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86.96% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 286: Chapter 286: The Battle of Gods

Chương 286: Chapter 286: The Battle of Gods

In the continent of Noah, within the far northern icy plains, stands the Immortal Fortress.

With a slight spatial fluctuation, the massive body of a silver dragon materializes under the night sky amidst the snowstorm, suspended between the snowy heavens. Its silver scales shimmer faintly, outshining the moonlight.

After more than two years, Garon has returned to the northern icy plains.

His eyes meet a landscape draped in silver.

As soon as his presence is detected, an excited and joyful roar of a tiger echoes from the bottom of the ice cliff beneath the Immortal Fortress. The sound, piercing through the snowstorm, reaches Garon, thousands of meters in the sky.

Garon is familiar with this roar.

The ferocious frost tiger, having not seen him for a long time, detects Garon's presence and leaps from its den.

Now nearly twenty meters long, the giant white tiger looks fierce and domineering.

With each step, the muscle lines are clear and visible, as if made of steel wires pulsating with its body.

The tiger, not lacking in strength, backs up slightly, then leaps hundreds of meters into the air like a cannonball, blasting the snow and ground beneath it apart. However, lacking wings and the ability to cast flying spells, it is reluctantly pulled back to the ground by gravity.

Excitedly, it continues to leap high and land heavily.

The weight of its body hits the ground with thunderous roars, making the earth moan under the strain.

Such a commotion naturally attracts the attention of the fortress guards and the clans living in the ice cliff territory.

The ogres and the ice spirits familiar to Garon, resembling crystal humans, enter his sight.

At the same time, upon seeing the great Eternal Dragon, these clans are as excited as the ferocious frost tiger, their gazes upon the majestic dragon more than fifty meters long are fervently passionate.

The frost tiger, though strong in bursts, tires quickly.

Each leap is made with full force, and soon it is panting heavily, its breaths as loud as a bellows. It looks up at Garon while pacing in circles.

Seeing the tiger's enthusiastic behavior, Garon folds his wings and descends.

Upon landing, the tiger, like a large cat to him, joyfully roars and rubs against Garon's dragon claw with such force that it could topple mountains, yet it cannot budge the massive silver dragon.

Garon lifts his claw and gently strokes the tiger's head.

The white fur is tough, with smooth and cool scales beneath, making the touch quite pleasant.

The tiger purrs like an engine, clearly enjoying the dragon's caress.

In the entire northern icy plains, only Garon could dare to touch the tiger's whiskers.

Soon, two huge creatures enter Garon's vision.

The northern berserk bears have grown rapidly.

Perhaps due to being influenced by Garon's dragon aura previously, the two bear cubs have shown extraordinary talents. At just over ten years old, they have grown into fearsome giant bears nearly nine meters tall when standing, with traces of frost air swirling among their fur, seemingly stronger than average adult berserk bears.

However, to Garon, neither the frost tiger nor the berserk bears are of much help anymore.

Just as Garon initially thought, he has grown too quickly.

What was once his top enforcer, the ferocious frost tiger, has now completely become a pet cat.

At this moment, the bears try to approach Garon.

To the two bears that grew up in the ice cliff territory, Garon holds a father-like status.

But before they can get close, they are unintentionally or intentionally pushed away by the tiger's tail.

Garon shows no favoritism.

He conjures a spell claw to caress the heads of the two bears from a distance.

After playing with these three massive pets for a while, Garon spreads his wings and ascends into the sky, disappearing into the vast snow.

But just a few minutes later.

Above a dense snowy coniferous forest, a flash of silver light marks the dragon's descent.

Without waiting for Garon's call, the ground below cracks open tumultuously, as if a massive creature is writhing underneath. Soil overturns, and trees are uprooted and fall askew.

Accompanied by the sound of scales scraping, a sinister dark green figure emerges from the ground.

"Lord, I've missed you."

"Ah, you've grown stronger, and even developed a new pair of dragon horns."

"Truly worthy of you!"

The deep dragon language resounds.

After consuming the corpses of high elves and undergoing a prolonged slumber, the Cold Forest Serpent Dragon, now a legendary creature, slithers its long, python-like body into the air, appearing more ferocious than before with its dark green scales now resembling thick ink.

Garon examines the Cold Forest Serpent Dragon closely.

He hasn't seen it since it went into hibernation.

Now, the serpent dragon has undergone significant changes, appearing as if it had consumed growth hormones. Its body has extended to about fifty meters, almost matching Garon's length. Although its serpentine form lacks the bulkiness of a true dragon, it is no less astonishing.

Creature level: 24.

Garon uses a detection spell and finds that the serpent dragon's level is almost that of some ancient dragons, a rather prominent dragon species.

The body of a legendary high elf, though bloodless, has greatly benefited the serpent dragon.

No wonder elves are considered the most delicious food for serpent dragons, who even incorporate the Woodland Language into their heritage to better lure elves.

"Urubis, pluck a scale and inscribe your true name on it."

Upon hearing Garon's words, the serpent dragon quickly complies, showing no hesitation or inquiry, and plucks a handful of dragon scales.

"Hehe, Lord, I'll give you some extra scales."

This creature, now at a legendary level, still seems not too bright. Garon shakes his head and says, "One is enough. Inscribe your true name."

The serpent dragon roars softly, swallows its scales, and then inscribes its true name on one.

Afterward, the inscribed scale flies towards Garon.

Under the serpent dragon's wide-eyed gaze, the scale merges with Garon's third pair of horns.

Surprised by this unexpected event, the serpent dragon blurts out, "You can eat with your dragon horns!"

Hissing in astonishment.

Garon smacks the serpent dragon's head with his claw, causing sparks to fly from the collision of their scales.

"Use your brain!"

"There should be a contract in your mind now. Sign it," Garon says impatiently.

The serpent dragon shakes its head, wondering why Garon is angry but doesn't care, still looking excited. Following Garon's instructions, it focuses on the contract in its mind and signs the Dragon Court Contract without even reading its contents.

At that moment, Garon feels the power of the Dragon Court Contract strengthen.

The serpent dragon is now recognized by the contract.

Contract established.

Although many true dragons do not acknowledge serpent dragons, and serpent dragons themselves do not care, they are indeed true dragons with heritage, dragon might, dragon physique, dragon breath, and more. They just have a notoriously bad temperament and are even less intelligent than white dragons.

Next, Garon looks at the serpent dragon and lightly waves his claw.

With a crackle, a dimensional space opens.

Hexagonal ice crystals fall out, levitated in mid-air by Garon's spell.

Instantly, the serpent dragon's eyes turn into slits, and its nostrils flare uncontrollably.

"Lord, are these high elves?"

Due to its sensitivity towards elves, the serpent dragon's blood almost boils with excitement.

Its voice is muffled, struggling to speak clearly because as soon as it opens its mouth, a large amount of saliva forms between its sharp teeth, dripping down to the ground and corroding it into numerous pits.


The serpent dragon makes no attempt to hide its covetous longing for the high elves.

"Are you giving them to me?"

Garon nods, calmly stating, "This is a reward for your loyalty."

In a covert operation on the planet Kara, where the phantom elves assassinated many true dragons not yet legendary, despite the protection of elven deities, they were ultimately executed for crossing a line with the dragon race. Not even the gods could save them.

After the phantom elves' demise, Garon fed their high elf blood to the crystal skull.

This equipment, after being nourished by so much legendary high elf blood, has significantly improved in quality. When fully activated, the crystal skull's locking domain can withstand attacks from many legendary dragons for a while.

Now, the crystal skull is placed in the Dragon Court sub-realm.

It resides in the depths of the Eternal Hall, at the center of the Dragon Court sub-realm.

Because the space is not very large, the entire Dragon Court sub-realm is covered by the locking domain. If non-dragon creatures enter, those below legendary status would be completely suppressed, losing their strength, while those above would find their abilities significantly constrained.

Conversely, dragons thrive in the locking domain, gaining strength.

Even the stability of the Dragon Court sub-realm's space has greatly increased due to the locking domain.

Garon thinks that obtaining more high elf blood to nourish the crystal skull could turn this evolving equipment into a divine artifact, potentially protecting an entire prime material world.

"All for me?"

Hearing Garon's affirmation, the serpent dragon shows a mixture of extreme surprise and disbelief.

Garon nods.

"High elves are precious to you."

"After consuming these corpses, I hope your strength will increase further, making you even more effective in serving me."

The sinister-looking serpent dragon nods vigorously.

"Rest assured, I will not disappoint you."

"Your will is my will, your enemies are my enemies."

"Any creature that dares to offend you, I will tear apart their flesh with my claws, dismantle their bones amidst their wails and pleas, letting them know the consequences of crossing you."

The serpent dragon, though silly and naive in front of Garon, is inherently brutal.

Serpent dragons are known for their ferocity, topping even true dragons in this regard.

Garon has never intended to change the serpent dragon's nature.

Under his command, the serpent dragon hasn't caused any major issues. Its wildness combined with obedience and loyalty makes it a valuable follower for Garon.

"Take these high elf corpses."

The serpent dragon wraps its tail around the ice crystals, each claw grabbing two, licking them like popsicles before swallowing them. With a crunch, it devours them swiftly.

"So delicious!"

The serpent dragon roars excitedly.

After consuming two legendary high elves, its aura visibly grows stronger at a rapid pace.

Electric steam begins to form around its breath, with silver lightning dancing within.

"All these legendary elf corpses given to Urubis."

"After digesting them, I wonder if its creature level could break through to 30."

Garon contemplates as he observes the serpent dragon.

If it reaches level 30, it would be among the top forces in the Dragon Court.

Beyond that level are only the Iron Dragon King and Garon.

"A level 30 serpent dragon could potentially affect demi-gods with its death curse."

The death curse of serpent dragons strengthens with their power. The more powerful the serpent dragon, the less other creatures want to provoke it due to the curse.

"Take them back to your lair to eat slowly," Garon instructs.

The serpent dragon quickly nods, then says, "After eating these elves, I'll probably fall into slumber again."

It assures Garon with a booming voice, "Lord, when I awaken from this slumber, I will become your sharpest claw."

This is unlikely.

"You won't reach the Iron Dragon King's level no matter how much you improve," Garon thinks to himself.

Although the Iron Dragon King is not a follower or subordinate like the serpent dragon, if Garon needs its help, it's highly likely to agree willingly.

Without discouraging the serpent dragon's enthusiasm, Garon nods lightly and then leaves.

The serpent dragon, carrying the ice crystals filled with phantom elf corpses, returns to its dark, sunless lair underground. After a series of chilling chewing sounds, the lair soon fills with steady breathing sounds. Not long after its last awakening, stimulated by the flesh and bones of high elves, it falls into an evolutionary slumber again.

Meanwhile, in the four elven enclaves of the Noah continent, lush, dense forests teem with overgrown plants and ancient trees towering over a hundred meters tall, with giant flowers and vine-snakes everywhere.

Elves prefer living in buildings among the ancient trees, with the overgrown trees acting as natural barriers and the intricate, winding forests serving as mazes, protecting the elves' secluded and conservative lifestyle.

However, this peaceful life is about to change forever.

Buzzing sounds of space portals opening.

Quickly, less than a hundred massive figures emerge, scattered across the skies of the four elven forests.

They are legendary dragons, each at least thirty meters long.

Their bodies block out the sunlight, casting deep, ominous shadows over the dense forests below.

The phantom elves, at the level of legendary creatures, had assassinated dragons on Kara not yet legendary.

Thus, the Dragon Court decided to retaliate against the elves in the same manner.

Led by legendary dragons, they seek to bury the elves of Noah continent in dragonic wrath.

And the anger of true dragons can only be quelled by blood.

The transgressions of high elves must be repaid by the other, ordinary elves.

Though few in number, the mere presence of these legendary dragons, their overwhelming dragon might blending into a terrifying tidal wave, covers the entire forest, alarming every creature within the elven forest.

Chimeras, giant eagles, forest sprites, owl bears, elves... Countless species look up in fear and anxiety at the legendary dragons.

Under such immense oppression, the air seems to solidify.

They struggle to breathe.

Their hearts feel as if grasped by an invisible hand, ready to burst at any moment.

The dragon race, having left Noah continent for about two years, returns with an ominous and aggressive demeanor, shocking the inhabitants of the elven forest.

In different prime material worlds, the power distribution among races varies.

No two prime material worlds are exactly alike.

In Noah continent, the dragon race, though absent for two years, remains the most formidable force in the memories of all factions, races, and nations.

For a long time, dragons were the strongest race on Noah continent.

In this relatively small prime material world, where the number of legendary beings of many races can be counted on one looks at the Cold Forest Serpent Dragon and waves his claw gently.

A dimensional space opens.

Hexagonal ice crystals fall out, suspended in mid-air by Garon's magic.

In an instant, the serpent dragon's eyes turn into vertical slits, and its nostrils twitch uncontrollably.

"Lord, are these all high elves?"

Due to its sensitivity towards elves, the serpent dragon's blood nearly boils with excitement.

Its voice is muffled, struggling to speak as saliva generates between its sharp teeth, dripping down and corroding the ground with large pits.


The serpent dragon does not hide its covetous longing for the high elves.

"Are you giving these to me?"

Garon nods, calmly saying, "This is a reward for your loyalty."

In a secret maneuver on the planet Kala, the phantom elves who assassinated many dragons not yet of legendary status, even under the protection of elven deities, were executed for crossing the dragons' red line. No deity could save them.

After their execution, Garon fed the blood of the high elves to the Crystal Skull.

This artifact, once bathed in the blood of numerous legendary high elves, has significantly improved in quality. The Crystal Skull's domain, when fully activated, can withstand attacks from many legendary dragons for a while.

Now, the Crystal Skull is placed within the Dragon Court demiplane.

Located deep within the Eternal Hall, at the center of the Dragon Court demiplane, the space, though not large, is entirely covered by the domain. Any non-dragon creatures entering the demiplane, if below legendary, are suppressed to the point of losing all strength; legendary and above are greatly constrained.

On the contrary, dragons thrive in this domain, gaining strength.

Even the stability of the Dragon Court demiplane's space has significantly increased due to the domain.

Garon thinks, with more high elf blood to nourish the Crystal Skull, this evolving artifact could become a divine weapon, capable of protecting a primary material world.

"All for me?"

Hearing Garon's confirmation, the serpent dragon shows an incredibly surprised and disbelieving expression.

Garon nods.

"High elves are precious to you."

"After consuming these corpses, I hope your strength will reach a new level, serving me better in the future."

The sinister serpent dragon nods eagerly.

"Rest assured, I won't let you down."

"Your will is my will, your enemies my enemies."

"Anyone daring to offend you will have their flesh torn by my claws, their bones dismantled amidst their wails, showing the consequences of crossing you."

The serpent dragon, appearing simple and foolish in front of Garon, reveals its inherently brutal nature.

The ferocity of serpent dragons is almost unmatched among true dragons.

Garon has never intended to change the serpent dragon's nature. Under his control, it hasn't done anything too outrageous. Its savagery, coupled with obedience and loyalty, now with considerable strength, makes it an invaluable subordinate to Garon.

"Take these high elf corpses."

The serpent dragon's lengthy body moves, its tail wrapping around the ice crystals, and its fearsome claws grabbing more, licking them like popsicles before tossing them into its mouth. In a few crunches, they are swallowed.

"So delicious!"

The serpent dragon roars excitedly.

Just after consuming two legendary high elves, its aura visibly grows at an astonishing rate, showing immediate effects.

Electric steam surrounds its breath, with silver lightning dancing within.

"All these legendary elf corpses given to Urubis."

"After digesting them, I wonder if its creature level could break through to 30."

Garon contemplates as he observes the serpent dragon.

A level 30 serpent dragon would be among the first tier of forces in the Dragon Court.

Moving up would be the level of Iron Dragon King and Garon himself.

"A level 30 serpent dragon's Death Curse should affect demigods."

The Death Curse of serpent dragons strengthens with their power. The more formidable the serpent dragon, the less other creatures wish to provoke it.

"Take them to your lair and eat at your leisure."

Garon instructs.

The serpent dragon nods rapidly, then says, "After eating these elves, I'll likely fall into slumber again."

It assures Garon in a deep voice, "Lord, when I awaken from my slumber, I will become your sharpest claw."

This is unlikely. No matter how much you improve, you won't reach the Iron Dragon King's level, Garon thinks.

Although the Iron Dragon King isn't a follower or subordinate like the serpent dragon, if Garon asks for assistance, the Iron Dragon King is likely to agree willingly.

Without dampening the serpent dragon's enthusiasm, Garon nods and departs.

The serpent dragon, with the ice crystals containing phantom elf corpses, returns to its dark, sunless underground lair. After a series of chilling munching sounds, steady breathing soon fills the lair. Not long after its last awakening from hibernation, stimulated by the flesh and bones of high elves, it falls into an evolutionary slumber again.

Meanwhile, in the continent of Noah, in the four elven enclaves.

Lush, dense forests with giant overgrown plants, ancient trees towering hundreds of meters, gigantic flowers, and vines like pythons are commonplace.

The forests inhabited by elves have their names, but to the outside world, they are collectively known as the Forests of the Elves. Due to their love for nature, almost all large elven settlements are located within forests.

There are no fortresses or walls in the elven forests; elves prefer living in structures built among ancient trees.

The ancient trees, stimulated by elven magic to grow tremendously, serve as natural barriers. The deep, winding forests act as mazes, making it hard to find an exit. With such forests for protection, elves live a secluded and conservative life on the continent of Noah.

However, this peaceful existence comes to an end today.

Humming sounds fill the air as dimensional portals open.

Soon, less than a hundred massive figures emerge, spreading across the airspace of the four elven forests.

These are legendary dragons, each at least thirty meters long.

Their massive bodies block out the sun, casting deep, ominous shadows over the dense forests below.

Phantom elves, at the legendary level, have assassinated dragons on Kala not yet of legendary status.

Thus, the Dragon Court decides to retaliate against the elves in kind.

Led by legendary dragons, they aim to bury the elves of Noah under the wrath of dragons.

And the wrath of true dragons can only be quelled with blood.

The sins of the high elves must be paid for by the rest of the elf population.

Though few in number, the mere appearance of these dragons sends waves of oppressive dragon might flooding the forests, startling every creature within.

Chimeras, giant eagles, forest sprites, owl bears, elves. Countless species look up, their eyes filled with a mix of anxiety and fear, towards the legendary dragons.

Under the immense pressure, the air seems to solidify.

Breathing becomes nearly impossible.

Their hearts feel as if clutched by an invisible hand, ready to burst at any moment.

The dragon race, absent from Noah for about two years, returns with an ominous and aggressive presence, causing great alarm among the inhabitants of the elven forests.

In different material worlds, the strength of dragon races varies, as does that of other races.

No two material worlds are exactly alike.

The Elf Forest is a stronghold surrounded by elven forces.

Within it resides a considerable number of combat-capable creatures.

If only a few legendary dragons were to attack alone, the united front of the forest's guardians could, through sheer numbers, repel them.

But now, under the claws of so many legendary dragons, numbers have lost their meaning.

Even the strongest elf warriors are unable to breach the defenses of a legendary dragon.

Only high-tier beings stand a chance to resist, and even then, it's just a chance.

Across the four great Elf Forests of Noah Continent, the total number of legendary beings barely reaches three, and high-level forces are similarly scarce.

After the arrival of the legendary dragons, without any warning, they initiate an attack under the watchful eyes of countless fearful beings.

The dragons have no intention of negotiating with the elves.

The elves don't even know why the dragons are attacking their forests.

"You despicable reptiles!"

"Only death awaits you, turn to dust!"

Amidst the enraged roars of the true dragons, the Elf Forest trembles.

One by one, the legendary dragons lower their flight altitude, spread their wings wide, and swiftly sweep over the treetops, unleashing powerful breath attacks of various elements, engulfing countless ancient trees in chaos and panic.

The dragons' breath scorches the earth, annihilating everything in sight—trees, flowers, creatures, and even metals and stones turn to ash under their fury.

The land around the Elf Forest moans under the assault of terrifying energy, cracking like spiderwebs, the tremors reaching far beyond the forest's bounds.

Elven casters, rangers, warriors, druids, and many allied beings living within the Elf Forest, including chimeras and giant eagles, retaliate against the dragons. But most of their attacks are ignored, and a casual blow from a legendary dragon can claim many lives.

In blood and fire, the Elf Forest swiftly withers away.

Far in the northern icy plains, the silver dragon within its lair closes its eyes, observing the war through the Dragon Court Contract without any twists or turns.

In the face of overwhelming power disparity, this war is a one-sided slaughter.

As time passes, countless elegant elves lose their lives, the Elf Forest burns fiercely, and thick smoke rises into the sky, darkening the world.

Dragons are known for their vengefulness.

No matter the dragonkind.

Though the troublemakers on Karla Planet were not elves from Noah Continent, the dragons showed no mercy in using these seemingly innocent elves as targets for their vengeance.

After all, the lives of other races are inconsequential in the eyes of dragons.

Even metallic dragons, deemed paragons of good and justice, who often answer the pleas of the weak, will only punish rather than kill a malevolent dragon, unless there is a deep-seated hatred between them.

The goodness of dragons is always limited.

Garon watches the burning forest through the Dragon Court Contract, unmoved.

Soon, the fire spreads to half of the Elf Forest, with countless lives lost, but the dragons' wrath has yet to subside.

They will not rest until all four Elf Forests are completely destroyed.

However, in this dire moment, the prayers and calls of the remaining elves, fueled by faith, reach the ears of the elven gods, breaking through the planar barriers with vast divine power, seeking to merge with their most devout followers.

If these divine forces and wills merge with the believers, avatars far stronger than average legends will appear in Noah Continent.

Many elves sense their gods' will and power, knowing they have not been abandoned. In despair, hope ignites in their eyes, and they glare at the dragons destroying their homes with hatred, their eyes reflecting endless flames.

The legendary dragons' gaze hardens at this development.

Preventing the avatars' arrival is difficult.

However, just as the divine forces begin to scatter, the space of Noah Continent shatters.

A colossal golden dragon claw, wrapped in divine light, reaches out, effortlessly gathering and crushing the divine forces between its grasp before disappearing along with the shattered space.


"Do you dragons seek war with the elven pantheon?"

A furious roar erupts from the outer planes, its reach so vast it permeates the elven realms.

The creator and protector of elves, the chief deity of the elven pantheon, is enraged.

However, in response to this powerful deity's challenge, the lesser divine force of the dragon god does not yield, its voice thundering from Mount Celestia, home to the metallic dragon god, filled with authority and edge.

"If you seek war, the dragons will give you war."

"Corellon, dare you leave your divine realm and meet me in the Chaotic Seas?"

The metallic dragon god's voice is full of majesty and sharpness.

Challenging a stronger deity with lesser divine power is something only a dragon god would dare.

Born with the multiverse and living through countless ages, dragon gods, even without their divine power, are unfathomably powerful and terrifying entities.

"BAHAMUT, it seems you have forgotten why dragons fell from their position of multiversal supremacy!"

Following this exchange, the Chaotic Seas, one of the outer planes, becomes the battleground for a powerful deity and a dragon god capable of contending with such power.

The battle between gods unleashes catastrophic tides of energy in the Chaotic Seas.

Enshrouded in endless divine light, the elven chief deity and the metallic dragon god engage in fierce combat.

Godly battles, rare in a long-standing peaceful multiverse, especially between such powerful deities, send ripples through the Chaotic Seas, drawing the attention of numerous gods who secretly observe the unfolding divine conflict.

Godly conflicts often last a long time and are beyond mortal comprehension.

In Noah Continent, the unfolding scene is of elven deities attempting to descend their divine power to aid their followers.

However, their efforts are immediately thwarted by the dragon god, crushing the divine forces before any other elven deities can intervene.

Compared to the battle between gods, the events on Noah Continent seem trivial, no longer drawing the elven deities' attention. Their focus is entirely on the Chaotic Seas, watching the terrifying fight between the elven chief deity and the metallic dragon god.

This isn't their first battle, but each encounter is grand and drawn-out, ceasing only when one party sustains damage to their divine form.

Without the protection of their deities, the elves' despair spreads.

The outcome is predictable.

Without divine intervention, under the onslaught of legendary dragons, the Elf Forests are gradually obliterated.

Watching the skies nearly painted red with the fires of vengeance, the dragons' fury slowly subsides as they return to Karla Planet, leaving behind scars across Noah Continent.

In the northern icy plains, within the main lair fortress, the silver dragon slowly opens its eyes.

Garon, reflecting on the scenes observed through the Dragon Court Contract, takes a deep breath.

The descent of the elven deities' divine power, barely making an impression, didn't shock Garon much. However, the brief glimpse of the golden claw left a lasting mark in his mind, unforgettable.

Unlike ordinary deities whose power lies mainly in their divine force, dragon gods possess both class power and divine force, with the latter merely serving as an accessory.

Garon feels that even as an Ancient Time Dragon, he could at most equal a strong divine power, a clear understanding of his own capabilities.

"Whether it's a thousand or ten thousand years, an Ancient Dragon remains so. But beyond that, who can say?"

"My limit won't just be close to a strong divine power!"

Garon is certain within his heart.

Even though he hasn't reached demi-god status yet, he possesses a strong confidence in becoming one of the apex beings in the multiverse.

After taking a long breath and calming his emotions, Garon contemplates the future dynamics.

He senses that the primary timeline of the multiverse might not remain calm for long.

Although unable to witness the battle between the elven chief deity and the metallic dragon god in the outer planes, Garon guesses they likely have engaged in combat.

Deities uphold their own glory and dignity.

Given the circumstances, neither the elven chief deity nor the metallic dragon god would back down. Showing weakness could lead to instability in their followers' faith, weakening their divine power. Thus, a battle between deities was inevitable, though death in such conflicts is unlikely since gods are difficult to kill.

"What happens after the gods finish their battle?"

"Warfare among gods often signifies conflict among their respective races and followers."

"Can the elves accept the annihilation of their kin in a primary material world without retaliation?"

Elves on Noah Continent may stand no chance against the dragons.

But that doesn't mean it's the same in all material worlds.

The Elven race is not weak.

Should the extermination of Noah's elves become widely known, elven powers dominant in other material worlds might seek retribution against locally weaker dragon populations.

If deities also incite further conflict, the incident with the phantom elves could potentially ignite warfare between elves and dragons.

Moreover, Garon feels as if the dragon god desires war.

Karla Planet, Dragon Court—these all indicate the dragon god's dissatisfaction with the current state.

Though the dragons remain powerful, having once been the supreme rulers of the multiverse, the dragon gods likely view the current state of dragonkind as a decline, contentment with which would be unusual.

"Expecting a peaceful growth to an Ancient stage seems unrealistic."

Garon hasn't forgotten.

Besides the deities, ancient primordial gods also exist in the shadows.

Not just any ordinary races, but dragons and elves, with their vast influence across planes, could lead to widespread conflict if they were to wage full-scale war, drawing in more races and deities into an inescapable whirlwind of conflict.

It's foreseeable.

If a full-scale war indeed breaks out one day, as the conflict escalates, more races and deities will be drawn into the vortex of war, unable to extricate themselves.

However, based on the current conflict,

Unless some outrageously infuriating incident occurs later, the chance of evolving into a multiverse-wide war remains slim.

After coming to this conclusion, Garon stops pondering.

Looking around the familiar fortress of his lair, having returned to this long-missed nest, Garon starts to feel drowsy.

Not resisting the urge to sleep, the silver dragon closes his eyes, quickly drifting off amidst the flow of time.

Unbeknownst to Garon, in his brief rest, the incident that could lead to a full-scale war between pantheons is about to unfold.


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