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77.27% Oh No, I get stuck with Crazy Name that Stuck me with A crazy Goddess! / Chapter 14: Why, Just Why. Will The Problems Never End

Chương 14: Why, Just Why. Will The Problems Never End

I look over my status sheet again and again. I'm hoping it just goes away. 'Why, just why? What sin I have committed in the past—that was too far. This is literally driving me down a path of no escape,' I thought pitifully. 'I already have a name and probably a soul thats cat nip to Freya. Now I have to deal with this BS skill. VANADIS GODDAMN ODR. Is there some cruel entity that's using my life as a joke? If you want to marry Freya so bad, get your ass over here and do it yourself. Don't drag me into this.'

Suddenly, I see a hand waving in front of my face in front of my status sheet, startling me. I look to my left to see Miach trying to get my attention. "Yeah, Boss, what is it?"

Miach doesn't say anything for a few seconds, sighing here and prying the paper from my hand. "I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes. It seemed like you didn't even hear me. You were so absorbed in looking at your new status that you couldn't focus on anything else. As much as I want to let you look it over, as long as you like, we have pressing issues." Withholding the sheet in one hand, he looks down at it, then back at me with a serious face. "Do you understand the issue with this? Even you, yourself, said it's a cruel skill, which I have to agree with. But do you understand who this is involved with, particularly?"

Rubbing the back of my head, "Sorta." I mean, I'm not lying; I just don't know the extent it will have yet. "Can we worry about the skill last? There is something else I want to talk about first" Remembering what it said about my race

"Trying to avoid it is not good for you or me."

Waving my hands "I'm not trying to avoid it, honest. I get it; that's probably the biggest issue with my status and what we should be focusing on. I just want to save it for last. Since it's probably something we're going to talk about the most."

Miach just sighs and sits down to get comfortable, since we're going to be here for a while. 'Why couldn't I get a normal child after all this time?' he complains inwardly. Looking back up at me, "Have it your way, but we will be talking about it. Because this is serious for the whole familia." Leaving no room for discussion.

"Thanks, Boss." I give him a sincere smile for giving me the extra minutes to get my thoughts in order.

He returns to smile with one as well, but he is still filled with apprehension about what we both saw. "Since you want to do this in order," Holding up three fingers "There were four things that I saw that we have to talk about. Two of them can fit into one category, which is your name and your skill. The others are your magic, which is a less pressing issue, so we'll get that out of the way first, and the second is your race." His face takes on a concentrated look. "As for your race, I don't know where it falls problematically, since this is the first time I've seen or heard of it happening on a falna. However, we will get to that next."

Nodding along, "I can get behind that. It seems easier this way." While looking at my new god, while pushing away the race and skill for now. I tried to focus on the thing I've been waiting for the most. "So, my magic?" I asked it as a question, so he doesn't know I already know about it. I didn't get a proper look at it, and I want to check it again.

Miach is holding up my status. "Yes, your magic, Fortryllende Vehemence." Looking it over again "Seems like an enchantment magic that simply boosts nearly anything you can think of. Be it an effect, ability, or attributes. A rare magic to have that's limited by your total MIND, your rank of magic, and your knowledge. It is uncommon to start off with magic from the get-go. But it isn't unheard of. Magic is considered to be a strong power. There are two different types of magic: congenital magic, which is magic based on one's own ability and race, and acquired magic, which is magic based on the falna given by the gods and goddesses. Where yours falls under is probably the latter. The question is: is it contact magic or can it be applied from a distance? If it's the former, it limits your range. If it's the letter, it can be developed quite nicely." He takes his eyes off the sheet to look at me.

"Regardless, this magic can make you a sought-after adventurer. It literally has the potential to grow alongside you, which could be good and dangerous for you."


"Yes, dangerous, Friggs; very dangerous. From my understanding, there's no limit to what you can enchant. It's only limited by your understanding of what you're enchanting, how much MIND you can feed it with, and your overall rank in MAG. We have no idea how far you can take it. I'm not well versed in magic itself, but from what I can understand from the description, if you can properly use it, there's no telling what you can do and how far you can take it. And that, in and of itself, makes it dangerous. If any gods ever find out about your magic, particularly how it works, there is no telling what they might do to get you into their familia." He chuckles, but it's not a good laugh. "It's not even the worst on your status sheet, and it's already a cause for concern. I advise taking your time with it and making sure not to tell others how it works. Just keep it simple for now."

"Don't you worry, I plan to make sure I learn every possible way I can use the magic. I also promise not to tell a single soul outside our familia the exact details of the magic. I'll just keep it simple and call it strength enchantment." I tell him what he wants to hear 'However, I'm also going to find a way to use this to my advantage. I'm totally going to be looking for ways to break the system in my favor. If you're not cheating, you're not winning.' I was inwardly rubbing my hands together, cackling.

Noticing my crooked smile and probably understanding I'm probably thinking of something troublesome, Miach can't help but shake his head. "Moving on." He points to my race on my status sheet. "Your race"

Raising my hand like I'm in class. He waves his hand, telling me to go ahead, "Yeah, what's up with that? I always thought I was a human. What's with the question mark? Is it trying to tell me I'm something else? If it is, can I be part dragon? Dragons are cool." I'm trying to lighten the mood, but I'm also hoping I get to have cool dragon abilities.

Snorting at my enthusiasm at being a potential dragon hybrid "Unfortunately for you, young Friggs, that is not going to happen." My face turns disappointed. 'So much for having dragon wings and breathing dragon fire. I can cross that off my dream list.' However, after his face turns serious, I drop the frown. "Something you have to understand about the falna is that, it's pulling information from every falna there is or was. Every single one that has ever been given to mortals. It takes its knowledge from a collective source of information that is used by every deity for a mortal falna. It's why most development abilities are the same for adventurous because they're already pre-recorded for the falna; it just takes a certain criteria to get them. Same for race, which has a record of every record race in all of Genkai. In regards to being part monster or dragon in your case, I don't know if I even should be telling you this, but in that regard, you would be labeled as a creature under your race instead of a human with a question mark. A creature is a special race of hybrid people who consume monsters' magic stones." 'So like Revis and Filvis' "; however, I need you to promise me never to do that. Because it's taboo amongst us, God's for mortals to do it, because it has unforeseen repercussions not only for your body but also your soul. So Odr Friggs swears to me you won't do anything like that. I'm only telling you this because it has to do with why your race has a question mark and why I know you're not part monster."

"I promise you, Lord Miach, I won't. I value my life more than anything, and I'm not particularly willing to experiment with unstable means to get Stonger." Which is true since my life is my number one priority. "Not even if there's a chance for me to get sweet, sweet dragon wings and breathe fire." I can still dream, though.

"You couldn't have just left it at a no, could you? You just had to add that last comment, didn't you? Even if I know you're kidding since you weren't lying, now I have to worry that you might show up one day with monster parts just because you thought it would be cool." Shaking his head, he finally realized what Rudra was talking about—my quirks. "As much as it seems cool to see you fly around, please refrain from doing it, even if you're joking."

"Yes, sir, no need to worry." Seeing as I'm still not lying, he nods in return. "So what does this have to do with my race, particularly?"

"As of right now, it's unforeseen, and I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" I said, questioning him while being a bit concerned.

"As of this moment, I cannot tell you if it's a good thing or a bad thing. As I mentioned before, all races have been pulled from a collective source since the founding of the first falna. For you in particular, it states that you are human, so we both know that. As for the question mark, it probably means you are also a race that has never been seen before by any god, and the falna cannot label you as such. You're probably the first of your kind, but seeing as there are no discerning features, it's probably in the process of determining your race in particularly. In that regard, do you know, by any chance, what race your parents were? Were they both humans, or was one something else? Clearly, you're not an Amazon since they are a female-only race. Or a beastman, since you lack any of their noticeable features. Or any other race really, since it would have been simply revealed as such."

I frown for a second, but give him an answer: "I don't know."

"You don't know? What do you mean you don't know?" 'Huh deja vu'

Sighing while rubbing my neck "There's nothing really big about it, and I don't like thinking about it, honestly. It's just that I'm an orphan. I never actually knew my parents."

'Truth,' Miach thinks. Lightly bowing, "I'm sorry, young Friggs, that was uncalled for. I apologize for my unintentional words."

Shaking my hands rapidly and trying to make him raise his head, "No, no, don't get it wrong, I never actually had an issue with it. I mean, I have made a lot of brothers and sisters over the years. Sad I had to leave the orphanage I grew up in, when I reached a certain age. However, I made wonderful memories with everyone there. I mean, it was thanks to that that I learned a lot of talents over the years, from cooking to playing music to even sewing, so I can help around. So it wasn't all that bad." I say this fondly, remembering the place I used to grow up in and what I called home. All the kids who looked up to me, even the annoying ones, I treasure each and everyone of them as my family. Especially my best friend. I shake my head quickly not to go down that road. 'Even years later, I'm not over it' focusing on Miach again. "Even if I didn't have parents, I still had a family, you know. It was never really a big deal to me. So I don't know who they were or what in this case. I unfortunately cannot answer your question." However, what was left unsaid was that this body already lost his previous parents blood and was remade by someone or something else.

'Once again, all true' Smiling, "I'm glad, young Friggs, that this hasn't affected you. I'm happy, that even in a situation like this, you can still find solace with those around you and the memories you made. Seeing as you don't know your own ancestry, we have to just leave it alone and see how it develops from here. The same as your magic, this should not leave the room under any circumstances because the unknown is one thing most gods, find most intriguing."

Pointing to myself, "Of course, you don't have to tell me that. I'm trying to keep a low profile, to be honest. I'm not particularly in the mood to be put on stage for some asshole God's entertainment." I pause and then add, "No offense. I'm not saying you in particular, but I heard that a lot of deities are like that." I just clarify to make sure he knows I'm not calling him an asshole. I mean, even if he also came down looking for something new, he is still one of the kindest gods there is.

"None taken. There are a lot of deities who will do anything for something new and interesting. It's the majority reason why they came down from Tenkai anyway."

"Got it, note to self; really avoid deities like that," I say out loud just to make sure he understands I'm not going to involve myself with those particular gods and goddesses.

"Yeah, that is for the best. Now then." Holding the sheet up one more time, he's face goes back to being serious. Regarding what we're about to talk about next: "Now for the most pressing issue: your name and your skill." He places the paper down and fold his hands. "Tell me, do you understand what your skill truly means? Better yet, what do you know about Freya, the person involved with it? Do note; I will know if you're lying." For a God who's supposed to be kind and compassionate, he does have a serious side. And I think I underestimated him a bit.

'Ok, Odr, breathe. Take it nice and slow. Answer the questions one at a time, and make sure you know what you're saying. Not too fast but not too slow either.' Looking at Miach, I start off with an easy one. "Well, starting with the last one, I know OF Freya; I have never met her in person, though. Mostly from a variety of sources, but the majority from a book I read, detailing information regarding Orario." 'If you count the light novel and manga as a book, then yes'

"A book? Someone wrote a book about Freya?" Miach said, slightly alarmed and confused.

"Yes and no, mostly about Orario in general, which includes major deities and their families like Freya. Also major goddesses like Loki and Hephaestus. Even Zeus and Hera and what happened to them. Before you asked, I had never met the author in person. I just found their work by chance. I think their initials were F.O. I don't know particularly what they did in Orario for sure. The book was written from a third perspective, about the ins and outs of Orario. Which includes the personalities of major gods here. I don't know for sure if they match up with how they're portrayed." 'Since I'm in the past, "I just know of Freya from their perspective. I don't know why they written her and other gods like that. And what I learned additionally from Rudra is that she and Loki were both the main reasons for driving out two previous top families that accomplished two of the three great quests after the failing third. Literally at their lowest point. So from what I already know and from what I learned from Rudra, it just paints her as a person I want to avoid."

"You're not lying. Yet I feel there's more to it than that". 'shit' "This book of yours, do you still have it?" I got this.

"Unfortunately, no, if you remember the letter from Rudra, I was unfortunately dropped in the middle of the forest from where I was before. Literally, with nothing I can call my own."

"Hmmm, again, you're not lying." Shaking his head, "Truly unfortunate, I'm quite curious to see this book of yours. Maybe when we get the time, you can tell me about it." 'Holy shit, I got away with it. Also, hell no. Not if I can help it.' "But regardless, so you have an understanding of who Freya is, correct?" Nodding my head, "Very well, let's start with your name. Odr, it's a name that's been passed through Tenkai for a long time. It's been tied to Freya and her destined one. From what I heard, before I descended, Freya has been in long pursuit of this ideal person." He stops to give me a once-over "Yet here before me stands a person with the very same name. How curious?" Curious, no sir. It's just a goddamn pain in the ass, is what it is.

"Look, I can swear on my love for anything delicious, especially sweets, my hobbies, and money." Top three things I care most for. "I didn't ask for this name. I was just given the name. I honestly think it's stupid. I mean, my literally sounds like Odds Fricks. I mean, if I could change it, I would. I just don't know how or will the falna even allow a name change." 'Let's be real. I would totally do it if I could.' If it wasn't having my name seared onto my very soul or that bullshit curse. That prevents me from giving out a different name intentionally. I would for sure pick something between badass and yet not too edgelord or cringeworthy.

Miach waves his hand, pushing the issue aside. "Unfortunately, you cannot. It's the name you have given since birth that's recorded on the falna." 'Not really. Wait, I technically died and was reincarnated with a new body. Hmmm, Checks out, I guess' "The name itself paints a major target on your back. Since you never met your parents and you were given the name, you can say whoever dropped you off at the orphanage probably heard tales of Freya and her obsession. They probably gave you the name to fulfill their own form of love for her. It's the only scenario I can think of. Take young Rudra, for example; unfortunately, he was actually named after an evil god due to his parents, who were in said god's familia long ago. Fortunately, he turned out fine. It's probably the same case for you as well. It's unfortunate we cannot confirm what their intentions really were by giving you the name Odr." Shakes his head in pity. 'Dear Fujino Omori, Miach, you Madlad, you're practically giving me a great alibi for my name. Why didn't I think of that? Shit, I got to remember that. I got to write it down in my memory. Also, thanks for doing all the work filling in the blanks on your own; it saves me the trouble'. I take mental notes to use this excuse when I can. Truly, what a kind God!

Shrugging in regards to his theory "Probably. I truly don't know who gave me the name or why." I pause for a second to think, 'since I don't know who actually reincarnated me. Probably the hazy figure I saw and his stupid, stupid wheel, Goddamn possible, Rob. The question is, was it actually a coincidence based on luck or was it intentional?' I continue speaking, "Quick question, piggybacking from what you said earlier. How the name Odr was tied to a tale regarding Freya and her destined one. How many people actually know about this?"

Grabbing his chin "I mean, it was a well-taled story back in Tenkai, since it involved one of the most desirable and sought after goddesses. So the majority of the gods know. As for the people of Genkai, Can't say. I mean, I haven't heard much about it down here, so I don't think the name is going around. Which makes it even more weird that you have a name like that." I know right.

"So following that. I haven't had any issues with my names yet, since I have never been to Orario before. My name probably isn't well known outside of a certain group of people, especially outside of Orario. I just knew my weird name was going to bring me trouble sooner or later. However, in regards to what you said so far and what I know of Freya, I can promise you that I have no intention or plans to get involved with her. She seems like a pain to deal with. So I'm just going to stick with my last name for now."

Nodding to my suggestion, Miach thoughtfully replied, "A very wise decision. Even if you were named, due to others obsession with Freya, we truly don't know how she will react. We don't know if she'll take it as a slight towards her or grow interested in you. It's better we don't find out." He stops to stare me in the eye again. Bringing us back to the main issues: "Now, then, we finally come back to the real troublemaker of all. Your skill (Vanadis Odr), which literally means Goddess of Beauty's Partner or, better term, Husband of Freya," Helplessly spreading his arms, "Your name, we can probably get by on a coincidence alone. However, this skill literally brings a whole question to your very existence and your relations to Freya. If I didn't know better, I would think you were born just to fulfill Freya's very own desire." I couldn't help but agree. 'Miach, buddy, you have no idea. You literally have no idea how scary and accurate you are. Even if it was by chance, I'm literally the closest person that fits her criteria right now. Until Bell comes, that is. Once again, stupid freaking wheel.'

I stop myself from going on another rant, I focus on what he is saying. "The thing you have to understand about skills, Young Friggs, is that they are based on a mortal's desires. Skills are born from a mortal's soul and what they want most. What makes them, them, if you will?" He pauses to make sure I'm following along. "The question is, whose desire is Vanadis Odr truly from? Is it born from you, from the person who gave you your very name, or from Freya herself?" I couldn't help but frown at that. "However, even if it's forbidden for a god to mess with a mortal's falna, it does happen, but you said it yourself. You never met Freya before, and you were telling the truth." I nodded. "Also, you didn't have a falna before this. As I was applying the falna to you, I didn't sense any divine intervention from you. However, that can be explained with Vanadis Odr subskill Huo Sal (Hidden Soul), if anything."

Miach holds up the sheet, pointing to the skill: "This skill, Vanadis Odr, has five subparts to it. Two of them are hidden until you have a basic understanding, and one of them is even locked until you meet a certain criteria." Lowering the sheet for a second "It's really the only reason I haven't erased the skill and hidden it from you, for your own safety. Don't get me wrong, I usually wouldn't do this, and I think you would have been better off not knowing."

Curious I asked him, "Why didn't you?" I mean, I would have been okay with it. 'With a skill like this, for sure. I don't need another headache to worry about.'

"It's because of the hidden subskills that you need to know. I don't know if they're dangerous for you or not. It's best we discover it as soon as possible because we don't know how it will affect you. Since they are hidden, they are still active and in effect as of right now. They could be good or bad. And they only reveal themselves if you actually acknowledge the skill itself."

"Make sense; it is better to be in the know and not let it affect me later. Like you said, since it only says hidden, that means the subskills are already working and probably doing something; I just don't know what they are. I have no idea where to even begin, to even figure it out."

"My advice for you, Young Friggs, is to take it slow and not rush. All I can offer you is that it probably involves Freya and her sphere of influence, her godly domains, if you will. Since the skill revolves around her, I think each subskill is based around each of her domains, which she has influence over. However, let's focus on the two we do know."

Nodding, "(The passionate chase of every lasting longing) and (Huo Sal/Hidden soul), right?"

Miach Nods "Yes, both skills, if used right, can be very helpful to you." Holding a finger: "The first is a skill that I never heard of before. There have been skills that help with a temporary boost in stats but not in growth. Even if there were skills like that, usually they're affected by oneself, not by the influence of another." Holding the sheet, "This skill gives you a boost in growth as long as you are desired by Freya while not giving in to said desires. From what I can read, it takes into account how much she acknowledges you and how much she wants you. That should be impossible since falnas aren't supposed to work like that." Looking me in the eye, trying to convey the seriousness of it. "Even then, is it really worth the risk of pursuing strength like this by using another person's love?"

Without hesitating, "No, it's not. Not even to Freya. Regardless of me, not wanting to be involved with her, this skill just doesn't feel right to me. Like I said before, it's a cruel skill, and I'm better off not using it." Both, that it goes against what I'm trying to avoid, and I just don't feel it's worth it. To mess with her for a quick way to power. 'Also, I feel like if I start, there'll be no going back. For me or Freya' sighing inwardly, wondering why things couldn't be simple, 'I want to be outside playing and experimenting with my magic. Not having to sit through this long lecture. Even if it's important.'

Smiling, Miach nods at my words, "Well said. You should never use others to gain strength, and I'm glad that you are truthful with your words. It's better off not indulging in this type of skill; there's a point where it can end poorly for everyone." Pointing to the paper again "However, there's a plus side to this skill. As a side effect, you'll always be able to locate Freya. I don't know exactly what this means, but you'll be able to easily avoid her with this."

Tilting my head, "Like a Freya sense or radar?" Pondering, 'am I going to get spider sense just when Freya is around? This is literally a great boon. Hopefully, it won't be a shiver down my spine every time I'm near her. Now, I'm so tempted just to walk by the hostess, just to see how it works.' 

Bemused, Miach replies, "Probably something like that." Folding his hands, "Now the final thing we do know of is (Huo Sal). This skill, compared to the last one, is probably the most beneficial for you and our familia in regards to avoiding Freya. Something you should know about us God's, if you don't already know, Is that when we descend from Tenkai, we are forced by law to seal our arcanum that contains our divine abilities."

"What about it?"

"Patience Friggs patience, I was about to get to it." After chiding me, he continues, "The seal only stops us from using our divine abilities, not our innate ones. For example, for me, I'm able to tell right away the effects and potency of any potions or poisons just by taste alone. Same with the goddess Hephaestus, who will always be able to tell the quality of works from blacksmithing."

"And Freya?" I am ready to see where this is going.

"As for Freya, she has the innate ability to see the color and brilliance of souls. She often used this ability while in Tenkai to claim those she took a liking to before anyone else. Probably the same here in Genkai as well. She is also able to use this to vaguely estimate the status of adventurers by looking at them. With it, she can also tell the emotions that are clouding an individual and their mental states. This ability also makes her skilled at manipulating people." I interrupted him when I realized what that meant.

Hitting my palm with my fist, "However, with Huo Sal, that's not an issue for me," I said out loud, smiling. However, what was left unsaid was, 'I already knew something was going to happen with my soul when I reincarnated after receiving my new name. That's why, when I had a choice when designing my new body, I made sure to make my soul look as plain as possible. I didn't think it would become a skill.' I pause for second 'Since the name means hidden soul, it implys that my soul looks different without it. I'm honestly curious what it would look like. If anything, it's probably something stupidly captivating that would attract Freya, something as grand as Bell's clear soul.' Shivering just thinking about it 'Truly, Huo Sal, you are my greatest ally.'

Nodding "Correct, as long as you don't come in contact with Freya, all she'll see is a plain gray soul that probably won't interest her. As long as we can keep your name from getting out there, you should be fine for awhile." Leaning back into his chair "Honestly this skill of yours, truly is a living contradiction"

'Huh', tilting my head. "What do you mean?"

Looking towards the ceiling "Vanadis Odr is a skill that brings Freya's love into reality. However, the first subskill is the major point of the contradiction. A skill that allows you to flourish while being desired by Freya but also while denying that same desire. And your second subskill, as we know, goes against the first because it helps mask your presence, which makes it harder for Freya to find you and, in turn, prevents growth from the former. Don't get me even started on the two hidden ones and the locked one." Looking back at me, "Do you understand? The skill is all over the place; it doesn't have consistency, which most skills usually have. For a skill named being Freya's husband, I truly don't understand it all. And you know the worst part of it all."

With apprehension from everything so far, I asked, "What?"

Holding up the status sheet for the final time points to the very bottom of the skill, Vanadis Odr. "This skill is susceptible to change and evolution depending on hidden criteria. We already have enough to worry about with your other hidden subskills and the one that is locked. Now we have to worry that this skill still has the potential to evolve and change later on. We have no idea what will cause said change. Like, it wasn't trouble already; it just has to tell us that it can potentially get worse. I pray it doesn't turn out like that." After that, he just leans back to close his eyes and take a minute for himself.

While he does that, I take a second to think about it and what it can mean: 'It makes me wonder. What would have happened if I had joined Freya instead of Miach? Will the skill be the same or different? I think the first subskill was my own desire not to be involved with her and my knowledge of her uncontrollable need to have her (Odr) by her side. To finally have her ideal love. I wonder if I just give in, will the skill change since her chase will finally come to an end? What will it become, I wonder.'? I shook my head, making Miach raise an eyebrow after he opened his eyes. 'No, it doesn't matter. I want to be able to decide on my own and not be forced into it. Be it from her or anyone else'

I also take a second to think a bit about what he said earlier and why the skill is the way it is:' It's probably also based on my old world's myth of Freya and Odr, compared to Danmachi. I think the standard of the skill is based on the tale of Freya's search for her husband, who was actually married to her. (The passionate chase of every lasting longing) probably portrays her ever-longing hope to be reunited with the one man she truly loved, to which she cries red, golden tears. Versus Odr desires to go on long journeys to explore the nine realms. Both of their desires combine to create the first subskill. Huo Sal is most likely derived from my own desire to have a plain soul to hide from Freya when making my new body, and was most likely merged into Vanadis Odr because of the myth that Odr was hiding or couldn't be found by Freya no matter what.' I'm so thankful for the mythological classes that I took. I even remembered this. Honestly, even if she was the goddess of fertility and love and slept around, she only truly had children with one person, her husband. The og Odr honestly sounds like a dick. However, that's what happens with gods and their domains. They have a strong influence on them. Just like Freya will always seek love and beauty, those more often than not, influencing her own actions. The god Odr will always seek his own desires, being the god of desires and vehemence. Especially the second one, which literally refers to the display of a strong feeling or passion. Coupled with being a god of desire. It's no wonder he does whatever he wants on a whim. Sometimes I pity the gods and how tied to their domains they truly are.' Sighing, 'Why does my life have to be so hard?'

We both took a couple minutes to digest what we talked about. Until Miach speaks again. "Well, that's it, I guess; we got through it all. Like we discussed before, please be careful with your magic and how you go about using this new skill of yours. Try to keep a low profile. I had enough headaches for one day. I can probably go for the next couple months without another one. I think that's enough for today, and we can go register you at the guild tomorrow." He gets up and says, "If you desire to explore the Dungeon and are not interested in making potions, I'll make sure to keep regular updates on your status so we can keep an eye on the skill." Pausing like he just remembered something "Before I forget, turn around real quick. I need to conceal your status board, so no one esle can see it." Doing as he says, I give him access to my back to let him finish. After that, I turn back to him "Now, I think we had enough time sitting around; let me show you to your room so you can get settled. Naaza and I originally were going out shopping for supplies both for the pharmacy and for dinner." Smirking lightly "Unfortunately, as we were about to leave, we saw the most particular scene." I couldn't help but blush again and curse past me. "In the end, I finally got a new child after so many years, even with my debt, so I think it's fine." He pauses, tapping his chin. "Even with all the unintentional problems you brought with you."

Bowing my head a little bit, "Sorry," I honestly thought I'd be able to lay low. I honestly didn't see this skill coming. It's not like I wanted to bring such problems to Miach; he already has enough to deal with.

Tapping me on the shoulder "No need to apologize; I accepted you all the same. So don't worry about it; we'll get through this together. As long as you desire to be part of my familia, you will always be welcome with open arms." He starts walking towards the door "Come now, your room awaits"

I just sat there for a second, trying not to crack a silly smile after hearing his previous sentence. 'Even with all the bullshit that I brought, he still welcomes me. I'm not sure if he's so desperate because of his debt or if he's just that kind. I truly hope it's latter,' but a flash of remorse passes through as I realize I'm only adding to his workload.

Sighing, I getting up, putting my shirt and coat back on, while grabbing my stuff on the way, and I follow him out. I quickly caught up to him. He takes me to a couple rooms past his and what probably is Naaza. In the first room, right by the stairs that lead to the blue pharmacy downstairs, he opens the door.

He steps to the side so I can see. "I know it's not much. This was just a room we had for any potential new familia members or guests. I hope it's accommodating for you." He gestures with his arm. "Why don't you take a look?"

I step inside and look around. It's much smaller than his room, and it seems like a single bedroom that barely fits two people. On the left side is a single-person bed. Against the wall across the door is a drawer with a lamp. And to the right is a small closet. With a small window to the outside above the drawer. I dropped my bag on the bed and removed my weapons and wooden guitar to put on top of the drawer.

With his hands behind his back, he gives me a small smile. "So how is it? Not to cramp, I hope. We can check if there's another room that's more to your liking." His voice was filled with concern, checking if I liked the room.

I turn to look at him and offer him a smile in return. "No, it's perfect. It has everything I need, so don't worry about it."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Miach replies back. "I'm so glad. I thought it would be too small. You know, with our current financial issues, the boarding situation might be tight for a while. So I'm happy you didn't find any issues."

Getting a bit back into my previous personality, I cannot help but be dramatic and arrogantly tell him with a little pride by bumping my fist to my chest, "Don't you worry, Lord Rizz, this is only a temporary situation. I promise you didn't. I'll help you take care of that debt, and then from there, it's only going to get better.  We're going to reclaim your previous rank and status as a mid-rank familiar and go beyond even that. That's a promise I make to you. We're going to be swimming in so much Valis. That we're going to have to remodule the Blue Pharmacy and our familia home." This is a promise I make to him, here and now. ' If he's going to put his neck out for me, I'm going to make sure I reclaim what he lost and plus interested.'

Snorting at my arrogant but truthful words, "First and foremost, you're going to have to explain this whole Rizz thing to me one day. As for your promise, as much as I look forward to getting out of debt. Please don't push yourself too hard. I just got you. I don't want to lose you too quickly because you took on too much at a time. Just take it at your own pace, okay?" Finishing with a fatherly smile.

Looking away since I can't stare at his face, "Fine, I'll try to take it slow, but I will follow through on the promise; just you wait." 'damn natural Gigolo. I really hope, now that I'm part of his familia, I'm able to get an ounce of his Rizz vibes by proxy by being his child now.'

"That's all I ask. Now I'm going to leave you to get settled. Naaza and I are quickly going to make a supply run for the shop and get stuff for dinner. We still have to do your welcome ceremony. If you want, you can explore our familia home; just don't go into my or Naaza's room. OK?"

"Yeah, ok. But may I make a request?" I think I want to do something nice for my new god and captain.

Tilting his head, "What is it?" He's generally curious about what I want to request from him.

I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly and asked, "If it's not too much trouble, would you mind if I made dinner? I want to do it as a thank you for letting me join your familia. And before you say anything, since that vicious old man even complimented me, I think I'm a decent enough cook." Frowning, "I'm still salty; he didn't even include all the things I did for him—the cleaning and the cooking. He literally made me a slave for the month I was with him." I shake my head, then I look back at Miach. "I know it's supposed to be my welcome dinner, but I really like cooking, so I'm hoping you let me handle it. I just want to do something nice for you guys," I said while scratching my cheek.

Hearing the truth of my words, he offers me a warm smile. 'How much can this guy smile? If I don't know any better, I think his face would freeze like that.' He answers my question, "I would normally turn you down and handle it. But seeing how passionate you are. I can't help but wonder how good it would be if you were able to get young Rudra to like it. Also, if it's not too much trouble, please try at least to tone down the complaints about him. Even if he left the familia, he's still my child since I can still feel my blessing on him." Turning to walk out the door, "I'll call you when we're back and show you all the ingredients we have. Now I can't wait to see what you make and am looking forward to it."

"Just you wait, I'm going to rock both your worlds." I see him about to leave. I call out to him one more time. "Wait, Lord Miach."

He pauses and faces me, since I called him Lord. "Hmmm, yes." He's probably wondering why I stop him now.

Breathing slowly, I look up at him with a look of resolution and ask him something that I really need to know, one final time: "I know you've already accepted me and said that I'm welcome here. And this might just be me, being paranoid, but I just have to ask again. If you had the chance to know beforehand the trouble I'd bring, would you have changed your mind or at least steered me to a different familia? Or if you can, would you try to give me to some other god whom you can trust? So you don't have to deal with everything my falna brings. Towards a God who probably has better qualifications to handle my circumstances."

He turns to face me completely, and he gives me a serious look to convey his answer: "I will only say this once, so hear me well. I will do anything for my children so they can be safe and healthy. I know my own shortcomings, and if it meant protecting you by letting you go to a different familia, towards one that is better equipped to help you, I would. Even if I potentially lose a first-class adventurer, that can bring my familia out of debt." Before I can say anything, he continues, "However, don't be mistaken with what I said, for me abandoning you. I will fight tooth and nail for you; don't you ever doubt that. I was more than willing to burn to the ashes my previous fame and rank, which my familia held with my own hands, Just for one child of mine. Throwing away my pride as a god and going to my rival to ask for help, sending us into crippling debt just so she can have a chance of living a normal life. For each and every one of my precious children, I would have done the same for them all. I will not say it hurt when they left, but I understood it and don't blame any of them for leaving. I will always take your thoughts into account. If you ever choose to leave, I will never hold you back. I know more than anything, as of right now, I don't have much to offer you but my unconditional support. As long as you don't do anything moral wrong or purposely bring harm to me or your fellow familia members. I'm willing to go the distance for you, regardless of your skills, magic, or race. No matter the trouble you bring or the headaches you cause, I'm even willing to go against the likes of Freya. I won't back down. So as long as you want to be here and are willing to fight against all the odds, as your god, I shall do the same. Remember, I will always be in your corner." Back to giving me his usual kind smile: "So don't you worry for a second, Odr Friggs. You have nothing to feel guilty about. I hope this can reassure you. Just know that the minute I place my falna on you, you are no longer an orphan; you are my child! And as your God/parent, never forget that I am always here for you."

....looking away, to wipe the dust that got into my eye, 'what a goat', facing him again. "Damn boss. I only asked a simple yes-or-no question. I wasn't prepared for a whole speech that literally tugged on my heartstrings." Walking up to him, I hold up a fist, smirking, "Just as you are willing to fight for me, I am also willing to fight for you. I'm going to get stronger. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure we have nothing to worry about from anyone. So all I ask of you, oh deity of mine, is that you please watch this child of yours and his adventure. I promise to show you one, if not the greatest story ever told."

Getting the gesture, he raises his fist to bump into mine, smirking back. "Very well, o child of mine. Show me, show me this marvelous adventure of yours. Let me bear witness to it all. A tale yet to be seen by any other god. Show me your resolve, your desire, and how far you can go. I, the God Miach, pledge to witness it all and its splendor."

We just stood up, bumping fists for a couple seconds, until we both started laughing. After catching my breath for a bit, I said, "I'm glad I chose you as my God. At least you have a knack for the dramatics."

Chuckling lightly "You as well, Young Friggs. I don't regret making you a part of my familia." Lowing his hand again, he moves for the door for the final time. "Now, I have to go. When Naaza and I come back with groceries, I'll call for you so you can get dinner ready. I'm looking forward to tasting it and seeing if you can back up your words."

"Don't you worry, I will; just you wait." All he offers is a backhand wave while he closes the door behind him. Turning to my bedroom with my hands on my hips, "Home sweet home, I guess," I start to unpack what little I have. Wondering what I should make.

Miach POV

After closing the door to my newest child's room, I look to my left and say, "So," staring into the eyes of my captain. "Naaza, how long were you there, and how much did you hear?" Smiling to show I'm not mad but simply curious.

Looking away. So she doesn't have to stare into my eyes. "Not for long, Miach-sama; I heard you guys from downstairs, and I came up for a bit to see if everything was fine. I heard you showing him to his room from outside and even your promise to let him cook for us." She turns back. "Hopefully he's as good as he says he is, or I will charge him for all the ingredients he uses." She smirks, which makes me sign.

"Please go easy on our new member, ok, Naaza." I'm hoping she doesn't bully Odr too much. I can already feel they're going to get into plenty of arguments.

Shrugging in return "I'll try, Miach-sama," she said, tapping her chin. "I also saw that touching scene at the end through the open door. I am a little miffed that he's questioning your character. After you let him join the familia, he still has to doubt you." Looking me in the eye with a sly grin, "But then you both proclaimed such passionate words to each other that it made me a little jealous. Is there something you're not telling me, Miach-Sama?"

Blushing and coughing into my fist "Nothing of the sort, my dear Naaza," getting my embarrassment in check. "I was just reassuring him that no matter what, I will always be there for my familia, and he should have faith in me."

She looks down, still smiling, but with a little bit of guilt. "I know Miach-sama, and that's what worries me. You're too trusting and too kind for your own good, Miach-sama."

Giving her a kind smile and tapping her shoulder, I walked to my room for a bit, and I noticed her following me. I entered and walked to the piece of paper I left on my desk. I pick it up to look at it one more time, frowning. Sighing, "Truly, what a troublesome thing this is," carefully move it over to the candle that's on my desk, burning the parchment and making sure there's no traces left. I watch it burn, and then I hear Naaza calling for me.


"Hmmmmm, yes, Naaza. What is it?"

Taking a second to properly word what she wants to say, "Are you sure about this Miach-sama? Do you think he's trustworthy? We already have enough problems dealing with debt. I know we need all the help we can get. Even with his promises to help, be it by simply boasting or not. Even with that sadistic demon vouching for him, I don't know if he'll truly be something good for our familia, from what I've seen so far." I understand her concerns and know where they're coming from, but I ask her a simple question.

"Oh, what do you see him as so far?"

Folding our hands across her chest while frowning, she said, "An idiotic fool with a bit of an ego. I mean, from the minute we saw him, to the letter, until you left his room, he was just doing everything so dramatically. How can I trust someone like him when he can't even show you the proper respect that you deserve? I mean, what is Lord Rizz anyway? And calling you boss. It's Lord Miach or Miach-sama." I let her have a second to get it off her chest.

Seeing that, she finally stopped ranting. "Are you finished?" she nods. "Don't think, I don't know what the real problem here is, Naaza. I know you still have trust issues since the rest of our familia members left when we needed them most, and you're having a hard time believing in others again." She looks away for a second, but turns back when I continue speaking. "Let me tell you what I see. Yes, he might be a little foolish and tends to be more dramatic than necessary. But that's not necessarily bad. I want you to know that throughout everything, he wasn't lying. Sure, he may be holding stuff back and not saying everything, but he was honest. He was generally worried for our sakes, making sure he wouldn't be a problem for us. That's why he kept looking for reassurance. I honestly think he's not a bad person. I can see it, you know. His honest desire to help us, even if he has other motives. Just as Young Rudra said, I can also feel his drive. And as with any other god or goddess, I too want to see his adventure personally. I know it's probably selfish and greedy, but I want to see the story he can make, and I want us to be a part of it." Looking at my recently former-only member and captain, I tried to convey this last bit so she feels reassured. "So I don't need you to trust him right away. I hope you both can develop a bond together later as captain and new default vice captain. All I'm asking is for you to trust me. No matter if he turns out to be a headache, I believe he is someone this familia needs. So, my dear captain, can you please put your trust once again in this foolish but hopeful God of yours?"

She doesn't say anything for a couple minutes. I was getting a little worried, about to say something, until she sighed and looked me in the eye with a small smile. "Miach-Sama, I'll always believe in you. Even when you have the habit of handing out free potions, causing more financial problems for us due to your foolish generosity and kindness." I felt the imaginary arrow pierce me. I couldn't help but scratch my head, chuckling, since she's not wrong. "I know the kind of person you truly are—better than anyone. If you say we can trust him, I will push aside my concerns and give him a chance for your sake. You have done more for me than anyone else in my whole life. So if you say he's in, he's in. However," she said, crossing her arms again and putting on what I think is a cute glare, "I'll make sure he contributes. I won't accept anything less. Since you're too kind for your own good, I'll make sure to rein him in and punish him if he misbehaves." I can't help but chuckle. 'That's the best I'll get from her. Hopefully, in the future, they can get along.'

I move my hand on top of her head, rubbing it. "I'm glad, and I'm so thankful to have you in my life, Naaza." Not seeing the blush that appears on her cheeks. "Let's go; we still have to go and get supplies for the pharmacy. Also, something for dinner. I promise Friggs that he can cook since he was so assisted on it. I'm quite curious to see how good he is." I started walking to the door after removing my hand from her head, but I noticed that she wasn't following me but was just standing there. Tilting my head a little bit, I asked, "Are you ok, Naaza?" With general concern.

Shaking her head, she turns to her god and replies, "Coming, Miach-sama." Naaza replies with a usually lazy tone but with her tail wagging. With her by my side, we both set off.

Odr Pov (Quick timeskip)

After putting everything away and taking a quick nap to calm my nerves, I woke up a couple minutes ago. I'm just staring at the back of my hand that's reaching to the ceiling. I was thinking about all the possibilities with which I could use my new magic.

Finally putting both hands behind my head and one leg over the other while lying on my bed, I start to talk out loud, recapping my day, which helps me think better. "Man, what a day this turned out to be. After literally staying in a long line, I finally made it to Orario. Reaching the guild, I met the resident Ice Queen and my. new besto friendo. I got lost, and lucky for me, I found the Blue Pharmacy. I met a kind God and a lazy but sassy puppy. I finally delivered that sadistic old man's letter. Join said God's familia. Finally, finally got my very own falna and access to the magic I was promised so long ago from that accursed wheel. Just to find out, I also have a skill and a mysterious race that just literally make me question everything." Sighing, I closed my eyes. "I mean, come on, I simply wanted to avoid Freya and live a somewhat normal life. The classic Isekai adventure, if you will. Why does my life have to keep being complicated? Will the problems never end?" Opening my eyes and smirking, "Oh well, At least I ended up with a god that seems reliable. I guess I'll just have to handle everything one step at a time. So many plans. So many ideas. I can hardly wait." I finish my rant, and my ears perk up when I hear someone yelling my name, probably Miach.

"FRIGGS, WE BROUGHT SUPPLIES AND GROCERIES. CAN YOU PLEASE COME DOWN TO HELP?" After him, Naaza is yelling as well. Just not as nicely as Miach.


I yell back from my bed, "GOT IT, I'LL BE THERE REAL QUICK."

I jump out of bed and head to the door, getting ready to see what ingredients I'm working with.

As I close the door behind me, heading for the stairs, I can't help but think out loud, one final time.

"Just one more day, I'll finally set foot into the dungeon. I got to make sure I'm ready for it, both my equipment and my magic." Walking down the stairs, I finally reached the bottom, about to help my new god and captain behind the door. "Just wait, my sweet exp; I'll be there soon." I walk in with the door slowly closing behind me, letting out all our voices.

"Finally, it took you long enough. What were you doing for so long, Lackey?" A certain lazy puppy comments, while smirking. Reminding me of the new hierarchy. Making my eyebrow twitch.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, puppy captain; I'm here," I sass back, making Naaza's eyes twitch as well.

"Excuse me," Naaza clearly offered by the puppy comment.

"You heard me."

Miach just sighs, "Naaza, Friggs, please get along," but smiles.

We both clearly heard him, glaring at each other. We both looked away and replied at the same time, ""Finnnne Miach-sama/Boss."

The door finally closes, leaving the new familia members together.


[10,000 Word Count]

First off, I want to say, 10,000 words guys, new personal best and 2000 more than I promised. I wanted to try and answer all the previous questions people ask me into this chapter.

Now for this chapter. Our dear Odr finally got his status and access to the magic he was promised. Unfortunately for him, he realized there's more to his name than he thought. With a skill like Vanadis Odr, he comes to realize, that it's not going to be as easy as he thought. Even if it comes with a few perks to help him. That's not even including his mysterious race, which hasn't been recorded since the finding of the first falna. Even with a reliable and trustworthy God in his corner, he realizes the stakes have been raised. He's going to have to work even harder to make sure he and his new familia can live a good life. The question is, will it get easier or harder for him? Who knows? Let's all wait and see. In the next chapter, he finally sets foot into the dungeon. The den of monsters—let's see Odr deal with that.

So stay tuned.


I'll make this quick because I'm already tired of writing. I want to thank you all for being patient with this late chapter. Like I said before in my notice, I had things to take care of.

I pushed myself to make sure I gave you guys what I think is a pretty decent chapter. I hope to hear what you guys think. For my longest chapter, did I do it well?

Also, do you guys like long chapters? Or prefer shorter ones?

Another note. About deleting the previous chapter notice, like I said I would. I decided to keep it. Since there are a lot of funny comments/pictures and wonderful ideas there, I hate to lose it. I would hate to see them all disappear after some of you guys provided such great input.

I'm going to be taking a break from writing to get some rest before I have to go back to work in the new year. So I'll be ready to make new chapters for you guys. I need to let my brain relax so I don't give you guys shoddy work.

Regardless of that, I want to wish you guys all a happy new year! I can't wait to give you, my faithful readers, new chapters. Odr and I, will return; just you wait.

Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR, and 2024, here we come.


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RikuKage RikuKage

Quick author's thoughts. Writing is so hard, you guys. Once again, I have a new respect for all serious authors who have produced hundreds of chapters of their works and are writing multiple stories. Let's give them all the applause. Trying to make sure I can give a good chapter each time takes a lot of editing and combing through it just to make sure everything looks fine before I send it out. I don't want to send out shoddy work, that reduces the quality. Like I said, I'm going to take a break for a bit and then get back to it.

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