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70.58% Bleach: The World Revolving / Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Light Sparring (1)

Chương 24: Chapter 24: Light Sparring (1)



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AN: Noticed some reviews concerning whether I'll drop this or not, thought I should make my stance clear. As long as engagement (comments, reviews etc...) continues on this fic I have no plans on dropping it. 

That's all, enjoy.

Chapter 24: Light Sparring (1)

"Having an appetite is good and all, but don't you think a few vegetables here and there would do you some good?" Thanks to the other students having their lessons at the moment, the trio had the cafeteria all to themselves. 

To Koda's delight the quality of cuisine at Shin'ō Academy was more than satisfactory, even though it wasn't on the same level as Unohana's cooking, Koda's expectations when it came to school cafeteria's were admittedly on the low side. 

Granted, this "school" wasn't exactly ordinary, but the way the academy hosted its lectures was strikingly similar to the methods used in colleges on modern earth. Though he had been careful not to get too close, Koda's curiosity encouraged him to take a few peeks through the shutters of active classrooms on the way to the canteen. 

Speaking of which, he had practically gone full blown carnivore when it came to his diet, if you could even call it that. Contrary to Ukitake and Shunsui's pallet, he didn't seem to care much for balance, not that his body really needed it. The more Reiryoku one's body held, the more calories were required to sustain oneself, what form those calories came in wasn't all that relevant. 

"Vegetables are the food equivalent of sadness, there's no training in existence more painful than forcing such flavorless slop down one's throat, speaking of flavor, can someone pass me the salt?" 

Ukitake kindly complied and gently placed the shaker into Koda's hand. 

"Much obliged" The sight of Koda wolfing down pounds of steak like it was water amused his peers quite a bit, their junior seemed to be able to speak quite well, but the way he ate was something they'd expect of a country bumpkin. 

After all Shunsui and Ukitake were both from noble household's of varying prestige, all their life they had been taught proper etiquette and mannerisms, but the starving beast next to him properly didn't even know what those words meant. 

"So, what's it like?" Kyōraku asked with passing interest. 

"What's what like?" 

"I'm talking about your vision, you said that you can only see things within a one-meter radius, is it the same type of vision me and Ukitake experience or something else?" 

Koda momentarily set down his cutlery, wondering how best he should put his perspective into words. Upon further thought, explaining it was much harder than he had imagined, it was like trying to grasp air with your hands. 

"Let me think, well for starters it's nothing like what you two see, the world is obviously almost completely black for me. However, everything within a meter essentially has an outline to it. I'm unable to see textures or the inner lining of objects, but I can easily see shapes and flooring" 

"Interesting, and what about us?" 

"People are basically colors for me, naturally if I'm able to distinguish the person's Spiritual Pressure before hand I'll know who they are, but just of looks alone, both you and Yamomoto look like big clusters of blue fire to me" 

Neither of them had missed out on the fact that Koda had purposefully neglected to mention Ukitake, and since Shunsui was already aware of his friend's condition he knew that the newcomer had realized something was off with him. 

"And me? What do I look like?" Shunsui's pupils contracted, surely Ukitake had an idea of why Koda left that part out, but to his knowledge the man in question didn't particularly enjoy talking about it.

But what was even more startling, Koda was visibly hesitating. His expression radiated discomfort as he evidently appeared reluctant to speak. 

"Uhm, before I tell you I'm going to need you to keep in mind that I am by no means an expert, I have quite literally only begun practicing this technique today so don't take my words for gospel" He was met with two stern nods of agreement before he continued. 

"You're faint, very faint" 

"Which would mea—" Koda abruptly cut him off before Ukitake could continue the conversation. 

"Once again, I am anything but an expert, there's an extremely high chance that it's just a result of my lack of practice. If you want to delve into this topic further maybe bring it up with Yamamoto, he's the one who invented the technique after all" 

Ukitake's expression relaxed as he took a deep breath, calming himself down.

"I see, but this technique, how is it any different from the way myself and Shunsui would detect other people's Reiryoku?" 

"It's more direct, you can feel it can't you? A small portion of my Reiryoku is attached to both you and Shunsui. Think of it like this, what most people tend to do is sense what's around another person, but what I'm doing is sensing what's inside them" 

Normally they'd be surprised, but considering it was their master who had developed the technique it wasn't all that strange that such a thing was possible. 

"Interesting, but I remember you calling it training, what exactly are you improving on by doing this?" 

"Control" He answered blankly. 

"That's it? Yama-ji has already shown us a plethora of different exercises for honing one's Reiryoku, why the blindfold?" 

"Getting a better feel for my Reiryoku is a part of it, but he said the main purpose is to control my instincts, whatever that means" He shrugged as he continued to devour his plate. 

"Instincts? Is that even something you can train?" 

"Apparently" Even to Koda it was still quite an odd concept to wrap his head around, but if it worked it worked, there was no reason to complain. 

"Hm, anyways I think it's about time we move onto a lighter topic. So Koda, where are you from?" That was probably one of the worst questions Shunsui could have asked if he wanted to alleviate the heavy atmosphere.

'So much for a lighter topic, maybe I should just lie?' 

He had considered telling them that he was from the inner districts, but a part of him wanted to know how they would react upon hearing about his "true" origins. Of course, he wouldn't tell them the complete story, as a matter of fact that was something he'd rather carry to the grave. 

His better judgment knew disclosing such information would bring him nothing but problems.

"Zaraki District, what about you two?" 

Both Ukitake and Shunsui looked at each other with disbelief plastered on their faces, they initially thought he was just joking but Koda's tone of a voice suggested otherwise. 


"Mhm, quite the shithole if I do say so myself. Once I crossed over into the inner districts it was almost like looking at a different world, it was a pretty eye-opening experience" 

He was met with looks of pity and remorse, not that he cared much for it. That chapter of his life had already ended the moment he stepped foot in the academy.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you and master meet?" Ukitake couldn't even begin to guess what business the Head Captain had in the 80th District. 

"Through association, he came to recruit someone else and I just happened to be their hostage, for some reason he saw potential in me and decided to make an offer, and here I am, it's really nothing special" His seniors were taken aback at his choice of words, the shroud of mystery that surrounded the newcomer only seemed to increase the more they talked to him. 

"What exactly do you mean, by hostage?" 

Koda simply shook his head, evidently unwilling to divulge any more information. They respectfully left the conversation at that, not wanting to provoke their new comrade so early on in their relationship. 

"Mind showing me where the dorms are?" 


Koda felt Ukitake get up to which he grabbed his shoulder, hopefully he'd be able to abandon this habit soon enough. Having to rely on someone just to know where you were going was pretty weird all things considered. 


As the sun neared the horizon, Koda grumbled as he found his stupor being interrupted by the sensation of having his entire body aggressively shaken, his eyelids groggily parted under the coverings of his blindfold as he turned his neck only to face Ukitake desperately trying to garner his attention. 

"What?" He demanded with an audible hint of irritation in his voice. 

"Hurry up, we'll be late if we're not there in five minutes. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't recommend tardiness on your first proper day" Reluctantly, Koda lifted his bedsheets revealing a chest riddled with scars. 

The sight reminded them of their own mentor, they would have questioned it if not for already knowing Koda's origins, what they saw had all but confirmed the rumors about that hellhole. 

"Don't stare too long, or you might end up angering my kidnapper" 

"Huh?" They had been caught off-guard by Koda's out-of-pocket comment, to which he simply ignored their gaping expressions as he continued to put on his Kosode.

"Nevermind, shall we?" Koda gestured towards the door as they left their dormitories. 

"Ah, do you need my shoulder?" 

With a tinge of embarrassment he grabbed onto Ukitake, he felt like he belonged in a nursing home each time he had to rely on him for something as basic as movement, but at the end of the day it couldn't be helped. 

"Again, sorry about this, I'll get it handled eventually" In theory, he could probably over-exert himself in order to increase his field of vision, but that would more likely than not leave him without any Reiryoku before the day had finished, rendering him completely blind for a solid chunk of time.

"I'll say it again, I really don't mind. We both know first-hand how difficult his training can be, it's not something you're supposed to overcome in a short span of time" Shunsui couldn't agree more, the old man was ruthless, in each and every aspect of his being. 

"That's true, but look on the bright side, the harder the training Yama-ji assigns to you is, the more value he sees in training you. You're probably smart enough to understand this, but his tough love only exists to make us better, without his discipline we'd all end up wasting our potential" 

The amount of progress one would make after completing the Head-Captain's training was immeasurable, if he wanted to he could turn a mere broomstick into the sharpest of swords. 

"Now that you mention it, how long have you two been Yamomoto's disciples for?" 

"He took me in about 6 years ago, and Ukitake arrived only a year after" 

"I see" 

"What's this? Disappointed?" In truth Shunsui was only half-joking, he didn't have much of an appetite for violence, but a small part of him was curious as to what his true fighting strength was. Perhaps once he no longer needed that blindfold he would invite him for a bit of light sparring. 

"Quite the opposite" He responded with a composed smile. 

"Haha, you flatter me but to be honest I'm really not all that impressive" He attempted to shrug off the supposed compliment, but Koda wasn't buying it, not even marginally. 

'Does he think I'm oblivious to the clear malice radiating from his Zanpakuto's? Give me a break, I can sense their desire to shred my Asauchi to pieces from miles away. I am not deaf Shunsui Kyōraku, play the sheep all you want. I'll soon uncover your true nature…' 

Pushing his more, "truthful" thoughts to a deep crevice within his mind, the three of them continued to walk forward as they avoided the dormitories of the other students, students of the first class were expected to wake up at least three hours before the others. 

But being the light sleeper he was, it didn't bother Koda too much. 

Eventually they stood before a large Shoji that led to a private training ground, upon stepping foot inside they were met with a figure with his back turned to the trio, he slowly cooked his head towards them, revealing his lightless eyes and slicked back hair. 

His gaze didn't linger on Shunsui and Ukitake for very long, rather it seemed to land on Koda for an uncomfortably long time. 

"Are you Yachiru?" 

'This is starting to get old…' 

"That would be me, and you are?" If anyone else had dared to refer to Chōjirō without the proper honorifics, obviously save for the Captain-Commander himself, he wouldn't have hesitated to boot them in the stomach. 

Luckily for Koda, Chōjirō had already been filled in on the situation. 

"My name is Chōjirō Sasakibe, but from now you refer to me as 'Sensei' and nothing else, understood?" Koda glared at the aspiring Lieutenant, judging him to see whether it was worth learning from the man or not. 

'He's definitely stronger than me, that's a good start' 

"Understood, Sensei" He was met with an approving nod as he gestured for all them to come closer, they responded in kind as Koda prepared for his first, or technically second lesson in the academy. 

"Since our newcomer seems to have certain complications, I'll be teaching you audibly rather than through literature this time. Yachiru, how many Kido spells can you perform?" 


"Name them" He ordered. 

"Shō, Byakurai and Hainawa" Chōjirō wasn't really all that impressed, after all Koda didn't even know a single spell in the double digits. He would have a lot of catching up to do considering both Ukitake and Shunsui were nearing the 50 levels'. 

"Are they at least combat ready?" 

"I've already used them in combat before, so yes, they are" At least he had something to work with, if Koda couldn't even do that much he would have lost all hope in the newcomer from the get-go. 

"How about your swordplay?" 

'That's more like it!' 

"Exceptional" He didn't see the need to be humble. 

"In that case, Kyōraku, you and Koda will spar, but the use of both Kido and Shikai is prohibited. As per usual avoid the vitals, but everything else goes" Things had gotten interesting, much quicker than Koda had expected them to. 

Iguana32 Iguana32

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