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6.06% Blood and Dragons || House of the Dragon Fic / Chapter 2: Old Family & New

Chương 2: Old Family & New

Jace felt like he could breathe again as he was at the wheel of the sea snake, a ship designed by his grandfather that had taken him on his nine voyages, there wasn't a ship better in the entirety of Westeros and perhaps even Essos. Whether it be in the sea or in the skies it was in these places where Jace felt at home, the sea air blowing through his silver locks, it was impossible to remove the smile that appeared on his face.

At times like this with beautiful weather and his dragon Vermax soaring above, he decides to lead his crew into a shanty.

"Oh, Alarra Stark, she's the girl for me, boys" he sings loudly, a song he'd come up with and used to sing on this ship when he was younger.

"Roll, boys, roll, boys, roll" the crew sings back having heard the song many times.

"Oh, Alarra Stark, she's the girl for me, boys"

"Way, hey, roll and go"

"North to Winterfell to see Alarra Stark, boys"

"Roll, boys, roll, boys roll"

"North to Winterfell to see Alarra Stark, boys"

"Way, hey, roll and go"

"Oh, Alarra is the lady I adore, boys"

"Roll, boys, roll, boys, roll"

"Oh, Alarra is the lady I adore, boys"

"Way, hey, roll and go"

"North to Winterfell to see Alarra Stark, boys"

"Roll, boys, roll, boys, roll"

"North to Winterfell to see Alarra Stark, boys"

"Way, hey, roll and go"

"Amidst the snow and icy winds, we roam, boys"

"Roll, boys, roll (roll, boys, roll)"

"Amidst the snow and icy winds, we roam, boys"

"Way, hey, roll and go"

"North to Winterfell to see Alarra Stark, boys"

"Roll, boys, roll, boys, roll"

"North to Winterfell to see Alarra Stark, boys"

"Way, hey, roll and go"

Corlys who was standing beside Jace on the top deck couldn't help but laugh, when he had first met the lad 5 years ago he hadn't expected him to take to sea life so well. But Jace had surpassed his expectations, he was as much a Lord of the Seas as he was the Skies "So boy will you enlighten me as to our destination? Or will you have me guessing until we dock at its shores" Coryls asks amusement on his face.

Jace turns and gives him a smirk "For now we head to Pentos, I know how much you've longed to see your other grandchildren but have not had the time"

Corlys finds himself smiling once again, he did indeed want to see his daughter and her children it had been 5 years since she married Daemon and left for Pentos. Just like with Laenor, he loved Laena deeply, and the halls of High Tide seemed empty with them gone. Though it seems the gods had blessed him with the company of his grandson.

Sometimes he wished he could make Jace the heir to Driftmark, he truly had the sea running through his veins, his father took more after his wife than he did himself. But Jace would become King of the Seven Kingdoms, it was not his destiny to become Lord of the Seas.

"You are a thoughtful lad, Jace, I'm sure it'll be nice for you to see your cousins" Corlys commented getting a nod back from Jace.

"I am more excited to see Vhagar, the largest dragon in the world, the only living creature who was present during the conquest" Jace said his voice full of awe. While no one could replace Vermax, Vhagar was truly an amazing creature, he had seen the gorgeous beast fly over Driftmark with his Aunt when he first started his fostering, but it wasn't too long after that she left with his uncle and he no longer got to see Vhagar.

"Remember Jace, Dragons are dangerous creatures, they are similar to the sea in that regard" Corlys explains getting a look of confusion from the young Prince.

"I am known as the Sea Snake, one of the best sailors in the world, this ship has traversed many waters and yet more than a few times the seas have turned rough and have almost killed me and my crew. Targaryens have a bond with dragons it is true, but dragons are not slaves and just like how the sea can turn dangerous and unpredictable so too can your dragon" He explains getting a nod of understanding from Jace.

Though Jace didn't take his words to heart, which is not too surprising as very few dragon riders could claim to have the bond that he and Vermax have. They have been together their entire lives and have only been separated for no longer than a day at a time.

For a while they both just stand there basking in the breeze of the ocean, the salty air filling their nostrils, Jace turns to his grandfather "You and my uncle both invaded the stepstones together, I've always wondered why?"

Corlys raises an eyebrow at the unexpected question but mentally shrugs "The Stepstones lay in the middle of the Narrow Sea, those who can control the chain of islands would be able to deploy their navy a lot easier than coastal cities in Essos or Westeros could" He explained.

"Can you tell me what benefit this would give a person?" Coryls asks quizzing his grandson on his navel knowledge.

Jace doesn't need to think that hard about it as it's quite obvious "Navel superiority, ships can patrol more often while more of them can be on the sea at a lower cost" he answers getting a nod from his grandfather.

"Indeed, the Triarchy imposed heavy tolls on any Westerosi wishing to trade in Essos, as a sea fairing house it affected us more than most" he continued.

"But if that's true why did you withdraw from the stepstones? You were close to winning so why accept defeat?" He asked with confusion on his face.

Corlys couldn't help but chuckle "My boy I may have withdrawn but that does not mean that I was defeated, right now the Stepstones are in chaos as they struggle to gain stability, the Triarchy can no longer impose heavy tolls on my vessels bringing me even more wealth than before. Occupying the Stepstones would be a fruitless endeavour, there are minimal resources and the place is infested with pirates, but this way I got what I wanted" he explained.

Jace nods his head slowly looking at his Grandfather with awe, he always thought he was intelligent for his age but he hoped one day he could match wits with his grandfather. He turns his head looking forward to the endless ocean before him, his adventure was starting now and he could only hope it wouldn't be his last.


They were finally in view of Pentos, the large port city of Essos. Jace planned to buy some more supplies for his journey but mostly it was to see family, at the moment he was in the rat nest appreciating the view when he heard the earth-shaking roar, with wide eyes he looked over to a large palace and could see through the crowds the largest dragon he'd ever seen which could only be Vhagar. And the long-necked blood-red dragon Caraxes, Jace smiled in amusement 'Uncle always did like showing off' he thought to himself.

"Vermax!!!" He shouted, his dragon without hesitation launched from the ship that was his and flew towards his rider, without any hesitation, Jace jumped off the rat's nest trusting that Vermax would catch him, as was the trust between them. Jace landed perfectly in his saddle and soared above the boat. If being at sea gave him freedom being in the skies made him feel like a king, one of the few people who could claim dominion over the skies.

"Limagon vermax, (Howl Vermax)" Jace shouted getting a loud screech from his dragon announcing his presence in the dance that was unfolding in the skies above Pentos. Vermax was a fast dragon being so young and easily caught up to the larger dragon Vhagar. He barrel rolled over Vhagar playfully as he waved to his aunt who had a shocked expression on her face. He looked off to the side seeing his uncle laughing while riding his dragon Caraxes.

"Dracarys!" They all shout, their dragons all firing gouts of dragon fire in front of them wowing the residents of Pentos below them. Jace twists with Vermax in the air diving down and swooping over the city with Laena and Daemon behind him. He then follows them down where they set down in the large estate of the Prince of Pentos.

Jace easily slides off Vermax, he approaches the large dragon as he sees his aunt hurriedly get off Vhagar, she rushes to him with a smile on her face engulfing him with a hug "Jace! I haven't seen you in so long!" She says as she smooshes him into her chest. Jace hugs her back having missed his aunt as well.

"My my I hope you aren't trying to steal my wife Jace, an aunt as well? Your Targaryen is showing" Daemon says as he walks up to the two having dismounted Caraxes. Jace smiles and lets go of Laena and hugs his uncle, he missed Daemon a lot more as he had been a big part of his life in Kings Landing.

"I'm afraid I can't help being so handsome" Jace retorted getting a laugh from his uncle as he patted him on the back.

Laena puts her hand on his shoulder "What are you doing here Jace? You didn't run away did you?" She says with slight concern on her face.

Jace raises an eyebrow at her "Afraid I might be taking after my dear Aunt and Uncle" he says humorously.

Laena narrows her eyes at him until he raises his hands in surrender "I'm with grandfather, he has allowed me to go on my first sea expedition on the condition he comes along, I thought it would be welcome to stop here in Pentos so he could see you all again" Jace explained getting a teary hug from his aunt.

"We must let the Prince know, he'll throw a feast in honour of him, Corlys is a large trader with Pentos" Daemon states as he grips Jace's shoulder and leads him towards the palace.


(A Week Later)

It had been an interesting week, to say the least, Laena had been very happy to see her father especially because she could deliver the news that she was once again with a child in person, it brought a tear to the hardened veteran of the sea, he always had a weak spot for his grandchildren. The Prince of Pentos was only too happy to host Corlys and another Dragon rider, it was seen as a great mark of respect and a show of power amongst those in Pentos to be friends with the world's last Dragon riders. It also deters enemies who may think twice about attacking lest they be set upon with fire and blood.

However, Jace would have to say the highlight of this trip was meeting his younger cousins, Baela and Rhaena Targaryen, Twins that looked similar to each other but had such conflicting personalities with Baela taking much more after her father than her sister did. But Jace loved them all the same, he had spent most of his time playing with them, and he even took them for rides on Vermax, Baela's Moondancer was too small to be ridden and Rhaenas egg hatched an Ill creature that only lasted a few hours.

Baela Targaryen was running through the halls of the palace with her twin sister Rhaena Targaryen close behind her. The young five-name-day-old girl looked virtually indistinguishable from her sister both having pale skin, long silver-gold hair and purple eyes. They both had smiles on their face as they ran down the corridors dodging past any servants or guards.

"Iksan māzis byka zaldrīzoti (I am coming little Dragons)" a voice sounded out from behind them as they heard loud steps get closer. And then like a dragon swooping down from above they are both picked up in one arm by Jace, the girls giggling all the while.

This was the first time they had met their cousin and were nervous but it turned out they needn't be, he was kind and played with them even though he was older. Jace starts tickling the girls "Do you give up" he asks as they both struggle and wiggle in his arms laughing and trying to escape.

"We give up, we give up!!!" They both said at the same time while laughing as tears fell from their eyes.

Jace however doesn't stop and continues tickling the girls "Not showing much respect to someone who will be the future King of Westeros" he said with a smirk.

"We're sorry your grace! We're sorry!" They both said, Jace finally relents and puts them down. They both push him with cute pouts on their face "Perhaps I went a bit too far" Jace said with a small smile as the twins both stopped facing him.

"And I suppose another ride with Vermax wouldn't be enough to forgive me," Jace said to himself though both girls instantly spun around at the offer hugging each of his arms.

"You are forgiven cousin... though only if you do those tricks again," Baela said trying to do a mature voice.

Jace patted her head and nodded "Of course, there is no other way to fly" he said as he walked down the hallway with both of them still attached to him.

"Do you have to leave tomorrow..." Rhaena says in a low voice as she leans her head towards him.

Jace smiles as he looks down at her "I am afraid so, I have my adventure to go on" he replies.

"Let us come too!" Baela shouts as she pulls on his other arm.

Jace shakes his head "It is too dangerous for someone so small, to grow as tall as me and I promise to take you on my next one" he says humorously.

Baela pouts but nods her head not understanding the time it takes to grow taller "Where are you going, Jace?" Rhaena asks with her purple eyes looking widely at him.

Jace kneels down to eye level with both girls "Can you keep a secret?" He asks in a quiet voice

Both girls nod with their eyebrows scrunched together "I am going to sail the smoking sea and go to Valyria" he whispered his eyes glinting with excitement.

Both girls looked awed as their mouths hung open "But Muna says it's dangerous!" Baela says with her eyes wide.

Jace nods "It is, but think of all the amazing treasures and sights there is to see, it is too much of a temptation to not go" he replies.

"But make sure to keep this a secret, Aunt, Uncle or Grandfather find out they will try and stop me" He explains and gets a nod of reply from both girls, had they been older they would've been part of the group that would stop him from going, however, they were young and did not know the horrors of Valyria. While the others had heard the story of Princess Aerea, with Coryls being a child when it occurred, so they all knew what could happen to someone who travelled to Valyria.

Jace himself knew all the stories of those who had travelled to Valyria but it didn't stop him, nothing would. His blood stirred at the mere mention of the old empire and if he did not see its ruins he would live his life unsatisfied for when he eventually had to sit on the throne.

They keep walking down the halls until they come to the main feasting hall, it is mid-afternoon so supper has not been served yet, however, Corlys, Laena and Daemon are there discussing, Laena looks up and smiles at the children "Girls you came just in time, I and Daemon are going to check on Moondancer, as future riders it's important you know how to check on the health of your dragon" she says, the girls excited at any interaction with dragons they might have.

Jace smiles as the two run along with their mother, he takes a seat with his uncle and grandfather and they pass him a cup of wine. He didn't rather like the taste of wine though that may be due to his age, he still drank it when in the company of family "You two look as if you're discussing another invasion, perhaps you fear the Iron Bank has grown too powerful" Jace said much to the amusement of the two men sat down with him.

"Not an invasion but something of equal import" Corlys states as he takes a sip from his cup.

"Indeed... Jace how do you like your two cousins" Daemon says as he leans forward in his chair.

Jace raises an eyebrow "A strange question to ask, you know I love them, otherwise, I would've spent this week trying to escape them" he said with a small chuckle.

Daemon nods his head "As I thought, I was going to discuss this with your grandfather but he believes you are old enough to be involved"

"Involved in what?" He asks

"Betrothal talks, I believe you and your brother would make good matches for Baela and Rhaena, what do you think?" Daemon asks

"I believe that mayhaps you ask them when they have grown a bit more" He replies.

"Besides it's not as if I'm in any position to accept a betrothal, that would be my mother" Jace states with a smirk.

Corlys nods "The boy isn't wrong, and while it is a good match Rhaenyra may have another in mind, though I'm sure her dashing uncle may charm her to see otherwise" he says the last part with a chuckle.

Daemon smirks as well as he puts his hands up "Fine then I suppose we'll table such discussions for now"

Jace nods "It's for the best, though you assume I'd only be satisfied with one wife"


They had finally left Pentos after a teary goodbye from his aunt and the twins, though it was sad to see them go months on the sea was nothing but glorious to Jace and Corlys, they were masters of the ship and this was their home more so than any land could ever be.

They were close to their next stop which was the ancient city of Volantis, the first daughter of Valyria. It is said that this place is the closest to being like the city of Old Valyria, though whether this is true or not isn't known. Though more likely than not it is just the boasting of the nobles who live there as they claim to be the true descendants of Old Valyria. Something that Jace found laughable as he soared over the city on his dragon.

He was the blood of old Valyria, he had no need for proof as it was below him, the symbol of Valyrian power, he looked down over the city in awe at the thick black wall that surrounded the places where those of the old blood lived. It truly was a marvel, he then saw the Long Bridge which stretched across the Rhoyne, it was filled with buildings across its entire length. It was then Jace made his decision, he wouldn't be entering the east district by a dragon but by foot. He had come all the way to Volantis so he would enjoy all it had to offer.

While he knew Corlys wouldn't be happy about him taking such a risk, the wanderlust he felt was too much to resist, he dove down on Vermax heading towards the western district, the wind blew through his hair as the ground became increasingly closer but at the last second Vermax opened his wings and slowed their descent, coming close to the ground Jace jumps off rolling as he hit the ground, Vermax doesn't stay and flaps his wings going back up to his domain.

Jace can only smile sheepishly at those around him who stare at him as if he were the dragon himself, he quickly disappears into the crowd and heads towards the Long Bridge, along the way he takes in sights that both awe and horrify him. Massive elephants that pull carts of building materials, fruits and vegetables he had never seen before, but there was one thing that he didn't like to see. Cages and cages of men, women and children. While he knew slavery was common in Essos, he was born in a place where it was condemned and it was something he found he did not agree with regardless of the fact.

He turned his head away, while he was a prince in Westeros, here? He was nothing so important and his title would only stretch so far, so it was best not to get involved in these affairs. Though he felt his mood lighten as he finally got to the bridge, it was as if a small city had been placed on the bridge, he saw stands of food and jewellery. Even a few brothels and inns though he can't say the former interested him much maybe in a few years.

He got to the halfway point of the bridge and dangling above him were the hands and heads of various people, Jace had to assume they were criminals as anything else would be a bit harder to stomach. He paid a shopkeeper a couple of silver pieces for a basket of some rather tasty and unique-looking pastries that he munched on as he walked through the bridge. He had finally gotten through the Long Bridge appearing in the eastern district however he was stopped as soon as he had arrived.

"Valītsos lo iksā daor uēpa ānogar orgoz hen arlī endia (Boy if you are not Old blood then piss off back west)" the guard said was a scowl on his face.

Jace looks at him with a smirk "Ñuha ānogar dakogon vok, aōha uēpa ānogar iksis iēdar naejot ñuhon (My blood is pure, your old bloods are like water compared to mine)" he said mockingly.

This was not the right answer as seemed to piss off the guard "Byka qrugh, iksan jāre naejot pyghagon ao ēva ao fry syt aōha muña (Little shit, I am going to beat you until you cry for your mother)" he said venom dripping from his voice, he put his hand on the boy's shoulder to drag him into an alleyway but was hesitant as he saw the boy's eyes boring into him. It sent shivers down his spine and he felt himself hesitating.

"Lo ao jaelagon naejot gaomagon aōha ondos nādīnagon ziry hen nyke (If you wish to keep your hand then remove it from me)" he said in a calm voice, one of the guards next to the instigator chuckled at this but the one who had his hand on his shoulder gulped. He didn't know why such a small boy's words had such an effect on him. Though at the end of the day, his pride won out and he gripped the boy's shoulder harder, he couldn't be made to look foolish in front of his men.

Jace just sighed and looked up "Vermax!" He shouted and a few seconds later he got a roar in return that sent shivers down the guard's spine. Jace wouldn't hurt the guards though scaring them seemed to be an appropriate punishment. Though they are both brought out of the tense situation by a group of soldiers who approach them, Jace looks at them and on their uniform is a purple three-headed dragon over a white field.

'It seems the Volantis nobles have gotten cocky' he thought to himself.

The guards made way for these new soldiers standing at attention not even taking a moment to breathe "Issi ao se zaldrīzes kipagīros ñuha āeksio (Are you the dragon rider my lord)" he asked getting straight to the point.

Jace nodded his head, he did expect this kind of welcome but not so quickly, rather peculiar "Iksan jacaerys Targārien, vermax iksis ñuha zaldrīzes" he replied.

The soldiers then stand at attention and bowed "Issa iā rigle naejot rhaenagon mēre hen ānogar, ñuha āeksio ēza eptan nyke naejot gūrogon ao naejot zirȳla gaomagon (It is an honour to meet one of the old blood, my mistress has requested I escort you to her palace)

Jace just takes another pastry out of his basket eating it "Sȳz yn mēre hen jā se inform corlys velaryon skoriot iksan, kessa sagon kesīr aderī (Fine but one of you go and inform Corlys Velaryon where I am going, he will be docking soon)" he all but commanded getting a nod from the leader of the soldiers who gestures to another. Jace then follows the men who lead him deeper into the east territory.


The soldiers led him through the large walls made of thick black stone, it was truly a man-made wonder. He was glad he had gotten to see it and could cross it off his list. He was now in the district where those who had unbroken lineage back to the doom of Valyria resided. They were a pompous bunch though Jace wasn't worried about that, while they may have some Valyrian ancestor he would be the closest to the real thing as he had a dragon.

The soldiers continued leading him on until they got to a rather large palace, it was larger than Driftmark though not quite as large as Dragonstone, however unlike the two it seems to have no defences whatsoever 'They probably choose to rely on the thick wall that surrounds this district' he thought to himself as they entered the palace. The inside of the palace was even more lavish than the outside with gold embroidered onto the walls and rich tapestries hanging from the ceilings, carpets made from animals he had not seen before.

He saw many servants hurrying around in different directions, each with something to do "Istiti henujagon ao kesīr, ñuha āeksio ivestretan īlva bona emā dāez ondor ōregon hen gaomagon (We must leave you here, My master has told us that you have free reign of the palace)" The soldier said respectfully.

Jace found it quite strange that a host would not greet his guest upon inviting them to their keep, especially one who is a prince and dragon rider, though he didn't much care for propriety "sȳrje nyke kirimvose syt aōha dohaeragon (Very well, I thank you for your help)" he said as he flicked a gold coin to the soldier, he bows gratefully and heads off with the rest of his men.

Jace looks around but then just shrugs 'Might as well explore' he thinks to himself as he starts to walk up the main staircase. From outside the palace looked to have five levels though that was just the main building the towers reached even higher.

However little did he know he had a small follower that had noticed him when he entered with the guards, she clung to the sides of the corridors and hid behind the drapes whenever Jace looked behind him.

Jace had noticed his stalker but chose to ignore it, however after 20 minutes of him being followed he found he didn't like to very much, he turned a corner somewhere on the third level and waited as his stalker turned the corner "Boo!" He said moderately loudly.

"AHHHHHH" she screamed as she fell on the floor in what Jace thought was a bit of an overreaction. As he got a good look at her he couldn't help but be slightly surprised, Long silver-gold hair and purple eyes, and she was short standing at a bit under 5ft her body was delicate and she looked frail though she also had big round eyes that made her face more expressive and a cute face.

Jace couldn't help but feel a bit bad as it looked as if the girl was about to burst into tears "iksan vaoreznuni nyke gōntan daor pendagon nyke sȳngagon ao sīr olvie (I apologise my lady I did not think I'd scare you so much)" he said with a smile on his face as he knelt towards her.

Jace as an apologetic gesture offered her one of the pastries he'd bought on the Long Road "It's okay, Mother has told me I shouldn't follow people around without their knowledge" she says as she wipes her eyes and takes the offered treat.

Jace helps her up and is surprised by how light she is and that she is speaking in common tongue "Mothers always tend to give good advice, though it doesn't stop me from trying to prove her wrong" Jace said with a smile getting a small giggle from the girl.

Jace then takes her hand "My lady I am Jacaerys Velaryon, who might I have the honour of meeting" he says as he lays a kiss upon her hand that sends a blush rushing to her face.

"I-I am Daella Targaryen, my lord, It is I who is honoured to meet you," she says with a small curtsy, though Jace can tell she's nervous when she does it.

He's also shocked when he hears her name, he didn't know of any Targaryens who had set themselves up in Volantis, and he started to doubt the authenticity of her claim "I see..." he says not commenting on her name.

"Would you care to give me a tour of the palace, I've yet to meet the host and know not where I am going" Jace says with a smile that causes the girl to blush once more, however, she nods and takes the offered arm. She's a little shorter than he is but has no issues walking side-by-side with him.

"So how comes someone so young is left by themselves," Jace asks as he aimlessly looks forward, though he looks to Daella when he doesn't get a response to her glaring at him, though it hardly looks intimidating it looks like one of his smaller cousins.

"I'm 13 name days, I am able to care for myself I should think," she says with a pout in her voice.

Jace can't help but be surprised as he stops walking 'She's 3 years my senior but looks as if she were 3 years the opposite' he shakes his head in disbelief.

"My apologies Lady Daella, you look a lot younger than 13 name says" he comments getting a sigh back from the girl.

"I know, my mother said I remind her of her sister, she was small and frail when she was younger. She also said we are both shy and easily scared" Daella says as they walk through the corridors.

It does give Jace a bit more to think about, while he didn't know the entirety of his family tree he did know his own pretty well "You know my Great Grandmother was called Daella, she had a weak constitution as well and died giving birth to my Grandmother" though this may seem unrelated he was fishing for any information he could get without seeming too strange about it.

Daella's eyes widened "That's the name of my aunt and namesake, when my mother saw how small and weak I was she said the name was fitting," she said with excitement though to Jace it seemed rather harsh a reason to name your daughter that.

They had finally reached a large set of doors, Daella knocked on them and heard a voice calling for them to enter "What was your mother's name?" Jace asked though he felt like he had the answer already. Daella turns to him and smiles.

"Saera Targaryen"

(AN: Ugh I hate writing filler but it needs to be done, sadly you can't just skip to write the bits you want or maybe you can idk. Anyway if things seemed a bit rushed In Pentos that's because they were, just introducing characters that you'll meet later, next chapter will be the continuation of Volantis and then go into Valyria. Daella is an OC that I've based off the original Daella. I really liked her character but couldn't add her into the story cause she'd be old as shit. Also if things are different or not the same as the books then 99% of the time I've done it on purpose. One example being that the engagement doesn't happen yet and the twins aren't presented at court or to Viserys. Hope you enjoyed the chapter let me know what ya think)

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