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15.5% I Will Live A Better Life! / Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Final Fant... What?

Chương 28: Chapter 28: Final Fant... What?


That was my first thought when I returned to my senses. I did not know how it happened, but I opened up to someone.

To be honest, it was quite hard to bear the weight of my memories alone. More so when those were my future. Knowing that we would die a few years from now is not a pleasant thought at all.

…It is foolish of me to not notice this.

The fact that I am barely holding on was not something I had noticed. The cheat gave me strength, but at the same time burdened me with memories containing despair.

Then again, I came to realize something back when I made a risky maneuver:

What my cheat shows me is the possible future, not the determined future. Meaning, I could still change it.

Even so, my exhausted mind became more burdensome. Despite knowing that I have a small chance to turn everything over, my previous experiences are still here. I kept doing this for the last four years, after all.

Just… I needed someone trustworthy enough to confide everything.

My thoughts went back to normal as I noticed something.

Her scent assaulted my nostrils.

Her creamy white skin became very close to me.

Her rapidly-increasing heart beats.

'This is…'


Due to my stature, I am shorter than Lady Artemis. Although I trained my body, there is a limit to what my height could reach. As a result, I am somewhere between her chest and her neck.

I could feel her pat on my head, which made me calm down.

Both of us never said anything. I simply marveled at this silence while being comforted by someone.

Gradually, I felt these memories becoming lighter. The thought of being able to take a different future became stronger than my despair and helplessness.

'Yes… Not once did I see myself arriving in Orario.'

I never met Louise-san and Kaito-san in all seven iterations. However, I met them in reality. This difference led to me focusing my studies to [Dimensional Gate]. Suimei had a spell to travel to another world, but it only works that certain world; it couldn't be used to seek out other worlds. Louise-san opened up the possibility of that.

Moreover, another possibility opened up when I revived previously strong magicians who died long ago. Add that to this possibility, it showed how the future could change drastically.

If… If I keep using it to travel different worlds, wouldn't I grow to the point of being able to resolve those calamities?




I could see a possibility of it happening, though I could no longer resist the relaxation brought by her warm embrace.

With that—

"Thank… you."

—the 'shackles' that bound me became slightly looser.


Looking at his sleeping face, Artemis grew a smile. For once, she saw the peaceful look on him. All these times, she saw his continued vigilance—as if he could not relax completely.

It was then did she notice Nobu's unusualness. His honed combat techniques, vast storage of knowledge, maturity, and so on. When combined, it made her feel that it was not something a normal young boy could have.

The final nail in the coffin was his bloodlust. Each adventurer had an aura of their own which served as a deterrence.

But his?

It was something one could acquire after surviving hundreds of dangerous fights; the one that required a cost to be paid.

It reminded her of the gods that she knew in Tenkai. Takemikazuchi had this look when he became serious in front of her and Hestia.

Due to that, she tried to dissuade his involvement with their matters. Furthermore, there was something strange in Astraea Familia's case.

'A confidential file…'

Unless she pays Ouranos a visit—who is very elusive—she would not get the answers.


A subtle mumble left her mouth with Nobu's peaceful look. He was already a stunner, to begin with, not to mention him showing his soft side.

Even gods could be captivated.



Walking in the streets, I felt much lighter than before. After I woke up, I ended up explaining everything—from my ability to experience my future as well as what I saw in them. Again, it is illogical to divulge it to someone. But, Lady Artemis is a goddess who would not betray me.

My intuition tells me so.

Upon knowing of my "plight", as she calls it, she had a determined look. Her convictions to stop me from participating in their case became stronger, but I never yielded. Just as she would be there to listen to my secrets, I would be there for her sake.

In the end, it ended in a stalemate.

"I need to start diving soon."

With the new weapons that I have forged, I am confident enough in my second dive. I would not take my time on the upper floors and immediately proceed to the middle floors.

With my advancement toward level two, I felt a slight increase in my power.

It was not as exponential as I had expected. Though, it might be caused by my cheat which converted the physical prowess that I had into something intangible.

[Level 2]

[Strength: I0 > H101 Defense: I0 > I25 Dexterity: I0 > I85 Agility: I0 > I19 Magic: I0 > H132 Hacker: G]



-The brightest star unveils itself to the watchful gaze of others. Summons a meteor strike to the target. It has a small chance to inflict random status ailments.

Activation chant: "I shall not understand the irrationality, yet I ask thee. Illuminate the sky with thy light. Enth, Astrum."


[Miracle Maker]

-Enhances every creation.

-Provides guidance in creating new items.

-Additional abilities to the creations can be imbued by chance.

-Excelia gain will be increased during creation.

[Child of Constellations]

-Under the blessing of the starry sky, growth speed, magical abilities, and recovery are increased.

-Legends related to "stars" are strengthened.

Due to forging, some of my stats saw a slight increase. Everything else remained the same save for the fact that [Orionids] has a new effect. By getting hit with it, there is a small chance to inflict debuffs.

As for the changes, there was only one thing that happened today.

"Looks like Lady Artemis also helped me this way…"

For now, I will prepare for my next dive.





I arrived at my destination. With Sora sheathed on my waist, I faced the huge black wall. It emitted a dark aura. Scanning the place around me, I saw that everything is pristine. The traces of my struggle could no longer be seen.

Touching the wall, I could feel its cold surface. Other than that, there is nothing unusual with it.

The Big Wall of Grief; Goliath's spawn point.

"So it's just like this."

I touched the black scarf on my neck. It is as flexible as a normal cloth, but its toughness is in another realm.

With its drop item—goliath's hide—I made a scarf. It was not big enough to be a cape, but it was enough to be a scarf. After engraving several anti-magic spells, its quality improved.

On my waist are the kukri knives that possessed the ability to space travel.

'Sprint, Heal, Leap… These would be useful.'

I continued my journey towards the middle floors. When I went another level lower, I a, surprised by what I saw. Beyond this caved walls are green.


My eyes are briefly blinded by the light that came from the ceiling.

"I'm fairly sure it's still nighttime… So, Rivira?"

The sole safe point inside the dungeon. Rivira is similar to the surface. Inhabited by adventurers, they soon formed a village known as "Rivira". Though, their infamy knows no bounds.

…and it is something that I experienced soon.

After paying an entrance fee, I entered the village.

'...What a ripoff.'

The shittiest food cost 100 valis, the worst inn cost 500 valis a night, and a normal longsword cost 10,000 fucking valis.

I might be an entrepreneur, but seeing it from the perspective of a customer sucks.


Suddenly, I bumped into an adventurer.

"Watch where you are going!"

The brown-haired man wore a fur coat. His eyes showed his ill temper. Fortunately, he seems to be in a good mood. He did not cause any trouble whatsoever.

He's lucky today.

"Alright." I replied coldly.

Dealing with such people would be a pain. I know more than a dozen people in my world who are the same as him. Heck, there was a Sorcerer who fought against me simply because of his taste in women!

Ignoring him, I left the town. Everything was uneventful except for the exorbitant prices as well as cunning adventurers.

Knowing that place, I would not be surprised if there was a crime syndicate hiding there.

"Might as well proceed to the 19th floor."

Just as I thought so, I felt a presence. I looked in its direction and met gazes with a cloaked adventurer. The adventurer wore a light-green cloak.


Her eyes look familiar. Where did I see it..? Those eyes that closed oneself to others… Unfortunately, the adventurer left as I tried to recall my memories. In the end, I threw this matter at the back of my mind. Everyone has their own stories.

That's what I learned from my memories.

Upon arriving on the 19th floor, I walked briskly and explored it. The map provided by Miss Eina is sufficient.

I have to say, applying for a guild adviser holds more advantages than disadvantages. Apart from the map, there are also notes and first-hand encounters detailed from the maps in the guild. Naturally, most familias do not have access to it. Our familia house has a library, but it is not as vast as the one that the guild could provide.

Being the governing body since a thousand years ago helped them store many things in their archives.

Surrounded by plants and wooden walls, it looked like the inside of a huge tree. Fluorescent orbs of light floated now and then as they were released by some plants.

"My luck is good."

After a while, a huge silhouette spawned in front of me. It has a lengthy torso and arms. Brown fur is present all over its body. Its yellow pupils glowed as my gaze met it.

With that, my target is set.

"Exacuo." (Sharpness.)

A transparent film ran through my sheathed blade.


As I ran, I swiftly unsheathed my blade and struck its arms—a quick draw. A huge shockwave bridged the moderate distance between us, making this attack come off as unexpected.


I felt the sensation of flesh being cut. When I turned around my body, I saw its right hand fall to the ground. The monster immediately sent out howls of pain, its eyes bloodshot as it rushed at me.

I swiftly chanted:

"Dividus Projectus." (Dispersed Projectiles)

The virtual codes converted themselves into nine invisible projectiles.


Two of them struck its shoulders while the rest aimed at its face. However, three of them missed due to the bugbear's instinctive reaction.

Sadly, diverting its attention was my plan, to begin with.


Upon doing another quick draw, its other hand fell to the ground.


Greeted by its howls once more, I sheathed my blade before I threw a kukri knife straight at its face. The bugbear tilted its head to avoid it.


With the other kukri knife in hand, I initiated its ability.

[Spatial Travel].

I felt an unknown force pulling my body through the confines of space. Moments later, I found myself at the bugbear's exposed back. My feet hooked on its neck as I lunged at it.



I did not deem it enough as I eviscerated its neck. I couldn't cut it properly. Still, it is a fatal cut.


The now corpse of a 1.6-meter bugbear fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Instead of grabbing its magic core, I examined its claws first.


Six white magic circles spawned and went through the claws. Then, the results of its analysis are shown as statistical data.

"As expected…"

These claws possessed a potent poison that could stop the natural healing ability. Though unknown, I could guess its effects due to having encountered some of these before.

Other than that, the previous analysis showed that some parts of the 19th floor have poisonous air. Then again, it could be resisted by people with [Abnormal Resistance]; something that I did not have.

Based on what I have learned, [Abnormal Resistance] is a crucial skill for prowling into the dungeon due to its unpredictable environment.

But, there could be some alternatives.

"It's almost running out."

Sensing the duration of my [Purify] spell, I recalled its magic circle. I cast it for another time. With the previous spell, it was easier casting the spell.

It is one of the abilities an advanced magician should learn. If you used a magic circle to summon a spell, you can "recall" it instantly, allowing for an instant cast to occur. It required a high control of mana, but it was something that I mastered long ago.

For now, I could only use it on simple spells.

"I have to thank Suimei for this."

Remembering his friend who would have an otherworldly journey in the future, I wryly smiled.

'That risky maneuver back then… It paid off well. If it did not happen, I wouldn't have seen a better seventh round.'

Shrugging off those thoughts, I continued prowling.


One year ago.

"Interesting. Why seek me, young magician?"

The man looked at the similarly dressed young man. With a black overcoat, vest, necktie, and gloves, it made him look like a prince.

"What a terrible curse." Nobu muttered upon seeing his condition. "That dark aura condensed enough to be seen with bare eyes. Aren't you worried that the Sorcerer Families would dispatch you?"

"It doesn't matter."

The man has long black hair. His eyes seemed to have seen most of what the world could offer. Yet, it holds immense regrets.

"How would the world react if they saw 'Nestaheim' in this state?"

Magic King Nestaheim, also known as 'Raikoutei' (Thunder Emperor).

One of the four Magisters (Great Scholar) present in the Magicians' Association. He fought dragons barehanded, dispatched a number of Rank S demons, and singlehandedly brought down many Special-grade Curses with ease.

He is one of the strongest Magician present. However, even he could not resist a devious curse that claimed his wife's life.

When the two of them dispatched the most dangerous demon at that time, they won by a hair's breadth. However, they did not expect it would use up the entire world's dark emotions to curse them. His wife, Yakagi Shizuma, died days after she took most of its brunt in place of him. Even so, his days became numbered.

He successfully resisted the curse for years. Albeit, his power began to wane. Their sole son, Yakagi Suimei, would be left alone at this rate. Hence, his preparations.

In the end, these led to him joining an operation led by the Akashic Seer. He along with his son and three similarly ranked magicians led the hunt against the 'awakened' golden dragon.

Unlike what others would've expect, 'Awakened' dragons are the phantoms of dead dragons. Thirty years ago, most dragons were subjugated. The rest were injured thus they entered a slumber.

Demons take their form due to how strong it is. Coupled with the congregate of dark emotions, their danger level rises.

This Rank A demon could've caused a wide-scale massacre in Europe if not for them acting in time and eliminating it. Ironically, the disturbance allowed the boy to locate Kazamitsu. Albeit, he is certain that he'll die.

…or so it must have been.

With the last of his power, he overlooked the world one last time. That is, until a boy came flying to him with a mechanical suit. The said boy deactivated it, flying on the stratosphere with his spell.

His integrated magic and technology shocked Kazamitsu greatly. Science and Magic are like oil and water—they wouldn't mix no matter what you do.

You can't use modern technology as a medium for magic. Science could only be used to deepen understanding of magic, not outright use them together just like what Nobu is doing.

'I see... Things progressed like this already.'

He knew it was only a matter of time before irregularities appear. If it is him, maybe he could stop that.

"Looming darkness... The apocalypse mechanism is about to happen."

The apocalypse mechanism is a rule that pertained to the "world's end". Demons are a product of it. Moreover, this "law" could not be avoided, just as how a mortal is destined to die someday.

It couldn't be predicted as it is caused by two inevitable factors—technological and magical improvements. They are contradicting each other in the first place. To achieve magic, you have to summon forth its principles, which would then clash against the physical laws (physics).

It forms a phenomenon called "Mystical Entrophy".

Now, once one of the two sides dominates the other, it would lead to bad ends. If the physical laws win, it's heat death. If magical principles win, it's the removal of physics itself. It is a major reason why the supernatural has to be hidden.

"Do you want to live?"

Caught off guard by the sudden question, Kazamitsu could not react immediately. Then, he smiled at the boy whom he thought was joking.

"Your wife too. What would you do if she came back?"

"...This is not the time for jokes."

His easy-going aura turned into a stern one. While this young man might have been interesting, he is not allowed to use his dead wife as a joke.

"Does it look like one?"

Unbothered, Nobu's bright golden eyes met his dark black pupils. Kazamitsu was startled as he saw a look unbefitting of a young child.

It's as if…

It's as if he experienced something far worse than he did.

The dullness of Nobu's eyes faded as he looked like his usual self now.

"Remember this day." Nobu mumbled. "I hope you can assist in resisting this cruel ending."

Suddenly, a mysterious power descended upon him.

[Modify the current state of the target to ten years ago?]

His cheat did not discriminate against anyone. Be it mortals or gods, they could be affected by it. Great Scholars who reached a portion of the truth were not an exception.


With his confirmation, Kazamitsu's virtual state began turning real. Swiftly, he regained his blood, muscles, and skin. The thick black aura surrounding him began receding until nothing was left.


While his cheat affected everything, Nobu himself felt the burden of turning back time for a Rank S Magician. His chest tightened while a strong headache assaulted his head. If not for his strong willpower, he would have collapsed here.

His cheat became dormant as soon as this happened. He still had his remaining chances but he could not use it. It was not the same as his other attempts.


For a moment, Kazamitsu's mind went blank. When his original senses returned, he could feel his strength returning. The spells that he could not call forth are now accessible once more.

"You… Who are you?"

In the end, his doubts converged to this single question.

"Akasaka Nobu. A young magician who came from simple origins."


Kazamitsu finished recalling his memories of the boy.

"He should be alright." He muttered.

While Kazamitsu is a top-level Magician, his field did not lie with space but time. That was the biggest reason behind his surprise as even he could not turn back time drastically. He could merely affect it momentarily in his fights.

For a young kid to do so is nothing short of impossible. Yet, Nobu did.

"Where is he, father?" A boy similar to Nobu's age asked beside him. He has matching black hair and eyes.

Grasping the traces of a spell, his [Correspondence] turned out the results soon after.

"Unknown signatures…" He muttered. "Your friend got sent to another world."

"Another world?!"

A very absurd possibility. The Magician's Society knew about parallel worlds, but it is completely different from other worlds. It is another factor that many high-ranking magicians are seeking to thwart the twilight syndrome. Even the Akashic Seer hadn't found out the way to travel there.

Surprisingly, Nobu did.

Just as Suimei reacted, a figure descended.



A suit made out of dark compound alloys revealed itself. It has sharp edges on its back as blue particles left its thrusters. Light seeped out of its chest, which came from its [Nuclear Fission Reactor]. This immense energy was detected by Kazamitsu as he marveled at Nobu's brilliant mind.

In terms of innovating modern magic, his 'co-worker' had surpassed him by a mile. Then again, he possessed something that could resurrect his dead wife as well as something that allowed him to integrate magic with technology.

The boy immediately recognized the suit as the one that Nobu always used.

"Greetings, Yakagi-san."

The suit began speaking in a synthetic voice.

"...and to you, Suimei-dono."

"Who are you?" Suimei asked. He never knew that the suit has a virtual assistant!

To that, the suit responded:

"I am Goshujin-sama's virtual assistant—"


The synthetic voice changed. It became a smooth feminine voice.

"—Hatsune Miku."


A/N: This is the preliminary worldbuilding on the fusion world. Magicians couldn't reveal the supernatural to the public, but Kenjaku is doing exactly that. Both curses and demons will become stronger if this happens. The world's fear toward them will feed them greater strength. This leads to the mess MC sees far in the future.

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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