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81.81% Oh No, I get stuck with Crazy Name that Stuck me with A crazy Goddess! / Chapter 15: Dungeon-Chan, I'm Here. I Hope You Have My EXP Ready

Chương 15: Dungeon-Chan, I'm Here. I Hope You Have My EXP Ready

Third Pov

A new day arises in Orario. People are going about their business, doing whatever they need to do. Adventurers are getting ready to dive into the dungeon. Business owners are opening up shops. And Guild employees are getting ready to help the vast number of adventurers and their needs.

Our focus is on the guild itself. Especially on our favorite red-headed ice queen, Wolfie. In fact, she is just about to start her shift.

In the back of the reception counter, we see a group of desk and guild employees working before the adventurers start rolling in. Rose, going through her usual routine, stops for a sec to check on her coworkers.

She sees them all work diligently, even Misha. Especially Misha. Seeing that everything's almost ready, she can't help but think back to yesterday's encounter. Unintentionally letting out a sigh, she gained the attention of two coworkers that were beside her.

Eina using her finger to push her glasses up. "Is everything fine, Rose? You seem tired."

Rose waves her off. "I'm fine. Don't worry, I'm just getting ready. I was just preparing myself for today."

Misha, smirking, couldn't help but add, "Oh, is that all? Are you sure you weren't thinking about the guy from yesterday? What did he call you? I forgot. Remind me again." While tapping her chin and pondering

Gritting her teeth, Rose sends Misha a glare. "Misha, if I were you, I would stop now while you can." Unfortunately, she wasn't deterred.

Hitting her palm with a fist, smiling Misha turned, pointing a finger at Rose, who was restraining herself from biting it. "That's right, he called you; I quote his 'Besto Friendo'. I'm honestly surprised, Rose. Knowing your thoughts toward adventurers, I didn't think you would work that fast and get yourself a new best friend." Pausing, "I'm sorry, a new besto friendo. In fact, I'm hurt. I thought I was your best friend." Dramatically rubbing her eyes like she's crying

Rose is looking at the idiot next to her with an eyebrow rapidly twitching. "You just had to open your mouth, didn't you, Misha? First off, I'm not anyone's best friend," Misha had to gall to interrupt her.

"You mean Besto Friendo," Misha says with a cocky smile.

Breathing deeply and slowly letting out air. Rose used all her strength to not slap Misha upside the head. "I hope you prepared for the consequences. Because I won't be merciful." She says, irritated with her tail twitching.

The forgotten elf on the side couldn't help but interject, "Hey, I think we all should calm down and take a deep breath. Let's not say anything we'll regret." However, she was promptly ignored.

Misha shrugged. "Oh, come on, I was only joking. What, can the mighty Rose not handle a joke? And what are you going to do? It's not like you can give me additional work just because I made a joke; that's retaliation, and it goes against your job and work ethic." She smiles like she had hers.

Eina tries one more time to interject "Hey" but is still ignored. Sighing, she just looks back at her work, leaving her coworkers and friends to their antics. "At least I tried to stop it."

Raising an eyebrow, dropping the frown. Rose looks at Misha curiously. "Is that what you think? I can't add more to your workload just because of a joke. Well, your right." Misha's smile widens; however, what the redheaded werewolf says next makes her lose it. "So remember this moment the next time you need help with your work, when you're backlogged. When you come whining to me to help you finish your assignments, I'll remember your innocent joke." Standing up to head to the reception counter. She looks down at the now regretful Misha, realizing what she has done. "After all," Doing air quotes "as your best friend. Shouldn't it be my job to make sure you're clearly capable of doing everything on your own? So I'll make sure the next time you're assigned too much work, I'll leave it all to your capable hands." Smirking at the whimpering Misha, "since you don't want to disappoint your best friend, right?" She walks away, leaving it at that.

Misha is still reeling from that comeback. She puts on an awkward smile and tries to call out to Rose, "You don't mean that, do you, Rose? It was just a joke. I was just kidding." Seeing that she is being ignored, she turns to her other coworker and says, "Eina, she's kidding, right? You don't think she's being serious, do you?"

While writing without looking up "You reap what you sow, Misha. Just don't make her angrier. She might forgive you."

Misha doesn't say anything, but as she was about to speak, Eina beat it to her, "Not happening, Misha. I'm not helping you get out of this. You made your bed, now lie in it."

"Oh, come on, not you too." resting her head on her desk, crying crocodile tears, "Me and my big mouth," sighing, 'Can this get any worse?'

In fact, it can. With Eina's help: "Keep crying dramatically like that; you're going to get it on your work and have to redo them again."

Looking down at her paperwork, she sees tears stain. Whining, "What did I do to deserve this?"

Literally everyone in hearing range couldn't help but look at her with a deadpan and silently say, 'Really?' All of them were shaking their heads and going back to work. While Misha fixes her mistake.


Rose Pov

Inwardly cursing Misha, I make it to the reception counter. Looking down on the counter, grumbling under my breath, "Stupid Misha doesn't know what she's talking about." I pause, then add, "And idiot Friggs, I swear the next time I see your face." I didn't even finish my rant when someone called out to me.

"You'll what?" startling me. I look up, seeing the idiot himself. Giving me the innocent impression that he hasn't done anything wrong, "I'm curious, what are you going to do?"

Frowning "How long have you been there, and how much did you hear?"

Shrugging, he replied, "Not much, Rosey," making my eye twitch. "Seeing as there was no one in your line, I just came up here when you were grumbling under your breath, calling me an idiot, which I think is uncalled for."

"Snort." I look to his side, realizing he's got someone with him. A female Chienthrope. "I don't know what you're talking about. I think she was right with her assessment. You are an idiot."

He turns to face her, whining, "Come on, Naaza. Why did you get to do me like that? Shouldn't you defend me?"

"Not really. I'm just calling it as I see  it." Ignoring his attempts to defend himself. She walks over to me, hooking a thumb and pointing to Friggs. "I'm here to help register this guy under the Miach family." Surprising me. Now I remember where I saw her before. She is the captain of the Miach Familia. Naaza Erisuis, it's only member.... I mean, former only member now.

"Really," looking at the pouting Friggs, which is still weird to see, "I thought you would have joined an exploration Familia." Pausing, I turn back to Ms. Erisuis and say, "No offense to you guys. I just thought he would have joined one that focused more on exploring the dungeon than a medical familia."

Waving me off "I get you; trust me, I get you. I just met him yesterday, and I even think he's not the type to sit behind a desk making potions." Sighing, "I'm already questioning Miach-Sama's decision. I can already tell he's going to be a headache for my familia."

Nodding my head, "I agree as well. I also met him yesterday, and he's already giving me migraines." Looking up at my fellow comrade in arms in regards to this idiot, "You have my condolences."

Nodding as well, acknowledging that we are going through the same thing. "Thank you. But don't worry about it; I'm going to make sure he pulls his weight and does not slack off. At least he can cook, out of everything else."

"I totally understand. I also have a lazy coworker as well."


"COUGH, Fake COUGH" Ms.Erisuis and I were looking over to see the man we were complaining about, pretending to cough into his fist, trying to get our attention. "As much as it's fun to see you guys, BOND" he said, air-quoting. "Over insulting me. Can we get down to business, please? I would like to register as an adventure."

Looking at Ms.Erisuis one more time, seeing her agree. I pull out a registration form for adventurers. "Very well. Since you already brought your captain with you, you don't need to show me your status. Since she is vouching for you, let's quickly fill this out, and we can sign you an advisor, and you can be on your way." I get something to write with, and I almost snap it with what he said next.

"I choose you."

Looking up, probably hearing him wrong, I questioned what he said. "I'm sorry, can you repeat that? What do you mean you chose me?" 'Please let me be right, and I heard that wrong'

"You heard me. I would like you to be my advisor, Rosey. I hope that won't be a problem. If I'm not wrong, new adventures are allowed to choose their advisors. And since I already know you, I'd like you to be mine." He smirks and probably knows I don't want to be his advisor. 'Asshole'

Gritting my teeth while smiling "Are you sure? I could probably find you a better advisor. One that fits you to the T. I have one that will probably answer all your questions. She really loves answering questions. Or I have another one that probably fits your personality better." Trying one last time to give him to someone else.

Shaking his head, he said, "I can't do that to you, my besto friendo." Another eye twitch, he continues, "We already bonded, and I already like working with you. So I would love to have you as my advisor." Looking at me and tapping his chin, "That wouldn't be a problem, would it?"

Irritated since I can't refuse him since he hasn't done anything against guild policies yet, "No, Mr. Friggs," knowing he hates being called a mister. "It won't be a problem. I would be glad to be your advisor." lying through my teeth.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he takes the paper and pen and says, "I'm glad. Give me a sec, and I'll fill this out quickly." He walks to the side.

"You know," I say, turning back to Ms. Erisuis. "Now you have my condolences. At least now, I don't have to deal with this idiot alone. No offense."

Sighing "None taken. You and your God probably have it worse than me anyway."

Said idiot walks back with the filled-out registration form. "Here you go, one filled-out registration form. Am I good to go?"

Taking it from his hands to see if he filled it out correctly. "It seems everything is in order, and I'm obligated to ask you if you wish to proceed with an introduction lesson about the dungeon since I'm your advisor now."

As he was about to open his mouth, Ms.Erisuis cut him off. "He'll take the lessons. He needs all the help he can get." looking at him with a glare, "Isn't that right?"

Whining "Oh, come on, Puppy Captain," made Ms. Erisuis' eyes twitch as well. 'Huh, I'm not the only one he gives silly titles to.' "I've already listened to two lectures with you and Bossman Miach. I don't need another one. Come on, I just want to get to the dungeon already." I shake my head at his pitifully attempt.

Ms.Erisuis snorts and looks away from his face. "First off, it's Captin, not Puppy Captain to you. Also, Lord Miach, or Miach-sama, not bossman." Looking back at him, "Just deal with it. Go through the introduction lessons, and you can go to the dungeon." Seeing as I'm about to give the lessons, I grabbed my stuff to walk around the counter. Grabbing his shoulder on the way while she grabs his other one, we lead him to one of the green couches.

He starts to struggle in our grips. "Wait, what about my opinion? Isn't this optional? Don't I get the right to choose?"

At the same time, we say, "Nope."

"Oh, come on." With his head looking down, defeated, we all sit on the green couch.

'Huh, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. I'm going to make this as long as possible, just to get back at him for his stupid nickname and what he did yesterday.' Putting down her paperwork, she looks up at her new charge and his captain. "Now, let's begin." I start my long lecture on everything he needs to know about the dungeon. 'I'm going to make sure I don't end up with another fool who dies too quickly.'

Third Pov (One lecture nobody wants to see or hear later)

Two people leave the guild, one looking completely drained and the other with a pep in their step. They both start to head to the gaint tower in the center of Orario.

Naaza turns to her mentally exhausted junior. "Stop being so dramatic; it wasn't that bad. At least you know what to expect on the upper floors. You even got a guild-issued map, so you can't get lost."

Odr just looks depressed. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. I get it's important, but I was so gung-ho in the morning to get to the dungeon. I already went through multiple lectures and knew what to expect; I didn't need another one." He looks to face her and says, "But you're right, the map is a good thing."

Nodding her head, "Look on the bright side, you already have weapons and stuff you need for the dungeon, so we don't need to take a guild loan with their beginner-issued equipment. That's a plus. Also, with the couple of low-tier potions we can afford to give you, and with your magic, you'll be fine if you don't do anything reckless."

Remembering the experiment he did with his magic yesterday. He recalls that he was able to boost the effect of low-quality potions a bit to get more out of them. "You're right. Who knows, maybe when I get better use of my magic, I can turn low-quality potions into high-class potions."

Elbowing him, Naaza looks at him with a serious look. "You better. With the way Miach-sama gives out a potion for free, we need all the help we can get to make Valis. With you and your magic, you're practically a walking gold mine." Naaza says dreamily at the end, thinking about all the Valis they can make. You can practically see the money signs in her eyes.

Giving her a side eye, Odr replies tightly, not wanting to be used in her scams. "Please know that my magic is only temporary, not permanent. After a while, the things I enchant will revert back to normal. I won't feel comfortable with you selling potions as high-class ones when you know they're just going to revert to low-class ones if not used quickly."

She was waves, Odr off like she wasn't thinking about doing the exact same thing. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm honestly offended you're questioning my character like that."

Looking at her with a helpless smile "Right. What was I thinking? You're not the one I caught last night trying to dilute her potions. I'm obviously wrong and apologize for my wrongful accusation." He says it with a voice full of sarcasm.

Completely disregarding his sarcasm, she turns her face to him, smiling, "Apologies accepted."

Odr snorts at her attitude and her disregard for human decency. As well as this world's version of a lawsuit waiting to happen. He'll deal with it later. He turns back to the quickly approaching tower and says, "Anyway, it seems like we are here." They both stop right before the entrance. "I guess this is it."

Standing next to him, trying not to seem nervous, she recalls what she went through. Holding her right arm. She looks up to him, since he's taller. "Nervous?"

Shaking his hand side to side "A bit. I mean, I fought surface monsters before, like I told you and bossman last night over dinner. But this is on a whole other level. The monsters here make the ones on the surface look like ants compared to them."

Nodding her head "Right," moving in front of him and looking him over, she does a quick checklist. "I have to head back now, before Miach-sama drives our business into the ground with his kindness. Before that, you have everything."


"Sword and dagger," showing his sides where they are.


"Have it"

"Map of the upper floors"


Tapping the inside of his coat, he says, "Right here."

"Health and magic potions"

Showing her, his back where a bag is tied to "Right here. Especially your diluted ones." Giving her a stick eye, "If I didn't have my magic; I would be offended by you sending me in with such low-quality shit."

Ignoring his complaints, one final check: "You have your spare bag for the magic stones." She look at him with a glare, but to him, it just looks like a fierce puppy. "You better come back with everyone you killed. If I find out you leave even one magic stone or ,Miach-sama forbid, a drop item behind, I swear I will never let you hear the end of it." 

Waving her off and showing her the bag, "Don't you worry about a thing? I promise you, I won't leave one thing behind." As he walks past her, he turns one last time. "Seeing as how I got everything on your checklist, I'm going now. Wish me luck, Puppy Captain," he says, turning to the dungeon.

Naaza pauses before she calls out, "You better come back home safe and sound, you hear. Because if I find out that you died, I swear to Miach-Sama. I will take all your stuff and sell it. And at your eulogy, I will make fun of you as much as possible so everyone knows how much of an idiot you were," she says, jokingly trying to hide her actual worry.

Throwing a thumbs up behind his back, he calls out in return, "Don't you worry. I'll be back, I promise. Because my life is my number one priority. And if you touch my stuff, I swear to Miach as well. I'll make it my life's mission to help him with the ladies and see how you'd like that. So don't worry, I promise I'll be back later to cook dinner."

Gaining a tick mark, she calls out as he's about to enter. "I hope you trip and fall on your face now, making a fool of yourself," she says, turning around and stomping home. "Idiot Friggs," grumbling under her breath. Looking back one last time, "Just come safely, you idiot," knowing he can't hear her, She continues back home, hoping her god hasn't given out potions for free.

Ord Pov

I'm finally standing on the precipice of the home of monsters. In the center of the room is a ten-meter-long hole from wall to wall that leads straight into the dungeon. Along the circle are stairs that spiral down into the dungeon. Just looking over the edge, remembering Naaza's last curse, sends shivers down my spine, wondering what happens if I actually trip and fell. 'What an embarrassing way to go'

Walking over to the beginning of the stairway, I can't help but look down fondle while smirking, "Ah, stairs, we finally meet again, my old enemy. My greatest adversary and my first challenge of the day." Looking down on the long, winding path below, "I knew you would be my first obstacle." While talking about the first major hurdle for the dungeon, I garnered a lot of attention from other adventurers walking by.

I start my descent while psyching myself up. Making sure to stay as close to the wall as possible. Just in case, totally not because I'm scared or anything, that I might trip. No, sir, not that at all.

After a couple minutes of careful walking, making sure I don't bump into anyone, I finally make it to the first floor. I look around curiously, taking in every detail. The walls are light blue.

'Huh seems to match up with what I know of the series' unintentionally twitching, remembering the multiple lectures 'and also Rose, Naaza, and Miach's unneeded lectures. I see the wide hallway, which is known as the Beginning Road. With everything I know and what I was told, newbie Level 1 adventurers with a status of I to H in their basic abilities normally spend time on these floors. The monsters that appear are usually goblins or kobolds.' With my sword at the ready, I begin my search for my first opponent.

(A long amount of unknown time later, because I didn't have a damn watch)

Raising my hands to the ceiling and screaming, "WHERE ARE ALL THE FREAKING MIACH-DAMN MONSTER?" I've been walking for hours. "I mean, really, is one or two really that hard?"

While in my own world, cursing my luck. A group of adventurers that are returning to the surface passed by me. A couple of them are snickering, pointing at me, and calling me a newbie. One of them, a female adventurer, stopped, making the others question her. She says to give her a second. Some of them say it's not worth it, just to leave it alone. She just shakes her head and walks over to the new adventurer who's kicking the dungeon wall.

I'm about to kick the wall again. I feel someone tapping my shoulder. I turned to see a female adventurer with black hair, brown eyes, light brown Chienthrope ears on the sides of her head, and a tail. She wears red shorts with matching red boots and a red jacket with a crimson scarf. She also has black gloves, a black belt, and a black shirt underneath her jacket, which shows her belly button. 'Huh, she seems familiar. Where have I seen her before?'

I turn to her like I'm not assaulting the dungeon wall. "Yes, can I help you?" Offering her a kind smile. What I get in return is a snort, making me drop the smile.

"Pfft, funny, I was about to ask you the same thing. Seeing as how you are throwing a tantrum and all."

Crossing my hands and looking away "I was not having a tantrum. I was having a civilized conversation with the dungeon. I was just filing a complaint about the lack of monsters."

Smirking while crossing her arms as well "Is that why you were kicking the wall like a child? Probably hoping the dungeon would have retaliated and thrown a monster your way. I have to say you're the weirdest newbie I've ever met."

I turned to her, raising my finger, about to call out how she knows I'm a newbie, but I stopped realizing there's no point in arguing. lowing my hand, "Fine, fine, you're right, I'm a newbie. Just started. I mean, come on, I've been walking for what I feel like has been hours, and I haven't run into one monster yet. What is up with that?" I asked, hoping she knew what was going on. 'I mean, if she's willing to stop, why not ask for her help? I just hope she's not one of those classic swindlers or thieves planning to steal from me. It's not like I have anything anyway.'

Taking her hand, she pokes me in the chest. "See, that's the problem and misconception all newbies have. You guys never take into account the limited number of monsters that are available for all the new adventures that are all sharing the same floors. Also, since they're more level ones, there's probably a scarce amount of monsters roaming the upper floors. It's a first-come, first-served type of deal at the beginning of every adventurer's career. Job is not only about fighting; there's other things you have to take into account."

Facepalming ' God, I'm an idiot. She was right; I forgot to take that into account. I didn't even think about it. It's not always about fighting. Adventurers still have to come to the floors looking for monsters while other people are there as well. It's not like a monster is going to be conveniently there every time. I forget the anime, and manga probably skips those scenes because it's boring and unnecessary.' Inwardly ranting, 'Curse you as well, other Danmachi fanfictions; you lied to me. Even if your stories were great to read and had an effect on my plans, you warped my view of the dungeon. Sweet promises of action, and all I got was this.'

Tapping me on the shoulder and gaining my attention, "Seeing as you realize your own problem, I'll leave you with that, seeing as my party is waiting for me." She forks a thumb over her shoulder, and I see a group tapping their feet on the ground, waiting. Some of them are glaring at me. "As a senior in adventuring, let me leave you with a couple more tips just in case. When you do encounter a monster, make sure never to underestimate them. If you are able to defeat them, make sure you are capable of preserving the stone to get more out of it. I mean, magic stones that are damaged would lower the amount of Valis you can get from them."

Nodding my head, "Right anything else," this is actually worth knowing. Even if it's the same thing everyone else told me,.

Throwing her hands behind her head, turning around, and walking back to her party, she said, "My last advice is to look for other newbie adventures and see if you can party up. You'll probably be safer and earn more value like that. Well, that's all I can tell you. Now I have to go. Hopefully I get to see you around; maybe you'll buy me a drink as thanks for this awesome advice," she says casually, waving a hand backwards.


As I watched her walk away, I couldn't help but call out, "Not to seem rude or anything, but what's your name? So at least know who to look for."

Turning around to face me with her hands still behind her head and walking backwards, she said, "Lulune Louie. From the Hermes familia. You better remember it."

Now I remember who she is and where I saw her before. I quickly call out "Names Friggs."

"Well, Friggs, see you around." She finally made it back to her party. And is being scolded by a light blue-headed woman with glasses, who I think is her captain, for wasting their time.

I make sure I wait until they leave, checking my pockets and stuff to see if anything was stolen, because I remember that Lulune is a thief and loves money. Breathing a sigh of relief, "Oh, thank you, Miach; everything's there." I can't be too careful with thieves like that. They can do their voodoo magic with their hands and discreetly take stuff, and I wouldn't even know. Looking up at the direction they left, "At least she was kind enough to help me out. If I remember correctly, she is supposed to be carefree and friendly to anyone. Checks out, I guess," makes her one of the good ones in Hermes's familia.

Signing and looking both ways, I begin my search for anything at all. I was hoping it wouldn't take too long. ' I just have to be patient. I mean, how long could it take'? Poor, naive Odr.

After the fifth time walking around what I believe is the same damned corridor, I give up and move to the wall, placing my hand on it. Practically caressing it. I begin to talk to it like it's an actual being, since I'm running out of patience. "Hello, sweet Dungeon-Chan, I know we just met, and I'm already inside of you," ha phrasing. "I apologized for earlier, you know. For kicking your beautiful walls, but can you forgive me by hooking me up by sending me some monster my way? I won't be picky; I'm perfectly fine with a goblin or two." Pausing, I then added, "But if you're feeling generous, I wouldn't particularly mind if you actually sent me a jackbird." I take my hand off the wall and wait.

I looked around, hoping for any sign at all. See nothing. "Oh well, time to pull out the big gun," I said, coughing into my fist, about to break one of the major rules you should never do. With my arms spread out, I call out, "Oh, thank the gods, nothing bad has happened yet. I haven't run into anything dangerous." I was preparing myself for the final nail in the coffin. I say the piece de résistance, "What could possibly go wrong?" That's right, folks, I intentionally invoked Murphy's Law. That is how desperate I am.

With my arms still wide open and my head held high, I wait for that sweet sound of the dungeon wall cracking. After a couple minutes of nothing, I turned back to the dungeon wall, pouting, "Come on, not even that. What's the problem? Are you out of juice? Is that it? I know it takes energy to create monsters, but come on. Help a brother out." No response. Shaking my head, I said, "It's not like I could help you, you know." Pausing, "Wait a second." Looking at my hands, "Can I?"

I was thinking about my magic. I begin to question if I can actually do something. "I mean, I'm capable of chanting nearly anything; doesn't that mean I'm able to enchant the dungeon?" Slowly raising my hand to the wall. I shake my head, pulling my hand back.

Walking back and forth in front of the same wall. I start to weigh the pros and cons. "On one hand, I'll finally get some monsters. On the other hand, I could probably royally piss off the Dungeon." Pausing, looking at the wall that's practically calling out to me.

"I mean, if this actually works, it probably won't be that big of a deal, right? My magic right now doesn't give that big of a enchantment, so it's not like it's going to do anything bad. I mean, if anything, the dungeon will probably be thankful to me since I'm not damaging it." I let my delusions take over instead of talking myself out of it. "Screw it. I'm doing it." Looking left and right, making sure no one is there. I walk back to the wall again, placing my hand on it. I am about to do one of the stupidest things I can probably do.


Breathing in and out, I was about to call out to magic while focusing on the dungeon wall. "Ok, dungeon-chan, it's just you and me. Let's do some sweet experimenting together." Breathing one last deep breath, I recite my magic using only a tiny bit of mind for a low-level enchantment. "All I ever desire is here, Enchant (Dungeon Monster Creation)." Sending my spell into the dungeon itself.

I quickly jumped back, having my sword at hand just in case. I look around, trying to see any signs of a monster. Signing at my failed attempt and sending an apologetic look to the dungeon "Sorry, Dungeon-chan, it seems that didn't work. Oh well, I'm going to go back to searching. If anything, I'll probably hit the lower floors if I'm that desperate."

Shaking my head while walking away, I look at my hand. "I honestly thought that would work." Just as I said that, the ground starts to shake—barely a thing, yet I can feel a small vibration. It's not that big of a deal, like I'm not going to fall or anything, but I can still feel it. And I started to hear a wonderful sound.




Looking at the wall 20 feet away from me, cracking. I see two goblins and a Kolbold popping out. Looking at them and then the wall next to me. I couldn't help but give it a pat. For a job well done.

I sigh, getting ready for this fight, looking blankly ahead while thinking about what just happened. I couldn't stop a smirk from forming. "Oh, I'm so maliciously going to abuse this later." While looking at my freshly spawned Excelia, I couldn't help but call out to my growling opponent, "Well, what are you waiting for? Come on, I've been waiting all day for this."

That triggered them, and they started to run towards me. Cracking my neck, pulling my dagger, and dual-wielding with my sword. "Let's get down to business."



[5,500 Word Count]

Odr has finally registered as an adventure. Finally stepping into the dungeon. However, what he wasn't ready for was the actual work he had to put in to finding a monster. This isn't like the series or any other fanfiction. This is real life now, and he has to contend with other level-one adventures. Or any other greedy, high-level ones that roam the upper floors.

After wasting a lot of time just looking around, he was unable to find any monsters. Losing his patience, he finally devolved to talking to the dungeon itself and provoking the one being you shouldn't provoke. Murphy. And when that didn't work, he ended up using his magic, not knowing if he was going to royally screw himself. What seemed like a failed attempt was actually a success. Now that he is about to face his first dungeon adversary, he's left wondering about the new possibility that his magic just showed him and how much he can abuse it.

Let's all stay tuned to find out.


First off, a major shout out to two authors who gave me one as well. Vulkizaro_Zoromi and Draconic_Terror. Fellow authors who are also writing Danmachi stories. I highly recommend reading theirs. They actually have stories that are worthwhile and interesting to read. So, my faithful readers, if you ever get the chance, I hope you can take the time to read theirs as well.

For Vulkizaro_Zoromi, he has two I recommend reading. "Chaos has come to Orario (A Seven Deadly Sins X Danmachi SI story)" and "Orario Records of Bastard Cheating Minecrafter". I know both titles are a mouthful but it fits. Both stories give a new perspective to danmachi fics, and new outlook on how the world works. Also it constantly being updated.

For Draconic_Terror, it is called "Is It Wrong to Try to Tame Monsters in a Dungeon," both the old version and his new serious one. That's primarily focusing on being a tamer with monsters and unlocking new evolutions. Yes, it sounds pokémonish, but I still recommend and hope you guys give it a try. I'm telling you that you might actually enjoy it. Also had a constant update.

Now that I'm done with my fellow authors, shout out. I just want to take the time to say I'm very sorry for the delay. It was the new year, and there were some things that came up that actually took a lot of time to settle. I finally got that handled, and I also had to go back to work. Both things took time out of my writing.

I'm the type of writer who needs to be focused when I'm writing, or I feel like I won't give you guys good-quality work. So once again, sorry for the delay. I hope this chapter can meet your standards. So once again, I'm sorry for the two-week delay.

And I'm probably going to try to write shorter chapters so I can start pushing them out for you guys. I get a lot of comments, which I'm thankful for since I know you guys really want to see new chapters. I honestly want to know if you're fine with me writing shorter chapters.

Also, tell me, do you guys like the point of view changes?

Do you think I'm actually nailing the characters personalities, or do you think I should work on them? Again, it's hard to write their personalities to the T for those who are actually critiquing them.

Did you like the sneak peek at how he's going to use his magic? Trust me, there's a whole lot of ideas I have coming. And if you guys have any ideas on what I should use the magic on, comment here so I can know.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment on it and let me know. I am more than willing to hear it and curious to see what you guys have to say.

So I'll leave it at that. Just your power stone is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard; cheer me up! Vote for me!

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RikuKage RikuKage

I got to tell you people that writing is so hard. That, working a job, and everything else in your life. With other things I have to take care, it cuts into my writing time, which I enjoy. And if I'm not focused, I feel like I wouldn't give you guys quality work. So once again, sorry for the delay. I hope this chapter can meet your standards. Comment and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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