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76.38% A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC) / Chapter 55: Chapter 48

Chương 55: Chapter 48

Another night, another of the same old stuff we've been dealing with.

By this point, several days have passed. A little around a week by estimates.

The only reason I can't give a concrete length of time is because everything sort of blurs together after a while of doing the same shit over and over again.

Odin has pretty much stayed the course for the same places every single night, despite my incessant roasting of the old man's maidenless status.

Hostess clubs, titty clubs, amusement clubs galore, but not a single red light place visited.

I'll admit, respect to him for not bowing to the whims of another, but no amount of respect will ever raise him from maidenless status.

Tonight, so far, has been just like every other night.

With the difference being that the final meeting between Odin and whoever shows up on the Shinto side is soon, very soon.

Which means tomorrow.

So I'm not very surprised as I sit here, arms crossed, in the carriage flying through the night sky, staring plainly at the giggling, red-faced old man directly across from me.

He's either tipsy or perving on girls through their windows with his magic eyes as we pass over their houses.

"Ohh~!" His magic monocle eye thing sparkles as he starts slurring out words, "Now that's jussstt the right amount of steam…Heeheehee~!"

…We just passed over an onsen.

So both. Probably both.

Rose, who's sitting next to Odin himself, isn't having it.

"Lord Odin!" She hisses, scowling at him as her accent flares, "It's almost time for the meeting with the Shinto Pantheon's highest deity! It's literally tomorrow! So please lose this lackadaisical attitude at once! At this rate, we'll be yelled at by the people when we get home!"

I noticed a little something after my talk with Rose a few days ago.

Rather than stand by silently, or admonish Odin formally, she hasn't shown any fear in going straight for his throat.

Good girl Rose! You can do it!

Also, the highest deity huh?

I kind of figured mom would be the one to show up. In canon, Amaterasu was the one to show up originally as well, but I wasn't entirely sure if that would hold here…kind of figured she might send someone in her place.

Inari left to go prepare for said meeting, but I never thought she'd be the main negotiator for the Shinto side at the end.

"G-Geez," Odin huffed, and I couldn't help but smirk at how…put off, he looked with Rose's attitude, "You are a woman who doesn't know how to lighten up, ya know? How about you relax a little? That's why you can't get a single man."

Still not enough to stop his jabs.

Rose immediately flinches back, her scowl quickly evaporating to be replaced by an expression of fear and sadness.

"N-N-None of that had anything to do with my being single!" She stutters and cries out, "It's not my fault I don't have a boyfriend!"

…Although, her newfound attitude and weakened tolerance for Odin's bullshit still isn't enough to repel Odin's retorts.

Ganbatte, Rose-chan, you'll get there eventually!

To my side, Kuroka shifts around in her sleep a bit, and I look over just in time to catch a light frown etched across her face.

Oh, right! Kuroka's with me today, and for most of this trip, the poor cat has been sleeping on my shoulder.

Even Kuroka is getting tired of this little trip, that should be pretty telling.

It'd be best not to wake her up right now, and luckily, I have just the thing!

Before Odin could look too proud or smug for his comeback, I huff, then state.

"Says the weaselly old man too scared to hit up a proper red light district. Get a single lay."

"Ack!" Now it was Odin's turn to flinch back, as though punched in the nose, "That's different brat! I'm not trying to father demigods here of all places!"

I nod, "Virgin All-Father lacks pull-out game, confirmed."

"Ack! Brat…!" He glares, face no longer a drunk red, as I simply smirk back at him.

On the flip side, Odin's tried fighting back as of late.

It never works out for him.

"Traveled the world for knowledge, hung himself on a tree for wisdom, never learned what a condom was." I continue, stoically, channeling my inner Shirone.

Odin stares at me for a good, long, second. Before clicking his tongue, biting his cheek, and looking out the window.

Point…I lost count at this point to be honest…for Nori!

I give a smirk and thumbs up to Rose, who also looks away, but not without a small blush and smile herself.

Then I look back at Kuroka, planting a chaste kiss on her forehead, and once more, the soft purring I come to expect from her is back.

Ah…it may be a boring night, but tonight is still a good night.

…Why did I think tha-

One of my clones suddenly pops, and I groan, lowly, drawing the attention of the Norse representatives in front of me.

"...Noriaki?" Rose starts, only to be cut off as a loud horse's neigh rings out, although considering the horse doing it, it's more like a roar.

The carriage comes to a screeching halt, and I have to hold Kuroka and brace so we don't fling forward.

Rose slams into the back of her seat, but seems more surprised than hurt, while Odin doesn't budge an inch, only giving an irritated eyebrow raise as Rose stands up urgently.

"What happened to Sleipnir!? Don't tell me…" She quickly moves to open the door window on her side, and I rise to do the same, setting a still sleeping Kuroka down gently before walking to the opposite door.

But not before shooting a warning glare at the old man, who gets my message, and decides that for the safety of his old nordic jewels, he'll look and whistle in any direction other than Kuroka's.

Behind me, Rose gasps as she opens her window and looks out in front of the carriage.

I do the same…and sigh instead.

Up ahead, a young man, looking around my age, floats in the air merely a few feet ahead of us.

His hand is outstretched toward Sleipnir, who is very clearly steaming with hatred and disgust looking at the man.

Literally, as in the horse's face is steaming as though it exploded.

The horse is still fine though, just looks very pissed.

The man has brushed back silver hair, his reddish orange eyes seem to smirk slyly just like his mouth, and he wears a similar robe to Odin's, just with way more black, and a bit of dark orange instead of blue.

All around him, though keeping their distance, are Shinto priests, mikos, and exorcists, along with several different species of Youkai. All looking battle ready.

Among them are even the Clan Heads, surrounding him from every direction.

Nakiri on the ground, Kushihashi in the air looking down at him, with the others taking the cardinal directions.

Suzaku looks particularly unamused by the man's appearance, and Byakko looks ready to jump the guy now, but the other heads look on stoically, waiting for the intruder…or I suppose attacker, to make a move.

I couldn't help myself, I smiled, big and wide.

What I felt earlier when my clone popped? That was the clone with the people maintaining and watching the detection barriers. The clone popped, specifically because they did their job.

Loki teleported straight on in, with no tact, no tricks.

The clone popping informed myself, and every other clone what was going on, prompting the other clones to quickly spread the word.

Thus, everyone quickly diverged straight onto Loki's position…here.

Despite the sheer number of people showing up though, the guy doesn't seem the least bit phased.

Rather, Loki maintains his jovial smirk, takes his robe, and lifts it while giving a slight bow.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, servants of the Japanese Gods. I am the Evil God of the North! Loki!" He exclaims, rather proudly.

Behind me, I hear Odin sigh, and mutter, "Remember we talked about brat?"

I don't respond beyond a nod, instead staring intently at the Norse Trickster God, watching, waiting…

At Loki's proclamation, no one reacts out of turn beyond staring even harder at the god.

We were expecting him, at least somewhat, after all.

Rose opens the door with a huff, and jumps up and over, on top of the carriage, as Suzaku starts to speak.

"Well well…we can all see that, yes." She states with a roll of her eyes, "Do you have business with us? Attacking an escort leading a Chief God…my, you do understand what you're getting into, right?"

Loki didn't care for Suzaku's blatant disregard for him, instead placing his hand on his chest, instead responding pompously, "Oh, I understand, lady miko…but whatever pain I may face here? Well, let's just say it's worth it over the pain and humiliation one must endure when watching one's Chief Deity entreat with foreign powers."

Loki nearly snarled that last bit out,

Suzaku frowned, her stone-cold glare falling upon him, "Are you trying to imply something about our gods in the east here?"

Loki laughs, boisterously, "Why, of course I am! The East here isn't worthy of us in the North! Of knowing our secrets, our customs, culture!

"The North and the Far East were never meant to mix like this!" He exclaims with passion, "After all," he then continues, solemnly, "if such a thing occurs, then we won't be able to have the day of Ragnarok…"


Said God suddenly perking as a stern old voice traveled through the air, I turned, looking back to find Odin just…gone.

When did he leave…?

In any case, Odin seemingly floated up to and on top of the carriage, landing without even a thud.

"Before we start, I must ask you one thing." Odin places both hands on his walking stick, and stares intently at Loki, "Are you doing this of your own will? Or did someone else put you up to this? Like say…the Khaos Brigade?"

Loki frowns, "I feel sickened that you would mix my opinions with those foolish terrorists!" He states, legitimately offended, "I came here of my own will! And Ophis has nothing to do with this!"

At that name, practically everyone stilled.

Ah…right, the Khaos Brigade. They were kind of a big deal early on in canon, weren't they?

Though I don't think I've seen much of them myself.

Odin gives a weary and tired sigh, "Of course not…you're too much of a fool and hard head to follow them, aren't you?"

Rose then stepped forward, her suit flashing in that instance, being replaced by her Valkyrie armor.


No, wait, oogle later.

"Lord Loki! Your actions far exceed your authority! Doing something like striking out at your Chief God…no, not just that, your blood brother!" She called out, clearly enraged and disgusted, while Loki scowled, his teeth grinding as she continued.

"This is unforgivable! If you wanted to contest this, you should have made your argument at the meeting, not start a fight!"

As Rose finished her admonishment, Loki snarls, "A mere maid shouldn't decry me for things she understands nothing of!" He retorts viciously, prompting Rose to flinch back before Loki turns his eyes to Odin.

When he does, his glare seems to almost become…softer.

"Odin. Are you still planning to continue these dalliances with the outside world, and its factions?" Loki asked, succinctly, yet there was a slight hint of desperation there.

The Norse Chief God couldn't return Loki's gaze as he responded, "Yeah. Out here? Far more interesting than back in Asgard. Far more fun. Japan is fun. I want to see this world we missed for the past several centuries, locked away as we were.

"I want to know about the others of our distant kin, the Shinto Gods of Japan, the Greeks on Olympus, the Celts hidden in their Otherworld…All of them."

His old one good eye finally meets Loki's gaze, and it's resolute, "We will have peace in this world, at last. All of us, together. It starts here, Loki. Whether you like it or not."

This sounds and feels…very different from canon, and that look on Loki's face? That look of betrayal.

Loki, quickly, steels his expression, an easy smirk falling in front of other emotions, masking them with ease.

"...I see." He states, "Then I see you have no intention of backing down. Very well. Let's have a display of power, then."


Loki barely has time to react as a large, muscular humanoid white tiger flies in from the side, landing a hard right haymaker to his face that makes even me wince, sending the god flying straight down into the ground with a roar.

For a second, all is quiet.

Everyone stares at the tiger man, mouth agape.

Well, everyone besides the Shinra priests. They just look embarrassed.

Then, the silence is broken by Odin barking out an amused laugh.

…Fucking Byakko.

~ A New Sun ~

Fucking Byakko.

Suzaku had to withhold chastising Byakko for that on the spot, they have to present a united front right now after all.

Besides, the plan did account for Byakko being…well, him.

It was pretty much made to appease the man, after all.

Originally, Noriaki was supposed to handle Loki…or any intruder really, straight from the start.

It would have been quicker and cleaner that way, but it would also leave the heads, or, really, just Byakko, very discontent.

So, now all that's left is to draw Loki into doing what Noriaki feared he might do, and then he'll step in, and finish it.

But for now? The Clan Heads get to soften him up.

Also, she wouldn't admit this out loud, but it does feel particularly good fighting for him. Especially as he is her god…

"You…servants of the Japanese Gods…" Suzaku's focus returned in full force as the Norse trickster god's voice resonated from below with a cold fury.

The cloud of dust and debris below dispersed with a wave of his hand as he stood back up on his feet, mostly unharmed, save for the nasty mark on the god's cheek where Byakko's fist struck.

He smiled a bitter smile, "I suppose I shouldn't underestimate the Far East, hmm?"

Power, divine power, erupted from his form in the shape of an almost fiery aura, burning with black, red, and orange.

He brushed his thumb across his cheek, burning the mark marring it away.

"YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT!" Byakko roared, flying down to finish his job.

Only, his fist cleaved through a blurred afterimage of the god, the force of his blow shattering the ground without even striking it.

Dozens of Norse magic circles appeared, scattered throughout the air, and from them all came Loki. A blurred version of him, each one filling the air with mocking laughter.

Suzaku clicked her tongue in annoyance. Duplication Magic. Advanced Duplication Magic, by the looks of it.

Suzaku looked to the rank-and-file priests, and nodded, prompting all to scatter.

Their job? Make sure no humans get caught up in this, and strengthen the barriers to keep the fight contained and people out of the area.

That taken care of, Suzaku raises her hand, palm outstretched.

At the same time, Seiryuu raises his hand.

A flaming bird roared into existence in her hand, and with a drop of the Seiryuu's, a localized whirlwind erupted.

She threw the bird into it, and watched as a flaming hurricane shot into the sky, blowing away every last duplicate present.

"Where do you think you're looking, lady miko?" A voice uttered nearly in her ear.

The voice then grunted, and Suzaku didn't bother to even turn around, smiling instead, "Enjoying the show." Finally, she did, eyes meeting the scowl of Loki, trapped within a bubble of water twice his size, holding a dagger in one hand made of his aura, "How about you, Lord Loki? Enjoying our country so far? Have you seen the little places we call a…" she smirks, "onsen around here?"

She touched the bubble, causing it to immediately start to boil.

"They are simply to die for." She adds on, watching the god's eyes widen, but didn't get a chance to look long as Genbu sent the water bubble straight down.

The freshly boiled Loki barely had time to get his bearings, as the Ouryuu was suddenly in his guard, clad in a thick golden aura of touki, and palm buried in his gut.

The shockwave blew away the surrounding water and sent the god flying once more.

…Into a clothesline by an eagerly waiting Byakko, the god slammed into the ground once more by the tiger man.

"Miss me?" Byakko grinned feraly down at the god, only to yelp and leap away as tree roots began bursting from the ground around the god.

"Oi! I was about to stomp his face in!" Byakko calls up to Seiryuu, who merely rolls his eyes.

The tree roots wrap around Loki tightly, prompting the god to growl as a full-on tree grows around him and lifts him into the air.

"Be quiet already, and let's finish this already." Seiryuu calls succinctly, raising his hands high to control the tree.

Byakko huffs, even as his touki forms around him with a loud pop.

Genbu holds out her hand, and a sphere of water forms, and rapidly builds in density and size, its shape twisting into that of a massive turtle shell.

Ouryuu stomps the ground, golden veins appear from the earth, connecting to him, and causing his golden aura to glow brighter and fuller as he takes a martial arts stand, posed to strike.

Suzaku rolls her eyes, but flames bellow from her form regardless, turning into a flaming bird-shaped aura around her.

The Norse god within the tree begins to struggle and strain against his binds, the wood beginning to creak and splinter.

As one, the Five Heads strike.

~ A New Sun ~

Well now, that's a lot.

Like, whole shit, I legitimately feel bad for Loki right now.

Five versus one? Against the Five Heads, whose magic all flows together in the Five Phases?

Yeah, poor guy. Yikes. Not even I'd wish for that fight.

Massive constructs of fire and water, a flaming bird and spinning turtle shell respectively, lightning raining from above, and two brawlers going for full power strikes.

All with Loki stuck in the center, trapped within the bark of a tree of all things.

Yet, even with all this.

A small spark of red ruptures through the tree.

…Loki is still a God.

As the attacks fly, the tree promptly explodes with divine power from within.

Despite its appearance, it feels cold, just like the lands he originates from.

The force of the aura erupting holds back the attacks, but what truly stops them are the several dozen nordic magic circles that follow quickly after.

The barriers easily absorb the rains of lightning, blow apart the constructs of fire and water, and send back Ouryuu and Byakko, their full power punches merely cracking the barrier circles, Ouryuu's more than Byakko's, but they still both get scuttled back regardless.

In the center of it all, Loki floats, his aura bellowing out around him like a bonfire.

He glares through his now rather messy hair, it now falling in front of his face post getting knocked around briefly like a ragdoll.

His eyes glow a fiery red behind his silver locks as he eyes the Five Heads, before suddenly, they land not on any one of them…but behind them.


He raises a hand, and aura gathers and flows, streaming and condensing before his palm, before launching as a baleful blast of light.

Which none of the Five Heads saw coming, as they were recovering from their attacks being thwarted.

I grab hold of my sword, and my eyes activate…but I stop, as Rose steps forward, a dozen Norse magic circles of similar design, yet different, to Loki's own appear with a raise of her hand.

The first barrier pops like glass, as does the second, and third…

But with every barrier the attack blasts through, the light dims, and the next barrier takes slightly longer to shatter.

Until the last few barriers, where the baleful light blows through them, and dissipates with the last of its energy into sparkles.

Rose gives a trembling sigh, while Odin merely strokes his beard, seemingly in thought.

"Your barrier spells need work." He finally decided to say after a moment.

Rose perks up, "I knowwww!" and promptly cries out in response.

Jeez…I'm starting to see why Norse Magic is considered the best.

Rose isn't even the greatest with defensive magic, yet still formed enough shields to block Loki's Hail Mary attack.

Loki, meanwhile, was able to completely put a stop to the Five Heads assault with his barriers, despite clearly getting his ass handed to him previously.

Not bad, not bad at all.

Loki let out a hiss of annoyance at his attack being stopped, before calling out, "All these priests, with their Eastern Magic, and all these creatures trying to study me…" his gaze sweeps across the Youkai floating around, their Youjutsu symbols turning to mist in his sight, forcing them to back away.

When they're all scuttled, his eyes return to Odin, "And these people, the leaders of the Eastern Factions, I presume? Along with that boy, hiding in the back…"

Oh you little shit, I'll show you who's a boy when you try summoning that dog!

Loki quirks a smile, "Odin…for a mere guard, isn't this a bit much?"

Odin merely snorts at that, "I didn't plan this, I'll have you know. But look at how well it's working? Barely started, and you're already acting like a cornered rat!"

Loki grinds his teeth as Odin starts laughing, boisterously.

It's almost time. I can feel it.

"Very well." Loki states, his smirk returning, and growing wicked, "Then I will call him."

Upon saying that, Odin suddenly stops laughing.

"...What did you say?" Odin tries to ask, but Loki ignores him, as he spreads his robe, and raises his eyes to the heavens.

His aura bellows out, and the magic circles around him fall, as the sheer force of his aura radiating holds the Five Heads in place.

"Come out!" He calls, nearly cries, "Be free my adorable s-UGH!"

His aura pops, dispersing around him into nothing.

Slowly, ever so slowly, he looks down, blood beginning to trickle down from his mouth.

His eyes flicker with divine might, and sheer confusion, as he beholds my eyes, swirling, staring right back into his.

As I stand before him, my blade embedded in his stomach, glowing brightly, I have only one thing to say to him.

"Be thankful, to Odin," I grab the side of his face, pulling him in closer to whisper to him, "for it is the only reason you still live right now."

Loki yelps in pain as I tear my sword from his stomach, and kick him straight down into the ground…where he belongs.

I wave my sword at the others, and they all back away, forming a small perimeter around myself and Loki. A ring, essentially.

Now then…

"T-Thankful…?" My gaze narrows down at the source of Loki's voice, "Why, would I ever be thankful, to such a selfish hypocritical coward!?"

Baleful red light flashes, revealing Loki crouched on the ground, divine blood leaking from mouth and torso, and one hand held up…the source of the light.

A loud thrum resounds throughout the street as Loki fires his aura bullets.

Several times, each like a cannon shot.

With a swing of my sword, each ball of aura is cut in twine, exploding harmlessly in the sky above.

His last one misses as I vanish, appearing in a golden blur in his face.

His other hand rises, a dagger made of his condensed aura swinging for my throat…

Yet. It's all so…slow.

And my eyes see how fake he is.

Sun Breathing.

jump into a backflip, as the real Loki appears behind me, his lunge at my heart with his dagger missing entirely.

His duplicate, the fake Loki, sputters out of existence as the shock starts registering on the true Loki's face.

And then, the pain.

Setting Sun Transformation.

As my blade swings down mid-flip and bites down, and through, his overextended attacking arm.

I land back on my feet as Loki howls, crying out in anguish as he stumbles forward, nearly landing on his face as he clutches the remaining stump of his arm.

My blade cauterized the wound. So no bleeding, but no putting it back on either.

Loki turns, as I turn back to face him, and almost immediately fear joins the pain etched in his face.

I start walking towards him.

"Y-You…foreign, Far East God!" He sputters, trying to shuffle away from me, "You don't understand, couldn't understand! The folly of Odin! What he's done to us, my people!" He grunts as his back hits a wall, his eyes rapidly dart around, looking for an escape, any escape.

But he finds only the Five Heads, waiting. Boxing him in.

I stop right in front of him.

Loki raises his now only arm and fires a bullet of divine aura.

Even this close, I cut it in twine.

Loki gives a desperate gasp, "Ragnarok! Ragnarok is the purpose I was born for! We agreed, Odin and I, that we'd face it together! No matter what happens!" The god cries, desperately trying to back away further.

I almost snorted at that.

Funny. Considering he's supposed to start it in the first place.

"We gave this oath, this promise, in blood! And now! And n-now he just wants to run away!? No! No!" Loki cries, over and over, almost manically"I refuse to allow it! We fall together, as we promised, as we all promised!"

Loki raised his only arm, and cried,


And something in the air shifted.

His divine power, his magic, and his divine authority flooded the air, the sky, and the ground.

It flooded everything…and then came the chill.

A massive nordic magic circle formed beneath our feet, and grew, and continued growing. Icy cold winds began to bellow out, and snow and ice rocketed out from it.

It was like he opened a portal to a terrible winter hell, and I was standing right on top of it.

And yet…I didn't care much for it.

Glaring down at him, I did exactly what he did. My power, my authority, followed his, and promptly pulled his power like one pulling particularly nasty weeds.

I watched as Loki went from manic desperation to astonishment, and then pure depression as winter pulled itself back, seemingly consumed by my golden glow.

The icy winds became warm, the ice and snow melted, the magic circle sputtered out…lifeless.

"A-Ah…" Loki mutters, staring listlessly at where his spell existed, for the short time it did, "I see. It didn't…it's already…too late."

With that, I reach down, and grab him by his messy hair, making him look me in the eyes.

He doesn't even try to resist the immense amount of Holy Spirit Power I jam into his brain, forcing his eyes to grow glazed over and roll into the back of his head.

When I let him go, the god fell on his side, completely out cold.

With a sigh, I sheath my sword and turn back to everyone just…staring at me.

I raise an eyebrow back, "...Sup?"

Then, two new magic circles appear, neither of which I recognize.

From one, out steps Tobio, a bunch of girls…and Kouki.

I'm about ready to make a quip when the people in the second circle step through.

Vali, and…his entire team.

I update my quip on the fly and point to the downed Loki.

"Yo. You're both very late."

Both groups immediately turn on their leaders, both talking about how they should have appeared after the last power spike, not this one.

Vali only huffed, while Tobio rubbed the back of his head and gave a nervous chuckle.

My smile though? Couldn't have been any bigger.

Karmic_Wizard Karmic_Wizard

Insert Roblox death sound effect here.

Yeah, Loki came in, and immediately found out. Poor guy didn't even get a chance to fuck around with Fenrir. Even lost an arm for his effort.

Also, yes, I yoinked that one spell he tried to use in the anime. Loki in the ln does barely anything besides shoot aura blasts and talk shit. I expanded his abilities to make the fight slightly more interesting, and because it just made sense for him to possess those abilities as a trickster god.

Fun fact, the appearance of his aura is a reference to certain interpretations of his mythological origins and name, he doesn't actually possess any fire related powers, I just thought it was cool to include.

Also, post time skip and training Nori is indeed, stronk.

In any case, Loki is done...yet Vali Team still showed up, huh.

In canon, they gladly helped out purely to fight against Loki, but with Loki already dusted...well. I wonder what they'll do now?

Guess you'll found next time.

Until then though?

Peace, ya'll.

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