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40.47% Degenerate Reborn In House Of The Dragon / Chapter 16: Ch 16 Wedding Day Feast

Chương 16: Ch 16 Wedding Day Feast

I had spent the night with mother in her chambers, they were on the opposite side of the castle from the Kings room.

they hadn't spoken in months after he chose to go through with his idea that Laenor and Rhaenyras children would inherit both Driftmark and The Throne....theyd be lucky if I didn't skin them and hang them from the rafters.

We also received word that Rhea Royce had died after a fall from her horse..... Daemon was once again a single man.

Mother and I had chosen to be fashionably late to the entrance feast.....no one expected to see the Queen but today was the day tensions really started.....

I also had to kill Lonmouth since I didn't know how it might affect history if he survived now that Criston Cole is dead and his skull is now a fancy cup.

If I kill him it will drive a more visible wedge between us both.....that will force Lord's to pick sides.

Well, I guess I'll just make up a reason to kill him.....I'm a Prince after all, and I'll win any trial by combat if it comes to it.

Then I walked to mother and we both began to get ready.

I fondled her soft body as I helped her into the infamous Green silk dress....she was supposed to wear Black and Red....the colors of house Targeryen now that she was the Queen....My mother also wore my Sigil on a small necklace... Green Eyed Black Dragon....a subtle signal of who she supported....

Times have changed and the Lords would finally see the divide.

I Dressed in all Black with a Pendant in the shape of my personal Sigil, A Black Dragon With a green emerald as it's eye.

I attached my Valyrian Steel Estocs to my belt and my favorite hooked dagger inside my sleeve.

Then I walked up to mother and helped her finish preparing.

I used magic on mother to get her hair perfect then we walked out as we were escorted by Uncle Harrold and Arryk Cargyll, our most vehement supporters within the Kingsguard.

As we neared the wedding.....I used my senses and saw all the Lords sitting along with the newly returned Daemon, his wife Rhea Royce died and now he wanted Rhaenyra.

The huge double doors opened as the King was in the middle of a speech and revealed mother standing there's looking Ethereally beautiful and me escorting her.

"Queen Alicent Targeryen nee Hightower!!!! escorted by Prince Maegor The Blood Eyed Targeryen!!!!" The Royal Cryer Presented Us.

My glowing red slitted eyes drew the attention of many Lord's who had only heard of Maegor Blood Eyes, they also looked to my hip and spotted my Valyrian steel swords and they marveled at the intricate engraved handguards and the Vibrant Green Emeralds embedded in them.

Then they looked at my Twin for comparison.....Aegon looked pathetic and small compared to me and I saw some scrunch their noses at The Runt.

The King was on milk of the poppy and became completely lost when the doors opened.

Mother and I walked slowly and methodically towards the High Table Beside the King as all the nobles stood and bowed before us and murmurings spread throughout the crowd.

. . .. . . ... .. . . .. .. . . . ..... .. ... .. . ..... . .... . . ..... .. .

"They are both so beautiful..."

"Are him and Aegon really twins..."

"Maybe Maegor is the elder...." 

"That's the seven namedays Prince that impregnated Laena Velaryon and his Milk Maid..... impressive."

"Those are the Legendary Swords.....I wonder what he named them." 

"So he claimed the Cannibal....I heard it's bigger than Balerion...." 

"I heard the Cannibal only accepted a rider that was more evil than it was...guess the rumors about the Prince were true."

"His eyes are so Evil....But beautiful."

"Do you think he'll want to impregnate me too...." 

"That's the biggest Seven Namedays child I've ever seen.....he's taller than me..."

"The Queen looks so beautiful today..." 

"I wonder if the Prince will accept a third Wife...." 

"He's definitely Evil.....but I kind of like it...."

"Look at his personal Sigil....it fits him so well...."

"Why isn't the Queen wearing Black and Red?"

"Is it true that she hasn't seen the King in months...." 

"Yes She spends her days on Dragonstone with Princess Haelena....it's where the Evil Prince was exiled to....." 

"I heard he ate too many servants thats why they banished him....." 

"I heard that it's because he castrated any man who looked at his Magical Milk Maid...."

"No idiot....it's because he impregnated too many Servants....I mean....just look at him..." 

"He looks Like A Kin..."---"Shut up brother don't say that in public.."

. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . ..... . .. . ..... . .. .. . ....

The wild Murmurings rang out throughout the crowd as Mother and I Slowly and Methodically walked past them.

Servants quickly Brought Me and Mother chairs and mother spoke aloud to The Rhaenyra.

"Congratulations 'Stepdaughter'.....What A Blessing This Is For You." The message was subtle and all except the King understood it's meaning.....

I pushed my mother's chair in then sat beside her as I moved Aegon's chair to make room for mine.

He glared angrily but now I completely towered over him.

I sat down and saw many eyes on me....Jason Lannister smiled at me with approval and Borros Baratheon Subtly raised his cup in my direction.

I nodded at both men and the King began his speech..... He was high on milk of the poppy so it took him a while to get back on track.

"With House Targaryen and House Velaryon united, I hope to herald in a second Age of Dragons in Westeros. And after tonight's small affair... seven days of tournament and feasting. At the end of it all... At the end of it all, a royal wedding.. between my daughter,

'my heir'... your 'future Queen'... And Ser Laenor Velaryon, the heir to Driftmark." He spoke aloud....

I saw several Lord's physically wince when he spoke of Rhaenyra being his Heir.... And Future Queen.

He stole the crown from Rhaenys, now he wants Rhaenyra to steal the crown from His Son.

Nevertheless, The feasting started and slowly the Lord's loosened up an began to dance and drink more freely.

I noticed Rhaenyra flirting with her new sworn sword Harwin Strong, he was known as the strongest man in the Kingdom....

He was a huge beast of a man.... And would sire bastard children with the whore.

I kissed my mother's cheek then walked out into the crowd to see the sights.

Before long I was approached by Daemon who carried Dark Sister on his hip.

He gave me a look and we both walked towards the edge of the party where we could talk in private. 

{"You have grown magnificently Nephew....you remind me much of myself."} He spoke in perfect Valyrian.

{"The Blood of the Dragon flows through our veins stronger than in others..."} I responded.

He nodded his head with a sly smile before speaking. {"Your high Valyrian is perfect as well....what about your swordplay?"} He asked with a hand on Dark Sister as he tried to indimidate me. 

{"I would spill your blood and guts onto the earth with my right hand and drink a cup of Milk with my left."}

I responded and he stared at me in disbelief for a moment before we both started laughing out loud.....it drew many eyes.

Soon after we parted and I made my way to Lionel and Borros Baratheon who were drinking together. "Greetings my Lords....I hope you are enjoying the festivities..." I spoke at the two of them.

"Greetings My Prince.....we have both heard much about you from your grandfather." Jason spoke.


"There are many days left for this celebration....you will find out first hand Lord Borros...." I spoke and took a sip of my Milk....it was good but I missed Hilde already.

"How about tomorrow my Prince, I would love to see your prowess as well." Lionel Lannister spoke and I agreed.

We chatted for a few more minutes before I walked off to the edge of the Dance Floor and stared at Rhaenyra Dancing with Laenor....

After a few minutes of Staring Joffrey Lonmouth walked up close and we began to speak.

The conversation started off normal and slowly it devolved into more intimate matters.

I saw that Laenor went to speak With his father and that's when Rhaenyra was approached by Daemon who grabbed her and brought her close as their bodies touched against each other.

He was trying to get her to reject the marriage and leave Laenor for him and she nearly did.

The pace of the dance picked up and that's when I noticed a hand on my crotch....I looked down and saw Joffrey Lonmouth was the one grabbing it.

"So what do you say My Prince...." He asked as seductively as possible.

I looked at Rhaenyra and Daemon and saw that they were about to kiss so this was my time.

I looked at Joffrey and threw a hard punch at his pretty face, it was so strong that several of his bloody teeth fell to the floor.

He instantly punched back and women in the crowd screamed and a circle was formed around us by the drunken Lords.

Many eyes watched intently as the Evil Child Prince scrapped it out with A Trained and Accomplished Knight.

We threw a few punches between us and I slipped all of his as I struck back with hard hits that snapped with loud smacks as I cracked a few of his ribs and broke most of his teeth.

Eventually the larger man grabbed me and we fell to the ground, after a bit of struggle I gained full mount and punched him twice in the mouth before he pulled out a long Rondel dagger and moved to stab me.

All the Lord's watched in shock as the razor sharp blade flew at my chest.....Ladies screamed as the Kingsguard tried to get through the crowd as loud shouts and cries sounded out.

I caught his wrist and reached into my own sleeve to pull out my hooked blade.

I moved it against Joffreys throat and stabbed it in before slashing his throat open and ripped through his windpipe and arteries as his blood spattered and sprayed all over my face and clothes.

He was still trying to stab me with his rondel so I grabbed his wrist by both hands and turned it back onto him as I drove it deep into his chest.

Many ladies fainted at the sight of the ruthless murder while Many Old School Lords looked at me in admiration.....seven years old and defeating a trained knight.....very impressive.

Once Joffrey stopped moving The Kingsguard finally broke through the crowd and were followed by Laenor who jumped on me In rage that I killed his lover.

I quickly turned him underneath me and punched him three times hard in the face as half of his teeth flew out of his mouth.

That's when the Kingsguard pulled me off and restrained me.

Laenor crawled to Joffreys corpse and sobbed over it like a widow over her husband's grave.

"WHYYYY!!!! WHYYYY!!!! MURDERER!!!!" Laenor cried out as tears fell from his face.

"What Is The Meaning Of This Madness!!!!!!" The King yelled angrily and all the murmuring stopped.

"I acted in self defense....The dead Faggot grabbed my crotch....when I punched to get him away we fought....after we ended up on the ground he pulled a dagger to try and kill me....then I slit his throat like the swine he is and drove his own dagger into his rotten chest...."

I spoke aloud and many Lord's shouted. ""HEAR!!! HEAR!!!""

"You murdered him!!!! You monster!!!!" Laenor cried on the ground.

"I acted in self defense...if I am to be charged I demand a trial by combat.....it was you who committed a crime Laenor....you assaulted a Prince of the Blood.....thank your Sweet Sister or I'd have your hand for that."

I spat at the bloodied man on the floor, half of his face was already swollen as Blood and teeth littered the floor.

Rhaenyra knelt beside Laenor and hugged him as she glared at me.

I sent her a sly smile and I saw a shiver run down her spine.

"I will take The Faggots skull as recompense....I need a new drinking cup since Criston Cole's has gotten boring.." I spoke aloud and pulled my hooked blade as I walked up to the corpses where Laenor was crying.

I heard many ladies gasp out loud when they heard my words.

"YOURE NOT GETTING HIS HEAD!!!! ILL KILL YOU FIRST!!!" Laenor shouted angrily.

"I take the head.....or I take your wings.....decide...." I spoke ominously and Cannibals Rage filled roar filled the air and shook the building.

He trembled in fright at what I meant....

{"Maegor although it's your right.... you don't have to do this."} Father spoke from the side. 

{"Mabey....but a blood debt is owed....and a Dragon does not turn his cheek when struck across the face....."} I responded to father.

The King sighed in defeat and looked at the crying groom.

"Laenor.....I recommend you step away from the body...." The King said and walked back to his chair as he poured himself more wine and poured a bit of milk of the poppy into it.

My mother was watching everything with a smile as she sipped her cup....the enchanted ring I had given her glimmered beautifully in the torchlight.

I walked towards the corpse as Corlys grabbed his son and pulled him away.

"My apologies for my son's rash actions Maegor." Corlys spoke as he pulled Laenor away

I took Lonmouth's hair and pulled on it as I cut between his vertebrae and slice all the meat and tendons.

Before long I pulled and the head came clean off....I looked to the crowd and spoke. "My apologies for the commotion....but a good Prince must defend his honor... And a Dragon enacts his vengeance.." I spoke and Borros the Giant Baratheon clapped loudly which was followed by Lionel Lannister...

before long there were light cheers ringing out from the drunken Lords who enjoyed the bloodshed even if half of them didn't know what was going on.

I heard murmurs as I returned to my mother at the high table.

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"He was like a Demon....did you see his slitted eyes glowing as well....."

"He's even more vicious than the rumors said...._

"Far more vicious.....but I don't dislike it...."

"He defeated Lonmouth so easily, I wonder how good he is with his swords...."

"Will he really turn it into a cup?..."

"Did you hear him say that he has Criston Cole's skull as well...." 

"Maybe that's why they Banished him.....he killed Criston for Flirting with His Milk Maid...."

"Poor Criston.....now the Prince drinks the Milk from the woman who led to his death out of his skull...."

"Half of the grooms teeth fell out....his punches must be powerful..."

"Aye....it's because he's the reincarnation of Balerion...."

"I thought he was Maegor The Cruel not Balerion...."

"No he's both.....but at least he treats his mother and sister well enough...."

"Aye....but I heard Rhaenyra hates him..." 

"She probably hates him even more now after what he did to Laenors Face...."

. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .

 The King Dismissed everyone from the chamber.....the Wedding Feast was ruined....

blood stained the ground, and the Groom had a swollen face with missing teeth....where did it all go wrong.

The wedding ceremony would be held soon after, as I cuddled in bed with Mom, she stroked my hair as she spoke. 

"You performed wonderfully in your fight baby..... Mommy is so proud of you.....Make sure and show that little bitch who is in charge when you head to her chambers...." 

She spoke in her honey voice then kissed my head and continued humming beautifully as I feel asleep in her bosom...I had something to do later tonight, but for the next few hours I would rest in her warm arms.

I had a servant send the head to a goldsmith before I came to bed so In a few days I'd have my new cup..... Criston was in silver and this one would be gold....hehe


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