"Now, if I were to share this recording online," Xia Lihua's voice remained calm, "I can't guarantee what might happen to your reputation."
Chao Fu was tempted to fling another bowl towards Xia Lihua, but Bo Yanyan stepped in to stop her.
Chao Fu's appearance was quite unhinged in this moment.
No one expected Xia Lihua to have secretly recorded the conversation!
Chao Fu had spoken a lot of things without thinking and Xia Lihua had actually taped everything. She started to wonder if anything they had said could get them into trouble now that it was recorded.
The rest of the girls in the cafeteria looked at each other, not sure what to say.
Chao Fu's face drained of color, her anger giving way to a pale, almost bluish hue as she grappled with the consequences of her actions. Chao Fu, who had previously appeared confident, now had a concerned look on her face, trapped by her own impulsiveness.
She bit her lips hard and managed to grit out, "Delete that recording."
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