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57.14% DXD: Revenge of the forgotten / Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Return of Trini and Nina

Chương 28: Chapter 28: Return of Trini and Nina

After Trini and Nina started their journey, they first went to Underworld. Trini wanted to see where Pyran grew up. They did not go see the Gremory, they went to the abandoned Territory. Trini explored the town and then they went to the Mansion. Nina gave a full tour and Trini explored the house with great curiosity. 

They spent the month there and Nina took Trini to all the places that Pyran trained, atleast the ones she knows of. After getting to know the terrain, they went back to the Human world. Nina asked Trini if she wanted to see the Gremory house. She has seen it when they came for some reconnaissance. But Trini rejected that by saying, "I might not be able to hold myself back and kill them. I don't want to do that. They all will pay their debt in due time."

Then they went to human world. They decided that they will first visit Mesopotamia. Trini wanted to visit Ereshkigal in the dead realm. But it was rejected by Nina. They will only go there for mapping the territory and will come back with out causing any trouble. Nina insisted on that. Because she knows about Trini's short fuse. She gave the same statement that Trini gave when she talked about Gremory's, "You might not be able to hold yourself back and wipe out the whole Pantheon. They will pay their debt in due time."

Trini was speechless and didn't talk to Nina for whole 2 hours. But after that she was unable to hold her anger. She just let it go and started to enjoy the trip. They visited all places they can. They tried all the new cuisines and experienced the life style of the Mesopotamians. Also, there were many temples of the Sumerian gods. Nina had to hold down Trini from destroying the temples with blackmails and threats. Even the Plane had to intervene to keep her in check. 

After a year of stay, Nina decided that they had to leave this place as Trini was getting more restless as the days goes by. While leaving, Trini was able to find a member for her Team. Then the group of three left the place and started traveling to Europe. 

They were able to experience a totally different culture in the European countries. They traveled all over Europe for 3 years and Trini added 2 new members to her team. She also made a note that she has to spent some time in European countries during the vacation with Pyran. 

As they traveled, they were able to see that Christianity was wide spread in Europe and they are almost fanatical about it. It started to get on Trini's nerves. Wherever they go, they will meet atleast 2 Christians a day who will approach them to get converted. And Trini was getting pissed because this was the guy who sealed her.

Infact, if the people came with good intensions, she will not be this mad. But all those who came by were leering at their bodies while talking righteously. That was when Nina decided that it was a good time to jump countries. It was Nina this time who was at the verge of causing a mass murder. 

It was due to a nobleman, who was getting too comfortable with them. They were staying in England for learning about Queen Victoria. She was ruling the country very well and her method of conquering other countries were simply an art. But they were getting constantly disturbed by a son of Marquess. He was completely an eyesore and was constantly trying to get them both to his mansion. 

At one point he was starting to sound threat at them. This ticked off Nina very much. This time it was Trini holding her back from completely decimating a noble house of England. If they did not have anyone accompanying them, Trini would have joined her in destroying the house. But, one of the member Trini added to her team was from England. And she told her that the Marquess and the Marchioness are good people and they are well respected among the commoners. 

So, Nina decided that they will move away from England. Once they decided they started to move towards Russia. During the travel, they were able to hear that a Marquess son was sending out soldiers to apprehend 5 French spies from escaping. They had a portrait of all the team member along with Trini's and Nina's. They immediately contacted Shina to send someone for altering the pictures and misdirect their tail.

They then traveled to Imperial Russia. During their stay there, they were able to experience a rule of an Emperor who had a leash on everyone. Alexander III was a dictator. He ruled Russia with an Iron fist. But he was flexible. He formed an alliance with France and conquered central Asia. Both Trini and Nina stayed there for 2 years along with the members of Trini's team. 

Once they got fed up with Russia, they traveled to India. On their way to India, they stayed in Afghanistan for 6 months. It was mainly due to Trini, she took pity on impoverished village and stayed there to help them. After 6 months, they left the village adding a new team member. When they reached India, they were met with a totally different atmosphere.

During their stay, they were able to experience a different and colorful country. They were also able to see the British ruling a country with a population of around 200 million only with about a million soldiers and officers. They were also able to meet with a interesting pair of Duchess and her Dame. They both looked naïve and looked at the world with tinted glasses. They stayed there for a year and started to travel again. While leaving India, Trini nabbed a Indian princess for her team. 

Then they traveled around the world for next 2.5 years not staying more that a month in each place. When they completely traveled around Australia, Trini almost filled her team. She only had a [Supporter] Piece left and she saved it for one particular person.

It was time to return to their home. Both of them learned and experienced so many things. It helped them grow as a person. Now Trini can say that she has the right to stand beside Pyran and help him share his troubles. She had her team filled with 2 male and 7 female. 

They set their travel back to their home. Both were eager to see their family after a long time. They wanted to share their experience with them. 

Within the Dimension. 

It was the start of a new year enrolment of college students. There are about 100 colleges within the dimension. Each college recruits about 500-1000 students a year. This year there are about 300k students enrolling. It was 50% higher than last year. 

Now in the University city, the students gathered for their inauguration ceremony. All the members of Royal family will be present. If they were lucky, then can hear a speech from one of them. Usually, it will be Shina or Gilbur giving the Speech.

The inauguration went without a hitch. And the time for the speech came and suddenly someone teleported to the stage. When Pyran sensed the energy signature, he became ecstatic. It was Trini who teleported in. Shina and Gilbur also got excited when Nina teleported near them. They all hugged and waited for Trini's speech. They were sure that Trini was planning to give the speech.

Trini then gazed at Pyran and then turned to the crowed of students. She then smiled at them. The students were mesmerized by her smile. Some were even thinking of talking to her after her speech. Trini cleared her throat and said, "Hello there Kidoos, How are you doing?" Her voice was very melodic and sweet but when the students heard her calling them 'kidoos', they were heart broken. But they still held on to a little hope that she with be their senior. But the next sentence shattered their dreams.

"I'm Trinity Hyperion Hexaron. Fiancé of Pyranos Grenzeros. Nice To meet you all." It was then all of them got chills on their spine. They were eyeing the fiancé of the head of royal family. They hopped they will not be killed the next second.

"I know what you are all thinking, but be rest assured. I will ask him not to do anything to you guys. I'm sure he will let this slide." She said with a smile. They were relived but then Trini said, "I think?" with a mischievous smile. The students were crying in their hearts, 'It was not a reassuring at all.'

Trini was happy with their reaction and continued, "Anyway, let's move on to the congratulation speech, shall we?" and the students calmed down and listened.

Trini continued, "All present here knows how long we have fought to get this community up and running. So, I don't have to remind you of all the woes and struggles. You all have spent blood, sweat and tears to achieve this or atleast your parent have. So, I will not speak about that. What I will speak about is what you should look forward and what you should be aware of. Before that let me tell you a small story.

During the last 10 years, I was traveling all around the world on a journey to experience and learn. I wanted to understand myself and my core values. So, after consulting with my family, me and my sister traveled all around the world to find ourselves within us. 

During the journey, I met all kinds of people. Experienced all kinds of feeling. But only one thing struck me deeply. During my travel in the European countries, I passed by a small village in the outskirts of France, I met with a father and daughter pair. The father was sending his daughter to an orphanage with a disgusted look towards her daughter.

The daughter was crying to the man to not to leave her. But the father just ruthlessly pushed her away and started to scold her. The girl got so scared and started to cry and shake in fear. Then the matron from the Orphanage came and took the little girl in before the man can do something more violent. 

I was so enraged that I wanted to beat the man black and blue right then and there. Since I don't want to make a scene, I just followed him until he was in an isolated place. I got the chance and got ready to beat him. But then I heard a sobbing sound. 

I was confused and scanned the place. There no one other than me, my sister and the man. I turned to my sister to see if she was crying but no, she was as confused as I am. That when we both heard a wail that shook us to our core. The man, the little girl's father was there on the ground, crying his heart out. He was repeating, 'Sorry my baby,' in a heart wrenching tone. 

This made both me and my sister curious and confused. We were not sure why the man would do such a cruel thing an hour ago and only to come cry in a corner. So, me and my sister started to investigate.

That's when we got the whole story. The father, his wife and his daughter lived in the outskirts of the village. They were leading a happy life, but one day the lord of the territory visited the village for an inspection. When the lord saw the man's wife, he was mesmerized by her beauty and coveted her. So, he asked the man and his wife to meet him at the village chief's mansion. 

When they went there, the lord proposed to the man's wife that if she came with him and become his bedwarmer, he will give her the wealth and riches that she can only dream of. This enraged the man, but his wife stopped him. The man thought that she will decline him, but she did the unthinkable and accepted the offer.

After that she dragged the man home and told him that she was doing this for him and their daughter. She told him that if she did not agree, the lord will send soldiers to their home and will take her forcefully and might even kill him and their daughter. The Man understood what she was trying to do, but it still a bitter pill to swallow.

After she went away, the man was heartbroken and turned to alcohol. But he still loved his daughter with all his heart. Only he did not show it after his wife went with the Lord. This went on for a year until they moved to a different village for a fresh start. 

One day, when he was drinking his sorrows away, he saw his wife coming with the lord to that village. He was shocked and ecstatic. But when he saw that his wife was wearing luxurious dress and jewelry, happily walking around with the Lord, his world came crashing down.

He wanted to meet his wife alone to clear his doubts. He waited for a chance and he got one. His wife came to a lady's gathering with the village Chief's wife. When he wanted to go there and talk to her, he was able to overhear her mocking and humiliating him and his daughter. 

After hearing that he got angry but held it in. Then he went to his home took his daughter to the Orphanage and the rest is what we saw at the beginning. The father treated his daughter poorly because he wanted her to hate him and live her own life. 

If she grew up and got to know what her mother did, she will break down. So, he was planning to kill that woman and the lord. He might get killed so he wanted someone to take care of her. That was why he left her in the Orphanage in a harsh manner. 

After the investigation me and my sister was at a loss to what to do. Before we could decide, we got the new that someone tried to assassinate the lord got killed during the attempt. We both were so distressed that we left there soon as we could. 

But while traveling back to home, we wanted to check on the little girl. We wanted to see if she was doing alright and see if we could take her with us. The guilt of not trying to save a honest man was gnawing us from the inside.

When we reached the village, we immediately went to the orphanage to check on the little girl. That's when we got the news that the little girls mother came after the man tried to kill her. She visited the orphanage and humiliated the little girl and told her everything. Just last year the little girl turned 15, went straight to the Lord's fiefdom. After 6 months they got the news that the Lord's mansion was burned to the ground along with the lord and his family inside. They never heard from the girl after that.

We both panicked and went to search for her. At last, we found her, lying dead near her father tombstone with a carefree smile on her face with a blade in hand and a wound in her throat."

The whole area was in a somber mood. Trini continued, "I told you this story because, we learned that each and every decision, will have its own consequences. Also, each and every hesitation leads to some consequences which will make you regret in the later. So, I ask you to take your decisions after careful consideration and if the decision was made don't hesitate. Do it if you have the power, if not don't hesitate to ask for help. If your decision is for the good, no one here will hesitate to help you.

Please learn as much as you can. Try new things and if you fail, then learn to get up and try to do the thing without fail. We may fall down and get hurt. But never dwell on the fall and lose your confidence. Stand back up make sure you will not fall again."

Trini the gazed directly at Pyran and said, "That how we will grow as a person and will learn to stand up and face our problems head on. Share the burdens of you loved ones. Lead a life full of colors."

This was her way of saying, 'I came back to help you and will never leave your side again.' Pyran understood this and was very proud of her. The students roared with applause. But amidst all that Trini only had her vision on Pyran and Pyran only had Trini in his vision. The gazes told each other many things but most of all it told, 'I missed you and I love you!'

[AN: I tried really hard to include Nichola Tesla as the last member. but after several drafts, I was not satisfied with how it turned out. So, I finally made the decision that Astrid will be the Last member. I don't want to take few more days to get any more inspiration. Thank you for your support!!]

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