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56.36% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 185: Chapter 185: The Time Dragon That Stood Someone Up

Chương 185: Chapter 185: The Time Dragon That Stood Someone Up

 "You don't know? The Primordial Iron Dragon Sovereign, self-proclaimed as the all-knowing, all-powerful Supreme Dragon, the Ferrous Dragon King, was so overconfident that…"

The voice of the Brass Garon became fainter and fainter.

In the end, Garon couldn't hear the complete story as the power of time was entirely depleted.

His consciousness, along the River of Time, instantly returned to the dragon's nest atop a volcanic peak.

The temporal ripples that had appeared around him were gone.

The dragon's nest was peaceful as if nothing extraordinary had happened.

After coming to his senses and observing the dark brown mountain walls around him, smelling the strong sulfur in the air, Garon shook his head slightly in regret.

Not being able to learn more secrets from the past through the Brass Garon felt like a significant loss.

The Dragon Legacy isn't omnipotent; many events too distant in the past aren't recorded in the Dragon Legacy, or if they are, the details are vague, leaving many key historical events obscure.

Garon was always curious about this.

He had a strong desire to understand the history of the past, those years sealed within time.

"The Primordial Iron Dragon Sovereign... I've never heard of him."

Garon recalled the words of the Brass Garon.

From the Brass Garon's words, he could roughly understand that the root cause of the Heavy Metal Dragons being expelled from the Metal Dragon clan lay with the mentioned Primordial Iron Dragon Sovereign.

Daring to self-proclaim as the Supreme Dragon, all-knowing and all-powerful, surely indicated considerable strength.

Otherwise, such a title would not be accepted by other dragon clans.

However, the Dragon Legacy doesn't mention a Ferrous Dragon God, only a Ferrous Dragon King, not a dragon god.

"Perhaps a quasi-deity powerful entity."

"But it must have been dead for a long time, or else its name would be in the Dragon Legacy."

If it were about the Heavy Metal Dragons, there might be some records of this Ferrous Dragon King in the Dragon Legacy, but Garon hadn't heard of it.

"Tsk, 60,000 years ago, I didn't expect to go back to such an ancient era."

"It seems the effects of Time's Reversal are somewhat different from what I expected."

The gap in time between the past and the future seems not to affect the activation of Time's Reversal.

Garon pondered deeply, his tail gently swaying.

After a moment, he shook his head, adhering to the mindset of ignoring things he couldn't understand for the time being, and didn't continue to dwell on it.

Meanwhile, Garon was very interested in the future of the timeline where the Brass Garon existed.

Knowing that the dominion of the True Dragons over everything would cease to exist because of the Dragonfall War, and that the giants were the adversaries, what actions would the Brass Garon take?

In that timeline, would the Dragonfall War be nipped in the bud, or would it still occur?

Or, after resolving the crisis of the Dragonfall War, would the True Dragons, who ruled the skies, the earth, and the seas, experience a new 'Dragonfall War' over the long years...

Garon was lost in thought.

If he had the ability, he would rush back to see the future direction of the dragon clan on that timeline.

Whether they still ruled over everything 60,000 years later or, like here, although still the apex beings of many realms, had fallen from their dominant position, unable to reclaim their former hegemony.

The conflict between the Ferrous Dragons and the Metal Dragons, under potential future changes, was no longer a focal point for Garon.


Due to the rich gathering of fire elemental energy, thin wisps of flame spontaneously ignited in the air near Garon.

The bright orange flames danced in the air, breaking Garon's complex train of thought.

Returning to reality.

Suddenly, the upcoming Elemental War seemed less appealing to Garon, his interest waned.

Compared to participating in such a war, he preferred to return to the past, to witness the changes in history firsthand.

"When will I gain the power to traverse between the past and the future at will?"

Garon sighed.

Even as a Time Dragon, favored by the River of Time, he couldn't travel through time at will at his current age.

Calming the restlessness caused by this Time's Reversal, Garon took a deep breath, his gaze gradually regaining its calm and steadiness.

Then, he focused on himself.

Providing assistance to the past Garon, responding to Time's Reversal, comes at a certain cost.

This is the price Garon has to pay for using Time's Reversal, only postponed.

He has responded to Time's Reversal twice so far.

Both times shortly after seeking help from the future.

Thus, Garon had good reason to speculate that after using Time's Reversal, he would need to assist the past Garon once, in a cycle.

Of course.

Garon could choose to refuse, completely ignoring the pleas for help from Garons of other timelines, letting them call out in vain.

But then, when using Time's Reversal, he too would likely receive no assistance.

Soon, Garon noticed changes in himself.

Besides the substantial depletion of time power over this period, his body had also shrunk a bit.

Just like last time.

After using the Life Gem, waking from his slumber, Garon's body had grown to thirty-one meters in length.

But now, carefully measuring himself, he found he was only thirty meters long from head to tail.

His body length had shortened by a meter, and his overall profile had also reduced slightly.

"Indeed, Time's Reversal shouldn't be used lightly; it comes with a price."

"Using it too often could slow my growth."

Garon's heart chilled.

Being exactly thirty meters long wasn't too concerning.

But the significant consumption of time power, leaving hardly any reserves, was more serious.

The avatar had used nearly seventy percent of his time power to form.

Garon had two ways to absorb time power.

One was continuous, with the River of Time's water being inhaled with every breath, accumulating day by day, transforming into controllable time power.

The other was actively connecting his mental power with the River of Time, concentrating deeply to draw in the River's water more efficiently, though the process was tedious.

"To fully replenish my time power, I'll need to focus on drawing it in for at least half a month."

Garon's gaze narrowed.

Tomorrow was when the fire elemental army was set to attack the territory of the earth elementals, and Garon wasn't very comfortable with this timing.

After all, his legendary strength was bolstered by time power.

Without time power, relying solely on his physique and mastery of spells, he couldn't battle those experienced, versatile legendary beings.

"But this can be resolved."

"Let the fire elementals wait. The Flamesteel City Lord will have to wait if it harbors ambitions of annihilating the earth giants."

After some thought, Garon's brows relaxed, and he summoned the Red Dragon, Roel, giving it a few instructions.

Quickly, Roel, wrapped in flames, left the volcano, flying swiftly towards the Flamesteel City.

Garon then closed his eyes, concentrating deeply.

His legendary-level mental power formed invisible threads, piercing into the omnipresent, all-encompassing River of Time, sucking in the River's water like a straw.

Garon used his mental power as a conduit, drawing the River of Time's water into his body, transforming it into time power capable of influencing time.

Not long after, near the fiercely burning Flamesteel City, the Red Dragon descended with a swoop.

The fire elemental army, already assembled and slowly advancing towards the Foyelan Mountains, had large fire giants scattered among its ranks, serving as interconnected nodes.

At the forefront of the fire elemental army.

A legendary fire giant, standing twenty meters tall and resembling a towering torch, looked up slightly.

The Flamesteel City Lord, radiating a destructive aura, fixed its gem-like eyes on the Red Dragon.

The proud Red Dragon's heart tightened.

Roel felt a pinprick sensation from all over its body, a warning from its instincts when facing an unbeatable foe.

Facing a legendary elemental of no lesser stature than a legendary True Dragon, the Red Dragon shed its arrogance and vanity.

It landed, not looking down on the Flamesteel City Lord from above, and slowly said in the common tongue, "Mighty Flamesteel City Lord, I am a follower of the great Eternal Dragon, Ashwing, the Red Dragon, Roel."

"I bring the will of the Eternal Dragon."

"Tomorrow's agreement."

After conveying Garon's message, Roel didn't stay a moment longer and left.

On the other side, the Flamesteel City Lord remained silent, its flames moving without wind, rolling fiercely.

"Lord, how dare this legendary dragon from the prime material world mock you like this?"

A nearby guard fire giant spoke solemnly.

The Flamesteel City Lord took a deep breath, its surging flames gradually calming.

In the emotionless language of the fire tribe, it said, "It doesn't matter. In half a month, it will pay for its arrogance."

"If it were in the prime material plane, it would be one thing."

"But in the elemental plane, I will show it that even legendary True Dragons must submit to my flames."

There was only a verbal agreement between them, without any oath or pact binding them.

Whether to participate in the battle or not, Garon could change his decision at the last moment.

But as a legendary being, the Flamesteel City Lord had its dignity and pride.

Just having agreed to arrive as promised the next day, but as soon as it had assembled its army, ready to head to the Foyelan Mountains, to then be told to wait... In the eyes of the Flamesteel City Lord, this was a display of disrespect and contempt.

"If, Lord, if it still doesn't act after half a month?"

"If our cooperation is just it feigning compliance, then what should we do?"

A fire giant with a grave expression spoke.

The Flamesteel City Lord's gaze narrowed, saying word by word, "If that's the case, I will personally visit the Stone City Labyrinth and join forces with that slow-reacting Panse to eliminate the unstable factor first!"

The flames surged as the assembled fire elemental army began to rest in place.

Elemental beings don't require logistical support, and their concept of time is lengthy, so such a wait doesn't impact them much.

"Even at legendary status, dragons can't change their arrogant nature, can they?"

Looking around at the resting elemental army, the Flamesteel City Lord huffed, growing angrier the more it thought about it, struggling to control its emotions.

As the lord of a city, when had it ever been treated so poorly?

Although furious.

For the sake of the bigger picture, the Flamesteel City Lord restrained its raging anger.

Without the assistance of a legendary True Dragon, it would be unknown how long it would take to have another opportunity to breach the Stone City Labyrinth.

Having finally seized such an opportunity, the Flamesteel City Lord didn't want to miss it.

So, it endured.

But the anger it suppressed wouldn't disappear; instead, it would build up, eventually becoming a flame that devours everything.

Inside the volcanic dragon's nest, Garon quietly accumulated time power.

Truth be told.

He didn't intend to stand the Flamesteel City Lord up.

Although a battle was inevitable in the end, Garon wouldn't mock a legendary being for it.

But with the Brass Garon activating Time's Reversal at such a critical moment, he couldn't ignore it.

With his time power excessively depleted, Garon wouldn't choose to battle legendary giants, a thankless task he wouldn't undertake.

Having the Flamesteel City Lord wait an extra half month would inevitably provoke its dissatisfaction. As a legendary being and the lord of Flamesteel City, it couldn't stay calm under such circumstances, especially since fire elemental beings are inherently quick-tempered and easily angered.

The Flamesteel City Lord seemed amiable and polite during their conversation, as if harmless.

But that was only because it wanted to cooperate with Garon, suppressing its nature and presenting a facade.

"Although it wasn't my intention, after defeating the earth giants, this guy will probably turn on me immediately."

"With the special environment of the elemental plane and more army subordinates, it definitely won't fear me."

Garon set aside a small part of his mind, thinking.

"This is also good, effectively resolving both elemental sides in one go."

Garon closed his eyes again, concentrating.

Having touched upon some secrets from 60,000 years ago, Garon's mind was stirred, losing much interest in the upcoming Elemental War, wanting to resolve it quickly.

If the Flamesteel City Lord turned on him on the spot, it would suit him even better.

Under a sky of rolling flames, time flowed steadily and unchangingly.

Half a month passed smoothly, without any incidents.

In the Foyelan Mountains, endless volcanic ranges stretched across the scorched, cracked earth, with billowing black smoke forming clouds that cast an oppressive atmosphere.

Hot ash and dust fell from the sky, laden with high temperatures, making the air ripple with distortion.

Ordinary flesh and blood life forms would be in agony if they took a deep breath here, their insides burning with pain.

Due to the gathering of the fire elemental army, the fire elemental energy here was astonishingly dense.

Flowers of flame blossomed in the air, igniting spontaneously.

Stimulated by the abundant fire elemental energy, a volcano trembled violently.

The magma, pent up and churning deep within, reached its peak force, unable to be suppressed any longer. With the most intense tremor, hot magma erupted.

Boom! A column of magma soared into the sky, rising like a fountain before spreading out due to gravity.

This was just the beginning.

The first erupting volcano signaled the others.

Surrounding volcanoes also began to shake and tremble, with waves of hot magma ascending in succession.

Some volcanoes erupted with tremendous force.

The magma that reached its peak and then dispersed created a beautiful yet deadly radiant rain.

"Ah, what a beautiful sight."

"What a sweet, fragrant air."

Dragon roars of enjoyment resonated through the air.

The Frost Wyrm slithered through the black clouds with its serpentine body, occasionally revealing scales, somewhat resembling the Imperial Dragons.

And red dragon scales emerged from the rolling black smoke.

Wrapped in flames, the Red Dragon soared back and forth in the air, occasionally darting through columns of erupting magma from below.

The sonorous dragon roars came from the Red Dragon, like thunder in the clouds, continuous.

Above the fire elemental army, the Silver Dragon standing beside the Flamesteel City Lord looked up and felt somewhat embarrassed.

Fortunately, these fire giants couldn't understand Draconic and didn't show any strange expressions.

Being true to oneself is the nature of Red Dragons; in such an environment, they can't help but become excited.

Garon vaguely remembered that Roel had self-proclaimed titles, including Lord of Volcanoes.

Such a dense cluster of volcanoes is definitely a Red Dragon's favorite.

"Crossing the Foyelan Mountains, ten more miles forward, and we officially enter the territory of the earth giants."

The Flamesteel City Lord, its flames burning calmly, stated quietly.

Garon turned to look at this legendary fire elemental.

Larger even than Balton, its body entirely composed of flames, with a humanoid head, torso, arms, and a lower body like a whirlwind storm. Its eyes, burning with flames, appeared calm and rational, yet the constantly dancing flames seemed to indicate its inner turmoil wasn't as stable as it appeared on the surface.

Fire elemental life is fascinating.

A legendary fire elemental, twenty meters tall, weighs less than ten pounds in total.

Though it has a physical form, it's immune to almost all physical attacks.

The flames on its large body move with the wind, changing shape.

"The deed of eradicating the earth giants in alliance with True Dragons will be recorded in the annals of Flamesteel City."

Seemingly sensing Garon's scrutiny, the Flamesteel City Lord smiled, its voice carrying goodwill.

As for the previous incident of being stood up by Garon, it wasn't mentioned at all.

As if completely unconcerned, broad-minded.

"The Magma Half-Plane will welcome its true ruler."

Garon also smiled, his platinum dragon eyes meeting the Flamesteel City Lord's, speaking intriguingly.

"Indeed, I believe so too."

The flames on the Flamesteel City Lord's body gently swirled, it said.

"Self-discipline -2" "A beautiful day starts with self-discipline!"


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