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76.47% Naruto: Odd-Eyes (Old) / Chapter 13: CH 13: Recollection Part 1

Chương 13: CH 13: Recollection Part 1


It has been a day since that horrific event transpired.

Some of the villagers who decided to flee from this broken wreck had already left towards all directions in search of a new village to join.

As for the majority ones left, they stayed with their savior and awaited his decision on where he will take them. The reason for their now undying loyalty to our protagonist is mainly because of his heroic actions yesternight, and also because of the magnitude added by his unexpected superpowers did these villagers decide to glorify their savior more, causing all of them left here to collectively decide to set aside themselves and completely follow and serve him for all of their lives. Even their children were forced to revere their new leader, and whoever seemed ungrateful towards Isshiki will be beaten but not to death.

They even regarded the ones who left as ingrates who do not recognize their new leader's benevolence towards all of humanity. As for the previous chieftain, he and his family were actually wiped out by Satori during the massacre, this is due to their house being the biggest in the village, causing Satori to target and inevitably attack their home first out of all the small houses. And even if there was a member left from the chieftains family, it is inevitable that the villagers will still decide to choose the one who saved them compared to the ones who died pathetically.

Though Isshiki will never think that he is better than the chieftain and his family in any way, in some cases he does think that these villagers are ungrateful for them to have a mindset like that. However, on the other hand, he do realize that these villagers will just cling to whoever and whatever will make them survive and be alive, whatever or whomever it may be.


Isshiki is currently on top of a makeshift stage that the villagers made for him as per his request. He will be starting his speech to convince the villagers to follow him towards the Kurotsuchi Mountains. Though his speech would be useless since wherever he may be, as long as it is safe, these villagers will cling onto him like hookworms onto the feet of unsuspecting human beach-dwellers.

But he was not aware of that, as he still had that modernistic mindset of not expecting too much from one person, let alone a mass of people he barely knew of.

The villagers eagerly awaited for the gust of carbon dioxide that will come out of his godly lips. Sensing their eagerness, Isshiki followed suit.

"Villagers of Hokori Village, I thank you for the great hospitality you have shown me since the past month I have been here"

Isshiki said with grateful eyes.

Most of the villagers' eyes narrowed in confusion from his statement, they were not aware of his previous identity being the same person as him.

Noticing the villagers' perplexed looks, Isshiki smiled and used his chakra.

A burst of cloud-like particles appeared, covering Isshiki's figure on top of the stage.

The villagers became alert from the sudden puff of smoke that covered their revered new leader, but they soon became more confused by the following thing.

As the smoke subsided, it revealed a young and handsome blonde lad with bright blue eyes, seeing this, most of the villagers' jaw imaginarily dropped to the ground in shock.

It took a while for the villagers to finally clear up their confusion and for them to also recognize the handsome lad that replaced their savior.


"Wait is that you?! Young Isshiki?!"

"Oh my!"

Many of the villagers involuntarily voiced out their confusion, while those who did not know me just stood there in surprise and subsequent confusion.

"Yes it is indeed me villagers of Hokori Village, my name is Horin Isshiki, and I was the young lad that entered this village from his travels a month ago"

"And so with this, I have finally introduced myself to you people!"

Isshiki declared with a smile.

The villagers cheered after his declaration and all of their cheers became more magnanimous as seconds went by, they were extremely happy that the bright and kind young man who they knew as a perfect husband material for their children turns out to be an increasingly incredible individual.

"I apologize that i hid and lied about my identity, please understand that i only did that to not disturb your peaceful lifestyle within this village"

He subsequently apologized and reasoned to the villagers, to which the latter accepted with bright smiles. It seems that they no longer care whether he is still lying about his identity or not, what matters to them is that their savior at the possible very least, voluntarily and heroically showed a fraction of his real identity in order to save all of them from death. And they are all already extremely thankful for that, they were not willing to keep asking for more from their savior who risked sacrificing hidden identity, that could've possibly cause him complications.

Thus, they all still cheered happily and gratefully despite Isshiki's appearance and mysterious power, to which the latter with a perplexed reaction, but with a slight realization of the villagers' true intentions, he smiled and accepted their anticipated reaction.

"Oh my!"

The ladies who were all attracted to his Horin Isshiki identity all gasped in awe.

In the midst of all of this, Isshiki was extremely relieved that he finally don't need to use his chakra-exhausting mass hallucination technique.


"Thank you all for your acceptance of me, but there is one thing i want to ask, aren't you all curious as to how my powers came to be?"

After raising such a curious question, he could not help but ask the villagers.


Silence filled the previously boisterous atmosphere, but this did not indicate a negative reaction.

"Of course we aren't, how can we mortals even ask a God why he has powers? Isn't that common sense?"

The villagers heard his questions and one of them immediately answered with a slight snark.

After hearing his unintended slightly insulting reply, the unaware villagers all nodded in response, while the socially aware Isshiki twitched his lips.

(This fellow here is not afraid at all)

(Whatever, it is better to be closer and be communicative than to be more distant and have boundaries)

Isshiki thought to himself with a smile.

After the small commotion from him revealing his other identity subsided, he went onto his main topic.

"All right, now that we are done with that, it is time for my main reason for standing here"

Isshiki became serious.

The villagers surprisingly sensed his seriousness and so they did too and perked up their ears for listening.

"I would like for you all to move to another village with me"

He continued to his main reason with a persuasive tone.

Of course he did not forget to add the 'with me' phrase in the end for more convincing power.

As by putting himself on the pedestal as he did earlier and yesterday, will this persuasion become more powerful and impactful to the villagers.

"Of course my reasoning is reasonable, this village is already in ruins, now I understand that you people might have a sentimental value of this land-"


"Of Course Isshiki-sama! how could we not follow you?"

"It would be too ungrateful of us to not listen to your simple request!"

The villagers interrupted his reasoning and immediately answered with glee.

Hearing their immediate feedback, Isshiki was a little weirded out and offended.

(These people..... they're not even trying to listen to my reasons.)

(Whatever, their foolish loyalty and trustfulness is beneficial to me, but then again, not just anyone can save them from such a tragic event.... AISSSH Whatever! Some day I will have enough time to teach them to not be too trusting)

Isshiki was troubled by the villagers' foolishness, but he soon came to an understanding and just accepted the villagers' current state.

(Yes! And now, this shall commence my new and improved plan!)

(The Operation 'My Clan versus Kaguya and all other Otsutsukis' shall commence!)


(Okay, I know that name is bad, but whatever)


The preparations to set out for the Kurotsuchi Mountains is finally done and the villagers have begun their march towards west, though this time, only accompanied by Isshiki's shadow clone to guard them from the forest's ferocious inhabitants.

As for the real Isshiki, he went towards further east from the ruins of the Hokori Village, the direction where the villagers told him Satori allegedly came from.

While Isshiki walks deep into the forest, he could not help but frown in disgust the moment he sensed the repugnant energy that resembled what Satori emitted.


"That energy, that must be where Satori came from!"

He shouted in exasperation.

After sensing the dark energy, he flashed towards the direction of the source with both excitement and nervousness.

But as he continued sprinting, he suddenly stopped midway with an expression of realization.

"Wait! I must contact with Isshiki first before possibly encountering another Satori! Only he knows how to effectively deal with those creatures!"

Isshiki muttered in determination.

"But I need to find a safe place first"

He further muttered.

The alien humanoid then flew upwards and sat atop a tall tree.

Entering his mindscape will render him vulnerable from attacks due to his consciousness being plunged deep inside his soul.

But then again, he realized something that he should've done way earlier.

"[Shadow Clone Technique]!"

He shouted and afterwards, a puff of smoke came out of thin air right beside him.

"Do your job"

Isshiki ordered while the clone nodded in response, showing its understanding of his order of guarding the original body.

Assuring himself of no lonber any threats to his body, all except the possibility of another Satori, he sat cross-legged and started doing his initial meditation before becoming plunged deep inside his soul.

(Whatever, worrying too much will not do me good, I don't even know if those creatures are already aware of me, and I don't even know how to hide from them)

Isshiki mused in a courageous and rebellious manner, though deep inside he is still a bit anxious, but he then let go of that emotion recklessly to be able to focus on his task at hand.


In a way, whenever he enters his mindscape, it is more similar to him being in a super meditative state than being transported somewhere else spacially and physically. And so his main method of entering it is by meditating, by clearing out his thoughts and imagining himself in a place full of bookcases.

And so he did, and now he is in his mindscape of endless books.

Immediately after confirming his presence here, the original Isshiki looked downwards from his bars, from above the bookshelves, beyond the blue color-filled endless ceiling of this place that resembles the sky, but without clouds.

Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond also sensed the other and began floating upwards.

As he floated upwards towards the endless spiritual cosmos, his oddeyes began making up a figure of a birdcage floating amongst the endless stream of blue, accompanied by the forming sitting figure of the one who should've been.

The figure who is supposed to look like him did not at all, the figure was covered in scribbled black, while all of his bodily features except his shape were gone. This must be because, throughout the months of being detached from his body, his soul had become eroded possibly due to the Natural energy outside.

Witnessing such a pathetic display, Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond could not help but tilt his head in mockery.

"Are you that tired?"

He mocked.

The shadowless shadow figure looked towards him with its featureless face.

"♤●¤-One-⊙♤-Day-□○▪︎☆-My-$%-Family-&*-will arrive-#"

The figure of the original Isshiki's soul muttered weakly.

"Oh they will! I know that, but unfortunately by the time they arrive my surprise will already be done setting up"

Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond replied with a sarcastic tone.


The other asked, not minding the other's empty-sounding counterthreat.

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that, so you see here, there is this source of that creature you call a 'bug', would you happen to tell me about it?"

Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond asked in a serious but still playful tone.


While the other did not respond at all and just continued sitting in a depressed pose.

Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond was already flabbergasted by the other's ignoring, but he ignored him too.

"Come on man, Im sure somehow, you also sense that energy even from here. I just want to save this planet! What if those things destroy your precious planet?"

He reasoned and bargained.

Hearing this, the original Isshiki looked at him finally, giving the other the confirmation that he is being listened to.

Seeing this, Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond continued.

"If you just tell me on how to deal with those things, this will greatly help this planet you Ōtsutsukis cherish"

"I mean, I can't give you your freedom directly, but what I can give you is a chance for your family to come and save you, if this planet and its inhabitants is alive and well"

He further bargained.

While the other squinted in disbelief after hearing his self-deprecating words.

"○-Then what-&-is in this for you?-%■-don't tell me-⊙-that you will just let my family kill you?-•"

The figure asked in confusion.

"Oh no no, of course not, what I mean is that I will give you a chance to become alive again. Though there is still that possibility that I might get killed by them that I know you count on with glee, but there are other alternatives for you to be free from me and MY body"

Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond explained.

The other was more confused now, but this time with a hint of annoyance from the other's last words.



The shadowless shadow figure was a little angry but then began thinking deeply, he is currently considering the possible methods for him to break free from his current situation, and the conclusion that he came up with that will a hundred percent solve his current conundrum is definitely his family coming to his rescue. And so after a deep consideration, he spoke.

"■▪︎^-Hmm..-^$•-All right, I will agree-♤●■▪︎^- to your deal-●◇"

The original Isshiki finally agreed.

This brought a smile to Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond's face.

"All right! so what can you tell me about them?"

He began asking.

"Considering the fact that you already know about my clan, you should know about them already, but also considering your genuine-sounding question...."

The other muttered as he thought deeply.

(This anomalous creature who knows what a soul is, he really does not have any idea about THEM?)

The same Isshiki wondered inwardly.

As he was thinking this, he turns to look at the vessel thief.

"You are a very perplexing mortal, how come you do not know what a Demon is?"

He further questioned in response.

The protagonist flinched a little after hearing the other's curious question, but he soon regained his cool. Accompanied by his sigh, gears started turning within his noggin and everything became somewhat clearer.

(I remember what God told me about them)

He cogitated.

"I know what THEY are, but i just do not have the knowledge and experience of dealing with them directly"

The vessel thief Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond replied with a confident smile.

Hearing this answer, the other could not help but lift his chin up higher in contemplation.

"Could you tell me what you know about them first? after hearing your knowledge of them, maybe i could help clear up some of the possible prejudices you have of them"

The formless Isshiki asked again in curiosity.

He did not know if the other was either lying or is just completely ignorant, or maybe both.

"What i know is that they are corrupted souls, who could corrupt other souls and with enough power, they could possibly corrupt the entire world they live in"

To his surprise, the thief was actually knowledgeable about this.

Sensing the original Isshiki's previous intentions settle down, the protagonist smiled inwardly.

(Thank you Kami-sama! i really will not be able to do this without you!)

He hypocritically and inwardly thanked God.

And so after some clearing-ups, the two souls within the same body conversed in a business type of way, on ways of how to deal with demons, about how demons work, and why they are here.

The original Isshiki explained that Demons, are indeed corrupted souls, but much to the other's surprise, the Demons here, because of chakra, have the ability to create their own vessels that can not only affect the living spiritually, but also physically.

Making them able to kill the living here, just like Satori did. He then went on to discuss that these Demons feed on Chakra, the refined version of the Natural Energy, because this is the very essence that supplements their fragile vessels from being corroded by the latter. The way how their soul-bodies work is still widely unknown to the Ootsutsuki clan, but this is due to these creatures being too cautious to stay away from higher Chakra-refiner beings like the Ootsutsukis, this is because the latter's biology allowed them to absorb purer Chakra, which was a little too toxic for the former.

While Demons avoided pure-blooded Ootsutsukis, their half-blooded counterparts were who they targetted, these half-bloods are the offsprings of the pure-blooded who joined a native sentient species of a certain planet they visited.

The obvious reason for demons targeting these select organisms is due to their Chakra being a little bit more diluted than their pure-blooded predecessors and ancestors. But of course, Sages were out of the question for demons, as obviously consuming one would immediately destroy their corrupted souls and turn their physical bodies into stones.

He further explained that these Demons were interdimensional, they could travel anywhere as long as that place has something akin to Chakra. Meaning, places where there are no organisms that could synthesize Chakra or any essence/energy similar to it are dead zones, especially places with greater concentrations of Natural Energy. Further implying that the moment demons get transported into a dead zone, their survival can be considered as nonexistent, as they would not be able to get out of there for a while, because using their interdimensional ability uses a lot of their Chakra and Spiritual Energy.

These facts further implies that the reason for Satori's attack of the Hokori Village was certainly because of Isshiki's presence, as the latter previously thought. Isshi--◇¤*#$--mond wondered how Satori could not sense that he was a pure-blooded Ootsutsuki, but the other immediately called him out for not being an Ootsutsuki by soul, he told the vessel thief that his clan's anatomy is not just their distinction from other species, it is also of how their souls are designed.

Their soul is primarily what made them more unique from other sentients, their soul were more robust and stable than the average souls of the universe. This is another reason why Demons no longer attempts to corrupt Ootsutsukis, as they would not only have a hard time fighting the latter when it comes to chakra but also in spirit. Just a flare of an Ootsutsuki's Yin chakra is enough to destabilize a Demon, that is if the former has experience in fighting demons, this ability of them also made them undesirable to Demons for food.

The original Isshiki told the other his hypothesis that the reason why Satori could not discern from far away that he was a pure-blooded Ootsutsuki, is because he could only base off of spiritual signature sensing, which offered a wider sensing range. But when the latter got closer, the former was immediately able to confirm his identity and tried to run away at first, however Satori decided against it and went on to test a pure-blooded's strength.

Unfortunately, much to Satori's curiosity, the real Isshiki miraculously took control of his own body and easily dealt with the former using Shinjutsu. The original Isshiki accounted that his foolish curiosity must've been due to his younger age, he was able to know this by sensing the spiritual signature of Satori using his unnamed Dojutsu, he found out that the latter had a weaker signature than the ones he has previously fought, which made him conclude Satori's infantility.

After telling the other Isshiki his knowledge about Demons, the original Isshiki proceeded to the techniques his clan uses whenever they encountered one.

Techniques like the [Divine Sealing Art: Adamantine Cubical Cage] that he used against Satori effectively, but there were also the [Divine Summoning Art: Spacial Yin Chains] that they use to seal and shut the wormholes left behind by Demons whenever they use their interdimensional traveling ability, and several other more Divine Sealing Techniques.

Raymond/Isshiki wondered why the Ootsutsuki don't just use their offensive Shinjutsu to destroy Demons, but Isshiki reprimanded him for that thought as even if he taught him techniques such as the [Divine Art: Chakra Blast], it would not work because Isshiki's body's current chakra reserve's quantity and quality could not be used directly against such vile beings. And he also told the other that he already has the [Chakra Flare Technique] to use and would no longer need other offensive techniques against demons.

Raymond/Isshiki did not really take the other's last words seriously, because he thinks that the reason why the other is not teaching him such offensive techniques is because by doing that, his threat would only increase against other Ootsutsukis, and the original Isshiki would not really be favorable of that.

The original Isshiki proceeded to explain that the only reason why the chakra flare used by the other worked on him is because his soul has ben severely injured and weakened by whatever Raymond/Isshiki's God did to forcibly rip out his soul out of his own body.

Hearing this, the vessel thief grinned in mockery, but much to his dismay, the original Isshiki only looked at him with an expressionless face calmly and continued explaining that at some point in the near future, either his soul will be healed enough to force himself out of this mindscape, or he will be healed enough to use his Spiritual Energy to connect with a nearby Ootsustuki, informing the other of his current situation, which would truly be detrimental for Ray-#%^●■-shiki. As he heard this, the latter could not help but frown because of the former's warning.


And so after the original Isshiki's one hour lesson, Ray-#%^●■-shiki deeply absorbed everything he had learned, he knew that although it would take him some time to master these several Divine Sealing Techniques, he also knew that for some reason of probably muscle memory, he feels that he could use these techniques as how they are meant to be used even if this is his first time hearing and learning about this.

Meditating on top of the tree canopies of this forest, he began concentrating further, maximizing his understanding of these divine techniques. He was also aware that his soul will truly be in danger if he continued housing the original Isshiki's within his own, and so he needed to come up with a plan to either fuse his soul with the other's, or again, forcibly throwing out Isshiki. He knew that the former option was quite risky, considering that by doing that, his body would be vulnerable for a significant amount of time during its process, another factor of account would be the probability of his soul's consciousness not winning in the battle of who will be controlling this body once the two souls become one.

But he also realized that the latter option also has its risks and doubts, he accounted the fact that maybe his soul might also get ripped out along with the other, or there was no way without a Rinnegan or God's power could he do that, or also the fact that the original Isshiki told him something earlier that shocked him the most, compared to his other reactions towards the other earth-shattering knowledge the original Isshiki told him.

"But why a goo?"

Isshiki muttered as he continues to meditate on top of a tree, wondering why Isshiki chose to transmute his physicallized soul into a weird black tentacle-like goo out of all the other forms he could've chosen to house his soul in temporarily.

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