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100% And the Oscar goes to Solomon Face / Chapter 4: The Clairvoyant Bird Confuses Everyone.

Chương 4: The Clairvoyant Bird Confuses Everyone.

First Impression was also the last impression and clothes maketh the man.

After successfully tricking Ms Mcgonagall, My aunt into believing that I was an innocent and ignorant kid with the power of sight. I chose to dress up properly to meet my future wife.

Hmm….honestly after having her body cleansed through bloodline purification pill which i will release in the market as universal detoxifier and permanent beautification potion and taking the first step in immortalizing my name in the history, my girl will probably become one of the most sensual beauty in the entire harry potter multiverse, surpassing even some type moon babes.

Obviously first impressions are important.

So I simply chose the clothing style of a resident badass. Percival graves style clothing. Well it was Grindelwald who was posing as Percival Graves, but he was still using Percival's wardrobe.

Speaking of Percival, I wonder if I will be able to reclaim the land belonging to my ancestor Percival Rackham. Although he had a house near Hogwarts ground it was in ruins even by the nineteenth century as shown in the game. I will have to rebuild it after reclaiming the land.

Thankfully the Rackham family never sold the land when they fled to france.

There is a decent reason why the Rackham family fled to France despite being one of the keepers of ancient magic in Hogwarts Legacy.

Although not as famous as Trelawney or Mopsus, Percival Rackham was a seer as mentioned in the Harry Potter wiki and it has been affirmed in the game as well. Percival Rackham's portrait even confirmed it when he was asked whether he was a seer or not . As he was able to see beforehand the protagonist of the game would come and it was on his suggestion the trials were arranged, and he prophesied this 300 years earlier before the game. This just showed how strong his vision was.

He was even able to create a scientific approach to divination and create something like thought partition and thought acceleration and combine it with this world's equivalent of laplace demon calculation method of atlas and predict future rather accurately.

He was skilled in astrology and actually defined some astrological terms such as harmonic convergence and harmonic dissonance.

However the prophecy that brought him fame was the prophecy that he gave to Mary Tudor.

Also known as Bloody Mary. In this world Mary Tudor was a witch who attended Hogwarts and was a student of professor Percival Rackham.

"You shall become queen one day."

He was even able to tell her at what year and age she will become queen and at what age she will be dethroned. Who will succeed her and who shall be her predecessor. Prophesying not only the birth of her half brother and predecessor King Edward VI but also the succession and usurpation by her sister Elizabeth I.

Honestly when he made the prophecy nobody not even Mary Tudor herself believed him and everyone back then questioned his intelligence and sanity. After all Mary Tudor was child heavily disliked by her own father and his father actually divorced her mother. She had no legal claim to the throne and was pretty much a token princess. Yet this old man kept insisting that she would be queen. Mary Tudor even considered my ancestor Percival Rackham to be insane and thought he may be trying to curry favor with her.

However many years after Hogwarts graduation when she did become queen at exactly the same age and year as prophesied she begin to consider divination and prophecy to be real. And this is what gave birth to her enmity towards her half sister Elizabeth I. The woman who was prophesied to dethrone and usurp her. She needlessly antagonized her resulting in creating further chaos and anarchy in Britain. Out of an obsession to change and control the future she created the organization "Divinus Haruspex Association of Clairvoyants". It's actually a canon organization and the only known organization that is said to have the right to legally declare and certify a person as seer. She appointed Percival Rackham as its head. The same teacher she once used to consider a lunatic now held the role as her advisor at mystical affairs.

Although Percival rackham was reluctant as nobody wanted to remain in a sinking ship, even he could not deny a direct order from the crown.

Her actions led to queen Elizabeth I who was a muggle having a bad impression of wizards and considering Malfoy's Grandfather putting a jinx on her that prevented her from getting married when his marriage proposal was refused, she practically loathed the wizardkind. However unlike Mary Tudor who simply executed anyone who opposed her, she understood that being like Mary would simply not earn her any favors from the wizard kind and they would eventually find some means to dethrone her as well. Wizards feared persecution from her and many actually migrated to foreign land leaving their ancestral property in Britain.

However where everyone saw the enemy, Queen Elizabeth I saw opportunity. Although she never quite trusted wizard kind she saw their uses considering she had grown up with Mary and actually heard the prophecy, she didn't immediately disband the organization Mary created instead took control of it. To control a seer is to have an illusion of control over the future, it was as if one were consoling oneself into believing they had control over fate and destiny.

It was also around this time that Royal Guards composed of wizards and armed guards were created.

By the time Elizabeth I was crowned. Percival Rackham has been long since dead and his descendents fled to France to avoid being persecuted by the newly crowned Elizabeth.

Honestly they had nothing to fear as they didn't inherit the sight and even if they did Elizabeth I wouldn't have persecuted them instead she would force them serve her as Percival Rackham had served Mary Tudor. The sight is too valuable of a gift and why destroy it when you can make use of it.

However Percival Rackham had long since foreseen this and advised his descendents to buy properties in France and flee the moment Mary was executed. Considering he knew the exact date of Mary's execution thanks to his divination, his descendants had no trouble migrating to France in advance. As they didn't want to be forced into slavery.

It was obvious they had been given warnings by their ancestors beforehand.

And the Rackham family fell off the grid for a while.

All this happened in the darkness of the British empire. All these are considered classified information these days and require a certain degree of authority and clearance level to view such information.

Do you know there is even a document known as "Rackham files" which records many of my ancestors' prophecies that came true over the years. The file contains sensitive information and makes a wide range of speculations on his life and powers.

It is also one of the only known documents that mentions Ancient Magic.

Ancient Magic was what granted Percival Rackham the ability to divine the future with such preciseness and acuity.

He made fewer predictions compared to the other known seers.

However, considering how detailed, accurate and precise his divinations and predictions were, everyone heeded him whenever he made predictions.

The thing is Percival knew too much but spoke very little. Preferring to let things go in the way it was destined to despite knowing the consequences. Honestly he actually knew Isidora Morganach's fate and actually attempted to prevent the girl from going down a dark path by personally mentoring her. He knew the date she would die and how she would die. He pitied the girl so much as the only thing she knew in her life was misfortune, that he actually tried to fight against fate by personally guiding her so that she might have a happy ending. I dare say she even considered her like a daughter he never had.

That's why when she extracted pain with ancient magic he was the first one to freak out as this was the first event that led her to go down a dark path. Ultimately the vision he saw came true despite all his efforts to change her fate.

Considering information does not remain hidden for long in the wizarding world and considering goblin has the information of me being descended from the Rackham line through my mother, it won't be long before pure blood family starts sending marriage proposals.

The moment I have established myself as a seer in Hogwarts and wizarding world, everyone will connect the dots on how we made such wealth before even turning eleven. In the wizarding world there is no such thing called luck or coincidence. Everything happenstance. Besides as I am a seer, I can never get away with the excuse of being lucky when it is known I have simply the opportunity to know things beforehand.

With the prophecy I gave to the bank and the gift I intended to give to Cho I will further cement my credibility in Britain.

Now why am I going through all these trouble! I needed the unwavering trust of people in my power of foresight to eliminate all the death eaters strategically without lifting a single finger.

Why work when you can have other people do it for you?

It's not enough to simply have the trust of people, it's necessary to give them the the impression that I am absolutely omniscient. So that they even fear plotting against me, I don't need them to fear my omnipotence, I need them to fear my omniscience.

I want them to have such a perception of me that they believe in my words like a scripture given by god. Which they may not choose to follow but will subconsciously believe it to be true.

According to my clairvoyance, The royal guards will probably reach out to me through the "Divinus Haruspex Association of Clairvoyants" and by the end of this year I will make my debut as a certified seer.

In fact I will be the second to be certified in the last two hundred years, my predecessor being Trelawney's great great grandmother Cassandra Trelawney.

By my fourth year in Hogwarts I will be promoted to an Earl and will be hired as a "Security consultant to the royal family.

Oh that's not my ambition it's just my future. It's just the future I saw. Honestly Solomon's clairvoyance is such a hax that I simply can not make out how Chaldea even defeated him. Bullshit plot that's how.

Anyway back to the matter at hand time to make Cho a rich girl as I promised.

As I kept chatting with her amicably and pacifying her curiosity I simply walked past the lottery tickets being sold by gringotts.

Honestly any people worth their salt would call these lotteries a scam. Apparently goblins don't spin the raffle draw with only the tickets they sell. They also include the tickets that remain unsold, albeit with the bank being considered the buyer.

Basically all the tickets in the circulation are included in the draw, giving even the bank the opportunity to lay claim to the prize. This is a strategy so that the money remains with the bank.

What a peculiar scam.

And nobody ever bothered to complain as you can never expect goblin's to make a fair and equal deal. Yet some people do buy them as there is consolation prize as well which actually worths even less than the ticket price.

Fortunately to make it seem fair they spin the draw publicly with aurors observing the process to ensure that magic is not used to influence the process.

So if you disregard the unequal advantage it's relatively fair. And some wizards do occasionally win. Although there has been no wizard winner in the last two years.

The first prize is around one hundred thousand galleons, the biggest lottery in the world.

The second prize was a luxury villa on top of a leyline in France.

The third prize is the collection of rare 1000 tome that has been sold to the bank by various pureblood families that have become pauper, unable to pay the lone they took from the bank. They alone were enough to create a library worth Malfoy family's prized collection.

Honestly the bank never intended to give all these away to the wizards.

I however will take all three.

The fourth prize was ten unhatched occamy eggs, sounds tempting but if I single person were to win all four, these greedy goblins foul play will probably accuse me of,besides I already had four occamy eggs in my imaginary number storage space.

I intended to give the first price to Cho.

I am keeping the villa.

Mcgonagall gets the tomes. Considering she is my aunt in the end I will probably end up inheriting the tomes anyway. Not like I needed them. They can't teach me anything that I don't know already.

The first prize alone pretty much equal to the entire fortune of the Selwyn family after the descendents have squandered the wealth by spending it in Voldyshort's racial segregation campaign.

And I am giving it all away to my cute asian senpai. Oh what I do just to seduce a cute girl. May Rowena Ravenclaw forgive me for being such an asshole.

"Senpai, let's buy a lottery ticket."

"Eh! Ah! You don't need to do that Delphine. These lottery tickets are not fair. It's pretty much a wastage of money. The winning probability is so low that it is pretty much negligible"

"Nonsense senpai, we must commemorate the beginning of our friendship. Besides, my prophetic powers will pretty much set you up for success. Besides don't you have faith in me"


As much as Cho wanted to decline the gift she too was curious. Besides, telling a boy younger than you who has gone through the trouble of healing your hand out of the good of his heart that she doesn't have faith in him is just plain rude. The kid was funny, cute and cheerful, unlike the other purebloods who will probably sneer at you at first glance upon hearing you are a half blood witch.

(Oh god protect this innocent girl from the clutches of this perverted evil spirit)

"Give me the number 77331, 77441 and 77551. Register the number 77331 under Cho Chang, 77441 under Delphinestone Urquhart, and 77551 under Minerva Mcgonagall."

Minerva silently watched as Delphine prepared to scam the goblins in a completely legal way while handing over a huge amount of money to her student under the pretext of a commemoration gift.

Honestly had she not known she would have believed that Delphine was actually trying to court this student of hers. However the kid had a past record about giving away huge amounts of money to others as donations. He is just a charitable and good natured kid. There's no way an 11 year old kid who hasn't even reached puberty knows anything about romance and courting, right?

(Oh woman, you have no idea how off the mark you are!)

Besides those tomes were even making her salivate as some of the copies weren't even in Hogwarts library. Was the kid bribing her? Nah he was probably giving this to her since he heard that her late husband was Lord Elphinestone Urquhart, a possible relative. Basically an olive branch from the kid. As much as she wanted to decline it, her innate bookworm nature finally gave into the dark side and she accepted the bri-ahem! She accepted the gift. Not that she would treat him any differently from the other kids in hogwarts!

(You are the greatest gift the god has given to the world Mcgonagall, even after falling to the dark side you have such pure perception.)

After they left the bank. They decided to go to the robes shop at Madam Malkins. Apparently the kid had brought with him some hand drawn sketches. They were clothing design, the boy even painted them with acrylics.

Then he placed a custom order alongside his regular school robes. Paid for high quality fabrics and made a custom order with several enchantments: self repairing, self ironing, self cleaning, auto growth adjustment, summer charm, winter charm.

Dragon hide gloves.

Dragon hide Shoes.

When the boy ordered for a set extra of ravenclaw blue themed robes for parties and formal occasions it was then Mcgonagall's patience waivered. Around this kid there are no coincidences. Damn she was hoping he would actually be in her house.

At least he is not in slytherin.

Cho curiously asked, "Why are you buying ravenclaw motif dress robes?"

The boy cutely tilted his head.

"Because I am going to be in that house."

Well there goes her hope of making the boy a disciplined and virtuous man under her care. However she would still look out for him.

When they went to the book shop she thought the boy would be excited considering he pretty much prophesied that he was going to be a ravenclaw.

The boy simply walked to the counter and said, "I want a copy of every book in your shop.Skip the history and the fiction other than that every single book needs to be here.

The shopkeeper who was reading a daily prophet put the news paper down and simply gazed at him with disinterest

"Is that supposed to be a joke boy?"

"No, every single moment of my time breeds money and you sir, are wasting it"

The boy took an enchanted pouch and simply started dropping galleons on the counter.

The shopkeeper's eyes widened like a saucer plate.

Before he started murmuring, " Typical pureblood kid…."

Cho, who was on the side, was salivating about reading all these books. Her cute junior will share those books with her won't he?

( Oh! He would share more than his books, girlie! He will also share his sword, spear, wand and other weapons, if i were you I would run from this perverted magus, girl. Run, run while you still can)

Then he got up from the chair and pulled out a matchbox sized trunk and tapped it with his wand. Instantly it was enlarged.

Then he muttered an incantation and books started flying from the various corners of the room. That's a lot of books. Almost 12000, had Mcgonagall paid a bit of attention she would have noticed that the shopkeeper had slipped some serious dark magic book. Like textbooks on dark arts from Drumstrang all seven years, "Curses and Counter Curses", "Jinxes for the jinxed","Basic Hexes for the Easy and the Vexed" and even "Magick Moste Evile" "Unforgivables for the Unforgivables" were there.

Honestly these books will never be sold to students let alone a first year. However every pureblood worth his salt practiced dark arts. These books were originally sold in knockturn alley. However, VIP customers whose outer images were so clean that it might pose a threat to their prestige if they were seen in knockturn alley simply used their shop as an intermediary to buy the books. In the eyes of the shopkeeper, this rich young brat regardless of his physical handsomeness was no different. For all he knew this was just a ruse to fool Mcgonagall who was accompanying him so that the books on dark arts could be bought. Not that he cared, For all he was concerned, they were just getting another pureblood VIP customer if he was indeed rich enough to afford so many books

So he simply threw in an enchanted trunk with a library and portable potion lab Inside to the rich kid. Basically an incentive. An olive branch that opens a path for further trade and negotiations.

Mcgonagall on the contrary was wondering whether she should scold the boy for wasting so much money on the contrary she was happy that he has already shown such an immense interest as to buy the whole bookstore.

(Only if she knows that what books on dark arts were slipped into the boy's book collection, well ignorance is bliss after all.)

Honestly Cho was happy that her cute and ridiculously handsome junior also shares an interest in books. Apparently The shopkeeper instantly produced a Black VIP Card. (Can you guess why the color was black)

Even Minerva was shocked. She was a professor of hogwarts. Yet she was never offered a black card. It gave a 40% discount on books and made the owner entitled to order and buy rare (Read dark) books. Even books on legilimency and occlumency could be ordered with this card.

For Delphine it was indeed a ruse to portray himself as a passionate knowledge searcher.

If he wanted information on something he would simply use clairvoyance or use the elder wand to draw the knowledge from the deceased souls.

So why?

Isn't this obvious, to deceive a candy loving girl you buy candies.

To seduce a book loving nerd you buy books.

(Suddenly even the author recording this tale finds pity for this girl. Of all the demons she had to fall into the hand of the most nefarious one, Oh1 lord in heaven please protect this loli)

Apparently the shopkeeper simply gave Cho her second year books for free. Not actually free considering Delphine paid a lot extra and she was accompanying him. Basically it was to show goodwill to a VIP customer. Not That Cho or Mcgonagall knew that.

They just thanked the good natured (albeit one who sells books on dark arts to first year) shopkeepers. Even Mcgonagall was given a transfiguration monthly copy.

Other miscellaneous items like scales, telescopes and other such things were bought easily.

"You sure don't want a wand. Without a personal wand your growth and potential can be hampered. It's a matter of compatibility actually. Not all the ancestral relic and wands are compatible with the descendents"

"It's fine professor, I can cast wandlessly. Besides, the ancestral wand works just fine for me. By simply summoning the wand in my hand I gave a shake and simply the tip lit up"

Mcgonagall decided not to say anything at the blatant display of wandlessly summoning the wand and non-verbally doing a wand lighting charm. Let's just hope the professors won't spoil the kid with praise.

(Like that'll ever happen)

Suddenly the boy went stiff, the brightness of his golden colored eyes increased for a brief moment.

Mcgonagall tensed. This has happened several times already. Minerva had come to associate it with the receiving of a vision.

The boy simply asked, "Who is Auructus Black?"

Mcgonagall was surprised of all the people she hadn't expected him to mention Auructus Black of all people.

She replied "A member of the Wizengamot. A high ranking member of the conservative faction and the head of one of the oldest wizarding families in Britain. Why, what happened?"

"He just died. Had a heart attack. His corpse is lying in his study"

Mcgonagall sighed. And just like that another old family of Britain has gone extinct.

"I will inform Dumbledore later"

The boy simply nodded and said "We need to go to the emporium. There is a phoenix egg being sold."

Honestly If anyone else had told her a phoenix egg of all things were being sold in an emporium, she would have scoffed at them.

But around this boy there was no such thing called luck or coincidence. This boy never lied.(LOL How funny). He was someone who didn't speak cryptically either. He was someone who concealed the truth within a truth. And that made him far more dangerous than any other person. Dumbledore once mentioned in a brief discussion that his famous enemy Grindelwald was a seer and he used his power over the future like a blade to ruthlessly gain an advantage over his enemies.

She was happy that this kid was actually trying to help others, if his giving away a winning ticket to a completely unknown girl with the excuse of giving away a commemoration gift was any indication.

(LoL only if she knew he did it to get into her pants when she grows up to become a hot babe)

Cho didn't understand what they were talking about. She kept following him like a cute puppy.

They reached the emporium in a matter of minutes.

The boy made a beeline for the place where bird eggs were kept.

The employee at the shop came to greet them.

"Welcome to menagerie owl empori-"

"How much for this egg?"

"Ah! That's just a diricawl egg. It isn't even worth 10 knuts. "

Mcgonagall simply felt pity for the emporium. They didn't even know what they were giving away. If they knew they wouldn't even sell it here. It will probably be send in an auction house where some rich pure blood lord will probably buy it like a trophy then proceed to gloat and parade it around.

However this boy was his relative and student..

It was obvious whose side she would take.

The boy simply handed her a sickle and told her to keep the change as a tip.

Although the employee tried to convince him to at least look at some of the owls.

They casually exited the shop albeit with a phoenix egg. yup , she has long since given up doubting this boy.

Cho said, "I will take my leave now. Mom will be worried"

"When Mrs. Chang receives the promotion as the head of Department of Magical transportation, promise me you will invite me to dinner"

"But why would Mom suddenly- okay?" Cho was confused.

Honestly this book loving junior of hers was eccentric. If it wasn't for his to casually be able to perform wandless magic and cast what was probably a high ranking healing spell she would have chalked him up to be a weirdo. He gave her a lottery ticket claiming it to be the winning ticket for the first prize and then proceeded to declare a pureblood lord had just died. Then he goes off to buy a diricawl egg claiming it to be phoenix egg from a emporium of all things. Then abruptly tells her that her mother will receive a promotion as the head of the department and she will have to invite him to dinner when that happens. Honestly. Not even a single thing this junior did make sense.

In a few weeks when everything fits into the puzzle, her mother will explain what a seer was and how she seemed to have gained the attention of one.

Over dinner they will become acquainted with the kid and it is around this time the seed of seduction will be planted on her heart.

Which will make her what japanese have dubbed as a yandere and and she will keep crawling into his bed in his personal room in ravenclaw boys dorm.

But that's a tale for future chapters.


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