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69.66% Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter / Chapter 62: .......Manor?

Chương 62: .......Manor?

A.N. Volume 2 has begun on Patreon and the War Game has started!


~I got this feelin' inside my bones~

~It goes electric, wavy when I turn it on~

~All through my city, all through my home~

~We're flyin' up, no ceilin', when we in our zone~


The next morning, what part of the population bothered to ever be in that part of the city noticed a large and towering wall of rich black bricks that had a slight ashen look to them completely cutting off what used to be a large empty part in the South, near to Folkvangr. The only opening in which was an iron gate.

And as some few civilians pressed their faces up against the bars of the gate to see what was happening inside, they could see nine figures working on the skeleton of what was most definitely going to be a large house right in front of the old grotto. But actually at this moment, Steve was trying to incorporate the Grotto into the manor in such a way that it remained a living quarters for Ptah...because that was what the little god wished for.

The entrance to that however was going to be beneath the middle part of what was the outline of a large imperial staircase. However, none of the rooms were yet built and merely the support beams had been put in place, while the Ptah Familia had their sleeves unwrapped and were digging the foundations of the future Manor to give it solidness once they lived in it.

Zuri flicked off some dirt off his arms as he returned to the floor plans to see if the measurements were correct. Once they'd completed the foundations, Zuri wanted to begin on the walls and build them in a way in which they were sturdy and impenetrable but at the same time insulated and blast-proof against explosives.

"No time to slack off now." Sunny put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "Relax, we're professionals at this. We've done all of this a million times before, there's no reason to worry. We're just building it bigger than normal."

"But it's the most complicated one yet." Zuri said. "We need the outside aesthetics to be grand and looking like a Pharaoh's palace or temple, with pillars and everything both in and out. But we also need the inside to adopt a more western style of architecture. Bear in mind, Steve wants this thing massive, and so does Lord Ptah. And that's not even beginning to fringe on what is our other 'project'..."

"Ah yes. All that madness you and Ari want beneath the whole damn thing." Sunny nodded as he took off his cap and flapped some flies away. "Bit of an extravagant expenditure of resources."

"Steve has a limitless supply and then some." Zuri muttered. "What about you? I know you also want some polished diorite to create that garden of yours."

"I want to make a garden, which is the standard of any house." Sunny pointed out. "You two on the other hand want to build an entire mad scientist's hideout beneath the whole thing. Ever considered the possibility we could have intruders?"

"Then they'll die since we'll be creating plenty of trap and securities against intruders." Zuri said. "You take your work seriously and I take mine seriously. Just be glad we're getting the surface done and I'm helping to get your stuff out of the way before we move on to my stuff."

"Can't argue with that." Sunny put his cap back on.

"Oi!" A shout drew their attention to a plank above them where Alex glared down at them. "Stop chatting and get back to work. We want the walls up before before lunch."

"Why don't we just use entire blocks instead of deconstructing them like we always do?" Kai said as she hammered two structure beams in place. "Why go through this extra step when we could just place blocks in?"

"This is not our normal world." Alex said. "Things will looks stranger to the outsiders if we are just putting massive blocks in place. Once the shell is up to cover gazes from the outside, then we will begin placing blocks to fill everything in. People won't be able to tell the difference once the whole thing is complete."

"But it just takes so long." Kai huffed. "Steve has forbidden us from using our powers as well. 'Just so we don't make anything collapse' so he says."

"Obey the captain and do as you are told." Alex stared at her. "And the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can build that bathhouse for all of us."

"Are you sure you want to use those prismarine bricks for the bathhouse?" Zuri asked. "I still think marble is a better idea."

"You can use it for the men's bathhouse then." Alex said. "But the big one is going to be prismarine. And by the way, the lantern duty is upon you. So make sure to get them done right."

"Alright." Zuri grumbled.


The rest of the day was filled with much hammering, and sawing and there was a lot of sticky business too as they laid down concrete for the foundations. But soon enough, the walls were complete and the physical template of the manor was mostly complete. Steve and his crew admired how it was beginning to turn out.

"Not bad for a morning's work." Steve said as he pulled out the plans. "Let's get the roof done by tonight and tomorrow, we can begin on the inside."

"We're kind of hitting the boundaries of the inner sanctum Steve." Noor scratched her temple. "I don't think it would be wise to put that lava moat in that Makena wants."

The 'Inner Sanctum' Noor was talking about was a piece of the Familia grounds that would be cut off purely for their residence while the 'Outer Sanctum' would be where their workshops would be and where they would sell their wares. The Inner part would be cut off by another wall that would close off the garden and the house and in front of it would be the lava moat.

"Nonsense." Makena said. "It's always been tradition amongst us to put lava moats around our permanent bases. Plus I'll be able to divert some of it away into the forges where I can extract metals from it and at the same time use it as a heat source...it will also be quite cosy in winter."

"Are you sure it wouldn't violate something like 'Health and Safety rules'?" Efe asked.

"If it does, then we'll get rid of it when we're told. We'll just direct the lava underground for Makena." Steve said. "But before anything else, I want this house done. We can go to the outside when it's time to deal with the outside. And we'll only begin on the workshops once the War Game is over."

"Are we going to use it as an opportunity for advertisement?" Alex asked him.

"Of course." Steve said. "Even if adventurers don't come, gullible civilians and rich gits will come and buy because they assume anything a high level adventurer makes has market value and that there is some special secret gone into the product. And since we specialise in a whole bunch of things, we'll have no shortage of options...though we'll have to be careful with the potions house."

"I've actually been thinking about that." Noor said. "I won't be able to run it all on my own...especially once Project D gets going."

"Yes. You'll need helpers." Steve admitted as he pursed his lips for a second. "Fortunately, there are those who are talented and in quite a tricky situation at the current moment. A simple contract and lucrative benefits will probably entice them. If they do not agree, then we'll have to start recruiting."

"Which is a dangerous prospect in of itself." Zuri said. "After the War Game, I have no doubt that there will be quite a crowd gathering to join once we finish with the whole spectacle."

"You are absolutely right." Steve said. "And that is where Ptah's specialty will come in. With him at the desk for those applications, he'll be able to sniff out any spies or any causes for trouble."

"Speaking of Ptah, where is he?" Ari asked. "He's not still designing the flag is he?"

"Considering how good he is with the loom and the fact that he 'is' the god of this Familia, I thought it best that he be the one to make it." Steve said. "After all, its unveiling is going to come with quite a shocker."

"Yeah, but do we really have to put the big guy on it?" Kai asked. "What significance would he have?"

"That he symbolised one of the things we are capable of doing at levels others cannot." Alex explained. "Nobody would ever be able to get their hands on something like him. He will stand out unique in Orario and he will be a part of us alone."

"Where is he going to live by the way?" Sunny asked. "I'd be happy to take care of him but I'm not so sure that I could house him in the stables or in the fields we're planting."

"That, I'm really not sure about." Steve rolled up the floor plan. "We'll figure something out."


Work carried on throughout the day, and well into the night. By the time the Ptah Familia finally put down their tool, the roof was complete and the shell of the house had been finished. Now that that was done, they could begin on the easy parts which was actually filling in the emptiness with Minecraft blocks.

It was why Steve and Zuri had to be absolutely precise when it came to measurement, because if one centimetre of free space was missing, the block could not be placed and they'd have to readjust the wall.

Steve was aware he could get this done in barely any time with his numerous powers, but he liked building stuff by hand and he didn't want to rouse too many people's interest by making a full house just appear out of nowhere. The good thing was that the Grotto had been fully incorporated in.

Ptah opened the heavy door of the grotto to be met with the sight of the outlines for the imperial staircase and walked around its skeleton to meet his children.

"I'd say it's been a good day's work." Ptah commented. "At least you've got the outside done."

"Yeah, now we can begin on the inside." Steve said as he turned to Zuri and Ari. "You two can begin doing whatever down below tomorrow. The rest of us will finish building up here."

"Got it." Zuri gave him a thumbs up. "Will we be installing electricity or no?"

"In the manor? No we won't. We'll be using those magic lamps so we can still act normal to these people. But you may use it down there where you'll no doubt be spending most of your days. But I say for now, we eat. I'm starving."

"Me too." Makena held her growling stomach. "My saturation bars are also almost down completely. Funny how we don't lose the ability to run now when we're starving."

"I think we do." Steve said. "But we're just so fast now thanks to our Falnas, there really isn't that much of a difference. Just another kink of the shadow realms trying to make sense of our powers."

"Well either way, it's cool. Now I'm going to whip up a nice dinner." Makena puffed out her bosom. "I think we've all earnt it."

"Lay easy on the oil this time Kay."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. And no 'fried chicken' either I suppose?"

"Your words, not mine."


"You really sure you want to be using that stuff for the flooring?" Alex asked as Steve laid down warped fungus for some of the flooring upstairs.

"Yeah, why?" Steve looked at her as he continued to place them down.

"Well I don't know...I'm pretty sure they don't have blue wood in this world. Or crimson wood for that matter. Don't you think it'll be a tiny bit strange for any visitors we have?"

"They'll get over it." Steve said. "And besides, I think it compliments the gilded blackstone inside of our manor."

"I'm not so certain Steve. Your taste in aesthetics and colours has always been...strange to say the least."

"Trust me, it'll work."

"Fine, I won't push on it anymore." Alex huffed and folded her arms as she leaned against the door. "At least, what kind of carpets are you putting down in the hallways for the crimson floors?"

"Standard black carpets shouldn't hurt the eye. By the way, hang things like paintings and stuff along the walls so that we have something nice to look at as we walk along these halls."

"And stick some candles or torches here and there too?" Alex rolled her eyes. "Is this a manor or a haunted house?"

"It can be that way if you like."

"Whatever. And I suppose the big room is yours at the top of the main building?"


"Steve, that room is the size of somebody's house."

"Considering the kind of things I'll be doing in there, it may very well do as a house. I've even got a lovely kitchenette going on in there too,"

"And a giant bed, and a staircase leading to a luxurious leisure area on the roof that has a glass dome, complete with its own swimming pool and bath house. You also had a ton of bookshelves placed in there too filled to the brim with spell books and storybooks. I think I can guess exactly what you plan on doing in there."

"You got me." Steve held his hands up. "By the way, Zuri and Ari haven't come back up for two days now. They good or what?"

"They're fine. I went to check up on them." Alex rolled her eyes. "Of course since they have to lay out all those wirings and clothe the whole place in metal, while also installing those machines, it's taking them a while. But they've made good progress."

"Well I have no clue on what's being built down there." Steve said. "They were the ones who drew out the plan for the underground base. What they'll be spending their time on there, I couldn't care...just as long as Ari doesn't set off a nuke."

"They're both scientists Steve. I've got no doubt they'll be doing some shady stuff down there."

"Perhaps. But if they are trying to develop warheads, I'm not letting that happen in this world. If they think they absolutely must, I'll open a Gate down there to a fresh seed, and they can continue their tests in that world."

"Yeah well, if you don't teach them any discipline, they'll take their liberties." Alex began walking away. "Sunny's just about done with the garden. It's looking beautiful. You should come and see it once you're done here."

"Will do." Steve said. "By the way, has Makena finished with the new kitchen?"

"Even in it's incomplete state, palace kitchens probably couldn't match it." Alex said. "Though she did request that a little bit of power is directed up her from the underground so she can use electric cookers. I don't think she has the patience for woodfire."

"Tell her I said no. There is to be no electricity in the mansion...I don't mind red-stone contraptions but no electric currents are running through these walls, you hear me?"

"Tell that to her yourself. Not me. And by the way, she's also finished the mould for the new main gate." Alex flicked her ponytail at him and went on her way, leaving a grumbling Steve to himself.

"Oh well...we'll be done tomorrow. And just in time for a special event too..." Steve rubbed his hands as he thought of his special day tomorrow. The reality of him being in this fantasy world fell upon him once again. He had to pinch himself to make sure just one more time that this was no dream. He then wondered about how time had flown so quickly. He'd been in this world for over a month. And yet it felt as if a only a few minutes had gone by

But whatever he faced in this world, he definitely wouldn't trade any of these moments away to go back to his new world. Oh no...because there was so much more out there. The Gate didn't just connect to Minecraft worlds but it also potentially connected to other universes. He could count about fifteen new places he already wanted to go to once he had his fill of this world.

He was still just getting started.


"Aaaaannnnnd, finished!" Steve said as he slammed the newly installed golden gates shut to the Inner Sanctum. He walked back a little to stand amongst his friend as they all gazed at their handiwork.

While the large space of the Outer Sanctum behind them was empty, the inner one was fully complete. A second wall hugged the sides of two large yet beautiful golden gates, beyond which laid sacred ground that only kings could feel comfortable waking through.

There were gardens of fruit trees and warped fungus trees that lined a pathway. What was not pathway was instead rectangular flower beds marked off by polished diorite slabs and in the middle most part of the front courtyard where all this was going on was a marble multi-tiered fountain, at the top of which was a solid gold statue of Ptah, water sprouting out of his outstretched hand that fell upon the fountain and created a water fall that filled all the pools in each tier.

But the manor itself was another story. Steve had designed it off a portrait he'd once seen of a palace upon the river Nile. There were three different floors to it that became smaller as you went up with the top floor being the smallest. It was kind of similar to the structure of those old step pyramids. Great big pillars held up the roofs and were embedded in the outside walls of every layer besides the bottom most one. The ground floor was in actuality the cellars and storerooms, while there was a staircase leading up to the main entrance which was on the second floor, through which you entered into the Main Hall.

The outside walls of the bottom floor were covered in ancient Egyptian style carvings that Steve had taken from the history book he'd given to Ptah. Those carvings were really depictions of the actual mythological figure of Ptah in Steve's old world, and it served to inflate the little god's ego as he stared at his Manor which his children had built. Because it was truly his in every way. Even if his children died and moved on, this house would be his forever.

The overall size of the manor was actually much bigger than the Twilight Manor and even Folkvangr and already hundreds upon hundred of people had gathered around the outside of the Ptah Familia compound to gaze upon this magnificent dark structure. 

Dark because the entire thing was made out of blackstone and in some parts of other materials. But Steve and his crew had chiselled out even more giant carvings into the stone walls and had run molten gold through them, so now those carvings shone brightly in the sunlight. It was the hurried talk of the town as this house practically symbolised great wealth and mighty power, all of which the Ptah Familia had in abundance. The Minecrafters compared it to a bastion remnant because of how they'd made the outside look.

And it had only taken them four days to build this grand thing.

"Let's hold a massive party to celebrate!" Ptah exclaimed. "We'll pull out all the best food and best wine and we are going to party like never before!"

"I wouldn't mind that." Alex nodded. "After all that hard work, I'd say we've earned the chance for a nice party."

"Then I'll start cooking right away!" Makena flexed her arms. "If we're having a party, then we are going to feast properly!"

"Who are we inviting by the way?" Efe asked as her eyes sparkled, appreciating the fruit of their extreme labour. "Just our friends?"

"Nah, you know what?" Steve said. "We'll do it Ganesha's way. Let's just throw out invitations all around. Efe, Noor and Zuri have got magic seals in place so we can keep any troublemakers in line. And Bathsheba is prowling the grounds with the other wargs so we can be quite confident for security."

And indeed, there were nine wargs familiarising themselves with the grounds, making sure to spread their scent everywhere and mark this place as their territories. Immediately every rat, feral cat and feral dog that tried to get in high-tailed it from there as they picked up those scents. Eight of the wargs followed obediently behind their mother as she leapt up on the roof and howled at the sky.

"Well, they're definitely enjoying themselves." Kai said. "I can write the fastest, so I'll do the invitations."

"Wait!" Ptah held up his hand. "We need to give our new home a name."

"A name?" Noor asked. "Do we have to?"

"Of course! It's standard. All the other Familia have got names for their houses so why shouldn't we?"

"Well then maybe you should do it." Ari suggested. "I guess it's your house after all."

"Usually I would do that." Ptah smiled. "But we cannot deny that there is only one person who started all of this. If it hadn't been for him, I'd still be impoverished in a dusty little grotto and you all would be stuck leading the same boring lives. If it hadn't been for him, none of this would have been possible." Ptah turned to the person in question as did the rest of the gathering. "So I believe, he should be the one to name our new home."

They all looked at the 'honoured' person expectantly.

"Don't try and pull that with me." Steve said. "You just don't want to pull out a name that is ass and then get trashed on for it."




"Yeah you're right about that." Ptah admitted. "But still, I genuinely want you to be the one to do it Steve. Come on, just give it a go."

"Yeah, that's right. After all, this whole thing was your doing." Sunny said. "We just went along with your plan."

"Alright I get it!" Steve said exasperatedly. "Way to make me responsible for everything."

"First rule of leadership." Alex lifted a finger. "Everything is YOUR fault."

"Shut up. Let me think." Steve said as he rubbed his temples.


Now that Steve thought about it, the manor did also look a bit like a temple. And if he remembered his history correctly, the Great Temple of Ptah was situated in the first capital city of ancient Egypt, a city which was believed to be under that deity's protection during the first days.

And that name became quite sacred in history as that capital city would go on to become the mighty province that was Egypt's vast empire, all starting from Ptah being worshipped as probably the first deity of that pantheon. And even though the city name was kept, worship of him dwindled quite a bit.

So to immortalise that name with Ptah in this world, Steve had to give the name of that city to this manor. The name of that city was more popularly known by its Greek equivalent. But the name itself was more masculine sounding to his ears than the original name. And the Greek name of that city was...

"I got it." Steve said as he turned to his group with a proud smile and his fists on his hips. "From now on, we shall call this place...Memphis Manor.


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