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71.79% Naruto: Uchiha Brothers / Chapter 28: 27 pt2 Benimaru's turn

Chương 28: 27 pt2 Benimaru's turn

"Don't think of this as torture! You're doing this to expand your lung capacity. A key component to powerful breathing." Out back behind his house Yo reiterates the point of the current training exercise to the children who gathered to learn breathing from him. They have to hold their heads submerged in large pots of water for as long as their lungs will allow. Once they resurface for air, they have to breathe in and try again. Kushina doesn't seem to notice what's going on at all, as she hasn't even so much as twitched in response during her meditation over the last several hours.

"How is this not torture!?! You're trying to drown us!" Kiba shouts after coming up for air and catching his breath. "And why doesn't Hana have to do this?" He points out his sister Hana who has been studying dual sword wielding techniques from a manual Yo gave her titled beast breathing. She's the one who came and got him involved, she should be fake drowning too.

"No one is holding your head underwater, you can quit at any time," Yo says dismissively. "Everyone here is here to be stronger. I have better things to do than to waste my time making up exercises that don't do anything… Hana is farther along than the four of you, her body including her LUNGS have already been developed to a combat ready degree. Her breathing versus your breathing is already going to be on completely a different scale because of that."

"Mmmm…" Kiba sits there debating leaving, then looks at the others who were all still underwater. As ridiculous as he thought they looked, the three of them were trying desperately to push their limits. He could see Naruto and Sasuke occasionally try to glance to see if the other had surfaced first. Toneri had no intention of losing either, forcing himself to stay submerged alongside them. "Screw it, I'm not doing this crazy stuff."

"I won't make you do anything if you don't want to...it's not like I'm virtually unparalleled in various fields of combat." Yo shrugs looking up at the house like something caught his attention upstairs. "I'll be back, keep training or if you want or leave it's your choice. Just know this is a one-time deal, I don't care for quitters." After leaving Kiba sitting there weighing his options, Yoriichi makes his way upstairs into one of the empty bedrooms on the far side of the house to see Benimaru about to exit through the window. "Beni? What are you doing here? I thought you were still pouting?"

Benimaru puffs a little smoke, annoyed that Yoriichi got there before he could leave. "No need to insult me farther brother, I was not pouting." He says turning around to glare at Yo, he had bags under his eyes from staying up all night. He also no longer wore Uchiha clan clothes but the white robes that Indra and his followers wore. "I've spent all last night and this morning making preparations."

"For?" Yo says rolling his hands as to say continue.

"Our goals. I wrote manuals for techniques from my era that some of our friends and family may be able to make use of, and produced materials for enhancing one's chakra and body, among a few other things." he says pointing to the bundle he left in the corner of the room. "I assumed you would run into most of the people those were meant for before I did," Beni says noting the multiple presences outside.

"Oh, these look pretty interesting," Yo says having torn into the bundle and already skimming through the manuals. "Fuinjutsu has changed so much since then, I don't even recognize some of these characters...Oh wow anyone can learn this jutsu?!…Hahaha! Toph, Yami and Itachi are going to hate they missed these!..Still not as good as the sharingan, but that's a pretty badass clan technique!" Yo voiced his thoughts reading the manuals. "These aren't half bad, why are you just now bringing these out? Hiruzen would've appreciated these for the village…or Uncle for the clan at least."

"You are the first person to know the extent of my past knowledge and abilities. If I revealed everything I know, it may have put our household under even more scrutiny…it seems the Uchiha already walk on a fine line in this village. I went to learn under lord third to learn about this era, not teach him of my own…"

"That may be the smartest decision you've made in your second life," Yo laughs still skimming until he noticed the other stuff in the package. "Whats this?" He asks, pulling out a jar and shaking it to hear what sounded like pills rattling.

"Bloodline refining pills, a pill we used in the sect to make kekkei genkai and hereditary physiques more pure…you know of bloodline refining pills capabilities already don't you?" He stops his explanation seeing Yo already moving on to the next item. He must have read about them before.

"Pretty much, they help people get back to the origin of abilities that dilute over time. After seeing your version of some of these jutsu, it looks like today's techniques seem more refined but have lost a lot of firepower…" Maybe with all these new clans and unions since your time, they'll make new abilities and kekkei genkai when refined? That'd be cool." Yo speculates as he opens another jar, one full of foul smelling of pills "Blech! What are these, and why do you have them?"

"Those are heavenly ginseng pills, be careful with them. The ingredients took some work to find." Benimaru answers.

"Oh ok…Do they have anything to do with qi- no chakra circulation?" Yo guesses.

"Correct. When ingested, it can improve damaged or weak parts of the chakra system. This increases the flow and amount of chakra over time." Benimaru explains. "What is it now?" Benimaru asks seeing Yoriichi start to get upset again.

"Wait you had this all this time and haven't used this to-"

"I had dosed your teacher for two years straight… nothing changed. I stopped for fear adverse side effects may develop from abusing the roots." Benimaru explains.

"Oh ok…" Just like that all of Yo's hostility was gone.

'That temper of his is too quick' Benimaru thinks to himself. "…I see that you are a capable teacher, so distribute those as you see fit. I made notes regarding the use of those and the other items there." He says starting back out the window.

"Where are you going? You not going to train with us?" Benimaru's body is already developed enough to start learning a breathing technique.

"Maybe later, I must meet with teacher. There are some things I want to discuss with him." Benimaru answers. "You are right, I have been idle long enough. It's time to act."

"Oh ok, putting your big boy pants on huh? Big brubber will let you do you, just come to me if you need help" Yoriichi jokes. He really is wondering what Beni had in mind, but he didn't want to pry. If his brother actually has good ideas, they'll show soon enough.

"You enjoy annoying people, don't you?" Beni asks with a stale face.

"Hey it's a tough job but someone's gotta do it," Yo answers before eating two or three bloodline refining pills. "You can make more of this right?"

"Yes, I can. But the ingredients are lim-" before he could finish Yo had eaten a few more. "Never mind just let me know when you need more… I will take my leave now."

"Oh! Wait Beni!" Yo goes to stop him.

"I will be back," and he's gone.

"Stupid brat I just wanted an Indra robe…" Yo sulks before making a shadow clone. "Go tail him and make sure he doesn't say anything stupid to the old farts."

"Don't you have the Oniwabanshu for this?" The clone complains.

"I doooo…but what if he mentions something fun from the past? We need front row seats to that party!" Yo answers himself.

"Ooooh you have a good point! What if there's like an ancient dungeon or something?!? We can't let him give away all the good secrets…those are our adventures to have!"

"It's only been two days, and I see I already gotta watch him." The clone says shaking his head.

"Maybe he just needs some better influences, being a big brother is definitely going to be some work." The real Yo says.

"Very true, alright I'll catch you later handsome." Yo's clone says with a wink before vanishing.

"I'm such a charmer," Yo laughs to himself. "I guess I should make sure none of the kids drowned themselves." Turning to leave Yo notices one more box at the bottom of the package. "What's this?" Opening it up he sees another white coat and the black accessories almost identical to what Beni was just wearing. "…For me? It's beautiful! He really does fuck with me!" Yo says tearing up as he immediately changes into it.


Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Enter!" Inside his office Hiruzen sits behind his desk going through a mountain of paperwork. Opening the door his disciple walks into the room with another bundle. A fly follows him inside and buzzes around Beni, but he can't hit it no matter how fast he swings. "Benimaru, I wasn't expecting you today. Is there something you need?" The third interrupts him and the fly settles on a far wall.

"Sorry to interrupt your work, I wanted to speak with you is all master." Beni says.

"I'm very busy right now, come back later when I have more time."

"No need master, I will be brief." Benimaru starts. "I'd like to increase my workload."

"More work? What do you mean?" The third could tell by his expression that the boy meant business. "Is something wrong?"

"As your student, I think it's time for me to start taking on more responsibilities around the village and learning higher tiered ninjutsu."

"More responsibilities and higher tier jutsu? You're still only a child, why do you feel the need to rush your training so suddenly?"

"If I may speak openly," he waited for Hiruzen's nod and continued "we both know I am capable of much more than this. My brother was dubbed the hero of the village at this age…he led the counterattack against the hollows and fought alongside the fourth Hokage against the nine-tails. It is not an absurd notion to say he may already be among the top three powerhouses in the village. I am just as talented and your disciple. It is time I made a name for myself as well."

Hiruzen ponders over the response. He can tell something has changed in his student whom he practically raised, so he was torn on the decision. Should he do as Benimaru requests and give him more power, or have him trust in the system and continue to grow steadily? Benimaru is obviously more advanced than the rest of the children his age, he'd be an irreplaceable asset to the village. However, there is the risk of creating another Orochimaru…one with the potential of Madara.

"Master if you truly see me as a disciple and not a pawn, trust in me." Benimaru says looking straight into his master's eyes. His expression lacks any hint of frivality. His eyes focused, showing unwavering determination. It was clear he would not back down on this.

Hiruzen knew Beni was going to advance either way, the question being whether it is as his disciple or another vengeful Uchiha so. "Very well, I will put my trust in you Benimaru," Hiruzen says taking a long drag on the pipe. He can already imagine how irritating Danzo is going to be about this situation. "Now then Benimaru, let me ask you a question. If you were Hokage, what is something you would do to benefit the hidden leaf village?"

Benimaru could tell exactly what was going through his mind right now. After learning about the major villains that have and will come from the leaf, it wasn't hard to see why the old man wanted to teach him more philosophically before empowering him. However, time is not on his side. In the grand scheme, he's still playing catchup.

"Help make the hidden leaf village an unparalleled powerhouse, one strong enough to create a slasting era of peace." Benimaru says resolutely.

"You think force is the way to achieving this lasting era?" Hiruzen says with a raised brow.

"No, we are not wild beasts. We can use reason to reach a sound solution, but there are times when words fail. Those are the times that we train for, to ensure we can back up our ideals and convictions. Therefore, one of my first goals is to strengthen and solidify the hidden leaf village."

"How will you do that?" The old man questions his student farther. In response Benimaru produces a small bottle of heavenly ginseng pills and places it on the desk.

"What is this?" The third asks while inspecting the bottle.

"Pills that strengthens and expands one's chakra network over time, increasing circulation and capacity." Benimaru answers. Try one for yourself."

Opening the bottle Hiruzen wretches as soon as that unpleasant aroma hit him. He looked at his disciple who maintains a straight face the entire time. "It smells rather… foul. Are you sure this works?"

"Undoubtedly." Benimaru answers without hesitation. "It does taste worse than it smells unfortunately."

"I see…" the old man pours out a single pill into his hand, rolling it in his palm while pondering if he should eat random pills a five-year-old brought him. Though the five-year-old in question is Benimaru, a genius who mentally is far beyond his years. Still, he said he would trust his disciple, so Hiruzen ate the pill. He had braced himself for it to be bad, but the pill was more bitter than anything he had ever tasted. He nearly vomited holding his hand over his mouth.

"Are you alright master? I told you they tasted bad." Benimaru says offering a bucket.

"I - I am fine." He answers declining the bucket. Bad was a serious understatement. Despite that awful taste in his mouth he could feel the pill kick in almost immediately. He felt a surge in his chakra as it circulated more vigorously throughout his body. He felt lighter, more spry, stronger, almost as though he was getting younger. "I-incredible. I can feel the effects of this already! How did you come across such a pill?"

"I made them myself." Benimaru answered honestly before realizing that sounds suspicious, "…the recipe came to me in a vision."

"A vision huh?" Hiruzen says rolling his eyes as if he hadn't heard that before. However, these pills were incredible, he started to take another when Benimaru stops him. "What is it?"

"They should be taken in moderation master. Give your body several days to acclimate to the change. Otherwise they can cause fatal chakra deficiencies."

"I see…" he says putting the lid back onto the bottle with a defeated sigh. "Any other "visions" that you would like to share?"

"Yes actually. Along with those pills I also want to distribute these" unwrapping this bundle he had a large series of manuals with ancient jutsu for various clans and some any can use. "During a moment of divine inspiration, I wrote these manuals that may be of use to some of our fellow ninja."

Benimaru waits patiently while Hiruzen examines some of the scrolls, all of the techniques looked feasible and were thouroughly explained "these techniques…they're incredible!" The third hokage can't help but look at the boy and think 'can he really have just gotten inspired to write these?'

"If it is alright with you, I would like to distribute the clan techniques myself. It would be a good way to build repoire with my fellow villagers, especially as future hokage. The others I would like to donate to the village's archives. If that is agreeable with you., of course."

"We will have to test them first, but yes I will allow it. We will discuss how your training will change after Yoriichi and Kojiro's presentation tomorrow. Distribute those manuals and then go get some rest…you look terrible. Good afternoon."

"Thank you master," with that Benimaru collects the scrolls and excuses himself. "Oh one more thing," Benimaru pops his head back in the door.

"What is it boy?" Hiruzen answers.

"I'd like to start taking on missions." Benimaru says.

"No, you must wait until you've made genin." The title I genin is awarded to those who have successfully graduated the ninja academy. Academy starts at eight and ends at twelve for children now. During the latest peace times efforts have been made to keep children off of the battlefield until a certain age.

'What! I can't wait seven years!' Benimaru screamed internally. "Master surely there is a way we can speed up this process.

"Well, while I can not allow you to go on missions without being a shinobi of the leaf. One could still accrue merit for the village. I would be willing to make an exception for one already proven to be a capable ninja…"

Benimaru had plenty of ideas for building merit. "I-"

"However, a talent like you only appears so often…and one with the desire to help his fellow shinobi grow at that. It would be rather comforting to know that your generation (which has many future clan heads in it) would be led by one as incredible as yourself. Surely they would all look to your guidance as a far more experienced peer."

Beni stops to consider all of his generation looking to him like some kind of super senpai. It would be amazing to have all of their adoration and trust. He caught himself blushing thinking about it. 'No, no, no, no! I can't let flattery deter me!' He thinks before making up an excuse to leave. "I must go now master, have a good day!" And he was gone.

"Hmmm it seems the will of fire may yet burn in an Uchiha again…what changes will you bring to the future of the hidden leaf village young Benimaru? I look forward to seeing your growth," Hiruzen says blowing a puff of smoke while looking out the window behind him. A sudden fluctuation of chakra made him look over where the fly was, but there was nothing there…it must've been his imagination.


"Soooo you have visions too huh Beni?" Yo's clone says appearing running alongside Benimaru leaping across rooftops.

"Sh-shut up!" A flustered Benimaru yells. "I was going to say I read it in a book, but I can't lose that many important books…do you know how incompetent I would look?"

"True, you're just saying you lack creativity," Yo says with a disapproving glare.

"Is it odd that two prodigal brothers both receive knowledge from beyond?" Benimaru tries to defend himself.

"Maybe, maybe not…ripoff artist." Yoriichi says.

"How did you even know what we talked about." Benimaru asks.

"A fly on the wall told me," Yo smirks.

"You were the fly?!" Beni exclaims steaming mad. "Why were you eavesdropping on me?"

"Wanted to see how the meeting goes…so how are you going to go about getting this secret merit to skip school?"

"I have a few ideas…" Benimaru smirks.

"Just say you don't have a plan…" Yo sighs.

"You refuse to let me have a cool moment." Benimaru says with a puff of smoke. "I will inform you when the first phase is ready."

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