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22.05% Internet Cafe in a Fantasy World / Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - Hado*ken

Chương 16: Chapter 16 - Hado*ken

Luke was taken aback when, once again, Lunaria left before the countdown ended, leaving Lily to play on her behalf.

"If this continues, my system quest might be delayed even further," Luke pondered, feeling a tinge of frustration.

Yet, as he gazed at Lily in the computer seat, all his worries seemed to dissolve away, replaced by a sense of joy as he observed her genuine delight in playing.

"That's right. A child should be allowed to be this carefree and happy. Don't be like me," he reminded himself, recognizing that he had grown too serious and burdened by his responsibilities in the past.

As the countdown in the coin box came to an end, Luke couldn't help but realize that fun times are fleeting.

Indeed, it seemed that Lily had just finished playing the Arena Fighter game on the computer.

Suddenly, a pang of realization hit her – she had unintentionally skipped school this morning. Amidst the earlier events and excitement, the thought had completely slipped her mind.

Realizing the gravity of her situation, Lily hurriedly rushed towards Luke in a panic, preparing to bid farewell.

Her scholarship hung in the balance, and she couldn't afford to frequently take leave from school.

Understanding the predicament she faced, Luke offered a warm and understanding smile, reassuring her, "Okay, make sure to come next time. If you need help, I'm always here. Remember that, okay?"

With a cute nod in response to Luke's words, Lily dashed off towards Celestia Academy, determined to handle her school situation.

As Lily disappeared from view, Luke found himself once again alone in the internet cafe. A sense of solitude settled over him, but he knew that he had important tasks to attend to and couldn't linger in the moment. Resolute, he turned his attention back to his system quest, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


At last, Lily arrived at the academy, only to be scolded by the professor for her tardiness. Despite the reprimand, she recognized the professor as a kind-hearted teacher.

Fortunately, the morning consisted of theory classes, and Lily felt confident in her abilities in that area. So, she didn't worry too much about the morning sessions. However, what truly concerned her was the practicum scheduled for the afternoon.

This practicum was a practical exam where students would have to apply their theoretical learning through dueling. The thought of showcasing her skills in front of others made her anxious, and she knew she had to find a way to excel despite her limitations in magic.

The challenge that Lily faced was that she possessed knowledge of only basic barrier magic. While she was capable of learning other forms of magic, there was a dilemma.

Upon discovering that she had an attribute for dark magic, she feared that revealing this aspect of herself might expose her as a witch, leading to potential judgments from others. The uncertainty of how her peers and instructors might perceive her troubled her deeply.

To avoid such scrutiny, Lily believed that her safest option was to focus solely on Non-Attribute Magic, particularly the Barrier Magic she already knew.

Non-Attribute Magic could be employed without invoking any specific attribute from the mana vessels during the casting process. This approach provided her with a way to wield magic effectively while keeping her identity as a witch concealed, at least for the time being.

However, deep down, Lily yearned to find a way to embrace her magical talents fully without fearing judgment or rejection from those around her.

Indeed, Lily was aware that Non-Attribute Magic, including her familiar Barrier Magic, lacked the destructive power of attributed magic.

Non-Attribute Magic had its practical uses, especially for defensive purposes and utility, but in a duel or battle scenario, it could prove disadvantageous against opponents wielding more potent and specialized forms of magic.

Suddenly, Lily's thoughts went back to the game she had played earlier on the computer. It had been a new and captivating experience for her, and as she reflected on it, she realized how much she had learned about martial arts from the game.

In the virtual world of the game, each character possessed their unique set of martial arts techniques. She observed that she needs to skillfully control these moves, which ultimately determined whether she emerged victorious or suffered defeat in the game's battles.

At the beginning, Lily faced several defeats in the game as she struggled to counter some of her opponents' martial arts techniques. However, her tenacity and quick learning abilities allowed her to adapt swiftly. With each loss, she analyzed her mistakes and adjusted her approach, gradually improving her gameplay.

This realization sparked a new perspective within Lily. She began to see parallels between the martial arts in the game and her own magical abilities. Just like the characters in the game had their distinctive fighting styles, she understood that she too could find her own path within Non-Attribute Magic.

As Lily reminisced about the game, one character, in particular, caught her eye – a formidable fighter who possessed exceptional martial arts skills and the ability to shoot a ball of mana.

An idea struck her like lightning as she recalled this character's abilities.


The afternoon arrived, and the eagerly anticipated duel was about to commence as scheduled.

The teacher called each student's name one by one, pairing them up with their respective battle partners. Lily's heart raced with anticipation as the moment drew nearer.

Finally, the moment she had been waiting for arrived. The teacher called out her name.


Coincidentally, Lily found herself paired up with one of her noble bullies, and her nerves heightened with a mix of anxiety and apprehension.

As she glanced at the person in question, she noticed him engaged in conversation with the other bullies, sharing laughs and exchanging smirks. Lily's ears perked up, and she discreetly listened in on their conversation, trying to gauge the tone and subject matter.

"You're so lucky Vincent, it's an easy win."

"Yeah right, that girl can only use a brittle barrier magic so you're so lucky."

"Haha I know that. Watch me blast her later."

Lily, who overheard their hurtful conversation, couldn't help but feel a surge of anger rising within her. However, she swiftly reminded herself of a valuable lesson she had learned from a young age – being angry wouldn't serve her well.

Deep inside, she knew that letting anger consume her emotions would only cloud her judgment and hinder her performance in the duel. Instead, she channeled that anger into determination and resolve, using it as fuel to prove herself.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived as the teacher called out Lily's name and the bully, Vincent.

As they both stood facing each other in the arena, Vincent's mocking gaze and arrogant demeanor were evident. His air of superiority loomed over Lily, attempting to intimidate her.


The instructor's voice rang out, signaling the official start of the duel.

Simultaneously, Vincent began his chant, summoning his fire-attribute magic.

"From ember's core, the spark awakes,

In mystic verse, the fire takes shape.

Balls of flame, dancing in the air,

Obey my will, with fiery flair.

By words of power, I call thee near,

In skies aglow, you shall appear.

Rising spheres, with heat agleam,

Obey my touch, fulfill my dream."

Lilith keenly recognized the distinctive intonations that signaled the use of destructive fire magic. Without hesitation, she responded swiftly, starting her own chant to conjure a protective barrier.

However, before she could finish, balls of fire materialized in the air around Vincent, indicating the magnitude of his attack. There were five of them, and with adept control, he aimed each fiery orb directly at Lilith.

Fortunately, she managed to finish her chant just in the nick of time, and a transparent dome manifested around her, like a shimmering shield protecting her from the impending barrage.

As the first ball of fire collided with the transparent dome, Lily felt the impact reverberate through her barrier. While the shield held strong, she knew that she couldn't afford to relax. Vincent's mastery of his magical assault was evident, as he skillfully controlled the remaining four balls of fire, directing them with precision towards her.

For a fleeting moment, she questioned her abilities, wondering if her innovative approach could truly stand up against Vincent's powerful attacks. However, deep down, she knew that she had come too far to simply give in to self-doubt.

As the relentless barrage of fireballs continued, Lily fought valiantly to maintain her transparent barrier. However, the relentless assault took its toll, and finally, on the impact of the fourth ball, her barrier shattered, leaving her momentarily vulnerable.

With only a split second to react, Lily noticed the incoming fifth ball out of the corner of her eye. Instinctively, she crossed her arms in a last-ditch effort to shield herself from the incoming attack. The force of the impact sent her stumbling back, but she was relieved to find that her uniform, enchanted with protective properties, minimized the extent of her injuries.

"Do you want to continue? Let's st—?

Just as the instructor was about to step in and halt the duel, he caught a glimpse of Lily's pleading eyes. In that moment, he recognized the determination and resolve within her gaze. He saw the fire of determination burning brightly, and it made him pause.

While cautious, the instructor decided to grant her one more chance, but with a firm determination to intervene should things become too dangerous. He believed in giving her the opportunity to demonstrate her skills and determination, but not at the expense of her safety.


Hearing the instructor, Vincent erupted into a maniacal laugh, his arrogance and overconfidence only intensifying.

With a calm and calculating demeanor, Lily observed Vincent's every move, analyzing his patterns and anticipating his strategies. Drawing from her game-inspired idea, she made a crucial decision: she would shift her approach and tap into the full potential of her pure mana.

As Vincent began his chant once more, Lily remained focused and composed. She observed his every move, not allowing her attention to waver for even a second.

Drawing upon her reserves of mana, she carefully gathered the energy within her, forming a potent vortex in the palm of her hand.

With the mana swirling in her grasp, Lily locked her wrists together, channeling her energy into a concentrated force. The entire arena held its breath, aware that something extraordinary was about to unfold.

Simultaneously, she continued to keep a close eye on Vincent. As he completed his chant, he launched the barrage of fireballs towards her, expecting to overpower her once again.

With intense focus and reflexes, Lily observed the trajectory of each incoming fireball. As the first one closed in, she swiftly dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding its searing heat.

However, the battle was far from over. The second fireball grazed her, leaving a trail of heat across her skin, while the third collided with her robe, sending sparks flying. Undeterred, Lily kept her composure, knowing that she couldn't afford to falter.

Yet, it was the fourth fireball that proved to be the most relentless. It seemed to possess a mind of its own, following her every move with uncanny accuracy. Lily's heart pounded as it struck her legs with force, threatening to knock her off balance.

Despite the pain and the odds stacked against her, Lily stood firm, her determination unwavering. She refused to let the pain or the fear consume her, knowing that she had come too far to give up now.

In that moment, time seemed to slow. With her willpower as her anchor, Lily steadied herself, her gaze fixed on Vincent, who had a momentary look of surprise at her resilience.

'A little more'

As the duel reached its climax, Lily could feel the pressure mounting. She knew her plan needed a bit more time to come to fruition, but the relentless fifth fireball bore down on her with greater intensity than the others. Panic gripped her momentarily, but she quickly pushed it aside, focusing on the challenge ahead.

Desperately, she dodged the attack, narrowly avoiding the deadly flames. However, to her astonishment, the fireball seemed to possess a malevolent intelligence as it veered off its original trajectory and homed in on her once again.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she continued to evade the relentless fireball, but it was unrelenting, following her every move with an uncanny determination. She felt the weight of its power bearing down upon her, leaving her with little room to maneuver.

In that critical moment, Lily crouched low in the arena, her heart pounding as the fierce fireball descended upon her from above. With a calculated risk, she timed her move to perfection, bouncing back just as the ball of flames crashed into the floor below her.

A cloud of dust engulfed the scene, obscuring Lily's figure from view. The spectators, including Vincent, thought that the duel had come to an end, assuming that Lily had succumbed to the powerful attack. They believed victory belonged to Vincent, the overwhelming favorite.

Yet, as the dust slowly settled, an astonishing sight emerged from the haze. To everyone's surprise, Lily stood tall and unscathed. In that moment, she revealed her wrists, which were now mysteriously bound together by a shimmering, intricate pattern of energy.

A radiant ball of mana rested between her palms, illuminating the arena with its brilliance. The sight surprised and captivated the audience, who had never witnessed such a unique display of magic before.

With her wrists bound together, Lily adopted a poised stance, exuding an air of confidence that had been absent from her earlier timid self. She fixed her determined gaze on Vincent, who now stood with a mix of astonishment and uncertainty.

In a moment of revelation, Lily unleashed the ball of energy with precision and grace. The mana streaked through the air, propelled by her newfound strength and conviction.

Simultaneously, her voice rang out with a one-word chant that was both powerful and cute.


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