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8.59% Inner Voice: All Heroines Hear My Inner Voice / Chapter 38: Asia Argento who was picked up was moved and cried

Chương 38: Asia Argento who was picked up was moved and cried

Asia Argento, the person who was just talked about looks confused at the moment.

She had now reached the town of Kuoh and was walking randomly while asking passers-by about the address of the church she had in her hand.

Actually, she was tired and hungry, but considering that she had little money left. She was trying to save money and at least she wanted to find the church that the devil she helped was referring to.

That's what she thought at first before she heard the voices of people mentioning things about her again.

First the voice of the person called protagonist Issei.

He seemed to know her, or rather knew a lot about her because in his previous life. She seemed to be one of the women in his harem?

Asia wasn't sure about the term harem, but she knew Issei intended for her to live with him or something.

Issei wanted her to live with him because he considered her his woman.

"Does he like me as much as he wants me to be his wife?"

Although she didn't know much about romance, the phrase "my woman" instantly made her think of the husband and wife relationship she had studied in one of the books she had read in the Church library.

Asia blushed, she somehow felt a bit embarrassed, but she had no idea how it would feel to be the wife of someone she had never even met.

Besides, Issei's tone sounded unpleasant, especially when he seemed to want to do something to her after she stayed with him.

This was actually confirmed by the inner voice of another person named Eiji. He mentioned that Issei might want to fuck her after she moved in with him.

"Fucking" This was an unfamiliar term to her, but she knew it was definitely not something good - especially when Eiji also seemed to sound a little worried and wanted to save her from Issei.

Asia didn't know which of the two people was good, but she knew after hearing their inner voices so far. The bad ones were probably the protagonists like Issei since he had said something about killing many times and the person he wanted to kill was Eiji.

The teachings of the Church once taught that killing fellow humans was a bad thing.

So Issei must not be a good person, right?

But what about Eiji? He wasn't sure if that person was a good person or not.

"But why should I even think about choosing one of them?" Asia shook her head, but recalled the other information those people had mentioned.

About the devil she helped was actually an evil devil who actually pretended to be injured to get her to help him and get her kicked out of the Church and the devil also deliberately led her to the Church which was actually the headquarters of beings called fallen angels.

The group of fallen angels seemed to be greedy for her Twilight Healing and wanted to steal it which she didn't know how to do because the Sacred Gear was an object connected to her soul.

But the point of it all was that the Church that her were looking for all this time turned out to be not a good place.

This meant that if she continued to go to that Church she would only be in danger.

She may be naive and not know many things about the world, but she knows going to a place that she already knows is dangerous is foolish.

So she cancelled her intention to go to the Church she had been looking for since yesterday.

"Now where should I go?"

Asia smiled wryly, she was standing on the side of the road now and walking in a daze. Last night she didn't sleep much either as she only slept on the train that brought her to this city for a few hours.

So now she was actually sleepy, very tired, and she was also hungry as she hadn't eaten since yesterday.

"God of the Bible, where should I go? Can you give your servant a little help? Is it because I'm helping the devil, that you also hate me just like everyone else?"

She stopped walking and put her hands together to pray. Usually she would feel better after praying to the God she believed in, even though she had never once had her prayers answered.

But she still tried, only instead of calming down. Now she felt more and more desperate. The glimmer of hope as she searched for a Church that might want to hire her in Kuoh city had also been extinguished.

Because of her limited knowledge of the world outside the Church. Asia really didn't know anymore what place could accept her other than the Church.

At this moment, she was walking again in the middle of nowhere. She now couldn't help but think of the voices of people in her head and wondered if they really wanted to help her?

She didn't know, but just as she was about to turn the corner.


Probably because she was not focused and her body was also very weak because she had not eaten since yesterday.

She seemed to bump into someone and was about to fall backwards. But before she hit the ground, and arm wrapped around her waist and helped her to stand up.

"Sorry, I accidentally bumped into you. Girl, are you okay?"

"Uh... I'm fine. It's my fault, I'm the one who should apologize to you um... mister and miss."

Asia who was already standing normally, she stared at the person she hit in a daze. The person she bumped into was a handsome man with white hair and red eyes. But that man was not alone, beside him there was also a woman with pink hair and green eyes who was looking at her with the kind of innocent gaze that somehow made her believe that the woman was a very good person.

The white-haired man was also looking at her with a gentle smile.

She instantly categorized the two people in front of her with "good people". Not just because of their appearance, but because they; especially the white-haired man was not angry that she bumped into him and the night apologized to her first.

After all that how could she possibly consider these people as bad people instead of good people?

"Hm... We're not that old. Actually we're probably about the same age."

"That's right! We're still high school students! By the way, what's your name? My name is Lala Satalin Deviluke."

Lala was Lala. Her social skills are something that can make you her friend, even when you just accidentally bump into her on the street and speak a few words that are enough to make her have a good impression on you.

Eiji who was standing on the side wanted to give Lala a thumbs up.

As expected of my first fiancé, Lala. If he hadn't brought her along, he might have had a little trouble getting close to Asia.

But look at Lala? She naturally wanted to get acquainted with Asia who was the target of his mission today. That action definitely made it easier for her to persuade Asia to go along with his plan.

Looking at Argento's Asian heroine who does look similar in the original work. Having long blonde hair, big green eyes, milky white skin and a slender body. Eiji thought; "As expected of the heroine. Although now she looks sleep-deprived and underfed. She is undoubtedly a beautiful girl and such a girl should not be allowed to fall into the hands of the protagonist."

¶{Host, I'm just curious why you're not using your inner voice at this point}.

"Miss System, you wouldn't understand."


Miss System's lips twitched.

This person... This person actually knows, right!?

But since when!?

Looking at the hand of the pink-haired girl who extended her hand to her as if she wanted to shake hands.

Affected by Lala's aura that was no less than a shounen protagonist who easily made friends with everyone. In a daze, Asia took the hand of the girl in front of her and said: "Um... My name is Asia Argento. Lala-san."

"Asia Argento? Oh..." Lala seemed to have realized something.

She slightly glanced at her fiancé standing beside her and saw him looking at her with a smile as if telling her to "continue".

The pink-haired girl was smart and she knew at this point she had to pretend. Actually she felt like she was playing a game and it felt quite fun.

"Lala-san? What's wrong?" Asia asked in confusion as the girl in front of her suddenly just stared at her in silence.

Speaking of which her gaze also occasionally turned to the white-haired man and wondered if the other party also wanted to get acquainted with her?

She didn't dare to take the initiative as she lacked the confidence to do so.

"That's fine. It's just that I'm curious where Asia wants to go? Are you lost? We can help you!"

As expected from Lala. She threw the bait right away!

"I'm not lost. As for where I went? I'm actually... I... I don't know. I don't have anywhere else to live right now."

Asia bowed her head slightly, she was embarrassed to say something like this to someone she just met. But Lala's enthusiasm made her tell her problem.

Eiji's smile did not change, but his eyes scanned Asia's expression to a micro level and he knew the blonde girl was not lying. Which meant she wasn't even looking for an abandoned church like in the original work.

There was a change of plot and he was getting suspicious of something. Hmm....


Miss System did not speak, but at this time she took her eyes off the monitor screen and ate a box of magnum chocolate ice cream that she had just ordered online.

A slightly guilty conscience. Let's eat ice cream first.


"Eiji, why don't we help Asia?"

Lala did a good job.

Eiji nodded. "Of course, as good citizens. We must help each other."

"Since Asia has no place to stay that might be related to her personal problems. Why not bring her to our house? There are many empty rooms in the house and she can occupy one of them."

"Well I don't mind."

Lala took Asia's hand eagerly.

"Asia, we're going to live together now! Hehe~"

"Eh? Eh! B-But I... We just met. Is it okay to let someone like me live with you guys?"

The blonde-haired girl was confused, but there was a warm feeling in her heart. Even so, she still didn't understand why these people were so nice to her?

If it was someone else. They would definitely not be this nice. Only Lala and the white-haired man were so kind to her even though they had only met for less than an hour.

"Someone like you? Asia, don't look down on yourself so much. You're a pretty girl, cough. I mean you look like a nice girl and it seems like before this you were a nun from the church judging by your clothes."

"So that also makes us sure that it's okay to let you stay with us for as long as you want."

"B-But isn't that too kind? I don't know how to repay..." Asia was so happy that she wanted to cry right now, but she also felt ashamed to take this much help for granted.

Although she didn't know many things, she knew that one should return the favor when getting help from others. Otherwise, it would be too shameless.

"Asia, are you able to cook, wash clothes, sweep or do other housework?"

Eiji suddenly asked this and the blonde girl naturally nodded.

"Yes, I can a little."

While still living in the Church. Asia diligently helped cook meals, clean, and wash her own clothes.

She did have some knowledge of that, although the dishes she cooked were not many as the food she learned about in the Church was also limited.

"Then how about working in my house to do those things as a maid? I can also pay you money and a place to stay."

Asia's eyes lit up, she felt that the idea the white-haired man proposed was very good. This way, she could at least return the favor to those who helped her!

"Then I... I agree! I'll stay with you guys from now on."

"Yey! That's great. Asia, we can play together at home!"

Lala hugged Asia and the blonde girl was so moved that her eyes turned red and she shed tears.

¶{*Clap clap clap* Host, is it just me or the protagonist today Lala?}

"You're not wrong. If it weren't for Lala, I might also have a little trouble persuading Asia without looking like a suspicious person."

Eiji lightly admitted that he was not as good as Lala in this regard.

Miss System was silent, but she remembered something and reminded her host.

¶{Even so, the problem seems to have just arrived.}

"I know."

Eiji glanced behind Asia and not far away was a spiky brown-haired boy in a T-shirt and shorts among the crowd.

He was looking around and it was only a matter of time before he spotted them next to the power pole and the corner.

After calming down as Lala persuaded her to stop crying. Asia glanced at the white-haired man who was also her benefactor.

She asked curiously. "Um... Mister, once again I thank you. But if I may know what your name is?"

"Eiji, you haven't introduced yourself yet." Lala slightly reprimanded her fiancé.

Eiji smiled wryly, he looked at the blonde girl who was looking at him innocently with a soft smile on her face.

"Oh right, I'm late introducing myself. My name is Eiji Seiya, just call me Eiji and there's no need to be too polite because our ages are not that different."

"Eiji Seiya? So Eiji-san?"

"I told you not to be too polite, but if you want to call me that. Then you can do it."

Eiji smiled softly, his red eyes looking directly into the blonde girl's green eyes.

Asia blushed, yet she was confused and suddenly remembered the name of the person whose inner voice she often heard.

She wondered if it was the same Eiji as the Eiji standing in front of her?

It couldn't be. Maybe it was just a coincidence that their names were the same?

The blonde-haired girl couldn't believe it, but at this moment a familiar voice sounded in her head.

[Why is this girl looking at me while blushing? Is she mesmerized by my good looks? Hey....this is what happens when you're too good-looking.]

¶{Host, please restrain your narcissism.}

It's not that I'm narcissistic, but I'm just self-conscious, okay?

I'm not like the protagonist who doesn't even know that he himself is so good-looking and is so stupid not to know why many girls blush when they see him.

¶{I know you hate so many protagonists, but why are you even complaining about protagonists now! I don't understand.}

"...." Eiji.

"...." Asia.

The blonde-haired girl now knew that the man in front of her was one of the people whose inner voice she often heard!

Now she was sure the Eiji in front of her was the same Eiji as the one who always had problems with those protagonists!

She wondered if she had fallen into the trap of a bad guy or something?

But Eiji, especially Lala... They both looked like good people.

So it should be fine if she stayed with them, right?

At this moment, it was a coincidence that the protagonist's inner voice was also heard.

{Huh? Asia? Why is she here? In the previous life she should be not far from the abandoned Church.}

{But now the location I found her is different. Well whatever, the important thing is that I found her now!}

{Asia, I'm coming! Let's go home together to my house hehehe.}

"!!!" Asia.

"...." Eiji.

"...?" Lala.

{Wait. Why do that white-haired boy and that pink-haired girl look familiar?}

{Fxxck! That bastard and his beautiful girlfriend whose name I don't know. Eiji Seiya, why is he here!? Why does Asia look so close to them?}

{Don't tell me... No way, how did that bastard get ahead of me to get my future wife!}

{Eiji Seiya! I won't let you take Asia! Asia belongs to me!!}


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


Replace "â" with "a" and search in your browser.

By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)

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