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65.73% Lonely Bear - Russian SI [Second Thread] - Threadmarks / Chapter 94: Mosfilm / Мосфильм (January-March, 1919)

Chương 94: Mosfilm / Мосфильм (January-March, 1919)

Operation in Persia (Qajar Dynasty)]

January 15, 1919, on this date occurs the beginning of the coup in Persia (Qajar Dynasty), which marks an important period in the history of the Qajar dynasty through a remarkable period of transition.

The question is: How did this coup occur?

On January 9, the KGB had completed everything necessary to launch the coup against Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar. Having also detected a possible threat to the military wing of the conspiracy (led by General and Prince Qajar, Feyzullah Mirza Qajar / فیض الله میرزا قاجار).

Radicals not affiliated with the Russian operation attempted an assassination against the general, the result of various problems within Persia at that time (both internal and external, such as the situations in Russia or socialist Turkey).

Yakov Isaakovich Serebryansky, leader of the Uncle Yasha Group and in charge of the KGB in Qajar Persia, used this as a useful asset for the coup. Giving false information to the radicals and preparing a major sabotage.

On January 15, 1919, radicals carried out an attack in the capital of the Qajar dynasty (Tehran) trying to assassinate General Feyzullah Mirza Qajar. But actually when they attacked the car where Feyzullah Mirza Qajar was supposedly going, they attacked the car of the monarch, Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar.

Amid the chaos, Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar died from his injuries and the incident staged by the Uncle Yasha Group.

Wherever there might have been a 'soft' succession to the heir (Sultan Ahmad Mirza), the chaos was exploited by General Feyzullah Mirza Qajar and military commander Reza Khan to establish martial law in the capital (and north-central regions of Persia ).

Arresting many of the old government loyalists not affiliated with Russia and the change of government operation.

Soon Soleiman Mirza Eskandari, Prince Qajar, declared the formation of the National Consultative Assembly or Majlis, essentially the Persian parliament.

Obviously this action would be considered illegal by the hard-liners of the government and conservative members of the imperial family, but the army was soon mostly in favor of the Majlis.

Those neutral or slightly pro-conservative were out of the way, whether by threats, bribery, or other methods that prevented joint or serious action against constitutionalism.

Soon the armed forces arrested many opponents and unaffiliated with the coup, ending the rule of the 'main line' of the Qajar dynasty.

The Majlis soon 'elected' (it was already decided beforehand) Iraj Eskandari (aged 11-12) as the new monarch of the Qajar dynasty, and they 'placed' Soleiman Mirza Eskandari (the new monarch's uncle) as the first Prime Minister and regent of Shah Iraj Eskandari.

Marking a very important transitional government, but one that was effectively established and soon recognized throughout Persia (and internationally).

The first weeks were the most difficult, but the general (and now new minister of war) Feyzullah Mirza Qajar with the support of Russia and the Persian Cossack brigade, was able to quickly restore order.

Those outside the line of the new parliamentary government were put in their place (assassination, expulsion from public life, or simply other less brutal methods) and the new line of the Qajar monarchy was accepted as 'legitimate'.

Many were now happier with the Majlis in place, especially due to Islamic religious leaders beginning to put their support behind the body.

This process of change that parliamentarism established not only established a minimum of democracy and less absolutism, but also brought new elites and other important changes in Persia.

Collaborators like Reza Khan received titles and established themselves as a new part of the Persian elite. In particular Reza Khan took the surname 'Pahlavi', which is today one of the most important oligarchic families in Persia.

Despite bringing new things, some things did not change in the slightest.

Especially the role of Russia in Persia, in fact we can say that the change of government, actively promoted and planned by them, simply kept Persia in the Russian influence, which become even more firm in the country.

Russia continued to effectively maintain all of her privileges and rights on Persian soil, indeed, it expanded them to some extent.

Only now Russia had a much more reliable Persian government, subject to parliamentarism (usually influenceable) and not absolutism.

Persia still had huge debt, but now Russia was investing much more (in more sectors of the Persian economy) and forgiving many more portions of the Persian debt in exchange for a favorable exchange for Russia.

The Eskandari line of the Qajar dynasty proved to be very reformist and progressive, attempting to leave the oil dependency with Russian help.

There were no plans for another coup in the future. For now.

One of the first joint projects between the Eskandari-Qajar Persia was transportation, trade and oil-energy industry projects.

Persia was to enter into the Russosphere projects (common market, free passage of people and goods-services, etc.) and in return it would considerably increase its infrastructure in essential sectors for the Persian population and its economy.

Prime Minister Soleiman Mirza Eskandari was a vital part of the signing of these treaties and planning for Persia, seeking to establish important ideological changes in the country in the process.

Prime Minister Soleiman Mirza Eskandaria founded by Russian influence (especially the KGB) the Tudeh Party of Iran, a leftist party (especially reformist, progressive and socialist with Persian characteristics) that effectively led the Majlis for much of the Eskandari-Qajar dynasty. .

Its rise to power was not only the support of the Prime Minister, but the support of Iraj Eskandari when he came of age and the momentum of constitutionalism in the country.

It was an interesting time in Persia, and it certainly heralded brilliant advances at various levels of Persian society, economy, and government.


[Mosfilm / Мосфильм]

January 19, 1919, the Mosfilm film studio (Мосфильм) was established at the Moscow Film School (the first film school in the world and in the Russian Empire, a very important public institution) at the initiative of the student union and the Russian state.

Today Mosfilm is one of the oldest and largest national studios of the Russian Empire, producing and distributing for film and television, with several subordinate studios (through purchase or simply the founding of new studios).

Why was the study created?

As mentioned, Mosfilm Film Studio was the result of an initiative of the Russian state and the student union of the Moscow Film School.

The state already had Nickelodeon for animation production, but Mosfilm was a useful element to support the efforts of the state and other important studios, produce other articles in the field of cinema and also take important parts of Russian talent (avoiding brain drain or similar) .

A state cinema studio meant the ability to give work and experience to the citizens of Russia dedicated to this field, who could produce not only art (one of the state-promoted goals) but also propaganda for the Russian state.

In addition, there were already plans for other issues in the future, such as the field of film distribution, television films and national-international entertainment, which could mean more money for the state.

Mosfilm then had a notable advantage in resources and potential recruiting pool, in addition to several favorable contracts at the national (and in the future, international) level.

Soon a young generation from the Moscow Film School was very interested in the studio and working on it, such as Sergei Eisenstein.

The period 1920-1923 saw the first great activity and popularity of the studio, which already produced its first famous films in cooperation with the Russian state and the debut of various notable directors.


"So? What do you plan to do after you graduate?" Eisenstein asks his classmate at the Moscow Film School. One of the first generations of the school was to graduate in June 1919.

"I'm not sure ... I came to Russia with simple expectations of better education and food, I have to worry about my family in China but you know. This place is ... the more you spend, the more you end up liking it." Mao Zedong indicates as he sips vodka alongside Sergei.

"What about your family?" Eisenstein exclaims.

"Well, the economic and educational situation in old China was not particularly good for many. But the situation in the Republic of China is not improving much, my brother Zemin intends to pursue a higher education, which is not exactly cheap." Mao Zedong indicates calmly. "He is very bright, especially in business." The Chinese student praises his younger brother.

"... Why don't you look for work here and bring your family to Russia too then? Then you can always decide to go back to China or move wherever you want." Sergei mentions, the relationship between the Chinese student and Russia was still a bit strange but it was clear that Russia was still decades ahead in quality of life, education and economy.

"... I'll think about it. It's clear that not many have the ability to see movies in China right now." Mao Zedong mentions.

After graduating, Mao Zedong joined Mosfilm, initially in the area of scenery and administration (money management), but his main dream was to be a scriptwriter and director.

By 1921, Mao Zenmin and other members of the Mao family moved with Mao Zedong to Russia. Zemin in particular studied economics and business at one of Xinjiang's state universities.

Returning to Mao Zedong, he soon received the interest of the Russian state and began important creative work at Mosfilms.

Eisenstein soon joined by 1921.


Director Mao Zedong later in his life, chatting with an Afro-descendant actor in one of his 1959 live action films.



Emir Habibullah Khan had good intentions in bringing government reforms to the Emirate of Afghanistan, having in particular modernized medicine in the country ...

But of course he himself ruined his chances of success in many steps. For example, his decision to dismantle the country's intelligence services, rehabilitate the exiled opponents of his father, cut ties with vital personalities for his government, etc.

In the end the government of Habibullah Khan brought more negative than positive long-term effects.

For this and other reasons, on February 20, 1919, Habibullah Khan was killed on a hunting trip through Kalagosh (Laghman Province, Emirate of Afghanistan).

The murder of Habibullah Khan was carried out by Shuja ud-Daula, a page in the service of Habibullah Khan, who carried out the murder under the orders of Amanullah Khan (son of Emir Habibullah).

Soon chaos broke out in Kabul, as Nasrullah Khan (brother of the murdered Habibullah) initially became Emir, but also Habibullah's third son, Ghazi Amanullah Khan, began to claim the throne of the Emirate of Afghanistan.

Amanullah took control of the treasury, while Nasrullah was in Jalalabad (supported by especially tribal leaders and Inayatullah Khan Seraj, brother of Amanullah Khan).

This of course meant trouble in Afghanistan, involving Russia and the Imperial Federation.

Afghanistan was in a complex situation.

Russia to the north and the British to the south.

In addition to the Indian revolution in Punjab and the tribal movements (which had been influenced by Afghanistan previously and were a major asset to the Afghan monarchs in the past), tribes that suffered from punitive expeditions at the hands of the British (which in their turn time moved the tribes out of Afghan influence and united them to the revolutionaries).

To make matters worse, both claimants held strongly anti-British stances, supporting the British idea of a necessary intervention of some form to maintain a stable and neutral Afghanistan.

At first Nasrullah did not want to shed blood and even supported Inayatullah Khan's candidacy for the monarchy, but a civil war soon broke out, partly promoted by foreign interests and the lack of talks between the parts.

On February 28, Nasrullah Khan went to the Emirate of Ha'il, taking asylum in the country, and putting volunteers from various parts of the Islamic world to intervene in the Afghan civil war.

On the one hand the supporters of Nasrullah Khan and Inayatullah Khan against Ghazi Amanullah Khan and his supporters (the Young Afghans, led by Mahmud Tarzi), with Russia, Ha'il (and a lot of Islamic volunteers) and the Imperial Federation taking some stance in this matter.

Nasrullah was a pious and religious man, while the Young Afghans were nationalists seeking a modernization of the country.


To discuss the situation in Afghanistan, the leaders of Russia (Czar Nicholas II and Premier Balashov), Ha'il (Emir Saud bin Abdulaziz al Rashid) and the Imperial Federation (Edward VIII and Prime Minister Louis Alexander Mountbatten) held a Extraordinary meeting.

"I am not necessarily opposed to Nasrullah Khan obtaining asylum in the Emirate of Ha'il. But I say it is an unwise decision to support him in the Afghanistan fight." Tsar Nicholas II argues before Emir Saud.

"But Nasrullah Khan was named as the rightful successor by the late Emir Habibullah Khan and is supported by several of Afghanistan's tribes, including older brothers of Amanullah Khan." Emir Saud promptly indicates his defense of and his support for Nasrullah and his followers.

"True, but by involving Ha'il it means greater instability in the region due to the participation of different parts of the Islamic world and the deepening of tribal conflict." Nicholas II insists. "This simply damages the interests and borders of the Russian Empire and British India, something that we obviously cannot allow."

The young Emir thought for a moment, Russia was a very important partner for Ha'il and it was obvious that the situation had to be re-considered.

"We are faced with the possibility of a refugee crisis and border problems due to the instability in the central government in Kabul. The Afghan economy has also suffered a significant decline and tribal conflict is intensifying between the Young Afghans, secularists and nationalists, against loyalist tribes to Nasrullah Khan. " Prime Minister Louis Alexander Mountbatten indicates.

"We want the start of an intervention in Afghanistan to resolve the situation before it escalates." King Edward VIII indicates.

The mention of the Young Afghans soon alarmed the Emir Saud, in Ha'il they were not Islamists but neither were they pro-secularists. It was clear that the debate was not only dynastic, but also had a religious and tribal (local) component.

"This would violate the agreements signed by our predecessors for the establishment of a neutral Afghanistan." Nicholas II responds promptly to this proposal.

"True, but it is clear that with the fall of the central government these treaties cannot be adequately enforced and the region's borders are in danger." Louis Alexander Mountbatten counters.

"Also, none of the candidates is friendly to London, it is clear that Afghanistan would not be truly 'neutral' ..." Edward VIII indicates, once Nasrullah Khan had visited London, but he was not friendly towards the British (and not so much for the Russians).

"What would we need to reach an agreement?" Emir Saud proposes.

"London has recognized the change of government in Persia and how it is now in the Russian sphere. It is clear that Russia should first cut its subsidies to the Emirate of Afghanistan." The British Prime Minister proposes.

"As for Ha'il, it is clear that Nasrullah Khan should stop receiving asylum in your territory." Edward VIII adds.

"What can we do?". Emir Saud asks.

"Well ... maybe we should let the British intervene in Afghanistan." Nicholas II indicates.

"... Don't stop your opponent if he is making a mistake?" Emir Saud mentions.

"Yes, similar. The problem is that we do not know for sure if the British are going to lose in Afghanistan or not, which could be dangerous." Nicholas II responds. "Nor is it that we want an escalation between Russia and the British Empire because of Afghanistan ...".

If victorious, the British would have a major choke point for Russian support for Indian rebels.

True, a war for Central Asia would be difficult, but it did not mean that Russia could show weakness by giving up Afghanistan and losing assets to the British sphere in this way.

The tripartite talks continued.

The British side and the Russian side could not give in much, after all the interests of both in the region were in enormous danger (the neutrality of Afghanistan and the India-Turkestan borders), but it was not the right time for a new great war. .

There was also the Emirate of Ha'il, associated with the Russian Empire, but still without the establishment for adequate measures (so to speak, the country still did not have the mentality to meddle in the affairs of the great powers, but it did have the ambition to a).

* In addition, Ha'il, as the country that owns Mecca, was very involved in matters of the Islamic world, as was the situation in Afghanistan.

It was as if the Great Game had restarted and magnified enormously ...


"A next great war will only happen in the next 10 to 15 years at the very least." King Edward VIII argued about this tense situation in Afghanistan.

"But your highness." Winston Churchill insisted, before being dismissed by Prime Minister Louis Alexander Mountbatten.

"... After the battle of Suez that guy causes me so much irritation." Mountbatten exclaims with Churchill out.

"It's useful for the moment. Have you thought of anything?" Edward VIII asks.

"Another intervention in Afghanistan is a dangerous coin to toss, we could win or lose, both with notable consequences. The problem of course is Russia and the Emirate of Ha'il." Mountbatten indicates.

"The owners of Mecca could be troublesome ... those Arabs." Edward VIII clicks his tongue in disgust.


[Brusilov's planning]


A meeting on March 20, 1919.

"So, we are carrying out the first contingency-emergency plans and war plans of my administration in the ministry." General Aleksey Brusilov indicates. "Any comments?"

"Yes." Tsar Nicholas II promptly indicates. "I want you to focus on crushing possible rebellions within our sphere of influence, particularly North China and Persia for the time being."

"It is understood." Brusilov calmly affirms. "They are a new region in our sphere, if we show weakness they are the ones with the most possibilities of having internal problems or rebellions."

"Precisely. At the moment the Imperial Federation should not declare war on us ...".

"But in a few years, it will pass." Brusilov asserts.

"Of course we all know." Nicholas II affirms.

"But aren't you afraid it's soon? Counting the situation in Afghanistan." Brusilov asks once more.

"They are not that stupid at the moment." Nicholas II promptly indicates. "At best I fear British interference in the internal affairs of our sphere and country."

"I see, that's the business of other officers." Brusilov politely mentions.

"Yes, I'll keep you posted later." Nicholas II calmly exclaims.


War Minister Brusilov's plans for future conflicts mainly involved the organization of counter-offensives to internal rebellions, within the Russian Empire and within the Russosphere.

This was 'sensible', Russia was a great power with a huge sphere of influence and colonial empire. Millions of people and thousands of kilometers under the hand of Moscow, rebellions within these regions had to be crushed to maintain the interests of the Russian Empire.

Besides knowing that the Directorate of National Salvation would try something, it was also a good idea to prepare for similar cases or the consequences of such attempts.

The main concerns within these plans were obviously losing the sphere of influence or colonial territories, which would pose threats to the defense and sovereignty of Russia, loss of economic resources, strategic positions and other vital assets.

In particular China and Persia, since they were parapotential threat vectors to the Far East and the northern Middle East (more firmly within the Russosphere).

The initial response would obviously be the use of military forces, both Russian and allied, but there were also other strategic components in the area of intelligence (against foreign interference) and economic (rebuilding and winning over the minds of the local population).

Brusilov's plans included the formation of institutes such as the Educational Institute of Officers and Administrators of the Asia-Pacific Region.

Speaking of wars against foreign powers, Brusilov was not very active in that area, mainly because he was not the target. And when the time came for WW3 they weren't fully used, because Brusilov died in 1926.

Meaning that his plans to some extent had to undergo major changes and did not take into account technological changes, and in the international situation.



January 1, women are granted the same electoral rights (to vote or be elected to public office) as men in the country of Czechoslovakia.

January 3, strike at a metallurgy plant in Buenos Aires. Armed workers shoot at police who were driving a shipment of metal to the plant, fatally wounding an officer in the process.

5,000 workers go on strike at the port of Folkestone in England, the state threat of lethal force deters strikers from continuing.

January 5, creation of the Red Army of National Liberation of Japan.

This is an urban and rural guerrilla movement, created as an arm of the militants of the Japanese Communist Party in the Empire of Japan against the civil-military dictatorship that occurs in the country during this time (the Imperial Japanese Navy in its fight against the diet Japan and the Imperial Japanese Army).

These communists fight in the fields and cities of Japan, in acts of violence against the armed forces and other material-ideological opponents.

Although originally seen as a small thing, the group soon numbered more than 20,000 members, carrying out gun robberies and attacks on state prisons.

Around 500,000 individuals would support this guerrilla in one way or another, mobilizing against the civil military dictatorship in Japan.

January 6, Theodore Roosevelt, American writer, dies at the age of 60.

January 7, Tragic Week begins in Argentina as many maritime workers in Buenos Aires vote to go on strike and violence among metalworkers against the police increases.

This Tragic Week is a kind of anarchist-communist uprising that includes massacres and riots within Argentina, against the police and the armed forces.

The policy of the Argentine government (led by President Hipolito Yrigoyen) at that time with the workers was confused, and the process resulted in the shooting of strikers. In addition to massacres of Jews (one of the few pogroms in Latin America)

Under these conditions, worsened by the bad atmosphere of the assassination of the previous president (Victorino de la Plaza) and with some foreign intervention (especially British), Tragic Week is only the beginning of notable problems in Argentina.

In part, the beginning of the future decline of the Argentine economy ...

January 8, important portions of Buenos Aires maritime commerce come to a halt during Tragic Week.

The American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) is created in Hollywood (United States), a non-union or union organization that has the objective of promoting the science-art of cinematography.

In addition to wanting to bring together a wide range of cinematographers to discuss techniques-ideas and advocate for films as an art mode.

January 10, railway stations, shipping ports and food distribution centers are completely paralyzed in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

During this time, the Imperial Federation applies a 'shock and takedown' strategy, using Chile, the Malvinas and Peru-Bolivia as a platform to destabilize Argentina during this tense situation.

January 12, martial law is declared in Buenos Aires, leading to greater conflicts between the workers and the forces of the radical government of Argentina.

January 13, through successful attacks (and secret support) anarchist-communists in Argentina obtain weapons from local police stations in Buenos Aires.

The fighting in the Argentine capital intensifies.

January 14, the great escape from prisons in Buenos Aires during the Tragic Week product of the anarchist-communist movements in the Argentine capital.

More than 1,000 dead, 2,000 wounded, and around 50,000 escaped prisoners cause major chaos and commotion in the city of Buenos Aires.

The problems in Argentina extend along with martial law in the north and the mobilization of federal troops.

Jorge Meléndez was hailed as president of El Salvador ... after being the only candidate in the presidential elections of course.

January 15, Joseph Goebbels begins his work in Red Germany under the supervision of Minister Vladimir Lenin.

Later Goebbels would become one of the most important civil servants of the German socialist state next to Ernst Thälmann.

Explosions caused by terrorist attacks occur in the city of Buenos Aires, the result of the fight between the federal government and the Argentine labor movement.

The inter-religious, ethnic and cultural problems in Indonesia and the Philippines generate the growth of Islamic extremism in the region, against the more common Islamic (orthodox) and modernist tendencies.

English actor William Henry Pratt has his film debut.

(OOC: Boris Karloff, I probably don't take his stage name ITL for obvious reasons.)

January 16, during the Ford administration, the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was approved, allowing the prohibition of the sale of alcohol throughout the country.

Of course, it starts a great corruption (secret deals between authorities and capitalist producers in the country) and / or criminality (mafias and similar groups) due to the increase in the demand for alcohol in the country.

Creation of left and right paramilitary groups in Argentina, especially in the urban regions of the country.

Civil strife intensifies within Argentina, expanding from the capital (Buenos Aires) to other parts of the country, including the rural environment.

January 19, the same day of its foundation Mosfilm already begins to work on a film.

In particular, the first film of the study deals with the last Russo-Turkish war and the Armenian genocide.

January 22, first Palestinian Arab Separatist Congress, an illegal congress of Palestinian Arabs who want to separate from the Emirate of Ha'il, which ignores the wishes of the Palestinian region and its natives.

Obviously it is forbidden and he has problems with the authorities of the Emirate of Ha'il.

This first congress was the basis for the opposition of various Palestinian groups to Pan-Arabism in the future.

January 27, a strike of 3,000 people is crushed at St. Andrew's Halls in Glasgow, Scotland, UK (Imperial Federation).

After the forcible flight or imprisonment of many leaders of the Scottish labor movement, the strikers in Scotland are greatly weakened (actually this is the case in many parts of the UK after the Irish revolution).

37,000 workers tried to join, but ended up being ... deterred, by government forces of the Imperial Federation.

February 6, more than 65,000 workers went on strike in Seattle, Washington, United States.

The labor problems in the United States despite the end of the Great Depression continue, and become more serious from now on (reaching their high point in 1921).

The following day, federal troops from the Ford administration were called in to deal with these strikers.

February 7, important laws passed during the Ford Administration, granting greater rights and freedoms to shareholders-large businesses in various acts within the country (including dealing with strikers, monopolistic actions, etc).

In the process, certain privatization measures are adopted, and the rampant capitalism is gaining important powers within the country, in the political-administrative sphere.

The police are expanding in various regions of the United States for fear of strikes and also anti-union sentiment among the right wing increases considerably, fearing a socialist revolution.

"Any man who tries to take control of the functions of the government of the republic will be shot."

-Proclamation of various extreme right groups within the National Republican Party.

February 9-10, women's suffrage loses votes again in the United States government.

February 12, the kingdom of Hungary continues reforms to prevent the rebellion of its Romanian population and other ethno-cultural minorities, for which it takes economic projects to appease them (through improvements in the quality of life).

It doesn't always work, but it certainly helps up to a point (at least in the case of countries like Russia and others in the future).

February 13, the Red Army of National Liberation of Japan proclaims its first programs about the transformation to socialism once the civil-military dictatorship in the country is overthrown.

Most of it includes economic and social issues, but things like cultural politics, what to do with the monarchy, what to do with the country's old guard, and other notable issues remain up in the air.

February 15, without many veterans organizations and the deferral of veteran bonuses (promised by the Clark administration from 1912-1916), many American veterans radicalize to the right (KKK, Silver Legion, etc) or to the left ( Rednecks).

The Royal Navy expands its bases in Northern Ireland, rather than serving a military purpose, they are more like internment and torture camps for dissidents, political prisoners, and other 'troublesome' individuals.

February 16, Mehmed Spaho becomes head of government of Bosnia-Herzegovina in early elections.

Spaho thus becomes the undisputed leader of the Bosnian-Muslims in the country, carrying out an important process of creating 'unity'. He fighting against intellectual and cultural violence, in addition to supporting the technological and economic modernization of the country.

Despite a good job on these issues, Spaho weakened the state (favoring decentralization) and fought for the creation of new landowners in the region (thinking they would be loyal to the government).

Which brought its own long-term problems in several ways, especially in military aspects and future tensions (once Spaho was out of government).

Fortunately Russia was still an important Big Brother that kept Bosnia in a united and decent position on an economic-military level.

February 20, Habibullah Khan, Emir of Afghanistan, is assassinated and with this begins the beginning of the Afghan civil war and the political conflicts between Russia, the Imperial Federation and the Emirate of Ha'il.

February 21, major purges of German nationalists in the Free Republic of Germany.

Socialist Bavaria in particular becomes one of the biggest theaters for the execution or re-education of political prisoners.

February 22, property restrictions for voters in the Imperial Federation are tightened, evidently reducing the political freedoms of those most disadvantaged individuals in socio-economic areas.

February 24, during this period the Ford administration receives 100 million dollars in private donations to finance reconstruction in the United States of America.

Lobbying in American politics is very notable, and in exchange for these donations the Ford administration gives advantageous contracts to private companies from the United States onward.

The fight against corruption during this time is practically non-existent or another excuse to move funds in secrecy.

February 25, gasoline taxes begin in the United States of America.

February 28, Amanullah Khan staged a coup in Afghanistan through his strategic position in the city of Kabul.

March 2, the First Congress of the Communist International, or First Congress of the Comintern, takes place, where more than 51 communist delegations, revolutionary socialists and trade unionists meet in the city of Paris, People's Republic of France.

Between March 2 and March 6, this congress gives rise to the Comintern or Third International, with the aim of promoting the workers' struggle by all possible means (including armed force) for the overthrow of the Bourgeois Dictatorship and the creation from socialist internationalism (International Socialist Republic) in the transitional stage from socialism to communism (abolition of the state, money, and social classes).

For an important part of its history, the Comintern was obviously dominated by the labor movements of the developed world, specifically the labor movements of Europe (West Germany, France, Iberia and Italy, especially the first two).

Delegates appeared from: USA, Southern Ireland (and other English-speaking socialist exiles), Turkey, China, Indonesia, Persia, Russia, France, West Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Iberia, Dutch exiles, etc.

March 5, the Supreme Court of the United States approves measures against anti-draft activists (who were observed during part of the war effort of the United States), in a sense the constitution does not protect the defendants from prosecution.

"In many places and in ordinary times, the defendants, in saying all that was said in the circular, would have been within their constitutional rights. But the character of every act depends upon the circumstances in which it is done."

In this case: "The words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent. Therefore, the defendants could be punished . "

As a consequence of this decision of the Supreme Court, the original meaning of these judgments is diverted and used as a punishment for ideas ...

(OOC: OTL Schenck v. United States).

March 8, trouble in the Kingdom of Egypt, due to the assassination of Saad Zaghloul, an important Egyptian nationalist leader and statesman, at the hands of political rivals of the Wafd Party (Delegation Party / حزب الوفد / Ḥizb al-Wafd).

A national hero, the za'im al-umma, an important leader, had been lost.

The civil conflict is expanding considerably within Egypt and the political-social instability increases, in addition to the problems between officials.

This conflict is further back, when the Kingdom of Egypt continued to adapt the caste system and some measures adopted during French Egypt.

Bringing with this various problems in the social order of the newly independent country, which was in a bad economic and historical position.

On the one hand there were the upper-caste and economically wealthy Egyptian nationalists, and on the other hand the common lower-middle-class Egyptians, who fell into various ideological-populist groups.

A problem in Egypt has enormous repercussions, especially because of the ambitions of regional neighbors and the situation of the Suez Canal.

During this day the Imperial Federation increases its emergency measures against the Indian revolutionaries, they are especially successful in limiting the anarchist-socialist activity in the south but they still have problems in the north of India.

March 15, widespread riots in Egypt.

Rural village fires, looting of large properties in cities and the destruction of main train stations occur over the next 15 days.

March 16, considerable expansion of the KGB, Okhrana and the special forces of the Russian Empire (Spetsnaz).

March 18, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party of Russia increases its official membership to 3 million people, with a youth wing of around 300,000 (and growing).

March 21, the Hungarian Social Democratic Party of Sándor Garbai and Béla Kun, wins important concessions from the Neo-Conservative government of Count Mihály Ádám György Miklós Károlyi of Nagykárol.

As a result, workers' rights, women's rights, pensions and subsidies are expanded to the working and lower-middle classes of the Kingdom of Hungary.

In addition, important projects of the leftist party are approved.

The country's wealth and present investments (mainly coming from Eastern Europe / Russia) are more properly distributed as a result.

March 21, the Russian Empire creates the Educational Institute of Officers and Administrators of the Asia-Pacific Region, in the Sultanate of Aceh.

Through the institute, the Russian Empire creates an important pool of human resources, since many military officers and civil bureaucrats from North China and Southeast Asia (Russian Indonesia, Thailand and others) are sent to the institution.

Effectively creating more allies and assets loyal to Russia's goals in the Asia-Pacific region.

Partly as a result of the plans of General and War Minister Aleksey Brusilov.

As a curious fact, the institute was the first to accept overseas Chinese students in Southeast Asia, which turned many overseas Chinese into assets of the KGB and the Russian Empire.

March 23, the division between left socialism (libertarian or western) and eastern socialism (democratic centralism, 'authoritarianism') is increasing in Italy.

President Costantino Lazzari is suffering from increasing health problems and Northern Italian members in the communist party are promoting Amadeo Bordiga as his successor.

Bordiga in turn is clearly leaning towards reforms, which would point to the liberalization of the economy and society led by the Communist Party of Italy.

Palmiro Togliatti, Antonio Gramsci and Benito Mussolini are increasingly forming their opposition, the hard line of the party, based especially in the south of the Socialist Federative Republic of Italy.

It is especially dangerous considering that Mussolini by this point already commanded at least part of the Italian socialist armed forces.

March 27, the city of Pressburg becomes Bratislava, the city is located in the Slovak part of Czechoslovakia.

March 31, government attempts to stop the violence in the Kingdom of Egypt are unsuccessful.

Rural violence is perpetuated in the following months, the intelligentsia is divided and ideological-political struggle intensifies. There are more than 1000 injured and 800 native Egyptians killed in Cairo, and 31 foreigners of European origin end up dead.

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