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40.77% Eternal Saṃsāra: The Wanderer of Worlds / Chapter 95: [95] Interlude - A Mirroring Tale

Chương 95: [95] Interlude - A Mirroring Tale

Chapter 95: Interlude — A Mirroring Tale

"Why has the sky suddenly darkened?"

"The weather news didn't mention this."

Since the ghost incident had subsided, people had again grown brave enough to stay in Kuoh Park until late into the night. But the darkening sky made them promptly leave, unwilling to get caught in the rain.

The sky rumbled aloud, and rain fell. In the entire park, only one individual remained. The only one who knew the reason behind the rain. 

Sitting under the rain, I found myself on the same bench where, over a month ago, Kana had sat on the day I killed the creepy devil and his pet. My shirt clung to my skin, my hair dripping with water, while I stared at the clouds with a dry expression without blinking.

"Rules of Reincarnation,"

I broke the silence with a soft mutter. It's been a while since I talked about the rules.

"When your status of Reincarnation has been revealed to your parents, the reactions that come out are to be accepted as they are. Because that particular reaction, once earned, does not change."

Do not cry about spilled milk.

For ordinary humans, there's a saying about not fretting over things beyond one's control. Such as height, among other things. Some things are fated to be, they are hard to change — if not outright impossible.

For me, those things are limited. But they do exist. This situation was the best, the prime example of that. With the IQ of a Legend, with Holmes' intelligence, Ai had deduced that I wasn't her son. Although for the last 15 years, it was I who she had been interacting with.

People's viewpoints were different. So I'm not mad at her for reaching this conclusion — I perfectly understood why she'd react the way she did. Even if, well, I managed to care for her despite my uncaring heart, she doesn't owe me to care back.

Of course, it's logical. I understood that.

"So why does it still hurt?"

The sky rumbled.

Perhaps it was because she confronted me right after I returned from destroying the Fallen Angels just for her? Probably.

No, or was it because I cared for a woman so much, right after living like a beast with a stone for a heart in my 9th life?

Enough to grant her my Empress' power?

Maybe it's a mixture of both.

Was it fair that all of my caring feelings for her were discarded simply because this isn't my first life? Because she thinks I'm a ghost on her son's body?

Oh well. "It is what it is."

'It's your fault for putting your feelings on a little girl, come on.' The Venerable One's voice whispered to my ear, holding a tint of amusement in it. 'It's just 15 years, are you really that attached to her in this little time? Move on.'


'Get up and focus on your goal. You do have one, don't you? You've recreated the Nexus of Eternity, so concentrate on that. Why let a little girl distract you so much?'

"Well, she's not just a 'girl'. She's my m-"

'No. You only had one mother, after your first. And you loved that one more than your first. This one was just a time pass, get over it.'


Initially, the Venerable One began as a coping mechanism, either intentionally or unintentionally, so he often ridiculed my other lives just for the sake of it. Yet… even he failed to mock that one person.

Emmanuelle Knightsbane Draconia.

"It's not healthy to compare others to her," I told my Venerable part, and in response he laughed. I laughed too. "After all, how can anyone compare?"

Slowly, the rain calmed and the clouds cleared. The beautiful moon formed in my line of sight, surprising me. I gently raised a hand out to hold it.

"Ah, a full moon." What memories.

Thinking back, this situation was almost a mirror to that, with the roles reversed. Is fate perhaps playing a karmic trick on me?

Heh. Not amusing at all.

* * *

* * *

* * *

It happened in my [5th Life]. After my demise at the hands of my demonized Discipline in my 4th Life, I found myself reincarnated once more. I opened my eyes to the bosom of a large woman with pale skin, wearing a magnificent grin as she held me gently.

"My most precious," she had said. "My son." As she kissed me deeply; a French kiss.


Considering I was a newborn child, that was a creepy and disgusting thing to do.

Having lived my latest, 4th life as a hermit, I was more sensitive to immoral things than ever before. Instantly, I despised her; her impression in my mind was irrevocably tarnished.

[Image Here]


⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡


"You're not holding it correctly. Swing it properly."

When it was the 7th year, she hit my head with her hookah pipe as she oversaw my sword training. My eyes twitched as this woman dared lecture me about swords—the same me who had trained a girl who defeated the Heavenly Demon despite being blind.

"I don't like swords,"

I threw the blade to the floor. It's not that I didn't like swords, but I was kind of bored of it. I had used other types of weapons too, such as spears and hammers, but I was honestly bored of them too. That's why I was half-assing my swings.

Honestly, I was a lot more curious about learning magic instead. I knew a few spells from my 'Hero' days, which gave me an idea of just how useful magic could be.

"Aren't you a mage? Teach me some spells."

She tilted her head, "Huh… I thought you'd be more interested in swords, given… No, never mind." Her lips stretched to a smile as she pulled me into a hug, my face rubbing against her thighs thanks to her tall height. "Magic is my specialty, I am a famous Witch, as you already know. I'll teach you with my best, my son."

With that, my magic journey began. Magic was a good distraction from my secluded and boring life. In the last 7 years, I hadn't taken a step out of the mansion. Given the thick, monster-infested forest surrounding the mansion, I never bothered to leave on my own either.

I wasn't explicitly explained to why I was raised like a prisoner, but rumors from the castle's few maids and books I had read gave me a pretty good idea. That's why I didn't complain.

Emmanuelle Knightsbane Draconia was a name that the world feared.

The woman who gave birth to me was an [Ancient Vampire], and one of the 7 Evils that existed in this large world. She had too many enemies to take a chance with her only son's life. So she had decided to abandon all of her evil deeds for a century, to wait for her son to grow strong enough. A century was a short time for her.

I could understand her worry, and as someone from the modern world who had read about enough clichés that happen in these situations once the protected person escapes, I didn't try to do that. I wasn't happy staying here, but I held it in.

Magic was a good distraction. I think I said that already.

⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡

On the 12th-year mark, my 'dear mother' suddenly came to my room while wearing not-very respectful clothing. I immediately hid under my blanket and glared at her.

"I am just 12. Stay away from me."

"The 12th year is holy for us Vampires."

She approached my bed and pulled me into a hug, rubbing my face into her chest. I did struggle, but how could I overpower a woman who could erase a mountain with a slap?

I knew what was coming that night, I had read about this in the books in the library, but it was still disgusting. In this world, Vampires were almost infertile. One had to try for centuries before they could conceive a child, and so vampire parents are too 'attached' to their children. In this world, mating with one's children isn't viewed as taboo but is, in fact, encouraged.

It's a… tradition.

I was extremely disgusted, but dicks couldn't think. So sadly, I was forced to live by tradition.

⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡

I did say I'd care less about social taboos at the end of my 4th life, but isn't a mother and son sleeping together a bit too much? I was less than 200 years old back then, my mind wasn't that flexible.

I had always been snarky and rude towards her, but after this incident, I began to be cold toward her. She couldn't object, as unlike before, I refrained from talking back, living more like a lifeless doll. 

She wasn't dumb, she knew why, and she wasn't pleased.

One day, during my 18th birthday, while eating breakfast, she spoke without looking at me. "You want to go out?"

Although I didn't intend to, my head snapped up to look at her and I failed to hide my excitement. She smiled even before I could speak, "Alright, I'll take you out. Count it as a 'date' – is that how humans say it? Date?"

That was a mistake. If she hadn't decided that, perhaps things wouldn't have spiraled into hell. Perhaps the Time Loops wouldn't have begun, and perhaps my 6th life wouldn't ever have ended.

Well, nothing bad happened during that 'date', but it set the stage for the upcoming events. We left our castle, our home, and roamed the nearby country. There, while undercover, I bumped into a girl in the market. Later I learned she too was undercover; the first princess of the kingdom. We got to know each other, and I fell for her hard—which I would blame on my lack of romantic experiences during my 4th life, and the horrendous experience during that stage of my 5th life.

Before I could get to know her better, we were separated when my mother found me with her and took me away. Since then, I truly began to hate that woman. It didn't help that during my time with the First Princess, I heard of the horrendous things my… no, the monster that was the Vampire Witch did to her Kingdom.

With my past life as that of a hermit, I began to view her as a being of pure evil. Emmanuelle was a being of pure evil, and needed to be gone.

After roaming the outside world for a few more months, which I didn't enjoy at all, we finally returned to our mansion. I grew even colder toward her, which she found confusing and harsh, but didn't say anything. Since then, I began to focus on learning Magic.

My goal was to get stronger, enough to escape the forest outside without alerting anyone. I began to train my sword in secret to regain my former skills so that I could use Sword Qi, while I trained magic in the open. Emmanuelle diligently trained me in magic, oblivious to the plans I was secretly harboring.

Not knowing that I planned to reveal her location to others after escaping.

While learning magic, years passed.

 ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡ ⟡

In the 22nd year, I heard that the kingdom had summoned heroes from another world.

As someone from modern Earth, I knew the troupe. I was shocked that such things happened in this world, but it was good news. Since they were summoned to end the 7 Evils of the world, and Emmanuelle was the closest to their kingdom, I knew her end was near.

I wanted to help them, but I knew they'd kill me too since I was her son, even if I did help them. So I had to hide my identity while doing so until I could trust them.

During one full moon, while that woman was busy staring at the moon, as usual, I escaped the mansion. I made a swift run without notifying anyone and also hid my identity well in the outside world.

I went to the capital city where I met the First Princess, joined the Adventurer Guild, and became an A-ranker. As I had expected, the Heroes one day came to the Guild too, and I befriended them there.

It was fun meeting people from modern Earth, though I was unsure if they were from the exact same Earth as mine. The Hero's Party had five people, including the First Princess.

There was the Hero Knight, who was the leader of the Party, who was a black-haired and blue-eyed charming young man. He was followed by a bear-like man who was the Hero Heavy Knight, a Tank basically. Then there were two girls. One of the girls was the Hero Mage and the other used to be a Nun back on Earth, and she became a Hero Saintess after coming here.

The First Princess, being a Summoner, was also a valuable addition to the party. She didn't recognize me, considering I had my hair color changed and it's been a few years, and… she had fallen for the Knight young man. I didn't feel hurt though, it was to be expected in such a setting.

My goal was as it used to be; to lead them to fight Emmanuelle. Sadly, they turned out to be weaker than I expected. But that was a given since they were just starting. I decided to be patient with her and raise them, helping them grow powerful.

I got along with the mage girl well, since we were both mages and therefore I taught her the way of magic. I realized that my magic talents were a whole other league despite them being heroes with blessings. Yet, that vampire woman used to mock me for my lack of talents…

A couple of years later, when the Heroes were strong enough, I told them the truth. 

"I am the son of Emmanuelle."

Since we've worked together for years, and since they were modern people who didn't have prejudicial views of this world, they wouldn't have blamed the fault of the parents on the children. As expected, I was right, they understood the situation.

We planned an attack on the castle. But just to be safe, we called for reinforcement from around the continent. 

5 from the continent's top 10 adventurers and knights tended the call. A large army surrounded the forest around the castle and burned it down. Anti Teleportation spells were set in place to stop her from trying to escape, and soon we reached the front castle.

Once the forest was burned and cleared, and we stood encircling the castle, a shiver ran through me as I saw her smiling gently as she waited for me.

"Are you finally back, my son?" she asked. "I've been following your adventures in the newspapers; you've made quite a name for yourself. I'm proud."


It's not as if she was blind, she saw the large army around me.

"Hey," the Mage from the hero's party said, placing a hand on my shoulder and nodding. "She's just trying to throw you off. Maintain your position."

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and nodded. When I opened my eyes, the woman was suddenly in front of me, looking deep into my eyes.

"Why are you closing your eyes in front of an enemy? I didn't teach you to be careless," she said, her eyes cold. At that moment, she could have killed me a dozen times if she wished, yet she just smiled.

"Get away from him!" The Hero Knight rushed to my side to attack her, but the woman slapped him away with an irritated look.

"I am talking to my son, how dare you interrupt?" She stood tall and looked at the enemies one by one. "There are many of them… But it doesn't look like they are forcing you to fight me, son." She looked down at my face, her smile vanishing. "Do you… truly intend to take my life?"

I looked at her serious expression. If I said no, then I could lower her guard and kill her when she'd fight the others. But… no, seeing her after a long time like this, I didn't find the strength to do that. If I wanted to feel less guilty, I realized I had to be honest. At least that way, she'd attack me first so that I could justify killing her.

"Yes," I replied.

Instead of what I expected, she didn't attack me. No, her serious expression melted and she just smiled.

"Then… you should have just asked." she slipped her hand into her chest and yanked out her own heart. "What is there in this world that a mother can't give to her son?"


Staggering slightly, she raised her heart toward my face. "Take a bite. That way, at least, my powers will transfer to you upon my demise. Trust me, you'll need it."


"Hey, don't! That must be a trap!" The First Princess said to me.

My eyes trembled and I snapped back to reality. Yes, of course. Why else would she tell me to take a bite? I never read about something like this in the books.

Since she was vulnerable now, I nudged my finger and signaled the others to attack. 

She maintained her smile even as an arrow, shot from afar, struck and obliterated the heart in her grasp. Her eyes flinched as her breath caught but she didn't stop smiling. She could dodge that attack but she didn't.

Gently, she fell to her knees and tried to grab my leg, but I stepped back. A hurt look appeared on her face, as blood trailed down her lips, and she fell to her back.


While she stared up at the moonlight sky with an empty look, as rain began to fall, I leaned down. I knew I didn't have to do… this, but I felt like she deserved to know.

I cast a Silence Spell around us and spoke to her alone. 

"...I am not your son. I'm a reincarnator, I have lived four lives before. Trust me, if I wasn't a reincarnator, I wouldn't have done this. So… don't feel too bad. You were not a bad mother, my traditions and personality are just different."

She gave me a gentle smile. "Silly… I already know. I always have."


The Silence Spell broke as her last breath fell. I stayed crouched down near her body with a complicated expression.

"Hey," the Hero Knight placed a hand on my shoulder for consolation as I sighed.

"Yeah, I know. We need to burn her now to properly- ugh!"

A sword pierced my back as I spat blood, looking back at the wicked expression of the Hero.

"You monster bastard, burn who? You'll need to die before we burn her. That way we can save wood by burning two monsters at once." the Hero said.

"Y-you…" I coughed blood as I realized it was hard to muster my strength. 

It had to be a Mythril sword, akin to kryptonite for vampires.

'I can still use my magic, I-' my thoughts came to a halt as the army that surrounded this place all pointed their weapons at me.

With the top 5 of the continent's top 10, the 4 heroes, and the First Princess, along with the thousands of soldiers… I was beyond concerned.

There was no way to survive.

"Recalling the years we've spent together," the Mage Hero said, stepping forward with her wand aimed at me. I felt my heart ache at that. "And for the memories we… two spent together, I will give you a quick death."

"...Oh, really?" I gave her a mocking smirk.

She didn't say anything, readying a spell that would end me. The others waited in silence and watched the scene.

Until the Mage Hero's head burst into a puddle of blood.


Everyone burst into action, backing off from me, as a black ooze rose from behind me. 


I looked back, holding the wound on my side, as my eyes trembled.

A hexagon shape formed in the sky above the corpse of Emmanuelle… my mother, taking the shape of an old clock.

The [Time Icon] manifested.

-「In the night I hear 'em talk, The coldest story ever told, Somewhere far along this road, He lost his soul to a woman so heartless…

That was the first Icon I had ever seen, and it sang. Later, I'd come to know only at a very high stage did the Icons sing. Yet, it had manifested in the sky over the body of my mother, a first-time awakener. Her body healed. It moved back in time, the heart grew back in her hand until her hand put it back in her chest.

"—Dares to hurt my son?!"

"T-the monster is back? Just what kind of trick is this?!"

She stood straight, her red eyes regaining color, as she glared at the spot where the Hero Mage had died.

A timer appeared below the Icon. 




"W-whatever she is using, it has a time limit! Just five minutes! Even if we can't defeat her at that time, we just have to hold her off! Everyone-" The First Princess said but my mother waved her hand as her head severed itself.

"Five minutes?" her voice was loud as she grinned at the troops like a monster. Her eyes glinted like stars as she stepped in front of me, laughing hysterically. 


Her sheer rage burst the eardrums of thousands of soldiers, as they fell to the ground with groans of pain, a portion of them dying immediately. With a focus of her will, blood rose from the dead bodies to form a grimoire, and a scythe for each of her hands.

A red, bloody aura emitted out of her as she brightened like a red sun.

I stayed kneeling on the ground, holding my side as I watched my mother fight the men whom I had brought here to kill her, as she bought to protect the same me who had betrayed her. 

For a moment, I wondered if she would be alright. If she would manage alone, but soon I realized the truth.

The continent's five strongest?

What were they in front of my mother?

Dead bodies piled up like a mountain as she showed the world why she was called the [Knightsbane]. 

My mother, the strongest of the 7 Evils, the Demon Queen of Time and Blood, just had to swing once for a man to drop. She killed everyone on the battlefield while at the same time nuked the nearby kingdoms with spells of mass destruction. 

All that, just for me.

When not even a single breath remained on the battlefield, my dear mother slowly staggered toward me.

She crouched down beside me and slipped due to the slippery ground. It was still raining. 

There was [00:30] remaining in the clock as I caught her in my arms and stared down at her face.

Even as she smiled, I couldn't stop crying. Only one word came out of me. "Why?"


Despite coughing up blood, Emmanuelle still managed a smile. Her body was turning transparent as the Time Icon was down to ten seconds. She gently reached out her hand and stroked my cheek. 

"Because you are my son."


As I kissed her, the sky thundered, and her body grew limp in death. After the kiss ended, leaving an eternal smile plastered on her face, I hicced. I let out a frustrated cry that shook the world. 

I wept and cried, yet time remained irreversible. How could I reverse time? I was not even half the entity my mother was; I was weak and pathetic.

Emmanuelle Knightsbane Draconia.

Despite millions of years having passed by now, I couldn't forget her. And I'm sure I never would.

One other reason for that was because, as I took her heart and swallowed it, causing the [Time Icon] to shine down on me. To my surprise, I was granted a regression chance for first-time users; it told me to select a goal to fulfill—as long as I failed to fulfill the goal, time would keep reversing. 

I was sent back to my 22nd birthday, and the events of the last few years happened differently. This time around, I stayed by her till the end, yet somehow it ended the same way it had last time.

I failed to save her.

Again, and again, and again and again….

Until even the concept of Time itself gave up on me.




Author Note: Longest backstory of Aqua, and it's not even a fraction of that life. Hope you enjoyed it!

GOAL: Since we reached Top 3 with ease last week (was Top 1 somehow) so I'll be setting that as goal. If we are at Top 3 by tomorrow, as usual you'll get an extra chapter. Last week we had 6 chapters, hopefully you guys would manage the same this week too. VOTE!

Read the next chapter right away, along with an entire month's worth, ahead in my Patreon.

Link: Patreon.com/Master4thWall

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