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Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto Nguyên gốc

Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Anime & Comics 28 Chương 1.1M Lượt xem
Tác giả: Bruno_oliveira

4.03 (24 số lượng người đọc)

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Tóm tắt

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey.

Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Người hâm mộ

  1. Bruno_oliveira
    Bruno_oliveira Đóng góp 71
  2. sliverbard12
    sliverbard12 Đóng góp 15
  3. Mercurio
    Mercurio Đóng góp 11

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Dear Readers, As the author, I wanted to take a moment to connect with you all. Crafting this tale has been a journey of passion, perseverance, and continuous learning. Every chapter written and every character developed comes from hours of meticulous planning and brainstorming. The vivid detailing, immersive dialogues, and strategic narratives you see in this work result from countless drafts and revisions. But, as with any artist, perfection is a continuous pursuit. I am aware that the story, in its current form, may have flaws - plot inconsistencies, grammatical errors, or character inconsistencies. However, I see these not as setbacks, but as stepping stones to improve and hone my craft. Sharing my work, in all its rawness and authenticity, helps me grow as a writer. Your feedback and comments, whether they are praises or critiques, are invaluable. They motivate me to keep pushing the boundaries of my creativity, improve my storytelling, and, ultimately, deliver a narrative that you'll thoroughly enjoy. In essence, is not just Kiyoshi's story; it's my journey too. A journey of self-improvement and relentless dedication to my passion for storytelling. I am excited for what lies ahead and look forward to sharing this adventure with you. Best Regards, Author

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If we give 10 points for the darkness of the naruto universe, the amount of darkness in this novel is 10\5. there are some reasons for this. More than 4 different powers are manipulating Konoha in the current timeline. For example, the uchia massacre is not just a plan supported by danzo. Doesn't hiruzen know that even though he's hogake? Of course he knows, but he does not make a sound because it is for the benefit of the village. In addition, the Akatsuki organization also supports the Uchia massacre. rather it supports black and white zetsu. In this part of the story, it is a fact that the black zetsu watches the circus Konoha. mc is constantly writing letters to the uchia trying to prevent the rebellion. After the first letter, either danzo, zetsu or direct uchia had to try to find him and find out what he knew. At this point, there is also the fact that the root organization constantly monitors the uchia campus. So if you ignore these facts and write an ff, you will be underestimating the universe. this one catches my eye a lot. And we're only in episode 10.

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5 stars for writing quality, 5 stars for stability of updates, I liked the story development in the first chapter but the mc drags the story development down to 1 star for me, the character design should be 5 stars but I gave it 1 stars, why? well I really wanted to give it zero from an opinion standpoint because it is the main reason I quit the novel. I hate with a passion characters like naruto and luffy, who are naive, has experience things that should make them mature but still after 17 years of growth is still the same character who thinks of the ninja world as pokemon, all sunshine and rainbow. I like characters like kakashi, which is a balance between good and neutral evil. Not the you killed my mom and dad but I forgive you and not just that, come live with me and be the ruler of the village who's 4th ruler you killed. I'm a very passionate reader, and like I said you are a good author, its the mc and direction of your story that turned me away, but a lot of readers like characters like yours, so good luck.

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Cool story, well written, good premise and a interesting development, but with each new chapter the MC is nerfed little by little, although he has memories of another life and starts training early he cant even give a decent chalange to Neji who is only a year older, later his strength is comparable to young Sasuke, and later the Mc and Sasuke have strength equal to Naruto and Hinata (as children), i am afraid this trend will continue in later chapters but haven’t read it so who knows, but unfortunately i lost my interest in finding out. Author, good luck with the story, i believe lot of people will enjoy it

Tiết lộ Spoiler
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This is very boring to me and seems to have been written by Chatgpt and at most edited a bit to make it seem like it wasn’t. I may be wrong but just the fact that it looks like it’s been written by chatgpt just is a huge turnoff for me and just seems unrealistic. So imma have to pass on this and double it and give it to the next person.

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The Story Is Entertaining, so all 5 STARS. I believe that the AUTHOR will keep continue the GREAT STORY. Won't Drop Instead Complete This Good Story With Graciousness By Making it Great!

Xem 7 lời trả lời

História muito boa, com um mundo intrigante e misterioso por trás. O que tenho a dizer é isso >>>>>>>>>>>>>>🤌🏼✨<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Apenas leiam

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Mc has no personality. I rate this novel below average. Sorry.......................................... ..................................................

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Is this Harem? I still havent read it, it depends on your answer.

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Lololololololololololololololololololololololo Lololololololololololololololololololololololo Lololololololololololololololololololololololo Lololololololololololololololololololololololo Lololololololololololololololololololololololo Lololololololololololololololololololololololo 18 chapter - dropped

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fake hype zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxzzzzxzzzzz

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So far so good. Keep it up author!

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for me, a story with this kind of mc is what i want, not an mc who just chases women or an mc who takes shortcuts to power. I also like slow but sure character development and have a good reason. overall for me this story is amazing. keep the good work author

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The plot is well-paced and exciting. There was always something happening, and I never felt bored. The characters are well-developed and relatable. The novel explores the themes of hard work, determination, and overcoming adversity in a meaningful and engaging way. One of the best Hyuga OC novels.

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"Além dos Limites: Eu Me Tornei um Ninja em Naruto" é uma história extraordinária que cativa os leitores com sua narrativa profunda, fundo bem desenvolvido e personagens intrincados. O autor tece habilmente um conto que vai além dos tropos típicos encontrados em muitas histórias de fanfiction, proporcionando uma experiência envolvente e instigante. A história se passa no amado universo de Naruto, mas tem uma abordagem única, oferecendo uma nova perspectiva e mergulhando em profundidades inexploradas. O autor criou meticulosamente um fundo rico que parece autêntico e se encaixa perfeitamente dentro da tradição estabelecida de Naruto. Essa atenção aos detalhes aumenta muito a imersão do leitor na história. Um dos elementos de destaque dessa história é o excepcional desenvolvimento do personagem. O personagem principal (MC) não é simplesmente forte por ser o protagonista. Em vez disso, o MC passa por uma verdadeira curva de aprendizado, progredindo constantemente e adquirindo competências e habilidades por meio da perseverança e determinação. Esse crescimento é crível e satisfatório, permitindo que os leitores se conectem com o MC em um nível mais profundo. O elenco coadjuvante de personagens de "Além dos Limites" é igualmente impressionante. Cada personagem é distinto, com suas próprias personalidades, motivações e histórias de fundo. Suas interações são bem trabalhadas, e as relações que se desenvolvem ao longo da história são autênticas e matizadas. Esse nível de profundidade do personagem adiciona camadas de complexidade à narrativa, tornando-a ainda mais atraente. Além disso, os enredos da história são meticulosamente construídos, oferecendo inúmeras reviravoltas que mantêm os leitores à beira de seus assentos. O autor navega habilmente por intrincadas subtramas, tecendo-as perfeitamente na narrativa principal, resultando em um enredo coeso e envolvente. O ritmo é bem equilibrado, permitindo momentos de intensa ação, introspecção e desenvolvimento do personagem. "Beyond the Limits: I Became a Ninja in Naruto" mergulha com sucesso os leitores em seu mundo, proporcionando uma experiência profunda e instigante. A dedicação do autor em elaborar uma história com profundidade e substância é evidente por toda parte. Os fãs de Naruto e os recém-chegados apreciarão os personagens intrincadamente desenvolvidos, as tramas bem construídas e o crescimento autêntico do MC. Esta fanfiction se destaca como um exemplo brilhante do que o gênero pode alcançar. No geral, "Além dos Limites: Eu Me Tornei um Ninja em Naruto" é uma leitura obrigatória para qualquer fã do universo Naruto, entregando uma história que vai além das expectativas. É um testemunho da destreza narrativa do autor e sua capacidade de criar um mundo que parece familiar e refrescantemente novo.

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"Beyond the Limits: I Became a Ninja in Naruto" is an extraordinary story that captivates readers with its profound narrative, well-developed background, and intricate characters. The author skillfully weaves a tale that goes beyond the typical tropes found in many fanfiction stories, providing an engaging and thought-provoking experience. The story is set in the beloved Naruto universe, but it takes a unique approach, offering a fresh perspective and delving into unexplored depths. The author has meticulously crafted a rich background that feels authentic and seamlessly fits within the established lore of Naruto. This attention to detail greatly enhances the reader's immersion in the story. One of the standout elements of this story is the exceptional character development. The main character (MC) is not simply strong for the sake of being the protagonist. Instead, the MC undergoes a genuine learning curve, steadily progressing and acquiring skills and abilities through perseverance and determination. This growth is both believable and satisfying, allowing readers to connect with the MC on a deeper level. The supporting cast of characters in "Beyond the Limits" is equally impressive. Each character is distinct, with their own unique personalities, motivations, and backstories. Their interactions are well-crafted, and the relationships that develop throughout the story are authentic and nuanced. This level of character depth adds layers of complexity to the narrative, making it even more compelling. Moreover, the story's plotlines are meticulously constructed, offering numerous twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats. The author expertly navigates intricate subplots, seamlessly weaving them into the main narrative, resulting in a cohesive and engaging storyline. The pacing is well-balanced, allowing for moments of intense action, introspection, and character development. "Beyond the Limits: I Became a Ninja in Naruto" successfully immerses readers in its world, providing a profound and thought-provoking experience. The author's dedication to crafting a story with depth and substance is evident throughout. Fans of Naruto and newcomers alike will appreciate the intricately developed characters, well-constructed plotlines, and the MC's authentic growth. This fanfiction stands out as a shining example of what the genre can achieve. Overall, "Beyond the Limits: I Became a Ninja in Naruto" is a must-read for any fan of the Naruto universe, delivering a story that goes above and beyond expectations. It is a testament to the author's storytelling prowess and their ability to create a world that feels both familiar and refreshingly new.

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Writing Quality 5/5 Stability of Updates 5/5 Story Development 4/5 Character Design 5/5 World Background 5/5 I like the story so far. Keep up the good work.

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Como fã de naruto isso e muito bom, a tentativa de deixar a historia unica e desenvolver os personagens, gostei muito, leiam e sobre isso muito bom autor.

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После главы 4 я решил не читать раньше. Герой дружит с Наруто и Саске. Он их клана Хьюга. С печатью на голове. С Данзо смотрящим за ним и Хирузеном воспитывающим оружие деревни. наивность поражает воображение. Двумя абзацами автор перечеркнул книгу для многих... была надежда, но увы... Попал бы герой БИОЛОГ перед второй войной было бы лучше... но это придумать надо, разбираться... а тут подружился с Наруто и наверняка будет калька с канона дальше... любители яда, расскажите что там после 4 главы... я дальше яд пить не буду.

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Tác giả Bruno_oliveira