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43.33% Across the Omniverse With No Sense of Direction / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Twins Returning Home

Chương 11: Chapter 11: Twins Returning Home

Waking up the next morning Izumi noticed two lumps in his bed sheets, pulling it off he saw two small Amazonians snuggling up to him. Tione who was latched onto his arm and Tiona who was a koala hugging him at his chest and drooling on him, with a goofy sleeping face.

Looking at the two small Amazonians he couldn't help but smile as he lowered his head and went back to sleep, not wanting to disturb the two Amazoness.

Waking up 2 hours later, Tione slowly wiggled her eyes open. Letting out a little yawn as she rubbed her eye, she looked up at the person she had used as a body pillow. Watching his slowly rising and falling chest, she stared at his profile. His hair rested behind his head, somewhat resembling a lion's mane, as his gentle breathing caressed Tione's ears. She cozily placed her head atop his chest and listened to his strong and calm heart beat.

Slowly matching her own breath with Izumi's, she clutched his shirt and took in his scent, resembling flowers and nature, sweet, soothing and gentle. She imagined being in the center of a large meadow filled with many beautiful flowers as she could vaguely imagine the sound of water rolling gently down a stream as the wind quietly sang a song against the trees and flowers.

Opening her eyes she looked over to his other side while still resting her head atop Izumi's chest, only to be met with a smugly smiling Tiona, who had clear amusement in her eyes.

Seeing this Tione grabs a pillow and at full force blasts it at Tiona's face. Causing Tione's neck to snap back, as her body flies back with the pillow. As she is planted onto the opposite wall with a loud thud the pillow slowly peels off her face falling to the ground, revealing a still grinning Tiona with clear amusement and teasing in her eyes.

However, Izumi hearing the loud impact groggily wiggles his eyes open only to turn his head to the direction of the sound and sees a grinning Amazoness embedded in the wall. Staring dumbly at the for some reason smug Amazoness he turns his head the opposite direction to meet the gaze of another Amazoness, who had already retreated from atop his chest and quickly looks away refusing to make eye contact.

Izumi with a raised eyebrow stares at the older Amazoness waiting for an explanation for why her sister was embedded into the wall. The longer he starred the more red Tione's ears would become, seemingly amused by this Izumi continued to stare as he already knew Tiona was fine.

After a minute or two the older Amazoness finally had enough as she scurried out of the room with awkward steps and tinted ears.

Izumi still left in the room only sighed before adopting a caring smile and helping the younger Amazoness out of the wall. Then spending a good ten minutes checking up on Tiona even though he knew she was fine, which Tiona didn't deny as she enjoyed the attention.

Confident Tiona was completely alright, Izumi left to make breakfast, stopping by Tione's room to let her know. As he woke up late Tiona decided to help him, causing more of a mess than actual help, but Izumi patiently taught her how to do it and rewarded her with headpatts.

Tione finally calmed down and walked into the dinning room to join Izumi and Tiona for breakfast. All of them eating together caused a warm mood to appear as Tiona bulldozed through stacks of pancakes.

However this mood was instantly broken by Izumi's next words.

''I think it's about time you two returned to your familia.'' He mercilessly stated. Causing Tione to clench her fork and Tiona to completely freeze, dropping her fork and looking as if she was about to cry.

Seeing that Izumi quickly shook his hands and reiterated.

''That doesn't mean you can't come and visit, every now and again. I really enjoy your company!'' Izumi hastily explained, causing the Amazonians' mood to slightly brighten up. Tione hesitantly nodded agreeing to his words with a slightly down cast expression as Tiona blatantly and shamelessly threw a tantrum.

''But I want to stay here!'' Tiona shouted while tearing up and throwing a fit.

Izumi, seeing this, got up and gently patted Tiona's head as he gently kneeled down and put her in a hug.

''There, there. It's ok. Can you be a big girl and stop crying?'' He gently asked while still reassuring her.

''Um.'' She hummed as she lightly nodded, calming down at his touch.

''If you be a good girl you can come and visit anytime, Ok?'' he asked her with a gentle smile.

''Anytime?'' She asked back for confirmation while still being slightly teary.

''Yup, anytime! I'll even make snacks!'' he said, trying to appease her.

''Pinky promise?'' She asked, holding up her pinky with a serious look on her face.

''Pinky promise.'' He repeated, locking pinkies as Tiona hummed with contentment still receiving headpats.

Tione, seeing this entire confrontation, stared dumbly with her mouth hung open, watching how easily Izumi had tamed Tiona. Tione began to wonder how many women he would seduce in the future.

After placating Tiona, the marry mood slowly returned as they decided to spend the rest of today playing games and hanging out, before Izumi had to leave for his [Daily Missions].

Returning home he found Tiona and Tione at his home waiting at the door when he saw them they jumped him and hugged him tightly. As it was their last day staying there Izumi gave into their persistent pleading and fell asleep tightly hugged by two Amazons that seemed to never let him go.

Like this he slowly drifted off into sleep.

Waking up the next morning he sneakily snuck out of the bed and prepared breakfast. Deciding to pull all the stops, he made a huge buffet that would leave even Tiona full. Cooking for an hour with everything he had, Izumi filled the table with many early morning delicacies from his previous life. Starting from a thick tower of pancakes to scrambled eggs with monster meat jerky and even waffles, bagels, and smoothies.

Tiona and Tione who walked in finding a table full of delicious looking food and Izumi fully concentrating on setting the table to the best of his abilities, they fell in a trance staring at the scene.

Izumi finally noticing a gaze on him after finishing setting a table, looked over his shoulder and found two Amazoness staring at him. Embarrassed, he smiled awkwardly with a light blush on his cheeks. He whipped his hands with a cloth still wearing the apron and cleared his throat.

''I-I made you a little something extra, since it was your last day staying here'' Izumi clarified with a slight blush. Seeing this caused a thin trail of blood to leak out of Tiona and Tione's nose as they burned this memory into their minds.

After eating, Izumi spent the next two hours accompanying Tione and Tiona on the path back to their familia. Through the entire path Tione and Tione were silent, the closer they got to their destination the more downcast their faces became. At some points they wished to turn back, yet with steady and calm steps they decided to go forward, not wanting to back down now and instead see Izumi off with a happy smile.

As they reached the town, Tione and Tiona guided Izumi to a large building serving as their familia home. It wasn't as large as the loki familia that Izumi had seen in the anime, but it was still quite large. The local god had apparently descended over a hundred years ago and took in everyone. The god of this familia was named Ullr, a god of hunting, family, glory, skill, etc. He apparently is most known as the god of snow and because of this chose to live outside Oraria even though he was a god related to hunting. In their current location it was known for its abundance of wildlife and in honor of their patron god would host a hunting festival during the winter.

Being a hunting familia, the Ullr familia practiced combat and required all members to have at least a basic level of combat in cases of self defense or hunting. This also allowed for them to have powerful adventurers, the captain being a level three veteran.

Walking into the Ullr familia headquarters, a group of people inside seem to notice Tione and Tiona, as a large group of people came rushing towards them.

''Tione and Tiona are back!'' One person yelled.

''The berserker twins!?'' Another one said.

Their responses mixed, with a lot of male members running away in a panic and a group mostly consisting of females came running to check on them. As Izumi saw this he smiled warmly and enjoyed the scene of Tione and Tiona being welcomed home.

Suddenly, however, a spear was pointed towards Izumi's neck. Izumi frowned seeing this and glared at the teenager holding the spear.

''Bastard, did you kidnap Tione and Tiona!'' He yelled, gathering the attention of many members.

''No, you idiot. I literally accompanied them here.'' Izumi spat out, visually ticked at being yelled at.

''Than why did it take them so long to come back.'' The teenager said not having it.

''I saved them and treated their wounds, the reason they hadn't came earlier was because they were still recovering!'' Izumi stated. This however got a shocked reaction from many familia members.

''Bull shit, Tione and Tiona wouldn't lose to anything and even more hilarious, you expect me to believe a nose picking kid like you could save them!'' The obnoxious teenager said. Izumi, no longer taking the abuse anymore, was about to punch the kid in front of him, but before he could someone else beat him to it.

''Don't be mean to Izumi!'' said Tiona in an angered tone as she sucker punched the kid, sending him flying. Then taking a defensive position in front of Izumi with a serious glint in her eyes. Most of the familia members weren't surprised by Tiona's punch but rather by the fact she had protected Izumi.

''Izumi is telling the truth. He saved me and Tiona when we ran into a horde of monsters.'' Tione said seriously as she backed her sister.

A look of shock passed through the entirety of the familia. Most being the boy who had just held a spear to Izumi's face.

''B-but, Tione, are you really gonna trust this guy!? What if he set you up?'' Said the boy refusing to acknowledge he was wrong.

''I told you not to call me by name you disgusting pig.'' Said Tione, staring at the slightly older kid. Hearing this the boy seemed hurt and about to cry when suddenly a man walked in. He had a large build with leather and iron armor, on his back he had a large bow and quiver of arrows. His face was regal and intimidating, more so when paired with his large black beard and countless scars aborn his body.

''That's enough.'' said the man in a deep and regal voice. Looking over at the twin Amazonians he adopts a warm smile, like a grandparent to his grandchildren. Walking over he places one of his large rough hands over each of the girl heads and gives them a little rub. Tione and Tiona allow this to happen with a happy smile on their face.

''It's good to have you two back.'' He said in a jolly tone.

''It's good to be back, Ullr-sama'' Said the two Amazonians with a warm smile.

''And is this the young man that brought you home?'' Asked Ullr, with an intrigued smile.

''Yes.'' Said both Amazonians once again in sync. Tiona jumped up to koala hug Izumi with a big smile on her face as Tione nodded with a slight blush on her face stealing glances at Izumi. This reaction however caused everyone including the god himself to widen their eyes as their mouth hung open. Unknown to Izumi, Tiona never hugged male members of the familia even though she wasn't very interested in romance and Tione had never shown an embarrassed reaction to anyone, instead being known for her teasing. Seeing this new side was eye opening to many members. Ullr being a god had seen many things and because of this was the first to recover from the shock, his face now adorned with a huge smile welcomed the boy while giving Tione and Tiona a knowing look.

''Ha ha, in that case come in! I must thank you, tonight we have a feast!'' Said Ullr as he picked up Izumi and placed him onto his shoulder, shocking Izumi greatly. Walking into his office to have a small chat with Izumi, Ullr left the front lobby. Staring at their backs as Tione and Tiona left alongside Ullr many began to recover from their shock with the female members gossiping and the male members getting back to work with blank expressions.

''Did you see that, their definitely head over heels!'' Said one girl.

''I mean that kid was really cute, but to think that was their type!'' Said another girl.

''You think I should steal him?'' Asked an older woman seductively.

''...'' The two women just stared at their friend in silence.

''...'' The woman herself said nothing as she realized how stupid her question was.

''Yeah, that was a stupid question, forget I asked'' She said, valuing her life over her lust.

However as everyone got on with their lives, a single person was still in shock as he rubbed his cheek where the imprint of a punch.

'Tione…blushed…at him!?' He thought as he clenched his fists and his eyes darkened as he clenched his teeth.

Inside an office a god sat on a sofa before him sat a child with white hair and an Amazoness on each side. The god however smiled with a knowing smile at the two Amazonians.

After a while the god chose to begin their conversation. Clearing his throat, Ullr bent forward and thanked the boy, who was again bewildered at the god's actions.

''Thank you for saving some of my children.'' He said with complete sincerity.

''W-wait, you don't have to-! I just did what anyone would!'' Izumi said in a hurried manner not expecting Ullr to bow.

''Ha ha, no I believe I must. I am a god of family as well as hunting, to the one who has saved my family, you have my sincerest gratitude.'' The god said with a serious tone.

''Uhh..ok, you're welcome, so please raise your head.'' Izumi relented. This however caused the god to laugh.

''Ha ha ha, you are truly a kind child.'' Ullr said with complete sincerity.

''I've decided...'' Ullr said after a bit of silence looking directly into Izumi's deep purple eyes.

''Boy, would you like to join my familia?'' The god asked. However to Izumi this caused a bit of shock not expecting or planning to join a familia until he reached Oraria.

Thinking about it for a while, Izumi decided to ask Uriel for an extra opinion.

'Uriel, should I join?' he asked inwardly.

[the choice is up to you, however I recommend not joining.] Uriel stated clearly.

'Why, don't I have a couple of years before I plan to go to Oraria, let alone the start of canon?' Izumi said, confused.

[Yes, however you may receive [World Missions] in the time between now and the start of canon, some of which may take years or require traveling to distant places.] Uriel informed.

'So I can't stay in one place before canon?'

[No, ultimately you may reject the [World Missions] however you will lose opportunities to grow, and as of right now you most definitely require their rewards.] Uriel finished.

'...' Izumi contemplated the pros and cons and finally made his decision. Staring back into Ullr's eyes he took a breath and gave his answer.

''Thank you for the invitation but I'm sadly going to have to say no.'' Izumi said with a respectful tone and complete sincerity. He truly felt thankful for the offer but had to turn down the invitation.

''huuu…I understand, but as my children's benefactor you are welcome anytime.'' Ullr said with a smile.

''Thank you, I'll make sure to visit.'' Izumi said.

Finishing up their talk and giving his goodbyes Izumi began his walk home. As he walked he looked at his current [World Mission].

[Knight in Shining Armor II]


Return Tione and Tiona to their familia alive (1/1)

Hunt Serpent Wolves (38/65)]

'Guess I'll hunt some on my way home.' Izumi thought to himself.

[There are currently a group of four serpent wolves on your path. Approximately 800m south-east.] Uriel informed, giving the location of the closest targets.

'Alright south-east then.' Izumi said as he walked off the trail.

[That's north-west.]



Izumi turned around and confidently walked south-east towards his targets.

In a small quarry a boy can be seen in a tree, watching a group of wolves. In the group there are three normal sized serpent wolves and one slightly larger one, which Izumi quickly marked as the pack leader. The boy stalks his prey as he begins to formulate a plan of attack.

Taking out a rock from his inventory, Izumi tosses it just out of the normal serpent wolves' range. The only one who noticed being the biggest wolf. As the bigger wolf goes to check the sound.

Izumi smirking lightly takes out an scentless piece of meat. Throwing it in the opposite direction the wolves check the cause of it, finding a piece of meat they begin to fight over it. Meanwhile the alpha of the small pack finds a rock from the source of the noise, looking around it senses something out of place as its instinct kicks in, making it feel as if it is in the presence of a hunter. Hearing another sound it turns it head to the side only for a sharp knife to be plunged into the center of it's skull instantly killing it as the blade penetrates it's head.

Izumi, wiping blood off his knife, looks at the dead wolf in front of him. Looking back up at the tree he had just jumped from.

'One down, three to go.' he says to himself as he walks to the other wolves.


Suddenly he hears a wolf's cry and smiles.

'Scratch that two down.' he corrects himself.

Back with the three wolves they fight over the meat, in the end two serpent wolves back off with slight injuries, as another stands victorias over the two with the chicken in his mouth. The victoria's wolf having one howled in pride as if asserting its dominance. Then began to eat the chicken as quickly as possible, before the alpha returned.

Finishing it's meal the wolves return, however the wolf that ate starts walking slower, sensing something wrong the two other wolves defensively growl. But the slowed down wolf begins to violently cough, as it vomits a purple liquid, the contents of which is an odorless concoction using some of the most poisonous berries and plants in the forest. As the wolf spews its food onto the ground it collapses, and starts to whimper. Letting out one last whimper before it dies.

The two remaining wolves panic searching for an enemy as they rabidly growl and bark. Suddenly they feel a scene of dread as a sword swings from behind one wolf slicing it in half through the stomach. The other wolf seeing this turns around runs away, its instincts screaming to run, but as it runs it steps on a stick and with a loud thud is tied up and suspended in the air.

Izumi finishes with killing the third wolf and looks over to the last one caught in the trap he set. Satisfied his plan has worked he quickly punctures the wolf's heat through it's exposed stomach, killing it instantly.

Izumi smiles at the end of a successful hunt, satisfied with his own performance.

[Skill, [Apex predator (E)] is deactivating.]

[Congratulations on a successful hunt]

'Thanks, Uriel.' Izumi says before walking back to the direction of his home.

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