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16.98% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 9: The Green

Chương 9: The Green

(One Week Later)

Mark opened his eyes as he woke up from his slumber, he looked out the window of his forest house and saw that the sun was high in the sky, he'd been sleeping till noon ever since he left Gotham which was something he'd usually considered a luxury. In Gotham life was a lot faster paced, plus in early morning you'd usually avoid the scum of Gotham as it seemed they didn't much like early mornings.

Mark got out of bed and stretched though none of his bones popped nor did he feel any relief when he stretched his muscles, he found that ever since his Viltrumite DNA had awoken his body was always in peak condition. That didn't stop him from stretching though, probably since Old Ted had beaten that into him.

Mark put some shorts on and walked towards his window, he pressed a button on the side and it folded in on itself opening 'Kryptonians sure make some wild stuff' he thought to himself as he jumped out of the window and floated down towards his garden. Ever since he'd planted his golden apple in the ground it's like everything he planted there became a super plant, while his garden was in no way able to match the beauty of the Garden of Hesperides it held nearly all of the same plants as well as his own.

While he knew that he cheated a little bit when it came to the garden he couldn't help but be proud of it, it all looked beautiful and healthy and it radiated an ethereal glow. Mark wasn't a person who'd say vegetables or fruit were his favourite but just looking at them in the garden he couldn't wait until they properly bloomed.

"I should go get myself another phone, need to see Kara," he said to himself as he finished watering his plants and heading back into his house 'Hopefully I can see her without big red and blue finding out' he thought to himself as he got dressed and put on a rudimentary disguise which involved a pair of glasses and a hat.

He quickly left his house before zooming off towards Smallville, he knew it was a bit risky but he hoped that Superman would neglect to search the small town as it was so close to home 'Hiding in plain sight is a real thing, right?' He thought to himself as he flew through the forest not going above the treeline.


"Kara! Dinner is ready, bring your friend down as well" Martha shouted from the bottom of the stairs before heading back into the kitchen.

"Okay, Ma! Just a minute" Kara said as she stood in front of her mirror without any clothing on, behind her sitting on her bed was her friend Kori who had followed her here from the Batcave, not that Kara minded, it was nice to have a friend with her, especially one that didn't think she had been raped or was currently out of her mind. Though she didn't know how she felt about Kori's obsession with Mark, perhaps it had something to do with her race like how it was with her, if that's the case she can't fault her for it.

"I think I'm starting to get fat," Kara said as she stood sideways looking at her body in the mirror, her small pert ass stuck out and jiggled every time she moved, and her stomach which used to be flat and taut with muscle had gotten slightly larger forming a small baby bump.

Kori stood up out of bed and walked behind her, she dwarfed Kara's 5ft5 form with her own 6ft4, she reached around Kara and grabbed her breasts which had started to grow "Indeed these have become much fatter" she said with a giggle.

Kara groaned and pushed her away "I'm serious Kori! What if Mark hates it" she said tearfully as she stroked her belly.

"Have no worry Friend Kara, I am sure Mark will find you as radiant as I do" Kori said as she hugged her from behind.

"Childbearing is beautiful, on my home planet it is a great honour to bear the babe of a Viltrumite" She said as she placed her chin on the top of her head.

"I hope you're right, it is strange that I miss him so much, maybe Kal and Batman are right, is there something affecting my behaviour?" Kara asked though it was mostly a question to herself.

Kori shook her head "While you may have felt an animalistic need to mate before, it would've become more manageable after the initial coupling"

She then turned Kara around "Close your eyes" she asked and Kara after hesitating for a moment complied.

"Now without thinking, tell me what you'd want to do most if Mark was here right now" Kori asked.

"Hold me and tell me that he loves me and is happy that I'm pregnant" she blurted out immediately, Kori saw that Kara surprised herself with that answer as she opened her eyes immediately after and had a cute look of confusion on her face.

Kori just smiled at her "If it was not real then you'd only wish Mark was here to engage in relations with you, but your first thought was to seek comfort from him" she said as she stroked her hair.

Kara smiled and nodded her head "Thank you Kori" she said as she hugged the taller girl, ignoring the fact that her face was pressed into the taller girl's large breasts.

"I do hope Mark likes me when we see him, it would be quite shameful should he find my appearance repulsive," Kori said as she hugged Kara, even though she put up a brave front for her friend, she had insecurities of her own as in her mind she wasn't just meeting another person but someone from legend, it was akin to a human meeting their favourite book character in reality.

Kara looked up clearly not understanding the meaning of her words "He will think you're amazing just like I do" she said with a smile as she hugged the taller girl tighter.

Kori couldn't help the small blush that appeared on her face 'Just as you do... Kara how scandalous, especially when we both stand here without any clothing' she thought to herself.

"Kara! Dinner is getting cold!" They both jumped as they heard Martha shout once again.

Kara detached herself from Kori and started getting dressed "Come on we shouldn't keep them waiting much longer"


"This really isn't a good idea Barb" Dick Grayson said as he watched Barbara typing away on the Bat Computer.

"I need to know Dick, this whole thing is just wrong" Barbara said as she typed away on the computer, she then took a memory stick out of her pocket and connected it to the Computer. A screen popped up as it started to decrypt all of Bruce's files.

"You said this guy was responsible for killing Green Arrow? Then it sounds like he's getting what he deserves" Dick said with a shrug as he sat down on a chair.

Barbara turned around and glared at Dick "This isn't right Dick, Omni-Man should've gotten a trial and be sentenced like all our other villains, there are certain lines we can't cross as heroes and imprisoning someone for over a decade without trial is one of them"

"What about the consequences, didn't Bruce say that he might call for backup," Dick asked

"I want to trust Bruce but what he's doing now isn't right, they are trying to capture Mark and do who knows what with him, he never killed anyone before and yet they want to lock him up and throw away the key, so at the moment I'm not even sure if Bruce was telling the truth," Barbara said with a sigh, she knew Mark and Bruce well and they were both good people, but she couldn't help but side with Mark when she knew he was innocent 'Barring the protection racket of course' she thought to herself.

*Access Denied*

"Oooo seems you aren't the greatest hacker in our little family after all" Dick said with a chuckle as he took a candy bar out of his pocket and started eating it.

Barbara turned around and glared at him, she then smirked "I met Kori the other, she was wondering why you'd put on so much weight"

Dick started coughing and spluttering as he choked on his food making Barbara laugh. She then turned back to the screen and frowned, the package on the USB should've been enough to slip through the security on the Bat computer, she was familiar enough with the system to know how it detected and responded to threats 'Anything related to Omni-Man or Nolan Grayson is on a separate system that can't be accessed remotely, but where would it be?' She asked herself ignoring Dicks constant chatter in the background.

"Does she really think I'm fat?"


Mark had just gotten back from town without incident and had just finished unboxing his new phone, it was a cheap one that he could easily get rid of which he planned to do frequently which was why he bought a bunch of them. However, before he could open it and text Kara he heard something coming from his garden.

"Ooooooooooooh ughhhhhhhhhh" sounded out from his garden and he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as he walked to the back door and opened the door. What he saw was a surprise to be sure but not entirely unwelcome, a woman with green skin and red hair rolled around naked in his garden as she rubbed herself against the plants he'd gathered from the Garden of Hesperides. Though less welcomed was the big lumbering green hulk who sat with his back against the tree that had sprouted when he planted the golden apple.

He flew down from his porch into the garden waiting for them to notice him but it seemed that their minds were elsewhere "Ahem!" Mark cleared his throat but it seemed that it wasn't loud enough to get their attention.

"Ahem! Ahem!" He tried again however the results were the same and they didn't notice him, Mark had to control himself when he saw the woman rolling onto her front giving him an eyeful of her ass and pussy lips.

"Hey! Who the hell are you guys!" Mark finally shouted with a little frustration. The woman stopped rolling on the ground and looked up from the ground "What do you want?" She asked casually.

Mark felt his eyebrow twitch as he stood there with his arms crossed "I want to know why you're both in my garden!" He replied

Suddenly Mark felt the air get heavy as he was surrounded by a sweet intoxicating scent that seemed to come from that woman, she stood up her curvy body fully on display as she sauntered towards Mark. While he had to admit the scent was nice it didn't affect him all that much and so he just stood there with his arms still crossed.

When the woman reached him she smirked before going on her tip goes and going for a kiss, she was very much surprised when Mark palmed her face and pushed her away "Why are you in my Garden?" Mark asked again

The woman scrunched her features as a look of confusion overcame her, she pushed Mark's hand away "You should be a drooling mess by now! Who are you!" She shouted, she had released enough pheromones to turn a man into a lovesick slave and yet he just pushed her away.

Mark punched the bridge of his nose "Who am I? Who the Fuck are you!" He shouted back.

"What do you mean who am I? Everyone knows who I am!" She replied with an incredulous expression.

"What? Is this not the first garden you've invaded?" Mark said sarcastically making the woman growl.

"I am the greatest botanical biochemist in the world as well as one of the most feared eco-terrorists, I am a champion of nature who makes both heroes and villains quake in their boots… I am Poison Ivy!" She finished with an exaggerated flourish, as she held her hands above her head flowers growing out of her hair. Mark raised an eyebrow as he tried to think about who this woman was, he was sure the name sounded familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it.

Unknown to him as he was lost in his thoughts Poison Ivy stood in front of him still in the same pose, she had thought to drop it when she had got a reaction from him but since he didn't say anything or even move she was still in the same pose 'This is so embarrassing' she thought to herself as Mark just stared at her, though he wasn't really looking at her and was mostly just trying to figure out who she was.

"Ah! You're Martian Manhunters niece!" Mark said as he finally figured it out.

"Ugh! You idiot I'm a villain, god! Even if you don't live in Gotham you should still know who I am" Poison Ivy said as she stopped posing and pushed Mark though he didn't budge when she tried to.

"I did grow up in Gotham" Mark replied

"Then how can you not know me? I fight Batman all the time!" She cried out

Mark shrugged "Batman fights a lot of people, I can't be expected to remember all of them" he replied

"Anyway, I don't care who you are, what're you doing in my Garden" Mark asked his face setting into a frown.

Poison Ivy smirked "This place is filled with such radiant life, I've never seen such a happy place before, I don't know what you've done to this place but I've never seen anything like it"

"I'm glad you like it, now please leave, it's weird having a naked villain rolling around in my garden," Mark said as he gestured for her to leave.

"No! I won't, this place is perfect for me and I've already made a bunch of friends so I refuse to go" she said adamantly as she crossed her arms and sat down.

Mark just sighed as he grabbed her by the arm and started floating up "Hey! Wait! Stop that!" She said as she tried to get herself loose from his grip but failed miserably.

"Hey! Stop being an asshole and let me down!" She complained as Mark flew above the tree line, Poison Ivy wrapped her naked body around his waist and started trying to bite him and do everything she could do to make him let go.

'What did I do to deserve this…' he thought to himself as he continued flying with a deadpan expression. She kept bonking him on the head with her feet and fists, it didn't hurt but it was kind of annoying. He reached his limit when she straddled his arm attempting to squeeze out of his grip and ended up putting his face between her ass cheeks, his grip loosened and she started to fall making Mark silently curse.

He flew down and caught her in a bridal carry before flying back to his garden and setting her down on a flower bed "A few rules if you want to stay here" he said to her which got her attention.

"One, no committing crimes as long as you're here, I don't need you leading heroes back to my house" He stated and she nodded her head as she sat on her knees.

"Two, don't be annoying," he continued

"Three, don't break anything, is that all understood" he asked and she nodded her head.

Mark sighed "Fine you can stay, but make sure your big friend doesn't do anything weird either" as he pointed to the tree

Poison Ivy looked behind her "Oh that's just Swampy, he is harmless as long as you don't harm the Green" she said with a smile.

Mark still felt uneasy about it so he flew passed Poison Ivy and landed in front of Swamp Thing "Listen… am I gonna have any problems with you here?" He asked politely

Swamp Thing just looked down at Mark and shook his head before patting Mark on the head "Green likes you" he said in a deep rumbling voice that shook the leaves on the trees.

"Green likes me? Why?" Mark asked with no small amount of confusion.

"Gods take special plants away, Mark brought them back, Green happy again" Swamp Thing said as he once again put a big lumbering hand on Mark, patting him on the head.

Mark just nodded his head and smiled awkwardly before walking away, Poison Ivy just went back to rolling around in the garden so he ignored her and went back into his house. 'By gods does he mean the Greek gods? They stole plants from the green and placed them in the Garden of Hesperides? But wouldn't that place count as the green as well?' Mark just shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind he wasn't smart enough to answer them anyhow.

'I should start drinking






Clark cursed, the training robot he was sparing with only lasted three hits before breaking apart. He had come back to the Fortress of Solitude as he had no luck finding Mark, his anger at what the Viltrumite had done to Kara bubbled and boiled beneath his skin and he couldn't find a way to let it out. He needed to let it out somehow otherwise he felt like he'd explode, but the person he wanted to let it out on he couldn't find.

Another robot came rushing at him but he just backhanded it "End the Simulation" he stated clearly and the Fortress AI complied, it then sent smaller robots out to scavenge and repair the robots used to fight.

"Kal-El, it seems something is bothering you, please speak your mind" The voice of his Father rung out, while the AI for the fortress was mainly just an advanced Kryptonian intelligence, his father was also mixed in and could take control when he wished to, though he only did so when he saw Kal needed guidance.

"Kara is pregnant…" Clark said grimly as he placed his hands across a glass interface.

"That is joyous news, another Kryptonian in the world is never a bad thing, so why does this upset you so" Jor-El stated

"Because she was taken advantage of and raped by a Viltrumite" Kal-El said with gritted teeth.

"I see… while I do joy wish to doubt you my son, even as powerful as a Viltrumite is it is highly unlikely they'd be strong enough to rape a Kryptonian who has absorbed yellow sun radiation" Jor-El stated

"She wasn't in her right mind, she was driven by some mating instinct that had been awakened by the Viltrumite" Clark explained.

"I see… an unfortunate situation however for such instincts to become irresistible they would need to hold a mutual attraction, otherwise beings of similar or greater power even enemies would trigger it" Jor-El stated

Clark gritted his teeth and ignored his father's explanation, he knew Kara and knew she'd never do anything like this so she had to have been forced some way "I need to find this Viltrumite! But he seems to have disappeared, he's not in any cities or towns in Kansas" Clark said as he bashed the console.

"Maybe he has taken to living in the forest, it would certainly be a lot safer than the alternative" Jor-El stated

Clark shook his head "He was born and raised in Metropolis and then Gotham, he couldn't adapt that quickly to a survivalist lifestyle"

"Perhaps he built a house or found a disused house" Jor-El stated

"Maybe he used the house Mistress Kara wanted built" Kelex added as he cleaned up the broken parts of the robot.

Clark froze and then turned his head, with a sonic boom he was suddenly in front of Kelex "Give me the coordinates now!!!" He shouted at the robot as his eyes turned red.

After receiving the coordinates the sound of another sonic boom sounded out through the Fortress of Solitude as Clark flew out into the ice-cold air and towards Kansas.


"I said no!" Mark shouted as he tried shoving Poison Ivy out the backdoor.

"Why not! I'm still human you know I get bored and I like food, don't be an ass and let me watch TV" Poison Ivy said as she held herself in the doorframe.

Mark sighed as it had been less than an hour and she'd already broken the second rule "I said you can live in my garden, not freeload in my house"

Poison Ivy snorts "Oh yeah and what is it you do, cause you look like a freeloader too pal"

Mark lets go of her and steps back "I am not a freeloader! I do work! Just not at the moment! I have super important stuff that I'm doing and-"


Poison Ivy saw Mark there one moment and gone the next, she looked at where he was standing and then side to side, there was a large hole that went through the entire side of the building. Though she just shrugged her shoulders and sauntered inside taking a seat on his sofa and turning on the TV.


Mark is thrown through multiple trees and smacks his head against a boulder before he lands in a clearing creating a large crater 'What the Fuck…' he thinks to himself as he rubs his head, he hadn't been hurt that often since his Viltrumite powers came in but that hurt a lot.

He pushes himself up on his knees and then turns around on slightly shaky legs, when he looks up there is only one thought that goes through his mind.

'Oh Fuck…'

In front of him floating in the air with the evening sun at his back was Superman whose eyes were blazing red, on TV he'd never seen the man without a smile even when he was fighting villains. So seeing the look of anger on his face did not bode well for Mark.

"Mark… we need to talk," Superman said as he clenched his fists and his eyes brightened.

(AN: So another chapter done, introduced Marks new Roommates, I did make my own sort of lore which is that the Gods stole a bunch of Mythical plants from the green to use for themselves and put them into the Garden of Hesperides which is in a separate dimension that they created, so the green was sad and now the green is happy since usually when people bring the mythical plants and fruit out they eat them or use them. Anyway next chapter is Superman vs Mark, I've done a lot of research for Marks power on this and ngl I still don't understand half of it so if it doesn't make sense in reality then remember this is fiction, also because I know some people will ask, the reason her Pheromones don't affect Mark is because she's infertile)

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