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11.6% The Mighty Traveler / Chapter 13: Chp 13. Man-Cave

Chương 13: Chp 13. Man-Cave

After that whole debacle Paul did not stay at the Mansion as he did not care on how they resolve their differences, good thing he is now 900K richer so he went to a hardware store to buy many things again as he wanted to recycle all the Sentinels in the Storage Unit.


And about the Favor that Paul asked, Fury was already on it as he only asked for papers of him being able to build a facility in the South Pole. Fury was confused but he still gave Paul what he asked for and right now he was flying there using his telekinesis after he placed the tools inside the storage unit.


After flying for about five hours he was now able to reach Marguerite Bay and now found the Eternity Mountain Range. Paul was able to remember a place hiding here due to the fact he was thinking about this girl he has been dating.


Shanna O'Hara, that made him realize who she was when he felt her name was a bit familiar. For now she was still not the jungle protector of Africa so maybe he could get ahead and try to build a base near the legendary Savage land. Because who wouldn't want a large place to have a vacation to with gigantic dinosaurs and stuff.


One thing Paul realized that his most versatile ability came from the improvement of his soul which came with many mind related powers once he tried searching for them. One of with was his telekinesis which he could use as a sort of sonar finding things and it took him ten minutes to find a great place to build in the Mountain range.


Since he could copy paste many knowledge into his mind he went to many colleges since the X-men event. For three days he was going around the morning looking for professors and one of those he was able to find a great deal of talent was from someone named Harvey Elder with his vast knowledge in geology and geography.


Thus this made Paul find a good cavernous place under the mountains with underground rivers too. Finding the small cave entrance he thought for a bit and realized he does not need an entrance since he could just teleport at will inside.

Every moment he tries to finds creative ways in using his powers he adds it on his list and one good thing with a great and strong mind is you could control your body in a very detailed way.


Like how a cat could soften his body up, Paul also did that as he passed through the small gap which could only fit his head through. But easily enough he was able to get through, after he was inside he used his powers to block the entrance with more rocks and hardened it enough that it won't be discovered by anyone outside.


Following the map inside his he went to the largest cavernous area where there is also a running underground river. Paul marked this place with a mental mark so he could just will himself into coming back into this dark cold place. Using his powers again he found many paths that might lead to the outside but he then slowly controlled the earth to disconnect those places to this area he plans to build his man-cave.


"Mwuahahaha, let the building start!" Paul then teleported to the Storage unit and still found that nobody has looked inside yet. Maybe Fury already did but he didn't care as he got all the broken Sentinels and teleported them to his future Man-cave.


It was then he realized he has no idea how to build so he made a detour to a nearby construction site and copied the skills and memories of building from Carpenters, Drafters, Architects and Civil Engineers. He did find some juicy bits about some infidelity but he did not care for such so he just got what he needed and went to his Man-cave.


Terrible things like Apocalypse don't appear every day anyways so Paul did not do anything at all other than answer some questions Fury had about what he could do to prepare. Which got him another 400K since he just said to gather dirt of Thadeus Ross and use it once he does something that'll endanger the world because as he said to Fury that the guy is an ambitious idiot.


Paul did not even hide things he bought to Fury because he knew the guy also had agents interview the X-men of what happened. And since the guy learned about telepaths he made sure those that interview the mutants were low level Agents that doesn't know much in case they wanted to peek into their mind.


Even the mutants were wary of Paul when he did that attack of his that sent Apocalypse to outer Space. Which by the way was found by Fury too and saying that Apocalypse might come back he sent a ICBM to the guy and covered it as a military exercise. This sent the dude out of orbit and now floated farther away from Earth.


Paul was just spending his days wooing the beautiful Shanna who started to get cozy around Paul. She even talks about the Jaguar she has in the Zoo and how she feels a connection with the large cat. She also said that they are expecting two cubs since the big leopard is also pregnant.


Paul smiled as he felt interested at Shanna because she was strong willed and also very brave because it was not just once she beat up thugs trying to feel her up but it had become a weekly activity. Seriously what is up with these thugs going about sexually harassing women like they could pick them up easily.


Even when he is with the girl with his lean physique the thugs did not even show fear until they got kicked senseless by the girl. Shanna was an Olympic athlete after all, that was why she too was jogging in Central park when they first met.

She specialized in competitive swimming as well as Track and field which made Paul look at her figure and think it was a show seeing her run with those large pair of softness in her chest.


So the next weeks were uneventful for Paul as he jogs most of the mornings with Shanna, the afternoon fiddling about with the Sentinels trying to use them for another matter, night with making his man-cave have more decorations.

During the weekends he goes near the KFC he first ate at and hangs out with the local group there which were mostly high school students and College students that were members of a Fraternity in their college.


Not the gang war fraternity but more like community service fraternity but with a little bit of games since teenagers will always find ways to entertain themselves. The large guys that were always competing with him in eating were part of their college football team.


Sure they got a bit fatter since they kept competing with him, they too followed him at the end and saw him exercise. They thought that was how he was always hungry all the time so they followed his routine and boy were they stumped as they were left breathless at the middle.


Paul did not mind them following, it was fun to have someone to go with his routine even if he himself treats those as warm-ups. In the end the coach of the team found out but did not get angry rather he also had the rest join in. The guys also got more surprised when they tried to lift Paul's training jacket and found it to be at least 44 pounds.


It was when Paul decided to do some shadow fighting that they got to see the muscles of Paul that was not so obvious once he wore a shirt. It was then every weekend a group of buff teenager were following the route and training regime of Paul every day. Though many were disturbed by this, not much is done since it was a Park and all that.


Women wouldn't even complain as they got to macho teens so they too slow down their jog as they pass by where Paul exercises. This gained the attention of many single men and they too started following the weekend exercise.

Fury was alerted by this and placed some of his Agents to follow too since they were getting a bit of fat on the side. Paul just enjoyed this as he even started to shout Might Guy's quotes while exercising.


"Howl Youth!!"


"Hahaha that's the Spirit! We will never be this young again so go!"



Paul started causing a sensation in the Park that many were starting to follow him in his exercise since he looks after the people struggling at the end. Soon even the elderly joined and they too knew that Paul was wearing at least 200+ lbs of weight with him yet he still finds time to help those lacking behind.


This became the favorite pastime of Paul as he exercised and from time to time even Shanna joined which prompted more women to follow. Fury was surprised at this as well until some of Xavier's students joined which were mostly Jean, Kitty, Raven(human form), Colossus since he could look normal if he wants to and Bobby.


But during nighttime, he spends more time fiddling with the Sentinels and his Man-cave. Life was just monotonous for Paul as he did not care much of what he does but just tried to find interesting things to do.

His cave now has every necessary amenities inside it including ventilation which made him use that small entrance he came from to expel the smoke from times when he is cooking.


Bad luck is that some Karen complained about the disturbance in the Park saying that their shenanigans are scaring kids. Though this made many angered at the Karen since they've been enjoying their weekend exercise, one incident prompted the police to stop the event from happening when a man tried to sexually harass girl.


Though it was found out that the guy was mentally ill, Paul was given a time-out from the city's office since some Karens used this chance to give statements like the event is done drugs and the 'black kids' were stealing stuff.


This almost made Fury step in but instead Paul just opened his large Storage unit which has lots of exercising equipment made by him. He made the throwing range into a separate space since it needed professional guidance on that part.


But the teens as well as the other people followed him and was thankful he gave them time to use his equipment. Paul didn't mind as he just preferred exercising under the sun, Fury even used this chance to send in more agents to train in there with Paul's help.


He even promised a 1K per session for every agent he sent there, which Paul accepted and even gave Fury a discount of 1k per two people. Paul knew that they would be there often so he used the training regime of Guy for Tenten in throwing knives for the agents.


People were confused as to who these people were but Paul did not care, he even made Coulson as a cashier to list in the agents that were training here. Many of them were skeptical but when Barton went and had a contest with Paul. It ended up in a close victory which Paul won with millimeter closer in target.


This made the others also try and learn such skills from Paul, though it took them a bit to adjust but Paul upped the difficulty by giving them weighted wrist bands. Even Hawkeye was curious and tried which made him raise his brows at the increased difficulty, but it still proved that the master archer still got what it takes.


Paul was keeping this up as he also been experimenting with the powers that he had, he even tried going out of space which made him realize how quick the body freezes over but he was still able to exist outside space because his High regeneration rate pumped in and adapted to the vacuum.


Though he can't breathe out there, Paul theorized that he could last a few days outside conscious but still freezing. But he did not try to push it too much as he tried more experiments with his powers. It was two weeks after he realized he could also create those portal like things the Ancient one did making Paul happy.


[Kamar Taj]


The Ancient one is now currently drinking tea with an esteemed guest which had caused fear to many within the nine realms. Odin Borson sat in front of the Ancient One silently as he assessed the old acquaintance of his.


"So are you not going to tell me of this Outsider Yao?" Odin asked as he had also felt the presence of Paul's arrival.


"There is no need the fret Allfather, Paul has no thoughts of any kind that would warrant our attention. Though I cannot see much with the time stone when it comes to his future, I could gladly assure you he is a kind soul." Ancient One smiled as she saw glimpses of Paul's antics while staying in the South Pole.


"I can see that as well, he has too much strength yet does not act upon it like he should. But he did show much when he defeated that old pretender of a god, he did not even help me during the Tonsberg attack of Laufey here on Midgard." Odin felt the immense strength within Paul's body which was even more vast than his own Odin force.


Thus he and the Ancient one had been glad that the planet itself has its own way of hiding this energy from various mystical entities that were already alert of Paul's presence.


"You have got to teach him to hide that 'thing' inside of him or else hungry beast shall feast upon the weak people of Midgard, though it might be a chore for anyone to capture this man because even my eye could no see past how he goes from place to place."


"I know, but it shall be known by him in due time. When he saw me he already knew who I was so it comes to mind that maybe he also knows it himself on how to hide his very presence." Ancient One sipped again on her cup.


"How long do you have Borson?" Ancient One asked.


"Not long enough…" Odin said somberly as he could feel the inevitability of his Odin Sleep coming closer.


"Did you know even I can't see past a certain point of time, but since his arrival I am not to certain anymore. My future has become blurry and now erratic if I try to see it but I did see past that moment." Ancient One looked conflicted as she did not understand why but this did make her rethink if her arrangements are indeed needed now a big variable arrived in the Universe.


"I see, then maybe me showing goodwill might enable some changes in the future…" Odin was also thoughtful as he felt the words of the Ancient One might be indeed right that the future now is not easily peered upon.


[South Pole, Man-cave]


"Hahaha!! I did it!!" Paul was jumping happily as he now as able to reconfigure a Sentinel after many trials of making the robot into a non-violent one and also could be reprogrammed. Paul indeed was amazed at how much of a genius Bollivar Trask is for being able to make such a sophisticated kind of programming.


Paul was mostly stumped at the part where the Sentinel would only follow the orders of those with the DNA of Trask. Paul had to carefully dissect the Robot because the defensive measures built in it to prevent reverse engineering were very hard to bypass.


Paul now looked at the humanoid robot which was the first success after a dozen failures. Paul looked at the side of useless scraps which saddened him but thankfully he was able to save the small nuclear reactors in the chest of the robots.


It did give him a clean source of energy within his Man-cave but it prompted him to build a separate Lab where dangerous materials should be kept. In which he did, he also bought the whole building where the storage unit of his with 2 million dollars he was able to gather from Fury from the past months.


Him teaching martial arts that were mostly used to fight sneaky foes like ninja's did pay off as Fury's most trusted agents gotten better and were assign more in missions of counter espionage as Paul also trained them to counter such things. Being a veteran in a ninja world does give Might Guy more experience fighting sneaky people.


Thus Paul started a public gym and dojo for those interested as he taught basic self-defense lessons to the public. This was widely accepted mostly by the female population who wanted to learn to defend themselves and Shanna even became an assistant teacher since she has experience in such things.


Paul knew he was different and stronger but that doesn't mean he should act like one when he can go and enjoy what the world could give. So for the next month he just spent his days in a fixed routine as he made sure every second is not wasted, he did not even need much sleep as he found disassembling robots fun and reprogramming them.




Nick Fury was reviewing the sudden increase of performance of his subordinates and found that Paul's training was indeed effective. But instead of making the guy glad he was more skeptical since this means Paul has deep knowledge and experience in this kind of thing means that his life was not an easy one to have this kind of talent.


Now he needs to reassess how Paul was and now he placed him in a very high clearance files which he can only access. Now he was sure he wanted Paul on his Avengers initiative even if he does not know the full extent of his powers, he just knew that he gained the recognition from Barton and Coulson due to how easy going he is.


He even learned Paul was disassembling some robots on his spare time which might be the ones in Egypt he did not find. At least it did not end up in the black market being used by crime syndicates for bad things. Though he was not able to find where Paul started to build this Man-cave of his in the South Pole, he knew it was already finished since he did not even hide it from Coulson at all.


Fury looked at the file of all the possible powers they found from what Paul said. Teleportation, Telekinesis, Telepathy(which he did not like but found out that at least Paul knew how to keep a secret), Super Strength, Super Speed, Advanced Regenerative powers and heightened Intelligence.


"*sigh* Good thing this guy does not hide much at all, he did say he'll invite us once he is sure his Man-cave is secure. Might be a good time to have a break one day…" Fury then pushed his tired body and went more on some files he had found disturbing, files that were hidden deep within SHIELD.




"Mwuahahahaah!! Rise my minions because we shall build a man-cave like no other!!" Paul cackled as he looked at the eight fully functioning robots in front of him.

They are now repurposed as builder bots that would tirelessly work with Paul giving them detailed commands, he did leave some defense mechanism but it was in the form of a Shield and a spear as he downloaded his fighting experience with the two weapons.


Paul looked back and was met with dozens of broken machine part and a cabinet of spare parts for the eight robots. He just shrugged because once he got enough resources then he could buy and produce more parts as well as even improve the robots.


"Now! Let's get more resource in this land to make our great Man-cave!!" Paul already found many mineral deposits in the Mountain range which he could exploit while not affecting the surroundings. Thus he programmed the robots to mine it but also keep away from certain areas which might cause a collapse, but he mostly had them mine far away and also try to find metal under the sea as well.


"Go my trusty robots and get me my resources!!" Paul knew that it would hasted his work when a tireless robot that is powered by nuclear reactors do the menial jobs.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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