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41.22% I Stream DC on Marvel / Chapter 139: Is the subsystem omnipotent?... and the most cruel punishment...

Chương 139: Is the subsystem omnipotent?... and the most cruel punishment...

Allen smiled and turned to let Gwen and Harley know it was time, but he saw Harley hitting Black Mask with her bat.

Allen asked Gwen, who was crossing her arms, what had happened, and she replied that Black Mask called her, bitch.

Allen mocked the idiot Black Mask; if Allen didn't stop Harley, she would end up killing him. Allen called the girl, and she turned with a completely different attitude while smiling.

"What's up, Daddy?!❤️~"

Harley ran and jumped on Allen, wrapping her legs around Allen's waist and her arms around his neck. Gwen raised an eyebrow, but she endured it.


– I'm not jealous that Allen has my favorite crazy waifu... I'm not jealous...

– Uwa, not even a crazy girl was saved from Allen's clutches.

– Hey, isn't anyone going to ask about the girl dressed as a superhero?

– I don't recognize any DC villain or superhero with her characteristics... but she seems familiar...

– Ah! It's her!

– Yes, she's a superheroine, but from our world!!

– D: Huh?! there's a new local waifu, and nobody told me?!

– Damn it, the pervert already laid hands on her, and She hasn't even been in NYC for a week! How can I be like you, Allen?!


Jealousy, confusion, and a lot of envy erupted in Allen's Chat, but it was normal. Whether it was for Allen, his acquaintances, or his old viewers, everyone was used to every time Allen appeared with a beautiful girl, everyone exploded with envy or annoyance with him.

[Host, this seems like a tradition now...]

'Unfortunately...' Allen thought with regret.


Time ran out, and the new system was activated. The entire place, an endless expanse of white, began to glow even brighter, and everyone was forced to close their eyes.

All the viewers waited to find out what kind of cosmic horrors and Lovecraftian terrors were waiting for Black Mask, to give him unimaginable torture.

'Nah, it's really nothing like that...' Allen thought as he saw people's comments.

After crossing the bright threshold, Black Mask found himself surrounded by small children who looked at him curiously. Black Mask felt uncomfortable and looked at his hands to notice he was wearing a full-body costume.

"What is this?!" Black Mask shouted angrily.

The ruthless villain was dressed in a teddy bear mascot suit. If you look at the walls and the place, you'll see many childish decorations with drawings of animals and cartoon characters like SpongeBob and Dora the Explorer, and there are many toys all over the floor.

"This is a preschool," Allen said quietly, not surprised. "It seems my wish manifested perfectly."

"Huh?!" Gwen exclaimed, wearing an apron with a heart drawing. "What's going on?!"

"Honey, I didn't know you were into this~" Harley smiled seductively as she modeled her Hello Kitty apron. "Do you like seeing me without it on?~"

Allen stroked Harley's head and then Gwen's. "You both look cute in preschool teacher clothes," Allen replied with a bit of amusement. He was still dressed normally, but his white coat now had a bear drawn on the back.

"Hee hee~" Harley enjoyed the attention.

"Hmph," Gwen huffed but didn't escape Allen's hand.

The comments exploded in confusion. They expected to see an infernal place where Black Mask would be tortured in horrible ways, but instead, they saw him dressed as a teddy bear.


– Wtf are they doing in a preschool?!

– Leaving that aside, it's dangerous to bring children close to a villain!! D:

"Don't worry, Black Mask can't hurt anyone," Allen replied, anticipating everyone's main concern.

– How does that work?

– Well, knowing Allen, I wouldn't be surprised if those kids weren't real.

Rick – Tsk, they should let the story progress more; don't you realize that most of your doubts are answered shortly after?


A screen appeared in front of Allen, and another in front of Black Mask.

Black Mask looked stunned at the screen in front of him. "What is this?!"

[Congratulations, you were chosen to experience the wonderful system created to help rehabilitate the worst criminals that exist, in other words, you, Roman Macar Sionis]

"What?!" The villain exclaimed angrily but was interrupted when he felt someone pulling him from behind. "Damn it! A kid is hanging on my back, but when I try to push these brats away, I feel weak, as if I'm about to faint!"

[Don't bother trying; you won't be able to use any kind of violence while I'm with you]

"Damn it!!"


Allen smiled as he watched the children hanging on a helpless Black Mask. Contrary to what many believe, not all systems are good or an opportunity to become the strongest or invincible.

Some systems are practically useless, serving only as a guide for the user or merely as an interface marking their host's statistics. But that's still fine; the worst systems are those that force their host to fulfill absurd missions with bad rewards or impose horrible punishments.

Allen created a subsystem with that as its base. The system will create missions for the villains inside Arkham with random and unpleasant punishments, and the only reward will be a reduction in their sentence, but it will be very little, perhaps just a few days less of a sentence.

Allen can also take control of the subsystem at any time and create missions personally. Of course, this subsystem doesn't have its ego; it functions like a system with predefined programming.


– I don't understand why you can't just give them eternal punishments. lmao

– Allen seeks to rehabilitate them from the wrong path of evil:v

– Isn't it hypocritical to make villains good people while Allen is a villain?

– Mmm, I don't know, Allen may break the law, but what many Gotham villains have done is despicable. Many have participated in torture, murder, drug and arms trafficking, kidnapping, human trafficking, etc.

– Allen wouldn't do something like that, and he already said he wouldn't try to turn them into Jesus. Allen tries to make them lose the desire to harm others.


"Shut up, everyone!" Allen was still a bit in a bad mood and decided to take it out on Black Mask.

"Roman, it's time for the truth," Allen said as he approached where the villain was. His face had a smile on it as he pulled out a mysterious book. "You chose to walk a path of blood, and now you're going to do the opposite hehe...he."

Black Mask looked at Allen, not understanding what was happening. He had two children hanging from their big teddy bear arms as he tried to push them away, but he couldn't; his body wouldn't respond when he tried to exert violence against the children.

"Give it up Roman, even without the system restricting you, you could do nothing, for I have all the Arkham prisoners under contract," Allen mocked.

Allen smiled without explaining well what that meant; however, some people managed to glimpse what Allen had done. Just like with Zatanna, Allen made a contract to obtain something. That something had to do with Black Mask not being able to act violently.

"What are you planning?!" Roman growled forcefully; it was the only thing he could do.

"Roman Sionis, to be honest, I'm not such a good person. A part of me wants to throw you all into lava and let you melt," Allen blinked coldly as he smiled, sending shivers down Black Mask's spine. "However, that would make me a monster like you, I am a Supervillain but not an insane sick person... you know, we're both villains. I like to beat up heroes and annoy heroines. I have no problem breaking the law, but what you do is disgusting. I have standards and class."

"Rot in hell!" said Black Mask, the children immediately moved away from him. Allen smiled and materialized a shotgun.


Allen didn't let him say anything and shot him in the chest; Black Mask flew and crashed into the wall. The Chat was stunned to see this, of course, it was censored, and viewers could barely see, but they didn't need to think much to know what a shotgun blast does to a person.

Allen had a calm look, even Gwen couldn't understand this. Allen had taken the trouble to create systems to reform villains and killed one instantly. However, everyone's doubts were resolved seconds later.

Roman's eyes, now lifeless, began to regain their brightness, and the man coughed as he screamed in pain. However, he was alive, even with his chest torn apart by the shotgun blast.

"Surprised?" said Allen, smirking arrogantly. "Roman, here you can't die, no matter how much you're hurt or what happens, death will never come."

People were in shock at this; what kind of absurd power could grant someone immortality?

"You're not immortal if that's what you think," Allen rested the shotgun on his shoulder as he thought about how to explain to the Chat, his girls, and Black Mask simply without exposing his true power.

"Everyone already knows I can use Domain Expansion, the system I designed is based on that. Currently, Arkham is my territory, my domain, a place where I make the rules. Yes, it sounds incredibly unfair and broken, but it's not as easy as a Domain Expansion requires a lot of time to activate, and is not useful in fights where a moment can cost you your life."

Everyone was shocked to hear that Allen had become omnipotent in this place.

Allen wasn't lying; while people believe he's a mutant whose power is to manipulate reality, and it wouldn't be surprising if he made a "system" that only appears in Japanese manga, it's easy to see that Allen has limits.

For example, if he can manipulate reality, why does he fight? Why can't he just defeat his opponents before they react?

That led fans and haters alike to create their theories about how Allen Walker's "mutant" power works and what its limits are.

After carefully analyzing each of his fights, the multiple forums and fandoms where Allen Walker is discussed came up with several theories accepted by the majority.

First, Allen can have incredibly powerful powers, but they all have time limits, and they were right about that.

The second theory – Allen can't change powers so easily; otherwise, they would see him with different abilities constantly.

They're wrong about that; Allen can rotate his abilities easily, but there's a cooldown to reactivate them once replaced.

A third theory – Allen has a limit to the powers he can create.

Allen doesn't have a limit to the powers he can create, as long as he has resources for the system to create them, such as Destiny Fragments, Golden Tickets, or credits, so there's no limit to creating any power or ability, but there are limits to endure them in his body.

Fourth theory – Allen has special conditions or needs to pay something to create abilities or powers.

This theory arose after seeing him repeatedly gain power in the middle of a fight where he was at a disadvantage. That was more evident in his confrontation against Loki; at that time, it was seen that in exchange for the power of a World-Destroying God from Dragon Ball, Allen had to suffer and ended up emaciated and thin, as if he had been starved for months.

Returning to the main topic, if Allen can do a Domain Expansion of the Jujutsu world on this scale and with endless duration, and with such an absurd power as granting him omnipotence, Allen will be practically invincible. Despite the fear of Allen, it was reduced due to his charismatic personality, having an invincible mutant sent shivers down many people's spines.

However, Allen is not a mutant, and although it doesn't stray far from what people believe he can do, the subsystem has its limits like any power that comes from Allen.

First, Allen's territory needs to belong to him; how does he do that? Not by buying it. Allen needs to spend enough time in a place for the new subsystem to declare it his territory, depending on the place and size, the required time counter will be greater.

If someone wanted to prevent Allen from taking over a place, they just had to expel him; once that happened, the time counter resets, and Allen would have to start over. So it's not as incredible as it seems; for example, let's say Allen wants to dominate Olympus, and Zeus would immediately fight to the death before he could achieve it.

"So, to sum it up, you can't die in my domain without my permission," Allen looked at Gwen, who had the same look his Chat must have had. "Everything that happens in this place is both real and a lie."

Black Mask looked at Allen with hatred as he felt pain from the pellets stuck in his chest; however, this mortal wound couldn't kill him, nor did it leave him unconscious; it just made him suffer.

At first, Black Mask endured the agonizing pain to not show weakness, but everything has a limit.

"Ahhhh!!" Black Mask screamed as he could no longer bear the pain. "Damn it!!"

Allen snapped his fingers, and the wound in Black Mask's chest disappeared instantly.

"What?!" Black Mask couldn't believe this; no one could. It's even faster than Worldbreaker Hulk's regeneration.

"I told you, everything here is both real and a lie; you're not in a preschool, and these children aren't real, but they do exist somewhere in the world."

Allen touched the head of one of the children, and then everyone realized that a brutal scene had been shown to them, but the children didn't seem affected in the slightest, as if they were robots.

"His name is Kevin Smith, a hyperactive child with the record of being expelled from three preschools for playing pranks on his teachers, including filling his teacher's car with rats."

"Makoto Kazuto, an adorable child who managed to make ten babysitters quit; his last babysitter ended up in a psychiatric hospital..."

Allen smiled, "You can think of them as Artificial Intelligence; however, they are 100% faithful to the originals." Allen looked amusedly at the pale Black Mask while ten of the world's most problematic children were gathered.

Allen snapped his fingers once again, a sheet of paper materialized in his hand and he threw it at Black Mask. "Each of them has a seal with a happy and a sad face; you must please them and play with them to get at least half of the happy faces to fulfill your mission. If you do well, your sentence will be reduced a little."

"Don't screw with me! Why the hell would I do that?!" Black Mask shouted furiously. The idea of playing with children made the ruthless villain nauseous; simply being tortured sounded better than something like that.

"Well, you can refuse, but you'll receive the punishment," Allen shrugged. "I can force you, but by doing so, you wouldn't be reforming yourself."

"Hahaha, go ahead and do it! Punish me or shoot me again, I don't care!" Black Mask laughed; he realized that Allen had no intention of killing him, as he had created something so sophisticated to keep himself alive.

"I know this is Arkham; there are many tough guys who don't fear pain and enjoy violence, but there are fates worse than death, and I designed this system for that," Allen glanced at the subsystem interface with a cold gaze. 'I leave the punishment to you; make him regret it and transmit it to all of Arkham,' Allen thought towards his systems.

[Understood, Host...]

The main system got to work, and many screens appeared all over Arkham.

[Understood, Analyzing personality and crimes... processing appropriate punishment for Roman Sionis...]

Allen smiled at Black Mask, Roman believed he couldn't make him suffer, but Roman was wrong; the system would find the most unpleasant way to deal with him.

Black Mask had a fixed gaze on Allen; he wouldn't admit that a part of him was scared, as he wasn't insensitive to pain. However, he believed Allen wouldn't be as sick as many of his fellow Arkham inmates.

[Punishment for Roman Sionis... is a night with Bueno Exellente]

Allen's face turned somewhat pale upon hearing the punishment from the system. Everyone noticed this, and shortly after, a message appeared on everyone's screens with Black Mask's punishment. People who recognized the name "Bueno Exellente" turned as pale as Allen.


A/N: In the next chapter, we will talk more about Excellente, but a little spoiler... you know, a picture is worth a thousand words.

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