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23.52% Internet Cafe in a Fantasy World / Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - Luke's Anger

Chương 18: Chapter 18 - Luke's Anger

As the time neared for Luke to close the shop, a faint *creak* echoed as the door swung open, revealing a group of individuals entering.

He was ready to offer them a warm welcome, but his amiable demeanor froze in place as he beheld an utterly unbelievable scene unfold before his eyes.

In that harrowing moment, one of the teens from the group clutched the neck of a little girl and callously dragged her into the shop. It was Lily, her fragile form limp and unconscious, her body covered in bruised marks.

An indescribable emotion surged within Luke, something he had never experienced before. His heart pounded furiously as he struggled to comprehend the brutality before him.

The sight was unbearable, and a maelstrom of anger swirled inside him, causing his blood to boil and his eyes to blaze with a crimson intensity. A terrifying aura enveloped him, an outward manifestation of the seething rage that threatened to consume him.

Abruptly, the system's warning resounded within Luke's mind.

[ Warning! The host is currently experiencing overheating.

Assessing potential risks...

This is the first instance of the host encountering overheat. There is a chance of minor impact on the host's ability to think. However, no significant issues have been detected.

Searching for measures...

The current situation must be resolved to overcome overheat. ]

Engulfed by his overwhelming anger, Luke remained oblivious to the warnings from the system. The intense emotions clouded his senses, rendering him unable to perceive the potential risks of his current state.

In a sudden and shocking display, Luke materialized beside Lily. The group's astonishment was palpable, as no one had seen him move towards them, yet there he stood, instantly in front of them.

The overwhelming anger had consumed him entirely, and for the first time in his life, he felt a desire to harm someone. Lost in the torrent of emotions, he became oblivious to his surroundings, fixating solely on the cause of his rage. The world around him blurred, and his gaze remained locked on the one responsible for Lily's suffering.

With a swift and decisive movement, Luke snatched Lily from the teen's grasp. The group stood frozen in shock, unable to comprehend the swift and seemingly impossible turn of events.

Only moments before, Luke had been behind the counter, and now he stood before them, holding Lily protectively in his arms. The sudden display of his speed and power sent shivers down everyone's spine, leaving them in awe and fear of the enigmatic force that had just revealed itself.

Terrified by the glimpse of Luke's overwhelming power, panic gripped the group, and they realized they stood no chance against him. Their initial arrogance and aggression gave way to a desperate desire to escape.

In a frantic attempt to flee, they turned towards the door, desperately trying to pry it open to make their escape.

[Power Off]

However, to their horror, Luke had deactivated the door's ability to open, rendering it nothing more than an impassable barrier. The realization that there was no way out filled them with dread as they faced the consequences of their cruel actions.

Desperation gripped the group, and they resorted to using both force and magic to break open the sealed door, hoping for a chance to escape their grim fate.

Meanwhile, Luke's face still bore a fearsome expression as he carried Lily protectively into his room. With an unwavering determination to help her, he utilized his skill to heal her injuries.




Despite the fact that the first reboot had already completely healed Lily, Luke couldn't shake off the fear that there might be lingering wounds. Consumed by concern for her well-being, he used the reboot skill two more times, albeit unnecessarily, just to ensure her full recovery.

As a result, a large portion of his energy reserves had been depleted, leaving only a quarter of his strength remaining. Yet, he firmly believed it would be enough to teach the group a lesson they would never forget.

Luke was well aware that his reboot skill was the most energy-consuming among his abilities, but he deemed it a worthwhile sacrifice to ensure Lily's safety and to confront those who had caused her harm.

With the power of the reboot, Lily's complexion visibly improved, and her dirty clothes were miraculously repaired, leaving no trace of the earlier ordeal.

Luke's stern expression softened as he gazed upon Lily, relieved to see her in a better state. However, the memory of the group's heinous actions quickly resurfaced, returning his countenance to its fearsome state.

Determined to confront them and ensure justice, he approached the group with a sense of purpose.


Immediately, a series of information appeared above the heads of the group members.

[Vincent von Drake

Rank 1 Magician

Age: 12]

[Davin von Drake

Rank 2 Magician

Age: 16]

[Bane von Boze

Rank 2 Magician

Age: 16]

[Alex von Fowle

Rank 2 Magician

Age: 16]

Aware of the energy depletion caused by using his skills, Luke made an adjustment to focus only on the specific information he needed, thereby reducing unnecessary consumption.

Respecting the elderly and being kind to the young were traits well-known to Luke. In his eyes, individuals aged 40 years and above fell under the category of "old," possibly due to the age range of his caretakers at the orphanage. Conversely, he considered those who were less than 15 years old as "young."

Luke regarded those outside the age ranges he considered familiar—strangers—as individuals he felt indifferent towards, except for those who were close to him.

As Luke assessed the ages of the aggressors, he felt a sense of relief knowing that they all fell under the category of strangers, except for Vincent.

"You better prepare yourselves, as I am about to do something nasty," Luke warned the group coldly.

His words sent shivers down their spines, and fear gripped them, causing them to unleash a flurry of curses.

"You shithead!"


"How dare you! I am the eldest son of Drake noble hou—"

[Power Off]

Before the last person could finish their sentence, Luke intervened, using his power to deactivate their ability to make sounds. The room fell silent as their voices were silenced, leaving them helpless.

The group was utterly taken aback by the mystical sight before them. With their ability to make sounds deactivated, they found themselves unable to chant and cast spells, leaving them defenseless.

In their desperation, Bane and Alex, unable to bear the situation any longer, charged at Luke with the intent to attack him and break free from their predicament.

With his reflexes honed, Luke effortlessly dodged the attacks launched by Bane and Alex. In a swift counter-attack, he responded with a powerful kick that sent both of them sprawling to the ground.

"System, is it okay to kill them?" Luke questioned, his judgment still clouded by the effects of overheating. The desire for vengeance was strong, but he still possessed enough awareness to consider the potential consequences of such a drastic action.

[The system cautioned against resorting to lethal measures. The individuals in question belonged to a noble family, and taking their lives could lead to potential troubles in the future. As the host is still weak, venturing outside the store to confront any repercussions might prove to be challenging. This is against the idea of the host's comfortable life.

But ultimately the system won't stand in the way of the host's wishes. The system would provide assistance and support for any task the host chose to undertake.]

Upon receiving the system's advice, Luke frowned but remained grateful for its guidance.

"Then I just had to make them feel something worse than death."

Consumed by overwhelming anger, Luke couldn't help but conceive of a grueling plan.

The group, observing him seemingly talking to himself, considered him crazy, but their fear intensified as they heard his chilling words.

Luke proceeded to take action, kicking Bane and Alex forcefully, causing them to collide with the others like a bowling ball knocking down pins. It was a demonstration of his anger and a warning of what was to come.

Afterward, Luke turned his attention to the rest of the group, his expression stern and unyielding. He then posed a question to them.

"Which hands of yours hit Lily. I promise I will only cut the hands that hit her."

As Luke inquired, the group struggled to respond, but their ability to make sounds remained deactivated, leaving them unable to utter a single word. Desperation filled their eyes as they attempted to convey their answers non-verbally, but Luke was well aware that they couldn't provide any information in their current state.

Having deliberately turned off their ability to speak, Luke knew that he had taken away their means of communication. This left them in a state of helplessness, further intensifying their fear and vulnerability in the face of his formidable power.

"If you don't answer I'll assume you don't want both hands."

Hearing Luke's words and seeing the eyes of despair in the group, they were seized by desperation. With fear and adrenaline driving them, they struggled and managed to stand up, their survival instincts kicking in. They felt the urgency to fight back before something more drastic happened to them.


[Power Off]

As the group writhed in pain on the ground, Luke activated his power once more, disabling their ability to walk. They were left motionless and completely at his mercy, unable to escape or resist further.

Seizing the opportunity, Luke approached the three and with a determined expression, he dragged them to a corner of the room.

[Power On]

With a shift in approach, Luke activated their sensory pain, subjecting the three aggressors to an unimaginable torment.

Their bodies convulsed with each movement, every step causing excruciating pain to course through them.

Though they screamed in agony, no sound escaped their lips, their ability to make sounds still deactivated. Their eyes filled with tears, and their faces contorted in pain as they realized the dire consequences of their actions.

Remorse flooded their hearts, regretting their decision to enter the shop. The excruciating agony left them yearning for release, yet even the slightest movement intensified their suffering.

Meanwhile, Vincent, who had been left at the entrance, watched in terror. Luke spared him for now, considering his age, but he planned to address his actions later.

Nevertheless, the sight of the tormented group struck fear into Vincent's heart, and he was so terrified that he involuntarily lost control, wetting himself in fright.

The atmosphere was thick with dread as the consequences of their actions unfolded before them. Each second passed like an eternity, and the group found themselves trapped in their own torment, with no respite from the pain and no escape from the consequences of their cruel deeds.

The trio remained in agonizing pain, their expressions filled with misery, yet they were unable to make a sound to express their suffering.

Luke observed them with a cold and indifferent gaze, unyielding in his resolve to deliver justice.

With calculated precision, he poked them at intervals, each touch triggering a fresh wave of convulsions, amplifying their torment.

Despite losing consciousness numerous times, they would immediately awaken when Luke uttered the words, "Power On," forcing them back into their nightmarish reality.

As the cycle of torment continued, Luke sensed his energy reserves nearing depletion.

Determined to carry out his plan, he picked up a knife and approached the three aggressors.

Just as he was about to execute his punishment and cut the hands that had caused harm to Lily, he felt a familiar gaze upon him.

Surprised, he turned to see a head peeking out from his room, innocent eyes gazing back at him.

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    Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

    Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
    Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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