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91.66% Starks of Winterfell / Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Chương 31: Chapter 31

Daenerys POV (Age 15), 296 AC Moon 11

After nearly three days of sailing at a slow speed in the Shivering Sea, they could finally see land in front of them at a long distance where it was planned to dock.

Marwyn asked Robb excitedly, "My Lord, you realize this is the farthest someone has come near Valyria? Ships tend to burn in the Smoking Sea." Marwyn and I were standing on the poop deck along with Captain Seaworth and other officers.

"It is also possible that the past explorers have set foot in Valyria, but none returned to tell the tale," Robb answered from the main deck and stopped sparring with the two monstrous giants of a man, Smalljon Umber and Tormund Giantsbane.

"It may be. But somehow, I feel that this time, we will be successful. And then I can write a comprehensive book about Valyria till its Doom." Marwyn said while Robb smiled at the older man's enthusiasm.

And to prove his words, they saw the half-sunken ruins of a ship near the shore. Robb instructed the captain, Ser Davos Seaworth, to steer them toward the boat as they stopped to inspect it as the vessel seemed familiar to her. The faded and ripped red sails showed the Lion of the Lannisters that she had seen in the book about the nobility of Westeros.

"A Lannister ship here?" Dacey asked while readying her mace for any surprises.

"So this is the fate of Gerion Lannister." Marwyn mused.

Seeing the puzzled expression on the northern nobleman's face, Marwyn told him, "Gerion was the fourth son of Lord Tytos. He went on a quest to find House Lannister's ancestral Valyrian steel sword, Brightroar, and any other treasures that might have survived the Doom of Valyria.

Almost a decade passed after his ship, the Laughing Lion, left Lannisport, but Gerion never returned. Lord Tywin sent men to look for his lost brother, and they traced him as far as Volantis, where half his crew had deserted him because of his intent to sail into the Smoking Sea. He had been forced to buy slaves to replace them. Nothing has been known about him after that."

"So the Lannisters also had their ancestral sword. I had always wondered why a Great House like the Lannisters did not have one." Jojen Reed said, smiling.

Marwyn laughed hard, then explained, "Oh yes. The Lions had their valyrian steel sword named Brightroar. Brightroar came into the possession of the Lannister kings in the century before the Doom of Valyria, and it is said that the weight of gold they paid for it would have been enough to raise an army. But it was lost little more than a century later when the King of the Rock, Tommen II Lannister, carried it with him when he sailed with his great fleet to the ruined Valyria, intending to plunder the wealth and sorcery he was sure remained. The fleet never returned, nor Tommen nor Brightroar. House Lannister has been searching for a replacement ever since. Lord Tywin Lannister attempted to buy a replacement from lesser or poorer houses but was always rebuffed. He had even offered Lord Randyll Tarly two million gold dragons for their valyrian steel sword, Heartsbane." 


Robb laughed then and jumped from Black Betha to the ruined Lannister ship. After a few moments, Dacey Mormont and Smalljon Umber followed him.

"Oi, Scholar Mage. What's so special about this Valyrian Steel nonsense everyone keeps shouting about?" Tormund Giantsbane asked.

"Valyrian Steel is a magical metal created by the ancestors of Lady Daenerys here. At the same time, there are many benefits to it. The one that concerns us is that it can kill White Walkers besides dragonglass and dragon fire." As Marwyn finished his explanation, Tormund took a sharp breadth.

White Walkers? Are Old Gods talking to Robb Stark? For what reason Robb had gifted her dragon eggs at the start of the journey? I have to ask Marwyn what these things are.

Before I could ask what all this was about. Smalljon climbed aboard and gave the sheathed greatsword to Marwyn. A sheathed sword with a golden handle and a red ruby at its pummel. Marwyn gingerly took the greatsword and took it out.

"This is Brightroar." He exclaimed. "But where did it come from?"

"Gerion Lannister succeeded in retrieving Brightroar. Take these journals, Marwyn; it is the journals of King Tommen II Lannister and Gerion Lannister." Robb said, climbing the main deck.

It was then everyone's attention turned toward him. Dacey Momont was standing beside him, putting the skeleton of what she assumed was Gerion in a coffin. Beside her was another coffin that looked older.

"Captain Seaworth put some scorpion bolts in the ruin and sunk it completely.", Robb ordered. 2 bolts were fired quickly, and Black Betha started moving towards the shoreline.

After Marwyn read those journals briefly, he gave them to me. "Read those journals, princess, in your spare time. It will give you some account of what Valyria was like during Century of Blood."

I took Tommen II journals and started to skim through them; the last passage caught my attention. "Everyone, hear this previous passage from Tommen II's journal:

I should have never listened to Maggy, the wood witch living outside Casterly Rock's forest. She was the one who told me that it would be a Lannister who would first find the treasures of Valyria.

This doomed journey started due to an ancient prophecy that 'Lannister gold will bring the doom of Valyria.' Only a century ago, my great-grandfather King Tytos XIV Lannister paid two ships full of gold to a higher dragonlord family of House Targaryen; they were targeted by the other 39 families and had already their power diminished to become the weakest. To keep their family alive and hold off, House Targaryen secretly sold us a Valyrian Steel sword, which King Tytos XIV named Brightroar.

In my last moments, when I am dying due to consumption being the last one alive, I tend to believe our gold did indeed cause the Doom. How? I don't know. I have received reports that not all Valyrians are dead. As remanents of House Targaryen have escaped to Dragonstone, some other dragonlords scattered across Essos are being killed off along with dragons.

Foolishly believing Maggy's prophecy and the glory of discovering the secrets of Valyria, I sailed from Lannisport along with my fleet. Ironborn and constant storms destroyed half of my navy, and another half was taken by boiling Smoking Sea. Only my ship miraculously survived. As we reached Valyrian shores, my ship crew was already close to dying; poisonous smoke was everywhere, and breathing was becoming onerous, but I kept pressing onwards. More were killed due to food & water shortages, a few more fell into the lava pit, and a dying giant dragon killed the last of my men.

When I finally reached the city of Valyria, everything was in ruins. Nothing had survived the Doom, nothing except a single WEIRWOOD TREE. What ungodly magic was the Valyrian trying to do? I have no idea as I couldn't go near it. I know not if this lone weirwood tree is the treasure of Valyria that Maggy mentioned, but I know I will not live to see it the next day.

Anyone who journeys across Valyria, please heed my final request to transport my bone and Brightroar back to House Lannister of Casterly Rock in Westeros. A Lannister always pays his debt. And due to this kindness, we will be in your debt.

Valyria, Hear Me Roar." As I closed the journal, Marwyn started laughing.

"Ah. Men really must stop chasing prophecy. Listen to it with one ear and let it pass through." Marwyn said.

After some time, they finally reached the shore. Valyria did not disappoint. The impact of the Doom was visible from there. Where there would have been sandy beaches, what greeted them was a black beach covered by cooled lava.

Sun would set soon, so they started making camp for the day, and I started reading Gerion Lannister's journals.

"I never liked Tywin—my stuck-up elder brother. I wish I could hug my daughter and say goodbye to her one last time. Not seeing her grow up will be my only regret.

I have seen the city of Valyria from the outside. Nothing has survived there. I have gone further inside than my ancestor, King Tommen, did. Valyrian sorcery has poisoned the earth you are standing on, but whatever sorcery it was is being undone. I am not religious, but the gigantic Weirwood Tree I saw gave me the feeling of being the reason.

I had recovered the skeleton of my ancestor and was on the journey back when the ungodly storm hit my ship. My crew and the slaves that I had purchased back in Volantis are all dead. With the provision finished, I haven't eaten in many days. I will not be able to let my Joy grow up, all for this for a Valyrian Steel greatsword and seeing a giant Weirwood Tree."

These were the last comprehensible lines that Gerion Lannister had written before dying. By the time I finished reading, Robb's voice had called out.

"Princess, dreams are all great, but we have to find our worth In the waking world," Robb said. And he held out a bowl of broth to me. "Now, drink this. Some broth will do us good before eating solid food." He finished and started slurping his broth soup.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why, What?" Robb asked, stopping.

"Why is my brother in chains? Why am I not in chains? Why are we in Valyria and going further inland? Why are you and all your companions not afraid of dying? Even when I have read aloud the journals of King Tommen and Gerion Lannister. What did you mean that the 'Old Gods' talked to you? What did Marwyn mean by saying that Valyrian Steel could be used to kill White Walker? What are you to gain by doing all this?

When are you going to kill me? Are you trying to kill the last daughter of Valyria in the ruins of Valyria?" I asked hysterically, and Robb looked at me in a dumb stupor.

After some, Robb said, "Daenerys Targaryen, Daughter of Aerys II Targaryen. The daughter of the man that killed my grandfather and uncle. When we rescued you from Pentos..."

"Rescued? More like knocking me out and kidnapping me." I said, snort.

"It was a rescue from all the intelligence presented to me. Anyway, when we rescued you from Pentos, I said that you wouldn't be harmed in any way. We Starks uphold our oaths. When I said, you wouldn't be harmed. I meant you wouldn't be harmed.

Your brother will be executed beneath the Iron Throne; that's his fate. The last male Targaryen of marriageable age will die by Ice. And you will watch him die. As for your fate, I am not sure. But the North will be your home from now on. We still have the 'Pact of Ice and Fire' to settle, but I am uncomfortable marrying you for its sake. But you are definitely under my protection.

The tales of Long Night are true. My ancestors were able to delay it by 10,000 years, but I have the responsibility to end it forever. I have to destroy the Night King. I was 6 when I first talked to the old gods. They wanted me to bring you to Valyria, so here we are. Everybody dies someday, so why be afraid of death? Be fearful that your death will be meaningless and it will endanger the survival of your people.

As the heir to the Royal House of Stark, I have to protect my people. I would happily die for that goal, and so will my friends."

"Royal house of Stark? Didn't King Torrhen knelt to King Aegon and gave up his crown?" I asked while trying not to sound irritable.

"You can be irritable. Aye, King Torrhen knelt. But princess, Marwyn has been giving you basic education, and could you tell me the titles the Stark kings carry?"

"The King in the North and King of Winter," I answered.

"You will find these absurd, but those two titles mean different things. When King Torrhen knelt, he wisely only gave up the crown of King in the North. He didn't give up the crown of Winter. Not that he could do so, as he wasn't technically a King of Winter." Robb said while chuckling.

"Last male Targaryen of marriageable age? Not technically a King a Winter? What do you mean?" I inquired.

"Nothing gets past you, princess. Does it? You have some family who have requested me to protect you. Your Great-Great Uncle Brynden River and Great-uncle Aemon Targaryen are still alive and well, albeit barely due to their old age.

Funnily enough, both wanted me to marry you to settle the Pact. They understand that while House Targaryen won't survive, its blood could go through House Stark.

As for your second question, the throne of Winter was empty for 8,000 years until I claimed the title of King of Winter. Currently, the North is working toward defeating the White Walkers and burning the southern kingdoms to the ground." Robb said and went to his meal to signal that the conversation was over.

As I looked around, I saw the Northerners had built two fires. One for her, Robb, and his direwolves. The second one for the rest of them.

Sitting there and contemplating everything Robb had told me, I looked at him for a long time. Long brown hair neatly tied in a ponytail. A handsome long face with blueish grey eyes. A good height of 6'4" (Marwyn had taught her measurement system) compared to her 5'6". I could see his muscles through the clothes he was wearing. They looked like it was carved from a stone.

On the ship, I had seen the training of a brute who called himself King of Winter; his back muscles looked like snarling direwolves, just like the beasts that went with him everywhere.

Oh, don't get me started on the beasts. He had three of them; Bite was the smallest, with full black furs and a playful personality. Bite would also follow her around from a distance. Even if Bite was the smallest, she still reached to her shoulders.

Ghost, the white-furred direwolf. He made no sound and quietly followed his brother, Grey Wind. Grey Wind has grey fur. Ghost height would reach her head, and Grey Wind would reach Robb's.

Grey Wind was the alpha of direwolves, and Robb was the alpha of Northerners: monsters, both of them.

At that moment, Bite whined, and Robb started laughing. "Princess, did you just think bad about Bite? Did you just bad-mouthed her?"

"No, I didn't. I am just eating my food." I defended myself. How did the beast even find that out?

Bite whined again. "My Princess, I will share a secret with you. In comparison, Bite and Nymeria are wilder than their sister Lady. They are still girls, and like any girl, they like compliments. And Bite likes you. That's why she follows you around." Robb said while laughing. Ghost and Grey Wind made a sound that could be laughing, too, while Bite made a grumbling sound.

"Go on, Princess. Praise her. Bite won't bite." Robb laughed at his pun.

And I looked at Bite, and she looked back at me expectantly.

"Come," I told Bite with wariness, and after a few moments, she stood up and walked towards me. She was sitting on her haunches facing me. After a few seconds, Bite started to lick me on the face, and I heard everyone laugh.

Robb's POV (Age 16), 296 AC Moon 11

I was late by a year, but I had finally secured the safety of the dragon princess after the 13th nameday feast. I had become completely engrossed in helping his people adjust to their life. I sometimes took one of my siblings with me as he needed to travel to coordinate various projects throughout the North.

Every Northern noble had used gifts given by House Stark and increased their wealth substantially. Northern products were in massive demand in Essos as they sold with the help of merchants of the Company of the Rose. All the Keeps and Castles in the North were getting upgraded and, in many cases, completely rebuilt using new materials and innovations. These holdfasts will be much more robust and could repel any enemy.

Larger towns were built as small folks from small settlements were gathered. Every person had been given a job and wasn't sitting ideal. Even the smallfolk had the enthusiasm to develop their life and make North the strongest of the Seven Kingdoms. Men & Women were granted the same rights in the North, and women weren't discriminated against. The North could now boast an army of 80,000 due to this development. Ten thousand of those were women.

Adults and children were taught to read and write and were given martial training to defend themselves if needed. Even the Free Folks were now treated as full Northmen. After learning more about the lands south of Wall, the Free Folks stopped referring to everyone else as kneelers. Most female warriors came from the Free Folks. Their spearwives culture spread throughout the North like wildfire. While they had some difficulties with accepting the 'No stealing women' law, after Lord Ryder and Lord Styr Thenn had beheaded a few criminals, everyone fell in line.

The Northern navies were also coming along nicely, having already been half completed. But his most recent headache was Lord Jorah Morment, who had joined the Night's Watch. Lord Jorah had already sent him and his father a letter about his intent to join the Watch. Lady Maege had taken the mantle of Lady of Bear Island and Admiral of the Western Navy.

The wierwood seeds planted by The Children throughout the North had become full-grown, and magic was becoming more assertive. This had shown itself as ten new giants were born in the last year alone, and five new Children of the Forest were also born. The Children also carved faces, making them heart trees. House Manderly has also accepted the Old Gods as their gods, leaving only House Whitehill as The Seven worshippers.

Slowly, the magical blood of Northern houses was emerging back. Showing prominently in younger nobles, Smalljon had already surpassed Greatjon in stature and strength. Dacey became a more fearsome warrior, fighting as if she were a bear on a rampage and would destroy anything in front of her.

The Giants had already dug out the main canal halfway through, and Moat Cailin's was a third complete. Giantsholme, the seat of House Giantsarm, was also finished along with Heartdome, the seat of House Haltija.

Before leaving for Essos, he had supervised the migration of Southern Westeros First Men to the North. House Dayne, House Royce, House Blackwood, House Bracken, and House Seaworth relocated to the North. I had left my father and other Northern lords in command to help assimilate them in the North.

Since Lord Ulric Dayne was dying due to illness, he had chosen to send his heir, Edric, and his sister Alyria, along with Dawn. With his dying breath, he and a few other older men and women loyal to House Dayne had set fire to Starfall and had burned along with it. Father had taken young Edric Dayne as his ward, and Lady Alyria had been welcomed as Mother's Lady-in-Waiting.

House Royce, with the help of 5,000 Northern Army, was purging the island of Skagoos clean. House Seaworth had quietly taken residence along the split of White Knife.

But the most interesting was the merging of House Blackwood-Bracken; subsequently, its sons will be named Blackwood, and its daughters will be named Bracken. This situation also provided a new depth to Bracken's and Blackwood's past conflicts. Some scholars have impromptu research on how House Bracken and Blackwood survived by showing the world they were in conflict while in a secret alliance.

I had felt the North with Smalljon, Dacey, Jojen, Marwyn, Tormund, the stark man-o'-war The Sea Wolf, and a few carracks. The fleet captain was Ser Maron Manderly. I had also decided to take newly ennobled Master Davos Seaworth as Alys informed me that only he had enough skills to navigate the Valyrian waters. They had set a direct course for Pentos, and Master Davos had smuggled their party inside the city.

Alys, his reliable spymaster, had informed him about every possible way inside the mansion of Illyrio Mopatis. When they visited the mansion, I noticed a silver-haired girl traveling outside toward the market with 2 Servants and 4 Unsullied. The team had split in two, with me and Dacey going after Daenerys, Smalljon after Viserys, and Jojen after dragon eggs.

While abducting Daenerys, I noticed how beautiful she was and had to force myself to finish our task fast and leave the city instead of looking at her. Maybe fulfilling the Pact won't be so bad? Her beauty alone is enough to counter any objections I might have. Shortly after reaching Black Betha at the dock, Smalljon and Jojen also arrived with their packages.

When Daenerys woke up, she feared for her and her brother's life. She was a kind girl and a good person at her core. Marwyn had been tasked to teach her, and for three weeks, I had felt her alone, but Bite had been curious about her and had followed her everywhere. On the shores of Valyria, I talked with Daenerys and answered her questions, and Bite furiously licked her face after sniffing her.

After a week of expedition across land, everyone had finally reached the city of Valyria. They had faced countless dangers but had survived all through it. The river of lava was frozen over, and after 400 years, even the ruins had not survived except the giant weirwood tree with a carved face. He and his companions were awestruck by the majestic tree, but there was also fear that the Valyrian would have done some awful magic on it.

As I approached the weirwood tree, I heard a woman singing, and slowly, she came around from behind the tree. While the Woman was undeniably the most beautiful he had ever seen, she gave the same feeling as the Old Man, representing the old gods. Calm, Soothing, Wise, Knowledgeable, and every word he could think of.

"Ah. You are finally here, wolf child." The Woman said, looking at him. Then he noticed he had walked towards her in a trance and had only come out of it after the Woman spoke. Slowly, everyone else also recovered.

"Old Gods, I have come and also brought Daenerys Targaryen. As you had instructed me." I said, kneeling. Behind me, everyone except Daenerys also kneeled. At the same time, she was stupidly staring at the Woman.

Dacey stood up, put her hand on Daenerys shoulder, and forcefully made her kneel. She quickly apologized and kneeled again. Seeing this, the Woman started laughing. "Ah. Bear Child, That was not needed. We are not like The Seven or other pansy gods. And she is meeting us for the first time while you were raised to believe in us." 

The Woman stopped and looked at everybody. "Rise." Everybody followed her command.

"You can call me Lupa. Nowadays, the Old Gods don't act individually, but before Long Night, we individual gods combined in one pantheon. We let go of individual worshippers to have our pantheon worshipped instead. I know, I know. The power structure is too complicated and doesn't concern you so that we will skip it.

The Old Man you met, Robb. He is so old that even I don't know his name; we call him Allfather. Again, we will skip individual gods' identities. But I am Lupa — Goddess of Hunt, Snow, Moon & Wolf. I was married to 'The Stark.'" Hearing this, I was shocked to my core.

"Yes, Robb. Brandon 'The Stark' was the founder of House Stark and a great warrior and leader of men, but beneath it all, he was in love with me and wanted me to become his wife. I want to share all the embarrassing things he did to gain affection, but I am the man too much to destroy his image in the afterlife.

Allfather offered him to ascend to God and not remain a mortal. Multiple times. He turned him down every time, 'The Stark' used to say, 'Lupa loved me because I am a foolish mortal who thought that he could oneday make a Goddess his wife.' Ah, What I wouldn't give to spend a day with him again, but he asked me to look after our family. Damn that man, He is enjoying his afterlife, telling anyone who would listen that he fucked a Goddess."

Everyone choked hearing such crude language from a Goddess. And she started laughing again.

"'The Stark' made many friends in his lifetime, many close friends. But he had three friends that he considered family. The She-Bear, The Human Gaint, and the Bog Devil. It pleases me to watch their descendants follow his descendants even now.

By the way, my son Brandon 'The Bloody Blade' Stark had a familial friendship with the founders of Glover, Dustin, and Manderly. It pained me to watch House Stark's conquest of The North as they fought with House Glover and Dustin and when House Manderly was driven out of their homeland." The Woman said in a sad tone.

"Grandmother," I interrupted. And the Woman stared at me wide-eyed.

"It may have been painful to watch over, but House Dustin, Manderly, and Glover are loyal bannerman of House Stark. Comparable to House Mormont, Umber, and Reed. Each of these Houses has never failed us and is a great ally and friend of House Stark. We are Kings of Winter and were Kings in the North because of their help." I said.

The Woman gave me a beautiful smile, and even without looking at them, I knew Dacey, Smalljon, and Jojen were standing straighter than ever in their lives.

"My grandson, Brandon 'The Builder' Stark, liked to travel and build things. So he made friends with Edric Dayne from Dorne, Ulfric Blackwood and Roscoe Bracken from Riverlands, and Hadrian Royce of Vale. 'The Builder' would be proud to see that you have sheltered his friend's descendants.

Things have a way to come to a full circle, right?" The Woman asked rhetorically.

"Daenerys Targaryen, hiding behind She-Bear won't make you disappear. Come forward, dragon-blooded princess," The Woman commanded. Daenerys came forward slowly and shifted uncomfortably under the piercing gaze of Grandmother Lupa. I hope she approves of her.

"I am not a princess; the crime of my Father and Brother saw to it that we were exiled from our home." Daenerys said.

"Ah. But if you marry my foolish descendant here, you will be a Queen. Robb likes you and thinks you are beautiful and brilliant. He took up his duties early and did not enjoy his childhood running from one task to another that Allfather had bestowed upon him.

I mean to say, He never really learned to 'Talk to his crush' and 'How to flirt with a woman you are interested in.' Marry this foolish descendant of mine, will you?" Grandmother Lupa asked Daenerys with mischievous eyes. My companions had started laughing at me, and even Daenerys was smiling.

"Hold on a minute, Grandmother. I am capable of finding a wife for myself...." I tried to defend myself, but Grandmother cut me off.

"Shut up, you foolish boy. Due to my blood, you may be smart, but that doesn't make you any less of a fool. Don't forget I was married to a Stark and have watched over countless Stark. You all inherited 'The Stark' penchant for love. Romantic all of them. I am generalizing here, but Starks do one of two things when in love. Either they run towards their love like a moth to a flame or run away from their love.

Fools. You will shut up and let me finalize your marriage. Otherwise, you will wait atleast till you have defeated the Night King to ask her to marry you." Grandmother said to me with a glare. And everyone was now laughing harder at me.

"Yes...Yes...I will marry Robb, Lupa." Daenerys wheezed between laughing, and I blushed hearing that. Grandmother was mean.

"Do you accept, Robb? And if you say no, remember I will slap you so hard that all your teeth will fall off." Grandmother threatened me.

"I accept." I was defeated. Me. What can I do when my own family is bullying me?

"Good. Now that this is done, we will move to the main topic. House Targaryen was once the most powerful family of the Valyrian freehold. Founder of Valyrian Steel, multiple fire mages in a single generation, while other families have one or two in each generation; many of the inventions Valyrians enjoyed were invented by House Targaryen.

Their greatest fire mage, Aemon Targaryen, had planted this wierwood tree to study the magic of Old Gods and First Men and was born 200 years before Doom, so 600 years ago. At the end of his life, he rejected the Valyrian Gods and accepted us as his Gods.

Remember, this was the time during which Slavery was at its peak in Valyria. Tens of thousands were sacrificed to the fourteen flames every day. Aemon sensed the corruption of Valyrian Gods and requested us to save his family while he destroyed Valyria.

We accepted due to our hatred of Slavery. He put a curse on fourteen flames, which would become unstable the more slaves that were sacrificed to it. In the next 200 years, the Valyrians sacrificed more slaves, and the volcano became more unstable. A decade before the Doom, we gave Daenys Targaryen a greendream of Doom, and hence House Targaryen survived the Doom.

Fun fact: there are no 'Dragon Dreams'. Dragon blood thrives in magical environments and deteriorates in the absence of it. Hence, the famous madness. And many in this madness thought themselves to be like dreamers.

Here's another fun fact: Valyrian Gods sensed Aemon's intention and sought to destroy Targaryens. Thus, every dragonlord family attacked the Targaryen, weakening them to be the weakest of the 40 dragonlord families. Aemon's plans were halted, and at the same time, House Lannister requested a Valyrian Steel sword. Aemon accepted secretly, fended off the attacks, and completed his projects.

Anyway, While Aemon wanted to destroy Valyria, he wanted to preserve its knowledge. He built a chamber below this heart tree. It could only be accessed by a pure-of-heart Targaryen. Destruction of Valyria, Project One. Chamber of Knowledge, Project Two.

When the Doom occurred, we had a chance to kill Valyrian Gods and succeeded. However, One of their lackeys survived; Rho'ller or something is his name. We hear that he had become a big shot in Essos. Let's leave them be for now. Your History lesson is finished, and I wouldn't say I like to waste my time on weak gods, so your tasks are as follows.

Daenerys, Scholar, Bog Devil, and She-Bear will enter the Chamber and collect everything, leaving nothing behind.

Robb, Smalljon, and Tormund will cut down this tree. Don't hesitate. We give you our permission to do so." 

Everyone was staring at Grandmother. She had just dumped a tremendous amount of information on us without taking any breaks and given me the absurd task of cutting the heart tree.

"Chop, Chop. We don't have all day. You are burning daylight. Goodbye, Grandson. I am proud of who you have become. A kingdom is only as strong as its people."

While we were still staring at her, Grandmother waved at us and disappeared from our view.

"Tsk. She makes us look like a fool. My daughter Lupa, that is." Allfather said, coming out from behind the weirwood tree. Something tried to materialize before us, but Allfather snapped his fingers, and it vanished again.

"She just tried to come back to this realm again. Tsk. Always forgetting the most important task. Airhead." Allfather looked at us and continued.

"Anyway, she has given you two tasks you will start completing in a moment. Daenerys, child, will you give me those dragon eggs?" The Old Man asked.

Daenerys audibly gulped beside me; moving forward, she gave the satchel containing the dragon egg to the Old Man.

"While we killed those foul gods. To permanently kill them, these eggs need to be destroyed. Don't worry, child. You will fly. We take something, and we gift something back."

With a snap of his fingers, the eggs melted and formed another two eggs.

"These are eggs of the extinct species we think will survive and thrive in the North. Robb and Daenerys put a few drops of blood on them."

I took her hand in my hand and moved towards the eggs. We cut our hands and let the mixed blood drop on the two eggs.

"Good. Now let the eggs be; once you reach Winterfell, they will hatch. Goodbye, Robb Stark. Now everything depends on how you and Daenerys destroy the Seven's Southern Westeros and finally defeat our emissaries' mistake." The Old Man finished saying and started to fade away.

Om_4890 Om_4890

Hi Guys. Sorry for the chapter delays. I recently moved to another country and am in the process of settling in.

I will try to upload a chapter bi-weekly. But if don't, remember I am in the process of writing it.

I have read some comments asking if this had been dropped. I must tell you that as an avid Fanfic reader, that's the most frustrating thing.

So I will not abandon this work. I will complete this fanfic.

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Đánh giá được đăng thành công! Đọc thêm đánh giá
Bình chọn với Đá sức mạnh
Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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