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83.33% Lucky Hope of Fairy Tail.(Makoto Naegi x Fairy Tail) / Chapter 15: Chapter 15: The end of trial!

Chương 15: Chapter 15: The end of trial!

Chapter 15: The end of trial!

Makoto's heart sunken from the sudden news. He along with Erza were following the frog-like messenger from council.

His hands were shaken and he felt the cold sweat run down his neck, he stiffened and a saliva he wanted to gulp seemed to be rock solid rather than liquid to do so. An anxiety coated his heart at that very moment. Trial...this innocent yet so scary word circulated in his heart. The only trials he knew were the ones where everything ended with execution, even he himself fall as the victim of this very procedure.

There footsteps getting intenser Erza gave Makoto a quick glance and what she saw stabbed her heart. To see usually cheery Luckster to sunk in himself so much meant something dearly.

"Makoto…" Scarlet called out to him.

His head turning towards her he tried his best to hide his emotions of anxiety and a traces of his very own despair.

"Wh-what is it, Erza-san?"

Erza sighed placing her hand over his fluffy hair.

"Calm down, everything is going to be fine so no need to despair over it."

"I am n-not despaired, really! J-Just-"

Her firm palm from patting his head got lower shushing him.

"You are terrible liar, Makoto, so no need to hide it from your fellow guild-mate. Just tell me what is it that makes your heart stiffen so much?"

He wanted to tell her. He really and honestly wanted to do so but he didn't knew how. Surely something like, I came from a different world where I died through trial and execution, will be something dumb and crazy to say so he just shook his head with a bitter smile as looked towards the concerned woman. He was pretty much glad that she seemed worried about him in the first place.

"S-Sorry, Erza-san, it is nothing to worry about…"

Even so he would have managed to decieve her it still pained to see such an expression on a usually cheery person like him, she just hoped that she would manage to do something about it.




"We need to free Makoto and Erza!!!" Natsu yelled being trapped inside the jar and being turned into a gecko. "Let me out!"

Makarov sighed scratching his white as snow beard. This situation was a stinky one indeed and Magic Council had every rights to take Erza and Makoto, but it was still strange.

Not only Natsu was displeased by it but Fairy Tail mages as well.

"Oi, Gramps, we can't just leave them like this." Gray commented with rage in his tone. He knew that Erza and Makoto are innocent no matter what and beside someone known as Ahoge Hero cannot be imagined to do some petty crimes.

Everyone in Fairy Tail guild grew kind of depended on Makoto who gave them a motivational speech at times. Being Ultimate Hope he is, he always was glad to help people with words and nearly every Fairy Tail mage got a consultation from him on ways to cheer up and surprisingly his words really did helped.

Losing someone like Erza and Makoto was more than unbelievable to them.

Lucy clenched her fists hoping that they would be just fine and in fact so did Makarov who was against them going into Magic Council.

"We will just patiently wait, this is my order as Master of the Guild." Makarov seriously stated despite public disagreeableness.




Makoto's heart felt irritated as he with Erza met the blue haired man with a tattoo on his right eye starring at them. It wasn't that the blue haired guy irritated him, it was something about him that kind of bugged Makoto and guessing from Frog man's reaction he kind of speculated that this guy, Siegrain, as Erza displeased called him was a big shot in Magic Council.

"What a pleasure to meet Titania and Ahoge Hero in here! Two popular figures gathered in here is surely something to feel great about." He playfully tuned as his eyes fall into Makoto. "And to think that hero from rumors would seem so innocent looking was surprising for me as well, I thought I would see 3 meter long giant with huge muscles."

"Umm, Th-thankfully I am not like that…" Makoto sweat dropped at Siegrain's wild imagination.

Siegrain laughed at this, this Ahoge Hero didn't seemed to be someone so great but his reputation and public love were unbelievable.

Erza finally fed up by this Blue Haired guy, grabbed Makoto by his hand stepping away from this Siegrain.

"Let's go Makoto, this guy is bad influence to you."

"H-Huh? O-Okay…?" Makoto said through a blush because girl was touching his hands.

Blue-haired mage laughed.

"Titania being overprotective is not something you would see everyday."

"It's not your business."

With that Makoto and Erza were escorted to the Magic Council prison to wait until the beginning of the court and trial.

"I would like you both to wear those Anti-magic handcuffs in case of any of you trying to do something funny." The Frog man said holding the strange handcuffs with crystal in it.

Erza strictly gazed towards the Frog man and glanced towards the guards who became tensed after such an intensive glare from strongest Fairy Tail woman.

"We better do what they say." Scarlet-haired mage whispered to Makoto.

Luckster nodded as extended his hands forward for them to seal them.

"Thanks for cooperation."

With that said Erza's hands were first to be closed by handcuffs and now it was Makoto's turn.

Gently putting them on they were ready to proceed forward but…


Sudden enough the crystal inside the handcuffs on Makoto exploded melting into nothingness.

"HUH!?" The Frog exclaimed with his eyes wide as bottle end. "What did you do!?"

Makoto nervously stepped back.

"I d-didn't do anything, they just suddenly exploded in my hands that's all."

"Nonsense! These handcuffs are made from finest materials which can hold huge amount of mana! You did something didn't you?" His tone getting intimidating the Frog man started to lower his head towards Makoto only for Erza to grab his head with her inhumane strength.

"Dear Mr. Messenger, I believe that it is not your duty to harm prisoners so I will kindly ask you not to lay a finger on my precious nakama." To say that Erza's aura was scary into another level is to say nothing at all. Scarlet-haired girl felt annoyed for unknown reason to see Makoto's nervous face and her heart was in great pain after seeing such a face luckster was showing.

From the very start when the word 'Trial' was mentioned Makoto wasn't acting like himself at all. If all he seemed despaired and scared as if trauma of past was brought into his mind. It was concerning her, she couldn't bear to get hold of the idea of such a great hero like Makoto be despaired by something.

Those things aside the Frog man backed up as gave up, asking to just put them in prison until the start of the judgment over them.

As they entered in, Siegrain, who was witness of things happening at the moment had a huge yet nervous smile on his face.

Reason was simply because of Makoto.

This guy with huge Ahoge on his head is producing mana as if there is no tomorrow constantly and without a stop, as if infinite pillar reaching to skies themselves his mana was covering the nearby area.

'Anti-magic handcuffs exploded because they were unable to neutralize this much mana...Ahoge Hero, huh? Rumors might as well be true haha! What an amusing fella.'

The blue haired man thought turning towards the court side. Makoto yet again attracted unneeded attention.




The commotion started inside the Fairy Tail guild as bewildered Makarov looked outside to see more than hundreds of people marching towards the Magic Council building with a serious glare on their faces.

"What is going on with them?" Lucy asked nervously.

"I thought you would figure it by now. All of them are from the Hargeon and some are from this town as well. They all are people who were saved by Makoto or were witness of his actions, he is pretty popular eh?" Gray said with a proud smile.

"Why are you suddenly so proud!?" Lucy sweat-dropped

Mira chuckled at this.

"Makoto is quite a charming person, bet they all were charmed by him~!" Even Mira was proud while saying that.

Makarov on the other hand sighed looking towards the gecko Natsu inside the jar.

"I know that it is you, Macao, no need to hide that you are covering for Natsu."

The supposed Natsu huffed as with a puff sound revealed himself to be non other than Macao.

"Sorry, master, Makoto saved even my life back than so it is the least I can do to save him."

Makarov knew that his headache will surely get bigger after this.

"Agh, I knew that Makoto-kun had a pure heart and intentions but I didn't expected them to be pure enough to affect people around him."

"That's just who he is, Gramps, me and Makoto are best buddies!" Gray exclaimed with sparkles.

"Makoto is the man among the men! I have high respects for him!" Even Elfman who was silent all the time agreed.

"He is always kind!"

"I bet even Erza was swayed by his charms!"

A faint smile appeared on Fairy Tail guild's master.

"Good grief he is surely a handful of a person…Fine! If people outside of our guild have guts to go even against council than why we, Makoto's and Erza's guild-mates and friends should fall behind! Scram and bring them back ya brats!"

"""YEEEEES!!!""" Fairy Tail guild members exclaimed running after the horde of people towards the Magic Council.




The prison of Magic Council was quite a dark place with a scary aura to boot. If not for his bad dreams about his friends and deaths plus the fact that he will face trial soon, Makoto would have been freaking out like crazy by now.

"Tell me…what is bothering you Makoto?"

A sudden call of Erza made him to look towards her. Her scarlet hair as if shining in darkness Makoto would have liked to just watch at her all day, she probably was prettier than any model he had ever seen.

"I-It is nothing, I told you earlier that I am fi-"

"Nonsense!" Erza exclaimed.


"If you would have been normal you wouldn't have had such a long face and aura circling around you, I really don't know what is bothering you, Makoto-kun, and probably don't have rights to say that to you but listen…"

She grabbed him by collar.

"You are not alone! Now, you are a part of Fairy Tail where we all are family and that would be for eternity so just cheer up and-"

"I would like to!" Makoto screamed surprising even Erza herself. "I really love Fairy Tail…I love everyone in there. Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Happy…even you! I respect you and others in Fairy Tail, I love you all but I am not what everyone say about me! Ahoge Hero? Spare me, I am just a lucky nobody that's all! It is because of my magic that everyone think of me as some-kind of hero who can..I don't know, destroy a planet with sneeze or something but I am not! In fact, I learned how to use Magic a week ago and people think I am a hero! I…am simply tired of all of this." His eyes got teary. A sour liquid started to fall from his eyes falling into the cold floor with a splat sound.

Erza's heart ached as she rushed towards him.

Pressing his teary face against her body Makoto's cheeks reddened.

"Everything is going to be alright Makoto." She said patting his fluffy hair. "Everyone have their own burden. That's how we human beings are, we always carry burden. This burden is a test of our will… I am sorry, I had no idea you passed through hardship like this, I am truly sorry."

Makoto couldn't do anything. He just wanted to stay like this. Erza's hug was warm and gentle...it was comforting.

"Th-thank you…" He said weakly. He didn't wanted to say anything…he just willed to stay at Erza's embrace like this.

Scarlet-haired girl at the moment also had a blush. Makoto was so warm, he was so comfy. Feeling the softness of his hair her heart was ready to melt at such a cinnamon roll in her hands. He didn't realized it yet as he is in denial but he actually is amazing. If what he said about learning magic week ago was true than, He is more talented than any of people she had ever seen.

Usually it takes years to master things like Mana flow or control but Makoto learned things such as this in a week, even Erza herself, a genius of her years learned magic over hard training in one month and it was considered brilliant.

Erza feared and was excited at what Makoto could become like in near future.


"U-Umm...thank you again for comforting me Erza-san!" Makoto bowed down repeatedly.

Erza softly smiled.

"It is not a problem, Makoto-kun I was glad to help and drop 'san' I may be older than you but we are equal."

"But I can't, you are-"

She placed her hand on his lips.

"Just Erza and that's a promise."

Luckster gave up as nodded.

The atmosphere between them was getting nicer. Both of the mages learned new sides of each-other.

Always strict Erza is actually kind and soft person while Hopeful Makoto hides a great anxiety in himself deciding to smile at his problems. In a sense they were quite same if not fully similar at aspects of hiding their emotions.

Now, sitting facing each-other already separated from the hug Erza decided to ask this time seriously.

"Makoto, what you said about your magic…may I know what it is?"

Luckster scratched his cheeks nervously.

"It is kinda absurd but…I am Lucky God Slayer."

"Huh?" Erza said confusedly.

"I don't know about my magic myself except the fact that I have infinite mana capacity and am lucky. The reason that I have dealt with so many enemies were due to my luck and this infinite mana…nothing much."

"Luck god slayer, huh...It is surely my first time hearing about such a magic and your infinite mana is even more surprising. If it is infinite it means never ending right? Isn't it great?"

Makoto sighed.

"It is nothing much…I am really bad physically so my body can't keep up with this much mana, if I use it more than my body allows I might break some of my limbs in the best case."

Erza wanted to say something but Makoto decided to continue.

Standing into a dogeza pose with his head buried onto the ground he finally decided to ask this from Erza.

"Erza-sa...I mean, Erza, please teach me how to become strong!"

This surprised Erza as she looked at him confused.

"Train you?"

"Yes! I know that I am weak and pathetic so I want you to teach me…I really like it here in fairy tail but I am weakling! Even the Juggernaut Punch I use is limited for me, so please…I will do anything! If needed I will give you money so please, teach me how to become as strong as you!"

Erza widened her eyes moved by Makoto's determination.


He closed his eyes praying that she will accept his selfish request.


"As I expec- Huh? You agreed?"

"Of course I did, after someone ask this so sincerely there is no way I can decline there offer."

Makoto's eyes lit as he unconscious hugged Erza tightly.

"Thank you! I will prove that you won't regret it!"

Not realizing what she was doing Erza looking in joy at his face had a soft smile appear in her face.

'Seriously...it is crime to be this cute, Makoto-kun.' she placed her hand on his soft hair stroking it against her hands. Makoto Naegi showed a hidden side to her and she can't just not do the same. She don't know why her heart beats this crazily upon touching the luckster but one thing was clear…he was important to her…Too important.

As they continued to chat the Frog man announced them to head towards the court, the trial was yet to begin…a trial that didn't seemed so scary anymore.




Standing before the judges Makoto and Erza fearlessly looked at them.

"Makoto Naegi and Erza Scarlet." The judge begun to open his mouth. "You both are accused on destroying railroad and doing a lot of more damage to nearby facilities, tell us, is it true?"

Erza huffed.

"Yes it - !?"

Suddenly the wall was exploded as angry Natsu in scarlet wig and wearing skirt with Happy with grass resembling Ahoge on his head burst in.


"Aye! And I am the real Makoto Naegi!"

The dumb duo screamed gaining a bewildered look from both Makoto and Erza.

"N-Natsu!? Happy!? Wh-What the hell are you both doing here…!?" Makoto asked in surprise.

"Isn't it obvious, aye? We are here to save you both!"

A vein popped on Erza's head.

"You morons this…"


Another explosion and the other wall of the court was destroyed.


Makoto's admirers busted in this time.

"Wh-Why so many people are gathered in here!? And use door dammit!!!" The main judge screamed with tenth of veins popped out on his bald head!

Makoto gulped.

"You guys are…!?"

"We are people you, Ahoge Hero, saved during Eisenwald's terrorist attack. We all know that you are not the one to do petty crimes!"

Makoto was surely moved if not the fact that the wall was exploded again now for the third time in a row.


Now Fairy Tail guild were the ones who rushed in.

"Free Makoto and Erza damn geezers!" Gray exclaimed while other Fairy Tail members nodded.

At this point Makoto wanted to cry.

Erza on other hand was fuming with nothing but anger.

"You all are...MORONS!!!" She said drawing out her sword.

Something went wrong with this rescue for sure...


Fuck Fuck Fuck! Why I can't express the words the right way!? Forgive me for such a bland chapters and writing style!

Load failed, please RETRY

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