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85.67% I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 291: 291 The Boys: Getting respect and maybe trouble, Kimiko and Annie blow up the kitchen and A-Train vs Shockwave.

Chương 291: 291 The Boys: Getting respect and maybe trouble, Kimiko and Annie blow up the kitchen and A-Train vs Shockwave.

Allen lay on the ground, watching the rain hit the transparent dome generated by the drone and surrounded by the girls.

2B reported that five cameras were observing them at all times, but Allen decided to just rest and wait for the crew to contact him.

Meanwhile, Allen searched for ways to recover without using fragments.


Certainly, Rebecca's device didn't help much, and using a potion to restore his health would be like activating a forbidden ability in this world.

In the past, Gwen (an HP expert) pointed out that if the dolls weren't restricted and one of them created a potion, it should be usable without consequences.

This theory seemed sound; however, none of the dolls Allen had with him could create potions.

Of course, another option was to acquire a superpower with healing or regeneration capabilities, which wasn't a bad idea.


As Allen contemplated this, his body seemed to respond to his need and began to regenerate. If Allen knew the true extent of Sentry's powers, being able to regenerate even after the ridiculously powerful Molecule Man tried to destroy him, he wouldn't worry about something like this.

Allen frowned as he noticed his bones starting to heal, which pleasantly surprised him.

'It's strange, this ability wasn't activated before.'

[Host, this regenerative power should fluctuate just like all your other current abilities]

'That makes sense...'

Allen looked up to see 2B staring into his eyes. She used to remove her visor at moments like these, with the flimsy excuse that it wasn't necessary to wear it when they were so close and she could protect him without difficulty.


Aphrodite – I am so envious~

Hestia – You can't hide your desires for even a second, can you? -_-

Allen felt it was a shame to leave the comfort of 2B's perfect thighs, but he didn't want to lie on the ground forever.

After about ten minutes, the ship's security staff approached, along with three men and two older women dressed in the common white suits of captains and cruise officers.

Precisely, it was the Captain of the cruiser and his Officers.

TheEmperador – This man's actions are admirable.

Gilgamesh – Not many can stay strong in such situations.

Antiope – Plus, his crew is exceptional. There were no doubts in following his orders, even when he ordered them to throw the lifeboats.

Allen stood up to avoid being rude, but this made everyone nervous.

"You don't have to get up!" said one of the men hastily. It was amusing for the viewers to see a seasoned seaman get nervous like a teenage girl on her first date.

Allen ignored them and stood up, then stretched, which left everyone, including the girls next to him, speechless.

Rebecca looked at her hand where the portable medical device was located, but it shouldn't have been very effective on Allen.

2B stood up while adjusting her visor to scan Allen's body. She was astonished to find that all his broken bones were healed, along with his internal injuries and muscle tears.

Artoria was also surprised. She had offered Avalon to help him, but Allen declined, feeling his body was recovering on its own.

Allen stretched and then looked at the captain and his officers. "Hello, Captain. I apologize for the illegal boarding and for making your crew nervous, hahaha."

Unlike the astonished officers, the captain remained composed upon hearing Allen address him. He smiled sternly, "Don't talk nonsense. If anyone dared to arrest you for it, I'd throw them overboard."

"Then you have my gratitude captain"

The officers coughed, regaining their composure upon seeing their captain interact with Allen casually. The security staff also relaxed a bit.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Maximilian von Hohenberg, Captain of the Oasis, and this is my first officer, Edward Harrington..."

The captain introduced himself and a few others.

"I'm Allen Walker...and they... are my girls"

Allen did not introduce the girls because there was no reason to give too much information. The captain understood that when he saw the peculiarity of each girl next to Allen and didn't ask either.

SnoopD – Homie has no interest in hiding it, huh? *laughs while lighting a joint*

[I.M] "There's no need to, as there is no information from me... but this world doesn't need to know that I have King Arthur with me hahaha"

The captain shook Allen's hand with a firm grip full of gratitude. "Allen Walker, you've saved so many lives. I can't express our gratitude with words."

"Don't worry about it, Captain..." Allen smiled slightly. "To be honest, I almost gave up... it was too much for me, but you and the efforts of everyone on this cruise pushed me beyond my limits."

The Captain observed Allen with surprise. He had expected something different. Despite only seeing them on programs and in the news, his idea of Supers was that they were beings with powers who craved attention and recognition, as they always acted that way.

"Mr. Walker, I must confess that my opinion of you was different... I owe you an apology."

Allen shook his head. "You don't have to do that..." Allen hesitated about revealing the truth but decided against it. This problem was distant for this man. "I'm an unusual person among my peers..."

The captain's eyes widened as if reading between the lines. He nodded, then took a firm stance to perform a military salute of respect. His officers and the security staff followed suit.

Allen smiled and began to float in the air, at the same time as the girls disappeared.

"Mr. Walker, how should I handle this incident?" the captain asked before Allen could leave.

In the end, the number of witnesses was limited, as this happened amid a hurricane. Most people had stayed inside the cruise ship the entire time.

As for the recordings from the cameras, Allen believed no government would be willing to release them and boost Supers' popularity, or maybe Allen was mistaken.

"There's no need to alarm people. Just tell them that a miracle fixed the ship," Allen said with a laugh. Of course, no passenger would accept that explanation, and it was obvious that the ship was about to capsize with no logical explanation to deny it. People would ask questions, and those who saw Allen would end up talking about it. However, Allen believed the impact wouldn't be as great as with the plane. He was okay with that because, unlike what Butcher says, Allen would be disgusted if he ended up acting like the attention-hungry Supers of Vought.

"As for the videos... yeah, I'm not picky. Show them to your grandchildren or delete them all; it's not important."

Gwen – I hope you don't regret that. *Gwen sighed as she stood up to take a shower.*

MJ – It's almost certain those videos will end up public~ *MJ rolled in your bed wearing lingerie.*

Felicia – Whether this is good or bad, hehe~ *The girl in a bathrobe ate a strawberry with cream while preparing for bed. She looks like she wants to sleep her clothes off*

Allen cursed the "actions" feature of the viewers, as he now knew his three girlfriends were ready for bed and he wasn't there!

Allen shook off his thoughts and vanished into the sky, leaving everyone present astonished and the captain smiling. It had been a while since he was in such a good mood meeting someone.


The captain was not naive and could see that Allen was not a fame seeker, so he decided to delete all the recordings from the ship. However, there was a problem.

"Captain, the sultan demands to know who his savior is!"

After everything settled and the cruise ship emerged from the hurricane, the passengers were able to disembark. At that moment, several envoys from Sultan Saladino II, one of the wealthiest men in the world, arrived. They heard that their savior was a super and wanted to meet him.

The captain felt pressured. He believed that if he didn't hand over the recordings to the sultan, he might buy the Oasis just to dismiss him.

'Mr. Walker said I could do whatever I wanted... I just hope the eccentric sultan doesn't cause any problems...'


Allen returned only to be greeted by Armageddon in the kitchen. Somehow, Allen witnessed the oven exploding. Fortunately, Annie and Kimiko were supers and weren't injured.

Allen observed both girls covered in flour with parts of their clothes burned.

"I... I can explain!" Annie shouted.

'The blonde girl felt bad because you were always cooking for us and forced me to help her make something... as you can see, it turned out badly.'

Kimiko stepped forward and exposed her through telepathy with an impassive expression as if thinking that her life as an assassin wasn't so bad.

Kimiko's explanation cleared Allen's doubts, and he began to laugh. In the end, Allen had to replace the oven, and they decided to go out for a meal, of course, using disguises.


(The next day)

The time for the A-Train versus Shockwave race had arrived. As expected, it was a huge event, as the fastest man in the world defended his title against the rising star.

The crowd cheered as the drone moved through the masses.

Madelyn observed this from her office, holding her son Teddy Stillwell in her arms. Previously, this event wouldn't have been so problematic, but with a hundred lawsuits against Vought and a significant percentage of people now viewing Homelander as a threat, she had to work hard to organize these events.

Something that had changed was that the audience was now selectively chosen, with ninety percent being die-hard fans of the Seven to avoid boos, insults, and chaos.

– "Will A-Train reaffirm his dominance?" –

– "Will a new star rise on the horizon?" –

Madelyn paid well to reporters and presenters who showed favoritism when discussing Vought and the Seven.

"The stage is set; just don't mess it up this time..."


Homelander landed amid a cheering crowd and walked over to an interviewer who looked at him adoringly.


"I love you!!"

"Look here!!"

The people's cheers pleased Homelander. While many people hated him, an equal number loved him, and many simply chose to believe in Homelander.

Yes, many witnesses claim that Homelander is a monster.

Yes, all the survivors, without exception, agreed on what happened: Homelander threatened them and left them to die without any mercy.

Yes, some videos confirm this.

However, Homelander is Homelander. For many years, he was the superhero for everyone, the light in the sky, the one everyone aspired to. His list of feats is incredible, and the videos (montages) have portrayed him as a noble and unblemished superhero. In the minds of many, Homelander had reached the level of a deity, so saying it's all false, even with such tangible evidence, wouldn't convince them to stop believing in him.

With Homelander's speech, this belief increased and then a common idea spread

– "Homelander and Maeve did nothing wrong; it's all a wicked plan to ruin their reputation!" –


"Hello everyone!"

With a perfect smile, styled hair, and an imposing and charismatic presence, Homelander greeted the crowd.

Each cheer inflated his ego even more, which wasn't bad as it kept him from going mad with rage.

"Darling, you look amazing," Homelander said, kissing the interviewer's hand.

"Oh, always so charming, Homelander~" She seemed genuinely happy to see Homelander and wasn't faking it.

'Madelyn, this time you've outdone yourself...' thought Homelander as he chatted about trivial matters.

Soon, however, serious questions came for Homelander.

"Tell me, dear, how are you handling this situation with lawsuits, disgusting rumors, and the unfortunate loss of popularity?"

Homelander clenched his fists tightly, feeling this as the greatest regret of all.

"I'm... sure that the truth will prevail." Homelander glared at the cameras with defiance. "I know you're listening. You can wear a cape and pretend to be a superhero, but we both know what you really are. You're a villain. You ruthlessly attacked a superhero base, sending many brave and noble individuals to the hospital with severe injuries. That's what you are, a coward who only knows how to strike from surprise! You can't escape your past, no matter how much you pretend to help others!... you're no true superhero!!!"

The audience, who had been silent, erupted in cheers and applause as Homelander greeted them with a smile and gestures of appreciation.

Madelyn smiled, as this would further heal Homelander's reputation.

"That was moving..." said the presenter, wiping away a tear. She then took on an expression of annoyance and frustration. "What a cruel and heartless villain, deceiving the entire nation just to hide the truth."


(A-Train's Dressing Room)

A-Train was preparing for the race. He took out a dose of the blue miracle liquid, Compound V. A-Train hesitated to use it. He knew it made him faster but also worsened his condition.

"Bro, are you okay?" asked A-Train's brother, who served as his manager, trainer, and support since before he joined the Seven.

"Yeah, I'm fine," A-Train said, though he didn't look fine and struggled to smile. His brother noticed this and patted his shoulder. "Don't worry; you'll beat that arrogant idiot Shockwave. Mom supports you from above."

A-Train wasn't expecting these words and felt better. "Thanks, I'm going to win!"


The Boys, the tactical team, arrived at the scene while all this was happening.

Hughie bought a hotdog and Frenchie got cotton candy. Butcher looked at them without words; they were near Homelander and seemed to be enjoying the show.

"Ladies, do you know what will happen if they spot us?"

"What?" Frenchie wiped his face after taking a bite of his cotton candy. "You said we should blend in."

"Damn, that was my favorite shirt." Hughie spilled a bit of ketchup on his shirt and was annoyed. But seeing Butcher's gaze, he became nervous. "Sorry."

"Pair of idiots," Butcher shook his head, but he didn't yell at them further. This pair was too careless, but it was understandable. Having your own Homelander adds a layer of security around you and makes you feel like investigating the Homelander psycho isn't an act of suicide but a mission.

Butcher smirked with disdain as he watched Homelander during the interview and took a sip of his shake.

"Butcher, it's MM."

Butcher heard MM's voice on the radio. Since he was elsewhere, Butcher thought something had gone wrong.

"What's up?"

"I remembered something important and I'm heading back."

"What?.... well... it's okay...


MM returned to A-Train's girlfriend Popclaw's apartment.

MM entered the van where they had the equipment for spying on Popclaw's apartment. MM saw Popclaw crying inconsolably.

Upon reviewing the footage, MM discovered the reason. A-Train had refused to present Popclaw as his official girlfriend during the race. She had been suppressing her pain, but on the day of the race, she broke down.

Unable to bear it, she took a dose of Compound V and injected herself, then began working out while listening to music.

MM called Butcher and informed him of this. Originally, they thought A-Train had taken all the Compound V samples, but it seemed he had left some doses at his girlfriend's place.


A-Train made his entrance amid applause and cheers from the crowd. He was the King, no doubt about it. However, his smile faded when he saw Shockwave emerge, receiving just as much if not more, cheers and support.

A-Train's memories resurfaced. He knew that feeling; Shockwave was experiencing what he once did.

A-Train felt pressured and nervous. The stress made his heart pound. Unable to do anything, he vanished for a moment, and upon returning, he looked more euphoric, as if all previous feelings had been false.

His brother noticed this change and spoke with suspicion. "You okay, bro?"

A-Train, jumping slightly and moving in place, smiled. "Yeah, of course. I'm excited; I can feel Mom's support from above!"

The Boys watched this from the crowd.

"Is he...?" Hughie asked.

"Completely high!" Butcher mocked A-Train. The Boys then dispersed to different locations.

Butcher's plan was simple: follow A-Train and gather as much investigative material as possible to hold him accountable. They would then blackmail him for more information about Vought International or even use it against Vought.

Butcher was alone when Homelander peered over the crowd, waiting for the race to start. At that moment, Homelander felt something strange, like a venomous snake watching him from the shadows.

At that moment, Butcher and Homelander's gazes met for the first time.

Butcher had a smirking, contemptuous, and full of murderous intentions.

Homelander felt deeply confused by a common person daring to look at him like that. In fact, it was too strange for Homelander. This man wasn't even paying attention to the race, only to him.

Time slowed as Shockwave and A-Train prepared to face off. There were no words or greetings; both were determined to ruin each other's race.

When the shot fired, A-Train's and Shockwave's feet almost instantly pressed against the concrete block behind them, which served as the initial support.

A-Train felt his heart race, but his body also felt light. The race began, and a second later, it was over.


A/N: Chapter 300 is almost here 🗿🗿

My new patreon is: Patreon.com/_Aizen

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