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64% The Grind (And Helping Heather Potter) [Book 2] / Chapter 43: 36: Family of Veela

Chương 43: 36: Family of Veela

I ducked. I dodged. I dived. I danced. Spells rocketed around me. One zipped past my face. I heard it crackle. I felt the air warp in its path. The smell of ozone and magic briefly shocked my senses.

Most of my mind was understandably preoccupied but I recognized the Lightning Spell when I saw it. An absent part of me wondered why it moved slower than actual lightning. I shouldn't have been able to dodge that without some form of combat precognition otherwise. And I wasn't nearly that good with Divination.

Barks of "Constant Vigilance!" filled the Room. The spells themselves were cast silently. The only warning I had each time was the twitch of a wand. Add another wand casting just a touch less fiercely and I was hard-pressed to keep up.

The flames of an Incendio roasted the air where my head just was. I dropped to the ground and rolled on my side. Even with my physical stats, I didn't have enough time to get to my feet the usual way. A wandless Banisher to the floor fixed that problem.

A quick Stunner was hurled at the space I should have occupied if I stood naturally. The recoil from my Banisher raised me into the air quicker than it could arrive. My legs tucked me into a ball. I landed in a forward roll, dodging the next Stunner that was tracking my movements.

I didn't have time to think about what I was doing. My body was just reacting. Paradoxically, that left me with a lot of time to absently ponder things like the Lightning Spell problem. Or whether Tonks could use her powers to change her body internally or if it was just an external change with magic taking care of the fiddly stuff. Purely for academic purposes, of course…

Meanwhile, my body moved faster than any Human should have been able to. I wasn't so much stepping as I was kicking the ground. Each kick sent me flying as if I'd stepped thrice. The only issue was controlling that sudden momentum. It was a skill I was naturally forced to practice as this exercise got more and more intense.

It made me wonder why every Wizard and Witch didn't take advantage of the physical side of magic. Some obviously did. Moody and Tonks hadn't been surprised when I started moving supernaturally. So Aurors likely trained their bodies to this extent at least somewhat. And I'd seen a Wizarding photo of one of Flitwick's professional duels from start to finish. There was no way they could move like that if they weren't tapping into some kind of physical magic.

But I'd never heard of this phenomenon being explored. It seemed Wizards and Witches took magic's physical assistance for granted. Or maybe they just thought nothing of their Aurors being on par with literal Gold-medalist Olympians.

To be fair, I could already imagine the response I'd get if I raised the subject. "Of course, we're faster/stronger/more fit/better than the average Muggle without even trying." That kind of thing…

Magic wasn't just used to enhance physical movements and feats though. It had to inextricably change a Witch or Wizard's physiology. Quidditch players for example. Their ability to withstand low-fighter-pilot-level G-forces wasn't impossible. Merely peak Human. But to do so for a whole career without experiencing spinal problems of any kind? That was where magic had to come into play.

The inquisitive side of my brain wondered what an extended study of Quidditch players would find. Particularly Seekers. Was magic reinforcing their spines as they encountered intense G-forces in a sort of adaptive evolution? A project for when this was all over, perhaps. I was certainly looking forward to the break this summer would offer after Voldemort was taken care of.

My mind wandered from topic to topic. My body reacted instinctively, rocking and rolling with everything Moody and Tonks could throw at me.

A short pause before I kicked off again. A spell shot through where I would have been. A change of direction and a dip of my torso. Another singed the air above my head.

The grouping of the spells grew progressively tighter. My dodges narrowed. They were catching on to my habits. I didn't have time to plan how I would switch them up.

My magic cycled through my body. My reactions quickened. They were still boxing me in, moving around the room for better casting positions. My focus was sharp, my instincts sharper. My thoughts were quiet for once-… Oo, I haven't seen that one before!

Fuck-! My curiosity at seeing a new spell cost me precious moments. Too close to dodge now. It would clip my side no matter how fast I moved. And I wasn't allowed to use Shield Charms for this whole exercise.

My hand moved in a blur. It was coated in my magic, resting just above my skin, before I thought about what I was doing. I'd done this before. But only with a wand. Even then it was tricky. Still, I was committed.

I swatted the spell with all of the frustration I felt at losing my focus. It wasn't like hitting something solid, liquid, or even gaseous. There was a bit of give to it and a lack of something else. Tangibility and intangibility? Essence and non-essence?

Something impossible to place in an instant. It was there but like it was not quite in sync with our reality yet. At the same time, it was constantly in flux, potential energy made manifest.

I focused on the spell bouncing. I pumped more magic than I usually used for spell deflection into my hand. It worked. For the briefest of moments, a void was left against the second skin of magic I'd created. Then the reality around it came rushing back in with a crack. The spell disappeared and a wall to my left erupted into colorful sparks.

Moody and Tonks paused. I did as well. The world seemed to stutter. None of us were expecting that to work as well as it did. The next spell was still already in motion. It hit me in the leg and I felt myself fall. Thankfully, it was only a harmless Tripping Jinx.

I landed on my bum in disbelief, "Oof!"

"So…" Tonks drawled. "Did you mean to do that?"

"Uh, yeah…" I confirmed. "I didn't want to get hit by whatever that was. And I got distracted by trying to figure out what that… 'whatever' was."

"Ah, there was your mistake," Moody nodded in realization. "I thought something happened. You were doin' good, kid."

"Still lost though, didn't I?" I grumbled.

Moody barked a laugh, "This isn't really an exercise you win. You just last as long as you can. Even this one can't last more than 30 minutes and most of my Aurors couldn't make it 5. 19 minutes is a time to be proud of, Black."

Tonks puffed herself up, proud as can be, "Yep, still not better than me though, Atlas~!"

"You? I can't see it," I deadpanned.

"Believe it!" Tonks grinned smugly. "I could beat Madam Bones and Mad-Eye in their primes! I'm the best dodger in Britain!"

Moody cut straight through that pride, "You wanna tell him why you have that title?"

Tonks blushed pure scarlet, "… Weaponized clumsiness…"

"It isn't pretty to look at but it's effective," Moody chuckled.

"You quite literally trip your way to victory?" Amusement crept into my tone.

"S-Shut up!" Tonks sputtered. "If it works, it works!"

I smirked, "I'm sure it does."

Tonks sniffed, "I don't think I appreciate your sarcasm."

"Oh, don't lie, Tonks. You love having someone willing to tease you back. Even if your defenses are weak as hell."

"Atlas?! You take that back!"

"Make me, Weathergirl."

"What does that even mean?!"

"Wouldn't you like to know, Weathergirl?"

"Argh!" Tonks yelled and gave chase. I laughed and began dodging again. It seemed we were starting again. I was more than okay with that. More Grinding for me.

< +1 to Dueling, +3 to Melee, +3 to Awareness, +4 to Tactics, +6 to Focus, +6 to Agility, +8 to Evasion >

< Dueling 54+1=55/100, Melee 7+3=10/100, Awareness 49+3=52/100, Tactics 48+4=52/100, Focus 46+6=52/100, Agility 45+6=51/100, Evasion 40+8=48/100 >

< +1 to Soul, +2 to Body >

< Soul 53+1=54/100+, Body 51+2=53/100+ >


"Merlin…" I muttered, stunned by what was presented to me. "This is perfect. It's everything I needed."

Bella was practically vibrating out of her skin, "Mommy did good?! Did I?! Did I?!"

I patted her on the head, "Yes, Bella. You did great. Thank you for your help."

Bella exploded with joy, "I can get more! If the Black Library doesn't have any more books on the subject… Oh, I know! I can steal some!"

"Please don't-…" I stifled an exasperated sigh before pausing. "Wait, steal from whom?"

"Oh, just a certain few Dark Houses…" Bella grinned. "The Dead Bastard Brothers, for example. They never gave me access to their vault so it's technically stealing even if the stuff should be rightfully mine by that damned contract. But fuck that thing!

"Oh, and MacNair! That creep always had an unhealthy obsession with rituals. Why else would he want to become the Ministry's Executioner?"

I hummed, "Hmm, we could use all the help we can get…"

"Just say the word!" Bella looked ready to run off for the heist there and then.

"Let me go through what you've gotten me first," I deflected for now. "If I still need more after that, you can do whatever you feel necessary."

I turned over the pair of books Bella had gotten from Grimmauld Place for me. One was normal. The other was wrapped in what could be nothing else but Human skin. Even closed, its pages glowed with a sickly purple light. Strangely enough, I had a feeling that one would be the less useful of the pair. It just seemed like it was compensating for something…

The creepy, dramatic book was titled "Most Sinister Rituals of the Baleful Dark and Devouring Black". The normal-looking one was simply titled "Rituals Through History, Good and Bad". That no-nonsense title filled me with confidence.

Hopefully, the normal-looking book would have something I could use. Otherwise, I'd have to delve into the self-important theatrics of whatever impossibly arrogant Wizard wrote the first one. If I didn't find anything in either, I'd have to try my hand at the very dangerous field of Ritual Creation.

I had something in mind already. A ritual I read about not too long ago. The one that had been used to banish an 'Immortal Titan' in Ancient Greece. I suspected it involved Horcruxes or proto-Horcruxes and I was hoping to find more information on it. If not, at least I would have a place to start…

Something pulled me from my thoughts. A rustle. A spell. A certain tension and excitement rising in the room.

"Bella…?" I asked without asking.

Bella paused, already all the way out of her clothes, "What? Mommy did good, right? So Mommy deserves a reward…?"

She clasped her hands together in front of her. Her breasts featured prominently between her arms. She turned on the doe-eyes at full force. She must have learned that look from Luna…

Despite myself, I was already hard enough to tear through my pants, "A reward. Yes, that sounds about right…"

Beaming an excited, manic smile, Bella bent herself over a nearby table. Her bum wiggled at me enticingly. Her flower bloomed between plump, succulent lips. Juices leaked down her thighs.

She looked back at me expectantly. I couldn't do anything else but banish my clothes and slide my cock home. I didn't want to anyway. Good work had to be rewarded, after all. I groaned as tight, silky heat engulfed me. Thank Merlin for manic, eager-to-please Mommies…


"Dear Professor Atlas Black,

"Gabrielle has told me much about you in her letters home. Be proud. She sings your praises regularly and seems utterly content in your relationship. 

"Fleur's letters speak of you often as well. Her opinion of you seems to be… conflicted… to say the least. But I digress.

"Sebastion — my husband — and I will be visiting Britain from today onward. We hope to stay through the Third Task of this — in my opinion — foolish tournament. Still, Fleur is determined to participate and we will support her in everything she does.

"Madam Maxime has been lovely enough to offer us accommodations in the Beauxbatons carriage. As such, I would like to extend an invitation to you. Come join me and my family for dinner tonight. I, for one, will welcome you with open arms and we shall work on getting Sebastion to do the same.

"Please, do not judge him based on the hostility you may well be greeted by. He has seen much in his life and is terrified that the worst the world has to offer will take away those he holds dear. He is a man with something valuable he feels he must protect, not a villain. All I ask is for you to treat him as such.

"If you do that, I'm sure we will all come to understand each other eventually. From what Gabrielle has told me, I suspect you and him are more similar than he currently realizes. You are both men with something to protect. A country. A family. A coven. Keep an open mind and you will surely see eye to eye.

"I hope to see you as part of our family soon enough.

"-Sincerely, Apolline Delacour."

Apolline Delacour nodded to herself. The letter would have to do. Her future son-in-law deserved some warning of their arrival, after all. Hopefully, the dinner invitation would lead to a productive conversation and a positive relationship for the future to build upon.

With Sebastion still being rather silly about this whole thing, it would be good to have at least one party willing to talk civilly. Sebastion would come around. Of that much, Apolline would make sure. But for now, he was quite irate.

That left it up to Apolline to play the mediator. Usually, it was the other way around. She was a very passionate woman. That passion spilled over into everything she did. From how she loved to how she waged war, often two sides of the same coin for Veela.

Sebastion Delacour, by contrast, was usually a very calm, collected, and most of all, reasonable man. He was decisive and stubborn, but not afraid to compromise. Those qualities served him well as Magical France's Head of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador-At-Large.

The one exception to these qualities in Sebastion Delacour's life was when it came to his family. There, he was fiercely protective and prone to extreme reactions. Apolline knew why. She knew about his fears. The ones caused by holding three Veela so close to his heart and centered around how to keep them safe from the cruel wider world.

Apolline understood her husband's fears. She even thought they were cute and heartwarming at times. But that didn't stop them from being, again, rather silly and a touch infantilizing.

Apolline could certainly defend herself. She knew the cruelty of the world better than Sebastion did. And she'd made sure Gabrielle and Fleur were the same. So Sebastion's protectiveness was touching but usually an overreaction at the same time.

Thankfully, Apolline was there to fill in Sebastion's blind spots. He could focus on protecting them as much as he wanted. She would work towards other solutions, as well as focus on breaking through his stubbornness and making him see reason. She wouldn't let him sabotage his relationships with Fleur and Gabrielle because of an overreactive decision that they would certainly rebel against.

As was usually the case with over-protective fathers, Sebastion hadn't fully internalized how old his daughters were now. 20 and 16, they were both firmly into a Veela's maturity. In the Veela Clans, they would have already ventured out to find valuable mates.

They would always be his littlest feathers. But he could not keep Veela like them confined only to his little nest for too much longer. Fleur and Gabrielle were spreading their wings. That would return when they were ready.

Making Sebastion realize the reality of having mature Veela daughters was part of Apolline's goal today. As contrary as it might seem, she hoped this Atlas would help with that. Gabrielle had already found her mate. She suspected Fleur had as well, though she seemed to still be in the process of accepting that fact.

With Atlas in the picture, they wouldn't have to wander the cruel world to find those their instincts drove them towards. Hopefully, Sebastion's mind could rest at ease knowing his daughters would not be going on long, dangerous journeys of self-discovery. He would even still be able to give the 'shovel' speech to their mate, Apolline chuckled to herself.

That the sisters would share a mate was just par for the course for Veela. If Apolline had a sister, Sebastion likely would have found himself with a second wife. After all, birds of a feather…

When they arrived at Hogwarts, it was nearly evening. They quickly settled into their temporary quarters within the Beauxbatons carriage. Sebastion was antsy, wanting desperately to find his daughters and give them a piece of his mind, Gabrielle in particular.

Apolline couldn't let that happen just yet. The letter she sent should have arrived this morning. She didn't know if she would receive a reply or if this Atlas would come directly to them. Neither Gabrielle nor Fleur were in the carriage. Apolline had faith they would at least convince their mate to honor the invitation in the spirit it was given.

The room they'd been set up in was quaint but elegant. Apolline knew not to expect anything less from Madam Maxime. Sebastion wasn't so willing to settle into their surroundings. He couldn't wait a moment longer.

He stormed to the door of their quarters, declaring to himself and Apolline, "Now, where is the bastard that's trying to steal my daughters?!"

He swung the door open, only to stop immediately. The way out was blocked by two very familiar figures and one unfamiliar one. Fleur looked about ready to die of embarrassment. Gabrielle looked insufferably amused as she usually did when she was enjoying the chaos around her. The unfamiliar man between them just smiled, his face unreadable other than that.

He stuck out a hand for Sebastion to shake, "Hello, I'm the bastard that's trying to steal your daughters. Atlas Black, at your service."

Fleur struggled not to facepalm, "Oh, mon dieu, Atlas…"


The five of us sat around the table. The tension could have been cut with a knife. The air was thick with intent and thinly-veiled hostility. All of that intent and hostility was directed at me.

Apolline and Sebastion Delacour were a picturesque couple. They were both beautiful people, though not quite what I was expecting. Some part of me had been expecting a picture of French nobility, haughty and perfectly put together.

Apolline almost embodied that expectation. But even then, there was an air of spice and fire around her that was impossible to deny. I had no doubt that she was always the most interesting person in the room wherever she went. The way she carried herself just attracted the eye like nothing else, surpassing even her Allure.

Like Fleur and Gabrielle, she was inhumanly beautiful. But with her, that factor was even more so somehow. Like she'd just descended from the Heavens to lead men to greatness or rose from the depths of Hell to tempt mankind to sin in equal measures.

Her blonde hair fell like literal waves of gold. Her eyes sparkled like emeralds, yet there was a warmth there, a fire, that couldn't be found in the real world. She was pure passion incarnate. She was the kind of woman who would drive men willingly into madness. Apolline Delacour was a master-crafted jewel. I could see why Sebastion Delacour treasured his family so much.

Sebastion was definitely not the man I anticipated. Obviously, I didn't expect a powdered wig and tights (though part of me would have loved to see that), but he didn't carry himself with an air I would have normally associated with the idea of a French Pure-Blood either.

Actually, I didn't even know if he was a Pure-Blood. He certainly didn't seem like one. He was handsome, magically so. But he had this roguish charm to him. He looked like an experienced sea captain, a well-traveled man, more than the foreign official I knew he truly was.

His impossibly pale blue eyes shined with an inner light of magic and charisma. His hair was pure white. It was somehow styled and windswept at the same time. A well-trimmed beard covered his chin and lined his jaw. He even had a tattoo I could see, some kind of sea monster that crept up his neck over the collar of his shirt.

Honestly, they seemed like fascinating people. I would have loved to get to know them. But right now, one of them was definitely not my biggest fan.

Sebastion's glare felt like the fury of the sea. But I couldn't let myself go easily into the storm there. I was here to bury the hatchet. I wasn't going to take offense to his hostility. Apolline's letter and invitation had deserved at least that much consideration. And for Gabrielle — and Fleur, I suppose… — I would put in an effort into getting along with him.

"Daddy? Pass the salt, please," Gabrielle asked.

I have no idea why I reached for the salt at that. I think Gabrielle set me up for it. It wasn't like she called me Daddy at all. But I did anyway. And Gabrielle's actual father did the same. The glare he gave me could have been used to cook our meal…

I coughed awkwardly, "… My apologies."

Gabrielle giggled. Sebastion tried to drown me alive where I sat. Apolline shook her head and tutted softly. Fleur had her head buried in her hands since we all sat down. She desperately didn't want to come up to face the reality of me meeting her father.

She groaned into her hands, begging, "Atlas, Gabby, Please?!"

"So, Atlas…" Sebastion almost spat. "Is this how you treat my dear youngest daughter? You let her call you something so… so depraved?! I know exactly what that name can mean! Apolline and I have used it on more than one-!"

"Papa!" Surprisingly, Fleur jumped to my defense. "You as well?! Atlas does nothing of the sort!"

"It was likely just another of Gabby's jokes, Sebastion. Do not think too hard on the issue," Apolline soothed.

Sebastion's jaw was tight, "Oh, you defend him now, Fleur? Were you not the one who insisted I do something about him in the first place."

Fleur hesitated, "I-… Things have changed, Papa…"

"Did he not trick Gabby into bonding with him?! Did he not steal her heart in the most literal sense?!" Sebastion was working himself up to a head of steam.

"… I may have overreacted when I said that," Fleur demurred, looking as embarrassed as I'd ever seen from her.

"I told you so, Papa~" Gabrielle singsonged.

"Not helping…" I muttered, nudging her.

"As did I," Apolline nudged her husband as well, though her nudge was accompanied by a look of disapproval. "You should know better than anyone that a Veela bond is not so simple, Sebastion."

"This is different, 'Pol!" Sebastion shot back.

"Why?" Apolline wouldn't back down. "Because it concerns your daughter? It isn't different at all. We met the same way."

"Of course, because it concerns my daughter-…! Wait, what do you mean we met the same way?! We met at a banquet, Apolline!"

"You saved my life and purity before we officially met, Sebastion. Do you remember the Summer of 76? That ravenous Werewolf you led away from its original prey? That was me, Sebastion. And you know what Werewolves do to Veela when they lose control. After returning to the Clan, I ventured out to find you again. Just like Gabrielle did for Atlas here."

"I-I…" The fire seemed to partially go out of Sebastion's eyes. "Bah, when has hypocrisy ever stopped a Frenchman?!"

"Sebastion…" Apolline warned.

The rest of the fire in Sebastion went out and he sighed, "Fine, 'Pol my dear… I shall try…"

A few long moments of silence followed. Eventually, though, I extended my hand to Sebastion again, this time over the table.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Shall we start over?"

He eyed me for a moment before grudgingly taking my offered hand, "Sebastion Delacour. Head of Foreign Affairs and Amabassador-At-Large for Magical France. Also, a father with a magical sword that he will not hesitate to use if you hurt his little feathers…"

I actually grinned at the magical equivalent of the 'shovel/shotgun' threat, "Atlas Black. Hogwarts Professor. Orphaned Muggle-born who turned out to be neither of those things. And Fleur's arch-nemesis."

Fleur scowled at me, "Perhaps I spoke too soon. Things have not changed. He is still a rogue and a villain. Papa, you should challenge him to a duel for my honor!"

Surprisingly, Sebastion just laughed, "Hahaha~! Oh, I really shouldn't be laughing at that but I suppose it's just the way things are in my life now… Fleur always was the dramatic child… An arch-nemesis just seems appropriate now."

"Wha-! Papa!? You would betray me like this?!" Fleur sputtered. "Fine! I will challenge him myself!"

"Oh? How will you challenge, Mon Ange?" Gabrielle asked innocently. "If I remember correctly, he's already beaten you in one way~"

"T-That didn't count! A-A rematch! Oh… a rematch~…" Fleur shuddered, suddenly lost in thought.

I tensed slightly at the hidden implication in the sisters' words. Sebastion just sighed, "I should expect nothing less from this family…"

I chuckled somewhat awkwardly, thankful that the hostility hadn't resumed, "Haha… yeah… I don't envy you."

Sebastion looked at me with a long-suffering look in his eyes, "You will. Both of them? And however many daughters you have? You will…"

"Uh… No, just Gabrielle-…" I started to say, not even truly believing those words myself.

Sebastion just nodded, bowling right over what I said, "Yes, both of them. You are the luckiest man in the world. Also, the man whom God will test the most. To deal with their antics for the rest of your life… Well, welcome to the family, son-in-law."

"Uhmm…" Was it strange that he was accepting me so easily now?

"Oh, how nice it will be to have another man in the family to share my pain with!" Sebastion looked so utterly relieved at the idea.

Ah, that explained some of it. Still… "You seem to be taking this rather well now."

"Commiseration! The manly bond between father and son-in-law!" Sebastion declared over-dramatically. "Finally! I will not be the only man in a family of Veela. Blessings though they may be, a man does begin to crave some testosterone to share a drink with."

"I'm beginning to see where Fleur gets it from…" I muttered.

"Don't you love us, Papa?" Fleur asked, her lip trembling.

"More than you could possibly know, my feather!" Sebastion exclaimed, almost offended by the question. "But a man has needs! I cannot survive solely off my love for you, no matter how great that love is!"

Fleur sniffled, "Very well, Papa. You may have your 'manly bonding time' with this Devil. Perhaps it will do him some good. His manners and attitude toward me are sorely lacking, of course."

"Worry not, Feather!" Sebastion raised his head high. "I shall tame this Devil and forge him into a worthy husband for you! It is the least I can do!"

"H-H-Husband…?! How love-… Deplorable~! O-Of course… he wouldn't be satisfied with just Gabrielle…" Fleur blushed furiously, suddenly swept away by fantasies. "I-It cannot be helped. I must do my part as well… M-Marrying my… nemesis… is a sacrifice I am willing to make!"

Gabrielle played along with a wicked grin, "Ara? Without my permission? Are you trying to steal Mon Ange for yourself? Fleur, how could you?!"

"A-Ah! I would never, Gabby!" Fleur denied desperately.

Gabrielle nodded matter-of-factly, "I see… Of course, you don't wish to marry him at all. You simply desire to be beneath him in all things…"

"I-I-! Wha-! That's-! Nnnn~!" Fleur sputtered, barely getting any words out. Her blush could have been seen from space.

"It is only fair," Apolline said simply, adding fuel to the fire. "The sister who admits her feelings and acts first is the head wife. Congratulations, Gabby. I'm sure Fleur will be fine as a mistress."

"O-Oh, how humiliating~!" Fleur practically moaned.

Sebastion just gave me a deadpan look, obviously used to his family's antics, "Yes… I should have known better than to assume Gabrielle was the victim in this situation. You will share my pain, Atlas. Don't worry. You grow numb to the embarrassment after a while."

"I should hope so," I was beginning to truly understand his excitement at having a son-in-law to commiserate with. "I don't know how I could handle my daughters talking so openly about the intimate sides of their romantic lives."

Sebastion laughed, "That's the easy part! Atlas, they are Veela. I've known they would be women of untameable desire since they were 14. Apolline has certainly reminded me of that part of their nature enough. They are mature Veela. They cannot quench the passion that burns inside them. Why should I be ashamed of that?

"No, the hard part is worrying about everyone else around them. I think that's why I treated you with — admittedly unfair — hostility. My fears of them getting taken advantage of clouded my judgment. I should have trusted Gabby and listened to Apolline. Of course, Fleur's 'conflicted' feelings on the matter didn't help…"

"I think…" I said slowly. "That those fears were entirely appropriate for a man, a father, in your position… You didn't know me. Your youngest daughter was singing my praises after a traumatic event. Your other daughter was arguing against me, declaring me 'the Devil'. I think I would have felt and reacted the same way."

"Perhaps," Sebastion nodded. "It still wasn't quite the right reaction. I should have taken a few moments longer to consider the information but Fleur has never lied to me. In my fear, I trusted her over thinking logically about the situation."

"Err… I don't think she lied to you," I defended. "She truly seemed to believe I was tricking Gabrielle when we first met."

"Ah, misunderstandings. My Fleur is a little prone to jumping to conclusions, isn't she?" Sebastion smirked with fond amusement.

"You could say that… She certainly keeps things interesting though."

Apolline and Gabrielle kept 'bullying' Fleur in the background and adding fuel to the fire. I only caught bits and pieces of it through my conversation with Sebastion. Something from Gabrielle about how Fleur would be lucky to get a spot at the foot of the bed if she didn't make up her mind soon. Something else from Apolline about how she didn't want to see her oldest daughter grow old and alone in her delusion.

Eventually, Fleur exploded, "Enough! I-I do not have to sit here and take this! I can make up my mind too! Better than you, Gabby, for I've actually thought about the issue! Oh, how I've thought about it~…"

Gabrielle smirked smugly, "Is that so, Fleur~? I thought Atlas was the Devil. Why would you think so much of joining me with him?"

"T-To keep you in check! The truth is obvious to me now!" Fleur declared. "Atlas was never tricking you, Gabby. You're tricking him!"

"Is that so~?" Gabrielle got out between giggles. "Hear that, Mon Ange? I am tricking you~"

"Don't drag me into this," I deadpanned.

Fleur took that as proof, "See!? Even now, you try to trick him into going against his best interests! It makes so much sense now! Oh, I've been mistaken~! I've always known my sister would be the true Devil! Please forgive me, Atlas~?"

"If I am the Devil, why do you fixate on Atlas so much?" Gabrielle teased.

"Just more of your trickery, Devil-Sister," Fleur scowled. "You were there when he 'beat' me the first time! It was even your idea! Yes, you are the true mastermind here! Atlas is as much a victim of your devilish machinations as I am~! No! Worse! He is your pawn, your tool!"

She sighed dramatically, "Alas, I cannot help but love you, Gabby. You are my dear sister. I will not let your treacherous trickery change that~! And so, as always, I must sacrifice myself. I will join you and Atlas to keep you both in line!"

"And the fact that you've thought about him every day since you two met…?" Gabrielle asked, obviously setting Fleur up for a trap.

Fleur sniffed imperiously, "Irrelevant. It is just fate calling me to save him from your control, Devil-Sister. That must be why he plagues my thoughts and dreams. That must be why he rules my body and heart so. He is your greatest weapon against me~!"

Apolline sighed, "If that is what you must say to convince yourself… Well, at least my daughters will be together."

I met Sebastion's eyes, suddenly needing a bit of father-in-lawly commiseration. He just smirked at me, "Actually, 'Interesting' is Fleur's middle name. Welcome to my world, Atlas. Treat them well. And always remember… father with a magical sword."

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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