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3.4% GOT : Reborn as a Frey / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Start of the Journey

Chương 3: Chapter 3: Start of the Journey

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When the bandit saw that there was no other choice he scrambled to grab his sword and looked at the people around him, all of them with their weapons out.

Arthur smirked. If this was a battle, he would have attacked when the man went to grab his sword, but that wasn't the case here. He wanted to see how his Swordsmanship would fare against a real opponent who wanted to kill him.

Also usually Arthur covered his arrows in a self-made paralysis poison but today he didn't do so. Still when he used that even he had to be careful with his poison, building tolerance to this poison or any poison was a hard thing to do.

When learning this skill, Arthur had to be very careful, after all, if anyone got wind of it they would think that he was planning to poison his siblings and get the Twins as his inheritance.

Of course, he would do something like that if the chance presented itself, but it was too dangerous at the time.

"M'lord, p -please, let me go, I have a family." The man begged.

Arthur raised a questioning brow. "So did everyone else you robbed and killed around these parts. You didn't care about their families, why should I care about yours?"

Some of the guards were about to make some derogatory terms about the man's wife and how they would 'take care' of her. But when they saw Arthur, their voices got stuck in their throat, remembering that he wouldn't like their guards to be undisciplined.

"If you fight and kill me, then my guards will let you go," Arthur told him, "So c'mon now, let's fight I don't have all day."

The man had tears in his eyes and legs shook, and so he pulled his sword up to do an overhead slash and charged at the young man.


Arthur didn't let this chance go and threw a dagger at the man's throat, and the bandit, his eyes widened, and dropped the sword, his arms still up about to slash.

"Your slash was too far overhead, it would give you more power, but left your throat exposed," Arthur lectured the dying man, looking at him as his body slumped on the ground and the life fleeing his eyes. The dagger was still in his throat and blood seeped out of it.

'I see… this is the first time I killed someone in both this world and last. Though I killed this guy's companions by arrows it was different. Or was it?' He contemplated, after all, even as he saw the man bleed on the ground… he didn't feel anything special.

He remembered that in his last life there were many stories about how people threw up and such. But no, he now saw that they were mostly stories because when he came to the forest, he knew what he came for and did it. True, the blood was a little off-putting at first, but with his mind already prepared for it, he didn't feel anything special.

In the end, Arthur just shrugged. "Well then let's get their things and get out of here."

To him killing didn't feel special, he didn't feel bad, nor did he feel good about it. Just like any other action in the world. But Arthur did learn something today.

'I hate fighting honorably... or even fighting at all. No matter how talented people say that I am with a sword.

This thing could have gone wrong in so many ways if these guys weren't panicked.' Arthur considered with careful thought as he picked up the dagger from the bandit's throat and he pulled out a cloth from his pouch and started cleaning the blood off his weapon.

'Thankfully it hit with the sharp side, sometimes it's more of a fluke with these knives. A battle to the death wasn't about skill as much as it was about luck… so I will have to make myself the luckiest man in the world then.'

As his soldiers and Stevron went to ransack the tents, leather vests, weapons, clothes, and any loot that the bandits had he couldn't help but imagine what war could be like.

'I definitely won't be fighting in the front lines of any war. Way too many things that could go wrong, or out of control.

From a stray arrow, a random sword in your gut, falling on your sword, falling off the horse and breaking your neck, a small wound that could get infected and so much more.' He envisioned carefully. Life was just too fragile, humans die too easily.

After they packed the things from the bandit camp, they returned to the Twins. Arthur of course rewarded all of his soldiers with one Silver Stag, which was around fifty dollars in buying value.

The one soldier who had disobeyed him had only earned a dozen Copper Pennies, enough for him to have some ale and get drunk. Well, in Arthur's opinion that was better than having his throat slit, which he would have had to do if the man hadn't come to his senses and followed his orders.

"Still, he must be made an example of." He muttered before walking into the Twins Castle.

Stevron waved him off with all the bandit loot. "See you later brother."

The older brother had paid one Gold Dragon (210 Silver Stags) for all the bandit's loot. Stevron would go and sell these things to a nearby merchant and get a bigger price for them, Arthur knew that but didn't mind it. The earnings wouldn't be anything above 300 Silver Stags.

The guards were happy as each of them got paid one Silver Stag each for their troubles. They didn't even suffer a scratch which was a good thing and this coin is the same as their wage for weeks.

Overall, Arthur considered this day to be quite productive. He thought about making this a regular activity, but in the end shook his head, dismissing the thought. After all, that was all very dangerous work. It went well today, but other days it might not.

Rather, he planned to build some taverns around here. After all, as the travelers passed through the Twins they would need an Inn or Tavern to rest. It wasn't anything too big, but a good enough business venture that could earn him quite a lot of coin.


[ Stevron Frey I ]

Stevron would like to consider himself a good brother, after all, even with all the Frey children in the Twins, he always made sure to have them taken care of. Any coin that they needed, he would offer them, of course not too much, but still enough for them to have some fun.

As he looked down from one of the Twins Castles' windows, he couldn't help but smile. While before outside of the castles the places were quiet, but a year ago, after a bandit hunt his brother had decided to build some taverns around, and that had earned him the nickname Coin Fuçker amongst the siblings. They joked that he would rub two Silver Stags together and make a Gold Dragon.

At fifteen name days, he had already earned so much. Walder Frey had even considered making him the Frey Stewart.

'The old man will piss himself to sleep when he hears about this.' Thought Stevron, knowing their father always favored Arthur, the boy was both smart and very good with a sword. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't jealous of his younger brother, but he kept these feelings to himself.

Because even after all this, Arthur always was a loving sibling and even adored his siblings. Though he always was tough to the brothers, he would beat them to the ground during spars. But if you were his sister, Arthur would give you the stars in the sky if they asked him.

"Well, well, well, how is my favorite brother doing?"

Speak of the devil and she shall come. That was what Stevron thought as a smile came to him and saw Arthur smiling back.

The younger brother had a growth spurt during the year so he had grown almost as tall as his Stevron. Black hair and dark eyes, with a straight nose, he also lost all of his baby fat and started showing a strong jaw. Arthur's hair had also been cut very short so it couldn't be grabbed during combat.

"Hello there, Ser Arthur," Stevron called his brother jokingly, having knighted the young man recently.

"Ser Stevron," he bowed slightly with a smirk, "Now as knights of the seven kingdoms, should we see which one has the biggest sword."

"That's not very knightly of you." Stevron laughed, catching the innuendo his brother made.

Arthur on the other hand shrugged. "Well, we both know when it comes to swords, mine is the biggest in the Twins."

"Well, you talk big, but never show it around."

"You want me to walk with my sword out?" He asked with a mortified look, "That isn't very knightly of you, it honestly makes you sound like a sword swallower."

Stevron shook his head, "You always had that sharp tongue on you, Coin Fućker."

The younger brother pushed his chest up in pride. "Well, what can I say, even non-living objects can't resist my charms."

"You know that this nickname was made to insult you right?" The Frey oldest child said.

But the newly knighted shrugged. "I know, but that doesn't mean that I have to take it as one."

"Heh, you and that thick skin of yours," Stevron shook his head in amusement. Then his look turned into a serious one and his eyes narrowed, "What did father say?"

"Well, he was mad that I would be moving away from the family to spread my wings. But we already expected that." He sighed, as he went to the window to look at the taverns that he had built. "By the way, those things are all yours now, so take care of them and 20% of the earnings are paid to father as taxes.

Also, Maria wanted a new necklace of the Twin towers embroidered in it. Can you buy her that? Since I will be gone for a long time, I will miss many of her name days."

"Don't worry, I will take care of everything on this side." The older brother nodded. "What about your men, how many are coming with you?"

Arthur frowned at this, "Out of the eleven that I had groomed and helped with everything. Only seven agreed to come."

"Those ungrateful fućks!" Stevron clenched his fist in anger, he knew that his brother treated those men very well. They should have all followed him to their deaths. 'Well, we will see how your lives will be without him around.'

"Hey now, no need to be so angry." Arthur put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"And you aren't?" Stevron fumed, "After all you did for them?!"

"No, I am not," his brother nodded, "I already expected something like this. Being angry at something you knew would happen is useless."

"I am still going to make them pay. Because while you aren't angry… well I am!" Of course, Stevron knew just how much Arthur needed these men. And if his little brother died in his journey, these men who stayed behind shouldn't expect a painless death.

"Control your anger Stevron, killing them would just be unnecessary trouble and a waste of time," Arthur reassured him, "Also I know where some of them are coming from. Since they have families and even children. I don't necessarily see that as against them."

"So what?! Men go to war even when they have families. It's their duty to serve their lord!" Stevron couldn't quite calm his anger, he knew just how dangerous going out there could be.

"C'mon now calm down. After all, the men who came with me all have the best armor and horses that money could buy for them.

Plus I even have a Hedge Wizard named Lyon with me, he will take care of any injuries that we might get. Also, did you know that I thought he might really be a wizard at first, but in the end, he was just a healer." Arthur chuckled.

"That made me feel pretty stupid."

This brought the older brother's anger down a little and he smiled.

A hedge wizard is a Westerosi local or traveling herb doctor who also likely uses traditional healing. The smallfolk think some of them use spells and charms to heal the sick or help the needy. Which was probably just usual medication but the peasants here think that that is magic or it could be magic.

Like Hedge Knights, Hedge Wizards are quite poor and sleep in hedges on occasion. They are most popular amongst the smallfolk as they are likely to be more affordable and accessible.

"Lyon is a pretty skilled healer too. As good as Maester Bam or even better." Arthur reassured his older brother.

"Lords do not employ the services of hedge wizards as they see it beneath them." Stevron said, "Ask for a Maester, he would be better and if you offer them a huge sum of Gold Dragons, I doubt they would refuse.

Plus, a Hedge Wizard isn't trustworthy." Stevron tried to refute and make sure his brother had everything before he even set foot off on his journey.

At the mention of betrayal, Arthur's smile slipped out of his face and his dark eyes turned cold. "The Hedge Wizard accepted my request when I asked him. I don't trust him obviously but I know he is not stupid enough to betray me."

Stevron nodded, deciding to trust his brother's judgment. He will be the first to admit, he had always been jealous of Arthur, and those feelings only grew as the years went along.

But never hate, he could never hate Arthur, after all, he will always be his younger brother. The one who could have Walder even make him the next one to inherit the Twins, but didn't.

"Just be careful out there." Stevron walked off after saying those words.


[ Arthur II ]

I looked at my eldest brother's back as he walked away, his shoulders a little sullen down. He cared about me, I knew that much, but if I ever attempted to take over the Twins. Only a civil war within the family would ensue, of course, the others might not see this, but it was as clear as day.

Plus House Frey had always been too small for my ambition. In some years Robert's Rebellion will come around, and that should be the right opportunity. Still, the current me wouldn't be able to get anything, I only have forty Gold Dragons to my name and seven well-armed soldiers. Pretty much nothing to change things on a grand scale.

The taverns were a pretty good idea and more profitable than I thought. But it still wasn't anything special, I had no army to speak of, and while everyone who lived here saw these structures as my own. I knew that they really belonged to Walder Frey.

The man will never achieve anything too big, my new father was just too cowardly to risk things and let go of some others. Similarly, I will have to leave behind these buildings and the security of a castle to go out there and make a name for myself.

I am a coward, but everyone is a coward. Whether they admit it or not doesn't matter on the grand scale of things.

Well, better get ready then. With that thought in mind, I got away from the window and went towards the stables where my men were waiting for me.

When I got there, Walder Frey was there too, he smiled once he saw me. "Finally you decided to show your pretty face."

I smirked. "What? Are you here to stop me, father?"

"Tch, you are a grown man now. Plus wipe that smug look off your face before I wipe it for you." He said annoyed, but Walder was always annoyed at something. He then threw a punch at me and I grabbed it. Hm? Around twenty Gold Dragons by the weight and shape of it.

"There boy, don't go around saying that your father is a penny pincher now. Also, don't be stupid and try to be a hero." After saying what he had to say father walked away.

If I didn't know better, I would almost think that he cared about me. At least the time I spent manipulating his feelings didn't go to waste and got me twenty Gold Dragons.

Also, I didn't need him to tell me to not be a Hero because there was no way that I would endanger my life for stupid things like honor, oaths, or chivalry. Though I also wasn't stupid to say something like that out loud… unlike my father, he just loved shaming himself and showing how little honor he had.

The Starks were stupid at the Red Wedding. Catelyn too, trusting a man known as being without honor. The whole Stark family had no one else but their stupidity to blame for their demise. Ned's honor made him go South when he knew that Starks don't do good out here.

Though I guess I shouldn't expect anything too much from people who were born in their positions and didn't earn it.

Still, I will have to be on guard against these people if I don't want a knife on my back from my most trusted ally.

Anyway, enough thoughts about these things, it's useless worrying about other people when I can't even guarantee my safety. But I will have to learn from their mistakes.

For example, NEVER trust anyone just because they gave you guest rights by bread and salt. Also, I should do the same thing the Frey's did in the show if it's beneficial. Though I will have to be better about it. Don't want words like that flowing about me.

"Where will we be going, Ser?" Asked Lyon, my Healer.

I looked at his thin frame, brown hair, and eyes and smiled. "The Reach, that place has Tourneys quite often."

Though I said that, the real destination was the Wastelands. More specifically Lannisport.

But this all needed to be kept under wraps, not even my traveling companions needed to know.

"Well, let's set off then. Are you all ready?"



Even though we traveled as fast as we could. It still took twenty days to reach Lannisport.

Thankfully halfway we met some merchants who were going the same direction, so we went with them. Plus this acted as a way to make it seem like a spur-of-the-moment decision to my men.

Which was good, because I don't want any of them to know what I will be doing. Trust isn't worth much in Westeros, so keeping my cards close to my heart was the best.

As we arrived at the port town, I had to admit, the place looked pretty good. Better than the Twins at least. Once there, we got some rooms in a relatively clean inn. My companions all got some rest as they laid down in their beds.

But while they rested, my body, though tired from sleeping in tents and the ground. I was still quite energetic and this was the best time to do the thing I came all this way for. "Guys I am going sightseeing."

"Really after all this traveling... aren't you tired?" Asked one of the guards.

I just smirked at him. "Well, I am not an old man like you."

He laughed also and waved me away. "Yeah, yeah, we know, just let old men like us rest. Do you need guards?"

"No," I said before walking out and checking my punches. I had 41 Gold Dragons, around 50 Silver Stags, and 10 Pennies.

When I went outside I covered a little of my face, not enough to be suspicious but just enough to make people confused about my identity… just to be sure.

While walking down the town roads I saw

a bard and went towards him, putting all of the pennies in my pouch in front of the man.

"Do you know the Rains of Castamere?" I asked him.

He looked at me, smiled, nodded, and started to play his song. "Oh who are you~ the~"


After he finished the song. I smiled politely at him and said. "So I am new at Lannisport, tell me are there any interesting things around here?"

"Well of course Ser." The man nodded thankfully, 10 Pennies would be able to feed the man for a whole day.

"I am no Ser. Call me Andy. I come from the Reach." Lying through my teeth I told him my fake story. Not even a trace of what was about to happen must be spread. Even if someone saw something strange, all hints I gave will point in different directions.

Because while I spoke like someone from the Riverlands, my armor was made like someone from the Stormlands and I said this bard will know I came from the Reach.

"Well Andy there is a lot of interesting stuff going on in here…" And so the man started explaining to me some things.


-and then there is the witch, Maggy the frog in the forest it is said that she lives in a cabin and eats children-"

After some more talking I thanked him and turned in a corner before changing turns and going towards the forest. Without him seeing me.


When I arrived in the forest I drew my sword and checked my backup knives which I had hidden in my lower back.

I went towards the forest as I got deeper and deeper inside. I finally spotted a small hut that seemed to be covered by dirt with a straw door.

This should be the place.

Opening the straw door and going inside, there I saw a woman with long dark hair and a little bronzed skin.

She had black lines under her eyes. The lines may be makeup or not. She also seemed to be sleeping on a chair that bobbled slightly.

This was the witch of the Westerlands, it seemed like she was the TV version, not the old and warty witch from the books. Well then, I could work with this.

"Maggie! Are you here?! Come out Maggie!" I called out, and the sleeping woman's eyes suddenly opened.

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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