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71.81% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 236: Chapter 236: The Time Dragon's Reverse Flow After Three Years

Chương 236: Chapter 236: The Time Dragon's Reverse Flow After Three Years

In the scorching heat and the sharp scent of sulfur, Ilante slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing that entered the vision of this Vice-Captain of the 21st Magical Fleet was a towering wall of silver.

"Where is this?"

"Why am I here?"

Just waking from dizziness, Ilante's mind was still foggy.

He felt as if his body had been crushed by a giant object, every inch aching relentlessly, his throat so dry it felt like it was filled with scorching iron sand, making each breath painfully sharp.


A stream of cool water poured down on him, causing Ilante to shiver, his clothes clinging to his wounded body.

The contact between the water and his wounds made him gasp for the hot air of the Lava Half-Plane.

Under such stimulation, Ilante's muddled brain began to clear.

His heart felt gripped with fear as he remembered everything that had happened recently.

Memories of the magic ships being seized by those terrifying legendary dragons, the roars of the dragons and the cries of the crew under the red sky, still replayed in his mind.

"Damn it, Garon should go to hell!"

Ilante recalled advising Garon, only to be harshly rebuked.

Now, almost the entire 21st Magical Fleet had fallen into the hands of the dragons. Garon must bear the full responsibility! Even if they could return safely to the Second Imaska Empire, this damned man must be executed in front of the imperial citizens! Ilante thought angrily.

If it weren't for Garon's stubbornness, his refusal to heed advice and safely cooperate with other magical fleets, they might not have been able to stand against the dragons here, but they wouldn't have been entirely annihilated without a chance to escape.

Ilante's heart was filled with rage towards Garon, but as his condition improved, the chaotic sounds of war in his ears subsided.

However, the world around Ilante didn't quiet down. The echoing sounds in his memory disappeared, but were replaced by a deep, tremor-inducing breathing.

Ilante had heard many similar sounds before.

He knew what kind of creature made such a unique and soul-shaking breathing sound.

Dragons. The sound belonged to the legendary dragons that had brought down their entire magical fleet.

At the same time, sniffing the pungent sulfur in the air, Ilante's blurry vision gradually cleared.

With a trace of fear in his eyes, Ilante slowly lifted his head.

That 'wall' of silver, covered in layer upon layer of silver dragon scales, stood out brilliantly in the reddish-brown volcanic cave. Ilante's gaze traveled upwards, finally meeting a pair of indifferent platinum dragon eyes.


At that moment, the whole world seemed to quiet down, and Ilante could clearly hear his own heart beating wildly in nervousness.

He swallowed hard, lowered his head, not daring to meet the dragon's gaze any longer.

Ilante remembered that it was this most terrifying silver dragon who easily sank the strongest magic ship of the 21st Magical Fleet, like a hurricane destroying a wooden house. Even Garon, a legendary combat engineer, only managed to hold on for a few minutes with the help of the Imaska Magic Rings.

Ilante didn't approve of Garon's personality, but he was well aware of his strength.

And the Imaska Magic Rings were the most defensive among the Imaska's seven secret weapons.

At the same time,

Just as Ilante lowered his head, he heard the dragon's voice, deep and suppressed like a volcano.

"Raise your head and look at me."

Ilante's body trembled, and he reacted almost instinctively to the dragon's voice, looking up immediately in a manner he despised himself for.

The majestic body of the dragon came into Ilante's view.

Due to the massive difference in size, he had to crane his neck upwards.

The silver dragon looked down at the young-faced Ilante.

Its calm and indifferent gaze carried an overwhelming oppressive force, making Ilante feel as though a heavy mountain weighed on his heart.

He forced a smile, revealing an ugly expression between crying and laughing.

"I ask, you answer. If your answers please me, you might still have a chance to live."

"Don't try to deceive me; there are more prisoners here than you, and not everyone can ignore the threat of death. I've heard many answers already."

Garon looked down at Ilante, speaking unhurriedly.

"What role do you play in this magical fleet?"

Ilante's attire was different from the other crew members. Although now tattered, it still indicated his higher status in the fleet.

After hearing Garon's words, Ilante clenched his lips, remaining silent.

His expression subtly changed, undergoing a fierce internal struggle.

On one side was his sense of mission to the Second Imaska Empire, on the other was the greedy unwillingness to let go of his life.

In Fralen Continent, Ilante had a beautiful wife and adorable children waiting for his safe return. He had planned to leave the fleet after this voyage and live a good life as a noble combat engineer in a prosperous territory.

There were other prisoners, the situation of the Second Imaska Empire; perhaps the other side already knew, and whether he spoke or not wouldn't change anything. Ilante comforted himself.

His heart surrendered to the desire for life at this moment.

"I am the Vice-Captain of the 21st Magical Fleet. The combat engineers who fought with you earlier were my only superiors."

Ilante answered truthfully.

Unlike Garon, who climbed up from the bottom, Ilante achieved the position of Vice-Captain at a young age, mainly because he was born into a great noble family.

He didn't want to die here in a world full of flames and scorched earth.

Ilante spoke, and Garon smiled faintly.

"In the Second Imaska Empire, how many more magical fleets like yours are there?"

He continued to ask.

"If you can swear an oath that I can leave safely after answering your questions, I will tell you everything I know."

Ilante bravely proposed a condition.

However, the silver dragon in front of him seemed to find something amusing and burst into laughter.

The dragon's laughter, like thunder rumbling among the clouds, accelerated Ilante's heartbeat, turning his face pale.

A few seconds later, the silver dragon's laughter stopped, and he looked at Ilante with a cold gaze.

"You're quite bold."

Garon leaned forward, bringing an immense oppressive force close to Ilante.

His heavy breathing fell directly on Ilante's face, his pupils contracting with fear, his body involuntarily retreating under Garon's pressure.

Garon was satisfied with the reaction he saw.

His voice was low: "You have no choice."

"I give you three seconds to think, whether to answer my questions and then gamble on whether I will let you go because I'm in a good mood, or choose to remain silent and die in endless torment."

Ilante hesitated, but under the immense pressure, he bit his teeth and chose to truthfully answer Garon's questions a second later.

"There are a total of forty-two magical fleets in the empire."

As soon as he spoke, Ilante's struggled expression relaxed significantly, as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

For the slim hope of survival, he spoke openly.

Garon narrowed his eyes, contemplating.

He had already heard the number forty-two from other captured combat engineers, and now hearing it again from this Vice-Captain lent it high credibility.

"Tell me the details of these forty-two magical fleets."

Hearing Garon's question again, Ilante didn't hesitate much this time.

Familiar with the task, having chosen to betray the information of the Second Imaska Empire for his life, he completely gave up the sense of responsibility belonging to an imperial citizen.

"The imperial fleet mainly consists of two types, the first fifteen magical fleets are exploration fleets, aiming to find the empire's origin world, and the remaining twenty-seven magical fleets—"

"In the forty-two magical fleets, there are a total of three hundred and forty-three legendary combat engineers serving the empire, including our 21st Magical Fleet."

Ilante detailed the situation of the Imaska Empire's fleet.

Garon listened carefully, not missing any information from Ilante's mouth.

The other captured combat engineers were more familiar with the 21st Magical Fleet and had their own understanding of the strength of the Second Imaska Empire. However, due to their different statuses, they didn't have as clear an understanding of the true strength of the empire as Ilante.

A total of three hundred and forty-three legendary combat engineers. This specific number was the first time Garon had heard it.

The other captives were quite vague about this question.

Not because they wanted to deceive Garon, but because they genuinely didn't know.

"From your answers, I see your desire for life."

Garon's expression remained unchanged.

Ilante showed a trace of joy.

"Respected and powerful true dragon, the magical fleet is only a part of the Second Imaska Empire's military strength, not all of it."

"I think you should be more interested in the entire strength of the Second Imaska Empire, not just limited to the imperial fleet."

Ilante, without waiting for Garon to inquire, took the initiative to speak in a manner of seeking merit.

"You're a smart man, knowing how to get a chance to live."

Garon smiled emotionlessly.

"Continue, tell me everything you know, in detail."

In the scorching cave of the Lava Half-Plane, time ticked away, and Ilante, in order to save his life, slowly shared his knowledge of the Second Imaska Empire, telling Garon everything in detail.

Nearly half an hour later.

Ilante stopped speaking, his mouth dry and tongue parched.

He had said all he knew, his mind now empty.

Ilante looked at Garon with nervous trepidation, waiting for the final judgment in the nearly frozen atmosphere.

His life or death now depended on Garon's mood.

Garon ignored Ilante's gaze.

He was pondering the information Ilante had just shared.

Like the imperial fleet, Garon already knew some information about the Second Imaska Empire from other combat engineer prisoners, but none as vivid and clear as Ilante's.

The Second Imaska Empire had over a thousand legendary warriors.

This was an undeniably powerful empire.

"The Second Imaska Empire, originating from Fralen, the same material world as the Netheril Empire..."

Garon was surprised by this information.

The legendary creatures of the entire Noa Continent probably didn't add up to a hundred, and it only had one continent. Compared to it, this main material world seemed incredibly weak.

Whether the Imaska Empire or the Netheril Empire, although not as strong as Alfa Tyra, were both quite powerful magic empires.

"To have bred such powerful magic empires, and more than one, this material world mentioned must be incredibly vast and powerful."

Garon's eyes slightly narrowed.


He took out the Imaska Magic Rings, asking Ilante, "For such powerful legendary equipment, are you sure the Second Imaska Empire only has seven?"

Ilante glanced at the Imaska Magic Rings, cursing Garon in his heart again.

At the same time, he promptly replied, "Yes, the seven Imaska Secret Weapons are the foundation of the empire. Obtaining their use is the greatest honor for every Imaska citizen."

"Garon was fortunate to have the Seventh Secret Weapon, the Imaska Magic Rings."

Seven in total, if gathered, can wield power in the material world akin to divine artifacts. Garon licked his lips, a dangerous thought emerging about the Second Imaska Empire.

Mentioning legendary equipment, Ilante continued, "Both the old Imaska Empire and the current Second Imaska Empire are proficient in crafting magical items."

"In addition to the most powerful seven secret weapons, the Second Imaska Empire possesses countless other legendary equipment."

"While the rest of the legendary equipment is not as powerful as the seven secret weapons, each has unique effects."

"Almost every legendary combat engineer has two to three legendary items."

Listening to Ilante,

Garon's heart stirred even more.

The Second Imaska Empire was indeed wealthy. Garon caressed the Imaska Magic Rings, longing to acquire the other secret weapons and complete the set.

"A complete set should be intact; what's the use of having just one piece?" he mused. However, Garon wasn't blinded by his desire for treasures.

The Second Imaska Empire was formidable.

With his current strength and forces, he was no match for such a mighty magic empire.

Over a thousand legends. Though not as strong as the Alfa Tyra Empire's council, it was still an incredibly daunting number.

The Metallic Dragon Isle had only about thirty legendary dragons and was already considered the strongest force on the Noa Continent.

Comparing this, the might of the Second Imaska Empire was evident.

Moreover, with over a thousand legendary beings, the number of high-level combat engineers must be even more staggering.

"The Imaska Magic Rings are one of the empire's secret weapons, containing much of the empire's legacy knowledge... the heritage of combat engineers."

Now, it wasn't about whether Garon should trouble the Second Imaska Empire in the material world.

Losing such heritage artifacts, once the Second Imaska Empire realized this, they would not let it go.

The annihilation of a magical fleet might make the empire's leaders consider the cost of revenge, but the loss of the Imaska Magic Rings would make them resolute.

A single heritage artifact's real value was higher than the entire 21st Magical Fleet.

"If the Second Imaska Empire invades en masse..."

Garon furrowed his brow.

If the Second Imaska Empire was determined to invade the Lava Half-Plane, even with all the dragons from the Metallic Dragon Isle and his own forces, they couldn't resist their army.

But this was assuming he wasn't forced into a corner to use the Time Dragon's Reverse Flow.

And that Yuna wasn't injured, without an extremely protective ancient energy dragon teleporting in.

As powerful as the Second Imaska Empire was, without divine-like powers, it couldn't contend with a god-like dragon. As far as Garon knew, even the Alfa Tyra Empire wouldn't dare provoke the gods.

Magic empires were many.

In the many planes, counting legendary beings would reveal a vast number.

But legendary beings were still mortals, just somewhat stronger mortals.

This world ultimately belonged to the realm of divine power and god-like beings.

"The Imaska Secret Weapons... No rush, wait, they will eventually become my collection."

Garon gradually calmed himself.

"Respected true dragon, I've told you everything I know."

Ilante spoke with a nervous face.

Garon glanced at him indifferently.

"Before you, I questioned your fleet's captain, Garon."

Ilante was slightly stunned.

"That man remained silent after waking up, not saying a word."

"I planned to use magic to get the information I wanted, but he directly burned his own soul, turning his brain into mush."

Garon shook his head with regret.

"If he had cooperated and been willing to work for me, I would have spared his life."

"What a pity, a legendary life ending in such a tragic way."

Ilante hurriedly said, "I've always admired the powerful strength of the dragon race. I, Ilante, am willing to swear an oath in the presence of the gods, to become your loyal subordinate."

He thought Garon's words implied a demand for his allegiance.

Ilante had betrayed his empire and was now desperate, so he didn't resist becoming a dragon's minion.

Garon smiled faintly, "I don't lack a high-level combat engineer to serve me."

He wasn't just taking anyone, even if they were willing to swear loyalty.

Hearing Garon's response, Ilante felt a chill in his heart, despair slowly appearing on his face.

He felt doomed.

This silver dragon had never intended to let him live, even though he had honestly answered all his questions.

"You are free."

"Now leave this place."

Ilante's face showed anger, ready to rebuke the dragon's treachery before death.

But when he came to his senses and clearly heard the silver dragon's words, Ilante first froze, then was overjoyed.

His emotions rollercoastered, but in the end, he got a good result.

"Thank goodness!"

Ilante looked at the indifferent silver dragon with grateful eyes.

Combat engineers, strictly speaking, were spellcasters.

They just preferred to use external objects, combining the power of magic with mechanics to create combat gadgets to aid their spellcasting.

As a high-level combat engineer, Ilante had the ability to cross planes like high-ranking spellcasters. After recuperating, barring accidents, he could return to the Second Imaska Empire.

"Thank you, kind and powerful true dragon!"

Ilante staggered to his feet, giving Garon a bow common among Imaska nobility.

Then, under Garon's indifferent gaze, Ilante dragged his weary body away from the cave.

Garon didn't stop him.

Soon, Ilante vanished from Garon's view, leaving the mountainside dragon lair.

Outside the dragon lair, Ilante breathed air still hot but less sulfurous, looking up at the sky veiled in flames, his face showing the relief of surviving a calamity.

"What an ugly sight this half-plane presents."

Ilante decided to first find a safe place to recover his exhausted body.

There were many metal veins beneath this land. After recuperating, he planned to mine some metal, then construct a plane-crossing magical gadget. Since he was alone, teleporting alone wouldn't be too troublesome for a high-level combat engineer.

But at that moment, Ilante heard some noises.

His face stiffened.

Crack, crack, crack.

Cracks meandered on the mountainside's surface.

Faintly, the sound of hard scales rubbing against stone could be heard.


The ground shattered, dirt and rocks flying.

A magma python with fiery red scales burst from the earth.

It opened its massive jaws and bit towards Ilante.

Ilante tried to dodge, but with his strength and magic exhausted, he could only freeze in place, despite his brain frantically giving commands.


The magma python swallowed Ilante whole.

This powerful fire-magic creature was a native of the Lava Half-Plane and one of Garon's loyal clans.

The magma python bowed slightly towards the dragon lair, then quickly burrowed back beneath the mountain, disappearing from sight.

A sulfur-scented hot wind blew, and wisps of fire ignited in the air.

Peace returned as usual.

Surrounded by mountains, the Alfa Tribe.

The silhouette of the silver dragon appeared from afar and finally stopped above the Alfa Tribe.

Garon looked down.

Although he didn't see any dragons, he faintly sensed several metallic dragon auras.

Most metallic dragons had returned to the Metallic Dragon Isle on the Noa Continent.

Garon had rewarded these helpers, paying several magic ships and some special magic metals from the Lava Half-Plane to the Metallic Dragon Isle. The legendary metallic dragons returned with beaming faces, declaring that if similar events occurred again, the kind metallic dragons would definitely come to support immediately.

With commands from the Metallic Dragon God, these metallic dragons took Garon's requests seriously, but dragons dislike troubles. If they felt like unpaid workers too often, they would certainly become dissatisfied.

Respect for the Metallic Dragon God and legendary dragons was one thing, but they were not minions or subordinates to be ordered around at will.

Therefore, rewards were the most practical.

The metallic dragons currently staying in the Lava Half-Plane were mainly fire attribute, finding the environment here to their liking and choosing to stay longer.

Garon welcomed this.

Metallic dragons, unlike chromatic dragons, restrain their desires and powers, not easily causing unnecessary chaos.

However, Garon didn't visit the Alfa Tribe to check on the metallic dragons.

He had serious business.

Garon landed, retracting his wings, and summoned Anya.

"Anya, I have an important task for the Alfa Tribe."

Garon spoke solemnly.

Anya immediately responded, "Please command us, the Alfa Tribe will not disappoint you."

Garon hadn't asked the Alfa Tribe's spellcasters to participate in the battle with the invading magical fleet, causing Anya to worry about the tribe's value in Garon's eyes.

Now, as the Alfa Tribe was Garon's clan, his view of them determined the tribe's future development.

Anxious not to be neglected by Garon, she took his rare assignment very seriously.

"Teach this spell to all mid-level and higher spellcasters in the Alfa Tribe."

Garon presented a spellbook.

It contained a spell for sealing the half-plane's crystal barrier.

The Gem Seal Spell.

This five-ring spell wasn't complicated.

To use it to seal the half-plane's crystal barrier was no easy task.

The main challenge was the massive amount of magic gems required as casting materials. Using the gems' pure magic power, numerous magical nodes needed to be set on the half-plane's land, then interconnected into a magical veil covering the entire half-plane.

This was no small project.

However, there were many mid-level and higher spellcasters on Garon's side, and the Lava Half-Plane wasn't particularly large.

So manpower consumption wasn't too troubling.

The reason Garon got this spell from the Metallic Dragon Isle but delayed using it was its immense gem consumption!

Every magic node required five magic-rich gems to form a pentagram sealing array, and who knew how many such arrays were needed to cover the Lava Half-Plane.

Garon hadn't calculated the exact number.

Just a rough estimate made him wince.

But to avoid endless troubles, sealing the half-plane was necessary, turning the Lava Half-Plane from an easily invaded place into a locked world.

Anya took the Gem Seal Spell.

With her nine-ring archmage knowledge, she quickly grasped its purpose and required materials.

"You've decided to seal the Lava Half-Plane?"

Garon nodded, "It's urgent. The Alfa Tribe's spellcasters must quickly learn the Gem Seal Spell and start creating sealing nodes."

"I understand."

Anya replied solemnly.

After a pause, she hesitated, "But the Alfa Tribe doesn't have so many magic gems. To seal the entire Lava Half-Plane, that's a huge number."

Garon's face showed pain, "That's not your concern."

His dragon claw flicked.

The dimensional space opened.


Colorful magic gems poured out like a dazzling waterfall, quickly forming a stunning little hill, shining brilliantly.

Nearby spellcasters approached, their faces glowing in the gems' light.

"These probably aren't enough."

"Ask me for more when you run out."

Garon turned away, unable to bear watching his gems leave.

This was a costly venture.

Anya gathered the gems.

Meanwhile, Garon turned, scanning the present spellcasters.

"Every gem must be used where needed."

"Anyone who hoards my gems will learn what it means to beg for life and death."

His calm voice carried a terrifying chill.

The Alfa Tribe's spellcasters shivered.

They knew how dragons valued treasures; angering Garon could lead to unimaginable consequences, with death likely being the easiest outcome.

"Rest assured."

"All of the Alfa Tribe are your loyal clans, and if anyone dares to offend your majesty, I will personally turn them to ashes for you."

Anya bowed slightly, speaking earnestly.

Garon nodded, "Good."

Then he left the Alfa Tribe, teleporting back to the Immortal Fortress in the far north.

In the main nest, Yuna lay on a pile of gold coins, her face full of sadness.

Seeing Garon, she lamented, "Garon, there are so many fewer gems here; I can't sleep."

Seeing the visibly reduced treasure lake, Garon sighed too.

Once the Gem Seal Spell was set, if he still wanted to bury himself in treasures, he would need a lot of magic metal to replace the gems. But how could magic metal compare to gems?

The dragon lair's comfort plummeted.

"No choice, for the safety of the Lava Half-Plane, it must be done."

As he spoke,

Garon's gaze sharpened.

Ripples appeared in the surrounding River of Time, quickly forming a vortex.

Another Garon from a different timeline was using the Time Dragon's Reverse Flow, seeking his help.


"What happened?"

Yuna sensed the River of Time's change, asking curiously.

"Another Time Dragon is asking for my help."

Garon replied simply.

Judging by the time, it had been over three years since he last used the Time Dragon's Reverse Flow.

Time Dragon's Reverse Flow wasn't to be used lightly.

Now, it was time to repay the debt.


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