Arion heard himself draw a low breath, his words emerging in a heated whisper, "You're like a succubus."
A light double tap signaled its end — a silent marker of where she intended the daring slit to terminate.
Caught in the vortex of her audacious charm, all Arion could do was covertly swallow the lump that had formed at the base of his throat.
His eyes were drawn to her gesture like magnets, while his mind was set ablaze with vivid images of Lily's audacious dress modification.
The pounding rhythm of his heart echoed loudly in his ears, resonating with the pulsating anticipation that resonated within him.
The allure of Lily's slender fingers was not reliant on the bold statement of ruby red polish. With their only natural grace color and the way she coyly played her fingers with the ends of her dress were provocation enough.
Please consider leave me a review or voting! Love, Tizzz