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6. Meeting Superman

I am here to thank people who support me. It's because of you I have the energy to write.

WolfLord, thanks for the comments. It really helps.




Blue_Dragon_1512, Thank you for the stones.

Let's Go!!!!


Zion exchanged contact with Lois Lane just before she left, leaving her with a playful remark "Call me, if you want a driver fast enough to take you to heaven and back."

Lois responded with a smile, saying that she will.

Zion was still in the coffee shop.

He had now found his way to meet superman, without causing a ruckus to attract his attention, which is easy as it can get. He could have simply turned into one of the million alien and strolled the street. It would attract enough attention to bring the whole of military to his door step(metaphorical).

He just didn't want to attract too much attention to him, especially with Luther keeping an eye on Superman. That man is one thing Zion didn't want to deal with. Not because he could not defeat him, he could turn Waybig and stump him to death. But because he is useful, Luther only need to adjust his perspective on things and he will be fine.

So, in total he just didn't want Luther to go out without reaching his potential. That boldy is need for the growth of this world.

With that Zion stood up, his brain back to full capacity and ready to rumble. Just kidding, what rumbled was not his brain but his stomach. It was growling like a hungry beast. Zion stopped a random guy as he exited the coffee shop and asked.

"Hey, mate, know where I can grab a bite to eat in this fine city of Metropolis?" Zion asked with a british accent.

The man provided directions, guiding him to Bibbo's diner.

"Thanks, mate."

Zion then quickly walked to his car, the MINI Cooper roaring to life. He made a drifty U-turn, earning a bunch of insults and honks. The car didn't stop nor did slow down. The car weaved between cars at lightning speed, not reducing its speed for a moment.

Within a minute, Zion was before Bibbo's Diner.

As Zion walked into Bibbo's Diner, he was greeted by the nostalgic aroma of sizzling burgers. The diner had a classic, retro feel with read leather booths, chrome accents, and checkerboard floor tiles. The walls were adorned with vintage posters and framed newspaper clippings highlighting Metropolis' Hero, Superman.

The jukebox played old rock 'n' roll tunes in the corner, blending with the friendly chatters of the diner. The waitstaff, dressed in diner uniforms, hustled back and forth, balancing trays of delicious food.

Zion took a seat at the counter, which had a view of the open kitchen where cooks flipped burgers on a griddle. The menu featured some of the most delicious array of options, from towering double cheeseburgers to stacks of pancakes drizzled with syrup.

Zion couldn't help but smile. "Hey there, ma'am. I'll have a classic cheeseburger, two spicy shawarma, extra crispy fries, and a chocolate milkshake, please"

"Sure thing, hon, You got it! Anything else for you?" The waitress asked with a warm smile.

"Actually, how about you pack me your famous apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream? I am meeting a friend," Zion replied as he glanced at the menu.

Waitress gave him a nod. "Good choices! One cheeseburger, two spicy shawarma, extra crispy fries, and a chocolate milkshake coming right up. I will pack the pie for you. Enjoy the meal!


Zion enjoyed his meal, paid his bills and then left with smile tugging his lips, carrying the packed pie with him. He knew it was time to meet with superman and he already have an appointment with Lois Lane.

Zion got into his car, placed the pie carefully on the back seat, and strapped his seatbelt. That was slowest thing he did until he got out of the car. The small car was a speeding turbo from the minute he pressed the accelerator.

Arriving before the Daily planet building, Zion parked the car perfectly with a drift, leaving tire marks on the road. He got out in a smooth motion like in those racing movies and picked up the apple pie that was unfortunate to sit in his back seat but it managed to keep its integrity.

Zion walked into the building with confident strides, carrying the pie in his hand. Entering the building, Zion was hit by the electric atmosphere of a newsroom in full swing. Reporters rushed about, phones rung incessantly, and the clatter of typewriters and computer keyboards filled the air. It was a symphony of organized chaos that only added to his excitement.

He approached the reception desk where a friendly, bespectacled receptionist was engaged in a conversation with a young reporter.

Zion intervened in their conversation, politely. "Excuse me, I'm here to see Lois Lane. Can you please let her know I've arrived?"

The receptionist, momentarily startled by Zion's request, stopped speaking with the young reporter and looked at him. She saw his young appearance and then smiled warmly at the young reporter.

"Oh, Jimmy, here's someone to see lois."

Jimmy Olsen turned toward Zion with a cheerful grin. "Hey there, I'm Jimmy Olsen, the guy who's always up for an adventure. Lois is just over there by the editor's desk."

Zion extended his hand with a friendly nod. "Nice to meet you, Jimmy. I am Zion, the fastest taxi driver on this planet. Thanks for the heads-up."

Jimmy shook Zion's hand enthusiastically, feeling he found a kinder spirit. "No problem at all, Zion! Lois is right over there, brewing up a story as always. Enjoy your chat!"

Zion gave Jimmy an appreciative nod before he followed Jimmy's directions. Arriving before Lois' desk, he saw her immersed in her work by the editor's desk. With a respectful and friendly demeanor, he cleared his throat to get her attention.

Lois looked up from her work, a hint of surprise visible in her eyes as she looked at Zion. "Zion! I didn't think that you would come so soon. Please, take the seat. Meeting Superman! Now that's the story worth sharing, don't you think?."

"Yes, it is," Zion said with a smile, "I appreciate your willingness to help me, Ms. Lane. I came to Metropolis to meet him, and I couldn't wait for a better day to talk to him."

Lois' demeanor turned professional and determined. "Of course, Zion. If you're looking to meet superman, it's important to approach it in the right way. He's a busy man, but I can certainly assist in making the connection. So, what's your own goal in meet him?"

Zion smile turned mysterious. "Ms. Lane, I won't lie to you. I come from a small town called Heavenfield. It is a close community with nothing exciting happening, at all. I came to city expecting an adventure, and I found it. Superman's battle with an alien from space to save Metropolis, felt like it was straight of a comic."

Zion paused, observing Lois' expression.

"Superman saved Metropolis. But I am no superman, I am guy from a small town. So, I think you understand how it feels when you looked to the sky and feel that you are nothing but a dust in the grand scheme of things."

Lois had contemplative look as she listened to Zion, Her brain connecting the dot in the conversation to find his reason.

"You want to know if your could make a difference in this world. You want to ask him, if you could really make a difference. Even without strength to lift building or flying at super speed."

"Yes, Ms. Lane," Zion kept his slight smile.

Lois nodded in understanding. After all, when you see a man lift building that could crush you, stop bullets with his bare skin, move father than a speeding bullet and fly to space, you tend to feel dejected, disheartened, feeling too small to make a change.

"I understand your problem and I am sure many are dealing with the same things, but in many different ways. I believe your sincerity will resonate with him. I'll see what I can do to arrange a meeting or interview. Just remember, Superman's schedule can be unpredictable, but we'll do our best."

"No need to book a schedule, Ms. Lane. We can meet him today, here in Daily planet," Zion said as he got up.

"What?" Lois got up in shock.

Zion just pointed up before he began walking.


Superman stood before Kara, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and concern as he confronted her about her recent actions during the bank robbery. The bank alarm still blared in the background, echoing the chose that had just unfolded.

"Kara," Superman's voice was stern, his cape rustling with his intensity, "I can't believe what I just saw. I let you do the patrol today, alone, because I thought you were ready or at least you were capable to do so. Cutting off the leader's hand and breaking the henchman's bones? That's not how we operate!"

"You didn't see the fear in the eyes of the hostages' eyes, Clark! They didn't even know if they will live to see a new day!" Kara clenched her fists, her blue eyes locking onto his with determination. "They were going to hurt those people, Clark. What would you have done?"

Superman's jaw tightened, struggling to find the right words to convey the gravity of the situation. "There's always a better way, Kara. We can't stoop to their level. We have to find a balance between protecting and inspiring hope. If we act like those that we put behind bars, what difference would we make. People will only be fearful of us."

Kara's anger began to wane, replaced by a sense of guilt and uncertainty. She knew her actions had consequences, and her cousin's words weighted heavily on her. "I just wanted to... save them. The fear in their eyes, it was just like mine when I was imprisoned. I had to stop them."

Superman's expression softened, realizing the internal struggle Kara was going through. He placed a hand on her shoulder, his voice gentler now. "I know, Kara. We both want to make a difference, but we can't lose sight of what makes us heroes. We have to be better."

Kara nodded. She knew that she had to learn from this incident, to find a way to balance her desire to protect with the responsibility that came with her powers. With a heavy heart, she said, "I'll do better, Clark."

Superman gave her a reassuring smile, hoping that this argument had been a turning point for his cousin. "It's okay, Kara. I just want you to learn from this incident."

"Now, It seems like I am needed. We will talk about this at home," Superman said as he flew away.


_Just one of my stupid ideas_

{I am writing it to make it up for the word count}

Deep within the dense and sprawling forest. The verdant canopy above filtered the sunlight into dappled patches on the forest floor, creating a vibrant mosaic of shadows and light. It was here, amidst the rustling leaves and the distant chirping of birds, that Naruto decided to take a break from his rigorous training and enjoy some carefree playtime.

Naruto was deep within the forest, lost in the joy of playing. As he darted through the tree, leaping from one branch to anther, his laughter echoing through the woods. Naruto reveled in these solitary moments, far from the hate and blaming gazes.

Unbeknownst to him, the forest held a surprise that would shatter the tranquility of his playful escapade. In his exuberance, Naruto failed to notice a hidden figure standing in his path, partially obscured by the thick foliage.

With a sudden and unexpected collision, Naruto was spent sprawling to the forest floor. Naruto momentarily stunned by the impact, blinked at the man who had appeared out of nowhere.

"Who are you, old man?"

The stranger appeared to be in his early thirties. His eyes bore an enigmatic intensity, and his rugged appearance hinted at a life filled with adventure and mysteries. He jumped and dusted off his clothes before fixing his gaze squarely on Naruto.

In a voice that carried a weight of conviction, Zereeo said, "NARUTO, I AM YOUR FATHER!"


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