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15% Harem Spirits but with whom!!? (Date a live fanfic) / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Fem Shirou (3)

Chương 3: Chapter 3: Fem Shirou (3)

The morning sun had fully risen, casting its warm glow through the open windows of the Itsuka residence. It was a typical Thursday morning for Shido Itsuka, or it was supposed to be.

"You really don't have to do it," Shido said, leaning against the kitchen counter as he watched Shirou Emiya move about with practiced ease.

Shirou, dressed in her distinctive magical girl outfit, glanced over her shoulder and offered a reassuring smile. "Ah, don't worry, Shido-san. If there's anything I'm better at than helping people, it's the kitchen."

As she spoke, she continued to deftly chop vegetables for the breakfast omelets, standing on a small chair to give her enough height to work comfortably. She was so short for the kitchen counter.

Shido watched as Shirou skillfully maneuvered her way around the kitchen, effortlessly combining ingredients and creating a delightful breakfast spread. It was evident that she was not only capable but genuinely enjoyed the act of cooking.

"Well, If you say so, thank you for the help"

Shirou waved off his thanks with a cheerful demeanor. "No need to thank me, Shido-san. I'm happy to help out."

With their unspoken understanding, they continued working together to finish preparing breakfast. The aroma of the freshly prepared meal filled the kitchen, creating an atmosphere of warmth and contentment.

Unbeknownst to them, curious eyes observed their interactions from the living room.

"So, what do you guys think of the new girl?" Kaguya was the first to voice her thoughts.

"Answer, She seems so friendly, and she also gave me the feeling of a typical housewife for a little girl like her," Yuzuru replied, her brow slightly furrowed as she observed Shirou and Shido together in the kitchen.

Tohka nodded in agreement. "Umu, she seemed to be skilled in cooking, so that means she's a good person."

"She seems to have a cosplaying habit, though I don't recognize which character she used for her cosplay. I think I found an otaku follower," Nia chimed in casually, taking a sip of her beer.

"She doesn't wear panties..." Origami contributed her observation, a comment that garnered no particular reaction from the group.

"AHHHHH~ She really is a pure little girl~ and those clothes, they just seem to be made for her. I-I have to find a chance~~" Miku's comment was filled with excitement and desire as she stared at Shirou, her gaze almost predatory, and her mouth was drooling.

Meanwhile, Natsumi and Yoshino refrained from participating in the discussion as they were preoccupied with trying to figure out how Ruby, the magical wand, was capable of flying.

Amidst the spirited discussion in the living room, Shido and Shirou had nearly finished preparing breakfast.

Shirou, breaking a brief moment of silence, turned her attention to Shido.

"So, what are they to you?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in her tone.

"Hmm?" Shido looked at her, surprised by the question.

Shirou decided to be straightforward with her thoughts. "I'm talking about those girls behind us. They seem to be quite close to you."

A warm smile spread across Shido's face. "Oh, it's simple. They're my family."

  "A family Huh...I can tell you're indeed a happy one"

  Despite her smile, he couldn't help but notice something in her expression. her eyes felt heavy for some reason.

Wanting to shift the mood, Shido changed the topic. "I'm really surprised at how skilled you are in the kitchen at such a young age." He gestured toward the impressive tower of food dishes she had helped prepare. "It's quite impressive."

Shirou acknowledged his compliment with a nod. "Thank you for the compliment. Even though I appear to be in an 11-year-old body, in my mind, I'm 18 years old, and I have enough experience in the kitchen."

"Oh..." Shido shifted his gaze to Yoshino briefly and then back to Shirou. "I'm not surprised, to be honest."

"Not surprised?" Shirou raised an eyebrow, curious about his response.

"Since that fire accident, I can't really tell if my life has been normal since then-- Is something wrong?" He asked, noticing a shift in the little girl's demeanor.

"A fire accident?"

"Y-yeah," he wasn't sure why her mood had suddenly shifted. "About 8 years ago, there was a fire that burned down a part of this city, and I lost my memories in it."

"...Y-You lost your memories in a big fire accident? D-did you...by any chance...lose your parents and your old life and were adopted?"

"How did you know that?" Shido's surprise was evident in his voice.

Shirou, in shock, reached for her mouth. "Don't tell me you're-"

"Don't worry, Shirou-chan. He's not a parallel version of yourself from another dimension."


Shido could see the little magical wand had approached them, floating. He wasn't sure what the wand was talking about.

"He's not?"

"Yes, it's just a coincidence that you both have those similarities, but he is totally a different person. Though there is some weird link or abnormal energy exchange between you two."

"You mean he's..."

"Probably the one behind bringing you here, yes" The wand's words hung in the air finished, bringing confusion not just for shido, but the whole spirits who were watching from the living.

"He doesn't have a comment to sail, but I heard from Rin that the conditions of summoning can be different from one timeline and dimension to another." She turned her gaze toward Shido, this time her expression was more serious, catching Shido off guard.

"You knew from the beginning I wasn't  a normal human being, am I right?" She asked, her eyes fixed on the boy's.

He sighed. There was no need, in the first place, to hide anything. "Yes, I knew."

"And you're in the same boat. You're not a normal man."


"I see... I don't know why you didn't just say it. I was summoning her for a reason, and I'm happy the person I will serve is a kind man like you..."

Shido wasn't sure what to make of this sudden development. His eyes darted back and forth between the curious and now seemingly alarmed spirits in the living room and Shirou, who had just knelt before him as if he were a king.

"I'll be in your care, Master."


"Ehhhhhh!!" Following Shido's gasp of confusion, the whole house erupted in surprise.

Part 2:

10 AM

"Ugh, I thought high school would be easy for me, but that exam was really torture," she grumbled as she slung her purse over her shoulder. Her back tilted slightly as she sighed in defeat.

Kotori had just finished her morning class, which had been an exam, and now she had the rest of the day free to either rest or torture herself with thoughts of the new spirit situation.

"I wonder what Onii-san did with her. I have some hope for him, but he'll probably postpone today's work to tomorrow, as he always does,"

  She sighed as she raised her eyes towards their house, just a few steps away. "Sigh, what a brother I have."

As Kotori approached the house, a feeling of unease washed over her. The usually lively atmosphere inside the house was conspicuously absent.

"Why is it so quiet? Usually, all the girls would be awake by now... Crap!!"

Her question was answered as quickly as it was asked. An explosion rang out from inside the house, and without hesitation, Kotori rushed towards the source, which was the living room.

"What's going on here?"

As she entered the living room, she was met with an unexpected sight. Her brother Shido was on his knees, looking as if he was about to cry. He was being shielded by an unfamiliar girl. No, not just any stranger—she was the exact girl Kotori was about to study.

"The code...Magical girl?"

"Master, stay behind me. I'll protect you!"

The little magical girl stood her ground, guarding the blue-haired boy against three furious girls. One had dark purple hair and was wearing armor in the same color, while the other two bore strikingly similar features—a set of twins.

"Bastard! Isn't my younger sister enough for you? Now you're making little girls serve you?" Tenka, the inverse version of Tohka, accused as she pointed her sword toward him, or rather toward Shirou, as she stood between them.

"KuKuKu, you'd better come up with a good explanation this time, Shido," Kaguya said with a creepy, angry smile.

"Warning. Did you just NTR'd us with an underage girl, Shido?" Yozuru, her usually emotionless face sporting an angry little smile, chimed in.

"N-No, I didn't, and I don't have any hand in this whole thing. Please believe me," Shido pleaded, flustered and caught off guard, quickly tried to explain.

As Kotori glanced around the room, she noticed Origami sitting quietly, eating her breakfast without making a fuss. Nia, on the other hand, appeared to be passed out from drinking too much, a goofy smile plastered on her face. However, what caught Kotori's attention the most was Miku's absence. But in the end, she was able to glance at her trying to sneak up on the little girl with a perverted smile and drooling mouth on her face.

Kotori Also noticed Natsumi and Yoshino weren't present. She assumed they had probably retreated to their rooms.

Amidst this bizarre and chaotic scene, Kotori couldn't help but focus on the weapons the girl referred to as 'Magical girl' was holding. They were twin swords, one black and the other white, each adorned with the symbol of yin and yang.

"Her Angel?" Kotori couldn't help but wonder.

Sensing that things were spiraling out of control, Kotori decided to intervene, or she just felt sorry for her brother, who was giving her a pleading look, much like a little cat on the side of the road waiting for someone to pick it up.

"Okay, everyone, let's calm down," Kotori announced, clapping her hand to gather everyone's attention, "It's not shido fault, I was behind everything"

"Huh? What do you mean by that, Miss little sister?" Tenka was the first to react, moving her sword toward Kotori.

"What do you mean, Kotori?" Kaguya followed suit.

"Confused. What do you have to do with this, Kotori-san?" Yozuru was the last to voice her thoughts.

Shirou's curious gaze locked onto Kotori, while Shirou herself didn't let her guard down, her eyes still fixed on the three girls in front of her.

"Didn't you guys figure things out already? She's a new spirit, just like you," Kotori explained.

The entire room fell silent, the three girls' eyes darting back and forth between Shirou and Kotori in confusion.

"What are you talking about? Didn't the first spirit give up her plan? It's impossible for a new spirit to be born," Tenka questioned, lowering her sword slightly.

"Now that I think about it? She was able to react to my attack at an abnormal speed for a normal human."

"Confirmed. Those swords in her hand also appeared from nowhere."

(A spirit? Is that what they name Heroic spirits in this world? So all those girls here are servants? What kind of Master has that amount Of servants? And why they are females?...)

Shirou quietly mumbled her thoughts, her gaze never leaving the potential threat in front of her.



"That was a strong one, Senpai. Did you catch a cold?"

Back in another world, a certain black-haired master answered, "It seems someone is talking behind my back. Anyway, I am feeling I'll summon something good today! Mash, put all the Saint Quartz for this pull!!"

"Hai, Senpai. I just hope you don't get tofu again like always..."


(...Also did they say the first spirit? Don't tell me they mean Gilgamesh. Is he in this world too?)

Kotori took a deep breath before explaining, "That's because she's not a normal human. She's a Spirit. She just appeared this morning, and we still don't know much about her. That's why I asked Shido to take care of everything, just like he did with all of you. I didn't expect he would be able to bring her to the house that fast."

She shifted her gaze toward her helpless brother on the floor. "I thought you're the man of the house. Why are you about to cry?"

"Don't say it so casually!" He shouted helplessly. "How do you think I would react if three angry women decided to take my life after they thought I cheated on them!?"

"Sigh, and I thought you had matured. Anyway..." She turned toward the new spirit, Shirou, and extended her hand in greeting. "Sorry for what happened. My name is Itsuka Kotori, the little sister of the helpless guy behind you."

"Is what she's saying right, Master?" Shirou asked without moving her gaze away from the three spirits.

"Ah, y-yes, she's my little sister,"

Shirou watched as the situation seemed to calm down, the dark purple-haired woman in front of her shifting back to a much lighter color and regaining her lively character.

(She can change easily between her altered and normal form?)

Shirou's eyes went momentarily hollow before she sighed and decided to dispel her swords. With a thought, they disappeared into nothingness, and she extended her hand to return the handshake with Kotori.

"My name is Shirou Emiya, and I am your brother's servant, or what you call in this world his spirit. Please take care of me."

"H-His spirit?" She swiftly moved her eyes toward shido in confused

"I swear I don't have any idea what is she talking about and to why I am at fault here"


"Come on! Please don't give me another tofu. Please, I'm starting to feel bad for Castoria from all those minings. Please!!"

"Senpai, just don't set your hopes too high for your mental safety,"

Inside the summoning room, a certain boy clad in a simple white uniform, Fujimaru Ritsuka, said as he pleaded in tears. Beside him stood his support and friend, Mash.

"As a man, I have to take the risk even if it will cost me sleep deprivation from regret. Mash, put everything, I am ready!" He declared with the most confident expression a human being could muster, although tears of regret were already dripping from his eyes.

"O-Okay, Senpai."

(Please, God, give him something good, or he will literally have a stroke.)

Putting all the Saint Quartz in, both Ritsuka and Mash donned sunglasses to protect their eyes from the blinding light that appeared. The Saint Quartz disappeared, forming multiple blue orbs. These orbs connected with each other, forming a ring of blue sparks swirling around. The ring split into three, revealing a silver card with the image of a knight holding a sword with both hands.

"YES! Finally! Mash, I got a servant!" Ritsuka shook Mash in excitement, his face transformed from one of sleep-deprived exhaustion to that of a child receiving a PS5 as a gift (which rarely happened or never happened ).

"Y-Yes, S-Senpai, I-I am happy f-for you," Mash stammered in response.

They watched as the card crackled with gold sparks, turning it into a beautiful, golden color.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! I know that means I've used up all of my remaining luck for the rest of the year, but F*** YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IT WORTH ITTT!"

Unbeknownst to Him, everyone in Chaldea could hear him.

"It seems he finally got something good..."

Somewhere else in Chaldea, inside the cafeteria of the organization, a certain archer clad in a red outfit commented as he prepared lunch.

"It seems so," answered a certain king of Britain, dressed in a dark black outfit, as she took a bite from her hamburger.

Back to Ritsuka as he waited for the summoning to complete, eager to see what kind of servant he had obtained. He already knew the servant's class was Saber, which was enough for him to be happy. Servants of the Saber class were always good.


"What the fu..."

What appeared after the summoning was completed left him in shock...

"Is that a f****** Panties???"

Inside the summoning device was a small pink pair of panties, clearly belonging to a little girl. He watched as the panties slowly floated before falling to the ground. Just before they touched the floor, he caught them, utterly confused.

"D-Da Vinci, what is happening here? Where is the servant, and what is that pair of panties doing here?"

Turning toward Da Vinci, who had been watching the whole thing from the control room.

"I-I don't really know. Can you come here for a second?"

Following her orders, with Mash following behind, he put the panties in his pocket and headed to the system room.

He could see the confusion in Da Vinci's eyes as she glanced at one of the computer screens. Taking a look at what she was looking at, he saw the card of the servant he was supposed to summon.

"A female servant... Shirou... E-Emiya? Does that servant have any connection to the Emiya family? And her stats..."

"They're all blank... Error..." Mash continued from where Ritsuka left off.

"I have no idea what happened. But what about asking the Emiyas about that servant? We might find out something about the situation."

Da Vinci suggested, to which Ritsuka agreed with a nod. "Good idea."

At that moment, they had no idea that mentioning that name in Chaldea would turn the whole organization upside down.


(A/N): What do you guys think about the Extra? I hope you like it.

I am planning to write some Side-Short or Extra stories here from time to time, so I hope you don't mind it.

Anyway, the coming chapter will be probably the last and will finish with the Fem-Shirou case, So what is the next character you guys want me to bring next?

I am planning for either Kazuma or Issei Hyodo from DXD, but if you want something different it would be okay.

That is for today and see ya!!

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