong fighting each other while eating Cream Puff that I had given to him and Nami. 

Anyway, Luffy managed to beat Arlong and it resulted in the destruction of Arlong Park. As we were celebrating our victory, a couple of beat-up Marines came and said that they were going to take things from there.

They were going to arrest Arlong and take the money from his safe. The safe part caught my attention, it seemed that I failed to steal all the money in Arlong Park when Zoro was beating up the Fishmen.

Naturally, we beat the crap out of the Marines and Nami got a few licks in as payback for what they had done. she made her demands clear but there was one that they could fulfill, returning the money they stole.

They explained that someone had stolen it after beating them up. The entire crew looked at me until that rat-faced Marine gave them a description of the culprit, I then proceeded to convince the Marine to still pay the money they had stolen from though from their point of view I was Luffy thanks to my illusions.

Yeah, you might not get it right now but old habits die hard... Anyway, they reluctantly agreed since I scared the shit out of them but Nami was still angry that someone had stolen her money. I put my hand on her shoulder before I spoke to comfort her as we watched the Marine leave.

"Don't worry Nami by the look of it, Nezumi is going to put a bounty on the culprit and if we ever manage to cross-pass with that guy, we'll just beat him up and have him fork the money over. Plus the money in Arlong's safe should be enough for the villages. "


She said as her mood improved. After that, I suddenly got two notifications.

[*Ding!* Host has also acquired a new skill: Shameless Bastard]

[*Ding!* Mission complete! Host has acquired Item: Random upgrade Ticket (X1)]


-Shameless Bastard: Since immemorial times, there have been individuals who managed to spout bullshit without even missing a beat for the sake of money or their goal but very few have managed to reach a certain level of shamelessness.

Only one has manage to reach a realm even beyond that and his name was forever known to those of culture. The user possesses the talent to even surpass the man known as Lloyd Frontera. With this skill, the user can bullshi- talk his way out of any situation without any remorse.

Depending on the situation, the user can even turn the situation to his advantage.



-Random upgrade Ticket: Upon usage, something belonging to the user will be upgraded at a random degree. It could be a skill, a physical characteristic, or even an item. The upgrade will be at random and it is a one-time use type of item. If host wishes to upgrade to something else, host must buy the same item or receive it as a mission reward. The System recommends the former option.}

[AN: Want more? Like Thanos, I want those STONES!!!]

Isekai_enjoyer Isekai_enjoyer

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

Đặt mua hàng loạt

Mục lục

Cài đặt hiển thị



Kích thước

Việc quản lý bình luận chương

Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C7
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  • Bối cảnh thế giới

Tổng điểm 0.0

Đánh giá được đăng thành công! Đọc thêm đánh giá
Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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lỗi Mẹo

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