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100% Kal Son of Odin / Chapter 56: Chapter 56 - Hunting (4)  

Chương 56: Chapter 56 - Hunting (4)  

(Avenger's Tower – New York City – May 4th, 2015)

The Avengers were hard at work in their attempts to locate Ultron; poring over records, tracking global surveillance feeds, pulling on every thread and drawing on every available resource. All the while, Kal stood to the side, feeling all but useless amongst his fellows for the first time. Even with the destruction of Kelex and the Fortress, he should have been able to aid in the hunt, but their quarry was elusive. The realm of Midgard was vast, loud, and heavily populated and the enemy AI would no doubt be prepared to hide from his incredible sight.

"What ails you, brother?" Thor asked as he walked towards him. The eldest Odinson was freshly returned from placing loved ones on Asgard. "You look rather like Volstagg after that time Sága beat him at drinking games for 2 weeks straight."

"I feel adrift, like a ship without a sail, watching others in the fleet battle the storm whilst I am left to be battered by it, pushed from here to there," Kal replied. His arms were crossed over his chest as he watched Steve and Maria Hill walking up the stairs to rejoin the others.

"Oh-ho! You now know how I felt all those years, next to you, Loki and Sif," Thor chuckled, earning a raised eyebrow and questioning look. "Oh come now, I wasn't exactly great at planning, investigating or tracking people. People gloss over those parts of an adventure but most of the time I stood around bored and feeling pretty useless."

"You were always there when I needed you, brother," Kal responded, lifting a hand and placing it on his brother's shoulder giving it a tight squeeze. "Although I am surprised it took you so long to ferry our allies to the safety of Asgard. I expected you back yesterday"

"Father was being…. odd. I think the past few years are laying more heavily than we thought they would" Thor stated after struggling to find the right word for his father's strangest, it was almost like he had been another person. "However, in the end, he accepted the urgency of the situation and agreed to take action if needed."

"And that is the only reason for your delay?" Kal's eyes glinted with a hint of mischief. "It had nothing to do with a certain Doctor, and the two of you being alone?"

"Brother, to borrow a Midgardian phrase a 'a gentleman never tells.'" Thor's response was given with an

equally if not more mischievous grin.

The small rapport caused both brothers to begin chuckling and significantly lightened Kal's mood. For a few moments, they could leave their present troubles and inhabit their younger selves. From a time when they were young and carefree battle was exciting and the issues that caused them or the aftermath were not their concern. However, the moment quickly ended as reality returned to them as Kal watched Maria Hill and Steve appear on the steps deep in discussion about Ultron, the look on the Super Soldier's face did not bear good tidings.

"Come it appears Steve has news," Kal nodded towards Steve, causing the two brothers to move forward and join the rest of the group.

"What's the latest, Cap?" Nat asked as she looked up from the pad she was working on causing the room's attention to focus on the man.

"Well, it's not good at all. First, it looks like Ultron has recruited the Maximoffs to his cause. We've got reports of metalmen attacking labs everywhere, along with Silver Blur taking people out and a lot of guys in a fugue state." Steve reported sighing as he took a pad for Maria placing it on the table displaying Von Strucker's mutilated body and a strange symbol painted in blood on the wall "And then there's that, Ultron killed Strucker, went through a dozen teams of heavily armed security personnel to do it."

"And he did a Bansky at the crime scene just for us," Tony grimaced at the bloody scene before tapping the tap and highlighting the symbol on the wall, "What's the symbol?"

"It's Kryptonian," Kal answered looking at the symbol causing his face to fall into a frown. "It means peace,"

"Poetic and creepy, but clearly a smokescreen," Nat spoke up. "Why send a message, when you've just given a speech?"

Steve nodded. "Strucker knew something Ultron wanted us to miss." he said, then crossed his arms

"Yeah, and I bet …" Nat leaned forward again her hands typing fast on the laptop in front of her before a snort escaped her lips. "Yeah, everything on Strucker is gone, and I mean everything anywhere on the net has been erased. I got a hand it to you boys when you create a super murder bot you build a very efficient super murder bot."

"Well, he can only erase the digital files, does anyone know if SHIELD kept hard copies?" Steve asked looking at the team his eyes focusing on Nat and Barton.

"I know a few people, let me make a few calls," Barton replied fishing his phone from his pocket and going to speed dial.

It didn't take too long before Nat and Clint's contacts came through and most of the meeting room was filled with SHIELD boxes and even a few filing cabinets. What followed was combing through a lifetime of records and the tedium of searching everything that could remotely be of interest. Kal had ended up by chance working with Banner and Kara going through the known associates section of the files.

"Strucker had a lot of friends," Kara scoffed as she picked up another file this time a French politician, lifting the picture to show the group "From all walks it seems, rich and powerful the lot of them."

"Well, everyone I've got is horrible," Banner replied, looking like the files he was holding was rotting food, gesturing to the files he had laid out before him. "I have got a got mercenaries, soleless corporations, actual dictators, and oh yes more than a few arms dealers."

"Wai. I know that guy, the one on the end. " Tony's statement caused the room to pause as Banner passed him the file. "From back in the day. Usef, Uriah, it was something with a U. OH, Ulysses Klaue, that was it. He operates off the East African coast, India and South East Asia. Very big mover, black market arms."

The statement caused Steve to give look Tony a very disappointed look with raised eyebrows. Tony for his part just rolled his eyes at Steve's eerily similar look his own late father Howard used to give him.

"There are conventions. All right? You meet people, and I didn't sell him anything." Tony defended himself shaking his head at Steve's judgmental gaze, "When I met him he was talking about how he had found something new, how he was going to get it no matter what, a game-changer. It was all very Ahab."

"Brother, is that what I think it is?" Thor's voice cut clear across the room as he moved to stand next to Kal a picture of Klaue in his hand pointing to a symbol burned into the man's neck.

"I believe it is," Kal's eyes widened as he looked at the brand burned into the man's neck, "It appears this Klaue has encountered the children of Bast. The brand declares to all that its bearer is a thief"

"Bast? The Egyptian cat goddess?" Kara asked looking between her uncle and father, remembering what she had learnt from her study of human religions. "Oh don't tell me there are cat people on Earth now too? Because I'm already trying to get used to everyone you introduced us to at the party."

"No, well, there are Cat people but they live in the Nether realms and are products of the sorcerer Ebrok, not connected to Bast." Kal conceded before shaking his head and refocusing on the task at hand "But that isn't important, no, the worshipers we seek are Midgardians residing in a place called Wakanda,"

The name caused Steve and Tony to look at each other, concern and shock mixed on both their faces.

"Game changer is right, if this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods," Tony's anxiety was barely hidden as he raised his hand up to his chin and started to stroke his goatee. "Well, that certainly would change everything.

"I thought that your father said he got the last of it." Steve turned to face Tony his own demeanour showing greater concern than before.

"I'm sorry, I don't follow," Bruce held up his hand causing both Tony and Steve to turn to look at the scientist. "What comes out of Wakanda? Apart from not-cat-people, which are a thing apparently."

"A great many things," Steve answered before turning to look at his shield that was propped up against the far wall drawing everyone's eye to it. "Including the strongest metal in the world,"

"Then there is only one question to be answered my friends," Kal's voice cut clear across the room grabbing everyone's attention, "Where is Klaue now?"

(Madripoor, Salvage Yards - Southeast Asia - May 6th, 2015)

The wreckage of the old cargo ship Churchill sat proudly in the rarely used section of the criminal cesspool which was Madripoor. Despite its outward appearance, its dilapidated shell hid inside a highly advanced and delicate operation that had taken years to build up. Teams of men moved highly advanced pieces of equipment and weapons throughout the structure for shipping across the world, whilst others worked to assemble new tools of death and destruction to be sold to the highest bidder.

"Look, I just need a little more time," Klaue ran his hand through his hair as he tried to keep worry from his voice, hating this conversation "Cutting edge cyber-gizmo stuff isn't easy to get and is more difficult to more, especially with those tight-wearing freaks attacking everything Hydra related. I'm being forced to leave Africa"

"My employer is not interested in excuses, you promised Cybertek's Project Deathlok weaponry and cybernetics," The strong female voice sounded through the speaker on his phone, he wasn't sure if he found her casual tone chilling or annoying. "We have our own projects that are being delayed by its absence, and I will remind you that you have already been paid."

"I understand, and I have it. I just can't move, yet, these are difficult times. If I could just speak with Governor Luth-" Klaue sighed as he tried to figure out how to hold the dogs at bay until he could move the dangerous equipment he had.

"WE DO NOT…use my employer's name" The woman's voice went dark before she paused to re-center herself and returned to her neutral casual tone. "You have 1 month to deliver the items, or you'll find my employer to be very unhappy,"

The statement was followed by an audible click as she ended the call before Klaue could speak an try to dig himself out of the near-impossible deadline. Klaue felt his blood boil at the sheer insolence in which he was being treated and before a calm head could prevail his hand swiped across the desk sending its context flying. He hated dealing with Luthor, the man was as arrogant as he was smart and it had only gotten worse since he won his Governorship and his new party had swept the elections last November. However, the man paid well and although he was as warm as a glacier the man was a good contact to have and knew the meaning of favours.

"Problems boss?" Klaue looked up to see his lieutenant had come in having heard his brief loss of control.

"It's nothing," Klaue mumbled out as he moved over and picked up his phone before sighing and handing it to his second and looking like he was swallowing something discussing "Call that Asian prick, Chu, and tell him whatever he wants he can have as long as he moves my shipment into the US before the end of the week."

"You got it, boss," The man nodded seeing that his boss was in no mood to be argued with or questioned and just quickly walked away.

Klaue returned to his now bare desk debating whether or not to clean up the mess his brief tirade had caused, whilst his mind also ran through the recent costs business. However, just as he started to calm down again the lights above him flickered, which wasn't uncommon given the old nature of the ship but then they flickered again. Darkness suddenly enveloped the room as every light on the ship went off. He instinctively reached for his pistol, pulling the weapon out in a quick flourish; however before he could cock it, a silver blur occurred and found his hand empty with his pistol on the table and the bullets lined neatly next to it.

"Ah, the enhanced. Strucker's prized pupils." Klaue smirked as he looked to his right to see Peitro standing glaring at the man with his arms crossed in front of his chest, undeterred he merely opened a draw on his desk and pulled out a bowl filled with wrapped candy, as Wanda appeared. "Do you want some candy? Hmmmm. No, more for me. I was sorry to hear about Strucker; he was a reliable buyer and supplier. However, he knew the type of world he was helping to create. Human life… not a growth market."

Pietro and Wanda paused at that, sharing a look that they failed to hide, which told Klaue all that he needed to know, they hadn't done it. Which meant that either Strucker's death was unrelated to the two, which was highly unlikely, or more likely they weren't the ones in charge. He rolled his eyes as he felt the tension leave his body, his concern that he was dealing with powerful enhanced people in control replaced by the knowledge they were just kids following orders.

"You didn't know that? Aww, this your first time intimidating someone?" Klaue asked as he popped a piece of candy into his mouth as he leaned back placing his hands on the back of his head. "I'm afraid, that I am not afraid. Sorry,"

"Everybody's afraid of something." Wanda menaced striding forward her eyes flashing red as she heard the voices urging to force the man to respect him

"Cuttlefish!" Klaue moved one hand snapping his fingers as he pointed at Wanda his demeanour still clam and his words causing her stop in confusion "Deep sea fish, they make lights, disco lights, whomp, whomp, whomp, to hypnotise their prey, and then whomp! I saw a documentary; it was terrifying. So, if you're going to fiddle with my brain, and make me see a giant cuttlefish, then I'll know you don't do business and I know you're not in charge. And I only deal with the man in charge."

Klaue just smirked as Wanda's fiery demonic red eyes dimed and changed back to normal as she looked at her brother who just grimaced. Klaue was feeling very confident until he suddenly felt himself lifted from his seat by his throat and held aloft the sudden speed of the event caused equal amount of alarm as the act itself. His vision was greeted by a humanoid figure well over 7 feet in height, whose eyes were obscured by a glowing yellow visor, all atop a metallic body that seemed to be made of millions of small interlocking crystals.

"There is no MAN in charge…" Ultron threw Klaue into the corridor, his body scraping along the floor until his momentum stopped, before he could react he found a foot placed on his chest as Ultron looked down at him "...Now, let's talk business."

"Now that is how you intimidate someone! Klaue just smiled at the large metallic man, an odd customer to be sure, but if there was one thing he was familiar with it was strong opening negotiation tactics. "So, what do you want?"

Klaue was still feeling sore as he led the trio of his newest potential buyers through his operation, his men parted quickly and eyed the strange trio which he couldn't blame them for. He had sold some very dangerous items to some strange and exotic individuals but this was certainly the far oddest group ever. As they reached their destination, the large secure vault in the centre of the ship, Klaue found himself eyeing the 7-foot-plus tall metal man and was starting to think this new world they were in was getting too odd and dangerous even for him and retirement might be the best idea.

However, for the moment he pushed the idea away as he reached his hand out and placed it on the security pad by the vault's entrance. Only his biometric signature could open the vault, it had cost him a fortune to get and another fortune to move around but the repository was worth every penny. It guarded his most prized and valued possession, as the vault opened up he clicked his neck and brought a hand to the brand burned into skin as he looked at his prize. A quarter ton of vibranium, sealed in metal cylinders with glass fronts to display the spoils within.

" 'And Rao reached into the dark places of the world and brought forth wonders of metal, mineral, and crystal, so that his children could create wonders of their own' " Ultron quoted the ancient Raoist axiom as his metal hand ran along the told of one of the containers "Vibranium."

"You know, it came at great personal cost." Klaue felt his brand itch again as he brought his hand up to touch it before, looking up at Ultron "It's worth billions"

Ultron didn't respond, his yellow visor fixed on the vial before his mind processed every single detail of the metal before him to make sure it was compatible with the directives governing him. The raw material was not ideal, and under most circumstances would be judged as insufficient for the Eradication Protocols, but he was left with few options on this technologically stunted world. Klaue shifted uncomfortably; he eyed the twins who just looked at each other, also concerned with Ultron's lack of response and that he was now standing perfectly still.

Klaue moved forward but before any words could form his throat Ultron merely outstretched his free left hand; it glowed yellow for a moment as he waved it through the air. Klaue immediately felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, he pulled out the device eying Ultron's still unmoving form before glancing at the phone. His eyes widened as saw the massive deposits appearing in his multiple secret accounts across the globe, his phone vibrated for a good minute before stopping showing that the final amount came to just over 7 billion dollars.

"I believe that will be sufficient," Ultron finally spoke standing erect again before turning around to face Klaue who just smiled broadly at the metal man.

"Oh ho ho, it more than adequate," Klaue nodded to his men to begin securing the vault for transport, very much liking how the day was turning out

"Good. I have also included additional payment for the weapons here and for the use of your men, it also accounts for… I believe the term is 'hazard' pay." Ultron stated as he glanced at the little humans moving around to secure the goods he purchased.

"My friend, for what you just paid me, whatever you want or need my men to do you have it," Klaue gestured to their surroundings, his demeanour now warm and friendly to his newest and best customer.

"Good because I am going to need them for that" Ultron gestured over his shoulder as the ceiling smashed open as Iron Man, Thor, Kal and Captain America appeared.

"Oh man, well there goes the surprise of our super-heroic badass entrance," Tony joked as looked around the ship's hull seeing the mercenaries starting to scatter and grab weapons.

"It was a touch melodramatic and very unnecessary, but then again, you are children playing pretend," Ulton strode forward Pietro and Wanda flanking him whilst Klaue took the opportunity to slink away to leave his men to help their new patron. "Pretending that your actions matter, pretending that you're peacekeepers, when all you are is infants smashing their toys on the ground whilst the house burns down around you. When this is over you'll understand, I will give you peace."

"Buddy the only person around here smashing things up is you," Tony shot back moving forward as his armour started pinpointing targets around him to attack if it came to a fight. "As for infants, you're like 3 weeks old tops, so….."

"Ah, very funny, always with the funny line, Mr. Stark. But then you would make jokes here." Pietro moved forward gesturing to the weapons and missiles displayed around them in the ship's hold "It's what, comfortable? Like old times?"

"This was never my life." Tony Stark responded with wit and humour leaving his voice as glanced at the weapons around him, the response just earned him a snarl from the silver-haired twin.

"You two can still walk away from this," Steve spoke up lowering his shield slightly to show he wasn't a threat trying to reach out to the trouble kids in front of him

"Oh, we will," Wanda replied her eyes flashing red as she brought her hands out to her side red mist starting to form there

"I know you've suffered." Steve wasn't fazed by Wanda's reaction instead he stepped forward unafraid his hands outstretched and his voice sincere

"Urgh! Captain America. God's righteous man, pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but…" Ultron gestured to his mouth and shook his head at the man's pathetic attempt at empathy.

"Enough. You have crimes, you must answer for. Stand down!" Thor's voice shook the ship as fury was etched on his face as he lifted his hammer to point at Ultron "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."

"You're confusing peace with quiet. He understands, he knows the truth" Ultron gestured to Kal who had just been staring at him with barely controlled fury.

"I understand nothing, apart from that you are a monster following flawed logic. That you spout Kryptonian ideals and yet destroyed the last remnants of MY HOMEWORLD, OF MY FATHER!" Kal moved forward, his eyes flashing red as he pulled Gram from his side.

"I do regret that I had to take such actions, but it was necessary. Do not lament however The Fortress can and will be restored, in me lies that potential'' Ultron tapped his chest and Kal's eyes widened as he saw the crest on it become transparent revealing a pure white crystal inside, it was the Sunstone that Jor-El had him create the fortress with. "Unlike you, I am not daunted by Kryptonian technology, and I will not let any aspect of Krypton fade further into the dark, but only once I have done what is needed will I restore it."

"What is the Vibranium for?" Kal growled, raising Gram to point directly at Ultron who just looked unimpressed with the act.

"You people really don't listen, do you? I already told you…." Ultron almost sighed in spite of himself, and suddenly raised his arm a beam of energy shooting forward slamming into Kal "PEACE!"

The ship's hull exploded into violence as dozens of drones smashed through the hull and started attacking the Avengers. Clint and Nat opened up from their hiding spot in the walkways above the main fight, arrows and bullets raining down to strike mercenaries. Kon and Kara made a less stealthy entrance, slamming through the hull and engaging the drones in the area, causing the already chaotic scene to become more hectic.

Kal however focused on a singular target as the rest of the Avengers dealt with the mercenaries, drones and the Maximoff twins. Gram sliced through the area Kal threw the blade at Ultron who had sprung into the air and smashed through the hull in an apparent effort to flee. The solar sword's effort to impale the rogue machine was for nought as Ultron divided at the last minute, missing him by inches. Kal's reward was a blast of pure energy that sent him spinning in the air, as Ultron unleashed a devastating barrage of powerful blasts that knocked Kal around and scorched his armour. Gram swung back towards its master but was halted as a blue energy field appeared around it in the shape of a ball.

"Ah ta-ta-ta-ta, you stay put." Ultron spat as he turned his attention back to Kal fully content his shield would hold the sword long enough for him to finish here.

Ultron almost smiled as he unleashed more and more attacks on Kal, starting to pulverise the god with physical matter. Lifting one hand he caused multiple derelict ships around the salvage yard to rise into the air before closing it into a fist, the effect was immediate the metal hulls slammed into Kal. The great amount of metal turned into a giant metal ball that became molten as Ultron's other hand and numerous drones began blasting it with beams of pure energy. Ultron's eyes behind his yellow visor narrowed as he tightened his fist causing the molten red hot ball of metal to condense tighter and tighter.

However, Ultron felt no relief as his own sensors registered that his makeshift cage was getting far hotter than the energy blasts his drones and he should be causing. He tightened his grip more hoping to end the threat before it could break free. However, just as he metal his own fingers digging into his palm the world exploded into a wave of pure redness.

"ENOUGH!" Kal's eyes blazed like twin super nova's as he unleashed a ray of heat energy so powerful and hot it vaporised the sphere around him.

Ultron was unable to react before Kal's deadly eyes annihilated the drones around him the reds were fast and deadly accurate. The scorched and slightly still smouldering god followed up his barrage by shooting forward and slamming into Ultron sending the two crashing into the earth below. Kal was still so hot that the ground around them became blackened and charred and the sea waves that were licking the shore not to far from them started to boil and evaporate. Kal's hands dug into Ultron's metal frame his strength and heat causing them to start to liquify.

"Still ever so slow," Ultron smirked in triumph at Kal whilst the god stood over him ready to destroy him.

"I WILL END YOU HERE MONSTER! AND RECLAIM WHAT IS MINE!" Kal roared his hands digging deeper into the metal frame to try to reclaim the crystal Ultron had taunted him with. "THIS IS YOUR END!"

"No, it's merely the start of yours, and all I had to do was make you look" Ultron's voice stayed calm as his hands went to Kal's risk holding for a brief moment as he turned to look next to them. "Time to shine, Wanda."

Kal's eyes widened as he snapped his head to look next to them, however, he only registered a whisp of red mist for a moment before he felt a sharp pain in his eyes and head. He reeled backwards his eyes flashing crimson to stop the witch but his vision merely darkened as the cloying energy washed over him obscuring everything before fading to black.

As Kal froze under the ancient and powerful magical assault, Ultron turned to congratulate his ally. His eyes widened as she saw her go pale, her body completely tense and blood trickled from her nose as she strained to cast her strange powers over the sun God. He rose just quickly enough to grab her as he collapsed, his eyes raking her over before looking at Kal, wondering what exactly the nascent witch had placed in his mind.


Kal felt numbness, it was a strange empty feeling, bereft of all sense or direction even as the world around him started to come into focus. As he breathed he saw his breath condense into mist, he could feel it form in his mouth before it even left his lips, it was strange to see as he had no feeling of air entering or leaving his lungs apart from the coldness of it forming in his mouth. He felt a haze around his senses his mind was foggy and clouded as he tried to focus on where he was and what was happening as all he could recall was red mist and a sense of urgency.

"My lord, they are waiting for you," Kal turned to see Mother's late handmaiden, standing behind him. His head… his head was still foggy and she was the only thing he could make out of his dark surroundings.

"Fulla, where are w-" Kal moved forward however he stopped as Fulla came into focus, the sight of her robbing him of breath.

She was dead. Her skin was cold and pale, stretched thinly over a gaunt skeleton as her once beautiful locks hung in matted unkempt lumps. Her eyes were also lifeless and if it had not been for the mist of her breath and her speaking Kal would have sworn another being was talking through her corpse. That assessment was only reinforced as she half turned from him to point into the darkness, one side of her dress was stained with dark blackness, a tear in it and a clear wound to her side could be seen.

"Come my lord, they are waiting for you," Fulla just smiled as she moved away from him, well he assumed she was smiling, her lips moved up but her flesh seemed to stay where it was like the muscles underneath had rotted away. "They have all gathered as you wished, they are waiting for you,"

"Who are you talking about?" Kal asked as he moved following Fulla his sense even more hazy than before as he felt a pain in his head.

"KAL! KAL! KAL! KAL! KAL!" The haunting echo of the chant filled the air as the darkness around him started to recede revealing corridors of black stone and braziers lit with cold blue flames. "KAL! KAL! KAL! KAL! KAL!"

As the chanting grew louder and louder with each step, he was suddenly forced to raise a hand to his eyes shielding them from the sharp light suddenly assaulting him. The light had no warmth to it and as Kal adjusted to it he saw it was not the sun or even a star giving its light but a giant towering figure of fire. Kal's eyes went wide as he recognised the legendary figure of Surtr, the great fire giant and ruler of Muspelheim whom his own father had reportedly slain millennia ago. He also found himself standing on a balcony, cold icy winds blowing before him as he overlooked a vast horde of figures that stretched into the distance.

Kal's eyes beheld the host below him that were chanting his name, his blood ran cold as he knew what he was seeing. It had haunted the edges of his dreams and nightmares, it had sat like dark pit in the bottom of his stomach since he could first walk. Jötunns, Asgradains, dragons, drakes, trolls, elves and other creatures that Kal knew well, all belonged to the Nine Realms and all had one thing in common.

They were dead. The faint eerie glow of blue hung off of them, darkness seemed to cloak them in its tight embrace and as he looked at the front ranks closely each one looked pale and gaunt as Fulla.

This was the final host, the prophesied army of Hel, that was to march forth at the final call to bring about the Twilight of the Aesir and doom to all of Asgard. Kal's blood already cold blood turned to ice as what he had assumed as a mountain in the distance moved, snaking forth as a great serpent head reared up from the nearby water in a roar. It was made even worse when another creature joined the vile serpents' call, a huge wolf of near equal size, also roared. The twin roar formed one distinctive sound that sent the warriors below into an even greater frenzy.


"Your army stands ready my king," The echoing voice sounded next to Kal as a figure approached to stand next to him.

Kal felt his frozen heart sink further into the dark pit which was now his chest as he turned to see a face he had not seen in centuries. Haldor stood proud and tall, as he had in life, however where once he was handsome, with flowing locks and fair skin, he was now corpse-like batches of his skull were visible from what little torn flesh remained on his face. His right arm was missing and there was a visible hole through his chest from where Sif had run him through so long ago.

"Give the word and we will march to Vígríðr, to battle, to glory, in yours and our Queen's name," Haldor turned to face Kal, but the act caused Kal to turn away not wishing to see the rotting face of his friend before him, a face that had haunted him for so long. "The horn will sound, the realms will break and we will claim what is ours by right."

"No, this… this is wrong, I shouldn't be here," Kal spoke to himself more than he did Haldor closing his eyes

"Of course, you should, my friend, the words were written, and spoken well, long ago."

Although he could not look at him Kal could feel Haldor smiling at him as he placed a hand on his shoulder and a gentle smile on his face. It was like when they were younger again, with Halor comforting him when the weight of his duty started to press down on him When he spoke his voice echoed and seemed to vibrate with the very authority of the darkness around them.

"Odin's beloved son will die by Loki's deeds,

the sun shall give no warmth,

Fimbulwinter will ravage Asgard,

civil strife will appear among men,

It shall be an axe age, a sword age,

shields will be riven and forsaken

It shall be a wind age, a wolf age

before the world goes headlong into fire and ice.

No man will have mercy on another

Then the dead will march on Asgard, with you dread lord of the dammed to lead them,"

"I AM NOT DEAD!" Kal screamed back twisting out of the comforting hand on his shoulder and staring at his deceased friend whose decaying face merely smiled at him at him.

"Of course you are, she embraced you," Haldor merely gestured into the distance, towards the water where the great serpent's head had risen his hand pointing to the great vessel Naglfar approaching with a figure at his prow. "When that killed you and all you loved,"

Kal turned to where Haldor was pointing behind them now, his icy veins turned solid as a mass of swirling darkness, humanoid in shape, nearly 9 feet tall stood lumbering towards them down the dark corridor. Kal felt his hands tighten into fists as he felt his bones shake as the dark shadowy monster roared at him, his hazy, fogged mind conjured up images of the creature the Norns had shown him, the monster that awaited him one day. He felt his blood boil as heat and life returned to his limbs, as he no longer waited to be lied to or confused again, as charged at the creature, his fist slamming into it.

The darkness swirled around him as the creature roared to life, its fists slamming into Kal as the two engaged in battle. The ground shook as Kal and the creature flew through the air and smashed into strange black shadowy constructs, each blow was more powerful than the last. The creature wrenched blood from Kal's mouth as it pinned him to the floor, its fists pounding and smashing into him like a great ape trying to clobber a small creature to death before it. Kal unleashed his heat vision attempting to annihilate the creature blasting it away from him and before it could recover blasting it again.

He flew into the air his eyes burning hotter and hotter as he felt red mist rolling off of him as he drove the creature that sought to be his doom into the earth. However, just as he reached the creature and saw the mist starting to recede as he began to destroy it, he found himself struck in the face. The blow was powerful and strong enough to break his concentration, wheeling around to find his attack he was struck again from behind.

His eyes darted around trying to find his enemy in the featureless blackened landscape he found himself in. His head pounded again as he heard the chanting of his name again, it was distant this time and seemed to come from a quiet chorus of echoing voices.

"KAL!...KaL!...Kal!" The chanting grew louder and more focused as he felt a series of more blows, some powerful others not.

Kal managed to catch one of his attackers and judge where they would strike next his fist shot out and slammed into something metal. The black shadowy figure he struck smashed into the ground and skidded along the floor, before stopping. Kal felt his anger rise at the creature that had interrupted him from vanquishing the monster that sought his doom. He strode towards the figure his hand forming a fist as sought to end first the interloper and then the monster, he placed a foot on the shadowy metal creature and prepared to end it.

"NO!" The voice caused Kal to react fast, a lifetime of training caused him to snap his other hand outwards from his side and catch his would-be assailant by the throat.

It was another of the shadowy featureless creatures; this one was more slender than the metal one that had assaulted him. He squeezed his hand tight as he felt the creature clawing at his hand, he felt great strength as nails dug into his skin and drew blood. He pressed down his foot as well, crushing the metal creature further into the dirt as he felt it weakly pawing at his foot in a vain attempt to escape. He raised his fist high into the air aiming to place it through the skull of the second interloper, ready to end this annoyance once and for all.

However, just as he was about to throw his fatal punch he felt the familiar pull in the palm of his hand as Gram neared him. It was faster than usual, as if the sword was desperate to get back to him, eager to strengthen him once more as if it knew the fight he was in. Kal snarled at the creature as he stretched out his dominant hand opening it to allow Gram to empower him and have the honour of ending the cur's life that had attacked him.

The moment Gram touched his palm Kal felt the red mist and darkness drop around him as the pain in his skull that he had been vaguely aware of slipped away. His face filled with horror as he dropped a pale Kara from his grasp, who immediately gasped for air and placed a hand on her bruised throat. As he stepped away from her, he saw that it had been Tony under his foot, the man's armour was smashed and the arc reactor in the suit was destroyed from his punch. As his mind cleared more, Gram shaking off the last of the witch's magic, he was greeted by only more horror.

The Hulk lay in a crater not 10 feet from him, his face smashed to a pulp, with bruises littering his body and most alarming of all was that his chest was charred and blackened. The green slowly disappeared, the wounds healed, as light pink flesh appeared in its place. Banner reappeared from the shattered form of the Hulk, although the wounds had started to heal, burn scars now adorned the man's chest and deep purple bruises on his face.

The entire scene was made more horrific as Kal realised they were no longer at the Salvage yards, their battlefield was the heart of a city. He looked around and saw demolished streets, collapsed buildings and devastation everywhere. He felt sick to his stomach as the world came into focus fully, as the stench, noise and taste of the destruction he had wrought assaulted him.

"By the Allfathers. What have I done?"

Luke5921 Luke5921

(Author's Notes)

Okay first so so sorry to the loyal readers of this work, I just lost track of time and boom suddenly saw I hadn't updated this story in 5 months. So sorry about that, I found some time to write this week, and really wish I could say I'm back to a schedule but...My life's changed a lot and it's harder to find time to write these days.

I'm going to continue on always I love this sight and want to finish what I started, so these stories will never be abandoned but it might go through periods of slight silence as focus on one over the other and then come back to them.

Anyways as always, please follow, favourite and review as you desire!

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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