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77.94% Marvel: So I'm a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit] / Chapter 53: Deus Aranea Dominatur

Chương 53: Deus Aranea Dominatur

This chapter is unedited and might contain lots of errors. Some people might find it boring but it is a necessary chapter for the future ones. Hope you enjoy reading!




Demiurge PoV:


Location: The Blazing Temple; 7th Floor of The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick


The Blazing Temple bore a striking resemblance to a once-proud Grecian-style sanctum, its columns now strewn about as though they had clashed violently with one another. Broken statues of ancient gods lay in shattered disarray, their forms profaned and defiled.


Above, the ceiling had given way, with large fragments plunged into the earth below, as if casting the divine out of the heavens themselves. Amidst the desecration, at the heart of the temple, sat a pristine white throne. 


Amidst the desolation of the 7th floor which evoked the eerie imagery of Hell, faint, tormenting echoes reverberated through the air. These distant cries, laden with anguish, painted a haunting portrait of souls or perhaps unfortunate beings suffering in an eternal, unseen torment.


'Ahhh', the chilling, mournful cries echoed through the Blazing Temple, carrying with them the weight of torment and despair, creating a haunting symphony of suffering that reverberated throughout the infernal domain. 


One such unfortunate being was Amora who was being tortured for her grave sin of infiltrating Nazarick.


Strolling through the meticulously designed sacred precincts shaped by his creator's vision, Demiurge allowed his thoughts to wander affectionately through their shared memories, all while he absorbed the enchanting melody that served as a backdrop.


As Lady White's directive dictated, he was obliged to indulge in a moment of respite, a customary practice for all inhabitants of Nazarick during their scheduled periods of relaxation. 


And so, Demiurge readily set aside the multitude of tasks delegated to him, wholly embracing the enchanting music that surrounded him. 


He had received news of Shalltear's departure, courtesy of the Evil Lords. Demiurge was not worried as he alongside Albedo had made sure that she was prepared for her mission. A repeat of something along the lines of the overlord novels would not happen.


Lady White could not face further disappointments from the NPCs, or rather the guardians in particular, after the previous fiasco. 


As the defence commander of Nazarick, Demiurge had made sure to ramp up the security of Nazarick to avoid any incidents like the previous one. He had gone over uncountable hypothetical scenarios involving risks and tried to provide a solution to each one.


Undoubtedly, Lady White's well-being stood as the foremost concern, but this didn't imply that his strategies depended on the demise of the other Nazarick inhabitants. 


Au contraire, once Lady White's safety was secured, Demiurge wholeheartedly dedicated himself to safeguarding the lives of his colleagues. He regarded them with respect as fellow creations of the Supreme Beings, after all.


Even during his designated rest session, he remained vigilant. Lady White, along with Cocytus and Sophia, had embarked on one of the Supreme One's periodic expeditions, which left Nazarick's security at an unprecedented low


He had casually traversed the sections monitored by his fellow inhabitants, all the while conducting his scientific experiments and gleefully tormenting Amora. 


Managing this multitude of tasks concurrently was indeed demanding, yet this very capability ignited feelings of envy within the minds of every tomb resident. 


Demiurge reached his study and glanced at the object placed at the corner of his desk. This was the Chaos Catalyst, a sinister and compact world item, was a macabre fusion of ghastly and diabolical elements. 


It appeared as a small, palm-sized onyx-black orb that seemed to absorb light and exuded an eerie crimson aura. The surface of the orb was etched with intricate, writhing patterns reminiscent of tormented souls, invoking a sense of suffering and dread. 


It felt cold to the touch, as if it hungered for the warmth of the living. The object's dark energy swirled within, casting faint, malevolent whispers into the minds of those who dared to gaze upon it, promising power, but at the cost of their humanity. As a demon, this was not a concern for him.


It was an artifact of profound malevolence, a harbinger of chaos and malefic transformation, embodying the essence of all that was evil in the world. This world item was the gift bestowed upon him by Lady White.


Demiurge now had the opportunity to become a world enemy, something his creator had wished at one point of time but denied it. Of course, Lord Ulbert did not truly require the use of such a world item being an omnipotent Supreme Being.


It showed her concern for his safety as well as hopes for his future accomplishments. He was especially in awe of her foresight when she informed him of the requirements of the 'ritual' to become an entity known as an Abyssal Tyrant.


All of this had already coincided with his plans of reigning terror across different timelines which he had discussed with Albedo earlier. As expected of the Supreme One, she knew everything before he informed her of his plans.


Demiurge planned to use the Chaos Catalyst soon and start working on fulfilling the ritual requirements. He had also decided that the sin he primarily wanted to embody was one of either greed or gluttony. He would ask for Lady White to bestow this authority upon him when the time was right.


One particular requirement was particularly difficult to accomplish, but he would definitely fulfil it to repay Lady White's trust in him. After all, only one universe had to be plunged into terror to achieve it.


Of course, it could not be the current timeline they were inhabiting. After all, the Supreme Being was present here. That aside, as a demon he had no qualms about the torture he would put that (un)fortunate universe through. Instead, he was particularly happy.


Demiurge then looked to the right and saw a huge stack of papers. This stack contained the preliminary ideas of the religious order he was planning. The 'holy scriptures' if you will. Of course, there was plenty more to be refined.


Reading off the list to look for any obvious errors being made, he was satisfied with what he had written down so far. 


First off, drinking coffee was banned for obvious reasons. It read: ["Coffee, the nectar of the unworthy, shall be forever forbidden to those who seek salvation in the embrace of the divine."


The souls of the misguided who dared to partake of this dark brew would be tainted, their moral compasses skewed, and their fates cast into the abyss of depravity].


 Demiurge's sinister smile deepened as he considered the web of enthralling dogma that would ensnare 'Her' followers, safeguarding them from the snares of the mundane world. Of course, coffee did not exist in the current time period but will in the future.


The denizens of Nazarick had come across their beloved Supreme Being trying to drink this brew that was essentially poison to her and stopped her in time. 


It was clear that Lady White still had the conviction to drink coffee and as her guardians, such attempts had to be stopped even at the cost of her displeasure. They could not understand her desire to drink coffee despite knowing the effects it would have on her.


'Perhaps it's the same way mortals flock to consume alcohol or smoke cigarettes despite knowing the adverse effects on their health?' He thought. Essentially, it was a pandora's box that must never be opened.


Setting aside his thoughts, Demiurge looked at the sheet of paper titled [Rituals]. Of course, this section would only be implemented after Lady White bestows upon them the gift of magic. The information contained on it was as follows:


[All magic circles are based on octagrams symbolizing eight spider legs.


Baptisms: Conduits for divine connection, they allow individuals to acquire new skills, bestow blessings, and awaken latent mutant abilities. Each baptism strengthens the sacred bond with the Supreme One.


Fertility Rituals: Elaborate ceremonies dedicated to enhancing the fertility of both crops and the people. In these rituals, Lady White's influence over growth and abundance is celebrated.


Weather Manipulation Rituals: Followers seek Lady White's guidance to manipulate and shape weather patterns, aligning nature's forces with their needs.


Divine Spider Summoning: The faithful invoke the presence of sacred spiders to seek guidance, wisdom, and protection from the divine realm.


Marriage Rituals: Symbolizing the unity of devoted couples, these rituals involve the tying of threads on their fingers, signifying their connection and interdependence, in alignment with Lady White's teachings.


"As threads intertwined in Lady White's web, we emerge anew, cleansed by the white fire of our goddess. Our unity is a testament to her grace."


Cocoon Burials: A funeral practice that reverently entombs the deceased within delicate spider silk cocoons. This signifies their sacred passing and the promise of rebirth, embodying the eternal cycle.


Fate Interpretation Rituals: Weaving symbols in the shape of webs, offering insights into the fabric of fate. Facilitate dream interpretation and life guidance.


Hunting Rituals: Through the establishment of a revered order of elite hunters, these rituals harness Lady White's divine favour, ensuring bountiful and successful hunts.


Ritual of Punishment: A ritual for individuals who were once deeply religious but engaged in morally questionable actions involves hanging them by a rope. 


This act symbolizes their unworthiness to be enveloped in the silk of a sacred spider, after death for instance, yet acknowledges that they remain connected to the intricate web of Lady White's divine order. They are still 'in the weaving' of Lady White.]


Lady White's faith, of course, has its own sacred scripture, known as the "Spider Codex."


A central and sacred scripture known as the "Divine Codex" will stand as the guiding light for her devoted followers. At the core of this revered text are the "Eight Sacred Tenets," serving as the cornerstone of the faith. 


These tenets emphasize the paramount importance of unwavering devotion to Lady White and the strict adherence to her teachings. They are regarded as divine laws that shape the lives of the faithful.


The "Spider Codex" also contains a collection of sacred scriptures titled "Texts on Righteous Behaviour." These scriptures emphasize virtues, morality, and the path to righteousness as perceived by the Divine Weaver. They offer ethical guidance and principles by which her followers are expected to live their lives.


Within the holy text, there are melodious expressions of devotion known as "Hymns of Praise." These hymns are sung and recited by the faithful as they serenade the eternal grace of the divine goddess. They serve as a means of expressing deep reverence and adoration.


Within the "Spider Codex," there are also "Texts About Blessings." These texts offer detailed accounts of Lady White's divine powers and the boundless blessings she bestows upon her devoted followers. 


They deepen the understanding of her divine nature and the grace she bestows upon those who faithfully serve her. Next:


[Garments and attire in the faith hold profound symbolism.


White Clothing: Pure, immaculate white clothing serves as a symbol of one's standing within the religious hierarchy, reflecting the inner purity cultivated through devotion to Lady White's teachings.


Weaving and Silk Crafting: The art of crafting with the finest spider silk is a revered practice, symbolizing the dedication to Lady White's divine order and the intricate craftsmanship that binds the faithful.


Braided Hairstyles: A sacred and exclusive hairstyle reserved for the priesthood and married individuals, the intricate braids symbolize unity within the web of the goddess.


Spider Accessories: Adorning oneself with spider-themed items demonstrates unwavering loyalty to Lady White's and signifies her divine protection.


Rites of Passage: Rites of Passage involve sacred traditions and crafting of artifacts to enhance the connection to the Weaver.


Weaving White Clothing: This sacred tradition, reserved for aspiring priests and priestesses, involves the creation of enchanting white garments with self-repairing properties, symbolizing spiritual growth and unwavering devotion.


Crafting Silk Artifacts: Crafting powerful and enchanted artifacts, utilizing the mystical properties of spider silk, further strengthens the connection to the Divine Weaver, deepening the faith.


"With every stitch and every thread, we honour the sacred act of creation. Through these crafts, we express our devotion to the Supreme Being."]


The next page was about special events and festivities:


[Special events mark key moments in the faith, reinforcing the bonds between the faithful and Lady White.


Spider Silk Offerings: Threads blessed by eternal white flames serve as offerings of devotion, reinforcing the divine bond between the goddess and her followers.


The Anniversary Feast: A joyous celebration marked by a feast featuring pristine white foods and clothing, commemorating the ongoing unity within the faith.


Ring Gifting: A momentous occasion when Lady White bestows seven unique rings upon her people once every century, each with its own enchantments, symbolizing her divine favour.


"Each ring, a symbol of divine favor, weaves its unique thread into the fabric of our existence. As we don the rings bestowed by Lady White, we celebrate the unity of our faith."


Burning Black Clothes: On a sacred day, the faithful come together for a ceremony involving the burning of black clothing in the cleansing flames of white fire, signifying their unwavering devotion to the goddess.


"In the shadow of the eternal white flame, we are reborn, cleansed of the stains of our past. We emerge as threads, woven into the eternal tapestry of Lady White."]


Finally the last page included information about some other customs:


[The faith encompasses daily customs and practices that deepen the connection between the faithful and Lady White.


Prayers at Key Moments: The faithful begin each day with reverent prayers. They offer supplications before embarking on activities like sewing or acquiring food, seeking Lady White's guidance and protection.


Apparel of the Rulers: Those in positions of authority are adorned in self-cleaning, self-repairing white clothing, reflecting the divine nature of their leadership within the faith.


Festivals and Contests: Festive gatherings featuring dancing, singing, competitions, crafting, and cooking contests grant wishes to the winners, deepening the communal spirit and faith.]


Demiurge had also gone ahead and created a new language to be spoken by Lady White's believers. It would unify the citizens of Arachnumec and any future believers they will have.


This would be the language of rituals and official documents. A language mortals will believe to be spoken by the Supreme Beings themselves. A language of the gods. He named this language "Webraic", for now. Of course this was a proto script and would still need a lot of refining to make it convenient.


It was a difficult task but Demiurge found it to be quite pleasing as an activity to be done during his free time. 


It would eventually became integral to all aspects of Arachnumec's culture, including science, magic, art, and education. It served as the basis for various scripts and inscriptions throughout the city.


The Webraic script is visually complex and intricate, resembling an actual spider's web, with lines, curves, and loops that intersect and connect. Each character is composed of distinct elements, and their arrangement can change the meaning of a word.


The written characters themselves often reflect the symbolic nature of spiders. A character might resemble a spider's silhouette, complete with legs and body, reinforcing the cultural importance of arachnids.


The language was designed around the concept of weaving and the interconnectedness of life. Sentences are constructed as if weaving a tapestry, with each word acting as a thread in the intricate fabric of meaning.


Metaphors related to spiders are seamlessly integrated into the structure. For example, to convey "knowledge," Webraic might use the phrase "spinning threads of wisdom," invoking the image of a spider spinning its web.


The language incorporates a hierarchical system of addressing individuals, reflecting Arachnumec's societal structure. It uses different words and forms of address depending on a person's age, role, or social standing. This feature reinforces the importance of deference within the community.


It includes a unique tense system where time is expressed as threads, with past events represented as threads behind, the present as the thread in the centre, and the future as threads extending forward. It emphasizes the idea that the past influences the present and shapes the future.


Webraic has a polysynthetic structure. This means that in the language of Webraic, you can create long and detailed words by putting smaller word parts together. 


For example, instead of using the word "knowledge," Webraic might combine smaller word parts that mean "wisdom," "getting," and "through the web" to make a single, complex word.


Sentences are typically long and intricate, conveying deep layers of meaning. This reflects the belief that the interweaving of concepts and ideas mirrors the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.


An example of a sentence could be: Lady White webralith lauvakhariz miirandrei. (Translation: Lady White weaves the threads of fate.)


This sentence might feature intricate characters forming the shape of a spider, with delicate lines extending from its body, signifying the act of weaving. The words "webralith" and "miirandrei" would incorporate motifs that suggest the interwoven nature of fate.


Another sentence could be: Zirrahtil skwilanor shibrekara. (Translation: The stars shine brightly.)


In this example, the characters in the script might be woven together in an intricate pattern that resembles starbursts with radiant lines connecting them. The verb "skwilanor" may have an elegant, web-like motif around it, signifying the action of shining brightly.


This was definitely not the final form as mentioned earlier. It would be made far simpler and convenient after refining. 


For the fun of it, Demiurge made some of the Webraic words and concepts bear a resemblance to contemporary scientific and technological terms, introducing a sense of linguistic anachronism.


It would be fun seeing future linguists trying to understand minute resemblances to languages that would have been born in different parts of the world such as Asia or Europe in the future, that is, if the whole world did not already speak this language by that point of time for whatever reason.


Putting down the sheets of paper, Demiurge considered his future plans. Lady White had already informed them that she would be playing two separate persona's: herself as the benevolent goddess and 'Evil God D'.


Naturally any morally 'evil' actions he or any other member of Nazarick would do from now on would naturally had to fall under the command of 'Evil God D' when reviewed by outsiders.


To this end, he had also given 'Evil God D' a position of absolute evil in any scripture he designed. Of course, any text could not be written to disrespect Lady White even if she was written to be the root of evil in them.


Instead 'Evil God D' was depicted to be an antithesis to Lady White. A necessary evil to keep the balance of reality. People would fear 'Her' but respect her nonetheless with no follower daring to blaspheme her.


Demiurge felt satisfied with his current progress and was determined to execute each task assigned by the Supreme One, their absolute ruler and goddess, to the best of his abilities.



Thank you for all the ideas provided in an earlier chapter. I have adapted a lot of them in this chapter. There are more ideas I want to write down but I'll include them in future chapters as and when necessary. If you like this story, check out my new fanfic as well (More Shiraori in that one as well). Look forward to the next chapter whenever it comes out!

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