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44.44% Persona: An Unknown's Arrival / Chapter 3: Into the TV World

Chương 3: Into the TV World

Hey, early chapter. I just wanted to get this out so I can have more thoughts about how I will build Haru's dungeon. This is an early update for this week's chapter. 





(normal pov)

On the top floor of Haru's apartment, he can be seen to have gotten out of bed. Haru tends to wake up at 5 o'clock. He is now trying to get some jogging clothes to run around the city to understand the town's layout better. He knew that school would start around 8:30 and that he should show up around 8ish to get a rundown with the faculty office.

After leaving his apartment, he locked up and started running around. He wears a black compressed short-sleeved shirt and black shorts. Anyone up at this hour could see his impressive muscles for his age if it weren't for the thick fog surrounding the town.

He can see that this town doesn't have anything that stands out like in the big city, but it is tranquil, which Haru can say he does not mind at all. After running around for an hour, he decides to head back. He takes a cold shower for a few minutes and takes care of all his oral hygiene. Next, he begins to make breakfast so he does not starve. 

By this time, he notices it is 7:23 a.m. and realizes he must leave. He then gets all his supplies and uniform and walks out of the door to Yasoinaba High School. 

By the time he arrives, it is around 7:58; by then, he must find the admiration room. On his way there, he notices one teacher with the weirdest buck teeth he has ever seen, and through the first floor, he can hear people whispering about a king moron or something around those lines. 

Haru walks into the admiration room, finds which class is his homeroom, and receives his class schedule. He is in classes 1-3, and after a little while of searching where his homeroom teacher was, he introduced himself to her. The teacher herself wasn't that bad compared to the king moron teacher he's been hearing about, and the teacher asked him to wait for her to introduce him. 

After it hit 8:30, the teacher walked into class with Haru by her side and waited for their classroom to settle down. All the first-year students looked at the male standing next to their teacher. He was around 5'11" tall and had messy black hair and red eyes, which were unusual. On the other hand, Haru was surprised because he didn't think he wouldn't be the tallest in his class, but in the back row, there was a large guy with blond hair slicked back hair around 6 feet tall. 

After his teacher announced that this was the transfer student selected to go to their school from the city, the class started to whisper around, saying things about the student next to her.

Haru introduced himself to his class with the best impression he could give to teenagers. In his past life, he had done this farce many times to kids, teens, and even adults. Even in the memories he gained through Haru, he had seen him do the same things; however, he was not as near this level of decent towards his parents and brother because he trusted them.

His introduction was well reviewed, and they all had great impressions about him, except for the one "delinquent" that he can only assume either did care or just didn't like him from seeing him.

He was then settled in an empty desk in the front row next to the window. Haru chose the seat next to the window to have something to distract him. Once he got seated, the classroom started; everything was normal for him because of the two sets of memories he knew information above his grade level; however, the English class where they had to learn English and the history of English was intriguing, but that was merely an afterthought.

The bell released class around the afternoon, immediately after class ended, and the teacher attempted to leave. The intercom came on and said for all student to remain in their classrooms. This confused the rest of the students because this had never happened before, and on the other hand, he did not care. He saw it as an inconvenience. 

The teacher had told everyone to listen to the announcement and left the classroom to find out what was happening. The class had chosen to listen to the teacher's advice, but the courses had to pressure the student in the back to stay because he tried to leave the moment the teacher had left. After getting everyone to calm down, more students decided to "interrogate" the new student himself.

He had given the most information that would satisfy and have them wanting more. He knew how to play high school games and would use it to the best of his ability. Something that he refused to have happened to him again was to have a boring life. While giving the juicy info to the teens, the announcement went off again, stating that they had to go home immediately and not stray from their path home. 

This had given them pause, haruma included; this was because something had happened, and this was not normal. Haruma had run through several theories, but the best option was a car accident or a murder. he was leaning toward the accident more than the murder because it was such a small town and not a city. Haruma had managed to escape the hoard of teens and started to head out of the school.

After passing over the central bridge that he can only assume was their flood plan, he came across what he can only consider a crime scene. As he looked at the sense, he quickly walked away from it because he thought of himself in the shoes of the police officers and what they had to experience from curious townsfolk because of the simple life that would flock to the nearest rumor.

After reaching his apartment, he reviewed the day he had just experienced. All in all, it was just a typical high school. The only thing that while interacting with the student was this weird thing called the "midnight channel"; he had heard that it showed something about who their soulmate was. He found this unbelievable and genuinely made him see some boys as desperate for attention or need to get laid. However, he had paused to remember what world he now lived in. This was a world where the unconscious mind of the populace would take shape in one way or another. 

Perhaps this was another version of the meta app from Persona 5, so he decided to check about this channel tonight. After finishing homework and dinner, he decided to run and empty his thoughts. While running, he decided to think about the persona he would receive and what arcana he would receive.

'after all those weird things I saw from P5, I can assume there might be a pattern. All the personas that the phantom thieves had were "criminals," I think, but it is probably more than that. I believe that Yu's persona was the fool and was a persona named Izanagi. This could mean a lot of things. However, being named after a king god of Japanese culture, I might have one closely related to that mythology.'

'I know that I will get to enter the cognitive world. However, I don't know how I will enter it. All I can do is to figure out why some things are happening.' after ending his thought process, he manage to get home around dark. 

It took a while for Haru to wait for the clock to turn 11:50 because haruma hated staying in place doing nothing. He had to read all the growing industries to gain insight into the stock trade for his future, but the money he had received from the school's allowance did not give him any hope. 

He quickly turned off the lights in the main room and his TV to see precisely the rumors. After the clock hit midnight, his TV started to become hazy, and he could begin to see the figure of what he could only assume was a young girl. He could not figure out why the girl was on his screen, but the TV turned off eventually.

haruma was still processing what exactly had happened. This was the thing that proved that the personas existed because the TV had no power but was still turned on; however, he could be hallucinating. He would not deny that, but he figured he would sleep on this.




The following day, haruma woke up at 5 a.m. because of the internal alarm clock that he got up. Typically, humans need at least 6-8 hours to rest. For Haruma, however, that is different. he is one of the unlucky few. He can need only 4 hours of sleep to continue through his day.

The next day, nothing happened, and he just continued his day of conversing with the students to try and find out what was happening. They were told to head straight home because a new announcer was recently killed and had her body hanged on a roof's antenna. It's a weird way to show someone their work, but it got people's attention. Something of note was that some upper students were on the midnight channel, and the same announcer was on the midnight channel before her death. This got Haruma to pause and think that there more than likely is a connection. He would try to think of a theory when he gained more knowledge.

The next day proved enlightening to him because a student had been a victim of the same killer as the announcer, or what they could assume. Everyone was sad about it, but Haru was thinking about something more; of course, he showed remorse about the death but didn't know anything about the upper classmate. Of course, when he went home, he tried to figure out the connection between a high schooler and a TV news anchor. After scouring the internet and the news, he discovered that the anchor had gotten into a big scandal about an affair. He thought it could be that but trashed it later because there were no rumors about the student in a relationship or ruining one. 

The only thing that he could notice about it was that they were both on the news or television. Haruma decided to watch both the news and the midnight channel to figure out what was the thing that could bring them into the world of shadows.

Over the next few days, there was a new sense of fear in the city for the serial killer on the loose. After the second killer, news about the first killing and where she lived was in a famous inn. On the news, it says that it is a high schooler, and the owner's daughter had taken over because of the owner falling ill. It turns out the same girl, the temporary manager of the inn, was the one that appeared the next two days on the midnight channel. She disappeared for the next three days but returned with a report about her being kidnapped and didn't run away from the stress.

This gave haruma the theory that he needed to get into that world; He had to get on the news. Fortunately for him, the news channel wanted to do a quick interview with him coming from the city and his thoughts about the town's situation. haruma smiled at the plan that was forming in his head.




(dojima resident)

in the dojima resident, Yu Narukami was eating dinner with his new family for the year, and his uncle asked his daughter to turn on the news. Surprisingly, he saw the news interviewing the junior he met on the train. Talking with his recently made team, they figured out that people paper on the midnight channel by going on the news. And seeing Haruma on TV didn't make it sit right with him.

"hmm, it's that kid from the station, Yu." his uncle told his nephew as a statement rather than a realization.

"Hello, this is Inaba News, and we are here with Haruma Amamiya, who recently came from the big city to come down here because he was chosen for the student exchange program. They didn't want him to leave because he was their best freshman high schooler. So haruma, how does it feel to be the selected student for this program."

"It certainly an experience, ma'am; however, I am trying my best to settle down for the difference from the big city," haruma responded to the new reporter about his situation.

"I would imagine the stress, but speaking about experiences, how have you been working with the recent serial killings that were happening." 

"why are they asking him that? he is just a kid. They should let him live his life." Yu's uncle said he did not like asking the kid about his thoughts on an ongoing investigation.

Everyone that was at the table had tuned out the interview that was playing on the television. Yu, however, was thinking about the murder that was on the loose. He was hoping that Haruma was not the next victim that would be shoved into that world. 

After finishing his dinner, Yu retired for the night and completed all of his school work and was merely waiting for the midnight channel that would show its next victim. After a while, the clock on his wall hit midnight, and his television started to show up, and it looked similar to Yu. After a few seconds, he realized that it was the same frame of the junior that showed up on the new earlier. 

The TV then starts to fade away and turns off.. after a few seconds, he gets a call from his phone, and he picks up.

"hey, partner, you see that?" a voice that Yu has grown used to and helped him in the current investigation that his team is doing. Yosuke, the second person after himself, to gain the power of persona.

"ya, I saw it, and I think I have a good idea of who it might be, too. ill talk with you at school." Yu finished and ended the call with Youske and headed to sleep, wondering how they would stop this subsequent kidnapping.




After finishing his day at school, the investigation team ended up at the local supermarket, "Junes," to discuss their findings of the ongoing case. This team consists of Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, and Yukiko Amagi. These four had gathered together to figure out who was throwing people into the TV world.

"so, who was that on the channel last night, partner?" Yosuke asked their chosen leader for this operation, which is Yu. 

"It's the other transfer student that ended up in the school, Haruma Amamiya. he's a first year in our school." Yu stated all the everyday things that he knows about his junior.

"ohh yaa, he's that super smart guy who was selected to come to our school," Chie said, a second year who has a bob-cut hairstyle and wears a bright neon green tracksuit jacket.

'' yes, I have also heard about from the customers that I have heard from gossip," Yukiko stated. This girl has a plain black haircut that reaches to her back for length and is wearing a red uniform.

''yes, that's him, and we have to figure out a plan that might work or try and warn him about the upcoming kidnapping,'' yu stated

''Right, but first, Yosuke, I need meat quick, and you're paying right," Chie says towards a crying Yosuke, who is complaining about how unfair this is.




After discussing how to inform Haruma to be careful about the murder and how much information they should digress with him so he listens to what they have to say. They eventually went out to inform Haru about his likelihood of getting thrown into the TV. 

They eventually found him still at their school in the library; they only found him there because they asked the students walking away from the school if they had seen where he went. After finding him, the team discussed several leading factors; after excruciating minutes of arguing and choosing Yu to talk to Haru, the team immediately looked at Yu and offered him a sacrifice. Yu then began to walk over to his junior, sitting alone with a pill of books that he was skimming over.

Haru had noticed in the corner of his vision the odd group at the library entryway that was looking for someone or something and had stopped when they saw him or something around his table. They also oddly look immediately at the one standing in the middle in response to the chosen sacrifice having begun to walk in the general location. Haru then decided to look up and saw the figure of his sempai, Yu Narukami. 

"Ah, sempai, how can I help you?" Haru asked, wondering what Yu might tell him. In all honesty, Haru feels like yu is just a nicer version of his brother. Yu doesn't have the same rebellious spirit Ren has but is more calm and collective.

"I was wondering how much you settled in, for living alone and all," yu stated, realizing that if he didn't have his relatives, he might have had a more difficult time in Inaba.

"just wanted to make sure no one was following you around. With that murder on the loose, you may see kids prank you about it." Yu quickly thought, trying to get an excuse out.

'he is trying hard to warn me, huh? Well, because it's the beginning of his adventure, he can outright say it. Low courage, I guess.'

"Well, I don't know about all that, but I can pay more attention to my surroundings. On sempai." Haruma told yu he nodded in response and then left back towards the entryway of the library

"Did he catch on?" Chie asked yu, not knowing what the two were talking about because they were on the other side of the library.

"I tried, but I don't think it worked out well with me having to keep information away from the discussion," Yu said with a sigh.

"in that case, we will only have to hope that he takes the head," Yukiko says, trying to bring a silver lining to the group while they walk out of the school towards the entryway.

"Well, partner, you did the best you could, but if the rumor is true about him, any information could be crucial for him to figure it out," Yosuke said.

After saying this, you realized that none of the group continued walking with him, so he turned around and saw all three of them staring at him.

Chie looked at him in disbelief, as if he had a second head, while Yu and Yuhiko looked at him in surprise.

"What did I say something."

"ya, you kinda said something useful for a change."

Yosuke then starts to look at yu, asking if he believes what Chie is saying, and in response, Yu looks away.




It is almost midnight, and yu are currently sitting on his sofa, waiting for the midnight channel to come on. He hopes his kohai got the message he was trying to say. While worrying about Haru, the clock in his room started to move towards the 12-hour mark, and when it did, Yu looked at the TV; surprising him, it did not turn on. Yu assumed that Haru got the message, but when he turned around, he heard static effects. He quickly turned around, and what he saw surprised him.

It was Haru, but he was way different from Yukiko's shadow. He wore a manly white yukata with black/navy outlines with patterns and a scarf. What surprised him was his face; he had his hair slicked back, and it clearly showed his bright red eyes. What was a significant difference was the tattoos that covered his hands and from what he saw on his wrists.

Behind him was another palace, but instead of the castle like the one Yukiko had, it was more of a Japanese-like style." I don't care. Still, if you want to see me kill my weakness, tune in; it doesn't matter… it will be a massacre… *chuckles*" Haru's "shadow then begins to walk away, and the TV turns off.

* ring…ring*

After two rings, Yu then picks up the phone, and he is listening to a scared? Yosuke talks about Haru's shadow and how different than the real one seems. Yu then discusses fixing this mess tomorrow and how it will be on Saturday. They quickly understood what needed to happen, so Yu ended the call.

All he can do now is lie down and think about what will happen. Thankfully, it's the weekend, and no one will need to check up on Haru, and they have two days before the police might get involved. His entire situation can be explained in one single sentence.


Crap indeed.


Hey, this was the other half of the story that was supposed to be attached to 'Welcome Inaba,' but in the next chapter, you will be able to see Haru's side and, more than likely, his fight against his inner self.

I have a giant clue about what he is if you can't identify his shadow, but if you can't, wait for the next chapter.

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