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65.51% Magical World: Equestria / Chapter 19: 19

Chương 19: 19


In the royal palace of the Crystal Empire, Cadance the ruling princess is searching for her daughter Flurry Heart. Knowing her daughter, Cadance has already figured out she would be in the storage room. The 12 year old filly has been very interested in the magical things that her aunt Celestia had given her mother when she was still ruling as princess. (1)

Walking into the storage room Cadance look around unable to spot her wayward daughter, but saw that someone had ransacked the room with many of the things stored inside missing. She looking around and saw almost all the magical items and valuable things have been taken, she did spot the magic mirror that Celestia had given her, that was created by her old teacher Star Swirl. The same one that Sunset had disappeared… Cadance eyes widen as she spots what looks like a broom handle poking through the mirror. The handle is sticking out of the mirror's surface like it's made out of water. But what really got her attention is a familiar journal that's left in front of the mirror, one with the cutie mark symbol of Sunset Shimmer.

Cadance rush out of the room and return shortly later Shining Armor and a couple of guards.

"Flurry Heart went into the mirror?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yes and Sunset Shimmer is with her," Cadance said picking up the journal.

"The old student of Celestia?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yes," Cadance said flipping through the journal skimming through the pages, with her eyes widening as she reads through the journal till she reached the last page with Sunset's final plea to Celestia to save her. And from the time that Sunset had entered the mirror and reach the last page, not once did Celestia ever wrote back to her. There is also a note at the last page saying to come through the mirror.

"What is it?" Shining Armor asked.

"This journal is link to the one that Celestia has. Sunset wrote to her asking her to save her, she filled the entire book with her pleas for help. Not once did Celestia wrote back to her," Cadance said handing him the journal.

"And Sunset finally got a way to reopen the portal from her side," Shining Armor said looking through the pages. 

"Let's go and see what she's doing with Flurry Heart," Cadance said wondering what awaited her on the other side and what has become of Sunset since she last saw her.

Walking into the mirror Cadance found herself inside an office, and sitting on a coach is Flurry Heart staring at a box mounted on a wall with moving pictures, like a crystal ball or a viewing mirror. But looking closer, Flurry Heart's hair is the same but she no longer has her pale purpler coat, or even her coat, her horn and wings are also missing. Cadance looks at herself and found she is also missing her coat, horn, and wings, replaced with hairless skin.

"You're a human now Cadance," a familiar voice called out.

"Hi mom," Flurry Heart said seeing her mom.

Looking to where the familiar voice came from, Cadance saw a woman sitting behind a desk who could only be Sunset Shimmer. The hair and the sheer present she gives off is just too familiar to Cadance to be anyone else. Looking behind her, Cadance saw she had step out of the base of a statue, what what looks like what ponies use to look like, before they were changed by magic to be more like Megan Williams. (2)

"Sunset?" Cadance asked as behind her Shining Armor and a number of guards all came out of the statue's base.

"Cadance? Flurry Heart?" Shining Armor asked looking around. 

"Hi dad," Flurry Heart said.

"I remember you, the stallion who used his baby sister to get his hoof into the door to date Cadance," Sunset said.

"Sunset?" Shining Armor asked a staring at the woman before him. He had very little interactions with Sunset before she disappeared. 

"Shining take Flurry Heart and the guard back through the statue. Me and Sunset have much to talk about," Cadance said.

"You're sure?" Shining Armor asked. 

"Yes leave us," Cadance said watching as her husband and the guards left with their daughter in tow, who protested about wanting to watch the tv.

"You gotten a back bone," Sunset said turning off the viewing screen called a tv. "Don't need princess Celestia to tell you what to do anymore?"

"She's not the princess anymore Sunset," Cadance said taking one of the chairs in front of the office desk.

"I know, your daughter told me many things," Sunset said. "Like how there's a spell to turn one into an alicorn. Which you refused to talk about how you became an alicorn. And by sheer luck your daughter is born as one."

"What's is this about?" Cadance asked.

"Checking on how things have change since Celestia left me here to die," Sunset said.

"She didn't leave you to die," Cadance said.

"Didn't you read my journal? When I first got here I found myself in the middle of a war zone and lost my way back to the statue. No matter how much I wrote, not once did she ever wrote back to me. What do you call that?" Sunset asked causing Cadance to look away. "But of course since I'm not the bearer of the cutie mark on the tree, Celestia just toss me away so she could mold Twilight into her prefect tool."

"Twilight isn't a tool," Cadance said.

"Keep telling yourself that. Also how is things back in Equestria?" Sunset asked.

"It's been good under Twilight's rule," Cadance said. 

"I was surprise to hear that Discord is now free and even friends with ponies," Sunset said. "A descendent of Tirek the villain of Dream Valley returning, the Changelings, and even a pony filly using the power of friendship to be a villain. All happening in just a short span of time while I'm here in the human world."

"It has been tough few years but since then it's been peaceful," Cadance admitted. "Did you say human world?"

"Yes this is Earth the world where Megan Williams came from. And yes she is still around, old but alive. The rainbow bridge from what I can figure out is also a time travel transport," Sunset said.

"From the looks of things you have been doing well for yourself," Cadance said.

"I started with nothing till, I was found by a man name Greg who took me in and was the parent I needed that Celestia refused to ever be. I took over his business of a food truck, think of a wagon that travels around cooking food for customers. With that humble business, I grew into a multiple billion dollar or for you bits company, making me one of the riches people and one of the most powerful. All I had to do was finally admit that Celestia never cared for me and would just left me to die, giving me the resolve to build myself back up," Sunset explains.

"Sunset, I'm sure she had a reason," Cadance said.

"You mean if you did the same to Flurry Heart that you have a good reason to do the same thing to her?" Sunset asked.

"I…," Cadance said trying to think of something. 

"I was just a young child when she left me to die. You never had to go hungry for days, drinking dirty water to survive, sleeping in filth wondering if you would live to the next day. I did many things so that I could survive. I'm nothing like the pony you once know, I change from what I use to be," Sunset explains.

"It must have been hard for you," Cadance said. 

"You have no idea," Sunset said.

"Why did you open the portal?" Cadance asked.

"To learn what happen to Equestria and imagine my surprise that Celestia gave you all those things that she no longer had need for and found your daughter," Sunset said.

"And you stole," Cadance pointed out. 

"All belongs to me and seeing how they're just in storage gathering dust. I just took what's mine," Sunset said.

"Yours but those all belong to Celestia," Cadance said.

"And are mine by birthright," Sunset said.

"Birthright? Sunset you're just her student, you're not her daughter," Cadance said.

"The humans are very advance in technology, way more then ponies. They even invented a machine that can tell you who your parent is just by using something like a piece of hair, like the lock of Celestia's hair in the book," Sunset explains causing Cadance's eyes to widen.

"You're her daughter?" Cadance gasped. 

"She is and I'm going back to claim what's mine. With the wealth and power I have gain here in this world. I have an army that will allow me to take what's mine," Sunset said.

"But Twilight is already the ruling princess and Celestia isn't the ruler anymore," Cadance said. 

"As if she actually had to really work for it compared to what I had to do to reach this point I'm going to claim the throne and take back everything that mother took from me," Sunset said. 

"You don't have to do this Sunset. There are other ways," Cadance said.

"Don't claim you were on my side. You never told me how you became an alicorn whenever I asked because of Celestia telling you not to," Sunset said. 

"I can tell you now," Cadance said hopeful to avoid another villain wrecking havoc.

"You had your chance and blew it. You can't just tell me and think it will avoid me from taking what's mine. I have been planning and setting everything up for this for 15 years. I have gathered an army that I have personally befriended and bonded with. Have built up an arsenal of human advance weaponry, equipment and other things. All so I be able to claim what's mine and keep it. I'm not going to stop because of you who never cared enough to help me prove that I am special enough for mom to call me her daughter. But then again if I was born as an alicorn like your daughter… but of course if you're so much like Celestia you only care for her because of her being one," Sunset said.

"I have you know I love Flurry Heart no matter what," Cadance snaps.

"Even if she's just a unicorn? One who will age and die in front of your eyes," Sunset said making Cadance gasp. "I have put into thought why Celestia refused to be my mother. So are you like her?" 

"Even if she was and I lived to bury her. I will always love her," Cadance said.

"So why are you defending Celestia when she doesn't care at all for me? Never treating me or calling me her daughter?" Sunset asked causing Cadance to gasp like a fish. 

Cadance tried to think of something to say but found nothing. Celestia being a mother and abandoning Sunset to die. Celestia had plan to free Luna from the evil that made her into Nightmare Moon, where was that love for Sunset? Is Sunset even is Celestia's daughter? 

"Go back and find Celestia and tell her I'm coming back and I know she's my mother," Sunset said.

"Sunset we can avoid this," Cadance said. 

"Could have, if Celestia actually acted as a mother instead of being one to everyone else but me," Sunset said.

"Just don't act till, I can bring Celestia here and you two can settle things," Cadance said.

"Bringing her here? To somehow talk me down? As if she would ever do anything to help," Sunset said.

"Twilight isn't like Celestia," Cadance said.

"I have no issue with her, I just expect her to hand over my throne when I come for it," Sunset said.

"You really think you be able to rule?" Cadance ask.

"I'm already running a company that has assets in most of the countries of this world. I'm more then ready to rule a entire country. Besides unless the guard ponies aren't cowards who are never around when there is something big happening and Celestia hasn't just pick a small group or just one pony to solve the mess and if taken out no one else will ever help out, I'm more then confident that my army will be able to takeover easily. Or am I wrong? And Twilight actually has guards that do their jobs?" Sunset asked.

"Ummm," Cadance said as she tried to think of anytime besides that one time where the guard ponies actually did their jobs which was years ago.

"I might have spent too much arming my army then," Sunset said as she used telekinesis to lift Cadance out of the chair and sends her back through the statue. With the portal open Equestria magic is flowing out of it and allowing Sunset to use her old magic again. And to make sure no one be coming out of the statue without her permission, Sunset created a barrier that prevented anyone from just coming through, but it did give her a link to it so she could talk to people on the other side and alert her when someone is close to the mirror. 


Crystal Empire -

Cadance found herself on the other side of the mirror and found herself turn back to normal. She got up and tried to go back through the mirror but found it block. She turn around and saw her family and the others staring at her.

"Mom is she really aunt Celestia's daughter?" Flurry Heart asked.

"What?" Cadance asked.

"We all heard it," Shining Armor said pointing to a strange machine that looks like a small helicopter that's toy size.

"I went and had these drones board cast our little talk to everyone within hearing range," Sunset's voice came out of the device.

"Sunset?" Cadance ask looking at the drone as it's called.

"I can hear you and talk to you through this device. Which 32 of them have been spread around the Crystal Empire and everyone near enough has just heard everything. Celestia was always keeping everything hidden and hush away. I just made sure that this news that she's my mom and that she abandon me to die, is so wide spread that there is no way you'll be able to hide this and by tomorrow morning newspapers will have the headlines of Celestia being a bad mom," Sunset said.

"What have you done," Cadance said as she realized that there is no way for her to keep this secret if it's that wide spread.

"Making sure everyone knows what mom did to me," Sunset answers.


Elsewhere - 

Former princess Celestia was enjoying breakfast of some pancakes in the house she shares with her sister. When a newspaper landed next to her plate, thrown by her sister who had storm into the kitchen. Causing Celestia to look up to see the look on her sister's face, one that show burning anger aimed at her.

"So when we're you going to tell me, I'm an aunt?" Luna asked.

"What?" Celestia asked clueless.

"Read the paper," Luna said.

Celestia looks at the headline on the paper and froze.

"Sunset…..," Celestia chokes out.

"Is she your daughter or not?" Luna asked glaring at her sister.

"She….," Celestia began saying but stop.

"She is isn't she," Luna growled. "Thanks to you, like me she's coming back to take the throne from Twilight and is back by a human army."

"Sunset is back," Celestia said still in shock hearing that her daughter has found a way back to her.

"Enough," Luna said getting into her face. "How are you going to fix this?"

"Me fix?" Celestia mutters her mind racing in what she could do but found nothing. She had been relying on Twilight and her friends to handle things for so long that she has no idea how to handle it herself.

"You're the one who abandon Sunset to die and the reason why she's a villain now. So how are you going to fix this mess you made. Or just have Twilight and the others handle the mess you made? So get dress and pack your things. We're going to the Crystal Empire and you're going to fix things between you and your daughter before she invades. You can also explain to me why you abandon her in the first place," Luna growls at a still shell shock Celestia.


Author's Notes -

1 - I'm going with about 12 years have gone by since the end of the cannon series.

2 - The ponies are antro because of a magic spell that turn the ponies more human like. To avoid how awkward it be for people to be attracted to the ponies. And how Sunset would say that she doesn't find humans attractive but only find horses and ponies to look good to her.


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