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34.45% One Piece:The Lust System / Chapter 40: [40]Succubus Tattoo

Chương 40: [40]Succubus Tattoo

In the quiet morning moment, Ren begins to slowly stir from his deep slumber, feeling the warmth and tranquility surrounding him as he gently embraces Nami and Nojiko. He opens his eyes slowly, taking in a deep breath of the refreshing morning air.

Ren reaches out with gentle hands to stroke Nami's hair tenderly, after planting a small kiss on her cheek, he looks towards Nojiko, who is still peacefully asleep.

Once fully awake, he rises from bed slowly and heads to the window to enjoy the view of the calm sea and clear waters, taking a deep breath and feeling content after all the "sport" he engaged in last night.

Good morning Nojiko, Nami" Ren's observation Haki catched his wakened girls.

"Good morning my love"Nami rises from bed, still naked, presenting her enticing and toned body to Ren, she approaches him and gives him a warm morning hug.

Ren feels her alluring body, sensing that his cock wants another round, especially with Nojiko joining in the warm embrace and silent kisses.

But he calms himself, knowing there are more important things to attend to. After the recent battle, news of it will spread across the sea again.

Although he won't attract the attention of major pirates with his current weak strength, every step was necessary to reach or surpass their level.

"How about we take a bath together Captain?" Nojiko suggests with excitement and anticipation.

"Good idea..."Ren looks at his hot naked women and accepts Nojiko's suggestion.

And so they sneak into the bathroom while Kaya and Tashigi are still asleep.

Nami takes the initiative to arouse Ren's desire, leading to another round of hot sex, with Nojiko joining in the fun as well.


Five people sit at a breakfast table, four girls and one man.

Of course they are Ren and his crew.

The table is filled with a variety of foods and drinks, including dishes of fresh fruits and sweet spices, alongside plates of grilled fresh fish and salty cheese.

Bottles of rum, wine, and natural juices adorn the table, along with plates of fresh bread and biscuits.

This breakfast was prepared by Nojiko, who having lived alone for a long time, learned how to cook for many years.

After breakfast, the five people remained seated in their seats. Ren looked at Tashigi and said to her: "It's time to return to Logue Town Tashigi."

"As you wish Captain"Tashigi replied promptly.

"The Marines may doubt you a little, but all you need to do is follow the story I'll tell you, and with a little talent in acting, deceiving them won't be a problem" Ren reassured Tashigi.

She nodded, then Ren remembered a new notification from the system that arrived but was in the midst of "sport" with Nami and Nojiko so he didn't have time to deal with it.


[-Ding! Congratulations host, for completing the main mission 'Sex with Nami' and obtaining: 'Tattoo Brush'."


"Hmm? What's this?" Ren wondered, and soon a new message arrived:

[Tattoo Brush: "A magical brush that allows you to draw a specific tattoo on the body of a member of your crew. The benefit of this tattoo is that the host can use the rewards obtained from the system directly on the targeted crew member without the need for consumption of scrolls/doses/skills / directly by the crew member. The shape of the tattoo is chosen by the host, it isn't necessary for the same tattoo shape to be drawn on all crew members, This remains optional by the host, The tattoo cannot be erased as long as the host hasn't obtained an item from the system that allows him to do so."]

The skill explanation was long, but Ren understood its benefit.

In short, he would be able to directly strengthen his crew members and change the shape of the tattoo, which was a great feature to satisfy Ren's desires.

"What are you thinking Captain?" Nami looked at Ren absentmindedly, he had been staring into space for a while, unable to keep silent.

"Oh... nothing, by the way girls, would you like me to draw a tattoo on your bodies?"

Ren asked directly, the girls looked at him and said in unison:"Tattoo?"

"I want!" After a few moments of hesitation, Nami was the first to agree, although she had bad memories with tattoos, she was willing to face her fears for Ren.

Nojiko quickly agreed as well, Kaya and Tashigi didn't hesitate and expressed their consent.

"This tattoo is not just a decoration... His effect is..."

Ren began to explain the benefit of this tattoo, and the girls became more excited when they learned that it would allow Ren to directly strengthen them.

Although it didn't differ from consuming scrolls and doses directly, it saved time and effort.

Ren took out the Tattoo Brush from The Infinity Space.

It looked like any ordinary brush in shape, but it had its hidden magic that made it a unique tool, The handle of the brush had a smooth and comfortable touch, made of elegantly carved oak wood, with intricate details of silver and gold adding a charming splendor.

As for the bristles of the brush, they were soft and flexible, made of the finest quality synthetic fibers.

"Where do you want me to draw the tattoo Nami?"Ren held the brush in his hand and showed it to everyone, then asked Nami.

"This..."Nami glanced at Ren with a slight blush on her face, approached him, and whispered in his ear:"I want it on my chest."

Her warm breath brushed against Ren's ear, he controlled himself and whispered back:"As you wish, I'll do it later when we're alone."

The girls looked at them strangely, they had guessed almost what they were whispering to each other.

"And you, Nojiko?" Ren asked Nogiku with the brush in his hand. Nojiko looked at him, approached him, and whispered something in his ear, to which he nodded.


Tashigi and Kaya looked even more puzzled, becoming almost certain that these girls were up to something naughty.

"Ummm...Captain Ren can you tattoo my shoulder if you want?" Kaya surprised everyone, she used to be shy most of the time and didn't usually speak up, but it seemed that was changing.

Perhaps because of Nami and Nojiko's influence and their spontaneous and naughty antics, but what's certain is that Kayae no longer acted like the innocent little virgin.

"Of course, since you want that, I won't refuse." Ren approached Kaya, with the brush still in his hand, and looked at the new system notification:


[Would the host like to activate the Tattoo Brush?]


"Yes" Ren said mentally. After giving his consent, the brush's head began to glow with white light.

The girls watched this beautiful scene in awe. Ren grabbed Kaya's shoulder, which exposed her soft, white skin ,Her body was soft and Ren deliberately felt it well.

Kaya blushed slightly with shyness but still maintained her composure.

Ren began to draw the tattoo.

The shape he chose was a pink heart, not just an ordinary heart.

It was a Succubus tattoo.

It was a pink and crimson heart, with delicate black wings branching out from it. Succubus creatures in legends were demons who had sex with men until they absorbed their life energy and died.

As a man of culture, Ren found it intriguing to draw this tattoo.

"It's done...What do you think?" Ren pointed to the pink tattoo drawn on her shoulder.

"It's a beautiful tattoo...A heart? What does this tattoo mean?" Kaya wondered.


"Cough, anyway as long as you like it, that's what matters." Ren wouldn't explain the meaning and origins of the Succubus tattoo so he chose to change the subject.

Kaya knew that Ren didn't want to answer her question and began to speculate on the meaning of this tattoo with her personal diligence.

'Heart... Maybe...' Kaia's thoughts drifted into romantic fantasies.

Put that aside; immediately after drawing the tattoo on Kaya's shoulder, he received a new notification from the system.


[Ding! Crew member "Kaya" obtained her pirate tattoo, and the host can give her rewards directly from the system.]


He closed the system interface and looked at the rest of the girls, who were eagerly waiting,The tattoo shape was beautiful and they wanted to get it too, especially Nami and Nojiko.

"Tashigi, where do you want me to draw the tattoo?"

The girl responded immediately:"On my shoulder too."

Ren breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately Tashigi didn't approach him and whisper that she wanted it on her pussy or something like that.

He repeated the process again.

He received another notification from the system indicating that Tashigi had obtained the tattoo.

"It's time to complete the journey..As for you, Nami and Nojiko, I'll give you the tattoo later."

"Understood Captain." X2


"Tashigi It's time to return to the Marine base in Logue Town, Make sure to inform the Marines of the fabricated story I told you."

Ren ascended with the girls to the ship's deck, bidding farewell to Tashigi, who would return to the Marines.

Her role was to climb the ranks in the Marines, gather information, inform Ren of any new changes in the marines systems and notify him of Marine's plans set for him, to avoid traps or take advantage of the situation.

Tashigi's value as a spy was immense for Ren.

But for this, she had to become stronger, The tattoo would help her with that, and Ren would send her new skills and rewards whenever he obtained them.

"I won't let you down Captain!" Tashigi was full of ambition and eager to complete her mission.

"This is my Den Den Mushi, when you're alone, make sure to contact me to stay in touch."

Tashigi held the Den Den Mushi, small in her hand, Ren had another copy of it, and these types of Den Den Mushi were designed to encrypt conversations, keeping them away from the Marine's surveillance.

In other words, their conversations were encrypted and hidden from marine spies, This measure was necessary to ensure Tashigi's safety and the success of the plan. In the marines, the punishment for betrayal was death or eternal confinement in Impel Down.

"Goodbye Captain! Goodbye, Nami-san and Nojiko-san!Take care of yourself Kaya!"

Tashigi waved to them, The boat she sailed in was a small fishing boat, but that wouldn't be a problem, The Marines in the East Blue were currently on high alert searching for the "missing" Tashigi for hours on end.

So she would definitely be found by one of the Marine patrols.

Ren had planned everything meticulously, and it was only a matter of time before he had a reliable spy in the Navy.

"Goodbye Tashigi!Take care of yourself for us... and for Ren" Nami said, making Tashigi blush with embarrassment from afar.

"Make sure you're not die!" Kaya was worried.

"When you return, Captain Ren will reward you in a special way" Nojiko teased.

Ren chuckled lightly at the interaction between the girls. It seemed that their relationship had improved.

After Tashigi's departure, Ren and the others returned to the cabin inside the ship.





"How long will it take us to reach Baratie Restaurant?" Ren asked the orange-haired girl in front of him.

Nami didn't hesitate and quickly replied,:"At our current speed, and if the restaurant doesn't change its course much, we'll arrive in about a week or 6 days."

Ren nodded approvingly at Nami's navigation skills, He didn't know much about navigation and didn't need to bother learning it as long as he had someone proficient like Nami with him.

"We shouldn't slack off girls. It's training time!" Ren didn't plan on relaxing, the danger loomed ahead, and he felt the pressure increasing every minute, He needed to increase his strength and that of his crew urgently.

"Hi Hi Captain!" The girls said cheerfully, but their enthusiasm was interrupted by Kaya's shocked voice.

"Captain!look at this!" The blonde held a newspaper in her hand and handed it to Ren.

Under the curious gazes of Nami and Nojiko, Ren opened the newspaper and, as expected, found his picture on the front page,There was a paragraph dedicated to him in the newspaper, specifically addressing his recent actions, such as killing the marine branch commander in Logue Town, the city famous as the birthplace of the Pirate King.

He found a new wanted poster in the newspaper, still the same picture of him but with an increased bounty!



-240,000,000 Million $.

-Dead Or Alive.


"Wow...! Your bounty has increased a lot this time Captain!" Nami exclaimed excitedly.

She was excited this time, unlike the first time she saw Ren's wanted poster when she was scared.

"I wonder when I'll get my own bounty" Nojiko was surprised by the huge amount written on the poster, and she looked at Ren's face there and started murmuring about how extremely handsome he was.

"240 million?!"Although Kaya was a rich girl who lived in a luxurious palace, hearing this huge amount made her shocked for several minutes.

"It's not high enough. In this world, there are people wanted with billions of berries."

Ren shocked them even more. The Four Seas inhabitants lived in luxury compared to the New World inhabitants.

They were far from sea monsters, mighty pirates, and power struggles and fleet wars.

Their lives were stable compared to the New World.

So it was called the New World, because that place was separate from this world. There, violence, killing, wars, and conflicts prevailed, where weak souls were extinguished like cutting grass.

Ren left the girls and went to the deck of the ship, while looking at the beautiful sea scene in front of him, he said to himself.



"What's wrong Miss System? Are you upset with me?"Ren said as he looked at the blank blue message.

[Cough! Did you finally remember me,"Miss System?" ]

"I confess that I have been busy these days and haven't had the chance to chat with you, Miss System... How can I make it up to you?"

[It's not like I missed talking to you! Idiot! Stupid! Fool!]

"Where did your cold personality that you deliberately created go, Miss System? Did you unintentionally deviate from the norm?" Ren felt the situation was funny.

The System wasn't just an artificial intelligence; she was a "person"and Ren was sure she was a girl because of the feminine voice in his head and her behavior, which resembled Tsundere but was ignored.


Damn it, I forgot!

The Miss System cursed in "her" mind.

"Sigh... Alright, enough joking around. Let's get down to business."

[Cough...thath's right! What does the host want?]

Miss System tried to return to her cold facade.

"I want the status of the girls in my crew. I've never checked on Tashigi and Kaya's status before."

"Oh! And I also want my own status. No doubt it has undergone some changes after defeating Smoker. I'm curious about it."

[As you wish, Host.]

Immediately after that, messages appeared one after another on the blue system interface.


To be continued..

Yass_Odyssey Yass_Odyssey

drop some PS >⁠.⁠<

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