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84.74% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 50: What If...Tigra Never Gamed?

Chương 50: What If...Tigra Never Gamed?

 Py'ra quickly made her way down the dark brown wooden steps. Her right hand slid down the smooth light brown railing until she finally stopped on the dark flooring. She hurried past the red loveseat and red couch that could fit 5 people on it.

 Her feet thudded across the ground just before she slid across the flooring before coming to a stop at the kitchen entrance.

 In the kitchen, was a table large enough to fit 8 people with a golden tablecloth over it. There was a golden rug underneath the table to prevent the table from moving. In the corner was the actual kitchen appliances, such as an oven, microwave, refrigerator, freezer, dark wooden cabinets that held everything from utensils to spices.

 There, currently making breakfast, was her Ma, Silva Brayz. Her long silver hair was down but parted to the side, giving a clear sight of her gray fur. She wore her blue kimono with black fabric around her shoulders. She wrapped the waist section with a red and blue wrapping, keeping it flat across the top of her black pants. Her silver tail swung behind her as she was humming a tune to herself. Even if she couldn't see them, Py'ra knew Ma's blue eyes were tracking the several pans across the stove as she continued cooking.

 "Morning Ma." Py'ra greeted. "Need any help setting the table?"

 "Morning, Py." Silva greeted back. "Not today. A certain someone is currently grabbing the nice plates for us today."

 "Mother? I thought she was about to take my breakfast?" Py'ra asked, heading to their fridge and grabbing a drink.

 She closed the fridge just before an orange arm wrapped around her head and had her in a sudden headlock.

 "Ya talkin' bout me, Ember?"

 Py'ra futilely struggled.

 "Just how there's no point in trying to convince anyone that you're capable of acting nice with fancy plates."

 She felt the other hand land on the top of her head before whining.

 "Mother! I just got ready!" Py'ra whined as she felt the hand ruffle her hair.

 "It's your Aunt, Grandmother, and Cousin coming to visit, not the dignitaries of Mystacor." Mother huffed out, letting her go.

 Py'ra stepped away before running her claws through her hair to get rid of any new tangles before huffing.

 She looked at her Mother, Rey Sol, an orange furred woman in front of her. Her short black hair laid gently just above her shoulders. She held a softness in her blue sclera eyes. Her outfit was largely a black kimono-like outfit that had no sleeve on her left arm but the right arm went just past the elbow. She had three black lines around her forearm on both arms. Around her waist was a red wrapping. Her black tail swishing lazily behind her.

 "I guess you wouldn't need to impress them. They've already seen you at your worst." Py'ra held a small smirk.

 "Brat." Rey shook her head, keeping her smile in place. "You know how to act around them?"

 "Greet the Queen cordially, say hello to Uncle Lu'ke, Aunt Luna, don't start a fight with Sydia, don't antagonize Nari, if I'm about to say something rude, ask to be excused, and hold in my frustrations until we leave." Py'ra listed off. "Still don't really understand why we can't act normal. No one outside the Royal family is even meeting us for supper later."

 "Queen Seline prefers to always act as if there is someone watching the Royal Family at all times, waiting to find some kind of weakness they can exploit." Rey explained, walking over to Silva.

 "You already know our stance about that look on life, Py." Silva reminded, not reacting that much to Rey hugging her from behind. "We agree that we shouldn't act like that. The downside to Queen Seline's thought process is that, from the various reports that have gone throughout Half Moon, our family is distant. That we treat each other as if everyone there is a visiting dignitary from a different kingdom."

 Silva gave Rey a quick peck on the lips before returning to the food.

 "Don't distract me, dear. I'd rather not burn everyone's breakfast."

 "Alright, I know when I'm not wanted, Sil." She raised her hands, clearly joking. She turned back around to look at Py'ra. 

 "It's one of the reasons I decided to get a house out of the palace." Rey continued, rolling her eyes. "I didn't want my immediate family to grow like that. I wanted everyone here to know how much we care about each other and not be afraid to ask questions that you're unsure if it would anger us. I wanted a safe place for our future child, one where they can prosper and grow without having to look over your shoulder."

 Py'ra frowned slightly at that.

 Her Royal family was a bit of a mess. Despite Lu'ke being her Uncle on her Ma's side, she has seen him maybe twice every year. Lu'ke seemed to enjoy seeing her whenever he could, especially when he either learned, mastered, or started to create a new spell he could show her. He was the one who helped her learn L̶͔͊i̶̙͠g̴̝̐h̴̟͂t̴̥͌n̷̬̾i̷̟̅n̶̜͝g̵̻̚ Fire Armor. It seemed as if he and Ma had some kind of falling out before she was born, but she still wanted Lu'ke to be able to know his niece.

 Sydia was her cousin on Mother's side. She was a year younger than her and had gone on her pilgrimage to attempt to connect to the Spirit Ember 4 years ago. Sydia was instructed that she was not to touch the Spirit Ember that trip and man, was it difficult to keep her from doing so. Sydia seemed to believe that she was Rao incarnated, which annoyed many people until Sydia felt the heat from the Spirit Ember when Py'ra had connected to it.

 Especially when Py'ra's flames turned red but could also turn blue. The red meant that Py'ra had been blessed by Rao and could manipulate his flames more than most other people. The blue symbolized that her flame would be one of the stronger ones of her generation. Py'ra had accidentally melted a pillar as she had to release the sudden amount of magic that filled her body.

 Only then did Sydia calm down until she connected with the Spirit Ember on her pilgrimage and obtained blue flames as well. While she did grow an ego again at seeing she would have some of the strongest flames, she understood that she wasn't the top of the pyramid yet. She had seen that Py'ra had gained the same trait -along with Rao's Flames- as well and has an entire year worth of training and manipulating the flames ahead of her.

 Their relationship is like an older sibling and younger sibling. Sydia would drive Py'ra up the wall on occasion and seemed to enjoy being the baby of the family. Yet, she still seemed to care about her opinion and often came to her about questions she didn't feel comfortable asking her mother.

 Aunt Luna was Mother's fraternal twin. She lived with Queen Seline since she was born, seeing as she was an Heir to their current Queen. She has obtained blue and red flames like Py'ra and has done something with them to obtain strange abilities. She would be on one side of the island and the other within a blink. Her family who seemed in the know seemed to believe that she didn't need to know how.

 She's been designated to be the next Queen when Queen Seline steps down, due to some incident that her Mums didn't want to talk about. She seems to agree with Queen Seline's methods of conducting the family in order to provide a united front to their citizens. She was serious and would always tell Py'ra to keep up her training. Py'ra gathered from the small snippets she heard that Aunt Luna likely lost her Mate in a fight against a sorceress that further cursed her.

 Then there's Queen Seline. She's been Queen for 50 years ever since she turned 16 due to her mother - Queen Tun'ra - falling to a sickness at 38 years old. In that time, she's managed to keep crime low, the amount of spells for the kingdom have skyrocketed, and the alliance with Brightmoon has hardly been stronger in the past.

 She cares for her kingdom first, her family second, and herself last. Her fire magic is second to none as many have seen her create a spell that seems to create a miniature version of the legend of Rao's True Flames. A ball of flames hot enough that the ocean would immediately steam and couldn't be put out. How her speed is so high, that she is somewhere instantly. Doesn't matter if it is 10 feet or a mile. She's there and suddenly at her location without being picked up by any speedometer machines that could clock up to Mach 100,000, just over a ninth the speed of light!

 While a few people have tried to cause trouble in the kingdom, no more than 5 lives have been taken in an attack in the last 10 years. She always seems to be wherever trouble is and her High Guard Nari is right by her.

 Right, Nari. Nari is one of the High Guards of Half Moon. That means that her job is to always be guarding the Queen, unless told by the Queen to do otherwise. The Queen is to always have a guard with her but there are usually up to 6 High Guards at once. Each one is the best in a certain field.

 Nari is the kingdom's fastest scout due to winning something called the Trial of Speed 5 times, something that her parents have forbidden her from participating in. Essentially, you can challenge someone to a trial of some kind of trait and, if accepted, a contest is created. The winner is decided in a fight to the death. Through magic long since lost to history during the Shifting where Rao's True Flames suddenly disappeared, the winner of the fight gains an attribute from the loser.

 A winner from a Trial of Strength has been documented to lift an additional amount equal to the amount the loser could lift at their best. A winner from a Trial of Speed can find themselves breaking Mach speed, even if both of the challengers couldn't beforehand. Same for the Trial of Endurance, Intelligence, and Wisdom. The two competitors would run until one collapsed, distance did not matter. Others would participate in a magical battle that ends only when someone either dies from Magical Overload or is struck down. Then there are contests where the two competitors would be drained of their magic until one of them shriveled up from the magic taking away their health. The winner has the magic transferred from the contest into them slowly over 3 days.

 As Nari has been challenged 5 times, it's speculated that she is 32x faster than she would have been, had no one challenged her up to now. She was often sent out on missions across the Continent or needed to sneak into somewhere that would be difficult for most people.

 Nari has also been a High Guard since Queen Seline was 40, almost right when Nari turned 18. As such, she's the one that Queen Seline seems to trust more than other High Guards. So Queen Seline is often seen with Nari if she is walking around or is going to meet a dignitary.

 Recently however, Queen Seline has been visiting Py'ra more often. Saying how she can see the potential in her and is offering the chance to study under her.

 Rey and Silva have made their opinion known - Rey more than Silva, but they always end it with a statement.

 "Learn as much as you can from her, but don't try to learn anything from her that isn't something you'd want to learn."

 Over the months, Queen Seline had helped her improve her fire magic to higher levels that would have taken her years without her.

 Yet, Queen Seline mentioned something that intrigued her and made her focus more on magic.

 A hidden branch called Shadow Magic.

 When asked how she found this branch, Seline smirked lightly.

 "The Magicat Kingdom once had another Runestone besides the Spirit Ember. It allowed one to connect to the very shadows themselves. They could go anywhere there was a shadow. Could turn someone's shadow against them. Could even nullify the Light element. However, it was abused 250 years ago and, as such, only 3 users can be connected to it at once and that is it. The reigning Queen, a Princess, and one person the Queen recommends."

 She had taken to Shadow Magic pretty well but was left with mainly experiments that didn't go well.

 A vision of herself surrounded in shadow-like clothes that seemed to blend in with the nearby shadows.

 Py'ra shook her head, getting rid of a strange memory she didn't remember.

 "Girls," Another voice called out. "Got everything ready? We're leaving after breakfast."

 A magicat woman with long red hair stepped around the corner. Her pale red hair went down to her waist. A small amount hung over her orange fur and in between her golden sclera eyes. She wore a simple dark gray kimono top with a white wrapping around her waist, allowing the edges of the top to hang loosely over her gray pants. Her pale red tail was wrapped around her waist. On top of her head was a golden tiara.

 There stood her Mom, Vi'ra Shal.

 "I'll be ready after breakfast, Mom." Py'ra told.

 "I agree with Ember," Rey told, leaning forward with a smirk. "I won't be functional without breakfast, Vi."

 "Obviously." She rolled her eyes, still keeping her smile. "If we didn't get both of you some breakfast, I'd imagine you'd both starve before writing your wills to give everything to Sil?"

 "Viiii," Rey complained. "You're supposed to let me be dramatic."

 "Without an audience?" Vi'ra raised an eyebrow. "I know that Micah will be just as dramatic as you until Angie and I have to call order."

 "And Ma?"

 "She'll do both. She'll be dramatic about trying to stop Rey from being dramatic." Vi'ra waved off. "How's breakfast, love?"

 "It'll be ready in a moment."

 Vi'ra and Rey used the remaining amount of time to set the table.

 Silva placed the food down just as they finished before everyone sat down.

 "You mentioned Aunt Angella and Uncle Micah." Py'ra started after swallowing her food. "Is this a surprise visit like last time or do they actually know that we are coming this Time?"

 Vi'ra seemed to flinch before shaking her head.

 "No, they know we're heading over after we have breakfast. Speaking of that, how's your teleportation going?"

 Py'ra smiled. "Great, actually. I'm confident that it will only take 2 maybe 3 stops until I reach Brightmoon."

 "Good job." Rey nodded. "At the rate you're improving, it shouldn't take you long until you can get to Brightmoon in one jump."

 "Is that what Queen Seline is helping you with?" Vi'ra asked.

 "That and she's been improving my ability to use Shadow Magic. She did bring up a story about a second Runestone though."

 Rey held her head.

 "Stay away from the Onyx." She gritted out.

 "The Onyx? Is that its name?" Py'ra asked.

 "Leave it." Rey shook her head. "Sorry, I don't know what caused me to say that."

 Py'ra held a small frown but was focused on something else.

 Silva looked as if she just swallowed something sour while Py'ra looked concerned for Rey.

 They continued eating without anything else really happening.

 Once everyone finished up, Silva looked over at the clock in the room.

 "We're running a little behind. We'll need to get going Stat."


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 Py'ra held her head at a sudden migraine.

 Silva noticed and reached across the table and placed a hand on her head. Silva's hands glowed blue, yet she held a frown.

 "Must be something in the air. Everyone's had a headache in the last 5 minutes and yet, I'm not seeing something to help with a headache."

 "Well, it's gone now." Py'ra assured.

 Silva frowned in confusion before getting up.

 "Alright. Are we ready to head out?"

 With a chorus of yes's, Silva suddenly seemed to turn into blue electricity.

 "I know Glimmer likely missed you. She largely only talks with Bow."

 Vi'ra turned into dark orange flames.

 "You ready to see Glimmah, Py'ra?" Vi'ra asked with a smile.

 Py'ra turned into a blue fiery form with her own grin.

 "Yep. Let's get going!"

 Not far behind, Rey suddenly became enveloped in shadows.

 "Alright girls, let's go."

 Py'ra held her right hand out and traced a circle before a blue oval made of fire appeared in front of her.

[̵N̶e̷w̷ ̷S̴p̸e̸l̸l̴ ̷L̶e̶a̶r̶n̴e̵d̷!̴]̷


̵[̵F̴i̵r̴e̸ ̵T̸e̶l̷e̵p̶o̶r̸t̸ ̴L̴V̷ ̷1̵ ̴(̸0̶/̴7̸5̶0̴)̶ ̶-̶ ̴Y̴o̴u̶ ̴c̵a̶n̵ ̶t̶r̵a̸v̷e̶l̶ ̸1̶ ̶m̸i̸l̶e̷ ̸f̶o̸r̶ ̷e̸v̵e̷r̸y̷ ̷(̸ ̵(̵5̷0̶ ̶-̸ ̵L̵V̸/̸4̷)̸ ̶*̵ ̸0̸.̶7̷5̴ ̶[̵O̴n̵e̷ ̵w̷i̶t̵h̵ ̴F̷i̴r̷e̸]̷ ̴)̸ ̶M̸P̸.̵ ̴Y̷o̶u̵ ̸a̸p̷p̶e̸a̷r̵ ̶t̴h̵e̶r̶e̶ ̸i̷n̷s̶t̶a̵n̷t̵l̴y̸.̶ ̵M̷P̸:̴ ̸M̶P̷_̴U̴S̷E̴]̴

 Similarly, a dark purple portal that didn't seem to have a set shape as it expanded and contracted lightly appeared in front of Rey, a blue portal lade out of sparks appeared in front of Silva, and a dark orange portal appeared in front of Vi'ra.

 They each stepped into their respective portals before it closed behind them, leaving behind an empty house.



 After about 20 minutes from traveling distances from the island of Half Moon, four portals appeared outside the Brightmoon palace.

 Each of them dropped their elemental forms that had helped boost their teleport spells to get them some extra distance.

 Py'ra smiled before her eyebrows furrowed as she felt…something. While she is far from being able to identify someone just on their magical presence…she was feeling two presences with Glimmer.

 And they felt familiar for a reason or another.

 The family of four walked up before greeting a guard.

 "Bridget!" Vi'ra greeted. "How's the day going? Where's Johnson? I thought you two were often sharing shifts more than not."

 "We still do." Bridget sounded exasperated with Johnson, which is fair since they've been working the same shift together for the last 6 years. "But he was out here with me. Unfortunately, he's in the infirmary after someone knocked him out with a kick to the head."

 The four of them blinked at her.

 "Did he-" Silva started.

 "Yep. Even his helmet is dented enough. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he got lucky to not have severe head trauma."

 "But you do?" Rey asked.

 "The woman who did it moved faster than his partner at the time could react. Stated that he went from standing to on the ground in a second. It's clear that the woman was holding back though. She moved just fine, suggesting that her leg wasn't even bruised from that action."

 Py'ra whistled.

 "Are Angella and Micah still able to meet?"

 "Yeah. Py'ra may want to go meet them though. For some strange reason, they were talking about some kingdom called the Horde going missing."

 A kingdom full of technology, metal buildings inside a giant chasm appeared in her mind. Memories of the kingdom blurring as she ran around the kingdom.

 Py'ra clenched her hands briefly to distract from the sharp and sudden pain before it ebbed away.

 "That's strange." Vi'ra admitted.

 "No, the strange thing is, while under a Truth spell, they mentioned a new Princess Alliance that was formed to fight back said kingdom. One of them appeared to be 'friends' with Princess Glimmer, yet no one here recalls ever seeing her. They even said that King Micah was missing or dead."

 Four sets of eyebrows went up at that.

 'Truth spells prevent lying but only on a subjective level.' Py'ra recalled. 'As long as the person under the spell fully believes it to be true, it would register as true.'

 "Is Lucy Waterscale a traitor?"


 ' Lie .'

 "That's…" Rey muttered.

 "I think we need to have a talk with Angella and Micah to try and figure this situation out." Vi'ra determined.

 "Py," Silva started. "Why don't you go talk with Glimmer?"

 Py'ra rolled her eyes but didn't mind. She wanted to spend time causing mischief with Glimmer and, while slightly curious, didn't care much for this dilemma about a Truth spell potentially failing.


 Py'ra about formed a portal before she faintly heard Angella informing Glimmer that they were here.

 Py'ra did the motions again before an orange portal appeared this time, which she stepped into not long after.



 Py'ra stepped out of the portal and started speaking.

 "Sorry Glitter, I think that Angella thought you may have forgotten and would have liked a surprise."

 She took in her surroundings and noticed that she was in one of the spare rooms that the palace had for when guests had to stay over.

 She looked and spotted Glimmer and Bow next to each other, yet there were two others in the room.

 A woman with blonde hair in a ponytail, an interesting shade of light blue eyes, wearing a red jacket over a white shirt with sleeves down to her wrists, along with a brown belt keeping her jacket pinned at her waist. She had long gray pants that went into red and white combat boots.

 Next to her was a magicat woman with light brown fur, three strips of darker brown on her biceps and two more on her forearms. She had a long brown mane that went halfway to her waist. She had a rare heterochromatic golden and blue pair of eyes. She wore a red sleeveless top and burgundy pants with a few cuts around the knee and just below it.

 They both felt insanely familiar to her, but dismissed it.

 'Today's already been weird.'


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̷̯̇Ľ̵̯e̶̘̚v̷͕̕ȇ̸̩l̶̻̂ ̷̄͜7̷̛̝2̶̼͑ ̸͠ͅ(̶̟̊5̶̲̄5̸͉̀0̵̻̆5̸̨̃/̸͈͝1̵͚̅8̶͎̿0̵̼̋0̶̦͒0̵̖͆)̶̫͐ ̸̢͋|̷̳̃ ̵͎̀3̶͖͋0̷̜͊.̴͙̂5̴̺́8̴̅ͅ%̵͇͌

 Py'ra looked at the blonde woman in confusion before rolling her eyes and looking at Glimmer.

 "Glitter, I know I don't call you by your name, but the least you can do is tell them my real name instead of a fake one."

 "What?" Glimmer muttered.

 She thinks she heard the magicat woman inhale.

 "My name's not Tigra." She clarified to the two people.

 "My name's Py'ra Sol, Princess of Half Moon."

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