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74.57% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 44: Trouble and...Seriously? Tung Lasher?

Chương 44: Trouble and...Seriously? Tung Lasher?

 Tigra leaned away from the group she had 'convinced' to come with her in search of the 'haunted ship' so she could get this done with soon.

 While she had thought about going alone and simply looking everywhere, there's a major flaw.

 She still needs more nutrients and calories than the regular person on Etheria, yet she's in somewhere as inhospitable as it can get.

 She has been in the blasted desert for nearly 4 hours now, and she only has a small amount of food that Melissa had given her, along with her two drinks. At the rate she would be moving around the desert, she'd be off her game. She already feels slightly tired if she ate less than 3,000 calories a day.

 Forget using magic that long and running constantly.

 'If I traveled throughout all of the Crimson Waste, even at my fastest, would take 16 hours straight. But Y.A.S. would wear off after three minutes and after 1 hour, so would Raiju. Going based on how much actual time it would be is much closer to 4-5 days straight. Then again, that's if I traveled every mile of the Waste. If I flew, I could likely cut that down to 2 days.

 Assuming I don't find another place to eat though, I would quickly run low on nutrients and would likely be unable to keep that speed going for that long. I don't have any of my Rations on me, since Hordak likely didn't intend on having me survive.

 Well, I proved someone in charge of me wrong once, what's another time?'

 "Excuse me," A silky voice spoke to her.

 She turned her head and blinked before looking up.

 The green skinned person she saw in the back had walked up to her while she was talking to…

 A quick glance at the two answered her.

[Bleka the Ram | Age: 31]

[Level: 42]


[Bau the Lizardperson | Age: 33]

[Level: 44]

 Anyways, the person stood a good 7-8 inches [19 cm] taller than her. She'd guess that they're 6'3 [190.5 cm].

 "I couldn't help but hear that your name is Tigra?"

 "What of it?" Tigra looked at them closer.

[Double Trouble | Age: 19]

[Level: 86]

 '86? Who are they?'

 "You see, I've been hired by a mutually friendly employer. They simply asked that I keep an eye out for you and extend an invitation to meet them."

 "You want me to meet someone I don't know at a random time? I assume that they want me there alone?"

 "Oh no, you're free to bring your little kitten with you."

 Double had her full attention at that.

 "Excuse you?"

 Double hands were up to seem non threatening.

 "No need to get those claws out, Tiger." He looked at her hand, which did have her claws out silently. "Simply letting you know that my employer is fine with you bringing your Chosen with you, if you don't feel comfortable meeting them alone."

 Something about this situation was actually making her slightly tense, but it confused her. Instincts was staying silent, especially since she made an example out of Harna.

 "Or, if you don't trust my information, I could travel with you and your guests for a time. You'll learn more about me and the deal, while I get to learn more about you."

 She did not trust them, especially since they are working for an employer.

 Yet, it would help to have someone with actual combat experience with someone who was nearly at Weaver's real level despite being 43 years younger.

 "Fine. We're leaving after I finish my drink though."

 "Oh that's fine, darling. I'm just finishing up my business and will be ready."

 "Just be ready by then, Double."

 Tigra saw the tiniest tell that Double Trouble was taken aback, yet they gained a greater air of curiosity around them.

 "Oh, you're going to be fun."

 With that last statement, Double walked back to their table.

 As they left, Tigra noticed that they didn't make a sound and realized exactly what put her on edge earlier.

 'Sheet - Sneak.'

[Sneak LV 48 (2728/4800) - This provides the chance of you sneaking up on someone and the likelihood that you'll see someone sneaking up on you. Calculated: (BASE_DEX / 2) * 1.48 = 519% chance of sneaking up on someone and vice versa. This is reduced by 10% for every level higher than yours. This is increased with every prestige.]

 'I didn't sense Double sneaking up on me.' She wore a light frown as she brought her drink to her mouth. 'That means that they are, at minimum, 42 levels higher than I am to have even the beginning chance for me to not notice them.'

 A few minutes later, the group of four were off, leaving the tavern behind.


 A few hours later found the group of four surrounded by sand with the sun starting to set.

 The air was getting colder, yet Tigra simply started using heat to combat the coldness and continued on. If the coldness of the Northern Reach, where it could reach -25 F [-32 C] during the day, could easily be fought back with heat, the desert at night was not a problem.

 The problem was her company instead.

 "B-Boss, can we stop for the nigh…night." Bleka asked.

 She turned around to look at them and noticed the issue she briefly forgot about.

 She's traveling with a Lizardperson.

 Bau seemed to be on her last legs as her eyes were drooping hard and slouched forward.

 Bleka was hugging herself tightly, likely trying to keep her heat to herself and away from the night.

 Double…Double seemed fine.

 They likely noticed her confusion before smirking and raising a hand.

 Before a flame appeared in their hands.

 "It pays to be able to make sure your environment isn't your enemy." They commented.

 The more Tigra found out about Double, the more they became more and more dangerous to her. They could sneak up on her without visible effort on their part and now they seemed to show that they know sorcery without worrying about revealing something like that to her.

 "Good to know that I don't have to worry about you freezing into an icicle." She commented.

 She walked towards the group and created a fireball from her hand, letting it float to a stop in between everyone with Mistress of Fire.

 Bau seemed to immediately slowly get closer to the source of warmth and even Bleka got a little closer.

 Double though stayed where they were, watching with an analytical gaze. Their form seemed to glow ever so lightly before they laid on a…condensed slab of sand.

 "You can also perform Earth Magic?"

 "Darling, like I just mentioned. It pays to make sure your environment isn't your enemy." They lightly shook their head, as if speaking to a child.

 Tigra narrowed her eyes at him and let a quiet growl out for a second.

 "No need to be condescending. After all, you are a mercenary, correct?"

 "Oh? And what makes you guess that?"

 "Earlier, you mentioned that you were wrapping up a job. You don't strike me as a delivery person. You seemed to know your way through this desert pretty well, seeing as you've pointed out half of the quicksand spots along our way. So you've been here a while if you know the tricks. I know that if I had to make a living here, I'd be a mercenary who would be looking for jobs to do." Tigra explained as she laid on her side on the sand.

 She noticed that Bleka and Bau were slowly dozing off and turned her attention back to Double.

 "I'm willing to take the first watch, since these two need warmth, they'll be best at keeping attention during the early morning." Tigra suggested.

 "Actually, I have a few questions for you, if you are in the mood." Double rolled their wrist.

 "Only if I can ask you a few as well." Tigra countered.

 "Very well." They stated, as if she had asked the greatest thing from them.

 Tigra hummed before looking at the spell she had considered using here.


[Truth LV 1 (0/300) - Creates a glowing circle up to 10 feet wide that forces anyone in it to speak only the truth. They may still refuse to answer, but anything they say, they believe to be true. MP: 300/m ]

 "How about we cut to the chase, Double." Tigra suggested.

 "Oh? What do you propose?"

 Tigra cast Truth before a circle of dim blue light appeared on the ground in between them. She noticed that Double twitched ever so slightly at the sudden light before their smile slightly turned downward.

 "Where's the fun in that? But, if you so wish, I can answer a few questions-"

 "No, it's fine." Tigra cut off, stopping Truth


Truth gained 300 [300/m] * 0.1 [6 seconds] * 4 [Genius & Unimaniac] = 120 EXP!


 Tigra instead activated it again, but with only her in the circle.

 "If you don't feel comfortable with it, then I'll just use it on myself." Tigra informed. "So that way, you can still have your fun."

 Double seemed to find something interesting about her action as they seemed to study her, not unlike how Entrapta looked at her when she had a new theory about her biology.

 "...Very well. In fair interest, since you are using that spell on yourself, I will state plainly that I will accept silence as an answer of you not wanting to speak on the matter, instead of confirmation or negative." Double threw out.

 Tigra nodded before she did something that she hoped actually was mostly not noticeable.

 Tigra activated Lie.

MPR: 1621

MP Use: 387 [Truth + Lie + Fireball]

 Tigra stretched lightly to get rid of some stress before focusing on Double once more.

 "You may have the first question, Double."

 "So gracious. Very well then. Who tipped you off to my name?" Double's tail wrapped around themselves.

 'My power.'

 "I would rather not let the name be heard while believing it would create several more questions that I do not feel like answering at this time." Tigra answered.

 "Curious. Then again, I doubt that you haven't heard what curiosity does." Double's smile returned back to its sly smirk at that comment.

 "Yeah, yeah. But I often find satisfaction is always around the corner. I've yet to die from pure curiosity."

 "True enough. Now, I believe you're next."

 Tigra had several questions but she figured the first one should produce interest in Double and build up from there.

 "How did you sneak up on me in the tavern? While I'm far from being the best with sneaking, not just anyone can sneak up on me."

 "That's easy. I take pride in my skills as an actor." They flourished their arm to the side. "I can quite simply become anyone easily. I doubt you'd find anyone who can act even half as well as I can. As such, I've gained plenty of skills that one doesn't think an actor should have. I've been doing this for years and years, Tiger."

 Not a single thing registered as a lie, which presented Tigra with a rough estimate of what they actually meant.

 They gained their ability to sneak over the many years of their job and they are confident that nobody could actually be better than them in what they do.

 "High praise for yourself, I see."

 "None of it is false, but I have a feeling you know that already."

 The look in their eyes narrowed ever so slightly before returning to normal.

 "Now then, what are you doing here in the Crimson Waste? Shouldn't you be in the Horde, working on capturing more towns?"

 "That's two questions, Double." Tigra pointed out. "However, I'll allow it, since they are obviously the same question but expanded.

 As for why? Hordak is acting like an idiot and sent me here to retrieve some kind of First One tech that could be anywhere in this desert. I have all the time I want, but he stated that I am not to leave the Waste without the tech."

 "Does he genuinely expect you to find something that, in total, is roughly 5 million miles?"

 Tigra rolled her eyes and decided to answer this one, seeing as it isn't asking for much.

 "Not really. He genuinely wants me gone due to my influence. I'm teaching the students of the Academy that are going to enter the military for the next 2 years. I've also gained a high status reputation with the majority of the Horde while also telling him that I am loyal to my Chosen first and him 3rd."

 "And who's second?"

 "Uh uh." Tigra stopped him. "Anymore is going to need a question. Which is going to need to wait."

 Double nodded but seemed content with what they had managed to determine.

 "What is there to know about the Waste? I know it is supposedly inhospitable, yet there are more people living out here than I thought."

 "That's a bit loaded." Double pointed out. "But, since you placed some trust in me being honest, I'll give you three big parts. 

 The Valley of the Lost is a den for anyone with less than glamorous backgrounds and jobs. It's where I spent most of my time, actually growing up. It's a place with consistent food and water being sourced there, as it is one of the larger settlements with up to 6,000 people being there. If you're looking for anyone in the Waste, that's the most likely place.

 The second is the First Ship. No one really knows how long it has been there, just long enough for something nearly 40 feet tall to be covered plus 30 feet of pure sand that only was dispersed enough during that giant storm nearly half a year ago now. It kicked up a sandstorm the likes the Waste hasn't seen in centuries. In fact, that sandstorm is still going on in the heart of the Wastes, except it's only 300 feet in radius now, instead of 900.

 The third is the Ruins of Cadalia. Very few people check it out since the Runestone of Fire keeps building with energy, making the area a potential hotspot for an explosion. Add onto the fact that it's near the borders of another kingdom that would expose the Waste to the outside? Many people don't try to head to the mass graveyard anymore, seeing as anything of value is likely underneath 20 feet of cooled lava."

 Tigra focused on taking in everything that they said, seeing as they are still telling the truth to her without even a half-lie, if the spell can detect that.

 Tigra nodded, already mentally putting a reminder to check out the sandstorm in the heart of the Waste, seeing as any natural sandstorm would have calmed down within a week of it starting. Yet this storm has been going on for over six months with signs of only slowly ending.

 Then there's the First Ship, which is likely the 'haunted ship' that Bleka was muttering in the tavern. Add onto it, that's likely the source that Entrapta detected and is likely needed to retrieve it.

 'How the fuck am I suppose to transport something of that size? Even if I tried my clones, we could, at max, lift just under 2.2 tons. If it's nearly 40 feet tall and meant to travel, it has to weigh maybe 45 tons.'

 "Those are the major points of interest in the Waste." Double informed.


 "Now then, why are you doing what Hordak asks? It sounds like he sent you on a death sentence based on what you knew. You don't seem like someone willing to throw away their life that easily, based on how you talked about him."

 Tigra did hesitate at this part, yet she felt part of her say that it's fine to talk about it.

 "He's taken my Chosen captive. She's strong and can easily look out for herself, but I don't believe that she has reasons to expect to be betrayed by Hordak right now. He took care of me by taking me off guard and surprising me with a trap. Followed by reducing the oxygen in the room long enough for me to fall unconscious.

 I really don't know what's going on with Hordak, because he should know that I'll enter a genuine meltdown should he do something to her."

 "Because he knows that you won't do anything as long as you have no control over saving her." Double determined. "As long as he can keep you on a goose chase while keeping her close to him, it's a blatant showing that he can do whatever to your Kitten at any time should you make a mess for him to clean up. It's manipulation 241."

 Tigra arched an eyebrow at that.

 "It's not basic and takes someone adept at manipulation to keep it going without losing your bargaining chip." They explained.

 Tigra sighed before Truth and Lie were released.

Truth gained 300 [Base EXP] * 20 [Minutes] * 8 [Genius, Spellbook, and Unimaniac] * 1 [People] = 48,000 EXP!

Truth leveled up! LV 1 → 18

[Truth LV 18 (2220/5400) - It creates a 10 foot radius circle that only allows the truth to be said. MP: 266/m]


Lie gained 100 [Base EXP] * 20 [Minutes] * 8 [Genius, Spellbook, Unimaniac] * 1 [People] = 16,000 EXP!

Lie leveled up! LV 15 → 18

[Lie LV 18 (2100/5400) - It allows you to know if someone is lying to you without giving a visual indication of being activated. MP: 82/m]

 "Get some sleep Double." She told.

 She jumped into the air before Fire Step activated and she shot about 60 feet into the air.

 To pass time productively, she activated Lightning Clothes, which created a yellow jacket around her upper body that went down to her wrists.

 Along with that, she focused on how she made her clones in the past but instead, focused on creating a thick layer of coldness where her blood would circulate and a center of ice cold enough that she would have to use Azure Flames to melt it.

 After about 20 minutes, she got her result.

 Beside her, holding an arm around her shoulder and the front of her neck, stood another Tigra, yet they had a cold aura around them, unlike the heat from Flame Clone and the static from Lightning Clone.

Ice Clone created!

[Ice Clone LV 1 (0/350) - Mastery level Ice spell. With this spell, you create a clone with 1/10 of your HP and 1/5 MP but they are only able to use your ice spells. Once they run out of HP or MP, they disperse themselves. Through mastering this spell, you will be able to create more clones every 15 levels. MP: MP_Use]

 While the Ice Clone wouldn't be able to do much in a fight, this was more about having something productive be done while she kept night watch, which she would need to wake Double either in 4 hours or stay up for the night.

 'Staying up shouldn't be that bad.' She thought.

 So, Tigra stayed floating in the air for the next 7 hours and dropped down, just as the first streams of light were coming up.

 Tigra landed and dismissed her spells.

Lightning Clothing gained 20 [EXP/m] * 420 [Minutes] * 4 [Genius and Electromaniac] = 33,600 EXP!

Lightning Clothing Leveled up! LV 1 → 21


Ice Clone gained 499 [MP/5] * 420 [Minutes] * 2 [Genius] = 419,160 EXP!

Ice Clone leveled up! LV 1 → 49

You can now create up to 4 Ice Clones at the same time.

 Tigra walked over to Double and nudged them with her foot.

 Double opened one eye as if they were just laying there and not sleeping.

 "First Moon's starting to rise. Didn't see anything out there besides something far on the horizon slowly moving away from us." Tigra informed, walking over and waking the other two.

 "Are you going to be able to perform well with no rest, Tiger?" Double asked.

 "I should be fine." Tigra waved off. "I'll have you three handle the next night shift we may have."

 After the other two got up, they started walking again.


 2 hours later though, Tigra found a new situation.

Warning! User [Tigra] has been awake more than 24 hours. As such, [Sleep Deprived 1] has been added.

[Sleep Deprived 1 - After not sleeping for longer than 24 hours without a trait to avoid this or prolong it, you will start to have decreases in your stats until the next time you acquire [6 hours + 1 for every additional level] of sleep.

Sleep Deprived 1 - 24 Hours: -5% all stats | 6 hours

Sleep Deprived 2 - 32 Hours: -15% all stats | 7 hours

Sleep Deprived 3 - 40 Hours: -25% all stats | 8 hours

Sleep Deprived 4 - 48 Hours: -40% all stats | 9 hours

Sleep Deprived 5 - 56 Hours: -55% all stats | 10 hours

Sleep Deprived 6 - 64 Hours: -70% all stats | 11 hours

Sleep Deprived 7 - 72 Hours: -95% all stats, no magic, no traits | 12 hours

 'That's an issue for the future.' She frowned lightly as she could lightly feel bags starting to form under her eyes now.

 They were walking in a canyon with a large skeleton in front of them before Tigra's Primal Instinct started going off and Neuron activated instantly.

 "Well isn't that interesting." Double commented, a hand on their hip.

 "Uh, what is?" Bleka asked.

 Tigra's eyes went everywhere before seeing dark figures barely peeking over the bones and rocks.

 Tigra huffed before relaxing as she saw most of them were level 37.

 "What's interesting is that we walked into an ambush."

 With that comment, the ambushers - roughly 150 of them - stepped forward with a few cackling at what they likely perceived as an easy job.

 A red lizardperson stepped out of the skeletal head.

 "I'm guessing that that lizardperson is the head or leader or whatever of these people?" Tigra asked.

 "You'd be correct, Tiger." Double informed. "That is the leader of the Lasher Gang. One of the two gangs that runs the Waste. The other is the Hunter Gang, led by Huntara. Yet, she was with these two a day ago."

 "Tung Lasher!" Bleka cried out.

 Lasher smirked at hearing someone say it in fear.

 For an entire second.

 "Pfft. Ha!" Tigra couldn't hold in her laugh, taking a few back. "I'm sorry, but did you really name yourself that?"

 Lasher frowned momentarily before returning to his smirk.

 "Never thought you'd be stupid enough to step out here without Huntara!" Lasher yelled out to the area, ignoring Tigra. "But here you are. And now I'm gonna leave your bones as a warning to all who cross Tung Lashor, strongest in the Crimson Waste!"

 Tigra cackled again.

 "I'm sorry, but I actually can't take you seriously. You're trying to intimidate me with threats while using the name Tung Lasher . You may as well be calling yourself 'Thigh Slasher,' 'Arm Cracker,' or 'Eye Piercer.'"

 Tigra had taken a light mocking tone with that.

 "You done, Outsider?" Lasher sounded annoyed.

 Tigra thought before turning to Double and waved her hand.

 "Oh no, I'm afraid I shouldn't. After all, nothing can make fun of him worse than him knowing that he keeps using the name a 6 year old likely made up."

 Bleka and Bau looked at them like they were crazy, Double more.

 Tigra nodded.

 "Also!" Tigra announced, walking forward. "I'm afraid that they aren't Huntara's members."

 She looked Lasher in the eyes and gave a wide smirk.

 "They're mine." Her eyes landed on the whip on his waist before looking curious. "Also, someone I care for is looking for a new whip. I think I'll be taking it."

 "Are you usually this hostile?" Bau asked.

 "Only with people that are planning on attacking me, my people, or won't listen to reason." Tigra answered.

 "Enough!" Lasher yelled. "I'm going to wipe that smirk off of your face, Outsider."

 Lasher turned towards his gang.

 "Who's the strongest in the Waste?"

 "Lasher! Lasher! Lasher!" His gang chanted.

 Lasher jumped down to stand across from her.

 "And don't you forget it."

New Quest Created!

Strongest in the Waste

Tung Lasher has made it known that he's the leader of one of the two major gangs in the Crimson Waste and has chosen to fight you.

Objective: Defeat/Eliminate Tung Lasher

Bonus Objective: Don't get hit once

Hidden Objective: ???

Rewards: [Crimson Waste] rep +50, 3,500 EXP | [Crimson Waste] rep +75, 1 trait point, 6,000 EXP | ???, ???

 Tigra laughed lightly before flaring Dark Pulse.

 A faint purple wave spread out along the sand before encapsulating all 150 of Lasher's gang, leaving him unaffected.

 "Let me make one thing clear," She began. "Anyone who enters this fight, will not leave. Anyone who goes after the three behind me, will be made an example of. Anyone who does anything to mess with this fight? Congrats, you're my next opponent."

 Tigra smirked widely while briefly activating Fire Fists with Azure Flames, letting everyone see the heat waves coming off of her fists.

 "If you think this is a bluff, ask about Harna in the future."

 She released Dark Pulse.

Dark Pulse gained 40 [EXP base] * 150 [People] * 30 [Seconds] * 2 [Genius] = 360,000 EXP!

Dark Pulse mastered!

[Dark Pulse LV MAX - This spell allows the user to create an aura around them that empowers their ill intent. This can cause several to avoid conflicts with them, surrender, or even potentially be killed should enough power be put behind the spell. MP: 5 MP/m]


Due to mastering this, Magic Control increased by 5% and WIS + 3

Magic Control: 327% → 332%

WIS: 285 → 288

 Tigra saw quite a few of them almost fall off of the large ribs that they were on.

 "Now then," Tigra turned her attention back to Lasher. "Are you willing to serve under me?"

[Tung Lasher | Age: 48]

[Level: 68]

[HP: 8,160 | Armor: 65%]


 He snarled at the implication before reaching down and grabbing his whip.

 He swung his arm, making the whip crack harshly.

 Whatever expectation he hoped to make, it failed horribly.

 Tigra opened her mouth and yawned, showing off her fangs.

 "I'm sorry," She started. "I've been awake about 25 hours. I simply cannot act impressed at you using a tool to break the sound barrier."

 Lasher simply swung the whip at her.

 She barely had to move thanks to Neuron being activated and dashed to the side. Feeling like she wants to make sure that the 150 around them understand that Lasher is a big fish in a small pond, she also activated Haste.

 The whip and her movement created a crack as the sand under her blew away.

 "The hell!?" She heard someone exclaim.

 Lasher saw what seemed to be an afterimage from her moving that quickly before looking at Tigra, who simply looked at her black claws.

 "Can your whip only break Mach 1, maybe Mach 2?" She asked.

 He swung the whip again, only for her to appear on the opposite side of the whip this time.

 "Because I am breaking Mach 3, nearly Mach 4." She explained. "At this speed, I should be moving 2,880 miles per hour, or 4630 kilometers per hour. If you're more into using scientific terms."

 Lasher's body seemed to tense as he understood what she was saying.

 If he couldn't move faster than his whip, he'd never even touch her.

 Tigra appeared behind him, causing him to freeze and his eyes widened.

 "At any point in time, I can end this. But I need to make an impression so that I'm understood while I'm in this desert."

 He spun around and tried to slash at her with his claws, only to feel pain before he shot away from her, slamming into the sand and creating a cloud.

H2H gained 700 [2000 * 0.35] EXP!

 Tigra had simply spun and kicked him while her hands were in her pockets. She could take this as seriously as she takes fighting the grunts in the Rebellion.

 Sure, Lasher is definitely high enough that he could be a legitimate threat…

 If she couldn't move probably 50x faster than he could at his fastest and she has yet to use any speed trait, lightning armor, or fire charge.

 While she would normally just end the fight and move on, this isn't like the Rebellion: She doesn't have any reputation with the Crimson Waste. In fact, she has negative REP, likely since she's from the Horde.

 "I'll ask one more time." She spoke, the area dead quiet. "Will you serve under me?"

 Lasher coughed before slowly getting up with a snarl.

 "I am Tung Lasher! I am the strongest in the Waste!" He denied.

 "You may have been," She conceded, seeing as she had no proof of the counterargument. "But that was before I showed up. You were the strongest, because you never fought me. Because I never stepped foot in the Waste besides Mount Cadalia. Because you lead what? 200? 300 people max? I'm in charge of nearly 300 thousand soldiers under my command in total. I must decide where they will go, will they fight, who will their back up be, and more. Granted, I still need help from a fellow General, but that there, not here."

 "You're the strongest ant who is trying to challenge a tigress for her pride."

 Tigra narrowed her eyes.

 "And I don't like someone messing with my pride."

 Lasher seemed shocked…before he smirked.

 He whistled before 70 members aimed energy rifles at her companions.

 "I give one warning." Tigra announced it to everyone. "A single shot, everyone with a gun up will be in two pieces before the first shot makes it 20 feet from their barrel."

 The area had grown tense before Tigra's ear twitched.

 She heard the charge up of a blaster being readied to fire.

 "Very well."

 A shot rang out.

 An electrical current screeched through the air as Lightning Armor activated through her HP.

 Tigra moved at Mach 52.5.

 Tigra slashed 6 of them with Crimson Slash with her dagger.

Crimson Slash gained 5500 [damage] * 6 [people] * 32 [Pyro, Genius, Spellbook, P.O.F.] = 1,056,000 EXP!

Crimson Slash mastered!

[Crimson Slash LV MAX - The ability to send out fire in the form of a slash or stab after an attack. Damage is Weapon+(MP_USE * 3 * Fire_Multiplier + INT * 5 * [1+LV/100]).

Damage: Weapon + 16179]


Blades gained 5500 * 6 = 33,000 EXP!

Blades leveled up! LV 96 → 99

Crimson Slash has been mastered! Due to this, Magic Control increased by 5% and INT + 5

MP: 2109/2409

 Tigra switched from that to shooting 16 fireballs into 4 groups of 4. She was on the move, just before all the fireballs exploded, each dealing 1641 damage, making sure that every group of 4 were dealt with.


Fireball gained 1641 [damage] * 16 [people] * 32 = 840,192 EXP!

Fireball leveled up! LV 23 → 95

[Fireball LV 95 (363/19000) - Shoot a fireball dealing INT * (1.25 * 95/100) * Fire_Bonus. Damage: 2485. MP: 5]

MP: 2029/2409

 Tigra appeared in front of several others, with two lightning daggers, having put Shadow Piercer up.

 She practically danced through them, slashing through throats, stabbing through lungs, hearts, and even several heads.


Lightning Dagger gained 5500 [Max HP of opponents] * 20 [People] * 4 [Genius and Electromaniac] = 440,000 EXP!

Lightning Dagger leveled up! LV 1 → 54!

[Lightning Dagger LV 54 (10700/16200) - Create a dagger made out of electricity. Damage is [Base_DEX * 1.8 + STR * 1.5 + INT * 2] * (1.54) * 1.64 [Blade_Bonus] * 1.25 [Lightning_Bonus].

Damage: 14,887. MP: 15]


Blades gained 110,000 EXP!

Blades reached Level 100! Would you like to Prestige?


[Blades LV (1)32 (5903/6400) - Increases damage dealt through blades by (32 * 2^1) %. 64%]

Due to massive level increase, DEX + 7, STR +4

DEX: 666 → 678

STR: 150 → 154

MP: 1999/2409

 She released the daggers before creating 2 Lightning Falchions and proceeded to remove 25 heads from their bodies, also keeping track that the energy bolt was halfway to Double, who seemed to be realizing that Tigra was much faster than they believed.

Lightning Falchion gained 5500 [Max HP of Opponents] * 25 [Enemies] * 4 [Electromaniac and Genius] = 550,000 EXP!

Lightning Falchion leveled up! LV 1 → 61

[Lightning Falchion LV 61 (1000/18300) - Create a falchion made out of lightning! Damage is [Base_DEX * 1.8 + STR * 1.5 + INT * 2] * (1+61/125) * 1.25 [Lightning_Bonus] * 1.98 [Blade_Bonus]

Damage: 9,596 | MP: 67


Blades gained 5500 * 25 = 137,500 EXP!

Blades leveled up! LV (1)32 → (1)49

For reaching levels 135, 140, and 145, DEX+3, STR+1

DEX: 678 → 684

STR: 154 → 155


MP: 1775/2409

 The last 13 were targeted by her Lightning Spear, usually finding its way through their chests, with a few being through the head.

Lightning Spear gained 5500 * 13 * 4 = 286,000 EXP!

Lightning Spear leveled up! LV 1 → 44!

[Lightning Spear LV 44 (2200/13200) - Creates a spear of lightning! At the end points, it will deal [Base_DEX * 1.8 + WIS * 2.4 + INT * 3.1] * (1+44/125) * Spear_Bonus * Lightning_Bonus * 2. Else, it is multiplied by 0.2 instead of 2.

Damage: 1452 | 14517. MP: 145]


Spear gained 71,500 EXP!

Spear leveled up! LV 40 → 50!

Due to reaching level 45 and 50, DEX + 2, STR + 1

DEX: 684 → 688

STR: 155 → 156

MP: 1576/2409

 Tigra dashed back in front of Double before covering her right arm in Ice Armor and held out Fire Shield.

 The energy blast impacted the shield, yet the blast didn't get through the shield, rendering her Ice Armor unneeded.

Fire Shield gained 1750 [Damage] * 32 [Genius, Pyro, Spellbook, P.O.F.] = 56,000 EXP!

Fire Shield leveled up! LV 29 → 36

[Fire Shield LV 36 (4580/9000) - Creates a shield of fire that blocks up to INT * 5 * 1.36. Blocks 2048 damage. 45 MP/m]

 Tigra stood with her arm out, letting Fire Shield slowly go away. She kept her eyes locked on Lasher's confused and wide eyes before thumps from bodies falling off of the giant bones started occurring.

 First there was one. Then two. Four. Seven. Sixteen. Twenty-nine. Forty-seven. Seventy.

You gained 40 [EXP Average] * 70 [Number] = 2,800 EXP!

 By the last body, Tigra could practically sense that the atmosphere of the area changed.

 "Lasher," She spoke, her voice gentle, as if speaking to a child. "I informed you that these three were off limits. I forgot to tell you that I don't let anyone mess with mine without repercussions."

 Tigra looked behind him, yet Lasher knew that she was likely looking at the bodies.

 "Some of your men had to learn the hard way. After all, I said that there would be examples. And you want to know the terrifying part about all of that?"

 Tigra held up her arm, letting everyone have a clear view of the cuff around her arm.

 "This is one of two devices on my arms. Together, they limit my magic to 40% of its natural amount. I could also move 25% faster than what I just went."

 Lasher seemed to start shaking a little.

 It increased majorly as she started to walk to him.

 "Hold on a minute! We can talk about this!" He tried to scramble, until Dark Pulse kept in place through fear alone.

 "We are past talking." Tigra denied. "I gave you 2 chances. Very few get a third from me." 

 Tigra stood in front of him as he was absolutely terrified.

 "So, I'll ask…for the final time."

 Tigra ignited her hands in blue flames before using Lava Armor with blue flames increasing the power.

 The main problem though is that Azure Flames are more of a scare tactic with Lava Armor at the moment due to just how much it increases its cost, thus meaning she must use more MP or HP to offset the increase in price. Which she can't do just yet.

 But it does wonders for showing her strength when she needs it.

 "Will you serve under me?"

 "Y-Yes!" He cried out.

 "Now, answer me this one question."

 Tigra crouched down.

 Tung Lasher felt as if she was staring into his soul to decide whether to let it continue or simply burn it to ash.

 "Who's the strongest in the Waste?"

 "You are!"

 Tigra leaned back and looked at her gang.

 "Who's the strongest!?"

 "Tigra! Tigra! Tigra!"

 Tigra smirked as she let all spells go, just as her MPR returned to its 100% instead of 15%.

 "Don't you forget it."

Quest [Strongest in the Waste] Completed!

Objective: Defeat/Eliminate Tung Lasher

Bonus Objective: Don't get hit

Hidden Objective: Take control of Lasher's Gang

Rewards: [Crimson Waste] rep +50, 3,500 EXP | [Crimson Waste] rep +75, 1 trait point, 6,000 EXP | [Strongest in the Waste] title, +30 CHA

[Strongest in the Waste - While holding this title, anyone in the Waste will recognize you as someone in charge.]


[Crimson Waste REP: 40 [Neutral] ]


Leveled up! LV 65 → 66

15 Attribute Points and 3 Skill points awarded.

WIS + 15

WIS: 288 → 305

 She'll mess around with the skill and trait points later, but now?

 "How far away are we from the giant ship in the desert?"


Tigra [Sleep Deprived 1] Current | Real

Age: 18

Level 66 (8505/16500) | 51.55%

HP: 10,507|11,060 | HPR: 4728|4977

MP: 2409|6339 | MPR: 1646|4331

SP: 5254|5530 | SPR: 2364|2489

STR: 156|164 | DEX: 688|724

CON: 525|553 | INT: 301|317

WIS: 305|321 | CHA: 135|143

Skill Points: 6

Trait Points: 2

Upgrade Trait Points: 0

Speed: 95.5 MPH

Magical Control: 337%

Carry Capacity: Normal - 292 lbs. MAX 390 lbs


[H2H LV (4)29], [Run LV (2)45], [Dash LV (4)84, [Blades LV (1)49], [Spear LV 50]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 105], [Sneak LV 48]

[Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 87]

[Magic Res LV 42], [Earth Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 35], [Security LV 18], [Hacking LV 27], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Clone-Fire and Lightning

Fire Step, F. Clothing, Fire Breath, Flame Dive, Lava Armor, Flame Charge,

Flame Fists, Fireball LV 95, F. Dagger, F. Arrow, F. Falchion, F. Spear, Fire Augment

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws LV 20, L. Falchion LV 61, L. Spear LV 44,

L. Arrow LV 1, L. Dagger LV 54, Lightning Slam LV 1, L. Clothing LV 21

Chill, Ice Armor, Ice Clone LV 49

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Shadow Spy LV 68, Shadow Armor, Dark Pulse


Bubble, Stream, Wave, Water Armor LV 63

Haste, Heal, Regeneration LV 1, Truth LV 18, Lie LV 18


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Durable - Multiplies final CON by 1.15]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[Wise - Multiplies final WIS by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3]

[Maniac - EXP x2: Fire, Water, Pure, Electric]

[Unburnable - You can't be hurt by fire or heat through fire. Period.]

[Proof- Can be hurt with ill intent: Physical, Electricity, Ice, Shadow]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Grimm - Decreases damage taken by 75%, regenerations + 200% but Light attacks deal 3x their regular damage. Works for 30 minutes a day]

[Yuki-Onna - Touching something with HP will do INT*100 ice damage per second. Can be used for 10 minutes a day]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 7 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 4 minutes later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%]

[Control - Allows the use of 4 continuous spells without causing pain]

[Princess of Fire - Multiplies MP by 2, MPR by 1.5, and Fire spells gain 4x EXP]

[Azure Flames - You can use 50% more MP to increase a fire spell's power by 100%. Doing so turns your flames into a brilliant blue]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Brilliant - All spells do 25% more damage]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Eagle - You can now run on air as long as you remain undisturbed]

[Diamond Body - Decreases damage taken by 60% after resistances]

[Meditated - MPR remains active at 15% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]


Dark Flame - A Jian that can channel fire magic to increase its power ~ 4200 damage with no added MP

Shadow Piercer - Dual Daggers dark enough to be hidden in shadows ~ 4140 per dagger

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