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50% DxD: The King of Dragons / Chapter 33: Omake: Summoned at a War

Chương 33: Omake: Summoned at a War

(Ignore if you don't really like Fate. Not that this is fate heavy. And I might be wrong in this in multiple accounts.)

"I can summon a servant that will surpass all with this catalyst. I will be able to win this holy war." A girl with white hair and red eyes was completing the magic circle needed to summon a servant.

Her magic circuits began to glow. And due to her special circumstances. The girl had unlimited mana in her disposal.

She is supposed to be using a rock to summon her servant for the fifth holy grail war. A war that has been premeditated by mage houses in order to reach Akasha.

A place containing the Akashic records. Where the secrets of the universe lies. And mages, in their infinite arrogance, desire to wield magic that would turn them into godlike beings.

The hilt of Caliburn, the sword of selection is currently inside the magic circle which is being pumped with magic to summon a servant.

"This would be a saber class servant, I can feel it. Maybe the king of knights himself." The girl furrowed her brows.

She started to scream as the magic circle began to absorb her mana like a sponge that has no limits. And with a freak accident, higher powers meddled due to Akasha receiving information of a hero from another realm.

The war could potentially end the world. And the said higher power deemed it to be dangerous enough for that world's timeline.

And with the girl's unlimited access to mana, she was granted a servant that will stop the holy grail war that would only lead to deaths and the potential destruction of the world.

A bright light appeared as the supposed heroic spirit materialized from the magic circle. But instead of the traditional one. Another magic circle formed instead and someone teleported.

"Hmmm? Are you my summoner? What is it that you desire, my dear? Everything that you desire, I can fulfill. If it's reasonable of course, in exchange for a reasonable price." Mordred appeared, wearing white armor with gold accents.

His blue cape with the fur on the collar made him look as regal as ever. His straight blonde hair and green eyes were beautiful. Captivating the girl as she was in a daze due to the pain of summoning him.

"W-why aren't the command spells forming? And... I don't feel a connection with you, what's happening?" The girl was confused.

"Ahhh, so that's what it was? I shrugged it off, dragons are the epitome of magic manipulation you know?" He explained, looking at her weirdly.

"A... A dragon!?" She stared at him dumbly. "Umu, what's your name?" He smiled at her softly and she just looked at him for a solid minute.

But Mordred is a patient man, thinking that it was only natural that she would be surprised. Some information then entered his mind as he assimilated the so called command spells.

He blinked and Mordred grinned at the exciting data that he just received.

"I'm Ilyasviel von Einzbern. A master of the 5th holy grail war. You're supposed to be my servant for this battle. But you aren't even connected to me. What class even are you? I don't know because you brushed off the normal connection." She pouted at him and he chuckled.

"Hmmm, in my head. I was given information, if you insist to know; I am apparently a grand berserker. Mordred Pendragon at your service." He smiled at the girl and she raised a brow.

"Grand berserker? Do you mean a berserker? Can't I know what your abilities are?" She furrowed her brows. Not knowing why he was calling himself a grand berserker.

"That depends, you called me here. You have to make a pact with me first. What is your wish and what will you give up as payment." Mordred let her think.

"I... Can I give you this castle as payment? In exchange, you will win the holy grail war?" Ilyasviel propositioned.

Mordred decided to get a feel of the castle first and he nodded. It would be a nice vacation home. "Sure thing, come here." He patted her head and they got connected spiritually.

Ilyasviel dropped to her knees, in a daze due to the sudden influx of information.

"A... A divine spirit. W-what's with these parameters!?" Ilyasviel was bugging out due to his ridiculous strength.

"Strength, Ex. Endurance, Ex, Agility, Ex. Mana, Ex. Luck, Ex, Noble Phantasm is a question mark? You don't have one?" Ilyasviel's eyes bulged at his parameters.

"What's that? Can my sword count as one? It's Caliburn that absorbed the magic of the seraphs and Yahweh. The leaders of heaven." Mordred took out his sword and she was blinded by its light.

"Ahhh! My eyes! Turn it off! Turn it off!" She shouted in desperation and he shrugged, storing it again.

"Hah, you're going to be a headache... And let's see your other skills. Mad enhancement... Ex... How are you talking to me right now!? What!?" Ilyasviel couldn't believe it.

"What do you mean? Of course I'll talk to you, you're my contractor." He looked at her like she was stupid.

She ignored him and looked at the other ones. "Charisma, magic resistance, independent action, independent manifestation, presence concealment, territory creation... All at the Ex rank, how is this even possible?" She was losing her mind.

"Godslayer, swordsmanship, unarmed combat, divine strength, A hero among heroes, humanity's fortress, savior, liberator, true dragon, endless stamina, Transcendent, beloved by dragons, supreme ruler, pinnacle of magic, ultimate one... And the list goes on, all at rank Ex." Ilyasviel started laughing.

He got concerned and he ruffled her hair. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, I'm fine. This is fine... Who the hell are you and where did you come from!? Mordred Pendragon isn't this strong at all! And what the hell is this? Harem creation is ranked Ex too? What's with that?" Ilyasviel was done with him.

"Ahhh, that's because I have a lot of wives you know? I even have a skill called mommy lover? Well, I do love my mom. And my queen was a mother too, they're a part of my harem." He nodded sagely.

"Y-your mother is a part of your harem?" Ilyasviel couldn't handle it anymore and she ran away.

"She ran away, so? What do I do? She did tell me to win the war, no? Then I should earn this castle." Mordred shrugged and he teleported to the skies above.

"Hmmm, this place looks pretty peaceful. But I guess there's a lot of corruption." Mordred took out Caliburn and he started pouring in mana inside the sword.

"Banish all wicked beings, divine sanctuary." He raised Caliburn and a massive magic circle appeared over the city.

It purified all evil from the area they were in. Casting judgement to the sinners like how god smited evil in his fanfiction.

"Ahhhhh!" A priest, high schooler, and an old man started to burn to ashes, due to their sins. They were targeted by the divine sanctuary that only leaves those who are pure.

"Hmmm? Somebody resisted it? True, I didn't give it much power. But that's surprising, must be a servant." Mordred flapped his wings and went to the place where a magical shield was protecting someone.

He went face to face with a blonde man with red eyes. "Oh, you resisted it? But you are weak right now, your magic is leaving your body?" Mordred smirked at him.

"Shut up you mongrel, it's you who did that huh? I admit, that was quite something. But I'm conserving my magic and that took a lot out of me." He glared at Mordred.

"Then I should just purge you the old fashioned way." He used Apophis' primordial water and shadows.

"Argh! Damn you! What is this!?" He started screaming in pain as the black water dissolved him upon contact. Black arms from the shadows were also bringing him down like they were dragging the blonde to the depths of hell.

Mordred just watched like he was watching paint dry, he locked the use of magic in the area too. So it was just a matter of time.

"So? What's next?" Mordred rubbed his chin, trying to think of what to do.

He then felt three servants disappear in the city. "Huh, so their masters got killed by my sanctuary? You are welcome." Mordred prayed for their spirits.

Mordred got an idea and he went back to Ilyasviel. "Hey, Ilya. I killed everything that is having evil plans here in this city you know? Felt that divine aura from before? That was me, one of my lovers taught me that." He smiled in pride.

"O-oh... That was you? Why am I not surprised... So, what's next? did you kill all the other masters and servants?" She perked up at being called by a nickname, but Ilya didn't want to show her joy.

"No I didn't, let's call them. Write a letter for me, we invite them to my castle. We'll talk it out, I bet I can make more contracts that way, fulfill their wishes instead of the corrupted grail you know?" He smiled.

"W-what? You... You greedy little, this is a business opportunity huh?" Ilya pieced what he was trying to do.

"And what do you mean your castle? This is still mine, you haven't won the war yet." She huffed at him.

"Well, we know that I will. So it will be mine regardless, stop with the sophistry." Mordred rolled his eyes.

"Come on Ilya, help a guy out you know?" Mordred pouted at her.

"Kuu! You're lucky you are handsome." She started writing letters and Mordred sent it to them via teleportation.

"What? You think they'll just come here without any fuss?" Ilya huffed at him, thinking he was delusional.

"It's a forced invite, look for yourself." Mordred snapped his fingers and people suddenly appeared in the Einzbern castle.

"W-wha? We got teleported here? How is that possible!?" A black haired petite girl looked around warily.

"Saber!? Where are we?" A redhead was also there, confused as hell.

"S-senpai?" A blue haired girl accompanied by a tall person with pink hair blinked at her senior who appeared.

"Who teleported us? That mastery of spatial magic is unmatched! Who are you and how can you do that?" A hooded woman pointed a staff at Mordred.

"What? I killed a servant directly... And three disappeared due to my sanctuary, how can there be four more?" Mordred was confused, he counted again and there was five of them there.

"You did this? How!? And... Your od is bottomless... The mana around you is also so thick…" The black haired girl uttered in fear.

"Rin, get back. This is going to be a brawl." A white haired man wearing a coat squinted his eyes.

"Sakura? Tohsaka? What in the world are you doing here?" The redhead saw familiar faces.

"Now, now, let's calm down." Mordred felt that they were going to come to blows.

He snapped his fingers and they dropped face first to the ground, gravity weighing them down like the world is above them.

"I am Mordred Pendragon, the grand berserker of this war I guess? And sorry, but I'm the winner. But I have a consolation prize for you, I'll grant your wishes for a price." Morded explained his business.

"He wants a contract, he doesn't want to fight. And honestly? Even if you all came at him at your full strength, you still won't be able to win." Ilya huffed, secretly proud of having the strongest contractor.

The blonde saber blinked at him when she heard his name. "You're not Mordred, she was a homunculus!" The blonde glared at him.

"This again." He rolled his eyes and took out Caliburn. "Caliburn, end of story. Now, starting with you, what's your wish? You look nice and gentle, so you must be more easy to talk to." Mordred pointed at Sakura.

"Uhhh... Can I whisper it to you?" She requested with a blush and he nodded.

Mordred was surprised that she only wanted to have the redhead. "Okay, what's your payment?" He had to weigh the supposed payment first.

"Uhhh, I'll give you rider?" Sakura thought that servants weren't needed anymore. So handing her two remaining command seals to him would be a sufficient payment.

And she felt that she could trust him with rider. He had a kind and gentle aura.

"Okay, I am interested in talking to her anyways. I will accept, let me do it first." Mordred walked up to the redhead and he started whispering to him.

"The girl likes you, you know? Aren't you a man? Such a cute girl pines for you. Won't you give her a chance?" Mordred tried to get him to try a relationship with her.

"What? Is that true Sakura? Is that why you come to my house regularly and help with my chores?" The boy blinked and she nodded shyly.

"I... I didn't know, you're a cute girl Sakura... But, I can't see you like that." He frowned and the girl got depressed.

"Not now at least, he's right. How about we go on a couple of dates first?" He suggested and she beamed.

"Okay, pay up." Mordred reached for her hand and she transferred her command seals for her servant.

"How about you?" He looked at Rin and she thought about it, thinking that he'll just scam her.

"I... Can you help me bring greatness to the Tohsaka family again?" She tried even though it was most likely a hoax.

"What's your magic then? I do think that you would like to do that task yourself right? Then I'll give you an upgrade." Mordred asked.

"I use gems to cast my magic, different gems have different properties. And I don't have a lot of them." She frowned.

"Think of how it works and touch my hand." Mordred offered his hand and she raised a brow, but she obliged.

"Ahh, you transfer magic to the gems and use them as a container for your spells? Different gems have different elements, but it's expensive huh?" Mordred analyzed it quickly and she winced.

"Then have this." Mordred took out a staff from his inventory. It was one of Azazel's inventions.

"T-this thing is loaded with magical power..." She blinked at it while holding the thing.

"Of course, in my place. We call those artificial sacred gears. It is a crystalized mana core that is supposed to imitate how dragons can use primordial magic. It's stabilized by ancient runes that siphons mana. So it's basically a battery and a spellcaster." Mordred shrugged.

"You can cast any spell you can think of, just imagine it. The maker thought it was a failure, because the thing works like the devil's magic. Through imagination, instead of the dragons' which wills spells into existence." He finished with her and her hands trembled.

It was a magic artifact that would paint a huge target on her head. She didn't even know if she should take it.

The staff would turn even third rate mages into top tier magical masters with enough imagination and knowledge.

"P-payment, what should I pay with?" Rin scrunched up her face. The staff was damn priceless.

"Hmm, how about you take care of that girl Sakura? Your scents are familiar, my sanctuary earlier purged her curses. But she's a close relative of yours. I can feel it through your souls." Mordred thought that was enough.

He could sustain rider indefinitely with his absurd amounts of mana. It's virtually infinite, so the gorgon can be their shared payment.

"O-okay..." Rin didn't know how to talk to her sister after all the years they basically ignored each other.

"And you?" Mordred pointed at Shirou. "I... I don't know, can you even grant it? I want to be a hero of peace." He thought about his dream. Admiring his father's ambition.

"Easy." Mordred shrugged and he modified his body. He transformed his body, giving him super strength. Mordred also fixed his magic circuits, turning it into high class ones.

"Now you have superpowers, based on how you're looking around in confusion. You don't have an idea what the supernatural is. So I gave you magic and super specs, you're welcome. Do what you want." Mordred felt his sincerity, so he granted his wish.

"W-what do you want in return?" He was shocked, but then he got anxious about the payment. He has nothing to his name that he would want.

"How about you give me your servant? I think we'll have a lot to talk about." Mordred gave the blonde a look.

"But how? And you won't be doing anything wrong to her right?" He squinted his eyes.

"I'll just talk to her." Mordred reached for his hand and his command seals went to Mordred, just like rider's.

"Now, I'll dispel the servants." Mordred was about to snap his fingers.

"W-wait... How did you dispel the servant that I called?" The hooded woman was dying of curiosity.

"Ahhh, that's why. Your servant was weaker because you are one yourself. And my sanctuary most likely just made your servant's spirit get extinguished due to the magical pressure." Mordred concluded.

"Can you kill a god? I want Aphrodite dead!" She hissed and Mordred could feel her hatred prickle his skin.

"Wow, you must have been fucked over by her huh?" Mordred could already imagine it. Greek gods were assholes of the highest order.

"Yesss! Can you!?" She was desperate to have vengeance.

"Well, what can you give me in return? A god's life isn't cheap you know?" Mordred's words made her blood turn cold.

"N-nothing... I have nothing. I'm just a heroic spirit." She dropped to her knees.

"Well, sorry. But I'm doing business here lady." Mordred shrugged and thought it was too bad.

"Wait! With your magic, you can sustain me right? I'll be your slave! Anything you wish me to do, I'll do it! Please! She took everything away from me! I am Medea! Aphrodite ruined my life!" She took away her hood and revealed herself.

"Medea huh... The witch of betrayal. But that is not proper, the betrayed princess is more appropriate." Mordred rubbed his chin. He then thought that gods there were different.

And Aphrodite has to die for her wickedness. "I will kill her. I can sense their divinity." He unleashed his full power and called for all of the evil dragons' power.

He forcibly pulled the divine spirit of Aphrodite from Akasha and a red haired woman with wings appeared in front of them.

"Aphrodite!" Medea hissed, her voice filled with venom as tears escaped from her eyes due to her blazing rage.

"As part of my contract, you are the payment." Mordred looked at her coldly and pierced through her chest.

Using Apophis' magic that is souped up to the brim. He extinguished the wicked goddess' soul until there was nothing left. Absorbing her divine spirit into his cores, just like the others.

"Y-you killed her... Just like that?" Ilya knew he was a bonafide godslayer. His rank at it reaching Ex. So she wondered how many gods did he have to kill in order to reach the apex.

"People die when they are killed." Mordred shrugged.

"I'm done." Ilya raised her arms in exasperation. Witnessing a divine spirit perish.

"What? I've been at the godslaying business for years." He noticed all of them looking at him in awe.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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