Before the others could even see the Spikedogs, a blue bolt of light suddenly soared through the air and flew toward lead rank E. Despite its attempt to dodge the blessed projectile, Joshua's shot pierced the Spikedog right through the center of its forehead.
And just like that, the hated monster fell dead to the ground with a thud. Its eyes stared blankly into space as blood dripped from the hole into a new hole in its face.
The other two Spikedogs momentarily halted their advance in caution as their comrade died abruptly.
Since no one but Joshua and I could see clearly beyond 400 yards, the rest of the squad was unaware of the amazing feat the Korean had just performed.
To let them feel the power of changing their fate themselves, I gave new instructions.
"Joshua, switch to the lead and cover me! Everyone except Joshua and Scott, load blessed rounds!"
Hi everyone,
If you like the book please support it with a review, PS and comments. Leave a major gift and I will respond with an extra chapter.
Enjoy the read!
To God be all the glory!
Will return in May. Stay awesome everyone. Enjoy the read!