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83.67% DXD: Revenge of the forgotten / Chapter 41: Chapter 41: Trini And Tiamat’s Revenge.

Chương 41: Chapter 41: Trini And Tiamat’s Revenge.

[AN: Hello there Guys,

Sorry for the Late update. I was supposed to update Chapter 41 yesterday, but I forgot to select publish and only saved it in the drafts.

Also sorry about the late updated for the last 3 weeks. It have been hectic for me in the office. I had to travel from here and there. The chapters did not come out as I hoped. I had to delete 2 to 3 drafts before updating somewhat acceptable chapters.

I will have busy schedule till Jan 2. But I will try to upload Chapter daily. Thank you for patience and support. Please enjoy the chapters.]

Ereshkigal's soul was separated from her body. Trini buried Ereshkigal's body in Kur. She then sent her soul to the reincarnation circle. Even though she wanted her soul to be mortal one till the end of time, after few considerations, she put some restrictions on her soul and made it so that she will be given chances to ascend after a millennium. After that she will be able to regain her memories of being goddess after few rebirths or if she was able to reach Chaos class.

Tiamat then said, "I know you did make it so because she is the only one who regained her sanity in this useless Pantheon. But the punishment was a cruel one even if I had to say so myself."

Trini replied, "No, considering the massacre they created, I would say my punishment was light. I even protected her soul for being harmed till she regains her memories. I would say I went easy on her."

Pyran then said in a confused voice, "So, what with the last message that you left for her. You gave a map for her to follow so that she will see what happened to her Pantheon after you both were done with them?" Tiamat was shocked and turned to Trini curiously.

Trini blushed got and flustered. She said in a flustered voice, "S-shut Up!!! No one asked you to open your mouth." Pyran and Tiamat were amused and looked at Trini with a curious look. Trini then sighed and said, "Even till the last moment, she tried to save her family. Even though she had some ulterior motives, her intent to save her family from harm is genuine. Don't tell me you did not feel that?"

Now Trini and Tiamat looked at him. Trini with a blaming look and Tiamat with a questioning look. Pyran then smiled at Trini and then nodded his head at Tiamat, "Yes, although there was small part of unwillingness, deception and greed, most of her intent was to save her siblings and children." The he turned to Trini and asked, "So, what have you decided? Will you provide the same opportunity or will you keep the same punishment that you informed Ereshkigal?"

Trini then looked at Pyran with a determined expression and said, "I will keep my word. But I will decide if any of them have any leeway for the same treatment as Ereshkigal. If not, they will all be dealt with and will have to continue their reincarnation as mortals. But during the end of their each life they will recover all their memories, so that they will understand why they are facing this punishment. After 2 millennium, my protection over their souls will be removed but the punishment will continue. It will last till their souls get disintegrated or obliterated."

Pyran and Tiamat nodded at her decision. Then Tiamat asked, "So, will we go directly to the Garden of gods or shall we wait her for their arrival?"

Trini thought for a moment and said, "Let's go to them directly. We can first start to talk to them and ask for their explanation. We can give them few days to think about their situation. We can decide their punishment after their answer."

Tiamat looked confused about why they were given time to think about their answer. She just thought that they can go directly and ask for explanation. It they reply correctly, they can reduce their sentence. If not, they will immediately obliterate them.

Seeing her look, Pyran and Trini understood her thought process. Trini was having a headache and Pyran was trying to hold back his laugh. Trini sent a Glare towards him. Pyran immediately gathered himself and answered, "Tia, Trini wanted to see who were all worthy for the same punishment as Ereshkigal and who were not. If they came to with the same attitude as Ereshkigal or atleast a small part of the same attitude, they will have a chance. If they try to deceive us or attack us, they will be punished to be mortal for eternity."

Tiamat now understood Trini's reasoning. After pondering over the thought a bit, she accepted. Its not like she will lose anything for waiting for few more days. She has already waited for all these years, so, few days will not hurt.

The trio then made their way to the Garden of gods after clearing out Kur. They made the dimension to be controlled under eternity and the control was given to the Plane. The Plane gave the dimension a consciousness with a potential to get its own body in the future. For now, it will manage Kur. But after few eons, it will evolve into God/goddess of death.

In the Garden of gods, it was a chaos. They were not sure what happened within 2 months, they lost 2 gods. One was Lilith who was abandoned for almost 5000 years. The recent one was Ereshkigal. Kur was completely wiped out and they lost connection with it. Enki asked the other gods, "Can someone please explain to me what is happening. How did we lose Ereshkigal and Kur in a span of 2 hours."

Enlil said in a worried tone, "Nobody knows. It's like Ereshkigal was alive just a second ago and then vanished. And Kur was violently stripped of from the Graden forcibly. All of us present, are in the dark. Ereshkigal also did not send any request for help or send any information. The opponent must've been too strong. Or else she would have sent something to request for help or at least warn us of the danger."

Nammu said in a scared tone, "Are they picking us one by one. First, it was Lilith, now Ereshkigal next, may be other one that are out there. Have they been warned?"

Enki said in an emotionless tone, "Everyone was called in. So, there is no need to be worried. If they are no present that is their own risk. What we have to concentrate now is to find who it was and what is their motive."

Enlil supported him by saying, "Yes, if it is some kind of misunderstanding, we can negotiate and save ourselves from any more retaliation. If not, we have to ready for a war."

Utu then asked in a suspicious tone, "Enlil, Inanna, did the two of you stir up any problems again. If then, please do not hide anything. At least we can find some counter measures for it. We all know that you bring your troubles that might lead to war every now and then and we have to clean up your mess every time. So, this is not the time for any of your games. The opponent is not something that we can handle, if they killed 2 gods and take control of Kur even without our notice."

Enlil and Inanna got angry as soon as they heard Utu. He phrased it in a way that if it is their problem, he will gladly let them handle it instead. This is what they usually do so they are unable to retort. So, Inanna spoke with a gritted tooth, "After the last warning from brother, I didn't even go out to get new toys. Don't go throwing accusation. Maybe it was you who caused problems with your stuck-up personality,"

Enlil joined, "Yes, I was just minding my own business in the Garden. Not like I was allowed to go out. Brother already banned me from leaving the Garden for 500 years, since he came back from the Eternity. I still got 400 years to leave."

Like that they all started throw blame onto one another. Enki got fed up and shouted with authoritative tone, "ENOUGH! You are all gods! Act like one! Cease this barbaric behaviour at this instance!"

All went quite when they heard Enki's tone. Worst of all, they felt the full brunt of Enki's power, pressuring down them. Although some like Enlil, Inanna and few others were dissatisfied, they don't want to face Enki's wrath. So, they kept quiet.

When Enki wanted to say something, there was a disturbance in space in the hall. There was someone trespassing their defence and teleporting directly into the heart of the Garden of Gods. Everyone went to alert and prepared for battle. They were not sure who it was but they can feel they are very strong. Only the old gods felt the familiar energy that they haven't felt in a long time.

Pyran, Trini and Tiamat teleported into the hall where all the gods were gathered. As soon as they were in, they were able to see all the gods present in the hall. Tiamat scanned the hall and said, "Good! All of them were here. We don't have to wait for them to assemble to inform them about our visit."

The statement made Trini feel a headache coming and the Sumerian gods felt their temples twitch with anger and frustration. Trini then sighed and said, "Tiamat, can you please let me do the talking? I really wanted to get this done in a smooth way. Please don't put a wrench in my plans!" Then she turned to Pyran with a look saying, 'help me keep her quiet.'

Pyran was amused and when Trini sent the glare, he smiled wryly and pulled Tiamat back holding her head in a vice grip. Tiamat felt that her head might burst with pressure and started to shout and plead Pyran, "Hey Pyran! Let me go! Don't make me angry! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Please Pyran! Let me go! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! I feel like my brain will come out! You should really respect your elders! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

Trini sighed again and then turned to the Sumerian gods. Few of them looked bewildered and few were confused, but few looked like they recognized them. Trini then said in an indifferent tone, "Let me introduce myself and my companions. I'm Trinity Hyperion Hexaron. The man over there is my lover and fiancé, Pyranos Grenzaros. And you might have recognised her, she is Chaos Karma Dragon, Tiamat. Me and Pyran are the leaders of Chaos originals and Tiamat, let's just saw she is my niece, just like you all."

All the Sumerian gods were shocked. They all slowly start to realize what was happening. The Chaos originals have come for payback. But it also seems like they came here for talks. Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Nanna, Ki, Otu and few more felt like they still had a chance. Moreover, Inanna and Enlil looked at Pyran and Trini with strong desire and lust.

Inanna was thinking, 'What a beautiful man!! I really want you to be under me. Begging and licking my foot so that I will grace you with my love. I want you! I will have you!' They she was having rough breathing and was smiling like a predator who found her prey. Enlil was thinking along the same line towards Trini.

This was not gone unnoticed by all the others. All present there know what the personalities of those two were and just ignored them. Sumerians were more concerned about what the three wanted from them rather than what Inanna and Enlil were planning. All can wait until they concluded the reason for the sudden barging. They all vaguely know the reason but they wanted confirmation.

Trini sent a cold look towards Inanna and Enlil. She then addressed the Sumerian gods and said, "I'm the younger sister of Your mother, Primordial goddess of Life and Water, Tiamat. I have come for the explanation for my sister's death and abandonment of my niece, Lilith."

The Sumerians confirmed their guesses and they all turned to Enki nervously. Enki was thinking what to reply and said, "It is good to meet you Ms. Trinity. I would like to apologize for your loss but Mother was trying to kill us and you cannot expect us to wait for our own death, right? As for Lilith, she was the one that disobeyed the rule I set and went on her own. I cannot risk the safety of others for her own desire. If you need detailed explanation, I'm glad to provide. If you please, could you please come with me to the guest hall."

Trini did not change her expression and said in an impassive tone, "No need. If you could please explain as I stand here." This made Enki tense but he still did convey his reasons. He gave the same explanation as Ereshkigal but all the fault was placed on Tiamat and Abzu. He victimized themselves and made Tiamat and Abzu as the villains. He finished, "Mother and Father got obsessed with power and wanted to devour us. That was why we took a stand against her. We tried to reason with her but she was not in the right state of mind even after we defeated her. Left with no choice, we had to kill her to save ourselves."

All this while, Inanna and Enlil were using their charm magic on Pyran, Trini and Tiamat. This was not gone unnoticed by Enki, but he let them do that as he can see that they are starting to take effect. Even if they break out, he could always send Inanna and Enlil as the scapegoat. At least, he will be able to get rid of the two trouble makers once and for all.

Trini was so pissed off by the bullshit reasoning given by Enki. Ereshkigal atleast owned up to her wrong doings. She was standing there digesting all the words from Enki like she was in a Trance. Pyran and Tiamat were also speechless and was not sure what they could say towards the shameless reason.

Inanna thinking that the charm magic works due to their Trance like state, laughed and said in a haughty tone, "Hahaha!! All that Bravado and only to be charmed by me. It seems like they were no big deal. We will have the new pantheon under our feet Just like that!!"

Enki was sceptical at first but looking at their reaction, he slowly started to believe that they were under their control. Enlil went towards Trini with a lecherous smile and said, "Oh! How I will slowly break down that arrogance. I am aroused just by thinking about it! Not just one but two dolls to break!"

Inanna was near Trini and she looked at her face and said, "So what Bitch! Yes, we killed your sister! We coveted her power! But that whore just sent most of her power directly to the human world! What are you going to do about that! Huh? Just you wait till my brother breaks you. I will make you a common slut and throw you to the minators in my personal dungeon!"

Enki was now completely sure that they are charmed. As the god of love and a chief god working in Tandem with the charm magic, even Shiva would be charmed without being able to get out. So, he said, "Make sure you break them all and get all the information that we want. Then send them with a command stating that Eternity will belong to us."

Enlil and Inanna wanted to rebuke but when they looked at Enki, they felt they will be dead if they said otherwise. They reluctantly agreed but when they looked at Pyran, Trini and Tiamat, all their dissatisfaction went away just by thinking about how they will play with their body.

Just when Inanna moved passed Trini, a hand chocked her and lifted her from the floor. When Inanna followed the hand, she saw something that made every fibre of her being scream danger. Trini's eyes changed into a reptilian eye. She was sending the gaze of the beast of the end directly towards Inanna. Pyran was doing the same with Enlil but his fury was that like of a Apocalypse dragon.

Tiamat was standing infornt of Enki, who was just shocked and feeling that they have just stepped into a hell that they never might get out of. He can feel the anger of Tiamat that was materialized around her. He can also feel the same energy signature of their mother from Tiamat. He then saw his mother's image superimposing with Tiamat. That was when he heard Trini say,

"I was thinking that I should kill you all painlessly after giving you few days to think about your wrong doings in respect for Ereshkigal. But it seems my good intentions will be wasted here. Tiamat, kill them all! Avenge your mother and my sister. Let them see your wrath. I will take care of this slutty whore here. She has already made enough problems in here."

Pyran said, "I will handle this organism. It is not very useful to the world anymore." He did not even treat Enlil as a God. He can see Inanna sending a pitiful look towards him hoping that he was charmed by her. He just looked at her with disgust. This made Inanna turned to Trini and plead for mercy. But Trini ignored her plea and dragged her by the hair to torture her. 

By the week ended, the whole Garden of gods was pained in blood by Tiamat. She was sitting in the throne, playing with Enki's head which had the look of despair etched in it. Trini and Pyran joined her after taking care of Enlil and Inanna separately. The day marked the end of Sumerian Pantheon. 

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