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87.64% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 78: The Crafters' Accords

Chương 78: The Crafters' Accords

The company of gods and captains re-entered the Denatus Room which was for the moment mostly vacant, save for some very specific individuals standing by the middle table, upon which was laid out a long piece of document.

"Royman?" Loki tilted her head and stared at the fat elf before looking at Steve. "I have to admit I'm impressed. You've made friends in high places in such a short amount of time."

"Well it's easy to make friends here and there when we all have mutual interests." Steve said before he looked at Royman. "Isn't that right Guildmaster?"

"Absolutely my boy!" Royman said as he rubbed his hands together. "It is quite an honour that you asked me to be witness to this ordeal. An alliance between all the the strongest Familia is something once thought impossible, given how steeped in competition they were. It is only fitting that such an ordeal is spearheaded by the strongest adventurer to ever live."

"Well how about we just get on with it then?!" Ishtar said as she sat down on the chair carelessly. "Let's just be done with the charade so we can go home."

"We can start after you close your legs then." Steve said as he fanned his hand over his nose. "I can smell your beath from here."

Loki began snorting as her eyes watered before she burst out cackling, while Freya cracked a small smile as she looked down. Ottar just raised a brow before returning to his solemn expression and Hephaestus turned her face away, though Ptah could see her lips trembling. Finn just sighed and smiled wryly as he was reminded of Steve's spontaneous antics once again. Apollo just stood rock still, knowing he was the weakest Familia out of all and could not risk offending anyone now, while Hyakinthos just frowned and looked away.

Even Phryne couldn't help but start giggling in her guttural and disgusting voice which just put everybody out of the mood. But Ishtar's expression was the fiercest of all as an expression of unbridled hatred took over her face. She glared at the toad before looking back at Steve and stubbornly kept her legs open, not that closing them would have helped her situation anyway.

"And anyway..." Ptah said as he fought off demons to not laugh like Loki was. "...who said you or Apollo are going to be signing that document?"

"What?" Both gods said.

"I do believe you're in possession of 'it', Lord Ganesha." Royman said as he gestured to one of his attendants to bring over a quill and inkwell. "Lord Hermes was not allowed into this room due to the affairs that are about to to take place, so he should have given it to you."

"Ah yes!" Ganesha said as he reached around behind him and pulled out a rolled up parchment from somewhere. "I have it right here."

"Did you pull that from your-" Loki began before shaking her head and shrugging. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. After all, Ishtar must be quite used to 'those' things after all."


Everybody began sitting down at the table, captains next to their respective gods, with Ptah and Steve at one end and Royman at the other. Ganesha handed his parchment to Royman and the Guild Master unrolled it, reading through the contents before clearing his throat.

"Now then, this document here was prepared in advance should the Ptah Familia have won the War Game so the losing Familia would relinquish whatever it was that they were ordered to as part of the War Game wagers on official paper. To remind everyone again, the demands as put forth by Lord Ptah at the War Game Denatus seven days past were as follows;

That any member of the opposing Familia that Lord Ptah or Stephen Hewer desire be immediately transferred over to the Ptah Familia post-haste. That the defeated Familia be subordinate to the Ptah Familia. And lastly that Lady Freya gives the keys to her apartment at the top of Babel over to Stephen Hewer.

I now call upon Lady Freya, Lady Ishtar and Lord Apollo to pick up the quill and sign please."

Royman turned the parchment around and slid it over to Freya first. Freya stared at the document, then at Ottar before looking over at Steve and Ptah as they looked expectedly at them. She sighed and shook her head a little before picking up the quill and signing her name on it. She then passed it over to Apollo who just hauntedly picked up his quill and hastily signed his name. It was then passed to Ishtar who just rolled her eyes and scribbled something down on the parchment carelessly before throwing the quill aside.

"Well if we're done here, I guess I'll be taking my leave." Ishtar said as she stood up and began walking away, with Phryne following behind her.

"Not so fast." Ptah said as he made the two freeze and slowly turn around to look at him. "My child has one last thing to say to you."

"What?" Ishtar drawled.

"As you remember, we get to have whatever member we want from your Familia." Steve said. "So before you go, I should let you know that I already arranged to have the ones I wanted taken away to the Memphis Manor. From both of your Familia might I add. Just in case you tried to do something about it between now and the time you had to hand them in."

"Who did you take?" Apollo asked. 

"From you Apollo, we've taken the girls Daphne Lauros and Cassandra Illion." Steve said and he caught Hyakinthos grinding his teeth. "And if any of you even think of harming them as a form of petty revenge, then the consequences will be severe."

"...Understood." Apollo meekly nodded, looking nothing more than a beaten dog at this point.

"What about my sword?" Hyakinthos said.

"What about it?" Steve raised a brow.

"The one that your mage friend stole from me before incinerating me!" Hyakinthos raised his voice a few decibels higher.

"Don't know what you're talking about mate." Steve smirked. "And besides, you are subordinate to us now. If Zuri wants your sword, then let him have your sword."

After all, it was not like the poof would be needing it when the sun rose tomorrow.

Hyakinthos turned red with anger before he stormed out of the room, with Apollo apologizing and quickly following his captain out as he senses the hostility rising in the room. Steve then turned to Ishtar.

"As for who we wanted from your Familia, firstly, we have taken in Aisha Belka." Steve said.

"That one?" Ishtar raised a brow as Phryne heard this too. "Why her? I have so many other girls that are much better looking."

"It's none of your business what I intend to do with her." Steve said. "I just want her in our Familia."

"Whatever." Ishtar waved it off. "Is that all?"

"No." Steve said. "There is one other person we took...I'm sure you're very familiar with one timid little Renard."

Ishtar's eyes widened.

"YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT ONE!" She yelled, flecks of spit flying out of her mouth as she yelled at him.

"Stop shouting." Steve grimaced. "And who are you exactly to tell me who I can have and what I can't have?"

"You can't have her!" Ishtar shouted.

"We can...and we have taken her." Ptah said warningly as his golden eyes briefly flickered red. "Unless of course, there's a particular reason why you don't want to let go of her and you want to violate your wagers?"

Ishtar paused as she saw the Primordial's rising temper. She looked around at the face on the table and saw Royman raise an eyebrow at her. She focused on Freya's face and recognised a very sudden interest in her eye. She kissed her teeth and refrained from speaking her next planned words. She couldn't risk any more interest being put on Haruhime, otherwise her plans wouldn't work. As a matter of fact, she wasn't even sure who she hated more; the Freya Familia or the Ptah Familia. Both Familia contained individuals she hated with burning passion.

They could have the Renard for now...Ishtar didn't exactly need her in her Familia to use her. But still...why did that Steve boy want Haruhime so badly? Did he just simply lust over the thick-headed Renard or was there something else? She couldn't see anything significant in his body language, no signs of suspicion on his part. But all the same, this sudden interest in Haruhime was a bit out of place.

She could not stand to be in this place anymore however, now that she seemed to be the butt of all jokes to the amusement of others. This would not be the end, not by a long shot! She flipped her hair as she turned around and strode through the door, followed closely behind by Phryne as big heavy footfalls followed the whore goddess.

Ptah leaned over to Steve.

"I thought the toad was meant to be dead?" The Primordial whispered to Steve.

"She will be." Steve whispered back. "When all is settled and everything else is quiet. Then death will come for her out of the darkness and nobody will be any wiser."

"...Commands?" Ptah asked.

"...Yep." Steve nodded admittedly.


"With that out of the way." Royman pushed the bigger piece of paper forwards. "This document here details all that there is to come by allying themselves with the Ptah Familia. Special discounts in return for top priority commissions by the Ptah Familia for resources. As well as mutual support in political or financial matters, wherever it is needed. Equal shares in certain assets and resources etc etc. The point is, all members included and of course the Guild, all stand to make a lot of money. So if we could all just sign here-"

"Wait one second." Loki pointed to the blank space at the top of the paper. "We need to call this alliance something. A coalition between 5 Familia needs a fancy name does it not?"

"Now that you mention it, yes." Hephaestus put a finger to her chin. "Although I'm not one for dramatic flairs and all, a good name for an occasion such as this would be appropriate."

"I personally don't see the need for anything grand." Finn offered his opinion.

"Maybe not." Ptah said before he put a hand on the back of his child. "But Steve here has a good naming sense. So I suggest we leave it to him."

"What's with you and dumping the naming business on me?" Steve grumbled.

"Well to be fair Steve, you did start off this whole thing." Finn said. "You know, back in the Dungeon. Where you gave me Fleinnleptr?"

"Plus you keep flashing your wealth and your resources as well as your abilities all the time." Hephaestus said. "Today's War Game being a prime example. You cannot be surprised that other Familia are attracted to your grand plan, whatever it may be and that they want to partake in whatever you're about to reap."

"I say we cast a vote then." Royman said loudly as he tried to exert his authority as much as he could after being interrupted so suddenly, just wanting to be done with this all so the oceans of gold he could taste on the horizon would come flooding into the city. "All in favour?" He said as he raised his hand.

Every single person at the table raised their hand...except for one. Everybody stopped and stared at Freya as she just looked at them pointedly.

"What input could I have on any of this?" The love goddess asked pointedly as she gestured to the paper. "I was never set to be a part of any of this. And anyway, I am a direct subordinate now apparently due to my hubris. You still haven't told me what members of my Familia you wanted." She nodded up at Ottar whose jaw just tightened.

"Ah yes." Steve said. "About that...we don't want anyone from your Familia."

""What?"" Everybody else in the room asked.

"Freya has the adventurers who are only second strongest to you." Royman said. "Why wouldn't you take her children?" 

"She'll find out for herself when she goes home tonight." Steve smirked. "I had my own reasons for entering the War Game and I've accomplished them. And besides...if I wanted a Familia to slave away for me, then I already have two of them. Ptah here has something to say."

Everyone looked at Ptah, who was making direct eye contact with Freya.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Freya asked the little god.

"Fathers will eventually find a time where they must teach their children a harsh lesson...and make them taste reality." Ptah said. "But it is no secret to any god here what the relationship was between the two of us at one point Gefn. I could politically enslave Ishtar and Apollo...but I could never enslave you."

"I had no problem." Steve raised his hand to make a point. "But at the end of the day, Ptah makes the final decisions."

"What is being said here?" Freya asked as she zeroed in on Ptah.

"...You are worth far more than just a tool to be ordered around." Ptah said as he pointed to the paper on the table. "Join us and share our vision...and the conditions of the War Game against you will be annulled...with the exception of the apartment at the top of the tower. By right, it goes to the strongest Familia after all."

"Why though?" Loki asked. "Don't you think she deserves it? Why does she get to go free and the other two do not?"

"Nobody's talking to you." Ptah warned her. Loki immediately backed off.

"You were never an enemy to begin with." Steve said to Freya and Ottar as they looked at him. "An enemy must pose some kind of threat after all...and you posed none. You don't exactly see an ant as a threat when you're face to face with one do you?...unless it's a killer ant from the Dungeon of course."

"You expect us to sign this when you're free to just jibe at us this way?" Freya said.

"Listen goddess." Steve said. "You sign that, you rise from being a servant to being a sworn ally in an endeavour that will bring great profits and prosperity to all who partake in it. Come out of subordination, and you get a bigger piece. But whether you're a servant or an ally, you will still serve our interest." Steve raised a finger. "I myself would much rather it be the former arrangement. But Ptah is unable to let go of his old feelings. I can be cruel...but I can also be understanding. Either way, my plans are seen through. All you lose is the throne at the top of Babel."

"You really aren't a hero type are you?" Freya lifted a brow as the corner of her mouth turned up a bit. "You're devious, underhanded and cunning. You could never be a hero."

"Nope." Steve smiled. "I am a bastard who just enjoys the Game as much as you gods do."

"...I suppose I have nothing much to lose then." Freya said as she picked up her quill again and read through the document thoroughly. "But I will hold you legally accountable if I find my Familia lacking in any of these."

"Of course." Steve said as he leant back before looking at the rest. There were astonished looks all around but he saw Finn give him an approving nod, like he'd done the right thing. Steve genuinely admired Finn, so he was sure that he was doing the right thing. He did need the Freya Familia in his game plan though, and it would be better if they were part of it with less negative feelings on their side...well, less than what they'd been put through in the War Game.

"I'll begin." Ptah said as he signed the document.

After him came Loki, who paused as she saw a second signature on it.

"Whose is this?" She said as pointed to it.

"Somebody else we included in this alliance of ours." Ptah said. "You know who. She was just not able to make it for this meeting so I had her sign it before the War Game."

"Oh." Loki nodded before she signed the document.

Hephaestus came next, followed by Ganesha and finally Freya who felt a massive weight lift off of her shoulders as she signed her name. Steve then took the document and signed it himself as he was the one that proposed this arrangement from the beginning. Royman then filled in as witness and of course authorized it with his authority as Guild Master, using his special stamp.

"Come up with a name yet then?" Ptah nudged Steve.

"Yep." The Minecrafter replied. "Let us remember this day, as the one where the Crafter's Accords was signed. And thus was the beginning of the Craftsmen's League."

"I like the name." Ganesh said.

"Same." Loki said

"Hear, hear." Hephaestus said.

"Good, now with that out of the way, we'll be going home to prepare to celebrate." Ptah said

"Just a moment." Royman's expression became even more serious. He reached into his coat and pulled out a folded note and handed it to Steve.

Steve looked at it confusedly before taking it and unfolding it to read it. His own expression became quite serious before he broke out into a smile.

"Well then...it looks like the old man gave his final verdict after all." Steve said as he looked around the table. "In three day's time, let us reconvene with the executives of our Familia for the first Craftsmen's League' meeting. There is much to discuss."

"Yes, like the first thing being your giant pet." Loki said as she pointed out to the colosseum where Godzilla slept. "What exactly are you going to do with him? The people aren't going to be too happy about him being there."

"Greater authorities than them have allowed Godzilla to do as he pleases." Steve waved the note. "The people will just have to get used to him."

"Three days." Ptah called out.

""Three days."" They resounded.


(A short while later)

Freya sat in her chair as Ottar knelt before her with his back to him while she opened his Falna. She watched with fascination as the numbers in his Falna went up by leaps as the blessing stirred vigorously. Behind them were the windows of the top of Babel Tower and the setting sun leaked into the room.

Around them were other members of her Familia clearing out the apartment as they prepared to hand it over to the Ptah Familia. But something about what had been said earlier by Steve urged her to check the statuses of her children beginning with her strongest. All those death experiences should for sure have done something to at least one of them.

And that one seemed to be Ottar as she noticed the drastic changes in him after his encounter with Stephen Hewer.

"Any change, my Lady?" Ottar asked her as he looked back.

"Congratulations are in order, my dear Ottar." Freya said as she closed his Falna.

He stood up and looked at her as put his shirt back on while the other members of the Freya Familia paused at what they were doing to hear this news.

"Congratulations for what?" Ottar asked.

"...You've levelled up."


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