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64.15% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 34: The Cavalry

Chương 34: The Cavalry

The auction room was still in chaos as the criminals all scrambled to loot as much as they could but in doing so ended up fighting each other for what they had. Meanwhile, the three Viltrumites each fought against their foes though some were doing better than others.

Oliver tackled Black Adam through a pillar and to the ground, though he was quickly kicked off him and then shot back with a bolt of lightning. As Oliver was young and inexperienced he didn't have the same level of durability that his Father and Brother had so the bolt caused him a great deal of pain. But even if he wasn't as strong as his other family members he still embodied the Viltrumite value of never giving up and he launched himself back at Black Adam.

The man growled as he had to defend himself from Oliver's attacks. His gaze was solely on Nolan who was in the middle of his fight with Deathstroke where he was doing well against the Mercenary. His distraction cost him however as he was knocked away by Oliver who delivered a punch to his jaw; growling once more he shot after the smaller Viltrumite grabbing one of the other criminals as he did. He swung the man at Oliver which caught him in the side sending him tumbling away across the room and smashing into the wall.

Oliver got up but felt a pain in his side as he did, but he ignored it and shot back towards Black Adam. He flew under a lightning bolt that was sent towards him and then grabbed a villain and used him as a shield for the next one; he then flew the villain into Black Adam who braced himself against the ground, the resulting shockwave sent dust and debris flying everywhere.

"You are nothing but a boy!" Black Adam said as he ripped the villain out of the way and grabbed Oliver by the throat. The young Viltrumite started punching him in the chest but Black Adam stood tall and took the beating; seeing it had no effect Oliver lifted his legs around Black Adam's arms, then grabbed and kicked the back of his neck while rotating his body forcing the King of Kahndaq to the ground —Or at least very close to it as he was able to keep himself up with a single arm.

"I'll fuck you up estupido," Oliver said as he tried putting pressure on Black Adam's arm.

Black Adam's face was contorted in rage as he stood back up "I'll end your petty existence!" He said as he started to channel lightning through his arm. Oliver felt it rush through his body and he started screaming; he tried to let go but Black Adam grabbed a hold of his neck and kept the current rushing into him. He then whipped his hand back and smashed Oliver into the ground repeatedly as he shocked him "Damn weakling, daring to meddle in my affairs!" He said as he continued to slam him into the ground.

Meanwhile, Mark fought against Eve who while weaker than Mark, proved to be creative in the use of her abilities. Mark's meta abilities proved to be less than useful as well as she was able to counteract his repulsive force with blasts of her own; the energy she made her weapons out of seemed to be dense and extremely sharp allowing them to pierce Mark's skin 'They really did make quite the weapon,' Mark thought to himself as he avoided another swipe from a two-handed sword that Eve had created. He then rushed towards her shoulder checking her and sending her straight through a wall; he caught the sword before it fell and sent it spinning back towards her though Eve dismissed it before it could cut her in half.

Eve's eyes started to glow pink as she started to send sphere after sphere of pink energy at Mark with gradually increasing size. Mark slapped the first few away before avoiding the others and flying towards her; despite how fast Mark was she was still able to react fast enough to avoid his punches though only barely.

He sent a kick at Eve who couldn't avoid it, Mark felt her ribs break underneath his foot as she was sent rolling back "Enough, you know you can't beat me, why are you even working for this prick?" He asked, only to get silence from her as she stood back up engulfing herself in energy. She then drew her hands back and whipped them forward sending a large beam of energy at Mark who crossed his arms to deflect it —thinking it would be nothing but a regular beam of energy. However, the beam hit him with the force of a train and he was sent backwards into the auction room.

Mark yelled out in pain as he felt the skin being torn from his arms 'What the hell is that!' He thought to himself as he spun out of the way of the beam and watched as it engulfed one of the villains who was fighting behind him. As the beam died down the only thing that was left of him was his muscles his skin having been removed from his body; he started screaming before another villain took advantage of his weakness and punched a hole in his stomach and ripped his intestines out.

He looked back at Eve who was floating through with her whole body radiating a thick pink energy. "Time out?" Mark said with a nervous smile.

Eve raised her hand up and ripped all the atoms around Mark apart causing a huge explosion due to the release of potential energy. Mark flew out of the explosion drawing his fist back; Eve put up multiple barriers between them, each one thicker than the last but Mark empowered his fists with lightning and smashed through all of them before grabbing her by the throat and throwing her down to the ground. Mark quickly realised he wasn't able to fully grasp her 'It must have something to do with the energy flowing around her,' he thought to himself; it looked like some sort of armour she was using. Deciding to test it Mark flew back down towards her sending a punch aimed straight at her stomach; the floor around her cracked but her armour remained strong.

Energy emerged from around Eve's body and wrapped around Mark's waist before flinging him off her. She slammed him through the wall and then pulled him back through and hit him into the floor; Mark growled before he started pounding but fist against the energy that had started to get hotter and burn him. The thick and dense energy cracked under Mark's power and shattered not long after; Mark then opened his palm and sent a sphere of red straight at Eve who altered the mass of the particles in front of herself forcing the sphere to swerve away from her.

Eve conjured a pink sword into existence and rushed towards Mark, as she did the energy following around her started to flow outwards into dozens of sharp tentacle-like appendages that shot towards Mark. "Alright so you're not playing anymore, let's do this then," he said as lightning started flowing towards his body and he rushed to meet Eve; he dodged the first barrage of sharp energy spears and blocked the others by swinging his arm and shattering them. He then sent an electrified punch aimed for Eve's face though she was able to avoid it, she then swung her sword around intent on disembowelling Mark but he caught her fist and head-butted her. He increased the pressure around her wrist and started to crack the armour around her, she tried to form more spears with her energy but Mark had already elbowed her in the chest cracking through her pink armour and sending her careening across the floor.

Mark sighed as he blinked straight in front of her and picked her up by the neck "I'm sorry I have to do this but you're too dangerous..." Mark said to her. Eve looked at him with a dead-eyed expression, neither angry nor sad. It gave Mark the impression that what he was doing was a mercy —whoever she was, she was gone now.

Mark sent his fist straight through her chest, his hand emerged from the other side with her heart in its grasp where he crushed it. He lay Eve down on the ground gently and watched as her breathing slowed and then finally stopped. Mark sighed before turning around to get back into the fighting but was taken off guard when a pink light engulfed her once again "Ah shit!" He thought to himself as he clenched his fists and got ready to fight again.

When the light faded away Mark immediately knew something was different; Eve's eyes were darting around and her breathing was laboured. Mark scrunched his eyebrows as he stepped closer to her, she pushed herself back looking up at Mark in fear and forming a pink barrier around herself; she started to weep as she curled in on herself.

'That's a bit excessive right?' Mark thought to himself as he crouched down next to the barrier "Ummm are you okay?" He asked, though she just kept weeping with her head on her knees. Mark sighed before bringing his hands to the barrier and shattering it, he then grabbed Eve over his shoulders; She started to scream and pound his back as she tried to shake out of his grasp "Calm down I'm not going to hurt you," Mark said as he walked over to the centre of the room.

"Despite just ripping your heart out..." he added.

This didn't do much to help calm her down as she kept on beating her fists on his back. "Take a rest down here, come out when it's safe," he said as he threw her down the hole with the other girls. He thought that between the four of them, they'd be able to handle her if she tried anything, she was clearly hysterical at the moment. Clapping his hands Mark looked around only to catch the fist of one of the Villains that tried to take advantage of him; he sent lightning coursing through his body before grabbing him by the neck and twisting it 180 degrees.

Mark floated up from the ground and tried to find his Dad who he had lost track of. He didn't find his dad but what he did see was Oliver being slammed into the ground by Black Adam; Mark rushed towards him sending a kick straight to his face and launching him away. He then squatted beside Oliver who was bruised pretty badly, his arm looked broken and one of his eyes was sealed shut. "Shit, you doing okay man?" He asked Oliver and the kid to his surprise sat up and gave him a thumbs up with his unbroken hand.

"I'm... good," he said.

Mark wasn't entirely convinced but nodded his head regardless "Go find Dad and give him a hand I'll deal with sparkles over here," he said as he helped him up. Oliver nodded and shot up into the air as he went to find Nolan.

Black Adam crawled out of the debris he was under the look of rage still present on his face. He sent a stream of lightning straight towards Mark who countered with his own "The Powers of Shazam will not save you!" He said as he intensified the stream. Mark tried to match the power but he couldn't, in fact, he felt himself start to weaken so he shot out of the way allowing the beam to strike behind him.

Mark frowned as he looked at his arms, they still sparked with lightning but it wasn't as bright as it was before. Mark looked up as he heard Black Adam laughing at him "You've strayed too long away from the Rock of Eternity, I don't know how you got the powers of Shazam, but it seems you won't have them for much longer," He said before rushing towards Mark and sending a flurry of strikes in his direction.

Mark blocked each strike though he could feel the force a lot more than he could before. He then caught his arm before flying him straight into the ground; Mark placed his hand at the back of his head before conjuring a red sphere that drilled into Black Adam. The King of Kahndaq struggled but Mark repeatedly struck him in the spine with his fist.


Mark's eyes widened as he looked up, he tried to avoid the bolt of golden lightning, but it struck him and he felt the power of Shazam fade away. Black Adam took advantage of his weakness and elbowed him in his waist and pushed him off, he then in at a greater speed and delivered a flurry of strikes at Mark who had a lot more trouble dodging and blocking them. However, Mark was a lot stronger than he was when he first got his powers, constant fighting and getting images had pushed his natural strength further than he realised; delivering an uppercut to Black Adam dazed him, he then grabbed him by the head and smashed his knee into his nose before spinning him around and throwing him to the ground.

"Powers of Shazam or not I'll still kick your ass," Mark said with a smirk, though it was better to be safe than sorry.


He felt the power flood back into him as he floated down towards Black Adam "What's got you so angry with my Dad anyway?" He asked as he reached down and picked up a familiar-looking blade.

"You're that man's son..." Black Adam growled out as he looked at Mark with venom in his eyes.

"So what if I am?" Mark said as he clenched his fist around the handle of his blade.

"Your father destroyed my home! He destroyed everything! My people lay dead! I am the last one!" He shouted with an emotion-filled hoarse voice.

"I will kill Omni-man and everything important to him! Starting with you!!!" He shouted as he rushed towards Mark.

"I can sympathise with you... whoever you are," Mark said as he flipped his knife in a reverse grip and rushed to meet Black Adam. Their fists clashed, causing a shockwave though Black Adam was quickly overwhelmed by Mark and forced back; He tried to attack Mark again but he avoided each punch and shoved the blade into his gut.

Black Adam's eyes widened as he looked down at the blade sticking inside him. 'How long has it been since a blade has punctured my skin,' he thought to himself. Black Adam surged his body with lightning as he tried to punch Mark again; Mark caught his fist and sent a number of fast jabs to his fast before grabbing the back of his head and elbowing his nose.

Black Adam felt his nose crack and stifled the groan of pain that came to his throat. Mark drew the blade out of his stomach; he leaned away from a wild swing from Black Adam before stabbing him again —blood started to pour out of his wounds.

Again and again, Mark stabbed Black Adam with the blade that seemed to bypass his durability. With each new wound, Black Adam felt himself grow weaker until he could barely stand; he grabbed onto Mark as he tried to choke him, but with emotionless eyes, Mark brought the blade up to his neck "Go be with your people," he said softly before slitting his throat. The blood spattered over his face before Black Adam slid down his body to the floor.

Lightning moved around his body as it tried to heal him, but it was useless. Black Adam looked up and saw Omni-man who was still fighting with Deathstroke; he tried to crawl towards him, but Mark stepped on his back forcing him to the ground "Kahndaq..." he breathed out as tears flowed from his eyes. The light died from his eyes as Mark plunged the blade through his head ending the King of Kahndaq's life.

"I'm sorry... but you were in the way," he said as he removed the blade from his skull and sheathed it. He felt bad for the man and if it were any other situation he would've stayed out of his plot for revenge.


Mark turned around and saw Deathroke being sent crashing to the ground where he was pinned by Oliver. Mark floated over towards them as he saw Oliver struggle to keep him down; However, Nolan came crashing through feet first slamming into Deathstroke. "Even with powers beyond your own, you're still just an insect," Nolan growled out as he started punching the man in the face over and over.

Deathstroke tried to shoot heat vision at him but Oliver covered them with his hands and gouged them. Deathstroke grunted in pain but used his newly free hands to grab Oliver by the neck and head-butt him before throwing him off, though he could avoid the next punch Nolan sent at him which broke every tooth in his mouth.

Nolan then forced his hand into Deathstroke's mouth and grabbed his jaw. Mark winced as he watched his Dad rip the man's jaw off his face, Deathstroke still fought back, but Nolan ignored the weaker punches to his body and stood up before stomping on his face repeatedly.

The terminator stilled and his arms went limp beside his body. "NO!!!" Nolan heard a shout from behind him as Ravager came back just in time to see her father's lifeless corpse.

She tried to rush towards Nolan but Mark intercepted her slamming his knee into her stomach. He then grabbed her by the throat "I'm tired of defending my Dad, leave now or I'll have to kill you," he said in a low tone.

Ravager dismissed his words and went to attack him, but her eye under the eyepatch started to hurt and she was hit with a vision; one where Mark made good on his threat and ended her life in the next five seconds. She stopped her attack and looked at Mark with venomous eyes before shoving him away and flying off. Her father would never forgive her if she went on a suicide mission all for the sake of vengeance.

Mark stood there and watched her leave, he sighed in relief that he didn't have to kill her —he just wished the other guy did the same thing. Nolan and Oliver both floated over to Mark —who turned around and looked at them.

"Mark... it's good to see you," Nolan said.

"Good to see you too Dad," Mark replied.

"Does this mean you've come to your senses?" Nolan asked.

"I'm afraid not, but right now there are bigger things to worry about," Mark replied.


The Joker watched the fight between Mark, Nolan and Oliver with a gleeful smile as he hoped they would be slaughtered in the most awful and bloody way imaginable. Disappointingly he didn't get his wish and he had to watch the heroes win yet again "This is the worst Birthday I've ever had," he said with a pout. While he was distracted Bruno tried to run away, but Joker had already chopped him at the bottom of his spine making him fall to the ground like a puppet.

"Now now Bruno it's not polite to leave our little party early even if it seems to dying down," The Joker said with a small chuckle.

"Oooooh this should make things more interesting," he said as he picked up a microphone from the ground.

"Ahem! Attention! Attention! It's your old pal Joker here," He said catching everyone's attention.

"I'd just like everyone to know that we have a few special guests in the house. Omni-man the old superhero and his superhero friends, please give them a warm welcome," The Joker said before he started cackling loudly.

"Dick..." Mark said as he and the others looked to the stage and then to the villains that had all stopped fighting and were now looking at them.

Mark, Nolan and Oliver all got ready to fight the hundred or so remaining Villains all of whom were only a little weaker than Oliver. "Should've listened Mark, by now we could've subjugated the planet and this wouldn't have happened," Nolan stated.

"This is really not the time..." Mark said as lightning started flowing through his body.


Shooting through the ceiling and landing next to Mark, Connor came back into the fight "Sorry I left, I just had to stay in orbit for a little bit," he said as he looked down at the wounds Deathstroke gave him.

"Better late than never," Mark said with a grin, while he was glad Superboy was here he didn't think he would make much of a difference.




More and more people started dropping through the ceiling and into the room. They also started coming through the doors and broken walls surrounding everyone. All of them Heroes.

"I am sorry we left you alone to deal with such a dangerous mission, I promise to rectify this mistake now," Wonder Woman said as she floated down beside them with Martian Manhunter, Supergirl and Starfire beside her.

Mark's eyes widened as he saw Kara, she quickly approached him and hugged him "What are you doing here!?" He asked her with concern in his voice.

"I couldn't let you fight alone after I heard the call!" She said a little hysterically.

"You need to go, you can't risk the baby," he said to her.

She shook her head "I'm not going anywhere, we can discuss this later, but for now we got bigger things to deal with," she said as she looked behind her.

"And we can talk about the smell that is coming off you..." she said in an emotionless tone.

Mark felt a shiver run down his spine at her words but focused on the task in front of him.

'I hope one of them gets a lucky shot on me," he thought to himself, as that was a preferable fate to a pregnant angry Kara.

(AN: So the Fight has peaked and is lowering down. I reckon there is about three or four chapters left in this Arc. I hope you guys have enjoyed it, after this we will be slowing things down for a while, I feel like there's been a bit too much action and not enough character stuff and slice of life. So I'll be putting some more of that in. Also I made Eve more powerful than she's shown to be, I mean she is pretty OP but she gets punked by Mark in the show. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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