Chapter POV: Jasmine Denel
On a ledge above a certain building, I cradled the M24 sniper rifle. Kneeling, I rested the buttstock on my shoulder as I took aim. My {Fates} {Aim} and {Snipe} helped greatly in reducing the time it took to calculate the shot.
[CrossEyedHipster: All right. Here he comes. His soulgem is above his ear, outside his head.]
[AssCheekNiggerette: Got it.]
[CrossEyedHipster: Contact in 3...2...]
"[Double damage]."
At that moment, a Caucasian reaper came out of a coffee shop with a girl whose breasts were spilling out of her shirt. Since I was at an elevated position, the roof blocked me from seeing him as he walked out. If I didn't have {Imaging}, he might have gotten away.
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To God be all the glory!
Will return in May. Stay awesome everyone. Enjoy the read!