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38.65% One Piece:The Lust System / Chapter 45: [45]Training

Chương 45: [45]Training

[3250 words]


"What do you think about staying aboard my ship for a short while until we return to Sakura kingdom?"

Lorena's private ship had escaped, and aboard was the nobleman who came from the same kingdom!This left her in a state of severe shock.

Ren's question came at a timely moment. Lorena, who had been abandoned, thought she was finished because she had attracted the attention of a pirate like Ren, saw a new hope.

But she was still hesitant, weighing the consequences and benefits, and soon came to a decision.

"I-i'll be in your care for some time, Ren-san"she said firmly and fearfully.

Actually, she had no other choice.

The West Blue was too far away, there were no ships, no guards, no supplies, her fate would be death at the hands of a random pirate crew or capture to be enslaved.

Lorena certainly didn't want this fate.

"Great, welcome aboard my ship," Ren shook Lorena's trembling hand, knowing that the girl was afraid and had made her decision in desperation.

But he had to solve her mystery and know her identity.

If his previous guess was correct...

That would be great.

If it was wrong?

It didn't matter.

Meanwhile, Lorena didn't notice that Nojiko had quietly sneaked out of the lower deck with eyes carrying a touch of chilling coldness.

Outside the main restaurant.

"Wants to leave alive from here? What a dream."Nojiko muttered contemptuously.


She used Geppo to ascend into the sky and aimed her sniper rifle at the departing ship.

It had started sailing not long ago and hadn't gone far.

On the ship's deck.

The nobleman who had attempted to seduce Lorena before stood there, his face filled with fear.

"Lorena has been captured by pirates! Luckily, I managed to escape!" He quickly began to recount the past incident.

For him, there was no doubt that Lorena was dead or had been raped by that pirate.

But that didn't concern him!

What did the death of the kingdom's princess mean?

One less rival for the throne!

A dirty political game as usual.

He smiled brightly as he began to concoct an excuse to tell His Majesty about the princess not returning with him.

"It's unfortunate that such a beautiful body and face were taken by a pirate-"

Before he could finish his words, his vision suddenly darkened, and he fell dead.

Blood gushed like a fountain, a large hole could be seen in his neck.


"Enemy attack!"

"Where is he?"

"In your Ass! Attend to the lord first!"

"It's no use! He's already dead!"

The personal guards screamed in panic after seeing the sudden death of the nobleman.

What would they tell the king?

But Nojiko wasn't done yet.


Another bullet pierced the body of one of the personal guards, who fell dead in the same scene that had happened with the nobleman.

"Damn, it's a sniper!"

"Identify his location!"

They shouted and looked around, but Nojiko had already returned to the restaurant's roof in advance; her actions didn't attract any noise thanks to the silencer attached to her sniper rifle.

"You won't escape~"


Again, she flew into the sky, but this time she didn't snipe the soldiers but headed towards the ship quickly.

"Look, she's flying!"

"No doubt she's the sniper! Shoot her down!"




Nojiko dodged the bullets by dodging in the air and kicking the air with her feet to create an effect that made her body more agile.

She reached the ship while dodging the enemy's bullets, she was like the beautiful god of death who had set foot on the ship's deck.

The smell of gunpowder filled the air as enemy weapons continued to fire; Nojiko moved quickly, dodging the bullets.

The guards couldn't hit her, and fear began to spread among them little by little; And with fear comes mistakes.

And in the battlefield, one mistake costs you your life.


"What are you doing, you idiot?! You almost killed me!"

"I'm sorry! I was just trying to hit the enemy!"

The guards argued among themselves.

"Fufufu~ There's no need to fight, boys ,Go to hell together."

A soft and beautiful voice came from behind them, but for them, this voice was the voice of the devil who would send them to hell.


Nojiko was now using a small pistol instead of the large sniper rifle; it was a close-range battle after all.

She quickly fired two shots at the heads of the guards, and they fell quickly as blood poured onto the cold wooden floor, announcing the impending massacre.

There were about fifty guards.

The battle continued for more than 10 minutes.

Nojiko stood on the ship's deck coldly, staring at the bloody scene before her.

Dozens of bodies lay strewn about, and red blood adorned the wood, spreading the metallic smell of blood.

Her only concern was to eliminate members of Sakura kingdom, regardless of their gender or agez no one should leave alive!

Their meeting with Lorena should not be leaked!

Because if Ren's guess was correct, he would start his conquest of the kingdoms then!

"The mission has been successfully completed, fufufu~"

The next step was to search for explosives on the ship and set it on fire. Nogiku quickly found a stockpile of artillery shells and brought them to the ship's deck.

Hovering safely in the air, with a "bang!"the artillery shells were hit by a bullet, causing a series of continuous explosions.

The ship began to slowly sink, and after another 10 minutes, the sea was completely clean, and the ship sank with the bodies of the guards and the slain nobleman.

Back to Ren.

20 minutes had passed since Nojiko left, and Lorena noticed her disappearance, so she asked Ren, who answered that she had some "business" to attend to.

"I'm back, Captain" Nojiko entered the restaurant again and waved to the group.

"Is it done?" Ren asked.

Nojiko replied to Ren's question: "Yes, and cleanly."

"As expected from my beauty, you deserve praise" Ren said.

Lorena watched the two flirt with each other and couldn't help but think:"Can pirates be romantic too?"


"Are you leaving, Mr. Ren?" Zeef stood before Ren and his crew, along with Lorena, who was a special case. Zeef looked at Ren, hoping this pirate would leave as soon as possible.

Of course, Ren knew what the old man was thinking, He nodded and said:"Yes, the food was delicious, unlike the treatment."

Zeef smiled with sarcasm upon hearing the last part of his words, but he chose to ignore it automatically to avoid trouble.

And so, without any further ado, Ren left for the ship and continued his journey to the Grand Line.

[After 15 days]









A man with short blue hair, with symmetrical facial features, was tall compared to the men on earth, but in the pirate world, he was considered below average.

He was currently doing push-up exercises, after reaching ten thousand push-ups, he stopped to rest, His body was damp with sweat.

"Take this" Nami, a girl with orange hair wearing an orange bikini, handed him a towel.

"Thanks" Ren said to Nami and took the towel from her hand, gazing at her attractive figure.

"Do you like my clothes?" she asked with a mischievous smile.

Ren nodded and said"Yes, I like them,You should wear them when we're alone."

"As you wish my love~" Nami raised her toes and tried to reach Ren's height, which was increasing day by day.


After a brief struggle of tongues, they parted the kiss, Ren returned to his training.

He had been training his body and honing his Haki in the past days since leaving the Baratie restaurant. Relying solely on the system to advance in strength was naive and foolish.

It's better to train Haki and physical strength instead of waiting for a reward from the system.

Ren had nothing but the Haki he still hadn't mastered and his physical strength, which wasn't anything special. If he entered the new world with this weak strength, he would be kicked out miserably.








After finishing 10,000 squats, Ren finished his physical training for today, and it was time for Haki.

But he faced a small problem here.

There was no one to guide him and train him to use Haki better.

Except for the knowledge he gained from watching Canon, he didn't have a Haki master to train him.

Ren summoned Nami, who was still in her sexy swimsuit, and asked her to help him in his training, which Nami gladly accepted.

"I'll blindfold myself with this black cloth so I won't see, and you have to hit me with this wooden sword" Ren instructed Nami.

When Nami heard her lover's words, she asked in astonishment: "What kind of training is this?"

"It's observation HAKI training."

"Oh I see..."

Nami naturally knows what Observation Haki is, In the past few days, Ren explained Observation Haki to her, its usefulness, and its nature.

It is said that Observation Haki may enable the user to see the future if he or she is trained to a sufficient degree.


Nami stood in front of Ren holding her sword and said:Captain, what is observation Haki?

Ren heard Nami's question and quickly answered her.

Observation Haki is the ability that allows you to perceive what the naked eye cannot see.No, it's not just about vision; hearing, smelling, this strange ability, if trained enough, you can even sense the intentions of the opponent or his strength."

"There are even those who have reached the ability to foresee the future for a few seconds without any mistakes!"

"And here lies the horror of Observation Haki, where the person who saw the future gains an absolute advantage in battle."

"He can predict attacks and dodge them, and also exploit them to his advantage or think of effective solutions against attacks before the opponent even does them!"

¶End of the Flashback.

At present.


He couldn't see anything but darkness; he activated his rudimentary Observation Haki, but he still only saw darkness.


Amidst the darkness and the eerie silence, the sound of a wooden sword being slashed suddenly echoed.


The wooden sword struck Ren's body, causing him some pain.

Nami hesitated to hit Ren, but she knew it was for his training and benefit.

"Again!" Ren gritted his teeth and was determined to continue.

Nami didn't speak to avoid revealing her location, She slashed at Ren again with her sword.


Another wave of pain.




The pain persisted.

Nami didn't know how many times she had swung her sword or how many times she had hit Ren, but she gritted her teeth and forced herself to continue.

Meanwhile, Ren's body was exhausted from the continuous beating, Nami's physical strength wasn't weak, and receiving hundreds of sword strikes from her was undoubtedly painful.

But there seemed to be no improvement, Ren managed to avoid 7 consecutive strikes but was hit on the 8.

But this meant that his Haki was improving.

Ren lay on the ground in aY"] shape, panting heavily, He removed the cloth from his eyes and looked at Nami's wet body.

"Come here Baby."

Nami quickly responded, her expression showing sadness.

He embraced her, and they lay together,Ren noticed her mental state and said "Why do I see my beautiful one sad?"

He ran his fingers through her hair, touched her waist, and pulled her closer.

"It's because you exert yourself too much in training,Ren..."

Since they left the Baratie restaurant, Ren hadn't stopped training except for meal times and "night activities" with her and Nojiko.

"Don't worry Nami, We are about to face enemies from a different levels, If I don't train and remain weak like this, it's as if I'm waiting for them to come and claim my head."

Before she could answer, he silenced her with his tongue, and they were swept into a deep, passionate kiss for a few minutes.

"Hah... Hah... my love~" Nami sighed huskily and looked at Ren with burning desire.

Ren held her and they moved to a secluded place on the ship, away from prying eyes.


"By the way, Nojiko, what is this ring you always carry with you?" Kaya couldn't resist her curiosity and asked.

Kaya, Nojiko, and Lorena were in the kitchen preparing a delicious meal of fresh meat, bread, and high-quality vegetables, along with the best wines, It was the perfect meal for Ren after finishing his training.

By the way, Ren was still "playing" with Nami in a certain corner of the ship.

Back to Nojiko, when she heard Kaya's question, she smiled and her mood improved instantly.

Lorena looked at Nojiko, who smiled, and could only guess that this ring was very important to her, Because she hadn't seen Nojiko smile like that except when she was with the captain!

"I don't mind telling you, In fact, Nami and I..."




Afterwards, Nojiko explained their story, how they were adopted by Bell-mère and raised in the village of Kokoyashi for years.

The arrival of the Arlong Pirates, Bell-mère's death, Nami's joining the Arlong Pirates, the agreement between Nami and Arlong, Arlong's betrayal of his promise, and finally Ren's appearance and How he kill Arlong.

Kaya and Lorena were moved by Nojiko and Nami's dramatic story, to the point that they shed tears.

When Nojiko saw this scene, she felt warmth in her heart.

Then she reached the part about reviving Bell-mère.

Kaya and Lorena opened their eyes wide in shock.

"C-can the captain really bring back the dead!? Is there really such power?!"

Lorena said in awe and disbelief.

Even Kaya had her doubts, If the captain had such an ability, then he was undoubtedly a god!

"Fufufu~You'll see for yourselves." Nogiku laughed, and in the next moment, the ring began to glow blue, and a woman's soul emerged from it.

"Hello girls!" Bell-mère greeted them with a smile.


"I-is this your mother's soul Nojiko?!"

The girls screamed in shock.

Had that ring been containing the soul of a dead person all this time, waiting to be revived?!

"Do you believe now? If you still deny it, the captain can bring back the soul of a deceased loved one for you to see..."

"Let's see if you still don't believe, Fufufu~" Nojiko laughed, and her words seemed to hit Kaya's heart like a hammer.

"N-no!We believe you, Nojiko-san, but only this ability...is divine!" Lorena said in awe, and a feeling of respect for Ren arose within her.

She was no longer afraid, After living with him for several days, she knew he wasn't as the newspaper's described.

"Captain Ren is truly A god...!" Meanwhile, kaya was lost in her thoughts as she analyzed Nojiko's words in her mind.

"If Captain Ren is willing to perform this technique So I can..."

Nojiko interrupted her and said, "Do you want to revive someone, Kaya?"

The blonde girl hesitated and replied:"Y-yes...actually, it's my mom."She said with a nostalgic look.

Nojiko patted her shoulder sympathetically and said:"I know how you feel, but this is something you have to ask Captain Ren for yourself, I can't help you with this.. Be brave!" Nojiko encouraged her.

Even Bell-mère and Lorena threw in some encouraging words for the girl.

"By the way, where is the captain? He's late" Lorena wondered.

Nojiko looked like she remembered something, then said with a strange tone,"Well... maybe he's busy with something important..."

"Ahn~!yes~!" Nami moaned as she rode Ren's cock, while he sucked on her breasts and nibbled on her nipples.

"Ahhh~!Harder! Deeper!" She felt her lover's Cock penetrating her depths, while he teased her nipples and sucked on them as he pleased.

Her eyes rolled back, Ren increased the speed of his hips, and the sound of flesh slapping grew louder.




"I'll cum! Nami! Take it all!"

"I'll take it! All of it! Ahnnn~!"

He embraced her sweaty body, smelling of sex, as his shaft released waves of thick, white semen.

Her vaginal walls were painted white, and Nami felt the intoxicating sensation of warm semen melting inside her.

Her eyes rolled back in ecstasy, her tongue hanging out.

"We've just begun" Ren laughed and inserted his shaft into her mouth.

Nami used her mouth and tongue to stimulate his shaft until it was fully erect.

"Mmm~ Delicious...Thank you for the meal Baby~" Nami smiled seductively, with strands of semen still on her face.

We shouldn't delve into what happened next; they had sex for several more minutes until Ren remembered it was time for dinner and stopped.

He was still unsatisfied, and so was Nami, but they agreed to continue at night.


Five people gathered around the dining table.

Of course, it was Ren and his crew, along with Lorena.

Ren felt unfamiliar gazes of respect and admiration falling on him,Was something wrong? He asked Nojiko in her ear.

"I told them about your ability to revive the dead..."Nojiko explained the conversation she had with the girls.

After reviewing the information, Ren's confusion disappeared.

It seemed that Kaya wanted to ask him to revive her mother.

Kaya's mother wasn't mentioned in the canon, and she wasn't a significant character.

But of course he wouldn't mind doing it.

However, he wouldn't rush, he would wait for Kaya to ask him directly, and this would also be an opportunity to win her heart and complete loyalty.

As for Nojiko leaking the information that he could revive the dead?

Ren obviously gave her the green light for that, telling her that if Kaya and Lorena asked about the ring in her hand, she could explain it to them.

Kaya was part of his crew, there was no reason to hide it from her.

As for Lorena, well, forget about the Sakura Kingdom, she would never return.

They started eating, and Ren held a wanted poster in his hand.

There was a foolish smile on his face.

A straw hat, a scar under the right eye, a slender red and brown physique.

It was obviously Luffy.

Ren looked at the bounty on the wanted poster.

-Monkey D. Luffy.

-25,000,000 berrie.

-Dead or alive.

The newspaper mentioned that he was in a fight with Don krieg and emerged victorious after a tough battle.

Ren wasn't surprised, the plot was heading in the right direction once again.

Wherever he went, he would cut the threads of fate and steal the members of the boy's fate Crew.

Would the world still go in the same direction?

'Hahaha...kepp your journey carefully, contribute to my plan to control this world!' Ren smiled wickedly.

"Captain?"The girls looked at their captain, who smiled wickedly.

"It's nothing, continue eating."


Elsewhere, in Loguetown, specifically at the Marine base.

In the former office of Smoker, another person sat this time.

Tashigi looked at the person in front of her with sadness.

"Captain Smoker has died!! That bastard killed him! I saw it with my own eyes!"

She screamed with "sadness" and a "heavy heart."

Tears even began to form in the corners of her eyes.

If Ren were here, he would applaud the girl's acting skills.

Ren's plan to plant a spy in the Marines had already begun!


Author's gossiping.

Who is the New leader of the Marine Branch in Louge Town?

The chapter N30+N45 has been edited.

Yass_Odyssey Yass_Odyssey

I guess I deserve some power stones

Drop it!

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